37.07% A New Sun (Highschool DxD Shinto Demigod SI-OC) / Chapter 33: Chapter 27

บท 33: Chapter 27

In the few days following, I honestly considered a sex marathon of several days just so I would have an excuse not to do more bloody meetings.

That thought only became more prevalent as time ticked on, and the same shit continued day in and day out.

It went like this.

The smaller Yokai Factions had two reactions to me: suck up or be cowed by my waving the Oni Daiyokai's head around.

Sometimes both.

Truly, I am ever grateful that past Nori at least had the slightest foresight to get these smaller groups to 'help' us by wording it not as an aid to my living specifically, but rather as a chance to stick it to the Oni themselves.

Which means I don't owe them anything.


Not like they ended up trying to demand anything regardless when I waved the head around, literally.

The only one I asked for help from was the East specifically, and well, they more or less said.

"Meh. We'll see how it goes, boyo."

Word for word, that's exactly what that gourd-headed guy said.

In the end, the little troll and his Faction ended up watching on the sidelines eating popcorn.

Quite literally, as that's what the old bastard came here to 'discuss' when it was his turn.

And by discuss, I mean laugh. Laugh and drink sake.


The only amusing thing that happened there was Magari, the Nekomata Leader from the East, who came with him snuck off during our talk and dragged Kuroka into the Court Room specifically to bat her for being sensed by her despite having three tails.

Oh, and for a host of other stuff relating to way back after Kuroka first strayed.

Like the whole joining a terrorism cell thing. Instead of bunking with the East and Magari's cats.

That ended up with Magari forcing Kuroka to become her student.

Poor kitty.

I'm sure she'll rope Shirone into it soon enough, just so she won't won't have to 'suffer alone' or something like that.

I think a proper mentor would be good for her, considering she's mostly self-taught, and only recently reached three tails despite being a supposed master of Senjutsu for years.

We'll see how that goes.

As for the Five Principal Clans, they are mostly the same as usual.

Reverence due to my being who I am, mostly.

The Heads and current wielders of the Sacred Beasts of the Shinra and Kushihashi are being, for lack of a better term, hard asses.

They didn't show up to Kyoto. Didn't send anyone either. They stayed back at the Inner Sanctuary to 'protect' it, but everyone with an ounce of understanding knows that's a thin excuse.

If I recall correctly, the Shinra guy is a hard ass for strength, while the Kushihashi only has a rod up his ass.

Waving around the Daiyokai's head isn't going to prove anything to them, so kicking both their asses directly at a later date would probably solve the issue, but for now, I'm willing to let it sit until it becomes an actual problem.

It's odd, though.

I haven't heard from Suzaku since the battle. Not even a text. The Shrine Maiden that she sent in her place merely said she was busy with other important matters.

Definitely a little strange, wonder what came up all of a sudden?

Something related to Slash/Dog perhaps?

Ah, well. If firebird needs my help she knows where to call.

For now, though, I've got my problems to deal with.

Like this one particular fox MILF who keeps taking 'diplomatic visits' here!

"Still trying to figure out how to spruce the place up a bit, hmm~?" Hummed the said fox with a small smile as she leaned forward ever so slightly.

From my seat, I merely deadpanned right back at her, ignoring her thinly veiled attempt to show off her stretching valley of cleavage.

"I sent my maid out to go find someone to help decorate…since it's not like we know anything about that here," I huffed out, "it's just taking a bit is all."

Uzume does have high standards, after all.

"It's not so bad, you know?" Yasaka grinned and raised a finger in abjection, "Traditional, surely, but there's nothing wrong with that."

Traditional is one way of putting this place.

Much like the Study Room, or any of the rooms or buildings here it seems, it's all traditional architecture, with barely anything kept inside.

In this case, I was lucky there were a couple of seats and a very tiny table.

The Court Room walls didn't even have paintings or frescos on them, they were all a matching plain color.

"I'm fine with traditional," I retorted easily, leaning down against my tiny table, "it's just that it could be better. Especially if I'm going to have people show up. Constantly." I narrow my eyes at her intentionally.

To which the fox simply giggled slyly at me.

"Ara~? Do you mean to suggest we aren't having very important talks behind these closed doors?" She batted her eyelashes at me 'innocently'.

My eyebrow twitched at that.

When we're alone like this, I noticed she's very quick to drop innuendos and flirt.


It helps her case that her particular statement wasn't wrong.

Several of the times she's shown up, it's been to coordinate efforts toward pushing the Yokai together.

The results of these talks have led many of the Yokai from across Japan to stay in Urakyoto.

With my subtle mentions to the Yokai that have shown up about my connections to the West, and Yasaka pushing for Yokai to stay because of the business the Night Parade brought, many have stuck around, at least for now.

That includes Magari, unfortunately for Kuroka.

But while there have been meetings like that, multiple even, there were also several like this.

Where she shows up and starts talking about random stuff. Trying to tease or get a rise out of me.


You know what? Maybe it's not just the Princess that needs correction, but her mother as well.

How would one go about bulli'ing Yasaka?

"Hmm," I hum out, smirking back at her, "perhaps. Perhaps not. Though, I can't help but notice you aren't bringing Kunou along with you to these…talks."

Distract for now. I need time to think about how to go about this.

Yasaka grimaced at that, although her smile didn't fade, "Funny you should mention that, Noriaki," Yasaka returned the favor with a smirk of her own, "Kunou has actively been refusing to come with me to these, no matter what I say, although, I couldn't imagine why…" she trails off, knowingly.

Or, at least she thinks she knows.

I'm willing to bet she doesn't have the full picture, but it's not like I'm going to give it to her.

"Speaking of," Yasaka continues, "now that you brought her up, I just realized I haven't paid you back at all for watching over my little girl during that whole…thing."

She huffed with clear distaste before a sultry smile spread across her face, and she pulled on the top of her uniform ever so slightly as she leaned forward.

"Now did I~?" She questioned breathily, the sides of her nipples ever so slightly peeking out behind the cloth of her uniform, with the rest straining against it, outlining themselves clearly.

I give her the blankest stare I could muster.

"If you want to be technical about this, you could say all of this was my fault, you know." I point out plainly.

"Nonsense~..." Yasaka huffs out in denial, "You didn't control your father's actions, nor wish to be born, now did you? Besides," she leans forwards completely, practically on her hands and knees, fluffy tails swishing out behind her, "I was the one that more or less forced Kunou into your care, allow me to make up for that~..."

I'm starting to think this fox is Kuroka 2, Electric Boogaloo, MILF fluffy tails edition.

If she starts crawling towards me like that, I may break my tiny table fucking her silly on top of it.

Which is unacceptable, because this is my only tiny table!

Let's see here…for her type, the mischievous flirty type, what's the normal way to quickly get them flustered and bashful?

Aren't the indirect types usually weak to direct assault? Ah, but since she's an older mature woman, directly attacking her with spicey flirting would be ineffective, that'd be playing into her game.

Which means…showing her the opposite. Something like genuine, romantic affection?

I hold up a hand to make her stop and wait a second for me, before clearing my throat with a breath and beginning, "I know what you can do."

Her tails swish a bit as she tilts her head at that, raising an eyebrow in curiosity, "Ho~? And what would that be?"

"You can…allow me to take you out on a date."

She blinks in sheer befuddlement at that.

"...What?" She tries like she didn't quite hear me.

I nod sagely, "Mhmm, a date. It must be rough having to lead the West like you do, no?" I lean my head against my hand, and shoot her the best handsome smile I could muster, "I think a date would be something the both of us would enjoy a fair bit."

"Hmm…perhaps," she muses momentarily with a soft smirk, "but it's unfortunate, Noriaki, but I can't leave Kyoto for something like that."

"Who said you'd have to leave?" I retorted easily.

She fumbled a bit, "H-Hmm? Then how…?"

I smile genuinely, recalling my date with Kuroka briefly, "Because a date isn't just about visiting a place, either new or rarely visited, it's about the experience and fun you have along the way." I state with conviction, "We can have a sweet evening anywhere, it can be a picnic, a walk…you name it. I'll make it enjoyable, just for you."

She blinks once more, a small, barely noticeable blush spreading across her face, "...it sure sounds more like this would be a reward for me, doesn't it?"

My smile shifts into a handsome smirk as I look right into her eyes, "With how quick you are to show off your body, I thought you'd already know this…" I hold my hand out to her, "You are the most perfect reward a man could ask for~..."

Yasaka flinched back at my final statement, her small blush exploding across her face, "A-Ah…blast…" she huffs, crossing her arms underneath her massive bust with a pout, mirroring her daughters almost perfectly, "That's not fair, you know~? Most young men shrivel up at a mere little tease, how do you stay so…"

"Composed?" I finished for her, prompting a nod, "Spite." I answered simply, "Sheer, unending, spite."

And clever application and exploitation of enemy weaknesses.

But I'll leave that bit unsaid.

"Spite, hmm?" She tried out the word.

"You know, while we're talking about dates," I muse, "I recall also promising to take Kunou on one outside of Kyoto…need to figure out a time for that as well."

Yasaka was once again back to smirking, "Did you now~?" Then she blinked, "Wait, as well…were you…being serious about taking me out, too?"

I tilted my head at that, "Yeah? Why wouldn't I? I know I can be a spiteful prick at times, but there's no reason to be that much of a dick to you over you being a little tease," I huffed a small fit of chuckles, "especially after you looked so touched earlier."

"I…I see," she stammered briefly, "I'll admit, it has been a while since I've done that…it would be nice to experience it again." She smiles, a real genuine one, free of mischief, "Shall we make your dating me and my daughter official?"

I blink at her.

"As in, like, make it an official courtship?"

She nods.

"Well, in a sense," she elaborates, "it would apply more so to Kunou than to me, as she has yet to be officially…courted."

Ah. Her mischievous smile is back.

I deadpan straight back at her.

"I'm not going to marry your daughter just like that, especially without you not even talking to her about this first!" I exclaim as I shoot her down, much to a skew of vibrant and sly chuckling from the fox.

~ A New Sun ~

Fucking fox.

I didn't want to spend the rest of the day talking about courtship rituals and marriage, but that's what ended up happening.

She even brought up marriage contracts.

I don't know why, but that shit made me gag.

She was joking, thankfully, but still.

She also brought up something called the Hanyō-Kami Descendants Plan.

Which I'll simplify as her wanting Kyuubi kids with the powers and attributes of a deity to take over Urakyoto and, therefore the name.

Half demon/god descendent's plan.

Take a wild guess as to how she'd get such descendants?

Why, by me impregnating her and Kunou of course!

Kuroka 2.0. I swear.

She left it ambiguous on whether or not she was joking or not, but considering the fact I vaguely recall Kunou bringing up a similar plan in canon I'm pretty sure it's real.

Now, it's nighttime.

Over the next few days, I should have significantly fewer meetings to be forced to attend, as everyone has other things to do.

Even Yasaka, whose work is picking up in Urakyoto steadily the longer the Yokai stay.

I think, last up, I need to talk with Inari, as she wants to push job applications down everyone's throats steadily, but soon, and she needs my help to push those out, and tailor certain apps to certain groups.


But, after all that, I should finally have some time for myself.

For now though, mentally drained, I want sleep.

So far, in my new bedroom, all I have in it is this very comfy futon, but that's all I need to drift off peacefully.

Now. If only I could get some quiet to do so!

"I'm telling you darling~! It was awful, nyah~!" My black-haired cat girl pushed her voluptuous body into my side as she held onto me, shaking in 'terror' as she recounted her day with Magari.


"That old hussy made me sit there for eight hours, nyah~! Eight! And if my tails so much as even twitched she whacked me with all seven of her tails! Nyaahhh~!" She dramatically whined into my side.

As I stared at the ceiling, wishing for death.

Fuck it. If she's going to keep me awake like this, I may as well make good use of this time.

"Say, Kuroka?" I suddenly asked, prompting her to perk up, her whining ceasing instantly.

"Yes, darling~?" She looked at me with a tilt of her head.

And a small smirk.

Fucking cat.

"Did I ever tell you about my thinking about ways to try and, hmm, unincarnate you?" I try that term.

Kuroka blinks, her ears twitching, "Unincarnate…as in, reverse the effects of the Evil Pieces? Make me not a Devil anymore, nyah~? Hmm…" she hums, then shrugs, "No, I don't think so, nyah~!"

I deadpanned at her for that.

I'm getting the feeling I mentioned it offhandedly to her, but she probably forgot, especially if I didn't elaborate further.

"Well, I've got the start of a plan of working towards it," I continued unperturbed, "the only question now is…would you be good with the idea? Of trying to reverse your…hnngh, devilfication?"

That sounds better. Let's stick with that.

Kuroka stretched out, letting out a light yawn before humming in thought, "Would I? Let's see…beyond no one being able to do it before, and all your effort possibly being for waste if you can't? Hmm~!" She taps her chin, "I do like how easy to use Demonic Power is, you know~? If I stop being a Devil, I don't have that power anymore, presumably, nyah~! Nor the power my pieces give me!"

I nod, that's all fair.

"Let's see, lifespan? No, no…" she mutters, "Hmm…well, besides the power, the only other thing I can think of is that…it won't change anything, you nyah~?" She looks up at me, right in the eyes, a sad smile on her face, "Pieced or not, the Underworld would still come after me, just rather a stray and criminal I'd be only a criminal…"

I blow out a light sigh to that and pat her on the head.

"Maybe not kitty, but you see, you're missing something important here." I point my finger right to the center of her chest, "That little chess piece in there marks you as one of theirs. With it gone? I can claim you fully as mine." I huff out huskily, prompting her to shiver slightly, "And maybe replace it with a little something else? Who knows…" I muse wistfully.

Kuroka stared at me, a doughy smile on her face as she wiggled around against me, "Don't tease me like that, darling~...!"

"I'm serious though?" I confirm, prompting her to stop and blink at me.

Quickly continuing, I add, "And, besides, I get the lost power thing…but you already have a perfectly serviceable replacement that you stopped practicing."

Now at that, Kuroka cringed and looked down, not meeting my gaze.

Seriously, I nearly forgot I gave her Chakra. She was practicing with it, doing well and all!

Then she just stopped.

"Sorry…" she mumbled in shame, "old habits die hard, nyah~?"

I continued petting her hair, sighing all the while.

"If you need help with it, don't hesitate to ask."

"I'll be fine," she stated, "I just got…lazy is all, alright?"

I huffed at that, thinking for a few of the following silent moments before adding.

"You know, if I removed your Devil bit, your fertility would probably return as well." I tacted on, almost as an afterthought.

Kuroka's gaze shot back up to mine in an instant.

"When can we begin?" Kuroka asked calmly.

I merely blink back down at her.

Why didn't I just lead with that?

Keep it simple stupid. Especially with cats.

"Whenever I can start setting my plan into motion." I respond whilst patting her on the back.

Kuroka twitches slightly at that.

"What does this plan of yours involve this time, nyah~?" She asks, curiosity stricken.

"Well, you remember after my fight with Vali, when we destroyed that forest?" I started, she nodded, "And how I used my light to sort of, kind of, maybe help along with regrowing the forest?"

"Ah~?" Kuroka lets out a breathy sigh, "Yeah, I remember that nyah~! You think there might be more there?"

I roll my eyes at that. Judging by her reaction, it's more likely she remembers the lovey-dovey sex after rather than the forest restoration.

"Yeah, I think there might. All this time, I've been using my powers offensively, for combat purposes, but never stopped to think about, well…anything else?" I ground out, almost ashamed of myself there, "I mean the sun is more than just fire and light, it's–"

"Life." Kuroka cuts me off to finish for me.

"Huh? I mean, that's not wrong, technically in a sense…"

"I think you might have something there, darling~..." she said with a wide beaming smile, "when I first met you, one of the things I sensed from you was life. Not like life-force, or ki, but something more." She kisses me on the cheek, "May be best to start there, nyah~?"

After a moment, I hum in agreement.

Life, just straight up, huh?

That could be excellent in fact.

I have a healing factor, after all. Maybe that's just a passive benefit from that aspect of my power?

Only one way to find out.

"Gonna go out, grab some stray devils, and see what happens when I light them up." I idly finished the intended explanation for my plan.

Kuroka blinked and raised an eyebrow at me.

"...Are you sure you aren't still thinking with your battle boner, nyah~?"

"Well…?" I state slowly, "Gotta start somewhere, right?"

Only to be met by light cat cackling.

Which I huffed at. Fucking cat.

There is logic I'm following here, although it's not something she'd know about.

About the only person to be un-deviled in the series, technically.

See, in canon, Issei did stop being a Devil, at least for a time.

Issei's body was destroyed and his soul was placed in a new body, one made of other flesh.

At this point? Issei wasn't a Devil, he was a Humanoid Dragon, and to become a Devil once more he needed to be reincarnated by Rias again.

That's a vastly simplified version of events, but what happened paints an interesting picture.

This all leads me to believe that Devilfication is only body-deep, not soul-deep, and that theoretically…if you can purify out the Devil bits or coating, you could reverse the process the Evil Pieces puts someone through.

Of course, this all requires experimentation, thus the need for test subjects.

But before even that, I need to make sure I can even, as a base, heal others.

Without that, well, I could destroy all I want, but healing is hard to come by unless you're a Phenex or Asia.

There is one of those in Kuoh, a Phenex, that is.

Hmm, backup idea, hello there~!

And none of this is accounting for the role the Evil Pieces themselves play in all this, another thing that needs testing!

Suddenly, Kuroka's cackling stops as she crawls on top of me, looming above me.

"Enough of that for now, darling~! I'm not some brilliant scientist…but you will let me help when the time comes, nyah~?" She asked, batting her eyelashes at me.

I reached up and cupped her face in my hands, "Like you ever need to try and convince me there, Senjutsu and magic would be a pretty big help here, no doubt."

Kuroka smiled as she lay down, wrapping her arms around my neck, and resting her head on my chest.

"Good, nyah~!" She yawned, deeply, "Now then, that evil old woman who hasn't gotten laid in three centuries ran me ragged…and I want as much private time as possible with my darling before you're suddenly occupied again, you know?"

"I don't think you'll have to worry about that too much," I idly note, wrapping my arms around her, "schedule should be lightening up here soon, should have more free time then for…stuff."

"Hmm~!" She hums, "Even when adding Shirone into the equation?"

I blink.


"Mhmm! Shirone, it's been a while since you two have been able to do anything, you nyah~?" She winks up at me, "So I took the liberty of telling her what's been going on…and needless to say, she wants to see you soon~!"

I stare down at Kuroka, who smirks innocently back up at me.

"Kuroka," I intone, "did you do this, specifically because I didn't save you from Magari?" I ask outright.

"Maaayybbee~?" Kuroka purrs out.


The cat learned the power of spite.

That's probably not good for my future health, is it?

"Huh. Well." My hands slide down her back, landing smack dab right on her ample ass with a sweet slap and surprised squeal from my cat girl.

The next thing she knows, I'm flipping over, dragging her with me so now I'm on top.

"You did say you wanted as much private time with me as possible," I held her down on the bed, leaning down to mutter darkly into her ear, "right~?"

She shivered, shaking her head at me as she looked significantly less certain than before.

"A~Ah~? Umm…Mercy? Nyah?" She tried.

I chuckled.

"None here, pet."


~ A New Sun ~

The rest of the month passed by at worryingly blistering speeds.

May passes into June, and only at the start of this month am I finding myself with enough free time to dedicate to pushing my plan forward.

Fortunately? Pushing toward my goals requires me to do one of my favorite pastimes.


Ah, how I missed the simple repetitive task of doing the same thing over and over again, repeating for what feels like an ad-infinitum until I get better at doing the thing.

Truly, the monke part of my brain is showing there.

So then, what task am I performing now so early in the morning as it is?

Well, there are plenty of gardens in and around the Kyoto Palace, which means plenty of test subjects.

Plant test subjects to see If I can draw out the supposed life aspects of my powers, by showering them in the glow of my light.

Now, I'm not trying to blow anything up, so I, and the several clones I made and spread out across the gardens to do this, are only giving minimal light showers at the moment.

Have to start somewhere, after all.

How is it going so far?

It's like Naruto's Rasen-shuriken training, but instead of struggling and straining to cut leaves, it's like watching paint dry.

Painfully tedious. Painfully slow. Yet so much better than sitting in meetings all day bug-eyed that I can't even complain.

Watching as the little sparkles of light rain down from my outstretched palm onto some random flower, as its petals are illuminated by my light's silvery white glow is also somewhat…mesmerizing, to be honest.

Even if nothing else is happening.

I'm going to feel bad when I start pumping these plants full of light like a drug addict.

All for science!

I blink belatedly as one of my clones suddenly pops.


They were suddenly attacked from behind, right to the head, who in the hell…?

Slowly, I stand up, turning in the direction I sent that particular clone off in, narrowing my eyes.

Someone is masking their presence in that direction.

Only reason I can tell is because it's not perfect, I can still sense them faintly, but it's muffled.

Wait a minute.

I recognize that aura!

Pretty much all my caution that had built up leaves me as I deadpan stare off into the distance.

In the back of my mind, something Kuroka said a bit ago replays itself like a vhs tape.

"Even when adding Shirone into the equation?"

Kuroka left not too long ago, Vali Team stuff apparently.

I've been putting off getting a collar for her, but now's a better time than never.

I don't even bother moving as the presence, as Shirone, turns to my direction and starts heading this way post haste.

"How have ya been, my cute little kouh–" I begin to call out, only to be interrupted as the bushes rustle and Shirone's form explodes out from the foliage, fist lashing straight into my gut.

Prompting my words to be replaced lowest groan I could muster from the back of my throat.

"You are…so lucky, I haven't eaten breakfast yet, or else it would be all over you right now." I mention, breath strangled.

"Quiet." She hisses, fist still in my gut, "Or I'll do it again, but aiming lower."

"Oi! Nori Junior is innocent in all of this! Keep him out of this!" I cry out.

"Senpai." She slowly looks up at me, glaring, something like the mix of a pout and a scowl set across her face.

"Alright, alright…" I concede, wrapping my arms around her little form, "Sorry."

"Idiot senpai. Idiot. Idiot. Idiot." She repeated, over and over again, jabbing at me all the while, although each jab carried little to no heat, unlike the first.

"Good to see you too." I muse with amusement, "Am I assuming correctly that Kuroka let you in?"

Shirone leaned her head against my chest, well, middle of my torso because she's so short, and nodded slightly at my words.

I sigh.

"I'm also going to assume that Kuroka embellished her account heavily of what happened to make me seem as bad as possible, yeah?" I further question.

"Most likely," she mumbled against me, "doesn't matter though."

"Hmm?" I raise an eyebrow down at her, "Why's that?"

"Senpai is totally stupid enough to do at least 1% of what big sister told me." She huffed out with conviction.

"You know what kitty?" I reached up, petting and scratching behind her small fluffy white ears, "That hurt. More than the punch."

"Good." She intoned back, whilst leaning into my touch.

Damn. Cold much?

Suddenly, she reaches up and takes my hand, looking up at me expentently, "You can make up for your transgressions, if you take me out and buy me food."

"So you want a date then?" I huff non-paused.

Her eyebrow twitches, "Not a date." She huffs, "Just free food."

I roll my eyes and smile as she refuses to meet back my gaze.

What is with me and all the dates lately?

"Right, right." I nod, "So where do you wanna go on a date?"

She twitches at that once more.

Ah, small kitty, you should have seen this coming! Interrupting my precious training time as you are!

Granted, I can have the clones do stuff while we're away…unlike the meetings, this shouldn't last so long that the headaches caused by all the clones popping would be detrimental to the task at hand.

Also, actually enjoying what you're doing helps when one wants to power through something, and I do enjoy bulli'ing and teasing the small white cat!

"Not a date." She denied with a little more heat, on both her tone and face, "But…I want yakitori."

I deadpan down at her.

"That's not breakfast."

She shrugs, and deadpans back at me.


Shit. Can't argue with that logic, now can I?

Though I doubt any kebab place is going to be open so early.

Pretty sure the little gremlin knows that too.

Oh well, guess we'll just have to spend the time doing other totally not couple things.

With a chuckle, I pick up Shirone suddenly, prompting a squeak as I start carrying her.

"Nyah!? Senpai!"

I ignore her outraged mewling, and start walking off with her, making a mental note to replace my clones as soon as I'm able to.

"So, while I walk," I smirk at her indignant glare, "why don't I tell you what's really happened, yeah?"

"Sure…after you put me down!"

"Nope~!" I cackle in denial, moving my head to the side to dodge a small little fist aimed for my cheek.

Not the worst way to get interrupted, if I do say so myself.

And hey? Who knows! Maybe something won't happen on this date that will also conveniently help me out with what I'm trying to do as well.

Nope. It'll be a perfectly normal not-a-date. That's all.


Murphy, do your thing!

next chapter
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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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