20% Pretty Pumpkin Princess / Chapter 2: The Conspiracy

บท 2: The Conspiracy

The next day, Keomi woke up in her pajamas in her bed. She stretched her arms and legs as she rolled over and onto the side of her bed.

As she got up, she'd quickly hop before spreading her arms wide. "Another bright morning, and another educational school day. Oh! That's right, Taga wanted to go out and do something at school. I believe she mentioned the school lunchyard." Keomi thought as she walked to her closet and put on her slippers. She'd then race down the stairs slide on the rail and land at the foot of the stairs. 

"Mmmm, breakfast!" Keomi said, she then went over to the kitchen and began to make some buttery toast with an egg on top of it. Rusty came barreling down the stairs slowly, he shook himself before walking over and lying under the dinner table.

"Rusty! Come out Rusty, I have eggs." said Keomi as she walked over to a pair of two bowls near the kitchen entrance. Which had the name Rusty on them. She then poured him some water and some dog food with a cooked egg on top. Rusty immediately ran over but missed the bowls and slammed into the refrigerator behind them by accident. Keomi chuckled and then burst into laughter.

"Oh Rusty! When are you going to learn, running headfirst towards what you like can get you hurt sometimes. Be careful and take it easy. You'll get there, soon." Keomi said as she petted Rusty and began to eat her breakfast. Later on, she'd begin to get herself ready and walk to school. As she did she'd see the old couple again, this time on their front porch. Keomi waved to them, Miyo waved at her while Kaii just nodded. "You know she reminds me of our girl, wonder where Himico is now." said Miyo as she leaned back.

"Well, she wanted to travel the world, I just hope shes having a good time is all." said Kaii. Miyo nodded as she then picked up her purse next to her and pulled out a stack of photos, they all were photos taken at every location she had gone to. The two smiled at the pictures.

Keomi continued on her way to school when she saw one of the stores on her way to school opening up, a girl who looked to be her age with red hair and blue eyes was opening it up. She was wearing an apron too. The girl turned and waved at Keomi as Keomi waved to her.

"Hey there, your uniform says you are from Tomo High. What brings you over to this side of town? School' is almost a mile that way." Tomo said as she pointed to the left past the homes. "I know, I just saw how lively this place was when I moved here. So I couldn't wait to come and see what all the excitement is about." Keomi said. The girl chuckled.

"Heheh, well that's usually our Happīawā, it's when almost everyone is off work, or out of school, and it's when our business booms the most. Everyone stops by to try out our delicious sweets and top-notch ramen! Some people may shop at the Kamakura Shop or even go and dine at the restaurant nearby too. This little spot here is a guaranteed money-maker spot!" Said the girl.

Keomi nodded as she looked at some of the few students passing by. "I have to come back here and check out the scene, I bet seeing everyone in one place all happy and excited must be a great experience!" Keomi said to which the girl nodded. That is when Keomi noticed the lack of students and that was the moment when it hit her-

"AH! I'M GOING TO BE LATE!" Keomi said in shock as she began to run to school.

"Oh, well bye-bye then." said the girl.

Keomi however would make a sharp turn around as she got to the end of the street and ran back to the girl and bow. "I'm Keomi! Keomi Hollow! It's a pleasure to meet you!" Keomi said with confidence and spunk. The girl laughed at the exaggerated gesture. "Hirose Fujiko. Nice to meet you, you should defiantly get to school though, heheh." laughed Fujiko.

"....O-OH YOUR RIGHT! Have a nice day!" shouted Keomi as she ran off to school. 

At Tomo High, the school lunchyard was filled with students either studying or eating their early snacks or even breakfast from the cafeteria that served them. Keomi walked into the lunchyard, it was pretty big, in the middle of the school, a massive cherry tree stood in the center surrounded by a big patch of grass. Benches littered the place including a few places to sit and rest. She stared in amazement. Thats when her eyes would be drawn to Taga who was standing underneath the tree, a small booklet in her hand. Keomi walked over towards her, a few people were looking at them, but not enough to draw any attention. She could hear a few voices around here.

"Is that the new girl?" asked one female student

"Are they going to climb the tree? Don't they know its off limits?" said one male student.

"Welcome! I see you now wish to have answers, well you've come to the right girl." Taga smirked. "I hope I didn't keep you here too long, not that I assume you were just standing under the tree this whole time." Keomi said with a chuckle. Taga snickered a bit.

"O-Of course not! I just got here not too long before you arrived is all...y-yeaa." Taga said. Both the girls began to wander around the school class levels and even musical rooms. Keomi hadn't gotten a chance to explore the school, so she was taking everything in before the bell could ring.

"So, I take it this is you agreeing on my theory of spirits?" asked Taga. Keomi looked at her and scratched her cheeks.

"Mmmmm, I can't say I don't believe in them, but I've also never seen them either. So I'm not sure, I don't want to deny anything, but I also don't want to agree too quickly." Keomi said. Taga placed her hands on Keomi's shoulders. "I see, your caution is valid." Taga said. Keomi took a sigh of relief.

"BUT ITS MISPLACED!" shouted Taga causing Keomi to jump surprised.

"Listen Keomi, I've collected a plethora of notes about this place, it all adds up. All we need to do now is prove it!" Taga said. Keomi watched Taga stomp her foot on the stairs leading up to the next floor. She was posed like an explorer. 

"Now then, Keomi Hollow, are you ready to uncover the mysteries of this school and help me to find a potentially, still missing student!" shouted Taga. Keomi took some time between Taga's words to think. She thought that even though this was all just some strange goose chase, she didn't mind that in the slightest. She had made a friend and was finally starting to get more comfortable in this town.

Keomi figured that if there was any way to possibly make her school life more enjoyable, then perhaps this was it. And if not, at least for now, she'd have someone to talk. "Yea! I'm ready!" Keomi said as she pumped her fist into the air and bounced with excitement. As Taga's energy was very intoxicating. 

"Then let's go out and do this thing!" shouted Taga as she took one step down the stairs to Keomi, only for the bell to ring. The two stood there for a moment in silence until finally bursting into laughter.

"I guess for now we shall postpone our investigation. After class then." Taga laughed along with Keomi as the two started walking to the main classroom building, which was in the B building. As they walked Taga handed Keomi the small booklet she had before, Keomi looked at it and then to Taga.

"This is the book you had before, what's in it?" Keomi asked, "In this booklet, I've documented a few things I've seen and of course some of the research I've done over the time the missing boys started." Taga said as she tapped on the booklet.

"Boys?" Keomi thought.

"Go ahead and give that a read, we can talk more after lunch, and I'll answer any questions you have." Taga smiled as she patted Keomi on the shoulder before running to her class. Keomi watched her and waved with a smile, she then looked at the book once Taga was out of sight.

"She trusted me with this, she thinks for certain that I'll believe her. Well, no time like the present. And even if I'm not all for this, it's still a chance to make a good friend." Keomi said as she ran to her class, book in hand. As the class went on Keomi sort of cast the book aside for now, as she just wanted to focus on what was being taught.

During the class though, some boys mentioned a game called "Ranked Rivalries". It's pretty big in Japan right now. Though Keomi wasn't too into video games, at some point, she felt like she should get the experience. As she continued to pay attention in class, the booklet that Taga had given her began to call to her more and more. At one point she stared at it during a speech. So eventually she just began to read it, she picked up the book and opened it up. On the front page was a title, "The Book of Spiritual Investigation". She noticed the teacher staring at her from time to time, so Keomi just flipped through the book, seeing strange pictures, odd words, and loads of things that spoke more about what she was flipping through. Keomi then put the book down and took a breath as she kept listening to the class. 

The class went well and ended on time with no fuss in between. As Keomi left her homeroom with the rest of the students, some boys walked over to her and stood afar from her. "Well look what it is, the friend of the freak." said the boy at the front of the group. "Sorry, is something wrong?" asked Keomi.

"Yea, you going around with that weirdo is what's wrong. You know Taga is just trouble, she goes around spouting out crap and disrespecting the dead with her accusations and conspiracies. Now she has a little friend.

Tell me, do you believe her lies?" asked the bully leader, Keomi just stared at them for a moment. Behind her, Taga would come around the corner only to hide when she saw what was happening.

"I...I think you're being incredibly insensitive to her. Not everyone takes things the same as you. Maybe your just feeling angry because shes not acting like you would." Keomi said, and the bully leader just scoffed. "As if." the bully leader said. Keomi's eyes got stern as she then reached behind herself and into her bag.

"W-Why you...I guess I have no choice..." Keomi said, the boys all looked at her as she then pulled out the book pf Spiritual Investigation. The boys and Taga all looked in surprise as she did this and struck a dramatic pose.


"What are you doing?" asked one of the boys. Keomi's eyes fell on them as she got a wide smile. "You've insulted this sacred art for the last time, I now, SHALL CURSE YOU!" shouted Keomi. A few other students making their way home noticed, but didn't stop to stare.

"Huh? Curse me? What kind of crazy are you?" laughed the bully leader only for Keomi to stomp her foot on the ground which spooked the boys for a moment. "H-Hey man, maybe we should just leave her alone." said one of the boys.

"EH?! Don't tell me this is really scaring you!?" shouted another boy.

"Now then." said Keomi, all the boys looked at her as she then opened the book and flipped through the pages before landing on one with strange looking text and a diagram of the human body. She then extended her hand forward.

"Now then, from the ancient depths of the abyss and to the highest reaches of heaven! I curse you! For all your cruelty to that which you choose not to understand, may you forever and ever, never be able to relieve yourself AGAIN!" Keomi shouted. Some birds would dramatically fly by the windowed hall as she shouted the chant.

All the boys and Taga who was still hiding, all stood in surprise and suspense. The bully leader looked around before smirking. "Guess your little spell didn't work after all." the bully leader laughed. Keomi then giggled a little which caused the bully to stare at her with a confused look.

"You won't notice it right away, because this curse is special." Keomi smiled as she pointed at him, and then pointed down.

"This spell is called, Clogged Pipe." Keomi smiled wildly. The bully leader took a second to process it before he then reacted in shock and embarrassment. He covered his crouch.

"EHHHHHHH!!! YOU FREAK!" the bully leader shouted before then running off with the other boys also running with him. Keomi chuckled to herself as she closed the book. "Heheh, may have been mean, but I think that was worth it." Keomi said as she heard footsteps approaching her. She turned to see Taga approaching her.

"Taga-" Keomi would be interrupted as Taga then immediately snatched the book from her and held it to her chest. Keomi stood surprised. 

"Just what do you think your doing?" Taga asked, her voice a bit shaky. Keomi didn't know how to respond. "You think that I gave you this just so you can throw it around and scare people? You think I would have chosen you to do pranks?!

Y-You never believed in anything I said, your just like eveyrone else here! Judging because you don't understand! Your just like the bullies you scared off...no, your worse." Taga cried as she then ran away with Keomi reaching for her. "Taga wait!" Keomi shouted. Thats when a piece of paper would fall from the book and land without Taga noticing as she ran away. Keomi watched as Taga ran out of sight. She walked over and picked up the piece of paper.

She looked back to where Taga went before opening the folded piece of paper. "Oh..." Keomi said, she now from seeing this understood.

Later on, Keomi would still be walking around the school looking for Taga, a few security guards would ask her why she was here. Keomi would tell them she was looking for a friend in which they let her go, but told her not to be long.

Eventually Keomi would go to the lunchyard and go to the cherry tree, she'd walk to it and then notice Taga leaning aginst it. Her eyes glued to the book.

"Taga..." Keomi said.

"Go away." She replied. Keomi stared at her and then got on her knees. 

"You dropped this." Keomi said as she revealed the piece of paper, Taga looked and then ran over immediately and grabbed it. Her face falling as she turned to Keomi after putting the piece back in the book. "..."

"I understand now, and I don't want this to seem like I'm saying this because of what I know now, but because of what I should have known. This is important to you; you clearly take this seriously and I...against my own better judgment. Wasn't taking the same.

I thought I was just being funny back there, but really, I was being inconsiderate and insensitive. You were right to compare me to those bullies, I'm just like them. Making fun of something because I don't understand.

Taga...I hope you can forgive me. I'm really sorry." Keomi said as a few tears came down her face as she pleaded for forgiveness. Taga looked at her and then to her book. "I forgive you. Thank Keomi, that means a lot for you to say that." Taga said. Keomi wiped her face and stood up, the two then smiled at one another. Taga then smirked wide as she put the book in the air.

"Well! As someone who's now shown increidble devotion to the cause of Spiritual investigation, it's only right that I now give you the option to be inscripted into the club!" Taga shouted with cofidence. Keomi's eyes lit up. "WHHAAT! I get to be in a club too!?" Keomi asked with excitment, Taga nodded. 

"It's a very secretive and exclusive club, it takes a lot to even get past the try outs. However I'll give you a chance to prove your loyalty by giving you a task to do." Taga said. Keomi nodded as she was ready to join. Taga then pointed to the cherry tree.

"Climb the cherry tree, and you'll be in." Taga said. Keomi stared at her and then the tree. "Um, isn't it forbbiden to do so?" Keomi asked.

Taga just smirked. "Hehehehe, you need to be willing to break a few rules to be in this club. Are you telling me your too much of a goody two shoes to get the job done? huh?" Taga asked as she put her hands on her hips. Keomi was conflicted as she walked up to the tree, she looked up it to see it wasn't that big. 

"This would be my first time in a while climbing something, my father usually took me out rock climbing indoors, but my mother never really liked me climbing things...oh boy." Keomi said, she gulped as she then got ready to climb the tree only for Taga to interrupt her.

"Stop, you pass." Taga said, Keomi looked at her confused.


"You have shown your willing to go the distance, your in." Taga said, "But I didn't climb it." Keomi said.

"But you were going to, I can see a devoted soul from a mile away and I can see that you Keomi, have one of the biggest I've ever seen. You'll be a great spiritual investigator!" Taga said. Keomi's face lit up as she raised her hands into the air.

"I'M PART OF A CLUUB!" shouted Keomi, Taga a little confused as gave a small cheer too. "Yay." Taga giggled. Thats when both of their stomachs would growl. Both of them got beat red from embarrassment.

"Uhhh hehe." Taga laughed nervously.

"Hehe, hey, I know this place down where I live, they sell sweets and ramen!" Keomi said. Taga's face lit up as she grabbed Keomi's hands. "I LOVE RAMEN, TAKE ME NOW!" shouted Taga, Keomi giggled as the two then left school and began to make their way to the market place Keomi had visted before. Both of them now in higher spirits then ever before.


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