The story starts with a 17-year-old high school boy named Samiul, who was a looser, ugly kid with family problems. So one day he was heading home when a crow dropped sh*t on his head. However, that night after he slept, he found himself in a place (basically a torture chamber) where some creature started torturing him over and over again, just like hell torture. Every time he dies, he gets regenerated, and the monsters keep torturing and killing him.
The story continues with that he was chosen as one of the Angelic warior to save the world from devil king.
เขียนรีวิว귀하의 ID를 방문한 후 이 이야기를 발견했는데 솔직히 말해서 이전 이야기보다 더 좋습니다. 챕터 -1은 좋은 시작이었습니다 2장은 보기에 별로 좋지 않은 것 같은 중반이었습니다. 3장은 정말 지루했지만 마음에 들었습니다 하지만 4장은 MC 아빠와 무슨 일이 벌어지는 것 같았고 이야기는 점점 어두워졌습니다
Oh wow! Its really great to be honest like it can be goat i dk. I liked it a lot till now great anime vibe like i can feel it. However be clear with the story. Like the dream stuffs can look better if you explain it better
นักเขียน Neonied27
Ammm...i dont know what to say, chapter 4 made it wired and dark too. Chapter 5 was not much dark but chapter 4 is like holy cow, i loved it