/ Sci-fi / A technomancer’s journey in an apocalyptic world
3.54 (49 เรตติ้ง)
Getting a chance to join a reputed college, chance to represent his country in international sports, a 15 year Ryan had everything a person could dream off to have a stable career and one day a lavish life but alas it all changed one night because of It’s arrival. The world itself changed because of It, Earth’s geography barely recognizable anymore, all semblance of Modern Civilization erased and survivors began to mutate as Humanity tethered on the brink of extinction as the people slowly succumbed into their baser needs, the world became place where only the Strongest may survive.
Ryan himself had changed he gained the Power to manipulate Technology on his mere whim, but what would he do when technology itself had disappeared from the face of the planet build everything anew, while journey through and rediscovering a new but treacherous planet, fighting, foraging, rescuing others and trying to survive and may be one day unearth the truth behind the cataclysm.
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เขียนรีวิวThe grammar is really bad consisting almost entirely of run on sentences....................................................................
i change my review once i read it. Good Day for fishing ain't it, Hyuu Haaa! Forth eorligasss, Ride for ruin!!! to the world ending..........
The MC is an idiot,thought he would be smarter but apparently not. The grammar is pretty bad and it doesnt get any better with each chapter. I dont think this is a good story.
Do me a favour please if you see this comment, Shoot me a reply if this novel ever gets an editor so I can actually attempt to read it thanks.
Writing quality is alright but needs an editor to make scenes transition better. Most of the time you don't realize a time skip has happened or where everyone is. Story development is okay. Nothing to write home about but it's tiresome to keep seeing every man with powers turn into a *** maniac. Character design is utter shit. The mc is a child prodigy yet does the most reckless things despite having an army behind him. Dude has been in too many life threatening situations that are due to his utter recklessness/stupidity. Updating stability is ok. World background is good. All in all I would read this if a decent editor reigned in the bad and spaced out the story. As it is now, it is bad.
love the story! could use a bit of editing on the first few chapters but the rest is amazing! look forward to more. im a huge fan of magic technology combo stories! Especially since they are rather rare.
Listen if you want your story to ebcome better you have to fix it yourself and read everyone’s comment. I might sugar coat this, but many people would not and have no reason to because you chose to put this novel up unless you figure out how it fails it will keep failing. just a comment hope you can understand
Author has no clue what actually represents as a peice of technology, lol. Just from the summary itself, I am already quite disappointed.
Synopsis was excellent clearly explains enough to catch readers interest. Chapter 1 which I dropped at ruins entirety of it Sentence structure is almost non existent I find it hard to believe that their is a family like that, horrible siblings and parents sure but to not even notice son isn't living with them Is difficult to believe. Another thing difficult to believe is them being so oblivious that they don't notice mc success in things
This novel is overall terrible sorry for being harsh but i have several ofher novels like this in my library and i decided to read them today and all i found was a waste of my time its like you all perfect your first ch and synopsis afterward it goes down the drain and many have other novels that are the exact same state its sad
As of chapter 27 mc is a 3D printer with integration no technomancy to be seen. mc the 15 y/o "genius" "self-raised" emancipated "adult" the acts and gets treated like he's eight y/o Which could be explained by coddling if he wasn't practically abused and talked down to every second chapter but hey you know the apocalypse is rough everyone's high strung and order needs to be kept... i suppose.
Great idea, but bad writing quality in the early chapters. Also the events are not that clear...............................................
story and MC development very slow like 🐌..when i read the first chapter i think the Mc will be powerful because he have a cheat system but it make me disappointed 😑..i only read until chapter 18 and then stop. .why! because the MC so weak a dozen chapter already but the mc still tier 2 lifelifeform..ant mc!!!and don't make no-harem novel if you put it full of women around the MC..it just me want to cry! F**KNG MC YOU SUCK A ST*P*D MC. .haiyaaa. ..my bad. .hihi sorry my bad word and no grammar on my review ..😀
เปิดเผยสปอยเลอร์Unreadable. I really hope this novel is just an unfortunate google translate experiment. But deep in my soul I know that the author wrote all those terrible english sentences all on his own. Atrociously bad grammar and sentences structure.
i see wall of text, hard to read, hard to visualize, hard to imagine, hurts my eyes and imagination, I don't know why people recommend this.
OP power wasted on an MC thats a bit stupid, he even forgets about it a bit, has perks available at tier 1 gets it then forget about the other perks oh also a beta mc, writings ok, story dev ok, world building ok, update speed is fast, character is meh, will still read hoping the mc will improve
The grammar is bad, really bad, one of the worst ive seen on here. Not to mention theres no real flow to this “novel” and its all over the place.
นักเขียน SagelyDaoist
it's a good story idea and the cheat the mc has is cool but that's all I have. the mc is an idiot and acts like he is 10 he is supposed to be a super genius accepted to MIT at 15 but he is an idiot and has no maturity at all. the people around him coddle him and treat him like he is 10 also. I mean he totally fabricated base and a water/sewer system from nothing and then builds a vehicle from scratch and has killed people but they still talk to him like hes a toddler and he takes it. I really cant get into the aunt and the freak women because that whole thing is terrible.. the dialogue is terrible and needs and editor in the worst way. the best chapter of the story was the first one and then it went to crap.