90% BLOOD OF MY BLOOD (HOTD) / Chapter 9: Chapter 08

บท 9: Chapter 08

Chapter 08

Kings Landing

Pov Baelon.

We walk the corridors of the fortress with our arms intertwined we cross several servants when I see them do their work so hard I thank to have been born with the title of prince, I have everything a person would want, but I feel empty, death of mother took away my whole soul, the only thing that brings me happiness is my sister, For her, I have not left this city full of vipers.

We left the fortress and walked to the stables, we arrived and I saw my sister's mare in the middle of the stable with several stable boys around her, one of them was touching her belly, Rhaenyra seeing she let go of my arm, and runs towards them, I accelerate my steps and placed me next to her.

- You, the one who is touching her belly, what happened to my mare? Rhae asks him.

-My prince, my princess "she bows and speaks again" We took her out of her stable because we think she is pregnant "She says as she looks at the mare's belly.

I open my eyes when I hear him say that, I glance at Rhae and her face makes me laugh out loud, she is in shock looking between the man and the mare.

- Wow, what a surprise. What horse has impregnated her? I ask amused.

-Her horse, my prince, Boash, shares a stable with Meraxes. We didn't imagine that he would get her pregnant since they are brothers and horses that share blood hardly ever copulate" the man explains to me.

Now I really start to laugh, my boy has good taste like his intelligent owner, I stop laughing when I feel a blow to the back of my neck, I turn to see who dared to lay a hand on me when I meet the Rhaenyra face

-Your damn horse has impregnated my dear girl, he is a degenerate "He yells at me while he points his finger at me.

- As far as I know little sister, both parties have to agree so they can fuck, your girl is not as innocent as you say" I tell her while trying not to laugh.

-Don't say those things about my girl, she's innocent, your horse is a pervert "She keeps hitting me in the chest with her finger. I grab her waist and pull her towards me, our faces are centimeters apart.

- "Kostā gīda ilagon iā iksan jāre naejot emagon naejot gūrogon ao naejot īlva tistālion se bodmagho ao iā lesson" [You can calm down or I'm going to have to take you to our room and give you a lesson]" I whisper, his face turning crimson for me innuendo.

-"Ao would daor dare" [You wouldn't dare] "She challenges me while she rests her hands on my abdomen.

- "lo nyke dare, nyke ȳdra daor tepagon iā qrugh lo bisa reaches kepa" [If I dare, I don't give a shit if this reaches father]. Our breaths collide.

We look into her eyes, I lower my face so I can kiss her when I hear the stable boy clear his throat, I let out a sigh and walk away from her, I turn around and look at the man.

- What's wrong? I ask him.

- Sorry for interrupting my prince, do you need anything else from us? The boy answers me.

- Saddle up our horses, you can go" I order him. I turn to Rhaenyra and look at her, her face flushed, as she looks at her mare.

- "skoros iksin bona?" [What was that?]. I ask as I watch her.

-"Iksan vaoreznuni, nyke ȳdra daor gīmigon skoros massitas naejot nyke" [Sorry, I didn't mean to react like that, I've been feeling so angry] "Rhaenyra replies to me, as she looks at the ground.

- "skoro syt haven't ao ivestretan nyke, mandia?" [Why didn't you tell me, sister?] I exclaimed as I hugged her against my chest.

- "Nyke gōntan daor jaelagon naejot stress tolī lēda ñuha problems, ēza issare qopsa syt both hen īlva, yn emā endured everything mērī, instead eman ēdas ao" [I did not want to stress you with my problems, it has been difficult for both of us, but you have endured everything alone, instead I have had you]. Rhae whispers against my chest.

- "Rhaenyra nyke ȳdra daor jaelagon naejot rȳbagon skoros vestā arlī, haven't nyke shown ao skorkydoso important iksā naejot nyke? emagon nyke given ao naejot shifang bona ziry bothers nyke naejot rȳbagon ao?" [Rhaenyra, I don't want to hear what you said again, haven't I shown you how important you are to me? Have I given you to understand that it bothers me to hear you?]" I ask seriously.

- "Daor lēkia" [Not brother]" He answers me with his broken voice, he is on the verge of tears.

- "Lyka, ȳdra daor limagon. Īlon sȳrkta mōris bisa conversation skori iksi mērī se emagon daor audience" [Calm down, don't cry. We better end this conversation when we are alone and have no audience]. She called out to him as she left caresses on her back.

- It's okay, brother. She answers. He pulls away from my chest and I can see how her lilac eyes are red.

I wipe the tears from her cheeks and we walk to where our horses await us. As we get closer I watch them, they look majestic, Boas with their black fur and Meraxes with their white fur, their saddles have the same design as the dragons' saddles, red with black with gold designs, I had them made for our fourteenth name day Rhaenyra loved them.

We got on the horses and began to ride towards the exit of the fortress, there a guard was waiting for us to accompany us, we walked the streets of the city, enjoying the ride and watching the people, but as we approached the dragonpit it began to change completely the landscape, flea bottom is the poorest area of Kings Landing, plagued by poverty and crime, it is also where the pleasure houses, bookmakers, among others.

We arrive at the dragonpit, leave the horses and enter the dome, whenever I enter the building I marvel, I see two dragonkeepers emerging from the caverns when they see us they walk quickly towards us, they bow.

- "Ñuha dārilaros, ñuha dārilaros" [My prince, My princess]. They both greet us.

- "Sȳz ñāqes" [Good morning]. We answer Rhaenyra and I.

- "Skorkydoso kostagon īlon dohaeragon ao?" [How can we serve you?]. They ask us.

- "Saddle bē se zaldrīzoti, īlon're jāre hen" [Saddle the dragons, we are going out]. Rhaenyra orders them.

- "hae ao order dārilaros" [As you order princess]. He says.

They bow their heads, turn around and go back down to the caverns where the dragons are. Looking around her and seeing no one, I turn to Rhaenyra and pull her to my chest.

- Are you better? I ask.

- Yes, a little, I don't feel very well" she answers.

"When we get away from Kings Landing we're going to talk," she told him as she kissed her cheek.

Syrax and Vermithor emerge from the massive stairs, their saddles on, their scales gleaming in the darkness. We get on the dragons and start flying towards Dragonstone, we fly over the water when I see an island that is between Kings Landing and Dragonstone, the island gives us privacy, almost no boats pass through here.

Vermithor starts to slow down and lands on the island, the ground vibrating from his weight, I let go of the chains that hold me to the saddle and climb down his wing. I touch down and turn to Vermithor.

- "nyke umbagon kesīr valītsos kostā jikagon, skori nyke jorrāelagon ao kesan brōzagon ao" [I'm staying here boy you can go, when I need you I'll call you]. He lets out a roar and rises into the sky, disappearing into the clouds, Syrax following him.

I look around me, the island is small the only place where there is land is where we landed the rest is stone, I see a small tree near where Rhae just landed I start to walk towards her, her face watches as Syrax disappears into the clouds, I arrive behind her and wrap my arms around her waist, rest my chin on her head.

- They are magnificent creatures" I tell him.

- If they are, they deserve to be free and always be in the heavens" Rhaenyra tells me.

- You're absolutely right sister" I say as I watch how Vermithor and Syrax play with each other, it seems that they are dancing in the air.

- We could let them return to Dragonmount, now that you have been named heir we can move to dragonstone." she tells me.

-It's a very good idea sister, but come back with us to dragonpint, when everything is ready in dragonstone we'll all go together, in two or three moons we'll be ready to move "she explained.

"Very well," Rhae exclaims.

-Come, let's go under the tree, the sun can hurt us "she pointed out as I took your hand and we started walking towards the tree.

I sit up and lean my back against the tree, rhae sits between my legs and leans against my chest.

- Are you going to tell me what happens sister? I ask him

- I feel so sad and angry brother, I don't want to feel like that anymore" Rhaenyra replies.

- Who are you angry with? I ask you again.

- With father, the teachers, with everyone. Our father killed our mother, she made her go through so many pregnancies, abortions and dead children, a woman cannot go through so much without her body deteriorating, but she had no mercy and continued, all because of a damn prophecy. I can't take it anymore Baelon, I feel so sad, I'll never get over it." Rhaenyra lets it all out.

- I understand you sister, the pain will never go away, but with time it will fade, you know before going to the tournament I went to see my mother, she made me promise that we were going to move on and not drown in pain and that she was always going to be in our hearts." I reply as she wraps my arms around her waist and hugs her.

- She always thinking about our well-being" Rhae exclaims with a giggle.

-Yes, she always thinking of us, that's why now we must return all the love that she gave us, fulfilling what we promised, together little by little we will overcome this pain, for mother's sake. " I tell him as confidently as I can.

- You are right brother, we are going to try it." She answers me while she lets out a breath.

- Very well my love, do you know what else he made me promise him? I say to brighten up the conversation.

- That?" Rhaenyra asks me as she turns and we are face to face.

-When the tournament ended she had to tell you my feelings, she gave us her blessing to be together, she always knew how she loved you. " I tell her as I watch her and express all the love I have for her.

-She always knew everything about us, you don't know how happy she is that she has given us her blessing, we are going to do our best for her, I love you "He answers with her voice full of warmth.

- I much more Rhaenyra." I whisper to her as I approach and with the greatest delicacy and kiss her, I move my lips slowly, we palm all our feelings as we kiss tenderly, I sigh between her lips, the minutes pass while we enjoy our lips, we separate when we need air, I support my Forehead against hers and we stood in silence, enjoying the moment.

We are still hugging, I don't know how much time has passed, but I see how the sun begins to go down, I let out a sigh to have to leave, I want to stay longer, enjoy it without having to look everywhere so that they don't see us.

"We're going to have to go, it's going to get dark soon" I say as I bury my nose in his hair.

"I don't want to leave," she whispers.

- Me neither, but I promise you that when we move to dragonstone one day we will bring everything we need and spend the night here, alone. I promise you.

-I love the idea "she answers me as she separates from me and gives me a huge smile.

- All for you my love. Let's call the dragons so we can go" I say as I help her stand up and I follow her from behind.

I relay to Vermithor my feelings for our connection and in seconds I hear his roar and see him emerge from the clouds, Syrax following behind. He lands in front of me and pushes his huge head into my body, I start stroking his scales and he lets out a purr, I laugh.

I turn to Rhaenyra and watch as he is pampering Syrax. "Shall we go? I ask him. He turns his eyes from him to me and replies "Yes love, let's go" I climb on Vermithor, and adjust all the chains, when I'm ready I turn to Rhaenyra.

- A race to dragonpit" I yell at him.

-Very well, you are going to lose brother, my lady is faster "she answers me while I hear the taunt in her voice.

- We'll see sister" I am happy while I wink at her.

I return my gaze to the front and shout to Vermithor

- ivestragī's ērinagon valītsos, nyke gīmigon kostā" [We are going to win boy, I know you can]. He lets out a roar.

We look at each other with Rhaenyra, she raises her hand and begins to count, she reaches three and we take off, Vermithor takes longer to rise than Syrax, when we are already in the air Syrax is already a few meters ahead of us, we pick up speed and Vermithor reaches Syrax , we go falling by falling, on the horizon I begin to see Kings Landing I turn to Rhaenyra and see how focused she is, she never liked losing, I turn forward again and shout to Vermithor "Māzigon va valītsos, nyke gīmigon kostā jikagon faster" [Come on boy, I know you can go faster], listen to my words and start flapping faster, we gain speed and start to leave Syrax behind I watch as Kings Landing begins to appear in front of my eyes, dragonpit is meters away, when I think we have already won Rhaenyra and Syrax pass us and arrive first.

Vermithor starts to slow down and we land in the dragonpit, I let go of the chains and go down, I start walking towards the nearest dragonkeeprs, he sees me and lowers his head respectfully.

- skoros kostagon gaoman syt ao, ñuha dārilaros?" [How can I serve you my prince?] Speak first."

- jaelan ao naejot tepagon vermithor iā giez nuspes, ziry deserves iā reward" [I want you to give a whole cow to Vermithor, he deserves a reward]

-hae ao order, ñuha prince "[As you order, my prince], he answers Me while he tries to hide the smile that forms on his mouth.

I turn around and walk towards Rhaenyra, I reach her side I grab her hand and we leave the place, outside the guard who accompanied us from the fortress is waiting for us, I thank him and I get on my horse, we start riding through the streets towards the fortress, we pass through the entrance and dismount at the castle gate, as we walk through the corridors we meet Ser Harold Westerling, he stops us.

-My prince, my princess "He bows.

- Ser" Rhaenyra and I answer.

- I have been looking for you my prince, your father ordered me to tell you to report to the council room." Harold informs me.

- How long ago did I order you to do that, Ser? I ask him.

-Not long ago, my prince, the meeting must have started minutes ago, he still has time to attend "He replies.

-Very well commander, you can go tell my father that I'll be there in minutes" he ordered.

- As my prince commands. See you later princess" he tells my sister.

- See you later Commander" Rhaenyra replies.

Ser Harold turns and begins to walk through the corridors, when I see him disappear from my vision, I turn to Rhaenyra.

-Does he want to come with me? I ask him.

- No brother, I'm tired, I'm going to my rooms" She answers me.

- "skori nyke return hen se meeting kesan jikagon naejot aōha tistālion rȳ se corridors" [Okay, when I come back from the meeting I'm going to your room through the corridors]" I whisper.

- "brother, I'll wait for you" [Okay brother, I'll wait for you]. He stands on tiptoe and leaves a kiss on my cheek, giving me a smile, I watch as he starts to walk down the hall with the guard behind her.

I start walking towards the room where the council meets, it takes me a few minutes to arrive, the entrance is guarded by two guards, I signal them to open the doors, they observe and open them, I straighten my back and start walking towards inside, there are all the members of the council, when they see me they get up from their place and bow.

- My prince" They all greet me.

- Your grace, my lords" I greet everyone.

I walk over to the chair that is empty, it is in front of Lord Lyman Beesbury, I drop into the chair and look at my father.

- What do you need from my father?" I ask him.

-I want you to start attending all sections of the council "He answers me.

- As my king orders" I exclaim.

My father looks at me for a moment, he lets out a sigh and looks away from me, I don't give it any importance, instead he paid attention to the matters that are being discussed, such as the coffers of the crowns, minor house problems, petitions for other lords, among many things, when all the issues are finished discussing, Otto is going to end this section of the council when I stand up and interrupt him. He glares at me, but he doesn't pay attention.

- My lords before you go I want to make an announcement. Since my mother has died and there is nothing to tie me to Kings Landing, I will take my proper place in Dragontone as the crown prince, my sister will come with me." I exclaim loudly and firmly.

Everyone is surprised by my announcement, my father looks at me dumbfounded, Otto looks at me intensely trying to figure out why I'm leaving so suddenly, I look back at him, I stop looking at him when my father speaks to me.

- As you wish Baelon, but it is not necessary for Rhaenyra to go with you" He tells me.

My face hardens when I hear him say that, I place my hands on the table and face my father.

- My sister is coming with me and period, I'm not going to leave her alone here with you and the vipers of the court, don't make me do something you don't want father" I tell him harshly.

-Baelon, you can't talk to me like that, I'm your king" she tries to intimidate me.

- I have always spoken to you with respect my king, but I have a limit and that is Rhaenyra, if she wants to come with me you will let her if I am not capable of doing many things my king" I threatened him.

He looks at me surprised and I imagine why, I have always obeyed him in everything, I have never disrespected him or raised my voice, but he is here, I am tired of him.

- Very well Baelon, you can go"

I look at the other members of the council and noted how they are surprised by my words, I bow and leave the room.

AgustinaGM18 AgustinaGM18

I uploaded this story to webnobel with the best of intentions but it seems that the people in this community have nothing to say but jokes. Another thing they don't understand is that I don't speak English, I translate the story with the best intention so that it reaches all languages because there are times when you want to read a story and you don't have the possibility of reading it because of the language.

If my story seems absurd to you, don't stress and that's it, or if it's poorly translated, go out and don't read it.

I am not affected by bad comments but I imagine that some people do, before making bad comments think that there are people behind the screens and your comment can hurt the person.

See you in the next update

next chapter
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