Zhou Weiqing said with a pitiable face: “I have made a mistake, It really was not intentional, it was all subconscious, absolutely subconsciousness.”
Shangguan Bing’er gave a cold hmph, “Remember, only after you register with the Skill-Storing Palace, and get the Skill-Storing Palace plaque, then can you carry on with Storing Skills in the Palace. Ordinary Physical and Elemental Jewel Masters can also register here and get the plaque, but they will not have the robes which represent Heavenly Jewel Masters. When going through with Skill-Storing, Heavenly Jewel Masters can enjoy a 10% discount. Every additional gem increase promotion will mean another 10% discount. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to come alone to carry on with Skill-Storing, you must remember to register any promotion first.”
Zhou Weiqing said in surprise: “Doesn’t that mean that those Heavenly Jewel Masters with 9 Jewels do not need to pay?”