7x70 like a rose 7x70 like a rose original

7x70 like a rose

นักเขียน: Milowi

© WebNovel

ตอน 1: The awaited day

"You're not coming with us Melissa?" Destiny asked. Melissa shook her head. "Nah, you go with Jasmine. I have plans to meet up with someone later." Melissa looked at her watch. "In about an hour or so."

"You really missing out girl. There are gonna be some REALLY HOT boys there. We going to a club later too." Jasmine said. "You should come too. Get away from that laptop you've been immersing yourself with schoolwork since this morning! Get out and have some fun!"

"I will! I'm meeting up with Jacob later. I just wanna finish up the last draft of this book." Melissa replied. "I'll hang out with you girls some other time. We hang out plenty together too. You can go without me once."

"Oh so toys before hoes, huh?" Jasmine rose her eyebrows as she questioned

"No." Destiny dragged out at the same time. "You need to keep us sober."

Melissa sighed. "Okay, no. Jasmine, he is not a toy. And I am never going to a club with you two. Go find a boyfriend or something to keep watch over you! But it ain't me."

"Eh, I can just replace anytime. So a toy." Jasmine shrugged her shoulder. "Pity you won't come though."

Melissa glared at Jasmine. Destiny jabbed her lightly in the side. "Don't speak about him like that!" She whispered to Jasmine. "You know how defensive she is about him!"

"Okay, Okay! I won't. Geez." Jasmine whispered back playfully glaring back.

Melissa's glare dissolved as she saw the two bickering. "Well if there's nothing else. Please. Get out of my room. I need to get tings done." She told them.

"Look. I'm sorry if I went overboard, Melissa." Jasmine spoke with a sudden gentleness; "But it's been years since things ended between you and him. You've gotta move on."

As the words started sinking in, Melissa bowed her head deep in thought.

"Jas has a point. You said You'd move on Lis like half a year ago." Destiny filled in.

Melissa sighed. "I said I'd take my time. I've been contemplating what to do when today comes, alright! Today's our anniversary. I'm not sure whether to completely cut ties with him or if there's away for us to stay friends without me getting hurt. I'm not sure. And I've been dreading and anticipating today..." Melissa confessed as she vigorously shook her head.

Jasmine shook Melissa. "Snap out of it, Melissa! I thought we were over this. Just move on! You're to good for him. Why continue something you know is fated to be doomed. If he loved you he would've never fallen for me!" Jasmine reasoned.

Melissa looked Jasmine right in the eye. "Jasmine. As your my best friend and you've been by my side for many years I respect you but... Please don't talk about him like that." Melissa responded.

"Melissa, I don't like the tone you're using with me." Jasmine stated firmly but with cautious eyes. "I don't wanna lose our friendship over some guy. You mean a lot to me."

Destiny facepalmed. "I knew dating him would cause trouble."

Melissa sighed. "I don't wanna lose our friendship either but... You know me well." Melissa looked at both her friends. "You know that I don't like choosing between you two and him. But... you also know if it concerns his safety I will sacrifice everything. Excluding my faith of course." She smiled.

"That smile of yours is dangerous. It scares me some times." Destiny shivered a bit.

"I never did understand how you could still love him after everything. After all these years." Jasmine shook her head. "How could you keep drinking the bitter cup of grief for someone that's not even yours?"

"That?" Melissa smiled. "The answer is simple. I do it because I love him with all that I am and I keep choosing to go forth because I love God."

Jasmine sighed. "If I were you my patience with him would've run thin already." Jasmine admitted.

Melissa laughed. "I learned it over time. Just don't belittle him or put him underneath me. And certainly don't do it by using the fact that he once loved you. He has his own strengths and faults."

"Aish, this feels like a conversation with Mr. Bissumbhar. To intellectual, my brain can't handle." Jasmine sulked playfully. "I have way better boys on my list anyways like 'Eye contact'."

"Uhuh. Melissa your brain is to complicated. We're just trying to advice you." Destiny spoke.

"Yeah I know. But your advice haven't always been the best." Melissa replied with a smile; "I know that you two we're just trying to help but I'd like the two of you not to interfere with us. Or any of my future love interests. Do you understand?"

They nodded their head. "I feel like I got scolded by my mom but it actually affected me." Destiny said playfully sobbing. "Same, same. I can't believe she's our age." Jasmine cried with her.

Melissa rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Come here you big babies." Melissa cooed as she opened her arms. Destiny didn't hesitate to hug.

"No! no hugs!" Jasmine denied crossing her eyes.

"Okay. Then get outta my room, missy." Melissa said as she shooed with her hands. "You two Des. I still have a busy schedule."

"But, But. Hugs..." Destiny pouted.

"C'mon. You already have plans and I have to get ready. I have a birthday party to attend to too, you know?" Melissa begged as she checked the time. "Look at the time I have to get ready now."

"Okay, okay. I'll go" Destiny said playfully.


"So. Celebrating an anniversary again? Is it Melissa?" Josh asked Jacob with a smirk.

"Yeah, I think it's our 5th if I'm not wrong." Jacob answered with a smile. "C'mon man. Help me finish up things. She'll be here any minute."

"Oh someone's smiling. You like her." Josh teased; "Still just friends, huh? You're not planning to become more?"

"Tsk. Eyyy. Just you wait. Im gonna-" Jacob playfully said and slapped his face lightly then gestured towards Josh; "We're just friends. Becoming more is impossible. Both her and I know that."

"Look man. I don't wanna get up in your business but Melissa isn't just some girl that simps over you. We both know she values herself. Just because she's stayed this long doesn't mean she will forever. You'll lose her if you keep this up."

"Yeah but the odds are against me. I got hurt a lot by Jasmine and we didn't have that many differences. Melissa and I are very different. What if I'm disappointed again." Jacob reasoned. "It's better to just stay friends."

"Don't compare Melissa to Jasmine. They are way different. Melissa has been patient with you and stayed your friend because you asked. You know you've hurt her a lot as a friend and she's still here. What more do you want?" Josh said.

"I... It's complicated. I'll think about it..." Jacob responded. "Let's practice the dance."

"Alright but don't take too long. Remember she is also admired and wanted by many now." Josh patted his shoulders; "Once she's done crying her tears, she'll gets out of here. Realize her worth before you lose her".

"Alright, alright. I get it. I'll get Remi now..."


"Boo!" Jacob crept up from behind.

"Ah! Gosh you scared me!" She put her hands to her chest.

"Your mom finally let you hang out with me huh." Jacob teased.

"Well I am 19 now. Plus I no longer live in her house." Melissa said as she rolled her eyes playfully; "So where are you taking me?"

"You'll see. Close your eyes." Jacob replied and put his hands over her eyes; "Don't peep."

"Mhm, okay. You got it. Yes, daddy!" Melissa jokingly said as Jacob guided her.

"Not the time to be joking like that." Jacob whispered in her ear; "We've still got a long day ahead of us."

"I trust you." Melissa whispered back in his ear.

A sudden deep voice interrupted them. "Well, well, well. Who do we have here?" Luca looked Melissa up and down. "So you're the one who got his heart." He used his finger to tilt her chin up.

"Um, not to be rude but... Having my chin tilted up by a guy with a deep attractive voice in front of me while having my eyes closed by an attractive one from behind isn't exactly... comfortable. So please back off unknown dude." Melissa stated calmly and gave him a smile.

"How amusing. You have a beautiful smile too. I wonder what your eyes will portray..." Luca came closer. "Does this make you uncomfortable."

"Luca. She said stop. Now, drop it." Jacob warned subconsciously pulling her closer. Melissa, caught by surprise, stumbled back a little and hit his chest. "Jacob! Gosh dammit, Be careful!" Jacob's eyes widened. "Sorry, sorry."

Luca smirkled. "I didn't believe Josh when he told me a girl managed to get Jacob's heart again. But I stand corrected." Luca dropped his hands and moved back; "Alright, alright. I'll stop teasing the young lady".

"Pfft. Me? Have Jacob's heart." Melissa laughingly exclaimed; "Funny! Yeah no. I don't think so. He's made it clear that we're just friends a couple billion times. Also are we there yet Jacob?"

"No, but we'll be there soon. Just keep walking forward." Jacob replied and they started walking along wit Luca.

"Just friends, huh? Really? Friends celebrating an anniversary. He never does it for me." Luca remarked playfully sobbing.

"Really? Do you perhaps also freak out when he jokingly says he's on a date with you like his other friend, Josh." Melissa sarcastically responded.

"No. But how'd you know Josh does that? Are you his stalker?" Luca questioned and pointed his finger towards her.

Melissa put a hand to her chest. "How dare! No, I just have great memory." She smiled. "It just so happens that he did that while I was on a video call with Jacob. As well as the fact that I can see Jacob's status."

"We're here." Jacob said and removed his hands from Melissa's eyes.

Her eyes widened. The trees were crowned with many flowers. It was a beautiful patio with flowers and trees.

"This place is beautiful. Too bad we won't be able to stay 'till nightfall to see the lights. We have to go to Ashley's birthday party at that time."

"Well actually..." Jacob responded.

"What well actually?" Melissa said and blinked.

"I thought since this is a nice place. Why not invite them to throw their party here too? Plus I pay less." Jacob explained.

Melissa had started smiling as she listened. "What? Why're you looking at me like that?" He asked her.

She wrapped her arms around his neck. "Oh nothing. You're just so considerate and smart. What a lucky friend I am."

Subconsciously Jacob also wrapped his arms around her waist. "Uh-huh, well sadly I'll never be as smart as you."

"That's great!" Melissa replied and patted his cheek. "You're already so handsome and competent in so many areas. If you surpass me where I excel at I'm afraid..." She tapped his nose; "I'll be out of your league. So please spare me."

"Okay. Alright, alright. I'll spare you." Jacob replied with a chuckle.

Melissa hugged him but then her eyes widened. She gasped. "Trampoline! There's a trampoline. Let's go in it!" She let of the hug and grabbed his hand. "C'mon!"

"Melissa, wait-" Jacob stumbled a bit by the unexpected force. "Aren't we a bit too old!"

"Nonsense! Now c'mon!" Melissa replied; "I can't go in immediately after I've gone in the pool!"


"Achoo!" Jacob's nose was red. "That pool wasn't clean. This is the worst reaction I've had to swimming pools."

"You should sleep in the living room. You know it gets worse in the AC room." Melissa adviced as she took out a cloth out of her bag and a bottle of Alcolado.

"Yeah, but Ashley wanted me to sleep next to her." Jacob reasoned; "It's her birthday plus who can say no to that cute face."

Melissa shook her head with a smile. "That little girl has you wrapped around her fingers." Melissa said, handing him the cloth with Alcolado. "If she asked you to come back to church would you do it too?"

Jacob put his head on his hands. "Perhaps. I'd most likely think about it."

Melissa shook her head and looked to Ashley who was sleeping next to Jacob. "Is she fast sleep?" She asked. Jacob leaned down a bit and bowed his head to look. "Yes. If I get out she might wake up. She's clutching tightly on to me." He replied as he smiled at Ashley.

"Alright. I made tea for you. I'll just bring it to you." Melissa said as she stood up.


"Here! Smell it while you wait for it to cool down a bit." Melissa said, giving Jacob the cup of tea. She took a seat next to him on the bed."It'll help your nose calm down."

"Thanks. Are you sure you should be giving me this? Isn't it against the church's rules?" Jacob teased Melissa.

"Not exactly. You can drink tea if it's made by yourself like this mint one." Melissa explained with a smile, dangling the cup a bit in front of Jacob. Then smelled it herself. "This always makes me sleepy. The scent of your soap is nice by the way."

"Thanks. I guess. How am I supposed to reply to that?" He laughed as they both began sipping on their tea.


"Hey, Jacob..." Melissa softly asked Jacob who slept next to her with Ashley. "Yes? What's with the tone?" Jacob asked turning his head towards her. "Nothing much. Just wanted to ask if we could cuddle this once. I can't sleep..." Melissa whispered very quietly with a smile.

Jacob sighed. "You know what... Sure, I can't sleep either anyway." He whispered back patting next to him. Melissa smiled and lay closer to him. "You feel very warm." Melissa stated as she kept tapping on his chest. A habit she had when she was thinking.

"The tapping is actually comforting." He replied. Melissa chuckled softly. "I have a habit of playing with fingers while I talk to people sometimes too."

"Really? Here," Jacob put his hand on Melissa's; "play with it. Perhaps it'll be comforting as well."

Melissa was shocked by the sudden gestured and blushed. "Um... Okay. Could've warned me you know-" Melissa playfully complained but still did as she was told.

"You're the one who brought up the idea!" Jacob whisper yelled.

"Yeah, but I didn't expect you to suddenly put your hands on mine!" Melissa whispered back.

After a while of playing with his fingers, Melissa suddenly started to tap her fingers again.

"What's wrong? Something on your mind?" Jacob asked when he noticed her tapping and her head bowing a bit.

"I was just wondering... Do you still wear your late grandfather's ring?" Melissa asked looking down at his that were full of rings.

"Oh that?" His eyes widened. "You still remember I used to wear it?"

"Yeah, I mean you told me he gave it to you on his death bed and told you to never take it off. But I don't see it anymore..."Melissa responded.

"I still wear it. It's just that the red stone fell off." Jacob replied. He took the ring off and grabbed Melissa's hand "Here, You can wear it for tonight."

"But didn't you promise your grandfather not to take-" Melissa protested but Jacob cut her off. "Shush. Just let me put it and let's go to sleep."

Melissa stopped resisting. "Alright... If you say so... Let's say a prayer before we go to sleep though."

Jacob nodded."I can agree to that." He whispered. Melissa's heart was beating quickly as he slid the ring on her. She bit her lips but said nothing.

Milowi Milowi

I revised the chapter a bit since I didn't like some of the words Melissa spoke to Jasmine. As well because there were grammar mistakes :)

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