63.63% A Loners Creations / Chapter 18: The Budget

บท 18: The Budget

3 Days before Aarick mercilessly kill Gun-Chan

Meanwhile, in the middle of nowhere where there is the only desert for miles we can see a giant black and red Circus and, if we can go deep inside we can hear multiple gunshots and two very unique and hard to explain individuals speaking.









"Haha ich bekomme immer den Kopf"

{Haha I always get the head}.

Said an awful excited giant polar bear.

"Bloody hell I never thought I would see the day that I brought home a random polar bear that completely destroyed an entire online server of professional Asian gamers on Cod-warzone".

Shiro said while looking at El Luchador's kill count which was 74.

"Verbeugt euch vor eurem Urvater, ihr Noobs".

{Bow before your forefather you noobs}. Said El Luchador as he lights a bamboo cigar with his finger as this was a fire ability Shiro gave him with his mysterious ability not of this world as he gave Luchador a fire ability not of this world as well as he calls it inferno king.

"I must say that wasn't even a game that was just a one-sided massacre".

"Sie waren schon tot, als sie den Fernseher anmachten".

{They were already dead from the moment they turn on the tv}

"Hmm, a weird and worthy opponent indeed we would make great partners".

"Natürlich würden wir das, denn ich allein bin der Geehrte".

{Of course, we would for I alone am the honored one}

and just when Shiro was about to answer they began hearing a very cute but rather sexy voice as a girl came out as she said in a rather neutral voice.

"Your majesty you have a called on the phone from Matilda".

Both El Luchador and Shiro look at the Hazle hair yellow eye girl with a bikini maid outfit on with a Zphone-500 in her hands as she walks into the game room as they were all in Shiro main head base this place was called The Den of Happiness it is said to be the happiest place in the world this is were the one who rules over Hilarity resides when he is off guard duties.

But it is also the most dangerous place to attack reason be it is guarded by Shiro extremely insane and intelligent pets and the main guard of 999 elite battle maids train personally by Shiro himself and 1 mysterious super battle Buttler Shiro calls his king piece.

Which is practically the Admin of this place hehe as the entire Shiro gang is an army of historical nut cases in their own way.

El Luchador looks at the sexy maid as he said while look at Shiro as he said with a perverted smiled and said.

"Jesus Christus, sie hat einen fetten Arsch".

{Jesus Christ, she has a fat ass}.

Shiro looks back at his fury breda and had a face of understanding as he shakes his head with his tiny hand on his tiny chin as he said.

"Amen to that".

"Bin ich es oder wird es hier drinnen heiß".

{Is it me or is it getting hot in here}

"No that just you been a pervert".

"Fairer Punkt, denke ich, aber was macht dich das?".

{Fair point I guess but what does that make you}.

"A bad influence". He said with a really proud look on his face

"Dass du das so stolz sagst, ist ein bisschen erschreckend".

{The fact that you say that so proudly is a little terrifying}

"Say the talking German Polar bear wanting to fuck one of my elite guards right in front of me yah maybe I am a terrifying person but what are you, you are definitely not child friendly if you ask me".

"Gutes Argument".

{Fair point}".

Shiro nodded at his fury brother but the next question made him have to talk back in german to him as it was very personal if his maid could understand what he said.

"Sag mir, mein kleiner Bruder, du fickst sie richtig, sie ist ein verdammt dicker Mann".

{Tell me my tiny brother you are fucking her right she extra fucking thick}

Shiro looks at her as he slowly smiles sadistically as he said.

"Hmm... vielleicht habe ich es vielleicht nicht Ich überlasse es deiner Fantasie, aber ich werde sagen, dass ihre Mutter gottesfürchtige Köpfe gegeben hat".

{Hmm... maybe I did maybe I didn't I will leave it up to your imagination but I will tell you this though her mother gave godly heads}

El luchador finishes smoking his bamboo cigar as he drops it and crushes it under his feet as he said with a slight grin of understanding on her face as a single tear coming down as he said and look at Shiro.

"Du glücklicher Mutterficker ... gut, ich überlasse es meiner Fantasie, aber verbinde mich mit Mutter, zumindest mit meinem kleinen Bruder".

{You lucky mother fucker... fine I will leave it up to my imagination but hook me up with the mother at least my tiny brother}

Shiro then said with a sad smile on his face as he cants grant his fury brother's wish.

"Ehh, sie gibt einer Nonne gottesfürchtige Köpfe, aber die Schlampe war eine Fotze und auch ich kann dir deinen Wunsch nicht erfüllen, als sie tief in den Marianengraben schoss, während wir auf einer Mission waren".

{Ehh she gives godly heads for a nun but the bitch was a cunt and also I cant grant you your wish as she balls deep in the Mariana trench shot cold-blooded while we were on a mission".

El Luchador began doing the sign of the cross as he says a short 4 worded for the cunt in heaven.

"Lob sei die Spitze".

{Praise be the top"

"Amen to that". Shiro replied.

This girl's name is Ariana she is 24 years old but does not make looks fool you, although she ranks 768 in the elite maid squad she can kill a behemoth with just a cold look in the eye as she said with a slightly irritated voice.

Ariana: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/803751864729882737/

"Ok I don't know what the fuck you are saying but you got a call from Ms. Matilda".

"Oh probably hear to ask me about that".

From there, Shiro grabs the phone from Ariana as he pats her fat ass while saying.

"Thanks for your help as always now get me a cup of the strongest vodka along with a bowl of chocolate ice cream a cutting board and enough Pixi dust for 2 and make it 2 cubes of ice as that is the perfect amount of frost for a cup of vodka, not 3 not 1 but 2 capiche".

Ariana smiles with a little blush on her face as she said while holding her swollen butt.

"Right away your majesty".

El Luchador looks at the smiling Shiro as he said.

"Ich wusste es verdammt noch mal".

{I fucking knew it}.

Shiro gave him a look as he said.

"That just everyday skinship".

*Sigh* "I got to take this".

Shiro then walk toward his throne that was literally made out of the horn of many great old ones and the stone was primordial in appearance as well but surprisingly the interesting feature of this throne is that only the insane can sit on it or they will die by some natural cause within 24 hours in a sense a throne fit for a king, as of yet no one here was capable of sitting on Shiro throne except for him and his other two siblings.

The curse throne: https://www.deviantart.com/hippyhoudini/art/Corrupted-Throne-376190455

As he smiled and answered in a childly manner as he said.

"Hello milady Matilda.. is this another mission or is this is about the previous order".

"Shiro where the fuck are you". Said Matilda holding her head.

"Oh you know I'm home and watching adventure time on Netflix".

"Adventure fucking time Shiro your supposed to have been here 3 hours ago to sign the budget contract".

"Ohhhhhh... that was today I thought that was tomorrow".

"I send you a text last night didn't you receive it a distinctively tell you the date move up what were doing last night that was so important that you couldn't read one fucking text.


Said Shiro as he looks up in the sky and was remembering what he was doing last night.


Shiro was inside his room as he was smoking some otherworldly weeds don't ask how he got it he just has it as his room which was very cultured and had many anime and hentai figurines as he was rewatching the entire bleach series preparing for bleach 2021 to drop and by the time he finishes bentch watching it he would be prepared for the final season as he got a text last night.

"One from Matilda he will pretend like he didn't see and one from dark market saying his 2 tons of illegal pixie dust has been successfully purchased and will be personally dropped to his doorsteps via plane and land".

As he heard a series of ten girls coming from under his table that was very sus if you ask me as all of them were dress in maid outfits.

as they said.

"Your majesty are we doing good".

"Master, master who was that".

"Is it the Nazi traps again shall we proceed in their swift death". Said a beautiful dark skin girl who was fixing her glasses and wiping her face

"Kill them with fucking fire and bath them in the blood of their family and leave them there to starve and make them eat each other". Said a redhead girl with huge tits as all of them were in the same outfit as Ariana.

Shiro just unpaused back his episode of bleach as he watches Ichigo about to end Aizen's career with a facepalm as he threw his phone one side not seeing it till the next day morning as he said while looking at the girls below.

"Don't worry about it as this doesn't concern non of you El Luchador has it covered for me now less talking more servicing don't be afraid to use some teeth if it makes it easier on your mouth and jaws". Shiro said as he pushes all 10 of them back down doing whatever the fuck they were doing

"Yes your majesty".

"Right away master".

"On it".

Flash back end.

Shiro just replied to Matilda with this.

"I was taking a hike".

"In the middle of nowhere so tell me where are the mountains".

"That could be rearranged who knows I might just create one just for the fun of it last night".

"You know what I don't have the time for your bullshit you need to sign the contract as your the one responsible for the [project Loner] operation budget *Sight* I'm still confused why father chooses you of all person to control the budget".

"Well, milady unlike you all I understand the kid maybe he is a little fuck up in the head but arent we all *Sigh* look I will be there in the next hour just give some time and don't change anything or rest the plan doesn't work".

"And what if Project Loner doesn't work".

"I got 2 people on the job that I am confident could change his mind after all those 2 are more annoying than me when they put their minds to it after all Aarick will not put down a potential client in his resort he been secretly running right, Bonnie practically has infinite money on her at all times because of her ability so she can afford any price Aarick throws her way".

Matilda was having a headache as he said.

"Ok find one more question if this operation is successful who going to be responsible for the training mission as that person will also be their supervisor".

Shiro smiled as he said.

"Don't worry I have everything under control his supervisor is going to be the daughter of an old friend of mine".

"An old friend you say who might that be".

"You know her very well after all they are the most destructive supernatural specialist organization I know thus far but were fucking knights of old in the past quite the crazy bunch if you ask me".

"You don't mean".

"That right Integra Fairbrook Wingates fucking Hellsing".

"How the fuck were you able to even get those groups of monsters to participate in this project".

"Heheh like I said an old friend of mines".

"But your fucking 10-year-old Shiro, how do you even know them her father died 15 years ago".

"I have my ways, Matilda".

"You know what I'm not going to question it then tell me who going to be his magic and combat teacher it better be someone good".

Shiro smile at this as he said.

"Well, you wouldn't know her as she is an old student of mine I use to teach back in the day of course she doesn't even remember since it's been so long".

"And who is this student".

"She goes by the name Evangeline A.K. McDowell she also has strong ties with the Hellsing organization as well".

"Never heard of her".

"Take my word on this Matilda she quite the destructive force of nature when you get to know her".

"My fucking head hurts trying to understand your crypted bull shit... bye while you are on your way bring me a cup of coffee and be here in an hour or I will cut your pay for every second you miss".

"Yess mammm".

*Beep, Beep, Beep*

Shiro looks at the phone as he sighs and said.


"Maybe she acting miserable because she on her period"


Change of POV

Inside Matilda's home, in a meeting room, two girls were taking serious business about a project they have been working on or just started.

"Kerisha can we really trust Shiro with the budget I'm really scared of giving that child any kind of monstrous cash like that". Said Matilda who knows just how crazy Shiro can be with enough cash as the last time he bought 60 huge nuclear warheads just to juggle.

"Matilda he was the one who came up with the idea so he is responsible for it if Aarick doesn't want to join the academy will just make an Academy for him right across from the original academy that way no interaction is needed he get the education need with as much freedom as he wants it a win a win honestly how the hell did non of us think of something like that".

"No offense Kerisha but I find it awfully disturbing how much Aarick and my bodyguard seem to get along great with each other.

"You do know that Aarick hates all of equally right".

"Well, I won't say anything as I find it rather annoying I'm been hate for no reason".

"Well, I'm to blame for that after all his current attitude is that way because I fail as a mother so if he abuses his powers I will take full responsibility for it".

*Sigh* "It is not my place to get into family affairs but speaking of responsibility how are you know".

"How did his brother and sisters take it".

Well, the 3rd oldest sone has mixed emotions and the youngest see him as a disgrace and liability and said he is better off dead so I have him on watch as he is a very hot head and if he approaches Aarick as he is I'm afraid he is going to die I don't want a fight between siblings.

While the second oldest under Aarick who is soon going to turn 17 been the twins have their own reaction to it Hanekawa is excited and want to meet him but the oldest one is the one giving me a little freight".

"I see our student council president is prideful as ever".

"Yeah, you know the usual".

Matilda then smiles as she said.

"Satsuki Kiryuinn Dawn knowing her she probably going to say something like I personally will test his resolve and decide from there if I accept him or not". Matilda said as she imitates Satsuki's voice.

Kerisha look at her and said.

"She said the same exact thing it is kind of creepy how well you know her".

"Well the president is unbelievable in that sense I hang around her too much she is easy to read now".

"It's nice to see you and my daughter are very close".

"Yes but I'm still worried are sure the budget is safe in Shiro's hand".

"Well I don't know him as you do but I trust in his ability to take things seriously ish when it matters although I sponsor the money he also sponsors a couple million in the project as well just because he wants to be Aarick friend".

"Well let us hope and pray that devil knows what he is doing".

From their Matilda then ask Kerisha with a little curiosity in her voice.

"Let say Shiro succeed in convincing Aarick which Master would be the one to personally deal with him as they are like the principal that make that school operate".

"Well I already talk to them about the situation concerning Aarick and if he does join all of them will chip in as he is an omega class threat maybe even further".

"I see so Mr. Ozpin, Mr walker, Ms. Minamiya, and Ms. Nobuna will also be personally training him hahaha... Well hell what kind of monster do they plan on making".

"Well, Mr. Walker has taken quite an interest in him after I explain his very unique mentality".

"While Ms. Minamiya is shocked by the raw magic power he posses and has also taken an interest in him".

"The clown of God and the witch of void ha... how interesting". Matilda said trying to peek into the future but sadly once more she can't read any possible future that involves Aarick almost like existence and truth itself was protecting him.

"Well, this might be one interesting school year haa".


Day five of Hell

Inside a large metal room, we could see a naked Marron eye girl her eyes are dead, her skin had many cuts, bruises, burn caused by many things such as boiling water, sulphuric acid, hell, or just a hot molten Irion drip in her eyes socket as she was also forced to eat it while some were dropped on her skin.

She was beaten, stab torn in two, she was eating alive while been cooked at the same time, she was run over by every vehicle imaginable, suffocated the atmosphere of Jupiter while been yeeted into the sun, Rape by gobling, kobold, lava hung, acid frogs, eldritch beings and many more things you wouldn't want to know.

She stabs with poisonous needles at least a couple million times heal then stab again, she had her skin peel off, her body has been twisted in all directions, she was frozen in acid, she was stretch out like gum, she slices in pieces, she was a force to cut off her own leg for a sick twisted game, her eyes were stapled multiple time there was also a time it was drill out heal then blown out with dynamites.

All her bones were turned to dust as her own parent beat her horrible with a hammer with the condition of them been released if they do so but was killed right after they were finished, she also watches as her entire family was killed in the most gruesome ways possible leaving only her other sisters.

Who constantly takes a shift to whip her with bob wires honestly she has been whip right now as this bob wire was a combination of flames and electricity the last one had salt and sulphuric acid on it.

But even so amazingly she isn't screaming in pain anymore honestly this was mercy compare to many other things she has experienced in her she hasn't eaten as the last thing she remembers eating was needle-like sperm from a monstrous abomination.


A door open and what came from was Pandora as she said to Yin.

"That enough extra you can leave".

"Yes, mom right away".

From their Yin left as Pandora took a chair and sit right in front of the deadeye Shara as she said.

"Well Shara it is sad to say this but this is our last play date".

When Shara heard this she began smiling as she said in a weak and hoarse voice.

"Ar-Ar-Are you going to kill me finally I'm free".

"Of course not I will never kill my best friend".

"Please just end this suffering I don't care how you do it even if it is a slow painful death I just want to die I have no will to live on please I'm begging you".

Pandora looks at Shara as she smiled and said.

"No, no like I said me and you are friends to the end so that why I decide I'm going to keep you around but of course not like this".

"So you are going to let me go stop fucking around just kill me already".

*Sigh*. Darling cutting his trip early so I decided to give him a rather nice gift when he comes back and your lucky B.F.F today's a mental day.

"Haa... mental ha what can you possibly do to kill me in mind you already succeed their nothing left you can do.

"Oh, really well there is the fact you wanted to die right so I was going to give you that".

"Wait is you serious please just end it now I can't take it anymore".

"As you wish". From Their Pandora summon a chair with restraint as she took a humanoid thing from under her dress which was a doll it was very classic like and was the size of Chucky at least".

As Pandora began strapping the doll in the chair as she said.

"You know me and you have spent quite some time together and I know everything about you and so I decide to grant you your wish of death in the form of life".

The doll: https://www.wallpaperflare.com/rozen-maiden-anime-girls-doll-shinku-animal-animal-themes-wallpaper-ccngv

"What are you even talking about". Said Shara in a very weak and broken voice.

Pandora smiled sadistically and that when Shara began to cry she knows that smile all too well as it signifies a very gruesome torcher to comes as pleading more.

"P-P-P-Please I'm sorry for everything I will repent in hell just kill me I don't want to experience any more of this madness I can't take it *sniff*, *sniff* just end my suffering I will do anything, I'm begging you".

"Nope, we are friends to the end".

Pandora then walks close to Shara as she grabs her face and licks the blood like tears coming from her eyes as she said.

"Ahh, your despair is ripened to the absolute peak".

Shara was scared for some reason her heart was beating really fast in fear as pandora said.

"Well, you will instantly know after I begin as made this spell a reality in your name pal me and you forever in a train of eternal madness, well then shall we get started".

Pandora point one hand to Shara and the next hand to the doll as she began slowly to make the fear settle in and men it did it drive her insane.

As Pandora began to chant

"Ade due Dambulla. Give me the power I beg of you".

When Shara hears these first ten words the reality hits her harder than a bat to the face as she said in a scared voice.

"Yo-Yo-You is not doing what I think you are doing right". But Pandora's smile became more evil as she continues".

Secoise entienne mais pois de morte.

"No... Please no".

Morteisma lieu de vocuier de mieu vochette.

"Anything but that pleas *Sniff* *Sniff* I don't want to be a doll".

Endonline pour de boisette damballa!

"hahaha... hahahahahahah...ahahaha ahah... ahhhhh.....

Secoise entienne mais pois de morte.

Endelieu pour de boisette damballa!

Switch now.


From there the screaming Shara stop screaming as her head dropdown when Pandora looks at the naked and horribly damaged body of Shara that had a face of absolute fear and despair with tears coming from her eyes as she began feeling the pulse and just like she intended she was dead this body was now dead.

Till Pandora began to hear a cute little voice of a girl saying.

"No... no...no..noooooooooooooooooooooo"!

"You monster, you fucking harlot, you bitch, you demon look what you have done to me put me back I would rather live with no limbs in my original body than to stay inside the body of a doll".

"It would seem that the voodoo has worked and I successfully transferred your soul to that doll I created earlier ahhh look how pathic you are no strength, no more family and no more friends your life is over but don't worry I will take good care of you".

"I hate you, I absolutely hate you".

"And love you of course only as a toy lol get it a toy since you know you are a toy hahahaha".

"I swear I will get you for this".

"That ere you are wrong short stuff cause watch this".

[Your first order is to shut up]

"What are you ev... MmmmmmHhhh".

Pandora finds herself not able to talk as she looks up in fear as Pandora said.

"In this form, I have absolute control over you as you can't do anything to your new master but you know it not nice to be noisy during a funeral".

When Shara heard this she was confused that Pandora grabs a huge bottle of Gasoline and pure it on her dead body as she said.

"I have no more use for this ugly and wasted body but you need to come in term with reality so I was generous enough to give you a proper funeral by cremation now I will be going but say your final goodbyes to your old body".

Said, Pandora who summon a lighter as she drops it causing Shara's old body to catch on fire as the new Shara was a force to watch till Pandora decided otherwise.

From there Pandora walks out the room leaving a crying Shara as she said.

"Aww darling how much I miss you but even so must continue my work one 1 down 36,000 plus more to go".

next chapter
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Stone -- หินพลัง



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