100% Arrowverse: The Tale of Raphael Kedry / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Monster Castle Bash!

บท 2: Chapter 2: Monster Castle Bash!




- 10:56 A.M September 1st | Earth-276 Canada -

Raphael heard them before he ever saw them. Hundreds of howls indicating that every Werewolf pack withn 30 miles of here smelled him and were on their way to feast on his heart and whatever other body parts they fancied.

"Alright speed force how does this work? Do I just... run?" Raphael muttered to himself as the howls and growls of supernatural predators came closer and closer until he could hear the sound of leaves and branches snapping and being crunched underfoot. 'Shit! Come on super speed how do you work?' Raphael thought frantically as he spotted blurs of black, brown, and gray fur out of the corner of his eye in the distance.

As Raphael continued to try and activate the speed force he failed to notice the being that had snuck up on him from above. The being was sickly pale and had slicked back black hair and pearly white fangs that he continously licked over and over again.

"AHH!" The being yelled out as he launched from the branch towards his unsuspecting victim and his first human meal in the past 240 years.

Raphael heard the yell from up above him and twisted his body to see what was coming at him. Finidng a sickly pale looking Vampire in a poor tailored suit that had obviously seen better days was not what he expected to be attacked by as packs of Werewolves continued to close in around him. 'Fuck what do I do!?' Raphael yelled out mentally as the Vampire flew towards him at supernatural speeds.

'Stop thinking about what you want or need to do and just do it!' He heard a gruff voice yell in his mind. Easily regonizing the voice as Vegetas meaning the Speed force he chose to trust the voice and he let his instincts take over.

Suddenly the supernatural speeds the Vampire was moving at slowed until it looked as if he was moving in slow motion. Not as slow as he would have thought but Raphael chalked that up to it being because it was a Vampire and was supernaturally enhanced. Raphael walked upto the Vampire who was slolwy decending and had just landed his feet onto the forest floor and attempted to vibrate his hand so that he could kill the Vamp.

'Fuck why is this so hard to do?' Raphael questioned as every few seconds it would work but only for a second or two until his hand would return back to normal. Sweat began to accumulate on Raphaels brow and the sweat started dripping down into his eyes as minutes seemed to pass by with no results. 'GOD DAMN IT!' Raphael screamed mentally as he threw a fist towards the Vampires heart.

TIme seemed to slow down as Raphael watched as his fist slowly caved in the Vampires chest cavity before making its way through the Vampire's chest entirely. After that time seemed to speed up around him as the Vampire resumed its normal speed before gasping for breath and turning its blood red eyes to Raphaels equally blood red eyes.

"H-How?" The Vampire muttered horrified that a human, the first human seen in the past 200 years had killed him so easily.

"Super speed." Raphael answered simply as he ripped his hand out of the Vamps chest in a blur before throwing another punch this time at the Vamps face. The fist impacted with a deafening crunch and sent the Vampire flying back into a nearby redwood tree. The Vampire imacted the tree with such a force that his spinal cord snapped on impact and the Vampire dropped to the forest floor dead.




Raphael heard hundreds of howls slowly surround him and watched as a few packs of 10 to 20 Werewolves showed themselves and rushed towards their human prey. As they rushed towards Raphael hoping to finally taste that delicious heart and juicy human meat that they oh so desired. Raphael had one thought going through his brain as he watched as the Werewolves all sprinted towards him in what seemed to be slow motion. 'These mutts won't even know what hit em'.'

In a blur or red Raphael was already throwing punch directly towards a Werewolf's heart. The fist impacted and caused the chest cavity to cave in slighlty but his fist was pushed back as the Werewolf's body was simply more durable than the Vampires. Not only that but due to the increased durability of the Werewolfs fur Raphael broke a few of the bones in his hand and his wrists were now a bleeding mess of blood and bone.

"Ah! Damn!" Raphael cursed outloud not releasing that he had stopped moving at faster then thought possible speeds allowing the Werewolf he had punched to swipe a claw in his direction. The claws tore through the security guard jacket he had on and pierced his skin sending him tumbling to the ground in pain. Looking down at the now three large claw marks on his chest that were bright red and leaking blood he felt a wave of anger and he blurred forward towards the Werewolf once again.

This time Raphael closed his eyes and thought back to what the speed force had told him. If you want to do it just do it, trust yourself and follow your instincts. Raphael opened his eyes that seemed to have gained a certain clarity to them and blurred forward at nearly double the speed at which he had been moving before hand. The Werewolf couldn't even see a flash of his opponent before he felt a foregin object through his chest.

The Werewolf looked down in shock as the humans entire armed seemed to vibrate into and through his chest, then in a blur of movement the human tore his hand out of his chest and moved onto one of his brother wolves. The Werewolf could barely register what was happening as his heart stopped and he collapsed to the ground dead.

Within the next few seconds droves of Werewolves dropped to the ground dead all with a shocked expression on their face. All the while Raphael blurred in between Werewolves with manical glee as he stopped heart after heart dropping body after body. Barely a minute had passed after the first Werewolf had dropped to the ground lifeless and already there was only one Werewolf left. Raphael watched in slow motion as the lone wolf looked around in horror before looking up and seeing Raphael's blurred image. Tears leaked from the Werewolf's eyes as he threw himself down onto all fours and howled in sorrow and rage as he rushed towards Raphael.

Seeing the wolf distraught caused Raphael's heart to soften a little before he remembered that they were after his blood, his flesh, his heart. Just like that all the sudden guilt and remorse was lifted off his chest as he blurred forward towards the Werewolf. Raphael stopped and crouched down next to the enraged wolf and watched as he sprinted forward on all fours in slow motion. Raphael decided that while this world may just be a training world he was slighlty intrested in the history of what happened to it. He was always interested in history in his past life if he remembered right and so decieding that he wanted to get some answers he vibrated his hand and in a blur destroyed every single musle in the wolve's legs causing the wolf to go tumbling into a tree.

The slighlty dazed wolf attempted to lift itself up to battle the supernatural human but realized that his body was not responding to his commands. That's when it hit, the sudden pain of his leg muscles being torn to bits. "HOWL!" The wolf howled in agony and tears leaked down his face freely.

"Can you talk?" Raphael asked as he walked calmly up behind the wolf.

"F-F-F-Fuck y-you!" The wolf howled as he once agian attempted to lift himself up only to fall face first into a puddle of mud.

"Good. Now you're going to answer a few questions of mine." Raphael demanded as he crouched down in front of the Werewolf.

"K-K-Kill me!" The Werewolf roared as he tried to push himself up only to once again collapse onto the forest floor.

"I have questions so no, not yet. Answer my questions and I will, deal?" Raphael asked with a smirk.

"Anything you want just kill me!" The Werewolf screamed as tears continued to fall profusley.

"What happened to this World?" Raphael asked curiously.

- 12:15 P.M September 1st | Earth-276 Canada -

Raphael pulled his vibrating hand out of the Werewolf's back and thought back to what the wolf had told him. Apparently, this world was not that dissimilar from his own except in the year 2031 the tunnels underneath Paris collapsed revealing long buried ancient tombs that housed a multitude of supernatural beasts ranging from Vampires, Werewolves, and even Mummies. Humans in an attempt to fight back created abominations called Frankenstein's but after Dracula the emperor of the newly awakened Vampires discovered the plot, he sabotaged it and took over the Frankenstein's from the humans. After that Dracula went around finding hidden crypts all across the globe releasing Mummies, Vampires and Werewolves alike onto the surviving humans starting the war of survival as the humans of the time called it. The humans all retreated back to America where they held out in cities with tall 50-meter-tall concrete walls, but the power of the combined supernatural beasts prevailed, and the humans were forced to flee from their cities and were thought dead in 2072. The last confirmed human kill however wasn't until around 30 years later in 2107 when the last human a 13-year-old girl was killed and feasted on by Dracula himself. The current year on this Earth? 2312.

Red sparks began to dance off of Raphaels body as his anger rose to levels, he never thought possible. 'How dare they? Killing and feasting on a 13-year-old girl?' Raphael could only process one thought as he sped off in search of more creatures to slaughter. 'They all must pay.'

- 2:02 P.M September 1st | Earth-276 Canada -

Raphael made quick work of all the inhabitants within a good 200-mile radius of where he 'spawned.' Before taking off towards where New York would have been after a brief interrogation of a Werewolf pack leader that tried to hunt him down.

The pack leader also informed him that the supposed king of old America and Canada resided in New York, one of the original monsters that rose alongside Dracula in France. The king or supposed lord of the werewolves, Black Claw. The New York of now was no longer the metropolis it was, it is now a barren land filled with destruction and decaying buildings. Where now in the middle of central park stood a large stone castle. On top of the castle 8-foot-tall werewolf guards would patrol constantly, and outside the main gate stood two 9-foot-tall black fur werewolves with giant spears in their hands. The spears were well-crafted with their steel shining in the afternoon sunlight.

'Time to go to work.' Raphael mused to himself as he stood on top of a decayed skyscraper a few miles away from the 60-meter high and 40-meter-wide castle that easily inhabited hundreds if not thousands. In a blur Raphael found himself running towards one of the tall castle walls that had the least number of guards on top of it.

As Raphael approached the wall, he began vibrating his hands and as he got closer, he began vibrating his whole body as well. Raphael struggled to maintain it as his body actively rejected the process, but he persevered and eventually phased through the wall. After successfully phasing through the castle stone wall, Raphael collapsed to the ground exhausted.

Following a few minutes of resting and killing a few stray werewolves that caught his attention, he made his way around the castle's inner walls, killing any guards he met. As he made his rounds, he jabbed the enemy's hearts with swift precision before turning towards the center of the castle, which housed the main utilities, the barracks, and the throne room. As soon as they detected Raphael's smell, the remaining werewolves began rushing toward him with bloodlust in their hearts.

After blurring down the hall and rounding a sharp corner, Raphael was confronted by a massive group of werewolves, nearly filling the entire 20 meter corridor.

Several werewolves snarled at him and rushed towards him, some on all fours, some standing, and some even holding weapons such as swords, spears, and axes that looked like hatchets in the hands of the 8-foot tall werewolves.

Instead of trying to penetrate each of their hearts individually, Raphael thought back on an idea he had formed while watching the Flash show in his previous life. Raphael spun his arms at superhuman speed as the werewolves continued to close in, creating a vortex that consumed the corridor, and along with the jolts of electricity emitted by his body while moving at superspeed, the werewolves were now trapped within the massive electrical vortex. In spite of the howls of pain that emanated from the werewolves, he continued spinning his arms until the hall fell silent. Only faint thumping and scraping sounds could be heard across the stone castle hallway walls, an indication that more werewolves were approaching around the corner. A feral smile spread across Raphael's face as he prepared to attack again, 'This is too easy.' Raphael muttered to himself as he watched the first trio of werewolves bound towards him. There was no other way to describe the scene that followed in utter chaos as dozens if not hundreds of werewolves charged towards him, fighting against the electrical vortex in the process.

Continuing to push through the vortex, the remaining werewolves began to experience further damage as the stone walls crumbled away and began to enter and swirl within the vortex. In no time, most of the stone hallway had disappeared and was replaced with open space, allowing Raphael to peer out into the courtyard below, where a group of dark gray furred werewolves, eight feet tall and holding spears, guarded a midnight black werewolf, ten feet tall, with a large greatsword in his claws. Although the sword was worn and chipped all along the blade, you could almost feel the raw power it emitted all by itself. In a flash, 12 dark gray furred werewolf guards heaved their spears in their claws and threw them soaring with blistering speeds towards Raphael.

As the spears approached Raphael could see them in slow motion, but despite the slowing of time around him, the spears kept moving at an optimal speed. After weaving and dodging 11 of them, Raphael was caught in the shoulder by the last spear and sent flying into one of the remaining stone walls that once made up the now destroyed and crippled hallway.

"AHH!" Raphael cried out as the spear pierced him up onto the wall around 12 feet above ground.

"HAHAHA! This is what you all were worried about!" The Lord of the werewolves yelled out in confusion and amusement. "No wonder you fools are struggling down south! Black Claw Guards! Kill him!" The Lord roared angrily while pointing his sharp claws at Raphael.

All the Black Claw Guards raced forward and leapt towards the opening. Upon landing, the 12 werewolves stalked toward Raphael who was struggling to pry himself off the wall with the spear stuck in his shoulder.

His body vibrated in an attempt to phase through the spear, but the pain disrupted his focus, preventing him from escaping. After realizing that phasing would not accomplish anything, Raphael planted his feet against the wall and pushed forward with his remaining strength. As Raphael was being pushed to the limits of his speedforce energy, he somehow managed to drag himself off the spear and fall down in exhaustion right in front of the group of werewolves who had all retrieved their previously thrown spears.

"HA! He's just as pathetic as his ancestors were when we sacked their cities and burned them to the ground..." One of the guards laughed amusedly. To Raphael it seemed obvious that this werewolf was the leader and stood above the rest of the Black Claw Guards. The Werewolf had a streak of blue fur on the top of his head mixing in with his otherwise natural black coat. Not only that but the werewolf was taller than the others as well, almost the same height as the werewolf Lord.

As Raphael struggled to stand on his own, he said, "You know... I expected there to be more of you." The werewolf's grin faded to a scowl as he answered Raphael's question.

The werewolf leader of the Black Claw told him, barring his fangs clearly angry about the situation, "Normally we'd have hundreds... no, thousands of other wolves to enjoy and savour your flesh, but unfortunately they're down south fighting the south american monsters and their dumbass monster king."

Trying to gather enough time to regain his stamina and fight back, Raphael asked, "Oh, yeah? Just who is this southern king?"

A Black Claw member raised his voice and asked, "Shouldn't we kill him now?" The leader turned to him and gave him a look that said, 'You're speaking right now?'

The guard quickly apologized and bowed his head in shame, making some of the other guard's snicker at seeing their comrade deflate so fast before quickly shutting up after receiving the same look. "Anyway," The leader continued diverting his attention back to the form of Raphael. "The southern king is the king of all of South America. He's some kind of evolved Chupacabra and whereas a normal Chupacabra is a large furless dog that stands around 5 feet tall, he stands on two legs and has shaggy white hair going down his back and stands at 11 feet tall. Now, enough of that I think its time to feast on some human, isn't that right brothers?" He asks looking back towards the other Black Claw werewolves.

"I don't think so you fucking mutts!" Raphael roared as he stood up on his own two feet. The werewolf leader simply glanced back at him with a raised eyebrow before casually dismissing him and turning back toward the other werewolves. Raphael couldn't believe it! He had killed hundreds of werewolves at this point, and they didn't consider him a threat!? Anger began gathering in Raphael's chest which quickly turned into a maelstrom of rage. 'These wolves don't think I'm a challenge? I'll show them! I'll show this fucked up world just how powerful I am!' Raphael exclaimed mentally.

As Raphael was proclaiming his power mentally a firm red glow enveloped his body and began to pulse with power. As Raphael's anger was rising so was his power and soon enough the wind began to pick up and spin around him picking up small debris and swirling around Raphael like a hurricane. The wound in Raphael's arm slowly closed and was sealed leaving a triangle-shaped scar in its place. Raphael's body began twitching, then vibrating at an alarming speed and soon all that you could make of Raphael was a blur simply standing in place.

"S-S-SIR! LOOK!" One of the Black Claw guards shouted nervously pointing at Raphael. All the werewolves broke away from their conversation and looked at Raphael in worry and fear, all but their leader. The Black Claw leader grasped his spear firmly within his claws and took a step toward Raphael's blurred figure.

A dark almost demonic voice spoke up shaking the werewolves down to their cores, "Let me ask you, does a monster like yourself ever experience fear?"


A/N: Okay, this took a lot longer to put out than I thought it would but here it is, I hope you enjoyed!

next chapter
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Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
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Stone -- หินพลัง



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