The 3 battleships gain new technology that is far superior to their first-generation counterparts. The new ships gain improvements in new armaments and gain new abilities from the new things. These abilities consist of teleportation, gaining nanomaterials from solids and liquid mass, turning invisible, having a weapon that can destroy the world, and other major improvements. Some of these major improvements are converting nanomaterials into other elements, self-improvement, adaptability, capable to invent and research into better technology, and even is capable of space travel.
The Admiralty Code actually built the 3 battleships before Babylonia to recognize the growth of humanity. One of the orders of that the Admiralty Code presented is a small amount of contact with the humans. It was a suggestion but the mental models went in and out of the human civilizations on a daily basis. Most of the time they went there not changing anything. Other times they cause a little scene with the locals.
The three ships are named Montana, A-150, and H-44. These battleships are the strongest that has been ever planned. Thus these ships are the main flagships of the Fleet of the Fog.
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