30.76% Beyond Blue: Ichijyou Ryuu / Chapter 2: Steps Forward

บท 2: Steps Forward

(3rd Person POV)

…2 years later…

Yuki Oume checked her hair in the mirror while casually ignoring her mother's comment to hurry up.


"Yes, yes."

She quickly made her way to her next-door neighbor and let herself in.

"Good morning! Ryu-chaaan!"

Ryuu's lean frame came into view as he rounded the corner carrying a pair of tennis shoes.


As he sat down to tie his laces, Mrs. Ichijyou greeted Yuki.

"Yuki-chan, thank you for accompanying him every morning."

"No problem~ Well, as for me, I want to go together with Ryu-chan so-"

"Okay, apologies for the wait. Let's go. See you when I see you, mom."

"We'll be going, aunty."

"Bye, you two."

- - - -

The two second-year middle schoolers made their way through the quiet streets to their destination. Yuki was taking occasional glances at Ryuu, who, for his part, was more focused on measuring his gait and checking his walking posture.

The youth had made exceptional progress in terms of his physical rehabilitation. His strength had significantly deteriorated, but it was getting progressively better, and soon, he would reach the optimal physical fitness needed before starting his dedicated soccer training.

Yuki took note of Ryuu's handsome features, especially his hazel eyes. Her feelings towards him were complicated. He was a friend and almost like a brother, but she couldn't help but feel a different, more intimate emotion when around him. She shook her head to clear up her thoughts and finally noticed a change in the recovering soccer prodigy.

"Ryu-chan, straighten your back!"

"Hm? What for?"

"Don't ask; just do it! Wow! You got taller again."

"Now that you mention it, I think they measured me at 173 cm the other day.

"Yuuto's been slowly getting taller, but you really hit a growth spurt. Not fair. Even though all three of us were about the same height before."

"You've been growing too, right? Just a little."

"How rude! I grew at least 8 cm!"

Ryuu chuckled as Yuki blew him a raspberry.

"I guess…despite being twins, a boy and a girl are different."

Without warning, Ryuu grabbed Yuki's chin and carefully examined her face.

"Hmmm. You've definitely gotten prettier, and…."

Ryuu took a furtive glance at Yuki's steadily developing assets.

"You're not losing out in terms of growth."


Yuki's face heated up in embarrassment.

"And if you can cook as well as your mom, then you'll be the ideal housewife, hehe."

The girl could only turn her face away from her childhood crush. Ryuu had changed after the accident. He was more tempered but simultaneously much more observant of things outside of soccer. She was reasonably sure that Ryuu knew how she felt but chose to tease her good-naturedly.

"Yuki, do you mind?"

She turned around and deftly caught Ryuu's crutch.

"I'll try and increase the distance by roughly 10% today."

Yuki's face brightened as Ryuu took slow yet steady steps. Eventually, Ryuu's pace increased, and they were soon nearing the school entrance.

"You're making such good progress. Good job, Ryu-chan!"

"It's all according to my plan Yuki, and thanks."

"No worries, hehe. Oh? Look!"


"The soccer team is still having their morning practice."


"Seems like Yuuto is working hard."

Just then, a loose ball stopped just a few steps in front of Ryuu.

"Excuse me, can you pass the ball."

Yuuto, who was busy practicing, noticed his best friend and sister. He felt joy seeing Ryu walking without a crutch but also felt guilt and sadness since he felt that the prodigy should be on the field practicing instead of in a school uniform.

Ryuu blankly stared at the ball for a few seconds, and his trance only broke when a different member of the soccer team asked him to kick it over.

Yuuto, wanting to not put Ryuu in such a difficult position, called out to his teammates and decided to grab the ball. But he was halted in his steps by what Ryuu did next.

The rehabilitating genius flicked the ball up and skillfully juggled the ball with a single foot before sending a volley toward the initial soccer team member. However, the pass was wide, and the player couldn't help but grumble, but his steps faltered as he watched the ball draw a beautiful curve before landing at his feet.

A second later, the other members were shocked, but the subject of their awe was already walking away along with his female companion.

"Oi! Oi! Wasn't that guy's pass really good?"

"Yeah, and he also was walking with a total cutie! I'm jealous."

"Idiot! That's Yuuto's twin sister!"

"She's cute!"

"Why don't you ask her to be our manager."

"Haha…Yuki can't…She's helping Ryuu."

"Ryuu? The guy that kicked the ball?"

"Wait…! Isn't that Ichijyou Ryuu?"

"Ohh…That guy that got into an accident."

"I hear if it wasn't for his injury in elementary school, he could have won nationals, right?

"He was quite amazing, right?"

"That means if he recovers, our club will do great."

"Impossible! It's already been two years. Sure he's walking without a crutch right now, but can he really make up the lost time. Ah…Sorry Yuuto…"

"… It's fine."

'Ryu-chan isn't someone that would let an injury stop him. It's all according to his plan.'

- - -

As the sun hung low in the West, Ryuu and Yuki had made their way to the hospital.

"Time for rehabilitation."

"You can do it, Ryu-chan!"


"Hehe, I'm going to buy some drinks."

"I'll go ahead then."

Ryuu noticed a young girl in a wheelchair unable to climb the ramp. While a part of him wanted to ignore her, the other part of him that struggled through months of rehabilitation knows that sometimes a helping hand can go a long way.

With a smile, he walked up behind the wheelchair and started pushing her up.

"It never gets easier. I'll give you a hand just once."


Ryuu quirked an eyebrow and briefly contemplated letting her roll back down but decided against it and finished pushing her up.

He took a moment to stare into the girl's eyes before sighing and walking toward the locker room to change.

By the time Ryuu had changed, he had already forgotten the girl and was wholly focused on his rehabilitation.

"She's really pretty."

Ryuu heard Yuki's comment but didn't register the words. His attention was on the numbers on the cycling machine. He was breaking a personal record and was feeling less overall strain.

"Just like a doll… She's a half, right?"


"You approached her because she was pretty, right!?"

"Huh? That girl?"

Ryuu took his first honest look at the blonde girl who had yelled at him.

"She's pretty, but so are you."


"Why are you even comparing yourself to her? You both have your own charm. Anyway, I helped her because I thought she was having trouble going up the slope. Her response was unexpected…Pass the water, Yuki."

After thanking her, Ryuu started to greedily gulp down the life-giving fluid.



The wheelchair girl, Anna, seemed to have had an argument with what appeared to be her guardian.

"Oh, she left…."

"Rehab is difficult, especially in the beginning. Most people would feel the same way as her."

"Did you also want to quit?"

"No. Never spared the thought."

Ryuu was now working on his lower back with an exercise ball while Dr. Takano was supervising him.

"You're talking about Takizawa Anna, right?"


"In the figure skating world, she was quite a well-known up-and-coming skater."

"Wow! I can imagine."

"It seemed like rather than her skills, her looks were getting more attention. But, she injured her knee ligament."


"Well done, Ryuu!"

"Good job Ryu-chan!"

"Let's finish for today. After one more set!"

"Two more!"

"I like your spirit Ryuu!"

- - -

After a satisfying workout, Ryuu had showered and changed back into his school uniform.

Leaving the hospital grounds, they saw the girl and an elderly man.

Ryuu felt like ignoring her. She was inconsequential and honestly not worth his time, but something poked at him. She was mopping about a torn knee ligament, but he literally had to recover from a near-fatal accident. No one's pain can be quantified, and the extent of someone's worries is only known by the individual, but…why is she whining about never recovering when she hasn't even tried. It just sounded like a toddler's tantrum.


The girl only turned her head to face him.

"I hear you're a figure skater."

As Ryuu passed by, the old man remembered the image of a budding soccer prodigy he had watched play years ago.

"Hey, do you want to be able to skate again?"

"What's with you! It has nothing to do with you! You're being quite annoying!"

"Drop the attitude and answer the question. Do you want to skate again or not?"


"Hmph. Mister, give her some time so she can finish throwing a tantrum. She still has unfinished business in the rink. Smell ya later, blondie, and have a good day, Sir."

The grandfather and granddaughter pair watched the two childhood friends walk off.

"What's with him…."

"Anna… It's that boy."


"It's the same boy we saw at the Saitama Stadium…."

"The boy back then!?"

"What happened…"

Anna's mind ran through Ryuu's plays. He was a maestro and a magician, but…Now he needed a crutch to walk.

- - -

****Honestly, the old man is essential to the story, but he doesn't speak Japanese, and I can't just edit that part out since it also introduces another character and a significant plot point. From now on, any language that is not Japanese will have brackets, while translated text will be in in regular quotes. Let me know if this works for ya'll or if there is a more straightforward method. I'm open to suggestions.****

The following day as Ryuu continued his rehab, the elderly man from the day before came up to Yuki.

"Excuse me."


"That boy, was his injury quite serious? How long has he been in rehab?"


"Oh! Can you speak English? I can speak a little too."


Internally cringing at the exchange, Anna decided to help translate the story.

"I see. It's been 2 years. So at an important age of 12 and 13, he has a blank period. I see…It's referred to as the Golden Age. It's when the body goes through growth and you slowly adjust to it."

"What the…this is so pointless…how stupid…."

Anna couldn't tell whether she was talking about Ryuu's situation or her own, but that dark part of her heart fully revealed itself.

"Look at him, making such a serious face. Is he dreaming of making that kind of play again? How pitiful...so pa-"


Furious with Anna's comments, Yuki had firmly slapped her cheek. With tears in her eyes, Yuki glared down at Anna.

"Ryu-chan is different. He isn't pitiful, unlike you! Take it back!"

Shocked, Anna could only stare as Yuki didn't wait for a response and stormed off to be near Ryuu. However, those words had rocked her to the core. Was she really pitiful?

- - -

Ryuu sat at his desk, aimlessly twirling a pencil as he stared at his notebook. His entire routine for rehab was written down. It was neat and well organized. Nearly every exercise had a written comment about how he felt before, during, and after.

His goals required him to be meticulous, and he genuinely enjoyed constructing well crafted plans. Ryuu's mind drifted in the silence, and he remembered a scene from a few weeks ago.




"Thanks for always walking with me, Yuki."

"You don't always have to thank me."

"No, I do. You're making a sacrifice for me, and I appreciate that. I won't lie and honestly say that it's nice to walk to and from school with a cute girl."


"Hehe-huh? Sakuraba?"

Leaning against a wall was Sakuraba Takumi, a prodigious striker and dribbler whom Ryuu had faced and beaten years ago.

"Yo, Ichijyou…HAHAHAHAHA"

After glancing at the crutch Ryuu was using, Sakuraba laughed, which quickly annoyed Yuki.

"You, what are you here for."

As if on cue, Sakuraba ostentatiously opened his jacket to reveal a familiar jersey.

"I got into the Red's junior youth team."


Ryuu started to walk off alongside Yuki but was interrupted by Sakuraba's following words.


Ryuu's gaze stayed impassive, but his tone grew a sharp and icy edge.

"That's it?"

"Haha…huh?… What do you mean 'that's it?'"

"The way you were bragging, I thought you joined the national team and were about to play for the World Cup. Listen good and listen well Sa-ku-ra-ba. I have never been anything but better than you. Do you truly believe that you joining the Reds while I'm recovering is coincidental? Don't believe your own hype."

"You, you, Ichi-"

"And one last thing. You might have taken a step forward, but you're still many miles behind me in soccer and life."

With those words, Ryuu put an arm around Yuki and sauntered off, leaving Sakuraba dumbfounded.


The pair of childhood friends eventually ended up at an underpass. Ryuu forcefully dragged Yuki down here so he could try something.

"Maybe, no, I'm certain that I haven't reached my form from before, but…."

Ryuu stared at the ball with razor-sharp focus. He reeled back his foot and kicked the ball. It was just like before, but the teen's expression was stiff.

"Ryu-chan, that was incre-what's wrong?"

"…From beginning to end, that kick felt awful…My mind is ready, but my body has yet to catch up."

Ryuu laid on the grass and stared up at the concrete above before signaling for Yuki to approach. When she did, Ryuu instructed her to sit next to his head, and he quickly adjusted himself to use her thighs as a pillow.

"Ryu-chan! You're too much!"

"Hehe. Just tell me if you want me to stop."


"So you're the type to complain but secretly enjoy it, interesting…."

"You, YOU!"

Ryuu couldn't help but guffaw at Yuki's reaction.




Ryuu's door was opened and the twins entered, both giving quick and informal greetings.

"Looks like you were busy."

"Nah…I was done. I was just remembering that time we saw Sakuraba."

"Agh!! Just thinking about it is making me angry! THAT SCUM!"

"But once getting into Red. Sakuraba seems to be working hard, according to Tatsuhiko."

Yuuto tried to appease his twin's wrath by giving a more optimistic perspective on Sakuraba.


Unfortunately, his efforts were in vain, and Yuki continued to rage as Yuuto and Ryuu watched on with amusement.

- - -

After a challenging session, Anna was once again alone in the hallway. She was frustrated by her lack of progress and by the fear deeply seeded in her heart.

"Yo, Anna. Did you run away from rehab again?"

"You are a quitter after all."

"Hey! Can you not casually call out my name like that."

Seeing a much different reaction than last time, Ryuu could barely suppress a grin from spreading across his face.

"Yes, yes, Anna-chan~."

"…So annoying."




Watching Ryuu go through his routine, Anna felt both awe and confusion. After getting slapped by Yuki, she had to admit that she had said something despicable about someone she didn't honestly know. So, she wanted to form a proper opinion.

She could barely suppress her amazement at Ryuu's diligence as he completed his entire routine.

"Grandpa once told me. When a player is injured, he can never go back to how he was before."

Ryuu remained silent and continued his seated leg presses.

"If he did recover, he's a different player with the same name."

Again Ryuu stayed quiet and carefully performed his exercise. He was now doing leg curls.

"Aren't you frustrated? You won't be able to fly like before.

"Okay, Ryu-chan, one more!"

"Two more Yuki."

As Ryuu finished his last set, he stood up after wiping his sweat off the machine and crouched to be at eye level with Anna. Hazel eyes stared into blue for what seemed like an eternity before Ryuu broke the silence.

"You may be right. But I don't have time to look behind on what's been done. Also, I have no plans to return to what I was before; I have every intention to surpass the me who would have never been injured. Don't tell me that you started rehab without a similar goal."

Anna's eyes trembled in shock.

"Firm your resolve. It would be a shame to get such unsightly frown lines on your pretty face due to all that stress. Yuki, let's go."


"See ya, Anna."


- - -

Anna didn't see Ryuu the following day and couldn't help but feel dejected. However, her despondent expression turned into embarrassment when she recalled Ryuu complimenting her appearance.

"That idiot…"




Meanwhile, Ryuu and Yuki were at the same overpass as before.

Yuki watched in amazement as Ryuu performed a few simple dribbles before kicking the ball at the large column. She was well aware that Ryuu's fine ball control had significantly deteriorated, but seeing he was already capable of this much made her tear up in joy.

'Congratulations Ryu-chan…'

Ryuu continued to perform a few moves, mixing in feints. His body wasn't moving as he wanted, but it was a start. And just this much would be enough to best the majority of those in his age group.

'With my body fully recovered, I can finally start my plan.'

- - -

The following morning, Yuuto was stretching when he saw Ryuu come out wearing a tracksuit.


"Yuuto. My endurance training begins from today on. Let's get started."

"YES! Let's go!!"

As they were departing, Ryuu caught a glimpse of Yuki, who was happily watching them from an upstairs window. Seeing her disheveled clothes and bed hair, he smirked and mouthed the word 'cute' before winking at her and leaving with Yuuto.

"Ryu-chan! You're getting worse as the days continue!… Good luck, and be safe…."




"After you kicked the ball yesterday, you didn't feel any pain?"

"None. Which means I'll be joining the soccer team today."


"It took me a bit more time to recover than I would have liked. Sorry for the wait, Yuuto."

"Not at all! Ryu-chan, you're really amazing. I know that you never break your promise, but it still feels like a dream. We'll get to play together again! Thank you, Ryu-chan, I'm s-"

Yuuto looked to his side to find that Ryuu was still a few meters behind him.

"Ah, sorry, Ryu-chan."

"Don't apologize. Isn't this the result of your hard work? Run your 10k and head to morning practice; I'll be fine."

"Okay… I'll see you later!"

With that, Yuuto sped off at nearly double his initial pace.

"10k in the morning and 10k at night. What a stamina freak. If you could get a bit taller and build some muscle, you could become a fantastic defensive midfielder. Well, that's for later…."

Ryuu focused on keeping a steady pace and monitoring his breathing.




Anna once again entered the rehab facility in the afternoon but caught no sight of Ryuu. Suddenly she felt a push from behind, which startled her.

"Gyah! Hahaha!"

It was Ryuu's friend that had slapped her.

"Why you!"

"Woah, scary~."

"… It's just you? Where is that boy?"

"Ryu-chan? Ohhhh~ So you're curious."

"HUH! Why would I? No, I mean, who cares about him! Heh. He probably just gave up! It's about time."

"Cheh! Ryu-chan was able to properly kick the ball!"

Anna was stunned by the revelation.

"That's why he's finished with rehab here! He joined the soccer team."

"…How stupid. He won't be able to make the same plays as before. Does he want to feel hopeless again?"

"Do you want me to hit you again?!"


Anna turned her cheek, fully expecting another slap, but it never came.


"I won't…."

"Huh? What's with you. Why did you come?"

Yuki could barely keep her expression straight as she looked at Anna. No matter how bad-mouthed the girl was, she was in a similar situation to Ryu-chan.

"You know…I just couldn't leave you."

"…You two are so meddlesome."

"…Ryu-chan is planning on entering the newcomer league in a month. He'll definitely enter. Anna-chan, do you want to come watch?"


saturrn saturrn

The length of this chapter is not indicative of the length of future chapters, especially the matches.

Otherwise, thanks for the read.

next chapter
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