38.46% Axlverse / Chapter 5: The Voltaic Chronicles Arc Vol.2

บท 5: The Voltaic Chronicles Arc Vol.2

Itaewon looked around the arena and sighed. This was going to be an annoying arena for him to fight in. There were two bladed weapons along his arms. The blades were curved into a point at the ends and they stretched the entire length of his arms. The ravenette looked at both Edmund and Colby. He seemed a bit disappointed with the arena they were in. As Colby feels the raindrops falling, he opens his grimoire and casts a spell that brings out an aura of a rhino. Granting him incredible defense. He surrounds himself and the crystal behind him with the aura, protecting both "It's time to get a victory guys!", he shouts to his teammates, although they are next to him". The Beginning of the end. . .May god be with you on your way to the after life. There stood the young man, that was unfortunate enough to fail 4 times in a row, many would believe that he would be the one pulling down his team, staying in the back . Attempting to let his mates do all the work for him. But this was in fact not the case, he was a man that was feared among a limited few, that has actually seen him take on battles. He ones not the one to mess with. Ranging from far range to close range, he was the whole package. But this was very overlooked due to his past. But now moving onwards. He walked in front of his unit, his face concealed under a white mask, with only two eye holes. One may ask why he wore this mask, but this information was not known. But does say when he places this mask onto his face he would become a totally different on the battlefield, not only wielding mercury, but also Terrifying close combat ability. Now being seeing not only observing the area around him, noticing that his unit member has successfully taken ahold of their crystal controlling and protecting it with amazing durability, and power. He was indeed happy that his members were quick thinkers. Protecting the crystal was top priority. Now turning his head slowly over to Itaewon, he saw that the two blades that he had acquired was amazing good looking, as well as they seem to offer high offensive power in terms of close combat. As seen Edmund was extremely observant, not only paying attention to his surroundings but also his teammates capabilities. HIS (THEIR) PRESENCE WAS IMPOSING. All the way on the other side of the battlefield, standing right in front of magical crystal that belonged to his team, and staring at the opposing masked-individual... was a figure. Accompanied by two others, each on one side, to protect majestic and large gem behind them; this description actually applied to both of them. From what he understood, this crystal was their 'lifeline' in this battle, if it was broken.. they would've lost. Now, they wouldn't let that happen, but he knew nor would the other team either. So "Ah... I see. At last, a challenge… or are you?" The figure spoke. If one looked closer, they would've seen that he was gifted with jet-black hair, and donned a dark-purple coat with white fur on the collar; as well as a thick layer of wrappings around his forehead, which mysteriously didn't falter against the heavy rain. It could be assumed that he possessed his equipment underneath his garment, though it should be noted he had quite some random objects in here. Shown by how he pulled out a bunch of normal pots for some reason and laid them down. Moving on from that act, the teen simply.. waited? He was stabilising and flowing his mana around to his lower body and then back up sometimes, sure, but he didn't make a move towards the other base. Why? Because they didn't move either. It was just simple preparation time, nobody was going to move until both were done, or so he seemingly thought. Ah, right. He hasn't introduced himself, has he? Well, prepare your greetings for Felix Kira. A name that Felix himself wasn't sure was the best when the two words were put together, and rather preferred to be called either only 'Felix' or 'Kira'. Felix turned to his two allies after seeing the Vermillion do so with his, making gestures to see if they were ready and if they remembered the plan. What plan exactly? I don't know, figure it out yourself. Giving them a simple, small smile as motivation, as well as the opportunity for testing out their capabilities. However, Felix wouldn't stay stagnant forever, just after informing his teammates he got to preparing what he wanted to before the other Unit even got the chance to move. The mana that flowed around his body soon found a strict direction to move in, downwards, as he turned around and closed the gap between him and his crystal, putting his palm on the jewel gently. He released his mana through his limbs, quite a chunk, but not a threatening amount, whilst closing his eyes and chanting some words for it to be even more efficient. After he finished his work, almost immediately in fact, he turned back around and winked at his sinistral. By now, Edmund's rage would've become notable enough, and despite their distance, Felix could tell. A testament to his incredible perceptiveness. Felix let out a sigh as a small portion of his mana moved into his left hand, the temperature around it became vastly colder, though only his allies could feel it slightly. He looked down at the other Unit, literally, since they were on different levels of ground; his being on the high ground if you didn't get it. "You know.. I hope we'll get to have a good fight with these guys." A more positive face was expressed, despite the negative and gloomy weather they were having. Also, it should be noted that his grimoire was out at all times in this, like every mage should. Preston would think deeply about the mask Edmund was wearing after making a decision he would create 2 portals, one infront of preston and another point blank in Edmunds face. Preston would swing his mace through the portal towords Edmunds mask and if it hit it would crush the mask into pieces. Preston done this thinking it enhanced his power. Jackson would look at his comrades as he would fall on his knees, he would think of himself as deadweight mumbling to himself he was anxious about the battle ready to start --This bloody fight why do we need to fight each other ay? Jackson's tears would not be seen trough the rain but tiny sobs could be heard After very few seconds he would post is head downwards on the rocks and pebbles, both of his hands would face the ground on each side of his head. A very thick mist could be seen around Jackson, the white haze could be noticed above the ground, low enough to cover the ankle. The fog would slowly spread around his friends and the battlefield soon to be. The man stood, his eyes already aiming on the three that entered this ring with him and his unit, Edmund was not one to spare anyone, He also didn't like how preston decided to actually underestimate him, Known for his Mastery in hand to hand combat. Using the mist to take control of the situation, he used the slowness of his mace to quickly grab, and use his already forming momentum to pull his hand, he was also pulled as his body was being pulled through his own portal, who would have thought that someone's, own magic was being used in a way like this, in a way that even they thought couldn't be done. Now fully pulling him through, he was fast enough to pull him through before they noticed, The man was now on Unit 8s side, His teammates not knowing this gave his teammate time to prepare to surround after he's finished dealing with this Pest. Now fully being on the other side. The side of no return He used his own strength to quickly slam the young man on his face forcefully. This caused the nose to be slightly crushed under his weight, as well as Edmund's own weight. The already wet mud was thrown into the man's eyes on contact to the muddy grounds. He used this to put him into a arm luck, now only this but he started pulling backward's not only breaking the boys arm, but also causing him to experience severe pain. "It would seem as if you've made a server mistake. . ." Crack. The sound of bone's being dislocated, and fractured was heard. He would get up quickly, using his ability to manipulate Mercury in order to wrap around his neck, squeezing tight enough to close off the air flow going to the man's brain, the young man's eyes would first start to tear up before turning a bloodshot red. It seemed as if edmund was ready to kill him, but this was not the case at all, He merely only used enough for to knock him out, as this was done, he would release the man mid air, before sending more to his feet, Forming a rope like substance as he throwed him towards the nearby trees. Throwing him towards them, breaking them in the process. As the man was quickly disposed off, he had his sights on their teammates, Unit 6 seeming to be in trouble for not only losing a member, but also still having to deal with Edmunds rage, Now dashing forward, it seemed as if the gained momentum made him reach great speeds, not enough to brag about, but he was indeed quick. His book now seeming to form near his side, it opening quickly flipping pages before suddenly stopping onto a page. It glowed a bright silver color, as he used his first spell. . . Silver Spear シルバースピア Shirubāsupia Being summoned behind him was 6 decently sized spear's being aimed at the two, 3 going towards the man controlling the mist last position, but as well as the other man that stood nearby. Using the 6 he also dashed forward using the mist as leverage to close the distance, but of course he didn't do this without a plan. He knew exactly what he was doing, relying on his teammates common logic to in sure that this attack worked. Itaewon watched what Edmund was doing and smirked slightly behind his mask. He was thinking this might be a little fun. The male raised his arms up into the air. His griamore floated behind him Blue Flame Creation: Double Slicer He quickly brought his arms down, sending two slashes of blue flames towards the three of their opponents. The arcs seemingly not even going towards them. They were going upwards at a 45 degree angle. The arcs got above all of them and their crystal before turning downwards and heading straight for the crystal, using the pull of gravity to speed them up. In the height of the battle, Colby remains keeping the crystal safe as this is his task. Before his eyes, he sees the battle take place. In amazement of how powerful everyone is, he gulps the last bit of his saliva that had built up in his mouth. Colby is growing to be nervous, but he cannnot afford to lose his form. The aura of the rhino starts to fade away as (it only lasts 1 turn) Colby keeps still. Awaiting for an opponent to come and try and get the crystal or get Colby. In preparation, Colby readjusts his gauntlet and then smirks at the enemy, feeling confident. Since Colby is standing still, he starts regenerating 50 mana. Unit 8 Won! The rigid sound came right from the insides of the cave. It was the sound of bones being broken. Why? It seemed as if the dragon was disposing of the final pieces of its last prey. To the dragon, a prey was anything that walked into his lair. The so courageous wizards who dared step foot within his den should be careful not to become his next meal. The dragon seemed to be simply relaxing, as he was pretty content right now. He hadn't been bothered in a couple of years, and he had just recently had food. However, this changed the instant he felt vibrations course through the walls, floor, and roof that surrounded him. — A prey had arrived. He wasn't starving, but an appetizer to his dinner seemed like a wonderful idea. Thankfully, the treats had come to find him, unlike what it usually is like, where he has to put in his own effort. The dragon scoffed, looking over to the far entrance. Of course, the preys hadn't arrived here yet, he was waiting. The dragon looked all around him, scanning the surroundings. He let out a devilish burst of laughter; it sounded quite horrifying. The sound echoed through the cave, signaling the challengers the dragon was awake. Smoke came out of his nostrils, as he cleared up his respiratory system in preparation for the oncoming battle. All of his scales were in pristine condition, as were his wings. His claws were sharp and long, his horns curved and jagged, and the spikes on his tail were barbaric and edged. There seemed to be no place where there weren't scales, just that they were made to be more flexible in places such as the underbelly where the diaphragm has to stretch, and the joints; where they have to move. The dragon let out a growl, a final warning to the oncoming preys. By this point, they would be nearing the entrance. Hopefully, there wouldn't be that many fire users, as the dragon has a natural nigh-immunity to fire due to his physiology and anatomy... The a lot predicted day has came. Later, a long..long term, the possibility has arrived. The Dragon battle, something they all had been sitting tight for, getting geared up for, shreddeding their blood, time and tears on plans, severa beutiful companionships were made en direction, the reminiscences that never might be overlooked, the promoting, pleasure of the I-landers, the whole thing..and the whole thing has come right up 'til the prevailing time, wherein they made a promise.. to assure with the intention to not be damaged, to kill the legendary Dragon. Kori, Kori Regalia to be precise could input first..the whole lot became placed on him. The all round placed memories, his partners and the ilanders will to remain, to not get kicked out..as he entered, the preliminary of that become at long ultimate scrutinized. Altho..some thing changed into off almost about Kori. The big legendary dragon did not stage him, he was a man of metallic, of will, unadulterated fucking will. As bloodlust could wait all over, on occasion, it become some thing..that couldn't be Answerd. It changed into..His bloodlust. That main his colleagues and individuals that battled him encountered, an inclination that could scar them for the the rest in their existence. At that factor, a slight grin became visible throughout, his grimoire floating to the side of him. "release the hounds..." He might mutter, enough of him..it turned into the precise possibility for the others to make a show. After a long wait, the day has come. The feared dragon battle has come upon each and every l lander, at the same time they were all excited after they worked their hardest on ruling out every possibility, outcome and plan, they were ready for it. Alan, felt the pressure of a hundred men, he knew that if he died, it would all be over for half of his teammates, along with him, he looked up, at the sky and thought about his teammate's friends and decided to man himself up, saying to himself "you can fucking do this, what have you trained all this time for huh? You can just die like a wimp, a pussy and disappoint everyone, can you? Go out there and show what the actual fuck you're made of, **BE A MAN!" Before wasting any more time, he entered the agonizing cave, he cracked his neck, afterwards yelling* "LET'S DO THIS!"* in an instant taking out his grimoire, and murmuring to himself "time to release hell huh? Only fear death, after all, right?" It was time at last. Martin had been waiting for this, the virtually impossible to win dragon battle. He wasn't going to lose. They weren't going to lose. Approaching the cavern he scrunched his face in disgust, the lingering smell of death and rotting corpses was prominent. "Definitely not going to be fun fighting in there.." he quipped before heading into the cave of death The Dragon Fight As Otter walked in to the cave, he would look at everyone who already made it there. As he walked passed them, he gave all of them a nod, an insurance that they were gonna pull this off, they were gonna take down the dragon. As he made it to the front line, he would look at Kori. They were the ones in the front, the first line of attack and defense He'd then turn around, and his eyes would meet Axel. He would give him a wink, raise his hand, and create a pipe-ish object in Axel's hand. He'd then give him another nod, and turn back around, facing the dragon. *"Wow." he'd say quietly to himself, as he looked at it. It's scales were basically shining, it's eyes were bright as fire, and the teeth in its mouth were ginormous and almost as sharp as a sword. He kinda felt bad that he had to kill it, it would've been good as a companion.* He'd finally get into a ready stance and draw his Grimoire, ready to use it at all times. He couldn't wait any longer for this fight. They had planned and trained for this fight for so long. Several hours had gone by as they had shed blood and tears, preparing for this battle. This was it. No more playing around. After multiple plans, thinking of what to do and what not to. The time had finally arrived, Jackson nonchalantly came in the dragons lair. He would slowly catch up to his comrades, the further he went in the louder the sound of shattering bones was. Jackson had spine chills from these neck breaking sound's, he took out a tiny box and told his mate's that it may be his last. He took out a match and a cigarette from the box, cracked the match and lit the cig that was resting upon his lower lip. Of course Jackson was anxious about the upcoming challenge but he had to prove his worth to his pair's and to the unknown people supporting him. Trix flew in on his broom last aka after everyone got in. Trix then looked up at the dragon and thought "hay is it to late to go back smile?" but then remembered that he wasn't the only one there. Trix looked around rethinking "nah we got this smile", as he continued fallowing the group. Take-off Haruki stretched his legs and made his broom stick float beside him along with his opened grimoire, he was ready! Days of countless and restless training he was one hundred percent sure he would succed, after all he did not want to be the reason why team I-Ilanders lost and not be a failure to his family. After his stretch he looked at the massive dragon and got into a running stance and set of on his run!!! he threw his hands behind him and looked dead straight towards the dragon. Haruki had good agility so he was running fast he kept on gaining more speed with each step he took. He was getting closer towards the dragon so he made his broomstick float infront of him allowing him to jump on it. He Stuck The Landing and he maintained his balance before grasping his floating grimoire. He quickly glanced back at his fellow teammates and closest friends and smiled as he would repeat three simple words in his head ("Win For Everyone") Haruki would fly just a bit higher but maintained some distance from the ground just incase if the dragon does knock him off his broomstick. Haruki started zooming past stalactites and stalagmites but soon reached the dragon!!!! He quickly changed flight directions and started to circle the dragon. Itaewon looked at the dragon as it growled. The male looked at his tonfas and ran them along each other. Seemingly sharpening them a little bit. He looked around at everyone's positions and sighed slightly. He stood still, awaiting something to happen. The Battle to remember the fallen The man stood, his name being said through his current squad, they seemed really free of mind, even tho there was an incoming danger ahead. The few that stood around him was warry, yet alert of such danger. They seemed to be focusing on the dragons weak spots, such as it's legs, tendens, it's armor structure, the crackers around its body, from the fights it's been in through its years, as well as the head structure, seemingly leaving the rest to guess that this monster was one of a kind, It seemed like a fire type, through the fire itself may be to strong for a elemental advantage leaving sum of us useless. But knowing this the squad kept their cool, even making remarks. He would be seen standing on high rock, The rock standing above his peers. He looked down, but this was not an act of being cocky or feeling much stronger than the rest, he seemed ready to give a speech of sort. . . Ahem. One may be asking why we are running into certain death, why we still have smiles on our face as if we can continue fighting the next day, as if we can see our love ones the next day. AS IF WE WILL CELEBRATE THIS DAY! WE ARE HERE TO REMEMBER OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS THAT DIED TO THIS BEAST. . . His tone settled. *Some of us may be saying that we might be running towards our deaths. . .We are but my people don't just sit down and let this happen. NO! WE RUN TOWARDS THIS DANGER, HEAD ON WE ARE THE ONES THAT WILL SHAPE THIS FUTURE FOR THOSE THAT MAY BE TOO WEAK TO FEND FOR THEMSELVES, WE ARE THE ONES THAT WILL BE REMEMBERED THROUGHOUT HISTORY!! BECAUSE EVERYTHING THAT YOU THOUGHT HAD MEANING, EVERY HOPE, DREAM, OR MOMENT OF HAPPINESS. NONE OF IT MATTERS AS YOU LIE BLEEDING OUT ON THE COLD GROUNDS GROUNDS OF THE BATTLEFIELD. NONE OF IT CHANGES WHAT A DRAGON OF PURE POWER CAN DO TO THE BODY!! WE ALL MIGHT DIE BUT DOES THIS MEAN OUR LIVES ARE MEANINGLESS?! DOES THAT MEAN THAT THERE WAS NO POINT IN US BEING BORN? WOULD YOU SAY THAT OF OUR SLAIN COMRADES? WHAT ABOUT THEIR LIVES? WHERE THEIR LIVES? WERE THEY MEANINGLESS? THEY WERE NOT!!! THEIR MEMORY SERVES AS AN EXAMPLE TO US ALL THE COURAGEOUS FALLEN! THE ANGUISHED FALLEN! THEIR LIVES HAVE MEANING BECAUSE WE THE LIVING REFUSED TO FORGET THEM! AND AS WE RUSH INTO CERTAIN DEATH, WE TRUST OUR SUCCESSORS TO DO THE SAME FOR US! BECAUSE MY FRIENDS. . .NO MY FAMILY DON'T BUCKLE OR YIELD WHEN FACED WITH THE CRUELTY OF THIS WORLD! MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS PUSH FORWARD! MY PEOPLE SCREAM OUT! MY PEOPLE, PUSH FORWARD, MY SOLDIERS RAGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Axel looked at the dragon and then looked at Antione, Itaewon, and Jackson who were behind him and thought will we _pass or not?_ I hope so, afterall we have to overcome this dragon! Axel decided to casually breath and completely focus on his mana into making it go all over his body (not a spell shush) and then he decided to activate his speed spell, **THUNDER FIEND** by casually breathing and focusing,* letting the mana inside him flow freely around him, inevitably becoming lightning , he made it so it would go straight into his feet, forming boots, now with that he was on par with the wind or even lighting itself, he could protect his friends now, he knew that it was time to finally surpass his limits, he looked at his teammates one more time, nodding, in hope that they will pull off their epic plan, he mumbled to himself" I- I will pass for **Rai, for everyone** and i hope that i will see him on the other side." He looked up, knowing that it was time, to finally prove himself. The dragon grinned as snacks just kept flooding in. As the last one entered, the dragon gathered a tremendous amount of strength around his lower abdomen and tail, and simultaneously filled up his lungs. Before the arrival of any of the targets to close proximity of him, the dragon roared with such loudness that it would shatter their eardrums. Simultaneously, his tail smashed up at the ceiling, causing the unexpected tremor to collapse a part of the ceiling, and where it hadn't, for stalagmites to drop. Though, the dragon had been safe from such fate, as this had only happened to the landscape ahead of him, caused by the angle from which the tail hit the ceiling. It happened so quickly. Faster than a crab snapping its claws, perhaps at the speed a bullet is shot off of a gun's barrel. In this instance, Haruki would've found himself midair, but yet to land on his broom. With absolutely zero ways to maneuver mid-air, due to the nature of the broom being ahead of him rather than below him, this would've marked Haruki's death, for the ceiling above him collapsed in a radius of 10 meters, alongside the stalagmites that he had expected to fly past. His acceleration would've been insufficient to get past the collapsing ceiling, as we can assume that the broom would've been sent high enough in the air for the ceiling and stalagmites to reach him nigh-instantaneously if his original objective was to circle the dragon, considering its height was just a few meters under the ceiling. Though, there was a way for him to survive; to be saved. But the moment a stalagmite made contact with him, it would pierce through his head, tearing apart in the process. As if it wasn't enough, the part of the ceiling which collapsed on him in its totality would smash against his head, giving him a concussion, disallowing him from thinking coherently; therefore preventing him from taking action to save himself. Fortunately for the dragon, Edmund's speech would've distracted them all from their current thoughts before he could even finish it. Be it planning, guessing what the dragon's next move was, it meant that all of what the dragon would've done would be virtually unexpected from Edmund drawing their attention away from it. It would be unnatural and illogical for them to not pay attention to their leader. And now, the dragon simply waited. It would only be one or two minutes before most of them died from the conditions the cave was in. But this was not all. The fire the dragon had exhaled continued to burn through the oxygen, reducing the time they had left exponentially. Of course, water would put the fire away, but wasn't their water user the one on the verge of his death? The smoke would damage their eyesight, too. Irritation, tearing, and inflammation. And as the fire kept raging on, the cave got hotter and hotter, eventually, it would turn into an oven. The dragon had no problem with that. He was a red fire dragon. But humans? Heat stroke, delusions, dehydration, and the list goes on. Hurry. Your doom is near. デッドマンワンダーランド The three staring at something going down, as well as edmund speech being destroyed, he seemed extremely pissed, not only this but kori, and otter seemed like they was ready to leave nothing behind for this dragon. Edmund already losing someone dear to him, it seemed as if he was ready to rage. His blood boiling as he started to dash forward. The ground behind him shaking a bit as he had reinforced his body with his own mana, as well as simountansly steadying his breathing, this caused him to have a bigger stamina reserved then the regular person would have without doing such a thing. His speed reaching that of almost peak human seemingly flickering, faster then slower people would catch, he quickly towards the sides of the narrow walls, before mercury started to sprout from his body, grabbing onto the falling man's body, quickly tossing him to otter, the leader of the group, even to that it seemed as if otter was attempting up, though he was able to grab the falling person and pulling back to make sure the dragon was unable to attack them, seeing how it's already being rushed by two people currently. Already being seen, the man quickly summoned a good amount of mercury, wrapping around himself, connecting to the two sides of the wall, now being quickly thrown towards the dragon, he was already to fast for the dragons eye to be realize the he has been thrown over, though the dragon indeed knew that he had vanish, now being fully set to deploy his plan, he quickly dropped down by the tail of the dragon, now dashing towards it he quickly made his way upwards his eyes looking around, just in case of any surprises, but so far it would seem that he's safe, Now quickly reaching towards the destination of the dragon he reinforced his hands in his own mana, as well as mercury. It seemed as if it worked like a stronger version of steel while keeping its ability to move like water, making it one of the fastest magics out there. He started to summon his book, already starting to quickly slamming his fist into the dragon's neck, though this did not seem like it did a lot, it was exactly what he wanted to do. Already breaking through a few pieces of armor, sum mercury started to slide in the insides, causing it to push the armor upward ripping the tough skin that was connected to the armor. Now ready to get serious, his face not breaking concentration, he quickly jumped upwards, using the mercury that already formed around his hand, they started to gather around in the air, it seemed as if they was forming something. . .And Fast. He started to form spears but they was bigger than his usual ones, much slower but much stronger. He was currently breaking through his limits, as he was concentrating he finally sent it downwards He knew that he needed more sped onto it. Quickly using the mercury that was already used to form he quickly used it to throw him upwards, now fixing his feet, he landed perfectly now tensing his lower muscles into his calves, and pushing him downwards not only slamming his fist into the hilt, but pushing it downward much faster. It was already seen that he was using a great amount of mana, to make this but this was clearly not the end. His will was to strong, and running off of pure determination he was running down the side of this giant spear. But it was far from over, he was already planning something to assist with such a strong force, using the disadvantages of the huge dragon, he was already planning for its downfall as well as letting his mercury to slip through its hide, he was indeed ready. Not only having kori's strength and ice magic on his side, but also having the elemental advantage on both sides. The dragon was pretty much against a really bad match up, seeing how it's a fire type. His book was floating on his right allowing him to conjure another spell, his face now seeming more focused he fully intended to continue. Mercury Magic: Silver Rain 「水銀魔法『銀の雨』 Suigin Mahō "Gin no Ame" He finally slammed quickly into the head of this dragon, already causing it to feel a great deal of pain,already making it have to deal with the fact that there's a spear heading down onto it. But this did not scare him in the slightest, he seemed to be using the determination to continue further himself, now slamming his fist into the dragon one by one, it started to speed up, catching a great deal of speed, and wind, His hand finally rising upward, using his already opened book, it skimmed through pages, upon pages until it finally stopped, Now glowing a bright silver color, it called out the name of his attack, as sudden water droplets seemed to be forming upward above the falling spear, upon being formed they all started to separate at a fasen rate, before finally dropping, it collected speeds at a rapid rate, as it dropped down on the sides of the dragon as well as the lower body of it, causing it's legs to shake only to fully collapse. Jumping upwards he finally decided it was time to finish the deal. " I don't want you running from me. . .You will stay in here until your last breath. This cage will be your tomb." He said as his booked rapidly opened and flipped yet again, a extreme amount of mercury wiring was spun everywhere around the dragon, closing it off from the others and leaving only the two to stay inside, It seemed as if this Cage worked as an offensive and a defensive skill, being able to fend off and attack someone from the inside as well as the outside. The Cage was now spun around the dragon, leaving it little room for it to move anywhere, it then started to form multiple attacks, sending it towards the dragon, and causing it to be pushed into the floor by pure force alone. As Edmund would be giving his delightful discourse, it would get..interrupted. Which at first, and is irritating Kori. He was in the game now..there was no halting him..no, there was no halting them. They weren't, and asbouletely weren't abandoning anything of the mythical serpent, they planned to kill it..for the purpose of their colleagues. Kori Regalia remembered everything, they all went through some serious hardship, something happened to each and every one of them, and that makes them extraordinary, what makes them..themselves. From his most recent fellowships and associates, to his first. Unfortunately, his other 2 associates were grounders.. which without a doubt was very miserable for Kori, when he would have gotten the news, he cried and cried, horrendousness being heard im his tone..his voice, no. His spirit.. regardless of whether this was his colleagues opportunity to get back up, he WAS not going to permit that, he is in a family, this entire group is a family, regardless. He was not abandoning his family, no one was going to. He met such an excess of individuals that are exceptionally dear to him, battling close by him..All..All he could've at any point cared about. This was it, they were battling for their lives, as thr grounders expected even one of them to kick the bucket, which..was not going to occur, HE, no. THEY were not allowing anyone to kick the bucket, that is the thing a family is. Yet again he grinned, a first in a lifetime. He was battling close by his companions, no..Family. It was a one of a kind inclination, he felt ontop of the world at that point, however he didn't communicate that through his non-verbal communication. He wasn't letting individuals this dear to him kick the bucket, He saw..no. He felt edmunds rage, something that he hasn't seen. Him and Edmund were known as a definitive Duo. "It's that time, huh.." He could contemplate internally, what was it time for? It was the ideal opportunity for something.. granting Kori to lift and move hks arms in their full development and help with your position and unwinding. In any case, whether or not it's generally used for lifting, his are infact, strong so much that it helps him with moving his arms in full development, as said, his swings and attacks being way speedier than your typical individual Building up and forming his quads, which would assist with working on the dependability of his knee, decrease the mischief, and hazard of knee wounds, further cultivate his athletic execution, and make standard enhancements more direct to do. He can manage alot of high-focusing on methodologies thusly, and reliably, before his hits hit, he would fix his leg, thusly, it would be fundamentally more improved, nevertheless, as said, before the attack hit (With his leg, clearly.) The genuine methodology would be truly hurting, sensibly causing power outage, or frontal cortex hurt at whatever point hit on adequate events. Like the remainder of his body, his femoris muscle is once more, a seriously noteworthy demonstration. This implies he can utilize Every one of the four muscles allowing him to expand his lower leg from his knee. Moreover his rectus femoris muscle assists with flexing his thigh at the hip, this making for way smoother advances. His sartorius Muscles help him with contorting at the knee and to flex the thigh to the chest and additionally grab/at the edge turn it; the improvement you would do while seeing gnawing gum on the lower part of your shoe. The sartorius furthermore goes probably as a stabilizer in explicit turns of events and exercises, so on the off chance that you believe you will get him on the ground from one body blow, you're mixed up. As his stomach is additionally exceptionally solid. His entire body is, however his turns are much more smoother, and successful. His soleus muscle flexes the foot with the objective that the toes point downwards; this is generally called plantar flexion. The soleus accepts a critical part in staying aware of standing position, guaranteeing your body doesn't fall forward. He is entirely steady in fight, so it's very difficult to wreck him, or foward. The moment the mythical dragon attempted anything, it was frozen. Why? What the heck happend!? All things considered, the mythical dragon would have the option to see it by the edge of its eye..a ice beam. It was focused on it's throat and vocal strings. (Alr time to clarify how this isn't meta gaming. So as a matter of first importance, we considered you were an ordinary mythical drahon which you where, they would initially assault your mouth and so forth, subsequently it isn't meta gaming.) The tempature of the mythical dragons body would drop to freezing, however before it could shout in torment and attempt to do whatever, ice spikes showed up from the beam. Piercing it's throat. Furthermore it's vocal strings, implying that it..wasn't ready to shout. For aggravation set on the mythical dragonwould be exceptionally tremendous on the off chance that this hit, Altho since the beam ventures super quick, and the mythical dragon is enormous, it truly got no opportunity of avoiding. Presently, this would counterbalance the tail crush, or whatever. Incase the mythical serpent out of torment carelessly would hammer its tail, it would simply destine itself, and the way that along these lines, assuming it hit obviously, would imply that Haruki wouldn't be hit by any stretch of the imagination, truth be told it would give Haruki a free hit, alongside the others. On the off chance that the mythical dragon some way or another figured out how to stay away from this and go for the blow, it would essentially be occupied, and regardless of whether it evade the spikes would in any case most likely hit it a piece. Assuming this fizzled, there was Edmunds plan, however enough of that. On the off chance that Kori's assault was effective, he would rapidly produce 5 icicles, in his grasp. As hr would swipe his hand upwards, the mythical serpent actually being frozen, assuming his spell hit obviously, would imply that this was 100 percent to hit The mythical dragon couldn't in any way, shape or form dissolve the ice, since it didn't have mana skin, and the aggravation would be crazy. The 5 icicles were coordinated to: 2 of it's eyes, 2 at it's legs, and one where it's cerebrum was found, this wasn't a fight..or a straightforward move, this was an entire massacar, a slaughter, that was concealed under Kori's grin. its been concluded in the end Haruki. S | The One Winged Silva has perished by the crushing stalagmites and parts of the crushing ceiling. The Dragon has won. As Otter walked onto the battlefield, tears would be seen in his eyes. He knew who he was fighting, and he knew it would have to end with one of them ĐɆ₳Đ. He was filled with rage and sadness due to this matchup. As his eyes met Axel's, he would give him a little smile, indicating that he still thought of them as friends. Even though he loved Axel as a friend, he still knew that he had to come out of this Vł₵₮ØⱤłØɄ₴. Otter would place his hand on his grimoire, and pull it up from his belt. When it was infront of him, he'd open it up and let go of it, and it would start of levitate. The adrenaline would flow through Otter's body, as they stood there on the battleground, looking at eachother, waiting for one of them to make the first move. Otter would raise his arm, pointing the palm of his hand towards Axel. He'd create a dense bronze ball around him in the matter of a second, leaving Axel with no way of escape. Otter had thought of what to do with Axel for a long time, and now he had finally come up with a solid plan. Axel could either shoot out lightning, roasting himself inside of this bronze ball, or he could try punching it open, which he obviously wouldn't be able to. This was it, Axel had no way of escaping, unless he thought of something insanely good. ⥥⥥⥥⥥⥥⥥⥥⥥ As Otter had created this Bronze Ball, he would take a few steps back, distancing himself from Axel, incase he tried to fire lightning at him, from inside of the bronze ball. Otter would take a deep breath, but the tears from his eyes wouldn't stop. As he felt the light pressure of the wind, the teardrops in his face would feel a bit cold. He'd try to wipe them away with his hand, but new ones just appeared. He thought back on all of the good memories he had had with Axel, all leading up to this particular moment. A little sound could be heard coming out of Otter's mouth. "𝓖𝓸𝓸𝓭𝓫𝔂𝓮, 𝓐𝔁𝓮𝓵." Axel sees the ball around him and casts the spell THUNDERGOD GLOVES by focusing his mana and making it lightning and go to his hand and form a glove with claws and starts scratching the ball so he can escape the ball, he escapes and sees Otter and Axel starts crying, his thoughts is just unfair... backstabbed... can't believe this... but Axel can't get emotional and he runs and jumps towards Otter and tries to hit him with his claw! As Otter heard the screams from inside of his bronze ball, his eyes would turn completely dull, not showing any feelings, other then the tears still running. He basically had lost his emotions in this fight, and at this point he didn't care weather he died, or Axel did. He started walking back towards the Bronze ball, and as he made it close he would make the bronze ball disappear and watch Axel lay on the ground, suffering from all the electricity that had entered his system. Otter would put his hand on his Katana, and draw it up from from his scabbard. As Axel lied still on the ground, still stunned, Otter would cut off one of his legs. He'd then swipe the blood off of his Katana, and put it back in his scabbard. He really didn't care about anything at this point, nothing meant anything to him. Otter would then slowly walk back to where he was before, and just stand there, waiting for Axel to wake up from the electrification. Otter didn't want this fight to be an easy win, as he had been looking too much forward to doing these 1v1's for it to just end like this, and he wanted to give his friend a chance of victory. He felt like cheating if he just killed him while he was lying defenceless on the ground. Therefore Otter only cut off a leg to at least give Axel a chance. Otter would now be standing around 50 feet from Axel. As he looked closely at Axel, he could see a little movement in his hand. He knew he wouldn't go down that easily. He felt that the real fight would start now, no more fooling around. This was it. The final battle between the two of them. Axel wakes up and sees that he only had one leg and thought is this the end? I failed my promise... Axel focuses his mana all over his body and make it lightning so he could stop the bleeding. Axel tries to get up and lay on his knee and cast the spell THUNDER ARROW by focusing his mana into lightning and making it go to his hand and form an arrow and make it bigger and threw it, it will be unlikely to dodge since it has incredible speed, Axel aimed at Otter's face with no emotion in his face and threw it... As Otter saw Axel waking up, he would start to feel the enormous amount of mana awakening inside of him. He then watched as Axel raised his hand, almost as if he was gonna throw a spear towards Otter, and he noticed that the grimoire infront of Axel starting glowing in a cyan color. He then remembered from back when he had fought together with Axel, and seen Axel's grimoire, that he had a spell called, Thunder Arrow. He watched as Axel looked him directly into his eyes, and then as he saw him move his arm, he would let the legs below him stop holding him up, and it would look like Otter dropped dead to the ground. Almost as he hit the ground, the bolt of lightning, formed just like an arrow, would fly at an insane speed above him. It was quite lucky that Otter remembered Axel's grimoire, cause if he hadn't remembered it, he wouldn't have been able to dodge the arrow. Otter, laying on the ground, would now quickly get up again, put his hand in his grimoire, and his fingers would start flicking the pages. "Bronze Magic: 5 Swords Of Fate ブロンズマジック:運命の剣" These words would be heard coming from Otter's mouth, as 5 sword's made of bronze appeared above himself. He would now fire 2 of them towards Axel, who's only laying on his knee, and these two swords would fly at an estimated number of 110 MPH, meaning it would be extremely hard for Axel to dodge them, as he was laying on his knee, and didn't have both of his legs to run away and dodge. Otter would still have another 3 swords floating in the air above him, incase it would go wrongly, so he kept these as his defence incase Axel found a way to dodge his other 2 swords. As Otter had shot his 2 swords towards Axel, he would take a few more steps back, incase Axel tried to fire another lightning arrow. Otter decided to also create a transparent bronze shield for himself, meaning if Axel's lightning hit the shield, it wouldn't be conducted, as it wasn't a metal, but rather a mana form of bronze. This transparent bronze shield, had a turquoise shade, and it was formed like a medieval viking shield. Otter would be around 60 feet from Axel so he would be able to dodge something, incase he was fired at once again. Axel saw the swords coming and thought it was fate so he looked up and moved his arms up, he sighed and thought i guess this is it... i didn't win and now i won't be seeing Rai... Axel was a bit happy for Otter tho after all they are friends and the swords hit him and he died As Otter fired his 2 Swords of Fate against Axel, Axel basically gave up and acknowledged defeat, meaning Otter won and will keep his place as an I-lander. After a while, I-land Season 26 was canceled to the war that outbreaked throught the kingdoms, before sending everyone back to their homes, thry changed their memories into thinking season 26 never happened. (Axel's death is non-canon).

next chapter
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