51.51% A Loners Creations / Chapter 14: Each of Their Dark side

บท 14: Each of Their Dark side

Inside a dark room where no light was present as a certain girl inside, was unconscious as she suffered a serious hit to the head by Pandora.

The girl was still in a sleeping state if anything she was in this state for about 8 hours already, sleeping peacefully but how long that peace would last no one knows, would it last another 8 hours probably no, the reason be is a pair of red and amethyst eyes were glowing at the corner of the room just Staring at Shara.







The sound of an old analog clock and the loud sound of something been sharpening was all that can be heard inside this dark room along with the gentle breathing of a sleeping Shara who was oblivious to the fact a hell far worse than any other hell was awaiting her arrival.

And the queen of that hell was generous enough to wait for her to get up all for the sake of wanting Shara to be full of energy for their playdate.


At the sound of a chain suddenly rattling Pandora began to slowly smile as she stops sharpening whatever she was sharpening as the Maroon colored hair girl slowly start to awake from her slumber as she said in a soft voice.

"Ah... where am I... eh Ouch!".

Said Shara who felt an immense pain coming from her forehead as she wanted to hold it in pain, but she couldn't hold it as she felt all her movement was been restricted except her ability to turn her head and talk.



"Eh, what the hell, am I been chain to something, what kind of sick Joke is this HEY LET ME OUT OF HERE".

Shara struggles to free herself from the chains as she screams in anger.

"Ahhhhh... FUCK".

"How the hell did I even got here, why the hell is it so dark in here".

"How the hell did I even got caught in the first place... eh that right it was that loli bitch... FUCK!".

Shara began her outburst of a series of questions in a piss attitude till she heard the voice of a little girl in the background as the cute but devilish voice said.

(A/N): I imagine Pandora to have Gretel's voice from black lagoon so you can picture it like that cause that is what I do.

"I see you are finally awake".

Shara heard the voice in the background or more like it was all over the room and in her fit of rage, she said.

"Who the fuck are you kid, do you have any idea who I am you bitch, I am the daughter of one of the biggest mob lords in this city you hear me, you think you are going to get away with this I swear I am going to k...


A loud slap was heard inside the room knocking 5 of Shara's teeth out of her mouth this surprised her greatly as no one has ever slapped her in her entire life, not even Hu-Chan had the balls to do that.

In her anger at the unfair treatment, she was receiving from the unknown girl she couldn't see because it was really dark as she said with a serious tone.

"Haha you are so dead you bitch just wait till daddy fines me".

At these words, Pandora began to slowly laugh as she said with a calm voice, the voice had no rage behind them or no malice but if one listing carefully they would know that is not the case as you could feel the sadistic nature and emotion behind every single one.

"Aha... ahaha... kuh...! uwahh... haha...! Ahahahaha...! hahaa...! hahah...! Ahhhh...!".

"Your daddy this, your daddy that who gives a shit about your daddy little girl maybe you didn't understand the first time I meet you so let me repeat myself so you can understand the reality of things".

Pandora then said sadistically.

"There is no god little girl there is only evil and that all there will ever be, good bad it all the same but the reality of it is that it comes down to one thing which is evil, if one tries to fight evil then the evil will try to fight the good, in the end, both sides contradict each other yes".

"But in the final moral of things, both sides can only see each other as evil as they both are trying to stop each other, and sadly for you little girl you have gone and place your hands on that which is forbidden and have invoked that evil upon your self so tell me... what should I do with you".

"Should I slowly peel off all your skin and dip you in a giant pot of boiling honey".

"Or maybe I should gouge out your eye with a spoon".

"Ah, I know maybe I should cut open your stomach and place specially made maggot eggs created by your truly within your digest track as they slowly eat you from the inside out".

"The possibilities are endless, as creativity is boundless me and you can play for all eternity, ahh I know do you want to be my best friends don't worry I don't bite".

Shara couldn't see this psychotic bitch at all, it was like her voice was everywhere but nowhere at the same time slowly and calmly creeping and echoing in her ears.

She was trembling in whatever she was chain on as she said in fear and panic to the mysterious voice.

"You crazy bitch just you wait when daddy and his men bombard this place and, for information, we of the Hoar family all bear a stigma that instantly tells if we are in danger, even as we speak an army of gangsters and the elite mob is heading this way now, you here me you psychotic bitch I will make your life a living hell and we will see who has the laugh then haha".

Pandora smile at these words of course no one can see her as the place was really dark as she said.

"Why so serious"?

"I just wanna play... here what let me tell you why you are here as a sign of our friendship".

"You know I never thought I could hate a person as much as I hate you at first, I wanted you dead but death is too much of a blessing for you, and the funny thing is I thought by killing you I could settle this rage deep within me, that doesn't want to calm down no matter what I do".

"Then it hit me, it wasn't only you that needs to be purge this whole world need to be purge from existent in a whole, humanity was given too much freedom from the very begging if it was me I would utilize that freedom for something I love but what do you with that freedom you take it to make the life one boy a miserable hell".

"Tell me, were you ever beaten half to death by your father every single day and night without receiving any medical attention whatsoever"?

"Or had a cigarette that was flaming hot outed with your eyes".

"Or maybe had all your limbs broken by a toilet bowl and left there to rot and die praying for a miracle to happen".

"They're also things like having your baby teeth pull out, one by one, with a bottle opener".

"Then there was a time when your precious Hu-Chan breaks the ribs of my beloved so so bad it was sticking out his chest, my poor darling couldn't breathe without a certain machine for two weeks before it heals properly eventually closing up his punctured lungs".

"You know you all think there are no consequences to your action at all that you won't receive any kind of punishment for your terrible Karma but let me tell you something for every cause there is effect no one knows that better than me, and what you cause would have an effect on the entirety of humanity in a whole".

"If you brutally torture someone constantly for all their life two things might either happen and now of them are good for either side and you know what does two things are".

Shara hears as Pandora goes on with her insane philosophy but she needs to buy time in order for her father to reach her as goes along with it for now and said?


"Ahh, you truly are stupid well then let this generous me explain to you what your action could have brought upon you and everyone else after that".

"The first thing which to be honest is the most positive thing out of the two if you ask me, as only one side suffers, you see if you push someone over the limits who already has their own fair share of problems they would eventually get sick of it and just want to end that hell and take their own life if you ask me this is pathetic as some people would kill themselves for a stupid reason but it becomes the opposite when the reason is truly valid".

"And let's say that person succeed in his/her self harm and almost met lady death, but by some twisted string of fate they were miraculously brought back to life to relive it once more in a world they have long disowned".

*Sigh* "To make things short this is a kind of enlightenment for them which make the second effect or outcome all the more worse for both sides especially the side that causes that person to break".

"Normally the second outcome would be for that person to snap and fight back as he or she is fed up with all the bullshit they been true but after that person resurrection and was forcefully brought back to the life they didn't want well hehe let me tell you, something sweetheart, this is a unique type outcome and effect that you cause upon your self you know what that is".

"No what is it"?

Pandora smile as she said 5 simple words that answer everything.

"That's how monsters are born".

"What the hell are you even talking about".

*Sigh* "You truly are an idiot".

"Let us say a person patient is like a glass of water and in darling case, his cup was long overfull time and time again and tried to end his life on so much time because of people like you but every time he ends it and comes back from the dead his broken glass is forcefully put back together".

"And every time it is put back together the cup gets weaker and weaker although darling have great patients he could only take so much and you know what will happen from there".

"They snap". Replied Shara who was getting tired of Pandora bullshit

"Snap is too light of a word, you see the cup is already too broken and if you full it water it will definitely leak when I met darling his was already leaking your just lucky it didn't break because if it breaks and death is not the cause but something else for saying, something evil will emerge from that broken cup remember that enlightenment I talk about earlier well let me tell you what it is".

"If a person who has nothing live for and especially extremely rare cases like darling will obviously have nothing to lose and the person who has nothing to lose is the scariest type of monsters you could come across in your life if he or she can't escape to a world where no suffering is he just have to erase the suffering plaguing him in this world as each and every one of you would all die gruesome deaths one by one like a leaf falling off by an already dead tree".

"And you know what the sad thing is"?

Pandora said to Shara who listing trying to remember to who Hu-Chan did that to like what Pandora said earlier, honestly speaking though they fuck up a lot of kids at that school both inside and outside.

Shara didn't answer this one as she was sick and tired of talking to this crazy bitch, why should she answered this psychopath.

"You see the sad thing is, in a way, it's not your fault, it's just the balance of things you know... but balance plays a big role in everything but even so there was one thing balance had no qualms over at all, let me ask you a question what happens when that balance starts to go overboard".

Shara didn't answer but simply listen as Pandora continued her speech about balance and overboard.

"It tends to strive from what it was originally created for or maybe even take things to a whole new extreme completely failing the one task that was given to keep order at bay and you and everyone else laid your hand on the one forbidden nothing should touch without consequences and sadly for you those consequences beckons you".

Shara was getting sick and tired of this crazy Yanguire bitch rambling about confusing shit like balance, good and evil.

What the fuck does any of that has to do with anything but with all honesty she has to admit her insanity is not normal as she has met a lot of psychos in her father gang but none was like this little girl whose voice was ringing in her ears getting sharper and sharper each word.

But even so, this shit was getting out of control as she said.

"Look here you little bitch so what if we hurt your loved one, the strong prey on the weak that has been the rule of this world from since the dawn of creation so here what, let us make a deal I will tell my daddy to forgive you for all your sins of kidnapping me hell even killing my uncle will be forgiven if you let me go right now".

"Think carefully now as this deal is your only way of surviving my father's wrath".

When Pandora heard this she couldn't help but laugh at how idiotic this mere mortal sounds, if she knew who or what she was, she wouldn't be acting the way she is hell she might become extremely obedient licking her shoes and eating feces just so she can live.

This was so hilarious to pandora she couldn't help but laugh and calmly said right after.

"Hahah hahaha ahh... ahaha... ahaha.... hahah ahaha hahah ahhhh...".

"Oh, men I guess the statement about if there are no stupid people in this world we will have no reason to laugh really is true hahaha...ahhh".

Shara looks at the crazy bitch in front of her in slight fear as Pandora's eyes were glowing menacingly in the dark which was freaking the fuck out of her as Shara said.

"You are going to regret this you freak it your funeral when daddy comes you hear me, I gave you a chance and you throw it away like the idiot you are haha, I can already see your tear stricken face when I give the order for men to rape you and beat you half to death as I feed your half-dead corpse to my pet alligators and lions I am sure they would love the extra young meat like your self".

Pandora couldn't take it anymore as she said wiping tears from her eyes in laughter.

"Hahaha ahahaha... oh my god you are a natural-born comedian little girl for your information you are the only idiot here and secondly even if your men tried to rape me they would fail as there is only one dick this body will accept without fail anything other than his would die by a universal law, ahh you are so stupid".

Shara simply just said.

"Your funeral sweetheart".

Pandora's eyes were still glowing as she said calmly and sadistically.

"You seem like a die-hard a daddy girl ain't yo ahh... how gross ah I know... why don't we see how daddy little play date is going".

When Shara heard this she was confused as she said.

"What do you mean how daddy is doing".

"Ahh, you like a good horror movie right since your whole room is full of creepy scary shit well if you do I know you would like this one I called it Daddy love nurses".

"What the fuck are you even talking about".

"Hehehe darling said it not good to spoil a movie or anime if you know how it goes keep your thoughts to yourselves so I am not telling you anything so you will just have to find out yourself".

Pandora then snaps her finger as she said.

"Oh by the way we're in a separate dimension I created just for our playdate".

From there a giant screen came down from the roof and what Shara saw frighten the shit out of her as she said with great fear in her eyes.


Shara watches as a man was screaming in absolute terror as he appears in what appears to be a creepy-looking hospital but that was the least of his concerns as her father was traveling through a hospital at a record-breaking speed in a wheelchair he was strap in it tightly.

As a bubblehead nurse from Silent hill was running with him in the hallway as he screams for help.

"Ahhhh... ahh...awhh someone saves me from this bloody monster".

This man's name was Mr. Hoar he was very tall at least 6'5 he was slightly muscular and fill with many tattoos he had clear skin and black hair and was butt naked.

And to make things worse he was been carried to god nowhere by a creepy fucking nurse.

When Shara saw this she was frightened she was all too familiar with those nurses as she asks in fear while turning her head to the pair of glowing eyes with two different colors as she said.

"W-W-Who the hell are you no what the hell are you".

"Interested now I see well to make things short I am nothing that all there is to it".

When Shara heard her explanation of what she is she was piss how the hell can someone capable of making those things be nothing but Shara been the idiot she is couldn't understand the deeper and powerful meaning behind those 3 words and what they really mean.

As she began shouting.

"Stop your decrypted way of speaking who or what are you why are you doing this to us, I refused to believe you are nothing who the hell sent you".

Pandora been the type of person who doesn't like repeating something more than 3 times if she doesn't have to as she can use that wasted time and energy on something more productive like thinking about what Aarick is doing, or what Aarick plan to do later, or what she and Aarick couldn't be doing later you know the really important stuff her patient was literally a thin tread getting cut by sharp scissors as she said with a bit of annoyance in her voice.

"Look here you little shit your getting really annoying with these question I already told you what I am and does it even matter you have worse things to worry about at this time and moment now be a good prisoner, shut the fuck up, sit up straight and fucking watch the movie before my hand slip and I pull your god damn tongue out".

Shara was been exposed to a huge amount of blood lust as she forgot to breathe before Pandora as She began to tremble like really tremble in fear.

She didn't say anything and just followed orders and watch the screen as all she could do was pray for her father's safety.

"Ahhhhhh help me...help me".



Mr. Hoar was screaming his lungs out as he cries for help while moving at a fast speed till suddenly the nurse stop causing the wheelchair to make a squeaking sound.

The bubblehead Nurse stop as she was looking at a certain room and turn the wheelchair facing the room and when Mr. Hoar saw the room his eyes open up in fear as he began smiling as tears start to come down his eyes as he slowly turns his head to the bubblehead nurse as he said.

"Y-You wouldn't right".

The Nurse just looks at Mr. Hoar as a strange mouth just manifested out of nowhere as it reveals a sinister smile which confirms his fears as he began screaming and pleading for his life as she takes Mr. Hoar and went straight into the room as the two was been engulf by darkness the door shut behind them so hard the sign on the door drop on the ground as it said.

[Cremation Room]

When Shara saw this she flared in great anger as she turns toward the glowing eyes as that was all she could see, as she said in great anger.

"You fucking bitch you wouldn't dare, don't you dare hurt him you bitch let him go this instant"



Shara was struggling to free herself from whatever the hell she was chained to but sadly she couldn't get away.

She then heard Pandora said.

"I guess that is enough for now well then my precious BFF shall we play a game and I must say it is a really fun game at that, as the name of this game of this game is called [Endurance] and guess what you are it".

Shara began to tremble in fear as goosebumps enter her entire body the name was not menacing in any sense it was calm yet straightforward but it was just because of that it holds such power and fear within in it as she said with tears coming down her eyes.


"Yes, Endurance the rule is simple as there is only one rule you must follow".

Shara didn't know what to do in a situation like this so she asks as began pleading for her life.

"L-Look I don't know who I hurt for you but we can talk this out like civilized people right, their ways to solve these things you know, is it money you want then don't worry I have plenty, we can even kill someone for you or maybe we can give you a fa...".

But before Shara could finish her plead she felt something stuff her mouth almost like a gag ball strap on her face as she felt a finger on her lips as Pandora calmly said.

"Shhhhhhhh don't speak you need to save your energy and trust me you are going to need every ounce of it".

"Now there is one rule in this game and that is to repent".

When Shara heard this she was in a panic and wanted to say out loud that not even a rule but she was silents by Pandora she didn't know why but whatever was coming her way was a fate far worse than death for sure.

Pandora continues to speak in her calm demeanor as she said.

"Now since the game rules have been set I shall now explain two absolute rules of this world".

"The first rule no one dies till I say so as they will always regenerate endlessly or till I want you dead".

"The second rule there is no escape till I say so, now with that let the games begin".

Pandora then said with an excited tone as she shouts out to somebody to the right side of the room in a control panel room behind a glass window that had a speaker in it.

"Light please".


The sound of somebody pulling a giant leaver followed by a series of many lights coming on was heard in the background revealing everything in the room of course Shara was shocked to see who put the light on as she said in her head.


"I'm sorry big sis Shar I don't have a choice, after all, everything is your fault you just had to mess with a living god among gods yes yes this is your fault it's not mine I'm doing the right thing by doing this I don't have to go back to the needle chamber hahaha so please endure this horrendous series of multiple tortures all at once for our sake".

Said a half black half, Maroon colored hair girl she was wearing a black maid outfit strangely this was Aarick favorite type of maid outfit as it was a cyber-style maid outfit she also had on purple lipstick like Pandora, and her eyes were dead and full of fear as she just steps out of hell itself.

You see Pandora created 2 other clones of herself training the sister with good old pain and suffering to tame their dominant nature into a submissive pet dog-maid while she can watch Shara

While sharpening Aarick and men did this Kia chick turn out alright she was thick in all the right places she now had a slave-worthy personality plus more uses as well amazingly out of all the sisters she was the only virgin remaining.

After Pandora mental and physical training she has no attachment to her family or more like she lost all hope and what was previously Kia Hoar was simply Yin as the other sister Elain was still in training in another room and after her training was done she was going to be renamed, Yang.

Shara couldn't help but think to herself.

'You traitorous bitch'.

Pandora saw this and gave a gentle sadistic smile as she said.

"Ara, ara was your sister's sudden betrayal came as that much of a shock to you to the point you don't even notice your current situation at all please feel free to look around and make the reality kick in and jump start your soul".

Shara then began to look around and when she did her heart began to beat fast as her breathing start to go out of control, tears start to fill her eyes as she was in a panic attack, and when Pandora saw her panic demeanor as she smiles and said calmly and sadistically hell even with great joy behind her words.


"What a marvelous and splendid reaction you have towards the game board you are seeing before you".

Shara look as she was in an extremely large room and was at least 20 meters in the air completely chain and strap down to a chair that was been hold up high by a hook with a crane-like system and below here was a pool of boiling hot water.

Normally this was enough to make one insane with fear but with Pandora been the fuck up woman she is when someone dares cross the line of hurting Aarick to an extreme. in the past, she tends to get over creative with her torture and punishment methods.

As not only was it a pool of boiling hot water, it was a pool of boiling hot water with a series of a hundred if not thousands of custom made man-eating piranhas with a never-ending hunger these piranhas were made in a way they need intense heat source to survive hence the boiling water was a sanctuary for them.

But for Shara it was a living hell made just for her.

"Mhhhh!... MHMH!.... MHHHHMM!".

Shara was panicking and screaming well trying to scream as her mouth was clog just for the event as she looks at the Piranhas jumping trying to reach her from the boiling water.

Her face was drench in fear and has the look of absolute despair within them.

She then heard Pandora's voice.

"Ahh... what a splendid look on your face you have".

"Ahh... now, now don't cry it's just a simple endurance game and since you and I will spend a weak together you are only going to get eaten alive while boiled alive as well, for hmmm... let us see I would say 24 hours give or take as that will bring us straight into day 2 were something even more fun shall be waiting for you fufufu having a BFF sure is nice don't you think Shara".

"Yin bring her down".

"Ahh yes, right away Pandora-Sama".

Yin then went towards the control panel and press a big red bottom which made the crane holding Shara to slowly go down.


The sound of the crane going down was heard with Shara attempting to scream and beg for her life right after


Shara watch as she slowly went down and when she almost reaches the pool she was already been bombarded by an army of man-eating custom made piranhas as she was in immense pain so much so she began crying blood and if the Piranhas wasn't enough when touch the boiling water the pain skyrocket by at least 50 folds her right to breath was gone and yes the horrible painful suffocation was still there.

But not the death, her skin and hair began to fall off while been eaten alive but she was also regenerating fast enough to keep the suffering constant and eternal.

She wanted to die, she wanted this pain to end, death is a blessing she wants so so so so so so so bad like no other, and the thought she would remain like this for the next 24 hours was a hell like no other.

She finally reaches the bottom of the pool her eyes already melted out of the socket, the skin was gone, the hair was practically nonexistent.



"Mhhhhh... Mhhmh... mmhm".

Pandora was floating in the air watching the marvelous show before as she floats back down and went to a tea table as Yin came with a cup of tea and cake and said.

"Here is what you requested milady".

"Aww, thanks for the service extra, now get on your knees like a good dog and bend over I want a comfortable footstool so I can watch more movies on the big screen".

Yin keeps her smile as she said.

"Right away milady".

Yin then went one all four as Pandora smile sadistically as she places both her tiny legs on the living footstool and she would remain like this for the next 24 hours as Pandora decides to watch a horror movie to gain inspiration for day 2.

She couldn't help but laugh at how amazing this felt.

"Hahahaha aha aha ahhh... I could get addicted to this I think I found a new hobby which is torturing the people that make Aarick suffered all his life.

8 hours earlier


Change of POV

Aarick was walking inside the forest although he was only walking for about 10 minutes his guard was not down not even for a second his danger sense was going off the chart as his hand was holding the handle of Ra not letting it go for both as he said.

"Jesus Christ Atlas why did you bring me to such a dangerous place, I feel like I have been watch and stalked from every and all directions".

[Training you wanted battle experience now you are going to get it so be careful what you wish for]

"Hehehe my own words came back to bite me right in the ass ha".

[By the way 6 meters to the right this is the last and final time I will be helping you when it comes to warning you where your enemies will be popping out from good luck that one a real pain in the ass well have fun]

When Aarick heard this he said as he instantly turns to the right while using Ra to guard and protect his neck on instinct.

"W-Wait what the fuck".

Aarick shouted in great surprise.


Aarick felt an immense force collided with his blade as sparks were presented as he looks in front of him but saw nothing the only reason he knows something was there was because he had been push back with great force that and his danger senses going off like crazy when the thing reach extremely close to him.

Whatever take it huge invisible claws and attack Aarick from the left when Aarick notice coming his way too late and all he could do was tilt his head just enough so he wouldn't get decapitated completely.



Aarick neck was cut halfway as the creature pulls its claws back and Aarick black universe-like blood sprayed all over the place.

"Ahhhh... it fucking hurts you mother fucker".

In anger, Aarick took his blade as he began doing a quick half-ass breathing technique as he said out loud in pain.

[B-B-Breath of Loneliness 1st isolation: Burning meteorite]



Normally this was supposed to be a powerful downward slash giving off the illusion of a powerful meteorite coming to reap their life but because Aarick did it half assidley in a fit of anger as the blade didn't cut anything if anything more spark were just created.

Till Aarick said in his head as he felt something coming toward him as felt a disturbance in the air again.

'Shit I fucked up'.


Whatever hit Aarick was huge metallic and spick has half his body was badly wounded then he sonic boom deeper into the forest.


Aarick flew through many thick trees till eventually, he crashes into a giant boulder that was just present there at the time as he made a huge crater in it he couldn't feel his hand if anything he might have just came across with a mystic that specializes in countering immortal regenerative type like himself.

As a blue liquid was burning his flesh he also felt in his vein it wasn't weakening him it was burning him like acid he was sure it wasn't poison since he was immune to all poison but dying by a mysterious acid was not a nice feeling or a nice way for his life to end but luckily the creature got cocky.

As it was confident that its prey couldn't survive that Aarick face was bash in as his left fell out leaking the mysterious acid out of his lost eye socket.

The blue acid cover at least 78% of his body already seeping into his pores and all his ribs were broken, a lung was badly torn inside so breathing was hard to do both his legs and his left arm was fone as his blood was painted everywhere.

Aarick was in so much pain words couldn't describe it he was even more shocked at the fact that he wasn't dead as yet.

Aarick then heard heavy footsteps slowly coming his way as the creature was now visible Aarick saw the monstrosity in front of him and almost puke because of the horrible stench coming off it, how couldn't he smell that earlier he thought to himself.

The creature was at least 8 meters in height as it was standing on two goat-like feet it had the body structure of a giant muscular grizzly bear, hell its face look like one as well as it had a huge lion mane and lizard grey and orange like eyes, on it back were spikey porky pine needles as thick as broomstick going down at least a hundred was, it had a very abnormal giant pair of claws coming off its huge hands, with the insane amount of teeth so much it was coming out its mouth and on its lower back was huge dragon-like tail with a huge metallic-like mace on it end at least the size of a human.

Aarick saw the humanoid chimera-like monstrosity walk towards him slowly as he said in his head as he was too weak and badly injured to speak.

'What the bloody hell is that thing'.

Atlas then replied with a series of notifications.

[Lesser Chimera has been spotted]

[Now scanning]

[Scan complete now showing status]



Race: Lesser Chimera

Power level: 19,000,000

Mates: 56

Occupation: Hunter, stalker, and breeder

Class: Hunter

Tier-Level: Tier-3

Guild treat- Class A

Strength: Tier-3

Speed: Tier-3

Stamina: Tier-3

Vitality: Tier-3

Intelligence: Tier-3

Magic: None

[All skills]

[Super Metallic body structure, Anti regeneration acid, Neigh camouflage, night vision, Hyperspeed regeration]

Weakness: Destroying the body beyond repair or draconic blood


[Now appraising abilities]

Super Metalic Body Structure: The skin, bones, and organs are coated with a super metal 80x stronger than normal metal.

Anti regeneration acid: The chimera are all lethal hunters and their bodies produce an acid capable of stoping hyper level regeneration entities from regenerating this acid effect will last for about 5 hours before it evaporates.

Neigh camouflage: The Chimera is revered as king hunters because of their amazing adaptability and camouflage ability that hid sound, stench, and vision so spotting right away is almost impossible without a solution or countermeasure.

Night vision: The ability to see in the dark

Hyperspeed regeneration: Regeneration at hyper speed


Aarick watches the monstrous stats of the lesser Chimera although his stats were still superior in every way.

Aarick continues to watch as the Chimera came towards him and stoop down toward his level as it began laughing at prey.

Aarick was already losing conscious getting ready for a new respawn to occur but it was the laugh that brought him back to life as it had a face he didn't like at all not one bit.

"Kekeke ekeke kekek".

Aarick looks directly at the Chimera normally the scent should have annoyed him greatly especial without his mask but he can't stand the look of his eyes, as he has those eyes almost every day. as he said in his head.

'Thos eyes of belittlement I can't stand them'.

'That arrogant smirk as if saying he could kill me any time he wants is pissing me off'.

'That annoying laugh as if laughing because I'm weak is extremely frustrating'.

'I hate it'.

'I absolutely hate it'.

'Why does ass hole like these even alive'.

'Cant you kill without looking down on someone'.

The monster took his huge hands and pick Aarick up by the head looking at the fine work he did as he laughs one more time at Aarick weakness before he consumes him whole.

Well, that was until the Chimera started to hear a voice in its head as the voice said in a mocking and piss tone.

Of course, this was Aarick using telepathy as he said.

"Hahaha, you want something to laugh about ass hole let me give you a reason".

The Chimera well understood Aarick was trying to get on his nerves by saying those words so in anger he took his other claw and strike with great force so much so the giant bolder had a huge claw mark in it but when the Chimera looks Aarick somehow manage to get away from his strong grip.

In fear, it jumps back keeping its guard up as it wasn't stupid he knew its prey was up to something, and for some reason, his danger sense started to go off like crazy as it tries to smell him out but strangely he lost him, it almost like he became non-existent.

After about 30 seconds of searching, he was greatly irritated that its prey somehow escapes from him like literally while he was caught then all of a sudden strange blue dusk started to drop from the sky and when he lookup he saw the most beautiful butterfly he has ever seen.

This Chimera was an extremely intelligent mystic hence fort it doesn't see a butterfly as a treat at all hell it doesn't have enough nutrients to full him anyways but strangely he wanted to see it as it was really beautiful almost like it was tempting him so he took his claws and raised it in the sky.

The butterfly landed on his index claw as the Chimera brought it towards his head and watch the beautiful butterfly in amazement till eventually, the butterfly release a huge amount of blue dusk of course this butterfly was Aarick who took the lesser Chimera by surprise.

And scattered as much as the dusk in its faces.

The Chimera began holding its eyes in pain and also began coughing his lungs out and when he look the butterfly was gone but what remained was his prey.

He was extremely irritated and since his prey was dumb enough to come back to its death he will gladly kill it for sure this time.

The Chimera watches as how Aarick was just smiling at him as he saw the girly like face and feature he posses but even so he has killed a lot of humans and he know too much what that smile meant.

He or she was mocking him which pissed him off greatly as he instantly appears before Aarick with great speed and grabs him by the head as he smiles back at the still smiling Aarick and he took his claws till he went straight for his head.

Till all of a sudden, he felt immense pain all over and his heart starts to beat fast like really fast.





The Chimera drop Aarick as he fell to the ground in great pain as he felt his entire body burning he felt like he was been burnt alive all his muscles start to contract and start to instant swelling spree inside him, his organs felt like it was been blown like a balloon.

He was having a serious seizure on the ground as the foam began to come out of his mouth and bloody tears start to come out of his eyes then he stops he wasn't dead just severely paralyze the only thing capable of moving was his eyes as he looks toward to place his prey was at but he was gone and that when he heard the voice of the devil itself.

"Up here moron".

The Chimera looks up and saw a smiling Aarick his eyes shine red and amethyst as they were filled with pure rage and hate as if he was tired of the world bullshit in a whole.

But it was strange the immense blood lust coming off him was completely inhumane extremely monstrous he even unconsciously peed himself in his paralyzed state.

Aarick saw this and said.

"Disgusting, you truly are a disgusting pitiful thing, your entire existent is disgusting and you know what you do with the disgusting thing around us right, we purge them, we erase them from existent in a whole".

Aarick said this in an extremely calm voice but anyone can tell how much anger and malice those words and tone holds.


Aarick continues to watch the lesser Chimera as he said.

"You are probably wondering what happen to you ha... Mr. Chimera well it's simple".

"You stupidly absorb a lethal dose of blue Coral snake venom in the form of dust inside your own body don't you know the first rule of nature is don't touch anything that is beautiful as they are the most deadly BAKA luckily for me I love chemistry it is my second favorite subject before arts and wondering how can mere snake poison reduce you to such state it simple I remade it stronger and better with genetic manipulation".

"The poison you take is at least 300X stronger than that of the original you know that enough to kill a grown elephant a thousand times over but sadly for you it only paralyzed you because the only way to kill a Chimera is by dragon blood or destroy the body beyond repair, and you know what that means right Mr. Chimera".

Aarick was in an extremely Irritated mode as he was piss really piss at this Chimera and everyone else so much so he ignoring Omnipotent senses as his mask was destroyed but even so he smiled at Chimera as he said.

"For the next 2 days you will be like this before you adapt to it but by then it would already be too late".

"Because both I and you are going to have blast, that right you will have a front-row seat as I make you watch how I cut your body into million tiny pieces, haha well Mr. Chimera don't break".

The Chimera watch as Aarick takes Nyx from the scabbard slowly smiling devilishly at him as his bloodlust was so strong the creature and mystic of this forest were avoiding him because of it.

Never in the Chimera 455 years of living has he been this afraid of a human, as Aarick then said to him.

"Let us have tons of fun Ok".


next chapter
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Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
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Stone -- หินพลัง



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