22.78% Autumn / Chapter 18: Week 9 - pt 2

บท 18: Week 9 - pt 2

7th November

Mathew stood by the door she walked slowly over to him. ‘I didn’t think I’d have the

pleasure of your presence today.’

‘I was board.’

‘So is your ankle better now.’


‘Come through and we’ll begin.’

She slipped into the room walking over to the sofa sitting down. He closed the door walking over sitting opposite her. ‘So.. how are you feeling now?’


‘Good. We’ll begin a new page today and begin with what happened between you and Taylor.’ He looked at her. ‘You are okay with talking about him aren’t you.’

‘Yeah but it weren’t just him.’

‘So who was it then.’

‘His friends. I always felt like he just asked me out just to torment me at every chance that he got.’

‘I’m sure that’s not true.’

‘Well it felt like it.’

‘So tell me what happened when you went to the swimming pool.’

‘It all began with him pushing me in, well we all got pushed in then they all dive bombed into the water as we surfaced. Then he’d always tell me he loved me.’

He starred at her.

‘Then it would all begin again. They pulled us under before they all went up on the boards.’ ‘And the incident.’

‘He pulled himself up he could tell she was finding it hard and he could see the fear in her eyes.

He placed his hands over hers. ‘It’s okay Autumn take your time.’

She swallowed. ‘I was really good the instructor said I was. I could’ve gone pro but they made me so nervous up there I tried to cancel, my instructor could tell I was falling back something that I’d never done. He had tried to talk to me. I told him that I was okay then I froze, it took me fifteen minutes to take the dive. He called me over to one corner and asked me what was wrong. I told him my friends decided to jump off the board with me. He requested that I stood down until I got my head sorted.’

‘But you didn’t.’

‘No. Taylor came round after I told him that I wasn’t going. He told me to get my stuff cause everyone was waiting.’

‘So you did.’

‘What else could I do Matt? I was backed into a corner with nowhere to go.’ She explained sitting nervously, twitching.

‘You don’t have to carry on Autumn if you prefer we can do this another day if it’s bringing back to many bad memories.’

‘It’s okay.’ She breathed heavily and began again. ‘He placed his arm around me and closed the door.

“The guys are around the corner.”

“I don’t know about this Taylor.”

“It’ll be okay I promise.”

I smiled nervously at him our joint dates never went quiet to plan.

“There you are what took you so long?”

“Autumn hadn’t got her stuff ready.”

“I thought you told her?”

“I did you know girls.”

“Yeah I do. Come on let’s go.”

We caught the bus into the town he was all over me until we got to the pool where we all separated to get changed.

“I hope this isn’t going to be like the last time.”

“Me too. We’ll get kicked out.”

“I’m surprised that you came Autumn.”

“I wasn’t I told him I wasn’t.”

“So why did he call around for you?”

“I don’t know.”

We all changed going into the pool the the guy’s Wolfe whistled.

Taylor wrapped his arms around me. “You look hot.”

“Come on Taylor were going on the boards.”

He looked at me. “You coming?”

“I don’t know.”

“Come on babe.”

We pulled ourselves up out of the water walking over to the boards.

“You first Autumn.”


“Go on babe we won’t try anything. Promise.” He said kissing me.

Autumn sat nervously her eyes wide, dilated. ‘Looking at your eyes I say he did.’

‘I swallowed pulling myself the ladders to the top, Taylor and the others following. I know I shouldn’t’ve been so close to the edge of the board, all I heard was shouting then Taylor and Rudgey crashed into me. I lost my balance and fell.’

“Autumn!’ Cas shouted Rudgey held her back.

They all watched as I fell.

Water vomited out of my mouth my eyes slowly opened. “It’s going to be okay miss, the ambulance is on its way.”

“What happened?” I asked closing my eyes.

‘So they planed it?’

‘Taylor said they didn’t, but he told me to keep it shut. I came around in hospital and he smiled. “Taylor.”

“You okay babe?”

“I guess.” I replied groggily.


“You planned this didn’t you?”

“No.” He said nervously.

“Why are you looking like you did then?”

“I didn’t. So when the cops come and ask what happened you tell them them exactly that.”


“Please Autumn we’ve already been slapped with a ban I don’t need a record too.”


‘He kissed me softly and stayed with me to make sure I didn’t slip up when the police talked to me.’

‘So what did you tell the cops?’

‘I lost my footing the guys thought I’d already dived.’

‘So you lied.’

‘He’d’ve had an asbo or worse Matt. He’d had loads of warnings.’

‘So what happened after?’

‘His brother picked us up and took me home. He called him a little prick for being so stupid. And I could’ve died if I hadn’t hit the water right.’

‘I guess he was mad.’

‘So was my mom. I wasn’t meant to see him again.’

‘But you did.’

‘Try telling someone it’s over who won’t listen.’

‘So what happened Halloween?’

‘I guess he thought he was getting back at me for trying to dump him.’

The bell rang.

‘We’ll talk more about this next week okay.’

‘Okay.’ She said pulling herself up. ‘Thanks.’

‘Anytime you want to talk just drop in.’

‘Sure.’ She said opening the door.


8th November

Connor met Autumn by the bridge, he smiled kissing her cheek. ‘Are you sure about

tonight Autumn?’


A bang went off she jumped. The illumines colours lit the whole of the sky.

‘Chill babe it’ll be like this all weekend.’

‘I know.’

‘We can bail.’

‘No. Let’s just get it over and done with,’

‘Sure.’ He took her hand walking away. ‘Is you mom okay with you staying over?’


‘Even though you sprained your ankle and bumped your head.’

‘She still doesn’t know the truth and I prefer it that way.’

‘Sure my lips are sealed.’

They walked up to James’ house. She’d wished they’d taken the bus her ankle was beginning to show the strain.

‘You okay babe?’

‘Yeah I put a support on it.’

Connor knocked the window. James opened the gate. ‘Con, Autumn come through.’

They steeped onto the long garden as he closed the gate. ‘Sit down Autumn and put that leg up.’

She sat down pulling her leg up onto the crate. Connor sat next to her, the bonfire blazing.

‘Here you go guys something to warm you up.’

‘What is it?’

‘Drink it Autumn it will keep you warm.’

‘Okay.’ She said taking it off James.

He smiled walking away. Going over to the others passing the drinks around talking to Gaz.

‘It’s okay babe it’s just a little brandy. It keeps you warm on these cold nights.’

She blew the steam away sipping it, pulling a sour face.

‘You’ll get used to it.’

The fire works began, pretty colours, whizzes and screeches. They watched as the fireworks lit the sky.

Connor had left Autumn alone as the bangs grew louder and she jumped the firework came toward her his coat covered her, the fire work bounced off it.

‘Hey Autumn.’

She looked up a little dazed. ‘Gaz.’

‘So how’s the ankle.’


‘Can I take a look?’


He sat down taking her shoe and sock off. James nudged Ashby who nudged Harry, who then nudged Daniel and they all watched as he took the support off. He looked at her over sized ankle. ‘It’s still a little swollen.’

‘I had a few days off school.’

‘Rest it over the weekend it may be the pressure of walking too much.’


He slipped the support back on. He looked at her ‘So I was wondering.’


‘Can. I come around and hang with you.’

‘I don’t know Gaz.’

‘When Con’s gone home.’

‘It’s not a good idea.’

‘It’s the age thing isn’t it?’

She looked at him.

‘There’s not much difference between you and me’

‘Everything okay?’

She looked up at Connor. ‘Yeah.’

‘Gaz can we talk.’

‘Yeah sure.’ He looked at Autumn. ‘Later.’

She smiled briefly. He pulled himself up following Connor. Who pushed him up against the wall. ‘Hey Con dude.’

‘Don’t dude me.’

‘What gives.’

‘What you say to Autumn?’


‘Stay away I know your game.’

‘She’s single.’

‘She’s mine.’


‘Keep away or I’ll snap you in two got it?!’

‘Loud and clear.’

Connor looked him walking away. He wasn’t about to let a hyped up fifteen year old get in the the way.

Connor looked at Autumn. ‘Come on we’re going.’

‘What’s going on Con?’

He held his hand out. ‘It’s getting late.’

She took his hand, he pulled her to her feet. ‘We’re going guys we’ll see you Monday.


He opened the gate, leading her out of the garden closing it behind them.

‘Gee you sure pissed him off.’

‘You could’ve told me he and Autumn were..’

‘They’re not.’

‘But he said.’

‘He likes to think that way we just run with it.’

‘What’s wrong Con?’

‘He wants you.’

‘Who Gaz?’

‘Who else.’

‘I’m not interested.’

‘Neither will he be.’

‘What did you say Con?’

‘Just to stay away.’

‘Like Dan?’

‘We sorted that Autumn. I can live with it, it’s him drewling over you I can’t. ’ He closed the door behind him the bangs still loud. ‘Do you want me to stay with you?’

‘If you wouldn’t mind.’

‘Not at all.’

He led her upstairs into his room and they lay on the bed kicking their shoes off. He held her close bonfire had nerved her more than he realised. She lay her head on his chest closing her eyes.

9th November

Autumn slowly came round Connor must’ve got up already. She pulled herself up out

of bed, leaving his room and going downstairs where he sat on he large sofa. He looked up smiling. She walked over to him sitting next to him, he placed his arm around her. ‘You okay Autumn? You were talking in your sleep again.’

‘I didn’t keep you awake did I?’

‘No babe. I don’t sleep much.’

‘I’m sorry Con, it’s just another bad night another bad memory I wish to forget.’

‘Care to share?’

‘I don’t know Con.’

‘You can tell me babe. I won’t judge you, you know that.’

‘I know.’

‘Is it to do with your friends?’

‘It was his idea.’


‘Taylor’s. Sam was getting the fireworks. He’d invited all of us, I wasn’t too sure that I should go after Halloween, but he twisted my arm. It was going well.’

He looked at Autumn. ‘But, there’s always a but.’

‘It didn’t last long Sam went to the bathroom leaving him in charge. He was under strict instructions not to touch any of them and set them off.’

‘But he did.’

‘I’m not sure. I heard the whiz and it came towards me. Sams’ jacket shielded me and he took the full impact. Taylor came running over . “Bro you okay?”

Sam turned angrily. “I told you not to mess.”

“I didn’t.”

“So who did?”


He looked at the fire works. “Who turned them around?”

“I don’t know.”

“Get out all of you!”

‘He was so angry, they all left. I sat shaking. “You okay.” I finally said.

“I’m fine.” He looked at Taylor. “What the fucking hell do you think you’re playing at? I specifically told you not to touch, and play silly fuckers with them. Autumn could’ve been blinded or worse you thick fuck.”


“Get out of my sight.”

“You need to go to the hospital.”

“I’m fine.”

“Your not please bro.”

“Fine you just wait til loom hears about this.”

“Don’t tell her.”

“I’m not covering for you anymore Taylor. She’s been close to death twice because of your stupidity no more.”

‘We all went to the hospital, they had to cut his coat off. He had third degree burns if it had been me it could’ve been worse. I would’ve taken the full blow of it.’

‘I’m sorry babe. I should never have asked you and dragged you there.’

‘I agreed and you didn’t. You have to face your fears right.’

‘I guess , but not head on.’

‘I just wanted to prove to everyone I was normal.’

‘Like the pool and Halloween?’


‘You are normal babe, you just have a lot of skellies to lay to rest. A past to put behind you.’


‘You have.’

‘I have to go Con.’


They drank their coffees pulling themselves up leaving the house. They stood at the tip of the bridge. He looked at her. ‘So Christmas.’

‘It’s a month away Con.’

‘I know. I was just wondering what your plans were that’s all.’

‘I don’t know.’

‘I’d like to spend the hols with you.’

‘I’d like that.’

He smiled moving forward pressing his lips on hers kissing her.

10th November

Autumn sat overlooking the lake, she’d spoken to Connor earlier telling him today

wasn’t a good day. She needed to be alone. He said he understood and he’d meet her the same time tomorrow.

He over shadowed her. She looked up. ‘Gaz.’

‘May I?’

‘Knock yourself out.’

He smiled sitting next to her. ‘So how’s the ankle?’


‘I was coming round.’

‘I know.’

‘I meant yesterday, but I heard you were with Connor.’

‘Till lunch yeah.’

‘You two are pretty.’

‘I guess.’

‘I know you two aren’t you know.’

‘Who told you?’

‘The guys, Jae he’s got a big gob. He says Con has it bad for you.’

‘I know.’

‘I really like you Autumn.’

‘I know.’

He looked at her. ‘So.. you never answered me.’

‘I can’t Gaz.’

‘You knocking me back?’

‘I’m sorry.’

‘So you tell Con the same?’

‘Yes I did.’

‘But he keeps hanging.’

‘He’s my friend.’

‘A friend that wants more.’

‘He knows the score.’

‘And what’s the score Autumn?’

‘I’m not ready.’

‘And me?’

She looked at him.

He edged forward. ‘I’m not as old as you think I am.’

‘So how old are you?’

‘Twenty one.’


He edged closer. ‘I know looks are deceiving.’

‘I can’t.’

‘Con won’t have to know.’

‘He’ll find out.’

‘He won’t.’

‘He will.’

‘Stop stalling Autumn I want you.’

‘I’m not..’

He pressed his lips on hers kissing her, lowering her to the grass kissing her harder and harder, his hands sliding up her body, her knee shot up, he fell to the grass she leaped up running. ‘Autumn!’

‘Just leave me alone.’

She continued running he stood in front of her, she skidded and his glasses reflected in the afternoon sun. ‘Why you run Autumn?’

‘I’m sorry Taylor I just freaked.’


‘You’re going to fast.’

‘We’ve been together months now.’

‘Next you’ll want to screw me.’

‘I wish.’

She looked at him un-impressed. He took her hands in his. ‘When your ready Autumn okay. We’ll take it steady okay.’


He pressed his lips on hers kissing her hungrily.


‘Coming mom.’

She looked around Taylor had gone. She turned jogging away.

next chapter
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    Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
    Stone -- หินพลัง








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    โหวตด้วย Power Stone
    Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
    Stone -- หินพลัง



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