Azula lover (one shot) Azula lover (one shot) original

Azula lover (one shot)

นักเขียน: Xinum_Sensational

© WebNovel


(A/N: Azula fan boy here, hope like this one shot)

Red and blue flames clashed and melded together, creating a beautiful  contrasting swirl or color before the flames dimmed and died out but another second later the same flames again clashed bringing the bright colors life once again causing them to beautifully contrast against each other and Lighting up the stage, this sequence of red and blue light blinking in with a blinding light and blinking out returning to the darkness of the night, the sequence continued without stopping.

The girl from the Southern water tribe stared in awe witnessing the spectacle, this is what a  fight between two fire  bending masters looks like, she had no idea that a battle of  nothing but  fire could look so beautiful and pleasant to watch.

The two people that were the cause of this event were locked in deadly combat, a battle that would decide the future of the Fire nation, will the nation continue its fierce and aggressive oppression towards the other nation until  all the other nations  have submitted to its rule or will the nation tread a new path of peace and reconciliation and bring balance within all nations.

Prince Zuko stepped to the side dodging a fury of blue flames emitted from his sister, he stepped forward and punched through the air and released his own red flames, however his sister  jumped to the air and with an axe kick her  flames released like a beautiful azure whip of flames that swung down to scorch the enemy.

The prince  rolled to the side and threw a fist and fired his flames like a breath from a dragon,  the princess stood straight up, her arms close to her chest, she let the flames reach her before she parted her hands dispersing the flames, after having dispersed the flames one of her arms was swung back, she pulled is forward in an upwards thrust releasing another whip like, she then followed up with a backflip kick releasing another attack.

The princess was very agile her body was nimble and flexible, it is because of this that she had  more style in her attack, however despite this the prince her brother has the advantage, Princess Azula was getting tired quite quickly, her flames could no longer burn as bright, the battle was coming to a close soon.

Prince Zuko while  also quite tired as well, his flames were a bright as ever his will power was unshaken, the battle has been going on for more than 30 minutes but he persisted.

Seeing the double whip like flames comes straight for him,  he  put his  foot forward and thrusted both his fist releasing a powerful attack the flames again clashed creating a beautiful contrast.

Princess Azula the gifted young Genius born  within the Royalty of the Fire nation,  due  to her talents she earned the favor of the Fire lord and was  his favorite child, the princess had all the things given to her, She mastered techniques in fire Bending quicker than most and was the prize jewel of the Royal family, She was beautiful and talented no doubt destined for greatness.

Prince Zuko, a talentless Shame of the fire nation, banished from his homeland, with his honor tarnished and taken away from him he was tasked with chasing the Avatar to redeem himself, he became a fugitive after failing his mission and has had to run and hide however while running and hiding he learned,  trained and tempered himself to master the art of fire bending, while he was not gifted as his sister in terms of talent but she pales in comparison to his spirit.

Seeing the two flames barrel straight for her, she had yet to catch Her Breath, she quickly use her hands to generate fire and uses it to thrust herself out the way but the Prince does a sweeping kick and the fire from his kick Trips her up causing her to  tumble and roll on the floor.

Azula was  beautiful woman, she was lean and tall, taller than her brother, her hair was black and perfectly well kept, it was long and lustrous like beautifully woven silk, it was long enough to reach her back, however she preferred to have it tied into a bun and she had two side bangs. Azula was beautiful, strong and smart a whole package but Unfortunately she fell off and became a shadow of what she once was, Azula's beautiful  hair was no more.

due to having a somewhat mental breakdown after having been Betrayed by her friends she had fired the people capable of doing her hair not only that but the person she held dear in her heart had betrayed Her as well, he was the only one she amhad ever considered an equal, a rival, a man capable of conquering her but he Betrayed Her as well Because of those betrayals she was in an unstable emotional state as such she fired the team responsible for her hair and her make up artists as well and was left to do this on her own because that's what happens when you fire all your servants. It  was also this  mental instability that contributed to prince Zuko's  advantage..

"what's the matter  no lightning today afraid I'll redirect it?"

The prince taunted, in any normal day  Azula  would never fall for such provocations but she was unstable right now and she fell for it.

"You want lightning I'll show you lightning"

Azula stuck out her middle and  index finger  on both her hands before she started gathering the Chi from within her  stomach she then moved her arms from side to side in front of her as if sweeping with her hands  and forming a circular motion, with the Chi gathered her fingers sparked and crackled generating lightning. the lightning flashed  as it blinked in and out  before it fully formed, she then stretched her arms and pointed it at Zuko but she saw the water tribe Girl right behind him and  changed her target.

Zuko noticing this quickly jumped to take the lightning but unfortunately he tripped and fell to the floor.

The lightning flashed in her eyes as she saw her own death but fortunately a figure dropped down in front of her and took the lightning strike  redirected it up and shot it up in the clouds


"still as ruthless as ever, ey Azu?"

A Tall man with jet black hair  stood and addressed Azula, he wore your typical fire soldier Uniform however he had thrown away the top part of the universe revealing his chiseled body, the man was fairly well built with visible muscles.


Both Zuko and Katara exclaimed in shock and awe they didn't expect to see him here.

"Sup you guys,"

He casually replied his relaxed nature did nit convey the seriousness of the situation clearly he was making light of the dire mood.


Azula exclaimed as she released a fury of intensely hot flames from her mouth, the flames were so hot they scorched the floor, her Azure blue fire reduced the floor to molten lava,  any man caught at the brunt of those flames would be reduced to ashes however the man took them straight on and made sure to keep them in control enough so no one else is affected by them.

Feng Huang then began to walk toward Azula  despite  the intensely hot flames being spewed at him he simply walked

Seeing that her attack was useless Azula  started performing the stance and generated Lightning before  she rapidly shot it at him but even then he remained un harmed  with no visible wounds, lightning strike were incredibly dangerous even for those who are able to redirect it but this man was powerful enough to withstand a Lightning strike without taking damage.

"Why won't you just Die!!!"

She screamed  at him, how dare this man show up in front in front of her, how dare he have the audacity to Stand before her right now,  by this point Feng Huang was right in front of her and having realized her bending attacks were futile she just started hitting  him with her hands, she slapped his shoulders, punched him In the chest, a slap to the face.

 she  hit him multiple times but as she did, she could no longer hold her  tears, after a few more hits her tears dripped to the floor, Feng Huang grabbed her  hand and pulled her into a hug and Azula did not resist and simply cried in his arms.

There was a  long silence as everyone listened to the cries of Azula, It took a couple of minutes before she stopped and only sobbed


Feng Huang thought back to their younger days, He and Azula met very Early on in their lives, He was born as the living embodiment of Fire the symbol of continuous  rebirth, the living incarnation of the Phoenix, at as little as his first month Feng Huang awakened his  fire bending only for him it wasn't  fire bending but more like the fire obeyed him, his body was composed of fire he could not be hurt by any thing aside from water

It was because of this that the fire lord had built a Phoenix temple and for him and his mother a commoner woman. The people of the fire nation believed him to be a blessing of the Phoenix from the God of fire Agni in fact Azula's grandfather visited his home on multiple occasions to pray

Thanks to this unique situation the princess and prince would visit him often, he spark a friendship with both Zuko and Azula,  while Zuko wanted to learn fire bending from him, Azula was competitive and only wanted to  defeat him in battle and be the best, she could nor take the idea of someone being better than her.

Him and Azula became rivals  of sorts  as the girl refused to admit she was weaker  than him, while  Azula was a monster to everyone else , even her own mother had thought so but to Feng Huang  she was a very cheeky  little brat  their time together created a bond between them

As they grew Feng Huang  expressed his feelings towards Azula and she didn't object, if  she were to have man she wouldn't be satisfied with  anyone that isn't just as good as her if not better

It was after their relationship became official that The two were then tasked with capturing the Avatar so along with Ty Lee and Mai they ventured out, however Feng Huang had never been outside the fire nation before and once he was exposed to the real world   he began to   question the fire nation ideology until  eventually he was faced with a difficult choice a choice that tore him asunder, it was either betray his nation and Azula or ignore the  suffering or others under rule of the fire nation.

He could not bear to tell her and so like a coward, during the attack on Ba sing se he disappeared without telling Azula anything.



"Feng Huang what are you doing here?"

Zuko was the one who asked the question.

"I'm here to retrieve my girlfriend"

Feng Huang stated in a Matter of factly tone technically speaking he never did break up with Azula so she's still his girlfriend.


This time all three exclaimed, Azula  pulled her head away from him, she tried to push herself off him but he failed.

"And who exactly is your girlfriend?"

She asked and waited for answer, he wouldn't dare have the nerve to…

"Anyone else here named Azula"

"How dare you think-"

She could not finish her sentence because Feng Huang  had placed  his lips upon her, if she still held him within her heart she wouldn't resist.

Azula pulled back her had to end the kiss and get a word of protest against his advances  bur he couldn't let her, the kissing continued until Azula relented, it's not like she enjoyed the kissed but she just gave up because he wanted her to stop.

"just because you kissed me doesn't change anything"

She clarified with a straight face, Feng Huang  gave her a nod, she pouted making it Apparent she was displeased with this behaviour.

"Are crazy you can't just leave with her she's a psycho she needs to be put to prison"

Katara exclaimed, he was being insane, Azula was highly dangerous and Ruthless they spent so many times trying to run away from her but now they have a chance to have her locked up and he comes and says no.

"I believe you didn't understand  it wasn't a request, unless you two think can take Me in fight?"

"Of course we-"


Katara who was being fearless and was ready to throw down, it didn't matter how strong Feng Huang was She wasn't letting Azula escape but Zuko splashed cold water on her and diffused the situation.

"wha- Zuko??"

"Katara, remember what I told about him"

"Yeah you said he could beat your sister in a fight but with the two of us-"

"And think back to a couple of minutes ago, what happened?"

As much as Zuko would like to have Azula thrown in a jail cell and have the key  melted so she could never get out  but fighting Feng Huang to do that would be  suicide, so it's best let him handle it.

Katara already knew Feng Huang but they were acquaintances at best he spent some time with her and the Gaang but that was for a short time before he left, thinking back to a few minutes  she realized what Zuko meant.

"You can take her wherever you want I don't care, now it's time for me to become fire lord

"I don't remember conceding to you little brother, this Agni kai isn't over "

Azula spoke, this time having come down enough, she push Feng Huang off but his grip on her was strong and didn't budge. She frowned at this  but addressed Zuko anyway.

"so come at me and we'll prove who's better"

"Actually Azula the Agni Kai is over, since you tried to harm a spectators you're disqualified so Zuko won"

Azula ground her teeth before using all her strength to push herself off Feng Huang, she succeeded  and  separatibf herself from him, she then stared down Zuko  She wanted to fry him so badly and give him a  second permanent scar, but Feng Huang won't let that happen, her anger boiled over.

"ggrr this isn't over"

She used her fire to rocket herself into to sky and left, Feng Huang decided to do the same.

",aight later you guys"

He blasted off leaving Katara and Zuko to Stare  off into the sky, Katara felt a sense of wrongness like she was cheated somehow so she asked Zuko a question.

"you really think that was the right choice?"

"no, but Fighting him is never the right choice"

Zuko turned and face the Elders that were responsible for the crowning the next fire lord, the elders had watched the match from atop the stairs.

"Now then let's proceed with my crowning"


Azula flew at breakneck speeds cutting through the air like a bullet, her brows were furrowed and he teeth brushed against each other, her anger was boiling over and ready to spill  like hot lava  from a volcano.

However while amidst her  Anger she began to question the reason why she was Betrayed, but unfortunately before she could think further her flames  ran out,


The momentum she already has carried her forward while she tried her hardest to bend more flames into existence, but only pitiful embers that died out the  moments they came to existence, she began losing her momentum and started falling down.

"No, No, no "

Her Breath Hitched and her heart stopped, this was it, this was how she dies, Betrayed by her friends and lover, lost her dignity and her pride and nothing but a Shell of whatever she used to be, her body went straight down, she closed her Eyes and accepted her death. She's Been in plenty of life or death situations before so this wasn't any different.

An image of Feng Huang flashed in her head, followed by an image of Mai and Ty Lee, the way she interacted with Feng Huang was completely different from the way she interacted with Ty Lee and Mai, the two were her friends but whenever  they interacted there was always had a hidden fear that kept the two in control and under her but Feng Huang was different she couldn't make him submit to her whenever she said something he had the option of saying no instead of being forced into compliance and she liked that. he was different special, everyone else thought she was a monster but to he never saw her like that, she was nothing but a cheeky girl in front of him.

Opening her eyes she saw the ground was pretty close, she braced for impact but that impact never came, she felt hands of a person on  her back.

Feng Huang had caught her and he floated downwards slowly before dropping to the ground  landing on the  beach.

"never thought you were a quitter"


Azula didn't respond to him, she simply pushed herself off him and fell to the sand, staining her clothes well they were already staining anyway so she pallid it not mind.

"You did this to me didn't you?!!!"

She hissed her anger apparent in her voice, He had the power to command fire Rather than fire bend as such he is capable of eliminating a person's fire bending, it was the only logical reason she could think off.

"I did nothing to you Azu"

"Don't call me that!!"

She threw sand at him b, his presence was irritating, oh how she wished to best him to a pulp but she weaker than  him, she had no advantage over him, she maybe agile and flexible but he strength and power weren't things she could overcome, to him she was no better than your average woman, ironic that one of the things she like about him are now disadvantages. she got up and tried to perform some fire bending technique but nothing was working, she might as well be kicking and punching at air.

"It won't work"

He let out a sigh, as he told her, he somewhat felt bad for her or rather he felt guilty this his fault, Azula was a sexy hot badass, he likes her overall confident attitude that never backed down, she was smart and great strategist, she was seemingly perfect well to him at least, he didn't like how ruthless she was but he understood the efficiency of it, mercy gets you killed he understood that however now that sexy hot badass was nowhere to be seen but that's fine, in order to rebuild you must deconstruct and start from scratch destroy what once was and build anew.

"So you are responsible for this!!"

She turned and glared at him, her and make up were a mess, the hair was cut unevenly  the split ends were visible and the make up was done poorly. The way she glared at him painted a rather unhinged picture.

"No, I'm not but I know the cause"

He stated calmly, it didn't matter how crazy she looked right know he still loved her regardless.

"tell me, tell me now!!"

She stepped up and got close to him and grabbed by the shoulders and shook him, her emotions were running rampant right.

"Calm down first and  I'll tell you"

"how the hell am I supposed to calm down?!!!?, this has been a horrible day first father  snubs me and treats me like some like I'm some Zuko and then I lose an Agni Kai to Zuko no less, not only that  but you show up out of nowhere as if nothing happened, you have some nerve. How dare you? Everything has been nothing but terrible so tell me how the hell am I supposed to calm down plus Mai and Ty Lee Betrayed me all before this happened how could they do that, I thought they were my friends…"

The girl ranted on about her frustrations and Feng Huang carefully listened to her, Her losing her fire bending was a good sign it meant things were going in the right direction, Zuko had lost his fire bending before as well. But unfortunately they have don't the luxury of visiting the sun temple or perhaps maybe later.

"they weren't your friends Azula.."

He interjected but before he could finish Azula did the same and interjected as well.

"of course they otherwise…"

"exactly my point the fact you had to threaten them to be your friends is why they weren't friends, infact even you didn't think of them as friends"

Azula stopped to think,  what Feng Huang said was true, she certainly liked them because they could keep up with her and they had fun conversations but at the end of the day it was more of a boss being friendly to her employees, in fact she practically strong armed Ty Lee in to leaving the circus and come with her. Once she realized that she  was able to realize that she  was also alone, she had no friend

She dropped to the sand and the tears  ran down her cheeks, she recalled every fire nation person she's ever met, all of them were afraid of her, even when she was young she was something to be feared, even her own mother saw her as a fear inducing monster the only exception to this was Feng Huang.

"What about you?"

She faced down slumped and didn't look at him as she asked that question.

"what about me?"

"Are you afraid of me, did you become my boyfriend because you feared me and is that why you ran away from me?"

She asked, he was the only person who never feared her but she wanted to be sure, to verify that she wasn't the only that was in love and that their relationship wasn't one sided.

"Azu, come now I'm the one who told you my feelings, can you be a little scary sometimes? Sure but that's because you're driven and determined , I can never be afraid of you, You're my Azu-zu"

He assured her before crouching down and offering her a hand to stand up, she took it  and properly stood up, Feng Huang took out a handkerchief from his back pocket and wiped her tears, she sniffles before she speaks.

"the nickname was rejected, I like Azu better"

"Really, what about Zu-zu??"

"Don't make Me hurt you"

She slapped his shoulder, before they both descended into a silent stare, they stared in to each others eyes, her golden Irises stated deep into his flaming red ones, she like his eyes, they were her favourite colour and he like her eyes, they seen to be golden treasures placed upon her because nothing else  would be fitting.

It didn't take long before the two locked lips with each other, his hands pressed against her waist pulling her closer to himself and she snaked her arms around his neck as a she kissed him with an intense passion and he returned the passion in full. After a whole 2 minutes the two separated, Azula pulled her head back before speaking.

"This changes nothing, you're treachery will not be forgiven unless you make it to me"

She pushed him off before she crossed her arm and turned the other cheek with a pout. Feng Huang smiled at her actions, making it up to her is the least he could do.

"of course Milady, whatever you wish" .with a bow he complied with her request.


Now then where the fuck are they going to go??

A/N and that's that, the end, fin and caput, hope you like this, this is a one shot and won't be continued however if I do get in spirits I might add one chapter and be Done with. Anyway thanks for reading, sorry for any spelling errors  I didn't edit this I just wrote it, peace.

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