71.42% Attack On Titan: Eldian Warrior / Chapter 5: The Storm

บท 5: The Storm

Panic, fear, despair was the only thing that could be felt all around me, I tried to get up, but I felt a great pain in my back, not caring about the pain I clenched my teeth and got up with a lot of effort.

I looked around almost all the people running and pushing each other, others were frozen in shock, I could feel the ground shaking from the approach of the titans, * damn, my back burns like hell * the blow I should have Giving was really strong, but I started to focus on the areas of my body that had been affected by the impact.

I limped to one of the walls to lean against it and put an arm behind my back to try to ease the pain. I couldn't continue standing here in this place, right now I had to get to where Carla Yeager was. I could notice that the door of a house was open, so I directed me towards it.

Once I enter the house, I look at my hand * I just hope they are okay * I thought with concern as he bit my index finger hard to the point of penetrating my skin and splattering blood.

Clouds formed over my location, then lightning struck my direction. My body automatically stiffened like aboard as a crystal began to cover my entire body, a cable of flesh materialized out of nowhere and connected to the crystal.

First I could see how a skeleton of the human body was formed, then it was followed with the muscles together with some organs, then the meat appeared, and finally, all my leather was covered by a white skin like ivory.

The roof of the house collapsed when my titan rose to the height of 16 meters, my titan's eyes popped open showing the blue color, which could be compared to the same sky.

Looking around I could see the chaos that was forming, I looked in the direction where our house was or rather the Yeagers' house and a huge rock were on top of it, I quickly headed towards the direction of the house, but I would have to go through the titans that would get in my way.

I bit the tip of my titan form as I crouched over the hole that I had created to be able to grasp the crystal where my body was, When I took my crystallized body I put it behind my back and began to crystallize it.

I did not have much time to fight, but I also do not have time to hesitate, I quickly stood up and stretched my titanic arm and imagined a sword, the projection could be completed, although the sword was still not perfect. He just had to practice enough to be able to perfect it.

Without wasting any more time I launched myself towards the first titan of about 8 meters that was in front of me and separated its head from its shoulders as my sword pierced the body as if it were paper. The blood splashed my titanic body, Then the enemy titan's body fell with a thud on the ground that made the earth tremble, I approached the titan and crushed the neck with my foot mercilessly.

The 8-meter titan stopped moving when it started to evaporate, as I kept advancing the next titan that got in my way was easily killed *, stupid nonsense titans * I mentally complained.

* Miss Tybur is there? * asked.

[Yes] Miss Tybur answered simply [Why do you ask?] She asked curiously.

* No, it's nothing * hesitate for a second * do you think they'll be fine? * I asked him.

[I'm not sure, but you must remain calm] she answered me in a reassuring voice [you better focus on reaching them, if you want to protect them] she said.

* Correct * I said while sighing * I'm about to arrive * I said when I was near the house.

When I was about to reach my destination, I could feel a chill run through my entire body. I stopped to look around me. He had a bad feeling about what he just felt. His instincts kicked in, warning him of a new threat.

Suddenly I could feel the ground shaking as if a stampede was coming in my direction, I turned my head only to find that a great variety of Titans were running at an impressive speed towards my location.

* That's not normal * I thought worried as I got ready, a 15-meter titan was the first to arrive, but before I could hit my body. I swiped my sword cutting from his ribs to his shoulder. The body split into two halves as blood spurted out, splattering the ground.

I leaped back for distance, then proceeded to create another sword in my free arm, then began slicing Titans' bodies from left to right while nimbly dodging surprisingly fast tackles.

Every time he killed a titan, it was as if another began to take his place, it seemed to have no end. I was finally overwhelmed by most of the titans when they started to climb on top of my body and try to devour me.

* Damn * I thought as I tried to get the Titans off me, Titans aren't supposed to act this way. His mind started racing as he began to think of various theories as to why he was being tied up by attacking directly.

I could not find an answer for the abnormal behavior that they were presenting, the only clue I had was that it was the founding Titan ... * No, it can't be, it makes no sense that he is the king of the walls * I thought desperately as the skin of my body began to break under the stress of the teeth of various titans.

* I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS! * I mentally screamed as a bunch of ivory-white spikes shot out all over my body impaling a variety of titans. I quickly took advantage of separating myself from the few Titans who had been fortunate enough to save themselves from impalement.

" Stupid Titans " a deep and terrifying voice came from my titan's vocal cords. " How dare you interrupt my destiny," I said as I glared at the senseless titans "They will regret my lost time "

When I finished those words I let out a scream of fury as electricity flashed around my body. Suddenly several white peaks came out from below the titans that were still alive. Impaling them exactly on the nape as they rose to a height of 30 meters above the ground.

Rocks started raining down in Shiganshina due to the debris that the white pillars had created as they came out from under the ground.

As soon as I made sure that the titans were dead and did not start to regenerate again, I disappeared from all the pillars that I had created so that I could recover some of the energy that I had wasted.

The only reason my aunt's body still had enough energy to function after what I had done was that adrenaline was pumping into my circulatory system.

When I turned in the direction of the house, I could see like a Titan that was maybe thirty or fifteen meters tall. The titan had blond hair with a creepy smile. He was starting to pick Carla Yeager up so he could eat her.

[Hiroki, you have to hurry] Miss Tybur brought me out of my trance [If you don't make it in time she will be killed by that titan] she told me.

Without responding or wasting time I began to create a whip and threw it with enough force to be able to cleanly cut the hand where I was holding Carla Yeager. The titan recoiled due to the pain of losing his arm.

Unfortunately, Carla Yeager's body fell hard against the hard ground no. Wasting no time I closed the gap as fast as I could. I carefully picked up Carla Yeager from one of my hands.

I turn my head to see Mr. Hannes running away over his shoulder, Hannes also grabbed Mikasa's hand as they started to walk away.

Before I could go after them, something grabbed my left leg. * You can leave me alone * I thought as I clenched my teeth in frustration. I quickly hit him with my free leg causing him to let go of my leg.

Had no time to fool around with the titans. I had expended a lot of energy from my body making all the pillars, the behavior of the titans was too weird. It was as if they were aiming to stop me from saving Carla Yeager.

As I was about to catch up with Mr. Hannes a bloodcurdling scream came from behind me. Looking over my shoulder I could see the titan with a creepy smile running with incredible speed.

My instincts warned me of danger, but all I could do was take the impact head-on while protecting Carla Yeager's weak body. When the Titan touched my body an avalanche of images went through my head.

My brain forcefully blocked the images in defense, but that couldn't stop me from being unconscious for a few seconds. Coming out of my stupor I got rid of the damn creepy grinning titan.

Due to the time I had lost more titans began to surround me looking at me with an abnormal gaze. A hunting instinct hung over each of them. I carefully put Carla Yeager inside my mouth so as not to hurt her, then I got into the fighting stance while honing my survival instincts.

I wanted to let out a roar of defiance, but I remembered I had Carla in my mouth and it came out more like a gargle. Fortunately, the Titans roared in response.

A great battle raged in the Shiganshina District. A great white titan was attracting the attention of all the titans who had entered the district due to the rape. Thanks to this many people were able to survive.

When the titans swooped in to attack me. I imagine some sharp claws on the fingers of my hands, For each dodged of the tackles of each titan. He cut cleanly the meat of his chest, face, he could even cut off a limb.

I didn't know how long I was fighting. He had also lost count of how many Titans he had killed. But after a while, the fight ended, or at least I couldn't be bothered for a few moments.

* well, that was one thing * I thought in my mind as I breathed a sigh of relief. With that, I carefully removed Carla Yeager from my mouth. When I checked the state of her body, I couldn't help but clench my teeth in frustration and anger. She didn't look good she was pale. I checked the blow to the head and winced.

* Needs medical attention * I thought grimly.

I sighed as I put my index finger on Carla, she was unconscious right now, I caressed her head with my index finger while I wiped her blood and saliva.

Tears of frustration wanted to leak out of my eyes, but I held back and began to search for Hannes. * Damn fucking titans, if I could have made it on time none of this would have happened * I mentally cursed, I couldn't lose her, not Carla, she's like the mother I never had.

"What?" Carla was starting to wake up, although she was still pretty dazed "What's going on?" She asked, when she looked at my titanic form she rubbed her eyes to see if I wasn't hallucinating.

Carla quickly went into shock as she watched an ivory-white titan holding her in her hand. She panicked and tried to move, but only made a sound of pain. After a few minutes, his face from terror turned to confusion when he saw that he was not devouring her.

Ignoring Carla's comment fast forward to find a Hannes time. I found it near the door, because of my size they noticed me. The soldiers were pointing their cannons in my direction. When the soldiers fired, I hid in one of the houses in the district while she assures me that Carla Yeager focused well.

* Stupid * I thought angrily "I won't do anything to you, stop shooting," I thought. When the shots stopped I ran straight towards them causing them to panic, but before they could get there I stopped nearby as I knelt and stretched my arm showing them Carla's wounded body.

Hannes started in Shock at the body before gulping due to the fear that was written on his face. Then I say something to the soldiers that I couldn't hear as he hesitantly approached

"Carla?" Hannes asked fearfully at my titanic form that was less than ten feet from him, "but how? What the hell is going on?" he asked was too confused by what was happening.

"The Titan" she spoke weakly, but loud enough to hear her.

Hannes glanced my way but turned my head to avoid eye contact of not wanting him to recognize me, due to the resemblance.

"Wait... where is Hiroki?" Hannes looked around to try to find him, but he wasn't close.

" Take her to a doctor " I spoke in my titanic form, the people who were around frozen gaping at me because he had heard me speak " Stop wasting time and get it checked. NOW " I warned them pointing to Carla's form.

"Y-you're right," Hannes agreed, then carefully grabbed Carla's awkwardly tight form so she could retreat to evacuation form.

* Well at least they're out of the battle zone * I thought darkly remembering Hannes's worried look at Carla * I just hope she survives * I thought as I stood up.

Should I save the people I don't know Or should I go to the evacuation zone? Not knowing what to do I gave a long sigh * I still haven't seen Reiner * I thought as I remembered the plan. Which consisted that the Colossal Titan and the Armored Titan were going to break the doors.

There weren't many people who needed to be saved, as most of them had escaped when he was fighting most of the titans. Although it does not hurt to make sure just in case. He also had nothing else to do besides waiting for Reiner to show up.

While he was searching for the people who needed to be saved in the Shiganshina District.

When he was away from the door of the Wall Maria. Suddenly I heard some rumbling footsteps, I looked in the direction observing the titanic form of Reiner, I cursed for not being close and stopping him, all I could do was like some soldiers trying to stop him, but failing miserably and destroying the door of the wall Maria as if it was a piece of paper.

* Stupid luck * I cursed in my mind as I glared, I wasn't going to allow Reiner to go any further than where he had come, they were still evacuating and I wasn't sure if Eren, Mikasa, Armin, and Carla were safe, from Hannes he should be helping people evacuate ... I think ... he had the ODM team to climb the wall anyway and get to safety.

Grabbing my crystallized body and pointing towards the direction where Reiner's Armored Titan shape was, I threw the crystal causing the cable to break and deactivate the connection that it had between me and the titan body.

The crystal sailed through the air and passed over the wall landing a few meters near the Armored Titan, the Titan Warhammer appeared again in an explosion of light, surprising Reiner.

The Armored Titan glared at me when he recognized who it was, Maybe he didn't know it was the one who had stolen the Warhammer Titan, but from the look, Reiner was giving me he was completely furious as if he was about to rip my head off. head.

We both stared at each other for a few seconds, before the Armored Titan opened its armored jaw and let out a ferocious screech.

[Third person point of view]

Reiner after letting out the fierce scream, made those who were still on the evacuating ship cover their ears.

As both Titans began to fight each other, causing most of the onlookers to watch in amazement, fear, and disbelief at what they were observing.

"That ... titan" Carla mumbled looking at the fight that was taking place, both children were by her side Mikasa was on her right and Eren was on her left, they looked everywhere, but they found no sign of Hiroki anywhere.

"Mom, don't move" Eren scold "don't worry you'll be fine" he tried to reassure, but even he wasn't sure, they treated his mother medically, but they didn't tell him anything about how his mother was, the doctor had only With a nod and went to tend to another injured patient, Eren clung to his mother's hand, hoping she was okay.

Mikasa was clinging to her mother's other hand, carefully leaning on her adoptive mother's shoulder without saying anything, Armin just watched them with her grandfather sadly and clung to her knees, Armin closed his eyes and began to cry they had not found his friend Hiroki anywhere and now he could only watch as his best friend Eren's mother slowly died.

"Eren, Mikasa," Carla caught the attention of her children making them observe her "promise me that you will stay together and take care of each other" she spoke weakly, her eyelids felt heavy, she had no pain since her legs had been crushed, there was no a lot to do for her in the state she was in, the doctors were few, the majority who met were some cares who knew some things about medicines volunteering to help.

"What are you talking about!" Eren yelled angrily, but tears ran down his cheeks "You'll be fine, stop talking like you're going to die."

"Eren-" Carla tried to speak.

"You're not going to die you hear me" Eren yelled interrupting what his mother was going to say.

"EREN!" Carla screamed, but then she regretted feeling unbearable pain in her chest, pretending to look at her children "please promise me" she said as tears came from her cheeks.

"I ... I promise" Mikasa covered her face with her red scarf while trying not to cry, but she failed again she was losing her family, first they couldn't find Hiroki anywhere, and now her adoptive mother. the world had to be so cruel?

Eren clenched his fists to the point that his nails penetrated his skin drawing a thin line of blood "I promise" Eren said through clenched teeth in anger and helplessness for not being able to do anything.

"Tha ... Thanks" Carla gave her last breath and left her last words for her two beloved children, only she hoped that Hiroki was well and could protect Eren and Mikasa.

While Eren and Mikasa were mourning their mother and the "loss" of their foster brother, Hiroki was barely able to dodge a right hook Reiner had thrown at him.

Hiroki in his Titan Warhammer form leaped back to put distance between them.

*Damn, none of the blows I have given him have worked * Hiroki thought in frustration as he looked at my arms that were regenerating *I can't create another weapon while recharging energy* the last constant I had against titans had started to take their toll. Hiroki had used up some of my energy and I had to use it wisely.

* I just have to hold it for the ships to evacuate * Hiroki thought as he glanced at the shape of the ships moving away from * sooner or later our fight will attract the titans senseless * before that happened he had to finish off Reiner.

Both Hiroki and Reiner got into fighting stances, Hiroki crystallized both fists in the form of gloves waiting for Reiner to attack.

This was a total spectacle to the people watching on the docks, two new types of Titans fighting each other, one covered in a voluminous layer of armor and had destroyed the wall. The other is an ivory giant, the stories spread very quickly about how he was helping people within the city, and then he appeared out of nowhere after they observed something land on the ground, which had passed over the wall. fifty meters high.

" What's wrong?" Hiroki sneered "Are you afraid to fight me?" He commented mockingly and as an additional measure, he gestured with his arm, telling him to come closer.

The taunt took effect on Reiner when the armored titan's fossae fumed, Reiner charged towards Hiroki, Reiner's titanic form could be bulky, but by no means Agile.

Reiner tried to knock Hiroki down, only to find a crystallized fist in her jaw sending her flying a few feet and breaking part of the armor that covered her jaw.

* Damn * Reiner mentally complained * I'm too slow to hit him, I'll have to drop some of my armor *, The Armored Titan got back on his feet, his jaw smoking to try to regenerate, the armor on his back. The back of his legs, his triceps, and the inside of his forearms cracked and he fell, feeling lighter and more mobile.

Reiner ran towards the Warhammer Titan, much faster this time, Hiroki widened his eyes when I could barely dodge the Armored Titan's tackle, the Warhammer Titan rolled on the ground before getting back up.

*I can't roll like that again* Hiroki thought mentally *the cable that connects my body could become tangled or worse disconnect losing control of my titanic form* Hiroki's eyes roamed around him thinking of a plan to defeat him.

At least Hiroki had noticed that Reiner didn't know about his cable connection so he could use that to his advantage.

Hiroki breathed wave as he got into the fighting style Annie had taught him, Reiner charged back at the same speed towards the Warhammer Titan.

As Reiner was closing in on Hiroki, he was unprepared when a kick encircled by an armor-like crystal will crash hard against his unprotected right triceps, easily tearing his arm apart.

Reiner crashed to the ground with force, Reiner looked up at her only to watch in shock as a glass hammer smashed into his skull-crushing half of the Armored Titan's face.

The Armored Titan stopped moving, smoke coming out of its skull, as it tried to repair the damage done to the mighty Warhammer Titan's Hammer.

Hiroki glared at the Armored Titan as he approached him so he could finish him off for the damage they had done to Carla Yeager.

[Hiroki Nakatomi's POV]

[You need to calm down] Miss Tybur my name is [remember that if you kill him the power will be transferred to a newborn] she reminded me [you better go back to your friends, they must be worried]

* if he's right * I agreed.

Suddenly a lightning bolt fell behind me making me tense, I observed in shock the new changing titan that had formed and had grabbed my crystallized body with one hand and the connection cable with the other.

* My luck is a fu- * was the last thing I could think of after observing the happy smile that the new shifting titan had before it cut the cable and lost the connection.

The Warhammer titan crashed to the ground as it began to disintegrate.

Paxkun Paxkun

I'm sorry, for the delay ... I was busy with my studies ... Carla's death is something that could not be avoided ... I think you have an idea of ​​what happened

next chapter
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