6% A Cromwell Rogue / Chapter 3: C2. Rogue In The Territory

บท 3: C2. Rogue In The Territory

Continuing Jossie's POV:

     "Matthew head back towards the house." I felt like my heart was going to burst from my chest. I was scared of everyone but mostly afraid of myself. I tried not to let it show on the surface. My hands couldn't stop shaking from the weight of the gun. My knees barely held me upright. My back was throbbing in pain and I smelt the iron scent of blood. This was not me. At least... Not who I wanted to be. They're making me do this.

     With Uncle Matthew leading the way, we made our way back to my family home. As far as I could tell nobody dared to follow us. I kept checking over my shoulder the whole time.

     I expected them to come. Maybe an arrow would hit me in my shoulder blade... I would bleed out and scream in agony. Beg for mercy. Matthew would overpower me and take the gun away. Maybe shoot me between my eyes.

I didn't kill my father.

     I could die at any moment being here. The longer I'm here in the pack the less likely I will make it out alive. I have to leave within the next hour. The pack wants vengence and I'm an easy target. They aren't thinking rationally. How could I kill my own father? How could a wolf-less daughter kill her father? I'm lower then an omega in some sense... I'm irregular. Maybe a late bloomer? It doesn't make me a killer.

I didn't kill my father.

I don't have any memory of it.

I found him this morning in the kitchen.

     It's normal. N-No not normal... but normal in this case. Someone waking up to their family member murdered in their kitchen. It happens. It happened to me. The pack is refusing to give me a fair trial and want to kill me. Even my mother? She couldn't care less. I have to be what they want me to be. I have to run away from the pack. I'm now a rogue. A ROGUE! How embarassing! I'm not even captibale of shifting into a wolf! And, now I dare call myself a rogue? More like an ordinary human.

     There are certain roles a pack must maintain. The Alpha, Alpha Female A.K.A Luna, Beta, Gamma, The Rest Of The Pack, and the Omegas. And I'm under the omega, thanks to being wolf-less. Rogues are pack-less wolves. The Alpha is typically male. He's the leader of the pack. He makes the final deciscion. It use to be my father. The Alpha Female is usually under the alpha as a mated pair but at the same level of authority in the pack. Typically her main job is to secure an heir... and keep the Alpha happy. That's my mother. Now with my father gone, she will have authorty until a new heir steps forward. I'm not the only child. I might have been first born... but I'm disqualified for running thanks to my lack there for of a wolf. It will fall to my twin sister. Uncle Matthew is the pack's second in charge... The Beta. His children could also be in line for future beta if they play their cards right. Gamma's are typically distant relatives of the alpha families. They hold political order when it comes to choosing an Alpha. They'll make they final say on who wins the Alpha tital. Now that father is dead.

     My family home appeared within my view as my dark thoughts came to a close. My nerves were on edge now. I felt paranoid. I had no plan. I was making it up as I go. Uncle Matthew wasn't making any sense at this point. Why was he going with it? Was it really because the gun I poined at him had so much control over him?

"What are you going to do here?" Matthew asked.

His voice startled me. I didn't think he would be the one to ask questions.

"I didn't kill my dad," I told him firmly. I wanted him to believe me. "I'm here to get some money and the keys and then I'm leaving."

"Where will you go?"

"If I tell you... what would be the point in leaving?"

"You don't know."

"Of course not!" I screamed.

"I didn't plan any of this. I'm making this up as I go along. Who would plan their runaway?"

"Someone that killed their father."

"Obviously I'm doing this as I go!" I sighed heavily.

"...You're leaving the pack?"

    Speaking of making it up as I go... What am I going to do with Uncle Matthew to prevent him from sneaking up on me while I'm getting the money and keys? I could lock him in the broom closet... It would keep him from coming after me. But, what if he breaks down the door?


     My family home was a two story wrap around victorian style witch-vibe house. The one with black shutters and a cross pointed roof. Black metal fencing for decor & black painted outside walls. It was unique to our town because there was none other like it. It suited my family name. The house was a five bedroom home. The master suite on the main floor and the kids' dream rooms upstairs. This house was one of the few in the area not converted into an open floorplan. With a creepy craw-space attic and a leaky basement it made my childhood even more creepy. We lacked the style most Alpha-families had by living in their own pack house. We were a small and poor pack. Lacking a pack-style manor of our own. The town square instead was our headquarters. I was grateful to be raised so close to my father.

    Despite looking old it was moderately updated. My mother's paculiar taste kept the antique stores out of business in our area. She refused to live outdated. So each year she rotated furniture out and kept the inside's walls changing in colorful decor. That's probably where all the pack income went. Mother was in charge of finnances since father married into the pack.

     We reached the front porch that was a few feet off the street. I let him go towards the front door first. He took a slow pace as if he seemed like he didn't want to startle me. He was being safe. "Don't go in," I instructed. "Stay in my sight." I guess I could always toss him into the broom closet under the stairs and put a kitchen chair under the door handle. That might work... but it might be better to just keep an eye on him until I'm ready to leave and then lock him up. Just to be safe.

"Okay, I know what I will do with you. You'll stay in my sight for now while I get some money. Then you're going into the broom closet under the stairs. Mom will be able to hear you if you shout when she gets back home."

"I don't think that's happening princess," Matthew's voice rung in my ears.

     I heard one of his bones snap suddenly and it clicked he was about to trasform in front of me. He started to pull off his shirt as he turned around to look at me. I widened my eyes and held the gun out to aim him back down.

"What are you doing?" I asked in panick. "I'll shoot you!" I warned.

     Does he not care that I will shoot him?

     Matthew's shirt came off to reveal his torn skin from all the scars he's collected over the year from rogue encounters. He threw it across the porch and my heart raced. Holy shit is he for-real? He's really going to trasform! He's testing me! I don't want to shoot my uncle!

    "You think I was going to let you get away? You killed your father," he growled out under his words. I was swallowing fear at this point as I backed away from him. He started down the stairs. "William might have been a Cromwell but he was still this pack's Alpha. His death will be revenged with your own life being taken."

     "I swear to you I didn't kill my father!" I shouted and trembled as I locked my finger on the trigger and heard the gun fire. I screamed as I heard the bullet shoot through the wall behind Matthew. I squeezed my eyes shut in the time being but forced them open. Panick sunk low in my throat as I hoped I missed my uncle. He was on all fours in his wolf form. He was white and about as tall as me. I rarely see anyone's wolf form. He was pretty. I wanted to touch his fur but at the same time...


     The warning stated the obvious as it sunk in my head. My Uncle was dangerous. He was a monster to me now. I didn't whitness it- it was so fast. The change. He was a human moments ago and now a wolf. They lacked educating me on that. They said I would know when my time comes. Father liked to baby me the most. When others made fun of me for lacking the abilities to change forms. Matthew was now a great white wolf. Artic thick fur covered his gigantic wolf form. He was double if not triple the size of the normal animal.


     I squeezed onto the gun for dear life as I ran for the backyard. I made it past the gate and slammed it shut as he met my eyes on the other side. He growled as he almost had me. He was close. But... was I faster? I trembled to lock the gate as his jaws snapped at my fingers. He backed away then and looked to be thinking of a solution. He trotted off suddenly and I felt relief wash over me. Until he turned around and started to run for the gate.


Is- Is he going to fucking jump it!?

   I screamed as I ran for the back door into the house. It would be closer to the kitchen. I might be able to manuvier my way through it and beat him to the car. I just have to grab the keys. I can do this. About halfway across the yard I could hear him land his jump. He grunted a confirmation he got over the fence. I felt like fainting from fear. I made it to the double glass pane sliding door and when I shut it behind and locked it... I saw him there on the other side snorting in anger. He grabbed the door handle with his jaws and started to yank. I screamed as I pushed to keep it shut.

     "Matthew! Please! Stop! Stop it!" I begged him. I fought in strength until I was able to lock the door. I ran for the kitchen to not waste time. There on the counter top I saw what I was looking for. At least two thirds of what I wanted. I grabbed the car keys and  wallet. His credit cards will have to do... I don't have time to grab the money. I ran for the front door. I could still hear my uncle at the backdoor. I could hear the glass shattering as he broke through.

     What am I going to do if he catches up to me?

     Tears streamed down my face as I fiddled to find the right key to the car on dad's chain. I pushed the wallet into my pocket as I reached the front door. I rushed out of it as I was certain.... I might live or I might die. But, I did try to live.

     I shut the door immediantly behind me. I heard a thud hit the door. The fear I had must have blocked out the sounds of how close he had been to me. I heard him growl on the other side. I looked through the glass pane window in the door to see him running back through the hall towards the kitchen. I felt my heart race as I knew where he was going. He's smart. If I could just be smarter. I need that money from the cookie jar. I opened the front door slowly. Trying not to make noise. Once I was in I shut the door behind me quietly and snuck back to the kitchen. He'd be at the garage waiting for me to come and then realize I'm not going to be there. He'll come back searching for me. I got the cookie jar down from on top of the fridge. Inside was exactly Five thousand in savings. Dad told me where he hid it from mom. It was under the pink waffers she couldn't stand to eat. It was something me and my dad had in common and he trusted me.

I'm sorry dad.

     Did he want to runaway?

     One last glance his way. I swallowed the fear rolling up and down my throat. I could see my sweet father. A tall six-three male's lifeless face looking at me. He wasn't alive. But, his eyes were staring holes into me. My father was a heavy built man where it came to muscles. Alpha Cromwell... dad... William. His nightshade dark hair was like my own. I got my black hair and most of my looks in fact from him. I loved his ocean blue eyes. They were big and full of adventure. Even in death I could imagine swimming in them. I didn't get those eyes. I got my mother's eyes. He appeared to look like he had been in some fight with a bear. The kitchen was thrown everywhere. Drawers missing and cabinet doors off hinges. The sour smell of milk from where he threw the contents of the fridge out to use a shelf to defend himself at one point. How did we sleep through this?

     That's right.... my eyes landed on the kitchen knife. It must have been the wepon that killed him because I took it out of him. Whoever done it was like us. I shook my head as I whiped tears away from my eyes. I will never see him again. I will never see this place again.

     Okay. I have to go.

But, I want to stay and help them solve his murder. I can't stay. They'll kill me. They're so hard headed and have chosen to blame me instead of look for the actual culprit.

     I took a deep breath. Stuffed the money into my pocket and blew a goodbye kiss into those deep eyes. I ran back to the front door and peaked out of it to see if I could spot Matthew. I could see faintly him trotting back to the backyard. Looks like he got tired of waiting... He's coming back to the house to check again for me. I waited until he jumped the fense to sneak out into the front yard. I stayed under the picket fense height so he couldn't see me. I stayed as quiet as I could as I headed towards the garage.

     I made it to the garage door. Father's car was parked inside. He rarely used it. I hit the button and watched the door raise. The garage was detached from the house and at the end of our picketfense. The noise of the door raising made me tense up. It was too loud. I swallowed hard and looked back at the other side of the fense. I stood up. I was already giving myself away. I could see Matthew running now for me. Oh shit. My eyes caught something on the edge of the woods. A blur... before it broke the hedges and came into the backyard. It was headed straight for Matthew.

     Matthew didn't have time to react as he was tackled. I was able to see now it was another wolf. R-Rogue? Rogue! I widened my eyes as I held up the gun and aimed them down. I have to help Matthew. But, they were too far off for me to get a clear aim on the rogue. The wolf is brown furred with pepper/salt like patches running across his spine. He was beautiful and it was such a shame he was pratically my enemy. Whoever this rogue was... he was as big as Matthew. They were easily combat skilled matched. They were tossing each other as the rogue attacked and Matthew defended himself. I never saw a wolf attack before... but the way they were able to handle each other was impressive on both sides. Matthew suddenly had the rogue by his ear and with enough strength sent his head flying into the ground. The rogue looked stunned from the attack. I was confused as I saw blood going everywhere. Matthew ripped off his ear and spit it out. He stomped over him as he looked around.. His eyes locking onto mine.

    The garage door was all the way up. I panicked as he started for me again. "REALLY!" I yelled at him. "AFTER A ROGUE ATTACKED YOU?" I asked before stumbling backwards and ran for the car door. The car was old. Old enough for me to have to fiddle with the keyes to unlock the car. But, I calmed down to focus and got the door open. I crawed into the car and slammed the door shut. I locked it and saw him slam his body into the truck's door. Dad's vehicle was a two door s10 pick up truck. Black Betty as I liked to call her. She's a stick. Nothing automatic about her. You even had to roll the windows to make them move.

     "Back off!" I shouted at Matthew. He growled at me through the glass. I cranked the car and looked up when I got it started. Matthew went over to the wall at the same time and suddenly smashed the button to close the garage door. He used his jaws to do so. He ran back towards the truck and jumped into the bed of it. I widened my eyes as I noticed the window was open. I screamed and freaked out as he started to crawl into the window. He growled as I moved to get out of the truck.

     "Matthew, please!" I shouted. I screamed out in pain suddenly. Pain erupting through my body as it stung in my shoulder. He growled as he dug his thick k-9 fangs into my arm to prevent me from going anywhere. I-I'm going to die. "Stop! Stop!"

It hurts. It hurts so much.

     I heard a growl come from the entrance of the garage and Matthew left me alone to leave the truck altogether. That rogue was back. I used this opportunity and slamed onto the gas. The two wolves jumped away from the truck as I threw the gears into the correct positions. Betty rattled in argument until I won and concured her to move. It's life or DEATH! I drove out of the driveway so fast the truck turned sideways like a racecar when I cut the wheel to hit the road and put this all behind me.

next chapter
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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
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