71.87% Alpha Lilly / Chapter 23: The Aftermath

บท 23: The Aftermath

Lilly's POV

Aaron never came to watch the movie. I sat with Brayden and pretended to pay attention. After the movie I showed Brayden to a guest room and went to bed.

"Morning Father." I say as I enter his office the next morning.

"Morning Lilly... how are you?" He asks.

"Fine." I say and sit at my desk in the corner. "Soooo... what happened to your office?"

"Carson and Aaron had a disagreement." He says.

What?! Well I guess that's why he never came for the movie... wait he could have come after... oh no! What happened?!

"Are they ok?" I ask.

"Aaron is fine." He says.

That's a relief. At least he is ok. Wait he didn't mention Carson.

"What about Carson?" I ask.

"He is in the infirmary." He answers.

"What?! Why would Aaron do that?" I jump up and head toward the open doorway. "I'm gonna kill him!"

"Lilly sit down." Father says and I turn to look at him.

"I need to..." I start.

"It is between them. It has nothing to do with you so SIT DOWN!" Father commands.

I sit back in my seat and stare at father. "Can I at least check on Carson?" I ask.

"He is unconscious in the infirmary. He is in stable condition. You can't do anything there but you can here." He says as he hands me a stack of papers.

I take them and turn back to my desk.


It was well after lunch by the time I'd finished.

"Any thing else father?" I ask as I finish.

"No... go ahead." He answers. "Carson doesn't look good... but don't be too hard on Aaron... he feels bad enough."

"Yes father." I say and run out of the room.

I stop doc as I enter the infirmary.

"How is he?" I ask.

"Carson is strong... it will take a week or so before he can leave another week before he is back to normal...but he will make it." Doc answers

"So what happened?" I ask.

"Ask him." He says gesturing to the bed. I see Aaron sitting next to Carson. "I sent him out last night and he was back before sunrise."

"Thanks Doc." I say and walk over to the bed.

"Aaron." I greet him as I sit in a chair on the opposite side of the bed. He glances up at me then lowers his head. "You want to tell me what happened?" I ask I'm trying not to yell but seriously? He could have killed Carson and now he is mute. "Any time now." I say after a few moments pass.

"It was an accident... I... I didn't mean to..." he finally says.

"Some accident...let's see..." I grab the chart. "Broken ribs, broken jaw, orbital fractures, broken nose, broken collarbone..." I begin to read off the injuries.

"Will you knock it off you make it sound like I'm dying." Carson moans through clenched teeth as his jaw is wired shut. He tries to sit up. "Ahhh... maybe I am dying." He falls back in bed.

"Don't move Carson." Doc says as he approaches. "You're gonna be in that bed for a while son."

"Yea I'm getting that impression." Carson responds. He looks to Aaron who is still silently staring at the ground. "Well I'm not dead and you aren't hitting me so I'd guess we're on better terms now hu Aaron?"

Alpha Aaron's POV

I can't even look at him. When I do I just feel worse. Doc says he'll make it so that helps but still... I can't believe I did this. He didn't even fight me. I wish he would have. I've been sitting here all day. I couldn't sleep thinking about him so I came back around 4am. I thought hearing him speak would help but it only makes me feel worse. I stare at the ground as he talks to Lilly and the doctor.

"Well I'm not dead and you aren't hitting me so I'd guess we're on better terms now hu Aaron?" He asks.

How can he be so jovial. He is in a hospital bed and seems happy about it?!

"I'm sorry Andy! I can't say it enough I'm so very sorry!" I say.

I don't have any other words in my mind. I'm sorry, so sorry, I'm sorry playing on repeat in my mind but it's not enough! Nothing I say can make up for this.

"You know... no one has called me that since I left... I kinda missed it!" He laughs.

He actually laughs?! Why is he not yelling at me? Cursing me? Telling me to get out? Why is he so... so... happy about this.

"Sooo... why is he calling you Andy?" Lilly asks.

"Why don't you answer that Aaron talking hurts." He says.

"Mom refused to call him Carson... she said she wouldn't curse him with the name of her abuser... I was around her a lot so I picked it up. Carson Andrew Rose. Mom picked his middle name." I explain.

"Wait back up a second! Mom?! Like as in your mom and his mom?" She stammers.

"Lilly I'd like you to meet my baby brother!" Carson says grinning.

"Why didn't you stop me Andy? You could have! Why aren't you mad at me? You should be! I did this! I'm no better than him!" I yell.

"Look at me boy!" Andy says in his serious tone. I look him in the eye still finding it hard to look at him. He leans toward me. "Don't you ever compare yourself to that monster! You hear me? I chose this. I knew you wouldn't respond well. Now at first I thought you were just avoiding me but once you explained what dad told you... I knew what would happen. Don't feel bad about this. I got my brother back... that's all that happened here." He drops back on the bead with a groan. "Now if you don't mind I'm gonna get some rest. I plan to be out of here in a day or two."

"Not gonna happen pup!" The old Doctor calls from the other side of the room. Andy rolls his eyes.

"Lilly get him out of here... and don't let him sulk. He's good at that." He says and closes his eyes.

"Come on Aaron let's go." Lilly says grabbing my arm. I stay stiff not wanting to leave.

"Get out Aaron or I will hit you!" Andy says smiling. I reluctantly allow Lilly to lead me away.

Lilly's POV

I take Aaron out of the infirmary. I know exactly where to go. We leave the pack house and go through the woods to a hidden place no one goes.

"This was my momma's." I say leading him to the bench.

This was once a magnificent rose garden neatly pruned and beautifully kept but I'm more of a black thumb. I can appreciate beauty but I can't maintain it. The wild bushes are just as captivating to me. I sit next to him on the bench.

"The tales of Andy and Aaron!... fill me in... But only the good. No bad memories are aloud amongst such beauty." I say to him. He needs to think about how much he loves Carson. He needs to heal.

"Well... we are 9 years apart... but I guess you already know that." He starts then leans back crossing his arms. "He used to put me on his shoulders and spin me around when I was small... man I loved that." He smiles digging through his memories. "You know he was the one with me for my first shift... its supposed to be your father but mine..."

"Hay!" I yell at him "nothing bad is thought about here!" He laughs.

"Its actually his fault I shifted when I did. They say when you "lose" your first tooth you shift but most of the wolves I know get one knocked out first! I was sneaking up on him while he was doing homework. I went to jump on his back and he dodged me. I face planted on the corner of his desk and spit my front teeth on his math homework!... his voice was the first one I heard through the mind link followed by my mom's. We ran all night long." He reminisces.

"Dalton knocked out my first tooth in kindergarten. I was barely 5 and Soooo not ready for it. It took over 2 hours for me to shift." I tell him.

"That's rough!" He says then looks at me "Dalton... another one of the Males you spend time with?"

"Yes Aaron." I roll my eyes "he's my best friend and Carson's nephew so be nice."

"My brother has a nephew?" He asks.

"Yea... Sam's sister's son." I tell him.

"Any pups? I mean he always wanted to be a dad." Aaron smiles at the thought.

"Actually Sam can't have kids... they took in Dalton when he was 6 so he is basically their son but no... no pups." I say.

"Oh..." he trails off.

"But Carson and Alt are thick as thieves! Two sides of the same coin! You should see them together!" I say trying to lighten the mood.

"I'm sure... Andy is pretty great." Aaron says softly as he closes his eyes. He takes a deep breath then jumps up. "Alright I can't just sit around all day."

"What did you have in mind?" I ask.

"I was thinking of something along the lines of..... a Run!" He says.

"My kind of plan!" My wolf jumps at the idea.

"Come on I haven't shifted since the crash... run with me!" He smiles and I can't say no.

"Ok... but go over there to shift." I tell him.

"Yes ma'am!" He smiles and runs off.

I quickly undress and shift. Aaron is back a moment later. He looks at me then turns around and takes off.

I run after him. His wolf beside mine made me feel tiny. Father was right he is the largest wolf I've ever seen. He grins at me and pulls ahead I run all out and barely keep up. He looks at me and speeds up again. Well fine then!

I slow to a stop. The next time he looks back to see where I am he looks confused and turns skidding into a tree. He comes up to me with his head cocked to the side. He looks me over making sure I'm not injured. I bop him on the nose and run off.

We continued playing a few hours until father linked me to come back. I stopped and nodded back towards the pack house and ran. Aaron followed.

"Come on father wants to talk to you." I tell Aaron once we are back in human form. We go back to the pack house and into fathers office.

"Lilly do you mind letting me talk to Aaron alone for a bit?" Father asks.

"Sure?" I say to him unsure why he wanted me to leave. He had been including me in all pack matters recently. I turn to Aaron. "Talk to you later."

Alpha Aaron's POV

As we enter the office the events of last night replay in my mind. The door was leaning against the wall the splintered frame cleaned up but still in need of repair. The broken shelves have been removed and the books stacked neatly. I try to avoid looking at the mess I'd made and focus on Mason. Lilly leaves me alone with her father.

"Have a seat son." Mason says. I take a seat as does Mason. "So how long do you intend on staying with us?" I look away. I hadn't thought about it. I'm just amazed about Andy... I don't want to leave him again. "Don't get me wrong you are welcome here... but you are Alpha and your pack needs you."

"Yea.... I know.... doc says it will be a week before he is even out of the hospital... I can't be away that long but... he's my brother." I say.

"That he is... but you know... that won't change if you are a few hours away." Mason responds.

"I guess...." I don't know what to say... what to do... I don't want to leave... but Mason is right I can't stay...

"How about this... stay another night... tomorrow you can go back home and I'll keep you informed... you can come back as often as you wish... we've always had rather open boarders between our packs." Mason suggests.

"Alright Mason... works for me... I'm gonna go sit with my brother now if you don't mind." I say.

"Go ahead Aaron... I'm glad you came around... Carson missed you more than he'll ever say." Mason tells me as I leave. I go straight to the infirmary.

Lilly's POV

I left the office and decided to go to the rec room. I don't have many friends my age in usually with those my fathers age or with the pups. Other than Alt most of my peers ignore me.

"Lilly!" Dalton says as I walk down the hall. I smile I haven't seen him in a while "you have to see this!" He grins dragging me.

The rec room is packed with teens, pups, and a few twenty somethings. I tiptoe to try and see what all the fuss is.

"It started with some seniors doing homework and now! That pups on fire!" Alt says. I hear a small voice.

"5,672." He says.

"He's right!" Someone cheers.

"No way! He can't do that in his head!" Someone yells.

"How about history?... who was the 25th president of the United states?" A girl reads from a text book.

"William McKinley." Is the response.

"What countries made up the Allies in WWII?" A boy asks reading another book.

"Great Britain, US, China, and the Soviet Union... Axis was Germany, Japan, and Italy." I finally can see past the crowd as the answer is given.

I am amazed by the scene in front of me. There standing with a big grin and being grilled by high schoolers was little Brayden.

"What else you got?!" He yells.

"According to Greek mythology who is the god of thieves?" A teen boy asks.

"Hermes god of thieves, travelers, trade, messenger of the gods. Son of Zeus." Brayden answers.

"Brayden!" I call to him with a wave. He pushes through the crowd to me.

"You know this kid?" Alt asks.

"Yea. Dalton meet Brayden... he's with Aaron." I introduce them.

"You're impressive pup." Alt says shaking his hand.

"Not really I just like to read. I read and I remember." Brayden shrugs.

"Wanna grab something to eat Bray?" I ask him.

"Sure!" He grins and turns to the crowd "shows over guys!" He says with a wave and we leave.

"Pizza! It's always the best choice!" Alt says picking up the phone.

We sit in the living room nearest the front door. The delivery guy will be stopped at the gate and someone will run it to us.

"So Bray what do you want to do when you grow up?" Alt asks.

"I'm gonna be an Alpha!" Brayden says with pride.

"Really?" Alt asks looking at me and I nod. "Hu?... I didn't think Aaron was like that... and you're still with that guy!" Dalton is ticked! "What about when you two have pups? He already has an heir? Dude couldn't wait for his mate?... how old is he? He would have had to have been in his early teens!"

Bray looks at me and we both laugh. Dalton stands up looking at us.

"What this isn't funny!" He yells.

"Actually it is!" I laugh.

"Ari isn't my dad!" Bray is rolling. I know he gets this all the time.

"What?" Alt asks. We explain the situation laughing at Dalton's response. "Well how was I supposed to know?" We continue to laugh.

"But seriously Bray." I say turning to him. "Just because you will be an Alpha doesn't mean you can't have a dream. Do something you love. If you could do anything what would you do?"

"Well..." he says thinking "I want to help kids... you know like me! I don't know what would have happened if Ari hadn't taken me in."

"You could do that. Your pack has what 20 members?" I ask and he nods. "You're not like Aaron or me you could do more outside your pack due to it's small numbers."

"Really... I wouldn't know where to start." Brayden says.

"Well actually my pack does a lot of work with orphaned pups... you could be a lawyer, or a psychologist, maybe a social worker... we have wolves that work in the human world in places like this to help get pups out of the system and protect them while they are in it... you can do anything you put your mind to Bray." I tell him.

"But wolves don't go to college! They stay with the pack! Everyone knows that!" Brayden responds.

"Not always... it's up to you... crap from what I heard earlier you could probably get your GED tomorrow." Dalton says.

"Yea... I took a test at school in 6th grade... passed it no problem... they wanted me to get my GED then said I could go anywhere with my "amazing brain" what ever. I don't know!" Bray seems frustrated I don't think he ever really considered his future beyond being Alpha. The kid is a bona fide Genius!

"Just think about it... if you choose to I can help you get into some online colleges... crap you could probably have a couple degrees before you even become Alpha!" I tell him.

"I can do all three!" He grins. I chuckle.

"I'm sure you can." I say to him giving him a hug. We munch on pizza and talk for a while.

"Save any for me?" Aaron asks as he enters the room.

"Ari!" Brayden yells running to Aaron. "I'm gonna be a lawyer! And go to college! Screw high school! And I'll be a psychologist, and a social worker. And what ever else I want to be! I can do anything! I'm gonna help people!"

Aaron looks stunned by Brayden's breathless rant. He pauses a moment deciphering what all was just said.

"What have you been telling him?" Aaron asks directed toward me.

"That if he wants to he can do anything." I answer.

"He is an Alpha." Aaron says.

"Of a small pack that can do without him every so often if he wants to help and have a broader impact on the community." I respond. Brayden looks at Aaron pleading. Aaron looks unsure.

"I'll consider it." He says. Brayden hugs him. "We are going back home tomorrow... I'll be back soon Lilly but I need to be with my pack."

"Well... that means we have the night." I smile at him.

"So what are we doing!" Dalton interjects wrapping an arm around me. I hear Aaron growl slightly. Alt lets me go with a grin.

"Aaron, Dalton." I gesture between them.

"Dalton...humm... nice to meet you... have you seen your uncle yet?" Aaron asks.

"What do you mean?" Dalton asks.

"You don't know?" I ask and he turns to me. "He's in the infirmary." Dalton takes off.

"I figured he knew." I say stepping toward the door to follow.

"Guess not." Aaron says. He stops me. "We probably shouldn't follow... I don't want him attacking me... hurting him won't help mine and my brothers relationship."

"Yea... well you missed the movie last night... how about you make up for it tonight." I suggest.

"Yes!" Brayden screams. Aaron chuckles.

"Sounds good."

We curl up on the couch. Brayden places himself in the middle. Aaron is about to make him move when I sit down next to the boy. Aaron sighs and plops onto the couch beside Bray.

As we start the movie I feel a shock on my shoulder. I look and see Aaron has placed his arm around Brayden and is trailing his fingers up and down my arm. I lean into his touch and he smiles at me. Part of me wishes there wasn't a pup sitting between us. Brayden laughs at the movie breaking us from our impromptu staring contest. I look down at him and smile. I could get used to this.

next chapter
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