12.82% Be The Father Of This Child! / Chapter 5: Chapter Five – Don’t Kiss Other Boys

บท 5: Chapter Five – Don’t Kiss Other Boys

Chapter Five – Don't Kiss Other Boys

April had preferred to pretend to be still asleep when Jett opened the door, probably to check on them, quite early in the morning. He waited for a while, attuned to the noise of the house until he heard the front door opening and closing. Only then he got to his feet and took a look at Jay who was already awake and having fun with his own fingers, which appeared extremely fascinating, for some reason.

"You look like a smart kid, Jay. How about you and I go to school today, huh?"

April had no intention to skip classes. Jett probably was out most of the day, and Jay needed some fresh air anyway. He wouldn't listen to that tyrant. Like hell, he and the baby would stay cooped up indoors until the powers that be would allow them to get out of the house, like all normal human beings.

After he packed a knapsack with everything he needed for Jay and himself and going through what he hoped to be a morning routine for both of them, he was ready to go out the door.

A single look at the baby carrier gave him pause. Was there a trap Jett was setting for him? Yeah, sure, April had put it down on the list, and Jett had bought it, but he didn't have half a brain, and he could figure out such a thing could only have one purpose, which was to go outside without a stroller.

Eventually, he shrugged. He would deal with Jett later, one way or another. Jett wouldn't hurt him too badly. After all, Jay liked him, and April needed moral support. "You're on my side, aren't you, buddy?"

He put up his hand, and Jay did it, too. Smart kid. "Nice high five, buddy!"

Jay giggled in reply.


"Oh my god," a girl exclaimed as soon as he put his foot on the college grounds. "What a beautiful baby!"

April stopped. It was Gabriela, one of the girls who were in his physics class. "Hi, Gaby," he said. "Say, do you think that if I sneak inside with Jay, can I remain inconspicuous to Mr. Trenton?"

"He's blind as a bat and half deaf," Gabriela confirmed. "Wait, what the hell did you do to your hair?"

"Long story," April said with a long sigh.

"And the baby? Jay, you say?"

"That's an even longer story."

"All right." Gabriela nodded and seemed to decide not to prod him any further.

A couple more girls stopped by their side and began to talk animatedly with the baby. Within five minutes, Jay was the center of attention. Quite the lady killer, just like his daddy, April thought. He would have expected Jay to be bothered by the noise and ruckus around him, but he was a natural charmer and enjoyed the attention.

"Guys, I think we need to head over to class."

The girls waved a collective bye and finally April managed to head over to the building where his classes took place.

"April, my man," someone called from behind. It was his friend, Raj, who hurried to reach him, a heavy bag on his shoulder. "How's the crypto mining going?"

"It's a bit complicated right now," April said, opting to remain vague.

"Are you thinking about diversifying your portfolio? I can't endorse that," Raj said.

"I have a bit too much on my plate right now to think properly of it," April replied. "And I kind of have my hands full."

"Yeah." Raj stole a slightly confused look toward the baby. "What's with the chick magnet? Weren't you gay? And the new hairstyle?"

April sighed. "It's a long story." He had a feeling he would have to repeat that multiple times throughout the day.

"Okay," Raj said with a small shrug.

That was one thing about his friends and partners into science April loved. They didn't care about gossip and never pressed him to reveal something he wasn't comfortable to talk about.

They began walking together toward their class. Loud laughter and hooting made April turn his head to see who was making so much noise in the morning. Instant regret hit him.

"Just ignore them," Raj said and began walking a bit faster. "It's like with dogs. If you don't pay them any mind, they forget about you."

"I'm pretty sure starting to run might make dogs chase you and bite your ass," April said but began walking faster, too.

"Hey, girlie," someone shouted. "Got knocked up or something? Whose kid is that?"

The idiot's pals began laughing.

"You would think college should be a bit better than high school," April said.

"Just imagine what a bunch of losers with brain damage, beer on their shirts, ugly wives and kids, they will all be about one decade from now," Raj said in the most philosophical manner possible.

"It's a nice exercise in imagination. There is a chance they might sign up with some big team and become rich, though."

"Hey, I'm trying to be positive here," Raj replied.

"Aren't you going to talk to us?" A jock jumped in front of them, and April stopped.

"Dan, I'm not in the mood for your bad jokes," he said and tried to move past the other.

"Hey, I just asked you something," Dan said.

April knew that trying to make Dan move out of the way couldn't be easy. The guy was big, but, if April thought a little, he wasn't as big as Jett, and that alone put a smile of his face.

"Something funny, girlie?" Dan came closer and hovered over him.

"No, nothing," April said as he chose the path of least resistance.

Dan had been trying to pick a bone with him lately. April was well aware of the reason, but he didn't want to go there, not even mentally.

"So, whose kid is this?" Dan insisted. There was something strange in his blue eyes, as he searched April's face for something only he knew.

For the first time in a while, April didn't find Dan as attractive as he had always thought. He seemed washed out with his blond hair, cropped close to the head, and blue eyes, taken like from some commercial advertising the new football player of the year holding a beer. Or vice versa. The beer was missing, but that wasn't the issue.

Jett was better looking, regardless of his smoking and bad habits of threatening people with debts.

"Do you want me to sign something, to tell over the local radio, or put on a billboard, just so the world knows it wasn't you?" April asked directly.

It hadn't even been his fault. Dan had kissed him while half-drunk and mumbling incoherent things like how he found April pretty. April hadn't exactly pushed him away, and the bad thing was that someone had seen them. Now Dan was trying to save his reputation by picking on April everywhere they met. It was never more than the usual taunts, but April found it tiring. While he was not the out and proud type, he had never hidden his orientation, either. Now Dan was making him question whether it wouldn't have been better to keep it under wraps.

Dan blushed, and he seemed to lose his bearings for a second. "I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about, Summer."

"Yeah, me either," April said airily. "Are we done here? I'm going to be late for class."

"Sure thing, girlie," Dan said loud enough to be heard by the others, "but only if you say please."

"Please," April said in a deadpan voice.

Dan seemed stunned by his quick surrender. "Hey, are you pulling my leg?"

He got closer, and April took a step back. "Hey, there's a baby here. I did what you told me, so now you can go back to your friends and tell them how you put the queer kid in his place. Isn't that enough?"

Raj had watched everything in silence, but now he intervened. "Frasier, April here might be too much of an old-fashioned gentleman to tell on you, but if you insist on being a douchebag, I'll do it. Being good at football won't save you. I can guarantee that."

Dan seemed to consider, but then he walked away, not before pointing two fingers at his eyes and then to their general direction.

April turned toward Raj. "Thanks, man. It was cool, awesome even, but crazy, too."

"I'm not afraid of these idiots. They act all high and mighty because their dicks are small."

April burst into laughter, and Jay giggled with him. "Oops, I forgot to tell you. We shouldn't use cuss words in front of the baby."

"Hey, I think he liked my joke," Raj pointed out. "Can you tell me what's going on between you and Frasier? It's like all of a sudden, he wants a piece of you."

"Raj, you're my friend. If I told you, I'd put you in mortal danger, and I can't have that. I don't have many dude friends around here."

"Ah, so the rumor is true."

April threw his friend a crossed look.

"Everyone knows it," Raj said. "That you and Dan made out under a certain tree, at a certain party."

"It was only half a kiss, and also instant regret," April said.

"Half a kiss? How is that?"

"Never mind. Let's get to class already and hope that Jay won't need a diaper change anytime soon."


Jett had a feeling. He couldn't say what it was, but it was in his gut. The moment he entered the house, he felt that it was too quiet, but the feeling had started before.

"April!" he called out loud.

Maybe the dweeb was busy setting up his rig in the basement. Jett opened the door and looked down. It appeared that all the boxes were exactly how he had left them. Okay, there was no need to panic. April could listen to music on his headphones or something.

Nonetheless, Jett began walking fast, opening all the doors, and then going upstairs. There was no sign of April. What made the situation double worse was that there was no sign of Jay, either.

Could it be that April had gone outside? But where? Jett pulled his phone and called. No one was picking up, and a thin film of sweat was starting to form on his forehead.

All right, he needed to think. The Z brothers weren't particularly clever, so there was still a chance the dweeb had just taken Jay out for a walk. But why the hell wasn't he picking up?

Because he might have a ball gag in his mouth, while gangsters are forcing him to hack into the government's network or whatever.

Jett pushed that stupid thought away. He tried the phone a couple more times. All right, so he needed to know where the hell April was. Last night, he had pretended not to be tech-savvy just for the sake of having April close while browsing through his exes. Why he had done that was unclear even to him, but that wasn't something he had time right now to think about.

He hoped April had the GPS on and congratulated himself for thinking about that in advance by fiddling a little with April's phone while the guy was bathing Jay. Jett stared at the screen and cursed.

The idiot had gone to school! Had he taken Jay with him? Most probably! Jett grabbed his jacket and was out the door in seconds. April Summer was in for some rude awakening about who owned his ass.


April felt good now that he had attended a couple of classes, and was ready to go back home before the ogre might return. Maybe Jett ate lunch at home, although April couldn't see why since, usually, there was no food in that house. Also, he didn't need to make Jay too tired. He was, after all, just a little baby, although very nice behaved. When he wanted, he could be an angel.

He was about to call an Uber when someone's shadow fell over him. April pursed his lips in annoyance. "Dan, seriously, dude, just drop it. Tell me what the hell you want and let's end it."

The look in Dan's eyes was intense. "Come with me."

"No. Whatever it is that you want, you can tell me right here." April didn't feel particularly trustful of being alone with Dan. Who knew what that guy was thinking?

"I said, come with me," Dan said through his teeth, and this time, he grabbed April by one arm.

Jay started crying right away as if he could sense April's distress.

"You're making a scene, and I have no idea how you think that would work for you. And see? You made the baby cry."

Dan seemed disconcerted by Jay's louder and louder cries but didn't remove his hand from April's arm. April tried to shush the baby, but Jay didn't care about that.

"The fuck you think you're doing, dude?"

April felt his hair standing on end at the sound of that voice. Jett was by their side in one second and pushed Dan hard.

For a moment, Dan considered holding his ground, but it looked like Jett's surprise attack, and maybe the wild stare in his eyes were enough to make the jock reconsider. Yeah, April thought with mild satisfaction. Jett was bigger.

"What? Is he your wife or something?" Dan sneered, probably conscious of the stares of bystanders.

"Yeah," Jett replied and took another step toward Dan, pushing him back just with his presence. "Got a problem with that? That's my kid crying over there because of your ugly mutt face."

"What a bunch of queers," Dan said through his teeth and walked away, obviously trying hard not to break into a sprint.

April would have laughed if the fact that Jett was there hadn't already caught up with him. "Oh shit," he murmured.

"Get in the car," Jett ordered.

April obeyed without a word, careful only to appease Jay. The cries seemed to subdue as they climbed into the car. Jett climbed in front and slammed the door hard enough to make a point. Jay wasn't appreciative of that and started another series of wails.

"I know you're mad at me, but can we leave it until we reach home and I manage to make Jay stop crying?" April said.

"Sure," Jett replied. "But get ready for some serious ass-kicking."

"All right," April said and gulped.

Jay seemed content with the grownups finally falling silent, and April succeeded in making him forget all about the nasty man from earlier or that his daddy was pretty much pissed with the help of a squeaky toy.


"Sit," Jett ordered.

He was so fucking pissed that he had no idea where to start. After a short moment of deliberation, he went out and searched for a particular thing in the tool shed. April's pretty green eyes followed him and grew wide.

Without a word, Jett grabbed the rope and caught April's hands behind the chair.

"Wow, wow, wow! Seriously, man, don't you think we should talk first?"

"Talking doesn't work with you," Jet replied. "I told you to stay put. Now I'm opting for a more efficient method."

April tried to move his hands, but his wrists were well secured together. Jett could now read slight fear in those big green eyes. With an annoyed gesture, Jett took April's glasses.

The dweeb blinked a few times. "What's next? Waterboarding?"

So he was a punk, too, even when he was scared. Jett straddled the chair, placing himself on April's lap.

"Seriously, dude, you're heavy."

"Oh, are you a little uncomfortable?" Jett cooed mockingly. "Now listen here, fool, 'cause I won't repeat myself. You do not leave the fucking house."

The blinking repeated. "Would you take that finger out of my face? Is it one or more? I have a sudden need to count them."

Jett brought his hand back and smacked April upside the head, not too hard, but enough to draw attention. "You're not drunk."

"Just blind."

"Stop pulling my leg. Your eyes are not that bad."

"It's true," April admitted with the sigh. "Which means that I will see quite clearly what you're going to do to me, right?"

Jet pursed his lips. "What part of 'you're not allowed to go out' wasn't clear?"

"Hmm, the part where I am a human being, I need to go to school, and also Jay needs fresh air because we're not prisoners here? Wait, are we prisoners? Both of us?"

Jett set his jaw hard. "You'll be going out. With me. But your fucking classes need to wait."

"Wait? For what?"

Jett caught April's chin and made eye contact. "That's not for you to know."

April's eyes grew wide. "Are you afraid someone might try to kidnap Jay? Because you're a gangster?"

"I'm not a gangster, idiot," Jett hissed.

Hmm, actually, an opportunity was presenting itself. Jett caressed his short beard in thought.

"Your eyes are thinning again. You're scary. Just for the record," April said quickly.

"Who was that asshole?" Jett decided to change the topic. It was supposed to be easy to fool April, but under those big beautiful eyes, Jett felt a tiny, just a speck, really, out of ideas.

"What asshole?"

"Don't pretend you don't know. The moron who grabbed you in front of the school."

"Um, ah … someone."

"Details, dweeb, details," Jett insisted.

"Like his security number and dental records?"

"Are you still going about that gangster crap?"

"Sorry, just my mind … wait, why do you want to know?" April appeared suspicious now.

Jett enjoyed the closeness. He liked the warmth coming off April, and to look at him. April was a pretty boy, that was for sure. Could Theo grow up to be like this? Maybe he would never know.

A bird in the hand… whatever that saying went.

"He made Jay cry. For that, he's on my list," Jett replied.

"Let's not make it more than it was. He's just an idiot who's bugging me because of a stupid kiss --"

April's lips made a small o and then withdrew like they were trying to swallow themselves.

"Kiss? Did you kiss that moron?"

"Actually, it was more like he kissed me --"

"Why the hell did you kiss him?"

"Hello," April said, "he kissed me. And I would point out at myself to make a bigger point, but my hands are tied."

"Is he gay, then?" Jett asked.

"No," April said with a deep sigh. "I just seem to make straight boys kiss me lately."

"What straight boys? More than one? Do you run a kissing booth or something?"

April threw him a loaded look. "Really, dude? I was talking about you."

Jett took a moment. Talking about things that could throw him off balance. "Then here's another rule. You're not allowed to kiss other boys."

"Other?" April's eyes glinted with mischief.

Jett could feel a bit of frustration growing. "You know what I mean."

"Of course. I'm not allowed to leave the house, to attend classes, and now, on top of it all, I'm supposed to be a monk. Wait, what if they kiss me?"

"They won't. I'll be around."

"Ha, very funny. You have your job, whatever that is, and that means you're not around all the time."

"Are you going to call guys over to hook up?" Jett asked that, only half-joking.

There was a possibility for April to play the field. With that cute face and even cuter butt, most probably, a lot of gay dudes were game.

April seemed horrified by the question. "Are you nuts? With Jay here? And, for the record, I don't hook up."

"Then what about that asshole?"

"It was a party, he was drunk, and it just happened. And that can't count as hooking up. Someone saw us, and we didn't, well, advance from that point."

"Good," Jett said, now relieved. "So you never, never hook up?"

April sighed dramatically. "No, dad. I never hook up. And unlike you, I believe in waiting for that special someone."

"Seriously? Are you a virgin?" Jett burst into laughter.

April got red in the face to the tip of his ears. "At least I'm not plowing the fields from here to Antarctica with my dick, like you."

Jett's laughter died. He studied April for long seconds, but the green eyes didn't back down. Instead, they sustained the stare, in what looked pretty much like a declaration of war.

Except that Jett was in no mood for war, at all. What he was in the mood for was within reach. Without hesitation, he grabbed April by the front of his shirt and pulled him into a kiss.

A small sound of distress was the immediate answer, and Jett realized that he had accidentally made April's arms stretch against the restraints. He shifted their position only slightly, and brought one hand to the back of April's head, to bury it into the spiky blond hair.

It was so easy to kiss April. Ever since he discovered sex, Jett had decided to err on the side of caution and avoid looking at guys like that. In a way, he had just played it safe. In another, a deeper one, he knew that he couldn't taint the memory of that kiss from Theo.

Apparently, it was enough for this dweeb to waltz into his life, and he instantly forgot about that. Not forgot-forgot, but there was no guilt in kissing April.

Actually, it was pretty damned fun. And sexy. Jett used his teeth to bit softly April's lips. It appeared that the virgin boy didn't care that much about waiting for that special someone, after all.

April was, without a doubt, kissing him back. His tongue was like a weasel, going in and out before Jett could catch it and taste it properly. A bit annoyed, he pulled April's head down a bit and deepened the kiss. Jett pushed his tongue in, and damn, April's tongue was frigging sweet.

He was pretty sure his hard-on was now pushing into April's stomach, but he didn't want to pretend anymore. He liked this, and April was, sort of, in his care. Therefore, Jett could taste his mouth as much as he wanted.

He brushed his lips over April's time and time again. It looked like April was moving his head, not to escape, but to chase back, and Jett really digged that.

"Awesome," he whispered as he broke the kiss.

April looked at him with guilty eyes. "Don't you think we should check on Jay or something?"

Jett looked over at the table, at the receiver left there. "That one sleeps like a baby. Now, where were we?"

"Stop," April said. "Isn't enough that the female population is in jeopardy across the globe, because of you?"

"Are you in any danger?" Jett asked.

"I'm practically tied up to a chair, in a frigging kitchen, with a guy who weighs a ton crushing my dick. Also, I need to pee. Like really bad."

Jett smirked. "I think you have a boner."

"And I think you should wipe that smile off your face because that's a hard dick close to your ass. And it's all because I need to pee. You know, like morning wood or something. Not because I like you or anything. So that you know."

Jett stood up quickly.

"Thank you. You were crushing me," April pointed out.

"Are you trying to say I'm fat?"

"Just big-boned and it's not a euphemism in your case."

"Have you always been such a smartass?"

"Rumor has it that yes, I've always been like that. My mom told me that my first words, barely out of the womb were: got milk?"

Jett laughed. "You're so full of it."

"If by it, you mean piss, yeah, I am. Could you please untie me? We can continue the torture session later."

"You've seen nothing."

"I bet," came the terse reply.

Jett had an urge to crash that sarcastic mouth with his lips again but decided against it. No matter how good it felt to kiss April, he needed to stop. His sanity was at stake.

April smiled as Jett released him from his constraints. "Now I know for sure I'd never be into BDSM." He rubbed his wrists with a small wince.

"Just go and come back."

"What if Jay needs me? I'll go see him, too."

"Jay is not the only guy who needs you in this house."

The soonest the words left his mouth, Jett knew it had been a stupid thing to say.

"Sorry if I make a poor torture victim. Blame it all on my small bladder," April replied, seemingly not at all taken with Jett's unusual confession.

Danger averted. Good thing the dweeb took everything lightly. Although, Jett could sense April was far from superficial. The little kid seemed well taken care of. An airhead couldn't have done that.


April breathed in and out a couple of times and threw some cold water on his face. Playing with Jett was off-limits. Not done. Dangerous. The guy was straight. He had a kid. Probably a girlfriend. Or more.

"I should start thinking in longer sentences if I want to get somewhere," April murmured to himself.

That somewhere was lost in a dense haze, for now. And Jett was a great kisser, or at least good enough to make April throw caution to the wind. No, he needed to stop that because he was not thirteen and he could keep his lips and the need to kiss Jett to himself.

But what was he to do since Jett was always the one to initiate the kiss?


LauraSFox LauraSFox

Hey, Laura S. Fox here! Thank you, guys, for reading the new chapter! A heartfelt thanks goes to all the people who generously offered their power stones! And, of course, I'm always grateful for your comments!

If you're interested in other works of mine, here's a link to an ebook I published on Smashwords, a sweet and light story about a cam boy and the owner of a cam studio:


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