40% A Grindelwald's Tale / Chapter 10: Chapter 8 Part 1/2

บท 10: Chapter 8 Part 1/2

Rodrick blinked at that before answering, "It's the word for a magical bus," He quickly left following that, leaving a confused Potter.

"Bus? I thought it was just called the Knight bus..."


"You'll never believe who I just met," Rodrick started, as he reached the rest of them.

Blaise turned to him at the words.

"Harry Potter! Nice bloke I gotta say," Rodrick deadpanned.

The Slytherins turned to each other at that wondering what was wrong with him.

"You're joking... Right?" Blaise asked.

Rodrick huffed at that.

"Of course I am joking... Guys a bloody dark wizard, definitely not a nice bloke," Rodrick spoke shaking his head, this time eliciting laughter. He took the Potions book out much to the student's annoyance.

"I knew it!" Astoria exclaimed, even her parents couldn't hold back their laughter at the serious look on her face.


Weeks later and the summer was officially over, Rodrick was proud to have managed to get a reaction out of the phoenix feather, he was finally able to move onto the next part of the spell. He would need to avoid opening the book until he was on the train. He was brought out of his reverie as soon as Roxanne brought him into a hug.

Quickly collecting his thoughts, Rodrick spoke out. "I'll keep an eye on Astoria, in case anything happens."

"Thank you."

Rodrick nodded as he went to join the other two.

Daphne raised an eyebrow at him before she indicated their trunks.

Rodrick chuckled before he levitated all three trunks. The three moved inside the train before waving their goodbyes to the parents. They made quite a sight walking through the train, three trunks flying behind them, looking for a compartment. Ahead of them, they saw Ginny Weasley moving towards them in a huff.

"Move!" She demanded when she reached them.

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at that, "Ask nicely."

She levelled him with a stare until remembering who he was.

"Ah right.. Move please?"

Rodrick looked surprised at that, expecting a Weasley to put up more of a fight, he moved to one of the sides, the girls behind him doing the same. He levitated the trunks to the air.

The girl started moving slowly before once again stopping just in front of the boy. "Thanks by the way..."

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at that, "For?"

"Last year... The Basilisk."

Rodrick turned to Daphne, a curious look on his face.

Seeing the confused looks Ginny quickly clarified, they didn't know she was possessed, "You helped find the chamber... You know?"

Rodrick nodded at that; the girl quickly moved through the hall.

"What was that about?" Daphne questioned.

"She was kidnapped right?" Rodrick spoke. "I accidentally found the chamber I suppose." He could've mentioned the possession but there was no real point to.

Daphne shrugged, "You sort of did I guess, it was near the first floor right? Where you killed the Basilisk?"

Rodrick nodded as he continued onwards, they wound up finding a compartment with Luna and surprisingly Blaise in it.

"I see you've made a new friend," Rodrick spoke towards Luna; there was an amused look on his face.

"Tracey's idea..." Blaise remarked.

"Where is she?" Daphne asked.

"Looking for you three," Blaise replied.

Rodrick put away all the trunks before he entered the compartment after Astoria. He took a seat near the window; Daphne was sitting to his left. Astoria at the other corner.

Rodrick looked at the uncomfortable Blaise, amused; Luna had moved over towards his side of the compartment, although there was a space available in the middle.

Turning towards the door they saw a haggard looking Tracey, she entered and took the spot between Blaise and Luna much to the boy's relief.

"You could've waited for us here," Rodrick spoke.

"These two made that... unpleasant?" Tracey replied.

"I am sorry..." Luna spoke first.

"Not you, mostly him," Tracey added on quickly pointing towards the boy.

"Traitor..." Blaise muttered.

"She, unlike you, is adorable," Tracey remarked.

Rodrick took the potions book out of his pocket before returning it to its actual size, much to everyone's displeasure.

"Seriously?" Daphne remarked.

Rodrick turned to her with a frown before whispering something into her ear.

Her eyes widened at that.


"Probably... it's difficult though." Rodrick replied looking down at the open book.

Daphne nodded at that, "Sorry I didn't know that was wh-" She started before Rodrick shook his head.

"It's fine."

The others were staring at this somewhat confused before Luna broke the sudden silence.

"I think there's a large Nargle infestation in your book, Rodrick."

Everyone stared at the peculiar blonde before Astoria spoke up.

"Are you ok?"

"I could ask you the same thing," Luna replied, staring at the girl.

"I am fine."

"Me too."

"Are you sure?"

"I am fairly certain I am... The Nargle's won't affect me because of this necklace." Luna spoke, raising the butterbeer cap necklace in one hand.

"Can I get one?"

"I am sure I'll be able to have one made for you," Luna replied to the younger girl cheerfully.

"What just happened?" Tracey broke the spell.

"I think Astoria's ran out of sweets..." Daphne replied.

The two started chuckling at that. Luna and Astoria were currently lost in their own little world.

Blaise turned to Rodrick, "I think you should get rid of that book... just in case."

Rodrick rolled his eyes, "I'll get rid of it if you can convince the sorting hat to put you in Hufflepuff."

Blaise frowned, "So never?"

Rodrick nodded amiably.

"Let him do what he wants," Daphne came to his defence.

Rodrick turned towards the girl, "Thank you!"

"Only until he's learned the spell..." she added on causing him to frown.


"Slytherin," she remarked proudly.

Whatever anyone else had been planning to say after that disappeared.

Rodrick was the first to react; he felt ice creep over him, his body stiffened quickly at the sudden harsh drop in temperature. He dropped his book to the floor at the unexpected turn. The lights were the next to get affected; he could hear some of the girl's yelp at the sudden flickering of the lights. It had taken a few minutes before they started feeling a chill.

Daphne turned towards Rodrick, expecting him to get a wand out and sort the mess... Instead, she found him shivering, his feet on the seat, his hands clutching on to his knees from the cold. The magic surrounding his face was crumbling, it looked like his face was slowly breaking apart.

"Rodrick..." She spoke, panic slowly setting in.

No answer.

"Rodrick!" She called out again.

He raised his head at that, his limbs feeling like ice. "Daphne..." He reached a hand out towards the girl before burying his face into her shoulder. "I... It's... It's cold... freezing..." He muttered. He hadn't felt this weak... since the Basilisk had bitten him...

No, even that wasn't as bad.

Daphne wasn't sure how to react... She felt a chill yes... A sense of dread even but... The way Rodrick was... she quickly put a hand on the back of his head holding him still.

It took some time before things were back to normal, the group in the room eyed Rodrick, his head was buried in Daphne's neck.

Any other time Blaise may have joked about that... The state Rodrick was in though...

"Is he ok?" Blaise asked.

Rodrick slowly moved away from Daphne.

"I am sorry..."

"It's fine," she quickly clarified, glad to see his face turning back to normal. Well, under the Transfiguration normal.

He turned to see everyone else looking at him strangely.

"Are you ok?" Tracey asked, worry set in.

Rodrick nodded slowly, "You all felt that... Didn't you?"

Blaise raised an eyebrow before nodding slowly, "It was a dementor."

Rodrick slowly agreed.

"How do you know?" Luna asked, sense of wonder gone.

"Mother told me about them after Black escaped, they take away positive emotions and let off a chill wherever they go..." He turned towards Rodrick at that, "Never like that though... Your reaction was weird," a small forced smile went on the boy's face, "I half expected you to get up and cast a Patronus."

Rodrick shook his head at that, "Can't do that."

"Never learned it?" Daphne asked carefully.

"I did, just can't cast it."

"Really?" Blaise asked curiously.

"It works on a happy memory... don't really have something strong enough for that, whenever I tried, the memory just disappeared at the last second, and that was before I got this," Rodrick spoke raising his cursed arm.

The girls stared at the boy with a sympathetic look.

Rodrick shrugged "It's practically impossible for me now."

"That still doesn't explain your reaction..." Blaise pointed out.

Rodrick turned towards the boy "It's the curse... It strengthens any magic I come into contact with."

A look of horror that took over Astoria's face.

Rodrick noticed that before smiling, "It gets rid of it as well, a few moments after."

"So it doesn't stay with you?" Daphne clarified.

Rodrick nodded, "Just feel it for a few moments..."

"I can't imagine... What that must've been like" Blaise spoke, a haunted tone to his voice. "It was bad enough for us..."

Rodrick relaxed back against the window, "I hope no one else saw me like that," he joked feebly.

Luna had a small smile on her face.

"I think everyone else is too busy," she pointed out, her eyes looking outside the compartment.

Blaise raised an eyebrow before leaving the compartment. Intent on finding out what had happened.

Returning a few minutes, later, the boy looked like he couldn't hold his laughter back.

"Harry Potter fainted,"

Rodrick had a surprised look on his face at that before a small smile broke off.

Daphne looked at him, a small frown taking over.

"Why are you happy?"

Rodrick turned towards her, hands raised "Hang on... I am not happy because he fainted, I am happy because Malfoy will be in a good mood."

"Why does that matter?" Luna asked curiously.

"Less sulking from him," Rodrick remarked.

Tracey, Blaise, and Daphne nodded their heads at that vehemently, completely understanding the point.

Astoria looked amused, "Is he that bad?"

"Worse than you when you're refused candy," Daphne spoke.

Astoria had a horrified look on her face at the thought.

Luna giggled, "You're all so weird."

"I can't believe she just said that." Blaise retorted.


The sorting ceremony had gone on, as usual, Rodrick had ignored most of it in favour of his book. His Slytherin housemates looked more intrigued than annoyed that he was ignoring them. He barely paid attention to his friends who seemed to be fine with it; they were more focused on the ceremony. One of the seventh years, a prefect, had come to Rodrick in an effort to get him to pay attention before he saw what the boy was reading.

"Where did you get that? Don't remember that being in the library..." The prefect in question asked, no doubt wondering if it would help with his NEWTS. His housemates quickly shushed him. Adopting a sneer at the others, he turned back to Rodrick, "You need to put it away though before a teacher sees you."

Rodrick looked up, "Dumbledore's already seen me, he hasn't said anything."

The prefect was a little taken back at that, he turned towards the headmaster. The man was looking towards his side with an amused expression on his face. A frown took over the prefect, but he didn't say anything, instead, he opted to return to his seat.

Thanks to what had happened on the train Malfoy, thankfully, had been too busy ridiculing Potter to bother Rodrick. Taking his wand out, as well as the Phoenix feather, Rodrick set off a silencing charm and once again attempted the extraction spell to no avail.

"Stop... You're gonna make us lose points." He heard one second-year mutter towards him.

Rodrick shrugged and set off a Disillusionment charm on himself, causing his friends to snort at his audacity.

Looking towards the headmaster's table, he saw Dumbledore barely keeping a straight face. Snape ignored him altogether in favour of seeing the new Slytherin students, as well as glaring at Potter.

Rodrick did lift his head when Astoria was called out; he grinned when the Sorting Hat immediately put her into Slytherin. The girl took a seat next to her sister. He chuckled when he heard her ask where he was.

"He's in trouble," Daphne remarked both irritated and amused.

The sorting ceremony was soon over, and Dumbledore began his start of year speech. This year, however, he decided to include a small warning regarding the prison escapee and of course the fact dementors were starting their first year at Hogwarts.

"Before you begin your feast, I must warn all of you of perhaps one more threat."

The school quietened at that; the Hufflepuff's were the most intent on listening.

"Unlike anything you've ever seen... This one, in particular, is a danger to your house points..."

'Oh, you can't be serious' Rodrick thought.

"It seems to have developed the talent for invisibility this year."

Rodrick could hear some of his housemates start laughing at that.

"Perhaps it could give us the honour of showing itself for the rest of the hall?"


There was a moment of silence as Dumbledore waited patiently for the small show to end... Rodrick wasn't playing along.


Dumbledore sighed before casting a wandless non-verbal Revelio on the Slytherin table, careful not to reveal too much of the boy; it wouldn't due to send the school into an even bigger panic.

Rodrick slowly reappeared in the Great hall.

His friends had been expecting his face to be inside his book, trying to figure out the spell.

Fake snoring was heard, the hall stared in amusement at the sleeping boy. Before most of them broke out in laughter.

Rodrick feigned waking up at that. He noticed the angry glares some of his housemates had on him for his little stunt; he hadn't expected Dumbledore to go that far...

Dumbledore still felt unable to actually look the boy in the eye. There were too many memories involved there. He noticed how some of the boy's housemates were looking at him, no doubt expecting to lose points. However, seeing the laughter and joy flowing about the rest of the hall Dumbledore settled on sending him a small gift instead. With Sirius Black on the loose, dementors were to be roaming around. Some laughter was needed for the school.

"5 points to Slytherin," Dumbledore remarked amusedly. No need to overdo it... Gryffindor had a cup to win.

Rodrick could see some of his housemates glares slowly turn to relief at that, some even had the audacity to smile at him, seconds after glaring. He sighed, 5 points and the whole school knows he can pull an invisibility charm... Worth it.

He turned to one of the new first years before he snorted when he saw the number of desserts Astoria had pulled into her plate. Everyone else had started pulling food onto their plate, Rodrick settled on simply focusing on his book.

Albus Dumbledore stared curiously at the only student forgoing food and focusing on learning instead, something expected of a Ravenclaw really... The book in question was what had taken his attention; it wasn't a book he'd seen before. 'Curious.'


Rodrick followed the large group of third years stoically; his friends thankfully surrounded him. Fewer people were bothered to pester him; there were a few of the younger years that had come up to him after, asking him about the charm he'd used. He shrugged them off; he didn't feel like teaching. Malfoy had helped in that regard; the boy took most of the attention away reminding them of a Slytherin's need to hide things. Of course, that was only because Rodrick had actually taught all his friends the Disillusionment charm, even Nott was shown. Still, none of them could pull it off. Didn't mean they wanted others to know... Well, Malfoy didn't.

The upper years didn't even bother; they knew a lost cause when they saw one. They'd spent two years with him doing magic he never explained, none of them even knew how he had killed the Basilisk. They couldn't very well threaten him into telling them; he was friends with Malfoy, the same person who had brought the entire Quidditch team new brooms, not to mention his father's influence...

Nott was currently trying to understand the book Rodrick had open, floating in front of him. He quickly frowned.

"That looks complicated..."

Rodrick chuckled, "You have no idea."

"Don't encourage him." Blaise remarked, "He's been at it all summer..."

"I am halfway through," Rodrick explained to the boy's horror.

Nott spent a few more minutes attempting to gain an understanding before giving up.

Inside the common room, Malfoy sat down in front of Rodrick. Daphne took the seat by Rodrick's right, Tracey and Blaise were to his left. Nott took the seat beside Malfoy.

"So," Malfoy started, "How was the summer?"

Rodrick chuckled, "You mean anything interesting happen?"

Malfoy nodded amused, "You really just can't play along can you?"

"No!" Rodrick's three friends answered for him.

"It took me months to train them to do that," Rodrick remarked, earning three affronted looks from them. He quickly focused his attention back on the book.

Malfoy raised an eyebrow at that, "New hobby?"

Rodrick nodded on as he attempted to cast the spell once again.

Malfoy sighed, "Here I was hoping you'd continue the Gryffindor House point loss one."

"I doubt we'd get lucky two years in a row... Unless one of us managed to arrest Black," Nott drawled.

The two set on their own conversation after that, talking about Sirius Black.

Rodrick stalled for a second before turning to Daphne, "Where's Astoria?"

Daphne raised an eyebrow before reminding him of the first year speech.

"Ah, the seeds of hate are being planted," Rodrick remarked earning a snort from Blaise.

"Something like that," Daphne replied amused.

Turning his attention back to the book and feather Rodrick attempted the spell once again, he watched several small chords of yellow and red light emanating from the feather. His eyes lit up at that.


He turned towards his three friends grinning.

"Did you do it?" Blaise asked quickly, his eyes widened.

"Yea! I did step 5."

The three of them blinked at that.

"5? how many are there exactly?" Tracey asked.

"9, so four left!" Rodrick replied cheerfully, turning towards the next page, seeing the even larger cluster of words, this time not even receiving a picture. Rodrick frowned slightly. He quickly heard his friends huff.


"You'll be stuck on this forever," Daphne remarked, eyeing what she considered a new language.

"Potions is horrible..." Tracey spoke quietly, "I don't know how you can understand all that..."

"Perhaps, because, he pays attention?" A cold voice answered Tracey, sending shivers down her spine.

"Oh, crap..." Blaise spoke.

Severus Snape walked over towards the small group of third years before eyeing the book in Rodrick's hand.

"Mr Grindelwald, If you'll please follow me," He spoke quietly, leaving only his friends to hear.

Rodrick facepalmed himself at his teacher's lack of care, causing the man to raise an eyebrow. Turning towards Nott's shocked face, Snape shrugged before moving away.

"You're a-" Nott began before he was shushed by Rodrick's best friends. Malfoy looked amused.

"You all knew..." Nott spoke, turning to Malfoy. Whose smirk seemed to grow.

"And now you do too..." Rodrick remarked.

"When were you planning to tell me?" Nott asked, somewhat hurt.

"Don't be such a Hufflepuff," Rodrick drawled before getting up and walking to his head of year.

"HOW!?" he heard Nott yell.


"Umm, I'd appreciate if you kept the whole name thing under wraps..." Rodrick started, feeling unsure.

"I was informed all your friends knew," Snape replied.

"Now they do," Rodrick rolled his eyes.

Snape levelled a stare at the boy before he spoke about what had occurred in the hall.

Rodrick opened the potions book before he showed him what he had been trying to practice.

Snape skimmed through the spell, raising an eyebrow as he did.

"That's complicated magic."

"Do you know it?" Rodrick asked eagerly.

"I have never seen that particular one before, the process, however, is similar and is very difficult, considering most people do it without the use of a wand. The easier course, which in itself is still quite difficult, is to do it through alchemy. A spell form is naturally far easier to use, but just as much as it easier to use, it is that much harder to learn."

"I am about halfway through,"

If Snape was surprised, he didn't show it.

"Be that as it may, it was reckless of you to act the way you did. I expect better from you."

Rodrick nodded at that.

Snape was about to turn away before he heard Rodrick ask.

"Professor, is it possible if I could practice this in potions?"

Snape narrowed his eyes slightly at that before Rodrick added on.

"I'll do the work at the same time! I was just hoping if I could do this as well."

Snape appraised the boy, "If you fall behind you will give your undivided attention to Potions."

Rodrick nodded.

"Not achieving the best result in my class is falling behind," Snape added, "Is that understood?"

Rodrick agreed warily.

"Are you planning to do the same for your other lessons?" Snape asked, no emotions on his face.

Rodrick lowered his head slightly before answering.

"I was... For all of them except the new ones... And perhaps Herbology and Astronomy."

Snape raised an eyebrow at that, "You've thought this through."

"They're the only subject's that need my undivided attention," Rodrick replied, the hint of a smile on his face.

"You don't believe Potions needs it?" Snape remarked dangerously.

Rodrick raised the book at that, "This is potions! If anything I am spending much more time on it!"

He could've sworn he heard Snape snort.

"You heard my conditions, don't fall behind."

Rodrick nodded before asking his own question.

"Who else knows? About my name I mean?"

"The other head of years are aware of your circumstances," Snape answered.

Rodrick had a thoughtful look at that before he decided it was safe... Enough.

"Oh and one more thing," Snape added

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at that.

"If you don't beat Granger this year, you'll find your freedom very limited for the upcoming years..."

Rodrick's eyes widened at that... Slowly he opened his mouth, "Define freedom..."

"I am sure you can use your imagination." Snape finished before turning to leave, his cloak sweeping dramatically as he left the dungeon. Rodrick was tempted to ask if that meant he had to get the best in the year or just beat Granger.

"What happened?" Daphne asked when she saw the forlorn look on Rodrick's face.

"This is the last year I have any freedom," Rodrick spoke looking down.

The other's eyed him curiously at that.

Rodrick shrugged and opened his book again earning huffs from them. "Best use it wisely," he spoke.

"What a bloody Ravenclaw," Nott murmured.

"Better than a Hufflepuff," Blaise retorted looking Nott in the eyes.


"On a side note I am allowed to annoy all of you in Potions," Rodrick added on, ignoring Nott's frantic pleas.

"What?" Blaise asked dangerously.

Rodrick simply levitated the book once again, grinning.

"No..." he heard Blaise mutter hauntingly.


The start of her first Transfiguration lesson back had been quite special if Daphne could say so herself. Something happened that was perhaps slightly controversial; naturally, when something like that happened it either involved Harry Potter for... Well, being Harry Potter or the other person, Rodrick Grindelwald, for similar reasons.

This time it was Rodrick Grindelwald. The boy had shown up to the lesson with a book floating in front of him; he was using magic on a feather. She and most of the Slytherin's in the class stared in somewhat shock as the boy asked the Transfiguration teacher if he was allowed to do his own self-study as long as he listened in to the lesson. One boy in the back, surprisingly a Slytherin, pleaded for the woman to refuse him. There had been a tone of irritation in his voice. Rodrick proceeded to sit next to him.

Minerva McGonagall frowned, it wasn't like the boy to ask such a thing... Over the past two years, he'd shown both a talent and drive to learn. For him to ask such a thing... She eyed the floating book; it was a potions one.

She had been quite surprised to learn of his second name... She hadn't expected him to be a Grindelwald, although it wasn't a bad surprise, where his talent came from was certainly made evident.

"Rodrick, I am afraid Transfiguration requires a lot of your focus... It is dangerous to attempt to Transfigure and work on something else at the same time," The professor warned him.

Rodrick had promptly raised his wand and Transfigured Blaise's quill to three different things before turning it back to normal.



Mini Dragon.

The Transfiguration teacher's eyes had sparkled at such a display; all three had been perfect Transfigurations.

Daphne wasn't surprised, Transfiguration and Potions were perhaps the boy's best talents, all things considered. What she had been surprised of was the teacher's reaction.

"50 points to Slytherin!"

"WHAT?" Ron Weasley and Harry Potter had both shouted out.

That was the highest amount of points any person had ever received on the first day.

Hermione Granger, who had been seated next to those two had a look of shock on her face.

"Did he just..."

"He just got 50 points..." Neville Longbottom answered for her.

"No! That... That was the entire year's course!" Replied Granger.

Rodrick had a small smile on his face; his brain was trying as hard as it could to avoid exploding from the sudden spike of attention, he levelled his eyes towards the Transfiguration hopeful she would give him his freedom.

Minerva McGonagall had been astonished; she didn't plan this for the first day... Some part of her was irritated that a student would act like this but... Something seemed to still her. Rodrick had never shown an aptitude for showing off, in fact, it had been trying to get him to stop failing on purpose. For him to act like this... There had to be a reason... Looking into the boy's eyes, she found them determined but there was something else about them, there was a pleading look inside them.

"Rodrick, There is the theory work to consider here," She spoke out after the noise level had quieted down.

"I'll still do those as well..." Rodrick replied, his voice lower than usual.

Nodding once the Professor began her lesson. She watched amused as Rodrick's quill moved on its own copying down whatever she said, while he set about doing what he had asked for. It was an ingenious idea... He had already shown he was capable of the practical part and as long as he read over what she had said he wouldn't miss anything out.

When the lesson had ended, the professor stopped Rodrick as he was about to leave, the boy had a panicked look on his face when her hand had gone to his shoulder, no doubt fearing detention for his little stunt... He really was a peculiar one. His friends had eyed him bemused before he told them he'd see them outside.

It was only the two of them in the room.

"Is it important?" McGonagall asked the wary student; there was a serious look on her face.

Rodrick relaxed a little at the question; he levelled his eyes before nodding his head. "It's very important... My frien-" he began, only to stop at the Professor's raised hand.

"I expect the answer at the end of the year, at the very least,"

Rodrick nodded grateful, as he was about to leave however he remembered something else he'd seen in the potions book. Figuring his Transfiguration professor was the best to ask, he opened it to the page and showed it to the teacher.

"What is this?" McGonagall asked surprised at the sudden action.

Rodrick pointed to the point of interest before handing the book over and letting the professor read.

"This is..." McGonagall's eyes widened as she read the text. This was groundbreaking if possible...

"Is it possible?" Rodrick asked, his eyes lit up.

McGonagall considered the question carefully, looking back towards the boy, she saw the eager look in his eye.

"It may be..." A sudden thought struck her then, "Are you an Animagus?"

Rodrick raised an eyebrow before shaking his head, "I'd need to register myself," he added on amused.

The Transfiguration professor raised an eyebrow at that before chuckling, "I imagine the ministry would've been quite surprised to have you show up and register, Mr. Grindelwald."

Rodrick laughed at that before again confirming he had never attempted the transformation.

"Then it may not be a complete waste of time to consider it, although I suggest checking the potion with Severus."

"What about the Animagus part? Where can I learn that?"

There was an amused look on the professor, "That happens to be the theory part I was referring to."

"Ah... Thank you, professor... Really it means a lot."

McGonagall nodded to that "I still expect the best from you."

"Don't worry, Snape made sure of that!" Rodrick remarked as he left the classroom.

The Slytherin's were over the moon at the points; they'd all crowded the boy to his misfortune, it seemed like he wouldn't get a chance to keep attempting the spell for the rest of the day.


Albus Dumbledore stared at the house point's frowning... 55 points... It was only the first lesson of the year... What on earth did Rodrick do? A self-conscious Dumbledore looked through who had given the points, expecting Severus. 'I must have a word with him; this is entirel-'... 'MINERVA!?'

"Fawkes... Do you think Gryffindor will win this year?"

The bird didn't deign to respond; it looked towards the house rankings before snorting.

"I feel like you've gotten somewhat biased regarding that boy," Dumbledore mused.

Fawkes looked away feigning ignorance.

"I knew it!"


Herbology was one of the few lessons Rodrick didn't bring the Potion's book with him; it was a subject he struggled with quite a lot. He was sitting next to Daphne; she had more talent regarding it than him. Of course, he made sure to be close by to Longbottom; Merlin knew the boy was talented, plus it had a less detrimental effect on his image than being seen with Granger, Not that he cared all about it too much... His house was another matter.

"Did you forget your book?" Daphne spoke amused.

Rodrick shook his head, "Can't afford not to pay attention here I am afraid."

Daphne pouted at that, "Here I was hoping you'd score us another 50 points, three-quarters of the students are convinced it was a mistake."

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at that, "The other quarter?"

"Are convinced they're going to win," Daphne replied chuckling.

Rodrick shook his head while staring at the girl next to him, "We'll be stuck together a lot this year," He spoke referring to their schedule.

"Disappointed?" Daphne remarked playfully.

Before he could reply he heard Ron Weasley speak. "Bloody hell will you two take it elsewhere?" causing the two Slytherins to turn red. They could hear some muffled laughter.

"Language Weasley, that'll be 10 points from your house," remarked Professor sprout much to the boy's horrified face. "Now all of you best focus..."

There was a gleeful look on Malfoy's face at that.

"You know the sad part about this Daph?" Rodrick whispered.

Daphne raised a curious eyebrow at that.

"I am not even trying..." Causing her to snort.

"Unfortunate for us then aint it?" Remarked Neville Longbottom.

The two Slytherins eyed the Gryffindor at that.

Seeing the two of them stare his way Neville muttered an apology for listening. "Just you were so close..."

Greengrass started laughing at the boy's reaction.

"Ignore her; she's always this rude," Joked Rodrick earning a huff from the girl.

Neville was surprised the boy hadn't tried to hex him, Malfoy would've.

"Right... Yo-" Neville started before Professor Sprout's voice took over.

"Focus! This is not a joke!" Bellowed the professor.

Rodrick watched idly as she showed the correct method of amputating some dangerous plant or another... The boy frowned, maybe that was why he had such trouble with the class. Calling it some dangerous plant or another was probably a bad idea.


The first week was flying by quickly, Astoria had managed to fit in quickly, Luna was still showing up to the Slytherin table every now and then. The two had become surprising friends, at one point he'd seen Astoria go over towards the Ravenclaw table to sit with the blonde. The Slytherins had sneered at that until Blaise pointed she could spy on them. That was the most shocking part, Blaise standing up for someone other than himself, he knew the girl was incapable of spying, one piece of candy was all it took to reveal her true intentions. She did steal the seat by Daphne or Rodrick whenever it was open.

He was on his way towards his first Care of Magical Beasts lesson alone, looking ahead he saw most of his classmates had already arrived. The class was outside, most of the students had been eager to leave the castle. He had woken up before the other boys but had gotten caught up practising the Extraction spell causing him to be late. They'd all quickly given up on trying to get him out.

As he was walking towards them, tamed monster book in hand, he felt two sets of arms fly over his shoulder stopping him in place, looking up he found two identical redheads staring at him.



"Bane of-"




"Student of-"

"-many names."

"Hello," Rodrick replied cheerfully, throwing them off slightly.


"-isn't he oh brother of mine?"

"What do you oh bothers want?"

"I think you-"

"meant to say-"

"Brothers!" they spoke at the same time.

"I did not," causing them to chuckle. Looking ahead he could see two of his friends conversing and looking towards his direction. He waved a hand at them with a smile, causing them to roll their eyes at him.

"You are definitely weird for a Slytherin," he heard the left one mutter by himself accidentally.

"Indeed," Rodrick replied, "It's why I do so well with the points."

The two shared a look as if they'd just found out the truth to life, before turning their attention back down to find Rodrick had ducked down to get out of their grip.


"-but you should-"

"-have started-"

"-to run away-"

"-to get away-"


They spoke to him, staring at him intrigued, he was simply standing there.

Rodrick grinned before flicking his wand over his head and disappearing.

The two brothers looked at each other again. "Wicked," They spoke at the same time. A few moments later they repeated the action twice. "That's what we were gonna ask him about!"..."That snake got away from us!" Huffing dramatically they both walked away.


"Where is he?" Daphne muttered, they'd just seen him disappear.

Putting two hands over the girl's eyes, Rodrick reappeared, "He's here" he whispered freaking the girl out, entertaining the people around them.

"Don't do that again!"

"Where's the rest of my friends?" Rodrick asked Blaise. He knew Nott and Malfoy were taking the course.

"Over there, playing Dementor," Blaise spoke pointing towards three idiots.

"Who's the third idiot?"

"Pig," Daphne replied, a small smirk on her face.


Looking down towards his friends tamed books Rodrick raised an eyebrow, "How'd you do that?"

The two shared a look before repeating the calming gesture on their own books.

"Wait, how'd you calm your one down?" Daphne asked.

Rodrick looked around sheepishly before he urged his two friends to come closer.

"You remember that time I said I'd never had a reason to use that third particular curse?"

Daphne's eyes widened in shock, "You didn't!"

"That's awesome!" Blaise spoke awestruck.

it was at that moment Nott and Malfoy showed up.

"What is?" Malfoy asked.

"Rodrick tortured that book to keep it quiet" Blaise whispered to the two boys.

"Nice," Nott spoke out; his eyes held a strange glint in them.

"My father did the same for mine," Malfoy shrugged.

"That's horrible... How could you!?" Daphne exclaimed, ignoring Malfoy.

"It bit me," Rodrick deadpanned.

"Rodrick!" Daphne muttered somewhat frantic... "The poor book..." she spoke trying to grab it from him. Said book tried to bite her seeing as it had no reason to be friendly to the stranger.

"Burn it, burn it with Fiendfyre." Daphne deadpanned in an emotionless voice at the sudden attack. Causing the boys to laugh.


The lesson was intriguing, Hagrid was apparently their Teacher, Rodrick had no problem with the man, but he seemed somewhat careless...

Must've been a Gryffindor.

As soon as the giant chicken was revealed Rodrick set a Disillusionment over him, Blaise and Daphne.

"Traitor..." Nott muttered... "Leaving me stuck with Malfoy..."

"Shove it." Shrugged the blonde; he was watching as Harry Potter was left to try and pet the bloody chicken.

After a round of flying, Malfoy tried to do something stupid.

The world felt pretty normal after that.

He'd attempted to forcefully ride the big chicken, something Rodrick simply couldn't understand. Why witches and Wizards loved flying was beyond him.

Seeing the flying monstrosity about to injure Malfoy, however, Rodrick got out his wand, cancelling the Disillusionment charm before firing off a spell.


The spell landed on the giant bird, stunning it in midair, its hand's inches above Malfoy's arm.

Hagrid had a grateful look on his face at the sudden save.

"30 Points to you young man, Well done!" He exclaimed as he went about to calm the angry bird.

He heard Ron Weasley groan at that, "One does something stupid, the other fixes it and they get 30 points? The worlds unfair."

"It's like an unstoppable combo," Muttered a frowning Harry Potter.

The rest of the lesson was spent attempting to pet them, properly, with a different chicken of course. Rodrick heard Malfoy mutter about suing the bird for the attempted attack.

"I get no thanks?" Rodrick asked bemused, an eyebrow raised.

Malfoy stared at him and barely managed to utter the words.

"Not so hard was it?" Blaise retorted.

"I am pretty sure it hurt him a lot more than that bird would've..." Nott remarked.

"Shut up the lot of you..." Malfoy spoke.

"You're all so childish," Daphne remarked.

"Me as well?" Rodrick asked offended.

"You the most of all!" he heard them all answer at the same time.

It was freaky as hell.

'Did they plan that? You save a guy, and you're called childish... Magic really cuts out common sense.'


The next day the group of Slytherins was walking towards their first Defence class, Rodrick had the book tucked to his side. He wanted to ask for permission first not knowing anything about this particular professor.

"What do you think year number three's like?" Blaise asked

"Bit rude to call him that..." Tracey replied.

"All Defence Teacher's end up with some sort of tragic end at Hogwarts," Remarked Malfoy, "This one looks muggle... Did you see the way he was dressed?" finished the blonde boy, sneering.

"I looked muggle the first time Malfoy."

Draco blinked at the words, "I seriously doubt he's related to a warmongering Pureblood."

"Warmongering? Really?" Rodrick questioned bemused.

"Have you read your family history?"

"Just surprised you know what the word means."

Malfoy sputtered at the words.

"Anyway... Lockhart didn't have a tragic end... He was quite fine at the end of the year" Daphne pointed out, frowning.

"That's the tragedy" Retorted Rodrick much to everyone but the fans' amusement.

"I expected better from you," Daphne huffed.

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at that.

"What exactly do you expect from the grandson of a dark lord?" Pointed out Malfoy.

"A bookworm apparently," Nott spoke bemused.

"Says the Hufflepuff," joked Rodrick.

"I hate all of you-you know that?" Nott spoke depressed.

"Spoken like a true Hufflepuff," Remarked Pansy. She had appeared out of nowhere.

He watched, trying to hold his laughter, as Tracey subtly moved away from the girl towards Daphne.

"Rodrick, how was your summer?" The girl turned towards him, eyes sparkling.

"I was with Daphne..." he answered much to the girl's displeasure.

He saw a smug look on Daphne's face.

"I live with her... You know that right?" he added on much to her horror.

Daphne positively glowed at that, he'd been tempted to explain his ward status, but one look from the girl told him it was a bad idea.

Rodrick shrugged as he walked inside the Defence classroom, his friends barely holding their laughter as they followed him.

Thoughts of bothering to study shot out the window when he saw what the Professor had in store for them, it looked to be an interesting lesson. He would ask him once the lesson had ended. There was what looked like a closet in the middle of the classroom; it was shaking around causing some of the students to openly gape at it.

The professor introduced himself as Remus Lupin, a former student at Hogwarts. Considering what he looked like, Rodrick doubted it had been that long since he'd left the school. He went onto explain what the lesson was...

They were going to be facing a Boggart... Something that would transform into what a person feared most, or perhaps thought most dangerous? Rodrick wasn't sure; he did feel slightly giddy about the idea though.

Imagine if it turned into a Basilisk... Rodrick would probably petrify his entire class. He doubted the stare was intense enough to kill but considering his history with those eyes... He didn't doubt it could at least stun them. That idea proved how childish he really was.

He turned to Daphne and told her his thoughts.

"Rodrick! you can't take part then!" She exclaimed, earning the other's attention.

"What?" Blaise asked.

"He says it might turn into a Basilisk!"

"Really?" Nott questioned eagerly.

"It might petrify the entire class!" Daphne pointed out.

"Close your eyes if you see a giant snake start to appear," Rodrick deadpanned.

"Do it!" Malfoy asked, a gleeful look on his face. "Imagine it killed all the mud-bloods!"

Rodrick rolled his eyes, "We've gone over this..."

"It's a boggart it doesn't care about enemies," Malfoy pointed out.

"Shouldn't you be worried?"

"I am a pureblood, it won't hurt me," Malfoy remarked.

"You're an idiot sometimes you know that?" Nott pointed out.

Malfoy looked murderous at that.

"Calm down, prove him wrong when the Basilisk shows up then, if it shows up, keep your eyes wide open." Rodrick joked. He'd been enjoying the show so far; the boggart had transformed into so many different things already, from a snake to a spider to a clown. At one point Snape had shown up, that was perhaps the hardest one to hold his laughter on. Snape was transformed to look like Neville's grandmother.

There was a determined look on Rodrick's face, his turn was coming up.

"What if it doesn't turn into a Basilisk?" Tracey asked, no doubt referring to the dementor.

"Guess we're about to find out..." Daphne spoke.

Rodrick walked up towards the Boggart; he watched frantically as it transformed, raising his wand early... Just in case, however, when the boggart took shape...

Rodrick heard an audible gasp in the background. 'Granger went with them?'

"That's disappointing... I expected a Basilisk... Or at the very least a Dementor...but not You!" Rodrick spoke in a cold murderous voice, the students around him flinched. The sheer hatred that emanated stilled them.

His eyes glared at the smiling face in front him, the pale eyes of Tom Marvolo Riddle.

He was tempted... sorely tempted to use the killing curse... But he knew it was only a boggart, he calmed himself and aimed his wand.

"Ridikkulus!" he snarled.

He could hear the two distinct voices of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley in the back break down in laughter at the sight of a female dark lord.

Rodrick moved back to the back of the group, Daphne and Tracey waiting for him.

"Who was that?"

"After... Not here."

the two nodded warily at that; he watched as Blaise showed up after him.

"Not gonna have a turn?" he asked Daphne, who shook her head. Tracey's had turned into a clown. Blaise's had turned into some strange looking creature.

"What was yours?" he asked the haunted-looking face.

"Something I saw in that weird newspaper Lovegood had,"

Rodrick snorted at that, "You're afraid of that?"

"I am afraid of its existence..."

Malfoy and Nott showed up after, somewhat disappointed.

"You said it might be a Basilisk."

Rodrick locked eyes with the boy, "It was much worse," he snarled again.

Malfoy flinched slightly at the tone shown.

"Are you alright?" Nott spoke out wary... It was at that point he realized why they called him a Hufflepuff.

Rodrick nodded. "Sorry, Malfoy,"

The blonde looked uncomfortable before he changed the subject to something else.

Rodrick waited until the classroom cleared out before he went up towards the Professor and asked whether he could do his own study during the lesson, provided he complete the Defence work as well.

Remus Lupin frowned at that.

"Was my lesson boring?" he asked somewhat put out.

Rodrick was surprised at that before he shook his head quickly.

"You're the best teacher we've had in three years and its only been one lesson."

"Really?" Remus asked somewhat relieved. "You're Rodrick right?"

Rodrick nodded at that. "I am surprised you know me already."

"There's certainly a lot of talk regarding your talent," Remus replied.

Rodrick nodded again. "Did they tell you anything else?"

Remus understood what he was referring to, the cursed arm. "They may have... It was quite an achievement."

"Wasn't exactly cheap," Rodrick joked.

"Is there any reason you wish to self-study?"

Rodrick looked down at that, "Someone's ill, I am just trying to help them."

"Ill?" Remus asked, seeing the look on the boy's face he quickly added: "If you don't want to tell me it's fine I understand it-"

"Curse," Rodrick quickly pointed out.

There was a small silence at that.

"You think you can help them?"

"I want to try."

Remus stared at the boy; he understood that sentiment quite well. Only... the failure it involved wasn't easy to live with; he was much too young to have that on his head... He couldn't very well hold it against him; he would probably act in a similar way regardless of age.

"I am not sure whether you'll be able to handle the extra work..."

"Professor McGonagall was fine with it." Rodrick pointed out, figuring Snape would be seen as biased.

A small light entered Remus's eye at that, "Was she?"..."Alright... But I'll expect you to keep up with my work as well."

Rodrick gave his thanks before leaving the room.

Remus stared at the retreating boy's back, he had been quite shocked when it was the boy's turn... He hadn't recognized the image the Boggart took but he knew it must've hurt the boy... The look of hatred he'd shown... He understood some of it, feeling the same way about one of his own former friends. It was the only reason that had kept him from speaking up on it, that was also why he wouldn't know how to help the boy get rid of those feelings, he didn't know how to get rid of his own. The other part was the fact Harry Potter's turn had resulted in a dementor, he knew he would need to help the boy, it felt wrong not to. A small smile crept its way towards Remus's face.

The boy resembled his father so much...


Albus Dumbledore sighed again. 85 Points... and Gryffindor lost 10 points... It truly looked to be a dark year. Sirius Black had been somewhat of a hint... The points confirmed it.


Exiting the room Rodrick was surprised to find six people waiting for him. His three friends and Potter's little group.

"Hello," Rodrick spoke first.

"They refused to leave until they saw you," Blaise pointed out, warily.

"Do you need something?" Tracey asked.

"I know why they're here," Rodrick spoke.

Earning three hitched breaths.

"Why?" Daphne asked.

"Because of the person my boggart turned to,"

"When did you see him!?" Harry asked a little too loudly.

"Don't rile up Potter," Rodrick joked.

Harry Potter to his friends surprise almost seemed to deflate.

"What's going on, who was that person?" Tracey asked.

"Voldemort," Rodrick spoke. Hearing gasps from his friends at the sudden name.

"You know..." Ron spoke fearfully.

"Tell Dumbledore," Rodrick told the three Gryffindors.

Harry Potter raised an eyebrow at that, "How do you know, You weren't there," He pointed out surprisingly calm.

Rodrick locked eyes with Harry at that, "I saw it when I was in a coma."

"What?" Harry asked incredulously.

"Tell Dumbledore that, he'll explain if he wants to" Rodrick spoke before walking away.


Harry Potter stared at his friends slightly confused.

"What do you think it means?"

"We should tell Dumbledore! You heard him he said he'd explain," Hermione pointed out.

"I know one thing..." Ron spoke, earning his friends attention. "You-Know-Who would've made one good looking woman!" Quickly falling into laughter, "I can't believe he turned him into a woman!"

Harry had a huge temptation to laugh at that, "That was the last thing I expected," He admitted chuckling.

"He can't be that bad you know, knowing it was You-Know-Who and doing that!"

"Did you hear how cold his voice was?" Hermione spoke up, frowning slightly.

"Not surprised really," Harry replied.

"Why?" Ron asked, his laughter subsided.

"Voldemort killed his mom."

"How do you know?"

"He told me, when I met him remember?"

Hermione nodded slowly.

"Knockturn Alley right?" Ron pointed out.

"What about his father?" Hermione asked.

"Not sure... Probably Voldemort as well," Harry answered.

"Wouldn't be that surprising, must be hard for him to be in Slytherin," Ron spoke, "Most of their family were Death Eaters,"

"He doesn't judge them for what their parents did," Harry spoke.

"If he did I don't think there'd be any Slytherins left... Pity that" Ron pointed out.

Hermione's eyes seemed to light up, "He's a decent guy," Remembering her first year.

"Yea he is," Harry Potter added.

"Especially after today," Ron remarked falling into another fit of laughter, this time Harry and Hermione did join him.

The trio quickly made their way to the headmaster's office.


His three friends followed him.

"What was that about?" Blaise asked.

"I had a vision of that person," Rodrick started, "One that didn't make sense," He turned to Tracey, "It's why I am so against the bloody subject."

"What happened in that vision?" Daphne asked.

"You believe he has visions?" Blaise asked carefully.

Daphne raised an eyebrow, "Considering everything that's happened so far... Is it really that far-fetched?"

Blaise slowly shook his head at that.

"What happened... It wasn't really that much, I saw Potter there, I saw that man say his real name, and then I woke up."

"Is that all?" Daphne asked.

Rodrick turned towards her, "All that really matters. I guess what I saw must've happened in that chamber."

"Did you just see Harry Potter there?" Tracey asked.

"Yes, alone though,"

"but He didn't go alone," Blaise replied.

"Exactly... That's why it doesn't make sense; I am as confused as you lot are," Rodrick admitted.

"Why didn't you tell us before?" Daphne asked.

"Because I thought it was just a strange dream at first... Now it seems a little bit more real... Don't you think?" Rodrick remarked. He sighed again; it really was the last confirmation he needed to prove that it was 100% real, even after the talk with his grandfather there was a small part that doubted it but now... Now it was certain.

Rodrick turned to his friends, stopping them in their tracks.

"One thing I am sure of, Dumbledore probably... No definitely knows, is that..." He spoke in a haunted voice, startling them all.

"What?" Daphne asked.

Rodrick could see the slight fear in their eyes. There was no doubt in them though.

"Voldemort isn't dead,"


Rodrick stared impassively at his friends; he could see the looks of horror slowly take over their faces at his words. He didn't blame them, he felt shook himself.

"Rodrick... What you're saying is..." Tracey spoke first.

Rodrick just nodded, he knew it was true... All the signs were pointing towards it.

"We have to tell people... If that's true..." Daphne pointed out, a look of fear sprayed across her face.

Rodrick quickly shook his head at that, "No we can't!"

Daphne's eyes widened slightly, "Why not? If he's really alive, it's too dangerous."

"Who would believe us?" Blaise questioned.

"My parents," Daphne replied.

Blaise snorted.

Anger slowly took over the girl at that. Rodrick however quickly raised both his hands.

"Not now Blaise!" Rodrick warned.

Blaise frowned, somewhat chastised.

It really wasn't the time for sarcasm.

"Dumbledore already knows anyway," Rodrick pointed out, "And he hasn't said anything to anyone."

The three looked at each other warily at that; they were all confused, Rodrick included. They had no idea what to do with the information.

"What do you plan on doing?" Blaise asked the boy, curious.

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at that before sighing.

"Honestly... I want to kill him..." The word's caused the three of them to stiffen.

Rodrick quickly added on, "At the same time I don't want to do anything either."

Daphne stared at the boy's face; she found him looking both confused and worried.


Rodrick chuckled slightly at that, "Why do I want to kill him?" He asked amused. All three of them knew the answer.

"Why are you so... Worried?"

Rodrick had a rueful smile on his face, "Because... If I make myself his enemy... It put's your family in danger."

Daphne's eyes widened at that; she felt a grateful smile start latching itself onto her face... He'd looked so genuine when he said that.

"He's already t, ken one family... As much as I'd love to get him back for it... It wouldn't be worth the of risk putting my new one through. It'd feel pretty hollow I think... Killing him with nothing to show for it."

Daphne quickly pulled the boy into a hug at that.

Tracey had a small smile on her face, Blaise looked away uncomfortable.

The girl then slapped him playfully much to everyone's amusement.

"My family isn't that weak Rodrick," she spoke, lips tugging up.

"I'd rather not find out..."

"Bit of a cowardice thing to do..." Blaise drawled.

"Slytherin, not a Gryffindor Blaise." Rodrick spoke up, "Wanting to survive happens to be one of the purest forms of ambition."

"If you weren't a ward for our family, what would you do?" Daphne asked curiously.

"Join him or die trying to kill him," Rodrick deadpanned, earning a stunned silence.

"Bit extreme... Don't you think?" Tracey remarked.

"I doubt I'd be able to hide my name quite as well on my own. Eventually, he would take notice of me; Dark lords tend to borderline the extreme when dealing with other potential Dark Lords."

"But you wouldn't become that... Right?" Tracey remarked, hopeful.

"Doesn't matter, my mom didn't try to... Where is she now?" Rodrick asked.

The three fell into silence at that.

"Why not consider killing him? You know actually winning?" Blaise broke the silence.

"I am nowhere near egotistical enough to think I'd be a match for him... I doubt I'd live long enough to manage that on my own,"

"Aren't you humble," Blaise retorted, earning a chuckle from Rodrick.

"I know right?"

The other two laughed at that.

"So we do nothing? Leave it for Dumbledore to decide?"

Rodrick nodded at that, "Not much we can do anyway, the man's most likely still some dark spirit considering he'd possessed Quirrel two years ago."

"Everyone assumed he'd died..." Tracey remarked.

"I don't think Dumbledore did, he probably knew."

"What if he doesn't know?" Blaise asked sceptically.

"Well, he'll know soon enough anyway," Rodrick replied.

"You'll tell him?" Tracey asked, a smile slowly etched itself to her face.

"Just in case," Rodrick shrugged.

The three started walking back to the dungeon after that.

"By the way... When you said putting her family in danger... What about Davis and I?" Blaise asked.

Rodrick turned to an embarrassed looking Tracey before remarking, "I'd be worried about you too," He spoke with a smile. The girl seemed to shy away even more at the sudden attention causing Daphne to laugh.


"What about me?" Blaise asked.

Rodrick took his potions book out.

"Rodrick..." Blaise tried again.

Rodrick started humming at that.

"Don't worry I am sure he'd be just as worried," Spoke a bemused Tracey.

"Mhm I am sure he would..." added on Daphne.

Blaise narrowed his eyes dramatically, "You're terrible liars you know that?"

"Don't we have History tomorrow?" Rodrick pointed out to the boy's irritation.

He, himself, had more than History if he was correct... He had the other two new subjects to look forward to as well.


"Did you really mean that? what you said earlier?" Blaise asked quietly.

Rodrick looked amused, he'd already set up a silencing spell surrounding the two of them, Blaise was still whispering anyway. They were currently in their dorm; the other's had fallen asleep.

"What part?"

"All of it... Him being alive... You wanting to avoid him," Blaise answered.

Rodrick took in the words slowly before nodding.


"Why what this time?" Rodrick asked again, a small glint in his eyes.

"He's weak right now, isn't he? Why wait for him to make the move first, you cou-"

Rodrick put his hand up silencing the boy.

"Blaise, what do you see when you look at me?"

Blaise blinked slightly at that before thinking of an answer.

"A sarcastically powerful idiot."

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at that, "Idiot?"

Blaise slowly nodded.

"What makes me an idiot?"

"You're clearly against him you know... Most of Slytherin could tell you have something against the Dark Lord, but because they think he's dead, they don't say anything."


Blaise frowned at that.

"And? If you're willing to show that... Why would you then go on to admit you wouldn't openly go against him. It's like your meeting it halfway... Not willing to go to the end."

Rodrick sighed, relaxing his head into the bed. "What side would you say most Slytherin's take if there was a war?"

Blaise kept quiet at that, the answer was obvious.

"Hating him and actually taking a stance against him are different, How many Slytherin's here would choose me over him?"

None. "But if that's the case..."

"Blaise, why do you think they choose the Dark Lord?"

"He's powerful, he supp-"

"He's closer to them."


"Voldemort is closer to the Slytherin's then Dumbledore."

Blaise flinched at the sudden name before composing himself. "What do you mean?"

"Dumbledore as great of a wizard as the world seems to consider him is unable to understand most of the Slytherins."

"I don't understand," Blaise frowned.

"Regarding house ideals, upbringing... even lifestyle, Dumbledore has never once truly understood what it means to be a Slytherin, were outcasted if you haven't noticed, from the other houses, we don't get along with them."

Blaise frowned again, "The same could be said for each house."

"There might be some rivalries between the others, but when it comes to Slytherin it goes a step further, it turns into distaste," Rodrick started. "Three of the four houses have a sense of distrust towards the fourth... When war comes, what happens when those three houses decide to follow one side?"

Understanding slowly filled Blaise at that, "Slytherins don't feel like they belong... And considering the only other option being You-Know-Who..."

"It's pretty simple to see what happens next."

Blaise nodded warily at that. "And you're trying to give them a third option... Avoid them both."

Rodrick nodded to that, "I am even closer than both of them, I understand the dilemma they're in... There'll still be those few who actually believe in the man, but most of them are only left to rot to peer pressure until they picked a side."

"A side that wouldn't get involved would seem safer than a side that could potentially result in death. And because you wouldn't actually be going against the dark lord... You could stay away from his radar as long as you didn't join Dumbledores side," Blaise conceded, "What happens if Dumbledore loses?" The boy suddenly asked.

"Then it's already too late," Rodrick remarked.

Sighing Rodrick added on, "Well Best to focus on the present... There's no actual war going on right now."

Blaise raised an eyebrow before huffing.

Rodrick had just pulled out the potions book.


"Do you think I am wrong?" Rodrick asked the elderly man in front of him. "About Voldemort, I mean," Rodrick had fallen asleep only to wake up in that dream world, his grandfather was sitting across him. They'd dueled for a while before Rodrick had taken enough of losing and settled down.

Gellert appraised the boy in front of him, "You're scared of him,"

"Scared of what he could do."

"Same thing."

"I want to kill him

"I know, but you don't want to put others at risk. That means you're scared of him."

"Alright fine... Am I wrong though, in what I am trying to do?"

Gellert locked eyes with the boy, somewhat unnerving him.

"You're both, wrong and right."

"How so?" Rodrick asked. He could feel the blank canvas surrounding slowly start to shift into something else.

"Calm yourself" Gellert warned. "You're right in that your housemates certainly need a third more open side. The idea you have has merit and would usually work"


"That's where you are wrong," Gellert replied impassively.

"I am not sure I understand," Rodrick replied.

"Voldemort is not a typical Dark Lord," Gellert pointed out.

"How so?"

"He's a powerful idiot."

Rodrick gaped at his grandfather's words.

"Perhaps in the past... Such an idea may have worked... But ever since the man had deigned to create multiple Horcruxes, he lost quite a lot of that common sense. He sees the world as Black and White. Those with him and those against him. Anyone that doesn't follow him is against him."

Rodrick could feel a breeze encompass both of them at that, he felt something chill him to his bones hearing those words, was it inevitable?

"What side would be best?" Rodrick sighed.

"I'd stay hidden for as long as you could... Prepare for the worst and if you had to pick one... Dumbledore."

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at that.

"No matter how faithful a servant you could be," Gellert scoffed, the very idea set his stomach on edge, "The moment the inevitable war ends, your life is forfeit. You are a Grindelwald. Your name carries too much potential harm to the Dark Lord."

Rodrick nodded understanding, "If I kept my name hidden?"

"How long would you manage that?"

Rodrick sighed again, "Not very long."

A silence seemed to take over.

"I told Daphne... about this place."

"I am aware," Gellert replied evenly.

"You're not disappointed?"

"It was the right choice, although the girl seems to blame me for more things then I am responsible for, like your relations with Malfoy."

Rodrick shrugged, he wasn't sure what to make of Lucius Malfoy, the two had been corresponding with letters, but not much had been said in them, it was mostly to keep up a pretence. Ever since the Basilisk incident, the man had been somewhat wary of meeting him, no doubt due to Rodrick knowing his involvement. He didn't care all that much about it but Malfoy didn't need to know that. It was better to keep him on his toes then let him relax too much. Rodrick didn't want to risk trying to survive another Basilisk attack.

"What about Dumbledore? should I tell him?"

Gellert appraised him at that. "Do what you think is best regarding that... I am afraid I can't give you an unbiased opinion."

"I'll take a biased one."

"The man's insane."

"That's not...Nevermind"... "Grandfather? Why was Potter able to open the chamber?"

"You're referring to his Parseltongue?"

Rodrick nodded at that.

"It is a trait that runs in the family," Gellert replied.

"I don't think the Potter's were related to Slytherin..."

Gellert stared at the boy in front of him, "No... It's not that you don't think it's in the family, you have another idea?"

Rodrick nodded slowly... "It's just the coincidence seems a little too perfect..."

"Ask Dumbledore," Gellert remarked.

Rodrick raised his head at that before frowning, "I doubt he'd willingly tell me..."

"Offer him something valuable."

"What could I have that-" Before Rodrick could finish, however. Gellert spoke.

"It's not what you know... More what I knew."

Rodrick stared impassively at his Grandfather before a small memory took root in his mind.

Wide-eyed Rodrick asked, "Are you sure?"

Gellert smirked, "It would give him sleepless nights to know that piece of information..."


"You're evil..."

Gellert laughed.

"Once you're finished with those two spells your working on... I want you to start on learning curses."

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at that, "Curses? I thought we already covered that?" he mused.

Gellert had a certain glint in his eye, one that set Rodrick on edge.

"Read the books on curses... In fact, read as many of them as you can... you'll find some spells that will make those unforgivable's look like a cheering charm."

next chapter
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Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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