27.47% ATG Redux: 'Average' Young Master / Chapter 25: Back to Work

บท 25: Back to Work

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There was a reason why there was a frown on my face. The reason why I left for a short journey was that I could find Cold resistant grass.

But, Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace and all the business there distracted me.

Well, it was a good enough distraction, got some impressive materials, a new style of alchemy and of course… Maids…

My gaze went to Chu Yuechan. The newest addition to my maid squad… I wonder, what will be her reaction to this news?

"Lingxi, you are my maid, show them around." As I said that I looked at the Fairies.

"Understood, Young Master."

Xiao Lingxi then motioned for the fairies to follow her.

"Please, follow me." 

After my maid left with the fairies, it was only me, my wife and her maid.

"Husband, I will return to our house. I will start preparing something for you to eat in the meantime."

"Do that. I will visit my Grandpa, and I need to hear what happened over the month." 

A short kiss later, I proceeded to walk towards the main hail.

The atmosphere in the clan is much different from Frozen Cloud. It was much more active, as people were doing something. From the looks of things. Grandfather kept everyone busy.

From martial arts to cultivation, to building, to cleaning. Everyone is doing something. 

Not only that but the overall cultivation was higher as well.

My improved senses can't pick up any [Elementary Profound].

It appears we have graduated from basic mortal ranks. Which is an improvement. 

Of course, I could sense that all of the elders were in [Earth Profound], so it's another improvement. 

As I entered the main Hall everyone looked at me as if I was an alien.

"...Young Master… Y-Y-You…"

"Hmm? Is something wrong, second elder?" I asked him curiously, why is he stuttering?

"N-No…I mean…your cultivation… You…You are [Sky Profound]!"

"Oh, this? Yes, I invented the Sky Profound Ascension pill. Learned a new style of alchemy in Frozen Cloud. Took over Frozen Cloud, and got a few Fairies to join me." 

As I explained my trip, I ended up walking to where the elders sat and right in front of my grandfather who was just staring at me with a baffled look.

"In short…my trip was a success and a failure."


"Yes. I got distracted by the Frozen Cloud business. I didn't find the Ice resistant grass. Though I have some ideas on how I can improve our Clan."

"Oh? What did you come up with, Long'er?"

"An Array which can tell what is one's talent. It's not that difficult, only a construction method needs to be sorted out. This way we would know where our clansman's talent lies. 

Imagine you learn that a child is talented in Arrays, Alchemy, blacksmithing or even artefact creation. This way we could send them to specific pavilions at an extremely young age."

"...Incredible… Do you need any help?"

"No. It's fine, what we need is events to be held on specific dates each year. This way we could sort out the clan."

The elders started to think about my idea. Time to make this clan into a proper cultivation clan. So far Xiao Clan was a joke under Xiao Yunhai.

"We can arrange such a thing. It's nothing difficult,  the important part is the tools which could allow the reveal of clansmen talent."

"Don't worry about this Grandfather, I have a few ideas in mind. The scroll part is already something I tried before."

"Very well. And this… new pill?"

"We need a [Sky Profound] beast for it."

This instantly made them deflate. 

"We can arrange something. For now, I have things to do."


After Xiao Long left the trio of elders sighed in relief. They were slightly frightened to be in front of a [Sky Profound] . It's just a natural reaction to such power!

"Long'er truly surprised us! Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace… Heavens… The Blue Wind Empire will be jealous of us now!"

"...I am worried about repercussions…"

"We have the protection of the Supreme Ocean Palace!"

"Don't be ridiculous, they will protect us if someone attacks us, but everything else? We are on our own." Xiao Li, Xiao Long's grandfather said while stroking his beard.

"There is a limit to our shamelessness, we simply can't ask for everything."

"True, I think Long'er plan is the best way for us. Becoming the forge of the Blue Wind Empire and then of the entire continent. Producing pills, artefacts, arrays… this way Xiao Clan will become an inseparable piece of the continent."

The other two elders nodded. Now they only need a word and they can start implementing changes.

~~~~~~Xiao Lingxi~~~~~~

The maid of the Young Master was feeling quite smug,  Xiao Long left her in charge of the Frozen Cloud Fairies, she was quite happy with such a task.

Though the twins are starting to get annoying… 

"Waaa…. Look! Is that a tree!?"

"I think I heard about this before! Brown trunk and green leaves! I have never seen such bright green before!" 

The pair were going crazy for every small detail… Xiao Lingxi's job became harder by several levels just from those two… 

"This is the Young Master's workplace. This is where he makes his pills."

The maid took them inside. The four fairies stopped in their tracks when they saw mountains of pills. 

"...Young Master…sure made a lot of pills…" One of the twins said with awe. The other three nodded at her.

"There was more before we left. It appears quite a bit has been used over the month we were away.

Though this is where you three are most likely going to be working."

"...Here? What can we possibly do here?" The Frozen Beauty asked with a small frown. She is confident in her combat abilities and Cultivation… but she is not someone who can assist in the pill making process.

"Most likely management, sorting out pills…things like that. Though this is the best workplace on this continent."


"Because there is a high chance you will get free pills. Over the months I was working with Young Master I got several pills for nothing. Which saved me a lot of contribution points."

This made Mu Lingxue and Chu Yuechan realise something…

What about THEIR contribution points!? 

This is not Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace! 

"...Does this mean we will have to work our contribution points from the ground up?"

Frozen Beauty asked with some trepidation… She was one of the richest fairies in Frozen Cloud! While she doesn't like throwing around her wealth she used to like knowing that she has a lot of those points and could get any cultivation materials she would want! Even in exchange for Profound Coins… she would have a lot of those…

But now… she was…poor?

"...I think you will have to since you are now a maid for Young Master, you are part of Xiao Clan."

Xiao Lingxi's words stabbed her hard. This was… horrible! 

"...Can I ask Young Master Xiao to arrange something? Like transfer of the points?"

"...You could. But I don't know if he will do it. You need to persuade him for such things." The maid said with a not-caring shrug. Honestly, she didn't care. Her mission is to show around and not manage their wealth. 

"...I see… I will speak with him." Chu Yuechan said with a nod. She has confidence that she will be able to persuade him.


While Mu Lingxue was thinking the same thing. But her understanding of Xiao Long is telling her that there is a chance he won't accept.

The reason is that Chu Yuechan didn't do anything. 

While the Twins didn't care much about Contribution points. In her view, they can trust their beloved Big Brother.

~~~~~~Later, Same Day~~~~~~

I went to work the moment I returned. A bunch of ideas were in my head and I wanted to make them a reality.

My end goal is to make a floating city! Yes! This came up after I realised that I don't need to leave my clan… why should I? The clan can move for me.

Such a thing is not even hard in the cultivation world, where physics is constantly butchered by Profound Energy. 

This means a large amount of Profound energy will allow even landmass to float.

To test this is quite easy, I already tried in Frozen Cloud where I made pills float. 

Several arrays deployed would help distribute the flow of energy in the floating landmass. Same time I would keep anyone below [Sky Profound] away.

Maybe even they could be kept away as there is a certain limit to how high one can fly. 

But this is for later, now I need to improve the current arrays in this place. The Contribution Hall needs to be upgraded.

Though I was only able to work some of it before nighttime arrived.

The next day, early morning a massive airship arrived. It had a sigil of Phoenix on it. 

The Phoenix Empire was here.

I went to meet them followed by my maids, and the elders.

Soon enough I saw a group of people, leading the front was an old man… and he was a Monarch… 

Strange…where is Feng Hengkong? 

He was nowhere to be seen.

"Young Master Xiao. I am Grand Sect Master Feng Tianwei of the Divine Phoenix Sect. It's an honour to meet such talented youth."

"Grand Sect Master… I wasn't expecting Grand Elder to see me in person." I exclaimed with some shock. I thought these guys cultivate non-stop in their basements.

"This trade was far too imported to my Divine Phoenix Empire. This is why I left the seclusion. As promised.

These are the things my Empire promised to you."

My gaze went to several chests held by Phoenix sect members, behind those there were ten beautiful girls. Their age was similar to mine, some of them were slightly older. Though they all were extremely beautiful and their cultivation weary between late [Earth Profound] to Early [Sky Profound].

"We have prepared the best selection of Fire Profound-based herbs, grasses, roots, and fruits. Many of them have several distinct abilities which would help you in your quest in improving your art." 

The old man explained as he motioned for the chest to be brought close. One of the men carrying the chest opened it. 

Inside was full of red fruits which emit heat. The chest is used to keep them fresh.

"...Impressive…very potent Fire Profound Energy."

"Yes. We used our best resources." The old man proudly said that to me.

"Now, Young Master Xiao, there is another thing I wish to discuss with you." He motioned one more time. This time a girl around 13-14 walked over. While she was the youngest of the bunch, her presence made everyone pay attention to her. 

"May we discuss this in a more private setting?"

"Of course. Let's go to the main hall." I nodded at the request before looking at my maid. 

"Lingxi organize the resources Grand Elder has brought and show these ladies where they will be living from now on."

"Yes, Young Master."


Feng Tianwei is slightly spooked by the rapid speed of cultivation of the Young Master of the Supreme Ocean Palace. The boy was already a mid-stages [Sky Profound]!

Even his granddaughter doesn't cultivate this fast…and she is supposed to be the full inheritor of Phoenix Legacy.

This was absurd…

"Young Master, I wish to discuss if it's still possible to arrange a marriage between my granddaughter and you. I heard that Sovereign of the Seas wanted this deal in the first place.

Only for my son to blow this opportunity away."

The Young Master had a thoughtful look when he heard that.

"This depends. If your granddaughter wants such a thing. I am quite a busy person, I don't like wasting my time especially if she demands my constant attention."

"You don't need to worry about such things. Isn't it right Xue'er?"

Feng Tianwei said while looking at the girl sitting next to him.

"Yes, Grandfather, Xue'er will be honoured to accept such a proposal." The girl softly said with a nod. Her tone was tranquil, no extra emotions or anything like that.

Xiao Long just looked at her with a slightly raised eyebrow. He still finds these traditional women strange even after living here for over 16 years.

"...Since this is the case. I agree then."

"Wonderful, we can arrange the date of marriage on Xue'er's sixteen birthday." The old man was pleased with how smoothly this passed. He fixed the biggest mistake Feng Hengkong made. 

Now the issue is to access the purifying pills. 

"Fine by me. I assume it's a few years away?"

"Yes. Three years. We can arrange the Continental Tournament around the same time as well."

"Oh? Sounds interesting. I don't mind attending such an event."

Feng Tianwei nodded when he heard that the Young Master was intrigued to see such an event. It's better for them, to have Young Master of Sacred Ground will invite more fame and more people will want to watch such a thing

"Good, very good." 

"...On another note, is Young Master Xiao selling more purifying pills?"

"Hmm, those are strictly for family use. But since my future grandfather-in-law requests, I can sell some cheaply."

The old man smiled for a bit. Internally he was cursing for having such a wimp of a son! He needed to leave secluded cultivation just to deal with such a basic mission! 

"Many thanks, Young Master Xiao."

"You can call me by my name. Since we have this arranged marriage happening."

"Of course Long'er."

While this was happening Feng Xue'er looked at Xiao Long. The girl had a fascinating look on her face. For some reason, she can sense an absurd amount of vitality radiating from him. Even her Phoenix memories can't understand what is going on.

She can't sense any sort of divine legacy from him, Or…any explanation at all!

Regardless, she is to be his wife, she might find out when they are married.


Xia Qingyue looked at the ten girls in front of her. They were dressed in red Phoenix robes. Their cultivation base varied. But she can see that the ones who looked around her age had a cultivation base in late [Earth Profound] and the slightly older looking had a cultivation base in early [Sky Profound].

This was what she feared. They are stronger than her. But even so, they are looking extremely respectful towards her.

"We pay our respects to Lady Xiao."

"...I assume everyone knows what they will be doing?"

"We are to follow any command issued by Young Master Xiao and his wife."

"Good. Then let me explain a few things." Xia Qingyue proceeded to establish her dominance over these ten girls. 

Though she is wondering how long this will last. Her husband likes proactivity and when they are productive in some way. 

That's why she still cooks and tries to spend a lot of time just trying to cuddle and let him rest.

But now…since they have this many maids… 

She needs to be more active than ever before.


Xiao Long sighed as he watched the Airship fly away. It appears he did end up getting engaged to Feng Xue'er. What baffled him the most is that Grand Sect Elder ended up visiting him. 

It was the most confusing, he wondered what happened to Feng Hengkong. If the previous Emperor was here, what happened to the current one?

'Did I rip him so badly that his father had to come out from retirement!?

Jeez… now I feel a little bit bad…'

Though he is curious about Feng Xue'er, her aura is unique, he never met someone with such a potent Divine Bloodline. 

It's like she was an ethereal being.

'Well, anyway, got some more money…'

He looked at another purple profound card. It was full of coins. Xiao Long sold another batch of 40 pills. For 400 million Profound coins.

Feng Tianwei was ready to splash, so he took this money… Now what to do with it?

'Meh… Going to donate this to the Clan…another 4 billion contribution points…'

After thinking about the next course of action the Young Master flew over to the contribution hall and handed over the money, the points were allocated. 

By this point, he has so many contribution points that he could buy over the clan hundreds if not thousands of times over.

Once the exchange was done he went back to work, he needs to deploy the arrays, 

Then create the array to detect talent and lastly set the floating array. 

Though… this makes him think…simple preservation arrays while good, they don't work that well for elemental resources.

Like the bunch of fire Profound fruits, herbs and grasses he got from the Divine Phoenix Empire.

He can't truly maintain them for long, after a while, they will start losing their effects.

"Hmm…that reminds me, that Fire Dragon, it has the fire seed. If I can use THAT as a source of energy for the array I will have a perfect 'glass' garden for exotic plants which need Fire Profound energy." 

He said that to himself while stroking his chin, he was thinking how to deal with this. That dragon is an actual dragon, not some half-breed mix between a snake and something else.

Just killing it is quite wasteful.

'As any Young Master, I should have a proper mount.'

With the new idea in mind, Xiao Long proceeded to walk towards his warehouse. Walking is good for thinking he needs to find a way to beat the beast and make it join his side. 

So something like a sealing array? Not proper sealing off the array but the movement limiting array to keep it in place. 

'Yes sounds about right. Though symbolism is needed to keep it in place. Boundaries? Maybe something like animal symbolism? Fire absorption, reaction to its dragon bloodline? Something to suppress it?' 

As he arrived at his warehouse he pulled out an empty scroll and proceeded to draw. He needs to test out a few things.

Dragon15681 Dragon15681

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