/ Fantasy / Title: The Silverfang Chronicles: Awakening Shadows
In a world where ancient supernatural clans battle for control, Elara Silverfang, heir to the legendary Silverfang bloodline, discovers a long-buried power within herself. Guided by the voice of a mysterious force, she embarks on a dangerous journey to unite fractured supernatural factions—the vampires, witches, and werewolves—against the looming threat of the Old Ones, beings of unimaginable power who seek to plunge the world into chaos.
As Elara and her pack unlock the secrets of their heritage and face the wrath of rival factions, they uncover deep-rooted betrayals, alliances forged in darkness, and unearth forgotten magic. The fight for survival becomes a battle not just for the future of their world, but for the balance of the supernatural realms. With the weight of her ancestors' legacy pressing down on her, Elara must navigate a treacherous path, where allies are few and enemies lurk in the shadows, all while struggling to control the power coursing through her veins.
เขียนรีวิวนักเขียน Kelvin_Isaiah
An ambitious and gripping story with a rich supernatural world and compelling central conflict. With deeper exploration of characters, pacing adjustments, and expanded themes, this novel has the potential to be a standout in the urban/dark fantasy genre.