Noelle Silva was lying on her bed. It had been a whole month since Asta was exiled, the shock produced by that news was so much that she was no longer the same.
She was holding the photo they both had, the photo they took when they were still friends. Noelle couldn't cry anymore, her eyes were red from crying and she had dark circles under her eyes from the sleeplessness she suffered at night while she dreamed of the ash coming back. She was always disappointed when she woke up and realized that it was just a dream.
Noelle was inconsolable. Asta was one of the pillars of her life. He was the first person who saw her differently, he was the first person who extended his hand to help her. And he was the first person who had... recognized her.
She knew it. She admitted it now and she would always do it, that dwarf, muscular, loud and idiotic ashy had earned her admiration, had earned her appreciation and, above all, her love. That ashen man whose way of being made her doubt the way she acted, how she saw the world and people.
It was clear, Asta was the beginning of the path that would lead her to her new self, a path that she finally showed that she was not useless. But now it was different. Asta was no longer by her side and her heart was unable to heal, no matter what, she was not happy. The memory of that smile of hers that made him smoke from her ears, made him remember how much she loved him and she loved him.
She got upset and regretted everything, she regretted not having been sincere. Letting her damn pride stop her from being honest with herself and being able to reveal her true intentions and feelings for Asta.
But what she reproached herself the most was how she treated him. Asta was always good to her, but his treatment of her ashy was to say the least... decent, being so proud she tended to be able to hit him at the first opportunity. She got upset every time that her jealousy and nervousness led her to hit him on more than one occasion. Every time she ended up in a situation where they both ended up together or in embarrassing situations she ended up hitting him mercilessly.
She had done it in the dungeon when she told him about her torn clothes that had been torn in her fight with Mars. She had done it when they were on the beach of Raque when perfecting the spell that would take them to the Underwater Temple. She had done it in the Witches' Forest when she hit poor Asta for showing off his newly recovered physique and his more marked muscles. She had done it when at the Star Festival she sent him flying when he said he loved her. And he had done it when Asta in an act of kindness gave her clothes to Sally, concluding with her throwing a plate of food on her forehead.
All of her actions made him angry at herself. She felt like a damn stupid person, she cursed herself for not having controlled herself, she cursed her pride for not having let her be sincere, she cursed her self for not having said with all the desire in the world... that she loved him. .
She felt terrible.
I look at the photo again and a feeling of strong suffocation and pain was present again. She couldn't look at the photo because she felt an emptiness impossible to fill, but she couldn't stop doing it because she didn't want to forget her face... her smile.
Noelle couldn't take it anymore, she was on her last legs. Her mind couldn't handle so much pain and sorrow. She wished she had been with Asta at the trial, tried to help him. But no, she trusted that everything would be fine and now she was there in her bed crying uncontrollably with no solution to her pain.
Or if she had.
Noelle: Asta, I wish you were here. She said while her voice was hoarse because of everything she had cried. -But I know you'll come back. But... I can't take it anymore without you by my side. I would like you to forgive me for what I'm about to do, but. I can no longer continue living if you are not by my side.
Noelle got up from her bed and took paper and pen and wrote a letter, which she left on her table. She was clear about what she would do, but she felt bad about herself, but she couldn't take this grief anymore.
She sat on her bed and from the cabinets next to her bed, she took out a small bottle from the top drawer. The bottle had a purple liquid which denoted her purpose: Poison.
Noelle lay down on the bed and looked at Asta's photo one last time. He pulled the cork out of the bottle and in one fell swoop, she drank the liquid without hesitation for a second. In that instant, she felt her body become lighter and a feeling of calm flooded her mind and senses.
He dropped the bottle from her hand and it broke instantly. She laid back calmly, as memories of her life passed through her mind, but what she saw most were those moments she spent with Asta.
Just a smile and she closed her eyes.
Vanessa was drinking on the couch, while her classmates were down, Luck and Magna weren't doing their usual fights. Charmy didn't eat as much as she had in a while. Gordon, Gray and Gauche were more isolated than ever. Nero was sitting at the table while she played with Asta's old bandana. The rest were equally low cabs.
Finral and Yami were outside the base as always attending to different matters. While Zora was outside without knowing exactly what she was doing.
Henry: GUYS, NOELLE IS IN TROUBLE. He yelled slowly.
Vanessa didn't understand. At first she didn't understand it but when she finished speaking, she knew what was happening. She threw the bottle on the floor and hurriedly ran to her younger sister's room.
Magna: Vanessa, what's happening? She said as she watched the Thread Witch come up in a hurry.
Luck: I don't think it's good. She answered.
Magna: We have to go see what happens. He sentenced while the boys climbed up next to them.
Vanessa ran with all the strength that her legs could provide, she had a bad feeling. She hoped nothing bad was happening to her little sister. She finally reached the door and stopped a few inches from the knob. She was afraid of what she would see when she opened the door.
But she put her fears aside, the rest was yet to come. Vanessa opened the door and was shocked.
Noelle was lying on her bed, not moving or anything, not a single muscle was moving. On her floor, a broken bottle that showed some purple drops. Vanessa was in shock, she looked at Noelle quickly and saw a smile on her face while next to her the photo of Asta and her.
Vanessa: NOELLE!-She screamed in pain as she approached the body of her little sister.
He took her quickly and saw that she was cold, she was terrified. The rest arrived at the room and terror took hold of them when they realized that the girl did not seem to be breathing.
Vanessa: Gordon helpfully. Noelle looks like she took poison. We must save her!-She was hysterical.
Gordon did not hesitate and got to work, he took out her grimoire and recited a spell with which she could remove the poison. The thing was...he didn't know if the poison had taken effect.
A few minutes of pure tension and anguish passed, Gordon working hard to remove the poison from his partner's bloodstream. It must have been a very powerful poison, since it was spread throughout her body and made it difficult to extract.
Vanessa cried as she hugged Noelle, praying that she wouldn't die. She was willing to do anything to save her.
Gordon finished his work and stepped away from him for a moment. He cleared his throat.
Gordon: She's safe. She said bluntly.
The atmosphere was filled with joy and relief with the poison wizard's words. Vanessa replaced her tears of pain with ones of happiness. She touched her little sister's nose and saw that she was still breathing. It was a total relief.
Gordon: But-. She paused for a moment, her expression showing frustration. -But she is in a coma. The poison spread throughout her body, it is a very specialized poison. With my current magic I can't do anything. We just have to wait for her to wake up. She concluded by clenching her fists.
Vanessa was worried again. Seriously, why had Noelle done that? Why had she taken such a poison? Vanessa's mind was racing for answers.
Charmy: Look, it's a letter. She said as she took the aforementioned one from the corner.
Vanessa: Charmy, what does he say? Please tell us.
Charmy: The. I already do it. I abide calmly.
Noelle menu
Hello everyone, I know you will be sad now for what I did, but you must understand, I cannot live without Asta. My heart can't take it anymore and I am not able to heal this pain that I suffer, I wish there could be some possibility but there isn't. I thank everyone for making me feel like I was in a family again. And I am grateful that they gave me that happiness that I so desire. But now it's time for me to say goodbye. I love you so much.
And if Asta comes back. Tell him I'm sorry and that above all... I love him.
-It is with great happiness that Noelle Silva says goodbye to the Toros Negros.
Vanessa was devastated, she looked at her little sister again and hugged her with tenderness and sadness, she understood why she had done it. She couldn't know how her sister felt all this time. He tried everything so that she could forget Asta and that she would follow her path. He tried to motivate her to keep going by mouthing those words that Asta always said.
But she hadn't realized that her exiled companion was part of her little sister's life. That dwarf who served as a basis for her to get ahead. Without him. Noelle was unbalanced and it made her fall back to her old self.
Vanessa felt terrible and the rest did the same. She couldn't believe what had happened. But in reality they understood that Noelle was madly in love with Asta, he was a light for all of them.
The ash motivated them, encouraged them and taught them to improve themselves. She taught them to break their limits and strengthen their bonds. But now that he was gone, the path that he once illuminated was so dark that they had already gone astray long ago.
For Noelle it had been much worse than they imagined. The girl from the realization, the one whose own family he despised and cursed. The one whose childhood was a torment of back-and-forth insults and ridicule. The one whose girl had taken refuge in a mask of firmness and strength. She had found a new path with Asta. But without him there was no point in moving forward.
Everyone was depressed. Much more than before, if the situation at the base was already terrible due to the departure of Ashen, now with her friend's coma. Everything would be worse.
Without a doubt these were terrible times for the Black Bulls. They could only pray that Asta would ever return, they were all horribly lost in the darkness. And the worst was yet to come.
She only hoped that fate would be good to them and the dwarf would return so that they would once again be that order of useless and inadequate people who, with effort and dedication, reached the top.
But Vanessa only wanted that Poison that calms the heart of her little sister. She finally left...
She will continue...
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