A boat was soaring through the clouds and the mist, heading straight towards Stillwater City. Ji Ning lay there within the boat, leaning against the stern of the boat. From this position, he could stare down at the boundless land beneath him.
"Uncle. Father. Mother. They must be avenged." Ning pondered to himself. The scroll his father had left him had the name of his enemy. There had been a total of three malefactors; the primary one was named 'Dong Seven'. This was an extremely strange name, but this Dong Seven's grandfather was a Primal Daoist.
Ning knew his own power quite well. To be able to kill Adept Xu Li truly didn't mean anything. After all, there were exceptionally powerful, talented Wanxiang Adepts such as that Xue Hongyi, who Ning didn't feel confident in being able to defeat. As for those lofty, exalted Primal Daoists…most likely, a single breath of primal flame from them could incinerate Ning and shatter his soul.