"I'm sorry." Maximus said. "Say that again."
The tiny elf lad inhaled, taking an extended blink. When his eyes opened, they were clear and determined and the deep green I usually associated with emeralds. "It is fairly easy to understand. Your evil is unwanted here. You may go around, but not through, the sylvan woods."
"We bring our own food." Imperious said. "We literally need only enough land to set our hooves upon, and set up camp twice, and only for the time it takes us to cross your forest."
"That," the lad said, "was impressively stated. However..."
He looked at me. "Your choice of guides could be better."
"I've done nothing against the elves." I said.
"Hmm, and yet we seem to have a rampaging minotaur. A minotaur whom... ah, yes, you were supposed to kill."
Again, I wanted to stretch this out over two chapters, but then realized there was a freaking battle to get to. Besides, the MC wouldn't give out all kinds of secrets about one of the few peoples who had been friendly toward him.
Also, I want to catch up, and FINALLY can see that goal.
Gift shouts- Most Recent: The_mage1zansabar, Largest single gifter: The_mage1zansabar.
Daily shout to DaoistDcYdIP and Aleksandar_P, our top daily power stone donor for today.
As always, thank you for your readership! It matters to me more than I can put into words.