58.33% All Aboard the Bang Bus! (Crossover) / Chapter 7: Bang Bus: Gotta Fuck Em All! Part 1

บท 7: Bang Bus: Gotta Fuck Em All! Part 1

It was a fine day in Kanto. Five years since Ash won the Masters Eight Tournament, he settled down in Pallet Town and to live a normal easy life. Not that it made him any less famous. The moment he got back, he found Professor Oak and his mother waiting for him with proud smiles on their faces. Gary Oak had to hand it to him too. The professor's bratty grandson had long since put aside his dream of becoming a Pokemon Master to simply become a researcher, but even without counting how Ash had barely bested him in their bout it was clear that he was superior now.

And so life went on. Without thinking of Pokemon battles all day and all night, Ash lived like anyone else, though he never was able to shake the fame of being a champion no matter how much time had passed. Though as he got older he definitely started to think of things other than Pokemon.

Namely girls. He started going to the Pokemon Center a whole lot more for health checkups on Pikachu. The electric rodent was always doing fine, but Ash knew it. He just needed an excuse to go there for a much different reason that had nothing to do wth Pikachu or any of the others in his collection. And that reason was one Nurse Joy.

She hadn't aged much at all since he began his journey so long ago, but he appreciated her now for completely different reasons than before. She still dressed in her modest nurse's outfit, but even under her clothes it he could see just big her breasts were. And she always smiled sweetly at him, melting his heart and hardening his dick.

Nurse Joy wasn't the only lady he liked these days either. He once went to watch the battle at the Indigo Plateau and the moment he saw Lorelei of the Elite Four, his jaw nearly dropped seeing her massive chest again in a whole new light. He could barely concentrate on the actual battle, he was too busy simply staring at her tits moving and jiggling with every movement. When he saw Sabrina while visiting Saffron City, he forgot all about her weird psychic stuff that she pulled on him and his friends, all he could think about was how she didn't need any psychic abilities to think how good it would be to have those tits on his dick. Even the mild mannered Erika had caught his eye when he saw her again while going to Celadon, part of him started to wonder how much of a freak she was behind that cutesy demeanor and how big her boobs were under her kimono. And when he was randomly accosted by Jessie and James again, he was so distracted by Jessie's massive hooters that Pikachu had to keep itself from being kidnapped this time.

But the whole time all this stuff was going down, Misty was by his side. She hadn't failed to notice him drooling for all these women either. She always looked good enough that there was always one guy looking at her wherever they went and as she had matured with time, her ass had filled out with just the right amount of bounce and and she still dressed as liberally as she did. Her big butt jiggling in those short shorts with her long sexy legs exposed to the world would be enough to make any guy weak in the knees. Yet with Ash's preferences, she might as well have not been there. Her breasts were still flat as ever.

One day after leaving Pewter City with the two off them catching up on old times with Brock, Misty stopped him.

"Ash, do you ever want to do something?"

"Like what?"

"Like, I don't know, go out to dinner together," she said, looking away and blushing.

"You mean like a date?"

"Of course like a date!" she said, looking back at him in a huff. "Ash, haven't you ever thought about getting together with someone?"

He thought back to all the girls he had gone adventuring with. Dawn, May, Iris, Serena, and then there were all his friends back in Alola. Serena was the only one he actually kissed, and even then it was more her coming onto him. He had always been meaning to go back and pay a visit, but that surprise kiss took him by surprise so much that he never knew what to say to her. But then he thought about for all her elegant good girl appearance, she did have a good sized rack when they were traveling together, and how much bigger she must have gotten since then.

He just looked up at the sky with a dumb dreamy smile on his face and licked his lips thinking how good it would be to take that kiss to a whole new level. "Yeah..."

Misty knew he was thinking about someone else. "Ash, I was talking about me you idiot!"

"You?" He looked her over before he quickly looked away. "I, um, I don't know..." The way he said it wasn't in a shy bashful tone, more like he was weirded out just thinking about it.

"What, I'm not good enough?" she said, holding her arms out to show herself off, but she was so angry anyone else would think she was looking for a fight.

"I don't know Misty..." he said, scratching his head.

"Well why not?" she said, folding her arms and pouting at him.

"Alright, I like girls who have a bit more up here. And uh, you're still kinda flat." She was scowling at him. "No offense! I mean..."

"No offense huh? Oh, okay Ash! I know when I'm not wanted." She stormed off away from him.

"What's she so mad about?" He looked down at Pikachu and the mouse shot him a dirty look. "Did I say something?"


Misty had been walking in the Viridian City forest still in a huff about Ash. None of the Pokemon trainers dared to mess with her in the state she was in. It would be one thing if he was just too shy or said no. But the way he said it still got her angry. She saw him do and say some dumb things before but that was probably the worst.

"Oh I guess I'm not hot enough huh? I guess my tits aren't big enough huh?" she said.

She was getting red in the face. She barely noticed a white van stopped by a tree. As she passed it, the horn honked. She immediately turned to face it.

"Enjoying the show? Yeah, get a good front seat to at Misty's itty bitty titty committee!" she said, pointing to her chest.

The passenger seat window rolled down."Actually I was checking out your ass," said a man's voice. He was a good deal older than her, looked tough with and had several tattoos, he looked like he could be a boss in Team Rocket or any of the other criminal organizations she had ran into while traveling with Ash. "My buddy here in the driver's seat liked the look of you from way back too. He spotted you first and figured you might be down for some fun."

"Fun?" she said as if she thought they were playing some kind of joke on her. "What kind of fun?"

"The good kind of fun. By the time we're done with you, you'll be feeling great."

"You mean you like me?"

"You bet your sweet ass I do!" said the voice of the driver. "If some guy hurt you, I'll be more than happy to make you feel better." The man next to him reached to the back seat and opened the door.

"Um, okay," she said, blushing. It wasn't often a chance like this presented itself, but at the same time after Ash humiliated her, she didn't know what to think.

"You feeling scared?" said the man. "Last chance before we take off."

"Fine, fine, I'm coming!" she said, before she got in and shut the door behind her. They were off.

The Bang Bus hadn't known what to expect after their reunion with Lois Griffin. No sooner had they watched her fuck Morty Smith in all the right ways than everything was consumed by a flash of bright blue light. When the blur faded just as fast, they were in a completely different locale from Quahog, Rhode Island.

It took them awhile to adjust. They had seen some weird stuff before, but after zapping to another reality, they didn't quite know what to think. All the animals here didn't look quite like animals and just made weird noises. The people here were actually having fights with these things too.

They saw a couple weird looking yellow creatures bending spoons with psychic powers and then there was that bear busting out martial arts moves good enough to be in a movie. Actual fire breathing dragons. Even could have sworn they saw a few real ghosts. Even once saw a weird blonde woman with some serious dick sucking lips, and all she could say was one word. Though Jynx was probably one of the more normal things they saw. This world really was like nothing they'd ever seen before.

Well except for Flamigo.

But the important stuff was still the same. Despite everything that had changed, the people were still people. And the girls were still hot.

They remembered as soon as they had zapped into this reality, they were so lost and taken aback. They were in Pewter City, and at first it was all so overwhelming that they simply drove around looking at everything. But when they tried picking up some girls, all they talked about were Pokemon battles, whatever they were supposed to be. Starting to get scared their ride might actually get toasted in the crossfire from all the mayhem that was going on, they went into the nearby forest. Only for the van to konk right out.

Rick's device was still on the floor of the back seat. Neither of them had taken any notice of it. And just like before, the ride was at a standstill because of it's negative side effects.

A babe like Misty was the most normal thing they had seen so far. Her sexy self walking in a tanktop and short shorts, the years had been good to her. Ash had been too much of an idiot obsessed with tits to not only miss what a juicy ass she had, but her fine hourglass figure was something to die for.

They knew as soon as they looked at her that they had to fuck her.

"So you ever do this kind of thing before?" the man said to her.

"I uh, I don't know..." Misty said, looking away from them.

"That's a no then."

"It's okay," said the driver. "I'll be gentle." He was still sore about his bro getting to fuck away Kim Possible's virginity and then have her clean him up with her mouth. It was one thing getting tag teamed by Clover and Mandy, but those two were bitchy and had definitely been around the block a bit. Raw dogging it with a pure girl like this would settle the score between them.

He had climbed into the back seat with her. He wasn't as intimidating as the man, bald and lanky, but he still looked shady. She withdrew a little bit, but didn't look away from her paramour, giving him a bashful smile. He reached over and cupped her chin, before he leaned in and they shared their first kiss.

Her nervous appearance betrayed her. Despite being dressed so liberally and so smoking hot, she kissed back awkwardly at first. Not that the driver cared, he was ready to enjoy everything about her. His kisses were forward and direct, slowly brushing against her lips with just the right amount of passion. He moved his other hand to her bare shoulder and ran his hand up and down her arm.

Up front, the man was grinning. This girl reminded him of when he had fun with Kim Possible. If things were lucky, she was a virgin too. His mate popping that tasty little cherry and giving her the time of her life would definitely make this a good one.

He smiled seeing the driver move the hand that was feeling her up down to her hand. She slowly moved her fingers down onto his and he confidently wrapped his fingers around her palm. As he did so, he sped up his kisses just a little bit, giving small licks on her lips each time their mouths rubbed up on each other. Despite how red her face was getting, she hadn't turned away from him. He couldn't wait to see her naked and begging for it.

He brought his face away from hers to see her reaction. She was red faced and looked away from his smile. He let go of her chin and gently rubbed a thumb on her lips before he pinched her cheek like she was his daughter or little sister. She snapped her face at him.

"What are you doing?" she said.

"I figured you want to take it slow."

"No, I came here for a very specific reason!"

"Good, good." He didn't want this girl busting out any of her Pokemon if he got too aggressive. Now that he had teased her just like that, he knew she wouldn't haveanymore inhibitions either. He could be as open as he wanted.

He kissed her again, gradually picking up the pace. He locked his lips against hers, firmly pushing his tongue into her mouth. Even with how she tried to come off as confident earlier, he didn't let up one bit, licking all inside of her. She tried kissing back with her tongue as best she could but she was no match for him.

Now that he had established himself as dominant, he slowed down a bit, breaking the lip lock he had put on her. Still kissing her, he brushed his lips with hers in between sticking his tongue in her mouth. She started to get more comfortable with it too, freely rubbing her lips against his and licking at his tongue with the same pace he was.

As they were making out, he let go of her hand and grabbed onto her full and womanly hips. Despite being so flat chested, she still had one hell of a killer body and he loved it. Misty didn't mind either. After Ash rejected her like that, she appreciated having her body felt up like this.

And he didn't stop there. He moved his hand down lower and started feeling up her long and lovely legs. He was touching all over her, working down her defenses and enjoying the feel of her soft skin with every caress.

He could feel her starting to relax under his hands. He moved his hands a little faster now, so much of her was already exposed and with the way they were swapping spit, he was content to enjoy this foreplay as long as he could before they got to the real thing. The man in the front seat was enjoying the show too. He could tell that she was unwinding fast with his buddy, her eyes were closed and the only sounds here were the sounds of their tongues smacking up against each other.

When they parted lips again, there was a small line of spit in between their tongues. There was no bashfulness to her expression now, and her eyes were lidded in a state of dreamy lust. He moved both his hands to her full thighs, touching and feeling up all over them before he reached under her shirt. Her face showed the slightest bit of wincing, but she made no attempt to stop his hands on her small breasts.

Looking her right in the eyes, she didn't move. Pressing his hands on the texture, he confirmed for himself that they were very on the small side. Not that he cared, he knew all girls were sensitive in this spot, and the instant his fingers felt her hard nipples, he knew he was gonna have a lot of fun. She didn't have Meg Griffin's big tits way back when, but as much as he loved playing with those, it hadn't stopped him from having a lot of fun with her mother. And unlike Lois' tight little ass, this girl had a whole lot of junk in her trunk.

He lifted up her shirt so that her breasts were fully bared before him. He had a big grin on his face. Misty was going to say something, but he reached down to the small of her back and pulled her down just as he lay down on the car seat so that she was on top of him. His mouth was in a prime position to start sucking on that delicious flat chest. And with his hands firmly holding that badonkadonk of hers, she'd be his.

She moaned the instant he sucked on her chest. Her breasts were that small that he could easily take the whole small teat into his mouth, and he sucked and licked all over it with gusto. She liked having her body appreciated by this guy before, but after Ash rejected her because of her small chest, to have him go at it so hard on a place she was self conscious about made her feel better all over. He grunted like he was eating something.

And he found he could appreciate Misty's small bust very much. He loved big tits as much as the next guy, but her small breasts let him completely dominate her chest. He knew she was getting off of it too, her nipples were getting stiff in his mouth and she was moaning the more he used his mouth on them. Holding firmly onto her ass, he squeezed tightly on her cheeks and would then run his hands up and down her legs before he clamped his mitts back onto her butt.

Misty had to grab hard onto the car seat to keep herself steady and was turning her head this way and that as his sucking motions drove her crazy. Despite being so flat chested, she was just as sensitive as a woman with a larger bust, and he was hellbent on making her feel it. She felt his erection under her crotch too, and she loved that he was enjoying this encounter as much as she was. No longer thinking about Ash or what an idiot he was, all she could do was relax on how good he was making her feel.

Just as horny as he was, she hurriedly reached down to the fly on her shorts. She began undoing them, wanting to move onto the next step. The driver felt her doing it too, and started using his teeth on her nipples, biting into them with just enough pressure to drive her crazy. That caught her off guard, the pleasure was so strong she snapped her head up and moaned loudly.

She was like that for several minutes. The man in front had been watching her like that, lost in the new and amazing euphoric sensations from having her chest worked by his buddy. He was going to let him have first dibs with her, but since they weren't in a hurry to go anywhere like when they had Kim Possible on board, that means they could both have fun with her before the day was over. He unzipped his fly himself.

As she was turning her head and moaning all over the place, she by chance locked eyes with him. He grabbed the back of her head and pulled her into a passionate kiss. His tongue was hungrily scouring all over her mouth so hard and with how bad her bare chest was being sucked all over, she could barely lash her tongue back against his. Not that he cared, he kept mercilessly punishing her licking hole, enjoying every bit of it. And as she was squirming between the two of them, he reached down to her arm on his side and put her hand on his dick.

Stunned, Misty broke her face away from his. But her attention was immediately zapped down. She had never seen another man's penis before in person, let alone touched one with her hands like she was now. Rock hard in the palm of her hand, she was amazed by how big and hot it was even while her tits were still being eaten by the driver under her.

The man kissed her again. He grabbed onto her wrist again for several seconds before letting her go and she got the picture. She was actively jerking him off then, and while he had better hand jobs, he wasn't unhappy either.

While all that was going on, the driver had stopped munching on her tits to focus on getting her fly unzipped all the way. After doing so, he undid her suspenders and pulled her shorts down. The instant they were down enough past her legs, he grabbed her butt, only protected by a pair of white panties. Despite not being a thong or a g-string, the panties still rode up her ass a little bit, and he happily grabbed onto the succulent curve of her cheeks.

He wasn't oblivious to what was going on up above either. "Inhale!" the driver said at the sight of her going at it with the man.

The man stopped kissing her and looked down. "Sorry bro, I just couldn't resist." Misty turned away and blushed herself, she couldn't believe just how fast she had gotten into that.

"That's alright, there's a lot more things I want for her to do for me." He unzipped his fly and pulled out his penis. "Give it some love baby."

But for all of Misty's earlier embarassment she had no problem complying with his command. With both her hands on dicks, she was completely occupied with them. The driver still fondled all over her ass as she started jerking off the both of them, and the man resumed making out with her. Not letting go of her bouncy ass, the driver propped himself up on his elbows and stuck his tongue into Misty's ear. It was a perfect trinity of pleasure, these two guys slurping all over her while she jacked them off.

Just as the man had taken initiative before, the driver was both eager to up the ante as well as get back at him for stepping in without warning. He patted one of her cheeks, and she stopped kissing the man to look down at the driver. He cupped her chin and directed her to look right at his penis, and he patted her ass again. It took her awhile to understand him but she got the hint fast.

As she adjusted herself so that her face was right at his pecker, she had to let go of the man's penis. Now all her attention was on the driver again. Despite having gotten in here with these two and went straight to foreplay no problem, she still froze up a bit at the prospect of sucking another man's dick for the first time. But more than any innocence on her part, it was being this close to a penis. Just like how she was stunned when she started jerking off the man for the first time, it would be the first time she would ever be sucking dick. She had hoped to save herself for Ash, but never thought that she'd be giving her oral virginity to a total stranger.

But after he rejected her for her flat chest, she was nowhere near as picky as she was before. Not helping things was what a great prick it was. Just like the man's dick, it was big and hard. With her face this close to it, she could almost feel the heat on her face and smelled it's scent acutely in her nostrils, it was an unusual smell for her but no less intoxcating. And she was more than eager to get back at Ash.

Misty awkwardly licked the head. Slowly at first, then she stopped. She wasn't prepared for the lewd taste or the heat on her tongue. Then she licked around the head in circles, a bit uncertain both because it was her first time and also because she didn't know if she was doing it right. She looked up at the driver's face, and he just had a big smile on his face. He slowly nodded, giving her the confidence she needed.

While she continued licking around the head, the man put his head right up to her donk. He rubbed his face all over it while he feeling all over her legs. Up front, the driver patted the back of her head. Being felt up from behind and sucking him off, she understood perfectly despite this being her first time.

So she turned her attention to the shaft. She started licking it up and down. It wasn't exactly the meaning the driver had intended, but he wasn't complaining either. And while her blowing skills still left something to be desired, he always loved having hot girls sucking off his fatty.

"Do all of it," the man said from behind her to her. Misty knew he was talking to her and realized just how calm the driver was in spite of her directly licking his cock. Before she could respond, the man took one of her succulent cheeks into his mouth while tightly squeezing the other one. For a good long while she stopped blowing the driver, feeling flattered at his affections and let him worship her ass like that.

He was aware of it too, everytime he sucked on her ass cheek, he sucked on it really hard and fast like he was trying to swallow it whole before suddenly stopping so he could see it bounce and jiggle from the vacuum of his mouth, and he caught her just sitting there taking it, not doing anything to the dick right in front of her. So to punish her, next time he sucked on the cheek, he bit into it with just enough pressure to get to her without being painful and gave the other cheek one hell of a spank.

Taking the meaning to heart, she resumed her fellatio. She licked up and down the underside of the shaft, from the base near his balls right back up to his head. She heard the driver grunt and picked up the pace. Her oral technique wasn't especially refined to start with, but now it was really sloppy, slurping all over penis as quick and fast as possible, all over the shaft and around the head before she took him right into her mouth.

She looked right up at the driver again, and he had thrown his head back from how good she was giving it to him. Behind her, the man was still eating her ass and had reached a hand down to the cleft of her vagina. She was very wet, staining his fingers through her panties. Those touches in her cunt were driving her crazy and she in turn started bobbing her head up down on the cock in her mouth.

That did it. The driver grunted before he grabbed the back of Misty's head, pushing her down as far as she could go on his shaft. His cock tensed up before it erupted with cum, shooting load after load into her virgin mouth. She was getting into the flow of sucking him off, but was completely unprepared for him nutting so fast and suddenly. She could barely swallow the first shot of cum, and after he kept cumming down her throat, she couldn't take it anymore. His semen started dribbling out of her mouth and down her chin.

When he finished cumming, he let go of her and sighed pleasantly. Misty took his dick out of her mouth, it was softening a bit, but still not what one would call limp or spent either. There was still cum oozing out of the opening on the cock head, but Misty was too preoccupied on cleaning up her face to notice it.

The man smiled at the sight of his bro having nutted right inside this girl's mouth. Using his teeth he pulled her panties down to her knees like a horny dog, and looked at her naked rump right in front of him. After the driver took her oral virginity he was hard up and ready to fuck her rosebud like crazy. But there were other things she could do for him in the meantime.

He patted the small of her back just as she was wiping the cum off her face. She was looking down at the back of her hand covered in jizz before she looked back at him. He was standing up now with his cock right in her face. Despite having sucked off her first dick to the point of climax, some leftover cream still in her mouth and on her face, she was looking at his prick like she was in a trance. All she could think about was how the dick that she just went down on had violently quaked in her mouth. She didn't know if it felt good or if it was just that wild of an experience but she needed it again. Without anymore hesitation, she went down on him.

The driver wasn't reeling from his orgasm either. He had seen the look in Misty's eyes and was hard up to see her blow the man too. So he grabbed her hips and started to moved her up, before she rose up on her own so that she was now sitting right on top of his chest. She moved her hips up, unsure whether to move her pussy forward onto his mouth or right back on his dick, but he had a different idea. Still lying down, he grabbed her waist and made the motions to spin her around and she complied so her head was at the man's crotch and her big juicy butt was facing him. Then he pulled her ass forward onto his face.

With her bare bum at his mercy, he wasted no time in eating all over it just like the man had before. But his greedy hands reached around to her snatch and found her sensitive clitoris. As he was sucking her bubble butt, he pinched the clit in between her fingers and started stroking it. She moaned loudly, she couldn't believe how good it would feel to get fondled down there. Not letting go of her love button, he started fingering her snatch just right with the other hand, spreading over her labia and feeling the juices pouring down his digits before he penetrated right inside of her.

It was one thing to have sucked dick, but it was another actually feeling a finger fully inside of her precious spot. She had to stop sucking the man's dick to react froom good and unexpcted it was, only for him to put his prick right inside of her mouth. As the driver was probing inside of her, he felt her hymen on his fingertips for the first time. Then he jammed inside of her, enjoying the feeling of her cherry finally popping. He briefly took his fingers out to look at the red remnants of her virginity before he resumed fingering her. She felt it too, but the heat of the cock in her mouth and the energy of the finger still writhing inside of her snatch, it was all so good, and she moaned deeply with pleasure.

While she was being fondled to her satisfaction, the man had taken his member out her mouth. Grabbing her head, he rubbed his hard dick all over her face. Misty had a goofy smile feeling the hot rod all over her, she took in the smell of his arousal just like she had with the other penis and eventually she started rubbing her face all over his penis on her own, the intensity of the driver's rimjob, his fingering her and this hot cock in her mouth earlier and it's masculine smell, it was driving her crazy.

The man chuckled a bit and let her go. Just as she grabbed the shaft of the man's dick and took the whole organ into her mouth, he grabbed onto her flat tits, taking her nipples into his hands, twisting and pulling on them as he liked. Despite only being an A-cup, she was still could still feel it quite a bit, and after everything so far, she was far more sensitive and into it even after the driver had been chewing all over them.

Misty was in a far more perverted state of mind and determined to actively enjoy this blowjob now rather than being along for the ride and giving it the best she could. She was still new to sucking cock but she had no problem going back and forth on the penis in her mouth. Unlike her awkward technique before, she didn't stop one bit, despite her chest and crotch being fondled like they were.

Though the driver's dick was being untouched this whole time, her sucking off his friend and the joy of eating her ass and fingering that pussy was still getting him stiff all over again. He wouldn't have minded her jacking him off the same way she was blowing a dick at the same time, but he didn't want to stop fingering that pure pussy or interrupt the flow of her fellatio either. Like his friend before him he had started rubbing his face in between her glorious ass cheeks in between eating that ass, happily smelling and tasting her juicy pliant flesh.

Nor did he mind when she started using her hips either. He felt her pussy tighten and lubricate around his fingers, she just came in her snatch, and it flattered him she was far too into it to stop now. Having an almost divine booty like Misty's riding his face was like being taken straight to paradise. He started biting into her cheeks on the regular too, and this time Misty didn't react one bit, she was too preoccupied with giving head and giving her pussy worked. Unlike when he saw Morty licking Lois Griffin's rosebud when his face was completely squished under her tight ass, he was completely in control of this girl.

And he had far more in mind than just munching on her butt. Taking his finger out of her cleft, he spread her cheeks apart to see her lovely virgin asshole. He plunged his face in between them, and stuck his tongue right into her anus. She jumped a bit in the middle of her fellatio, it was the first time a guy had touched her there. Yet he didn't stop one bit, licking as far inside of her anal passage as much as he could.

This time she did have to stop sucking the man's dick. The driver's tongue wriggling in her anal sweet spot didn't feel good as her clit being worked and her hymen shattered, but it felt different enough to leave her completely spellbound. She closed her eyes and moaned as she was overtaken by new feelings of euphoria. She started grinding her hips, eager to feel the peak of the strange feelings building up inside of her.

The man ran a hand across her mouth. She jerked her head up at him faintly, overtaken by desire, she looked like she was in love. That didn't stop him from shoving his cock right back inside of her mouth. Holding onto her cheeks this time to keep her from getting away, he thrust his penis back and forth inside of her wet mouth. Slow at first, he started going at it so much that his balls were thrashing up against her chin with every movement.

All the while, her anus was still being eaten out. The driver was getting into it now, he felt her hips and body squirming as he licked around the interior of the anus as much as possible. As he did so, he moved his face around, loving the feeling of her bubbly ass on his cheeks. The more he ate into her, the more animated he got, moving his head fast like a wild animal eating fresh meat and growling in pleasure.

Misty was completely overtaken by the two guys and she knew it. They weren't going to let her go either, they were hellbent on having their way with her right now. But after the orgasm she had from being fingered in her pussy and the one she just had in her asshole, she didn't mind one bit.

The driver licked in between her ass crack one final time before he grabbed her hips and moved her forward. Her crotch was right on top of his dick, now fully hard again. The dick wasn't inside her yet, but she started riding her vagina over the shaft, teasing him by grinding it between her pussy lips. But he had a completely different idea in mind.

He still had his hands on her hips. As she was preparing to fuck him with her snatch, he grabbed her and moved her donk right on his penis. He wedged his dick in her sweet ass crack before he put it right inside of her asshole.

She stopped sucking off the man to take in the feeling of her ass being worked like that. It wasn't unpleasant, he was using his dick at just the right speed to hit every nerve ending in her anus, but the anal orgasm she got from his tongue was nothing compared to this. He could tell she was a bit nervous too from her posture.

"You liking this?" said the man.

"I uh, I don't know!" she said.

"You're telling me you want to stop?" said the driver.

"No...but I never thought I'd be doing this..." She looked back at him. "You're telling me you don't think it's dirty or anything?"

"Miss you have one of the best asses in the world. Whatever guy left you hanging should only feel lucky to even have the privilege of looking at this glorious badonkadonk! So sit back and enjoy!"

She blushed hearing that, she never felt so flattered before. As he kept pumping inside of her, she started hitting her butt right back up against his dick. Now that they had set up a pace to it he worked his hands right around her waist again and started playing with her snatch. Misty smiled at all of it, she never felt in more control, so she had no problem turning right back to the man's dick and taking it right back inside her mouth.

She grabbed at the base of the shaft while sucking him off this time. As she went back to work sucking him off, she started stroking his prick too. With the way she was using her butt, the man grinned. More than the blowjob she was giving him, the sight of this once innocent girl quickly becoming indistinguishable from any callgirl was what was getting off him now. He resumed fondling her tits, and she moaned happily through all the slurping she was giving his dick.

He didn't know if his staying power wasn't what he thought or she was that good, but she surprised him alright. Not too much longer, and he exploded in her mouth. This time she was ready, as like the driver before him, he grabbed the back of her head and put his dick as far in her mouth as it would go. This time she gulped down every load of his creamy goo down her throat, still licking at the dick shooting it's ejaculate in every corner of her oral chamber. He had no problem letting go of her head and letting her drink every last drop.

The driver had slowed down his thrusts to give the two some privacy during that intimate moment. When she was done blowing him, she took the penis out of her mouth and gazed at it, still impressive in it's hardness even after it's climax, before the way the driver was working her clit shocked another sudden orgasm inside of her.

Misty looked down at her crotch, at his fingers still inside of her vagina, and realized just how swollen her clitoris had become. It was emitting a steady stream of post orgasmic juice. Curious, she reached one of her hands down to it and took the fluid onto her fingers and tenderly licked them, tasting her dew for the first time. The man thought she looked so innocent doing so and took her mouth in another deep kiss, eager to taste that pussy juice himself.

The driver was nearing the end too. He picked up the pace again, going harder and deeper inside of her anus with every thrust. Misty started moaning loudly, unable to take the ecstasy inside of her body for much longer. She started hitting her derriere right back up against him, feeling funny inside of her butt.

He thrust all the way inside to the end of her asshole. He shot another round of successive blasts of semen all the way to the root of her rectum. Unable to take it anymore, Misty screamed as loudly as she could. The funny feeling in her behind had turned into a full on anal orgasm, and she couldn't move as she was wracked by waves of pleasure. The driver grabbed onto her hips to keep her steady, she was wobbly after having experienced several strong orgasms in a row.

The driver pulled out of her, leaving behind a thick trail of semen between his dick and her butt. Misty clung to the shoulder of the seat, resting her head on her arms and murmuring softly as she even started drooling a bit. As her bare butt sat down on the soft surface below, a pile of cum started oozing out her asshole. She had never felt something so good in her entire life.

"Fuck..." said the driver, his voice trailing off.

"Yeah, no kidding," said the man. "You messed her up real good."

"You gonna be okay? I hope I didn't hurt you or anything." He reached down to her butthole and pried it open a bit to drain the excess cum still inside. All the jizz leaked out onto the car seat.

Misty looked behind her at the driver. Her face was flushed and her whole body was covered in small beads of sweat. "No! No...that was incredible." She reached down to his dick and started jerking him off.

"Holy shit, are you still up for more?" said the man.

"Yeah..." Misty said listlessly. Then she thought of how good this session was and how long it might be before she got it like this again. "Oh hell yeah I want more!" she said. Misty wasn't jerking him off that good, but those words were getting the driver hard again already.

"Now that's what I like to hear."

"You wanna do a role reversal bro?" said the driver.

"Fuck yeah. You got first dibs on everything, so now it's open season!"

The man got on the side of the seat opposite Misty, and taking her hips, he turned her around so she was facing the driver. The two love birds smiled at each other, and he stood up on his knees to make it easier for her. Misty got on all fours to get in position and started sucking his dick while she was seductively gyrating her massive tushy in front of the man. It had been sheer torture passing up the opportunity to fuck her when he did, but now he was ready to go hog wild. He grabbed her hips and rammed himself inside of her.

He couldn't believe it. He was amazed at how tight and clean her asshole was on his dick even after being fucked there earlier. Unlike before, she was moving her hips right back up against him with no problem. Invigorated with her taking the lead, he started pumping right back into her just as much, both to feel the tightness of that asshole as well as for the impact of this once in a lifetime ass slapping up on his hips. The more he did it, the better it felt.

It didn't distract her from sucking dick in front either. She was bobbing her head fast, moving her lips down all the way. Misty was quickly getting used to it and she was so horny that she had no problem taking so much cock in her mouth repeatedly.

But she was quickly getting overconfident. She had to slow down the rate of her movements, it was getting a bit much for her. The man in back took her cue, he slowed down his speed, yet still made sure to fuck her all the way each time, her ass was just too irresistible. The driver also decided to make things a bit easier for her too, taking his cock out of her mouth and rubbing his balls on her lips while he jacked off his dick, wet with her spit. Understanding exactly what he wanted, Misty took his nuts right into her mouth.

It was easier for her to swallow his balls while her ass was getting plowed. Just as when she was sucking dick, she felt the sex organs swelling up in her mouth, getting hotter on her tongue with each second. All the while, she felt the cock head whacking on her forehead as he was stroking his shaft.

Her donk was still being drilled this whole time. As good as it felt, she needed more. She reached a hand down to her cunt, sorely in need of stimulation again, and dug her fingers into the cleft of her vagina while she pressed down onto her clitoris with her thumb. Taking charge of her pleasure, her whole body was filled with a pleasant warmth and the smell of the penis rubbing up on her nose started driving her crazy. She quickly picked up the pace with the rate of her thrusts back against the man fucking her ass.

The man hadn't failed to notice her touching herself like that. The driver looked up at him and they both smiled. Knowing exactly what he was getting at, he leaned over and cupped both of her small breasts. His large hands easily grabbed onto the whole of them, and he ruthlessly tweaked and twisted her nipples while he kept plowing into her donk. While it wasn't the same as having her small teats and nipples chewed on earlier or the deliciously rough treatment she got earlier from the man it still felt good being rammed in her ass while she was still working her clit, she was feeling ready for another orgasm. She moaned deeply as she sucked the driver's nuts harder and faster wth each second.

The driver pulled his nuts out of her mouth and cupped her chin so that she was looking right at him. He was stroking his wet dick faster than ever before he came, nutting all over her face. She closed her eyes as he kept raining jizz on her beautiful countenance, and she stuck her tongue out to take in as much of it as possible. She smiled, licking as much of it off her lips as possible.

Just in time, the man grunted and pushed his prick inside her asshole all the way to the end. Unable to take it anymore, he came inside of her rectum, shooting his slime to the root of her asshole. Misty's confident demeanor with the driver quickly collapsed as she screamed at the top of her lungs, her pussy and anus convulsing tremendously from the blast of semen flooding inside of her. She quickly became red in the face and her voice became hoarse from her love cries at the orgasms that swallowed up her whole body. Her throat was starting to hurt from her shrieks but she still couldn't stop wailing in pleasure and satisfaction.

He was still pumping inside of her ass as he came inside of her. Her anus convulsing in an orgasm felt great on his dick and the semen filling up her anal cavity was the perfect lubricant. Misty kept feeling it too, in the midst of her loud screams, her voice cracked and turned into a series of low squeaks before her arms gave way and her torso collapsed, leaving her big butt sticking up in the air. When he was spent, he pulled out with a long strand of thick cum between her butthole and his dick. Even as her rosebud shut itself the moment his cock left her, it was still twitching in ecstasy, jizz leaking out.

They both looked down at her. She had stopped crying out, and now she was only murmuring softly with her eyes closed. "Damn, you messed her up," said the driver.

"I think it's because you rammed that butt first," said the man. "Damn I wish I got to pop that bootylicious cherry."

"And it was truly great," the driver said, absent-mindedly stroking himself. There was still some semen leaking from his dick and he rubbed his cum covered member all over Misty's face. Her beautiful features were covered in a thin residue of his jizz, and she licked off the bits that got onto her lips.

Without any command, she got up and took turns sucking their dicks. They had both busted some pretty strong nuts, but this sudden turn was so unexpected. Even though she had just broken her fellatio virginity with these guys right then, her technique had improved a bit, she was almost on autopilot.

And they continued to be surprised. The both of them started getting hard again without either of them realizing it. She mixed up her style a bit, deep throating then licking the underside, and she even used her a teeth a bit to make things interesting.

The driver came first. She had swallowed his shaft as far as possible and ran her tongue all over the underside of his penis and the head. Just as she was taking it out of her mouth, he lost control. His last load for this session splattered all over her face so thick that it was dripping down her chin. She collected as much of it on her hands as possible and ate it all.

Turning back to the man, she took his balls in her mouth. Sucking on them as much as possible, she jacked him off at an increasing rate. As she was jerking him, she rubbed his shaft all over her face. Unable to take it, he came too.

As she was cleaning off her face again, she closed her eyes and smiled.

"Still thinking about our cocks huh?" the driver said.

Finally she looked up at both of them. "No, I'm just happy that I got back at that fucking loser."

"That's our girl!" said the man.


When she left and was back on her feet, Misty stretched out contentedly. Despite all that crazy sex, she looked squeaky clean like she just took a bath, there wasn't a spot of cum on her. She sighed pleasantly, she was on top of the world. As she walked away from the Bang Bus and out of the forest back to Viridian City, she found Ash again.

"Misty, I'm sorry! I did a lot of thinking and..."

"What, you decided you like my butt now?"

"Yeah! I can get behind it..." he said, grinning slyly.

"That's fine. I forgive you."

He breathed a sigh of relief. "That's great! I realized how stupid I was being and..."

"But I think you should know that I found some guys who liked this ass a whole lot more than you ever could."

His heart sank hearing that. "What?" he said, hoping that it wasn't what he was thinking.

She heard the dread in his voice and wanted to pounce on that opportunity. "Yup, they fucked me. I also sucked their dicks off right after too! But hey, I know you like this butt now, huh?" she said, turning her back to him and giving it one hell of a spank before she walked off. Ash was spellbound after what she just told him. It was like getting kissed by Serena all over again, he didn't know whether to be more shocked or turned on.

"Pika?" was all the electric mouse could say. Ash couldn't even respond, he just had a big dumb look on his face. Pikachu's face mirrored his, just as surprised, it's face at that moment was one that many people have seen before I'm sure.

And as for the guys in the Bang Bus, dear reader?

After having their fill of Misty, they tried starting the vehicle again. To their surprise, it turned right on. Both of the dudes high fived each other, but in their post nut high from fucking Misty and being back on the road, they accidentally rear ended a cop car. The sirens immediately went off. Even in this different world, they knew they were in trouible.

"Oh shit!" said the driver.

"What the hell were you thinking?" said the man.

"Hey I never said I was that good at driving bro!"

"Well I can't drive and even my dumbass knows that was a bad move!"

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

But when the door opened and Officer Jenny stepped out, all of their fears melted away. She had to be the hottest cop they ever saw. Her killer legs in that miniskirt were just begging to be worshipped. She had a bit of a bigger chest than the girl before but that wasn't all. The best part was that her ass was even better than Misty's.

This world really was nothing like the one they came from.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" the driver said now with a smile on his face, fist bumping.

"Oh yeah!" said the man. "How about we turn on some of our charms to get through this traffic violation, huh?" he said, flexing. "Maybe even give me a stop and frisk."

"Yeah. I am up for some police brutality all over this dick," he said, eagerly fondling himself.

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If you enjoyed this story, the next chapter is already up on my Patreon along with so many other yummy tales for you to sink your teeth into! If you're interested in commissions, check out my HF page for my rates!



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