The siblings gave each other a look before quickly realizing that hearing cups tumbling over in these occasions was frequent and would not warrant any surprise.
Luo Zhanyu strained his ears. He heard some vague form of speech in the adjacent room, as though a group of six or seven people was reveling in inebriation.
He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Xijiu, just exactly what happened? Just tell me about it, I can't allow anyone to bully my little sister!"
Gu Xijiu did not want to become like Xianglin's wife [1] who harped on about her problems to everyone, so she only spun her wine glass and said, "Nothing, it's just that our personalities don't match and so we decided to break up."
It was clear that Luo Zhanyu did not believe her convenient reason for her breakup and persisted with his questions, but to his dismay, he was unable to obtain the slightest piece of information from Gu Xijiu.
[1] Xianglin's wife refers to the tragic heroine of the great Chinese writer, Lu Xun’s, story called New Year's Sacrifice