56.52% poke fanfic fun to read / Chapter 52: 4

บท 52: 4

Time moves along. My plan was for twelve pokémon and that's still the goal but its going to get rough when the team is more than six I think. Already specialized training is harder. Luckily Query is organizing things when one of his brains is free. Also, that's a weird concept I've gotten used to easily. Double brain. Huh. On the other hand I pretty much -only- train all day every day. Even fun is driving the intelligence of my mons further.

Tru and I are so close compared to the previous year. I can't imagine her as she was before though there are instances where we both get quiet and have a short hug. Riolu are amazing when they bond with you. Despite her newfound loyalty I'm happy to say that she doesn't hold back in teaching me combat. Joy's Lucario helps us along now that I'm six and growing like a weed. Which, thank Arceus is finally happening. Mom is fairly tall for a woman but dad is nothing physically impressive. I was very, very worried that I'd take after him with how active my life is. Cause he is not at all what you call athletic.

I'm a tough girl but I know I'm going to be traveling constantly later in life. I need muscles and stamina. I'm steadily approaching five feet quickly, though I don't expect to reach mom's height of 5'9' till I'm sixteen. I asked her about how tall she was when she was my age and she just grinned, teasing me about it for the next week. Basically I should level out at five feet and stay that way until puberty hits me hard. Joy.

Speaking of Joy! The twins are amazing. Becca and her named the boy Henry and the girl Suryein. I guess I've never describe us pinky humans in detail, or the pokémon. Joy looks like a nurse Joy. Period. No that's a joke. Her hair is much shorter and she's quite a bit bulkier than the others...That I have never seen. Oh. Hrm. I'll need to see when I actually go to a different city and see one. Compared to the anime though she's as I described.

Becca is somewhat asian in appearance as far as I can tell. I'm not sure which nation that means here but she's thin and graceful to the presence her wife gives out. They compliment each other well. She's, well, plain but is constantly happy. Their babies are tiny babies. Cute, but babies. Not hard to imagine. Both have the blueish hair that a lot of the Clan tends to have in females but some of the guys have. Red is very much among the males. Anime logic yaaaay. Which makes my honey locks stand out. Double yaaaay. Thanks dad. Also names are weird. Henry and Suryein? Pretty sure Suryein is Korean in my old world.

A few more important people before I get to Sunshine. Who I got in Kanto. Yep! I called in my favor with my next person of interest.

Sampson Oak has grown on me so much. Which makes it very sad that he and Aurelia are leaving. I hadn't considered that he's been here for almost two years now. For the explorer that he seems to be...Wow. But then again being able to call the Dragon's Den home when not a part of the clan must be amazing. Query is as close to panicking as I've seen him. Which is odd as I'm sure he considered that Sampson would leave someday.

Aurelia will be missed but she's complained for a while that taking care of dragons is a job for younger women. She's older than Sampson by about eight or so years. Putting her around fifty? Forty-eight? She doesn't at all look it whatever it is. I really need to ask Sampson his age. I'm still young enough looking to get away with ridiculously blunt questions. Aurelia has stated that traveling the world with Sampson should be a great vacation but that she'd return in ten years or so. What? No one batted an eye. The Clan is made of people who say grand things and die trying to achieve them. Lance left alone with a single pokémon at eight. All his parents told him was to call when he knew a significant battle would occur so they could watch him obliterate the competition.

The conversation with Sampson went like this. Oh but wait. Does this mean Aurelia will show up in Alola with him now? I really want to know. But yes. Conversation.

"Saaaaampson. Oh dear sweet Oak person I adore and would neeeever blackmail." So while Tru is serious in demeanor one of her abilities is prankster and its infected us both as a way of bonding. Also I'm more snarky now in public.

Warily, the man's admittedly nice voice shows concern tinged with amusement. "Yes, That is my name oh most difficult of the little ones. Don't bother. I know what you want. Samuel is aware that I've been studying a promising young trainer."

And showing just how smart he is, he tosses his family as a sacrifice. "However, I did not tell him your actual age, your team or anything besides that if he waited until I was done with my research about your team I'd start sending him dragon scales donated by species he hasn't studied yet."

Okay. Wow. How did he get the dragons to agree to that? Due to many scales here helping evolve seadra and millotic they are quite prized. Scales able to evolve seadra require at least an elder of any race of dragon that prefers the ocean as a home. This is some truly massive gyarados, dragonite and kingdra mostly. Gyarados don't tend to live long enough to get the power and wild dragonite tend to hoard their power for future family. They're pretty friendly but they keep special things for their own kind. Kingdra tend to be the most amiable in terms of giving up a scale.

Prism scales are only from elder dragonite and millotic. Period. And its not even that simple. Not only must the scale come from an elder of either species but it must be infused with water energy in high doses over time. Perhaps a year or two of exposure. When do both millotic and dragonite do this? Nesting. And said dragonite has to have its hidden ability.

So to give up a part of their nest is the only way for a feebas to become a millotic through a prism scale. The other way is equally as hard but much more readily accessible. Careful and steady conditioning of a feebas in a very specific manner to promote the same energy that millotic give out to create a prism scale. Contests provide this not because of the actual contest but because the training feebas go through to become more appealing is very close to the energy needed. Beauty and strength are the ocean to a T.

"I'm not going to ask how you got all those scales because I'm much more interested in what you owe me. Good researcher." Perhaps I should tone it down a bit. A bit more serious I start wandering his home. Small and spartan as most of the Clan's buildings (a lot of Clan sleep in large outside areas so they can be with their partners), there are boxes ready for shipping but his ever present notebook is spread open from where he was drawing. Might be something he and his cousin bonded over besides pokémon. "I know you want to head to Kalos next but could I offer an Alakazam trip to your cousin first before you go?"

There wasn't quite desperation in my voice. I'm mentally old but my child-body wanted to bounce up and down in excitement. Samuel Oak is almost universally loved and respected by all pokémon fans, this world or my last.

"Yes kiddo. I don't know what I'll enjoy more. Watching him see your King of a gabite, Query or your riolu. The first two are staggeringly rare of course but riolu aren't exactly common either. That'll be hilarious, but the real fun will be when you get tired of him asking questions and be all grumpy. On that cute kid face." Hah! Joke's on him. Sampson would try to ask me questions when I'm training (admittedly that's a lot of the time) which didn't endear him to any of my team except Query of course. If he'd waited and scheduled more time with me ahead of time instead of wander about I'd likely have warmed to him quicker.

He learned a bit more as time went on though. "Sampson. I know we started rough but...Uhm." I didn't know what to say to convey that I'd miss him so I fell back onto my new self. The one that is bolder. In my past life I never would have done it. Hugging him felt good and had the added gift of him making a rather amusing surprised noise.

Letting himself put his arms around me in return I smiled into his chest as his voice got just a little thick. "I know you curse so...Damnit kid. I'll miss you too. Infuriating as you know you are. This has been an amazing adventure here. Let's celebrate it by screwing with my cousin."

I might be starting to love Sampson.

Securing permission from mom wasn't that hard. Since last year's battle against Lance I've become an adult in many eyes. The Clan talk to me as if I were an adult as controlling Zaela is easily proof for most of them. Some can't see past my pretty face and lack of height but they are rare. None speak out cause mom is pretty vicious about disrespect. I knew immediately when Fate had chosen to give me my next team member.

Dad and I have been growing apart a bit over the last year but I still do my best to keep him updated on my favorite things hoping he'll share his. When I mentioned I was heading to Kanto with Sampson he said there was a young man who just invented something that he'd be trying to improve efficiency in. Stasis was a fairly old technology in pokéballs but not keeping many in storage or transporting them over a hard line. Only sixteen or so right now, Bill Alexander is pretty famous to pokémon fans of course.

And where was he finalizing development? The Oak ranch of course. Oh yes. I knew what was coming. Here's Sunshine. But there is a lot more to tell before we meet her.

Sunshine the Eevee

Nature: Quirky

Abilities: Adaptability, Anticipation

Moves: Fake Tears, Tickle, Wish, Yawn, Stored Power, Tackle, Helping Hand, Baby-Doll Eyes

Getting an alakazam wasn't hard. They've been helping keep people safe in battles for ages now and mom's gym is the last hurdle to enter the Silver Conference. Of course we had strong psychics around. Both mom and dad came to see me off with a few words of encouragement and a request from dad to ask Bill a bunch of things until I told him I'd just have him call.

I'm a bit bitter that I was more a messenger than a well wished daughter from him. Mom noticed though so he's gonna get it.

Sampson placed his hand on my shoulder, his other hand in Aurelia's as she grinned down at me. Adventure does well for Clan members and Professor Oak had a dragonite that rivals any in the Den. Of course Aurelia wanted to come. Teleporting isn't anything I'm unused to (I think getting transported to a different universe counts right?) but the nerves of such a jump got to me just a little so Sampson's hand might have gotten a tad crushed in fright. As much as a seven year old can. Or will be seven later this year. Shut up. I turned six shortly after Lance left.

The sight that greeted me was everything I could have hoped for and more. I hate describing scenery as I'd much rather be out there exploring it. Most of my past life was set in one place, a hermit. I'm lucky so much of the area around Blackthorn is interesting or I doubt I'd ever be able to wait another four years for my journey.

The anime doesn't do the ranch justice. Pokémon need a lot of space to be happy. Territorial fights don't happen among trained pokémon usually but they still need their own place. I'm not sure if Professor Oak got a grant or some sort of deal with the Kanto government but just the lake alone that shone in the bright afternoon had to cost...I can't imagine. Glittering happily at me I couldn't help but think that in the two weeks I was going to be here that I'd be swimming it in its entirety.

Lush fields of grass up to my knees spread out around the lake, hugging it as a complement. Green and thick with trees and bushes littering it the field had herd pokémon of three or four species running about in obvious contentment, safe in the sanctuary the ranch provided. Hooking up into mountains northwestward, the field led into a thick, dark forest. Even as far away as I was I could see what looked like a scyther coming in for a landing. East of that was much more craggy terrain that rivaled the almost small town sized lake in size. Or at least that's how it looked to my small self. A brief flash of a flamethrower or fire spin spoke of a fire type there.

I don't know how each and every biome was formed or maintained without one taking over the other. Or, also, how they kept the natural weather from destroying what looked like a small rain forest in the southeast but I can't help but think psychic barrier tauros shit is at work or anime logic. I didn't care anyway. This was a place that I could see myself staying at for years if my goal didn't override all other desires.

A clearing of the throat brought me out of fangirl mode.

"Funny as that face is kid I think you wanted to meet my cousin?" Oh I'm going to wipe that smugface off your head Sampson. Still, he's got a point.

"Shut up. You can't tell me this isn't amazing no matter how many times you come here." That struck a cord with him and he lowered his guard to possible snark in lieu of gazing over the view. Thus he was properly surprised by me kicking him in the butt and tearing down the small hill the alakazam left us on. There is only one building in the ranch that I could see. And it was massive. Labs connected almost honeycomb like with durable looking material.

I couldn't help but ignore Sampson's squawk of annoyance and Aurelia's snickers because of the sign I came across.

Oak's Ranch

All who enter respect that we are guests upon this world. Seek to leave here better than when you arrived.

Stopping, I looked back at my two companions and smiled my thoughtful smile. If I had my way, no others but Professor Oak would be allowed to care for my pokémon if this turned out how I expected. I haven't met an adult I know a lot about from the anime or games. While my parents and the Clan could protect my team, Professor Oak cares. Truly does. I want that for my team if I have to leave them someplace. Don't get me wrong. Sampson is a big character to a couple of games but I never watched those seasons of the anime so I really don't know him other than the actual person. Who is great and if he settled someplace and was willing I'd choose him now. Lance and Clair are too young at the moment of course. But in the future?

Let's see if the Pokémon Professor is as great as expected.

I was shaking a bit when I walked bast the doors and into the cool lab of one of my heroes. My past life is fading more and more. This new one is where I belong even if I do regret not being able to say goodbye to my family back there.

Here though, Ella Mita grew up dreaming of her team. And how she could learn more about them. The pitiful one line or two entries in the pokédex of the games pale to the papers published about a particular species. Mom would shake her head at how advanced my reading as I drew her into conversations about the subject species. And all the best papers were by Samuel Oak. Love of pokémon shone in his papers. Clinical stats were presented alongside his well maintained logic then opinion and finally suggestions about dealing with the species involved centered on relationships with humans. That's my passion. How could I not be nervous about meeting him?

A heavy slap on my shoulder ruined the moment. "Kid. Relax. Samuel has kids and regularly sponsors trainers each year. You don't have to worry." Stupid Sampson. Its not that at all. Its about what I'll do with him. Are the movies cannon? Did Samuel go to the future as a child? One of my plans was to get an in with Ash by displaying knowledge of that event. I want Ash prepared without subverting his destiny. You don't meet the goddess of Fate without having a healthy respect for consequences. I am fully planning to break some major events but some are beyond my control by a lot. And always will be. Ash is the chosen one. I'm planning to be big, but not that big.

Maybe when Ash is around five I've revisit the idea of seeing if I can give the Professor a heart attack with my knowledge. Doesn't he meet Serena around there? Finally calming I'm again taken out of my mood by the idiot.

"SAMMY! GET YOUR ABSENT-MINDED BUTT OUT HERE!" A grin at my outraged expression is all that Sampson gives me as Aurelia smacks him upside the head. Turns out Samuel is a klutz. A heavy crash followed by muffled cursing and yell follow along with firm steps of tapping shoes is the response.

"Legends damnit Sampson if you cause that experiment to fail I'll fuuu- I mean. Fudge the results. Yes. Hello." Eyes glaring hard at Sampson, the Professor's face goes equal parts curious and resigned as he looks at his cousin, raising an eyebrow and inclining his head to myself and Aurelia.

I idly listen as Sampson introduces me. Professor Oak is in his early forties right now it seems. Or at least he looks like it. That brown color Gary has in the anime is tinged with streaks of gray and white and the crinkles around his eyes aren't as pronounced. The easy smile on his face and the brightness of the eyes seem amused and I realized he's been studying me studying him after trying to say hello.

"Oh. Forgive me. You look so similar to Sampson but much more pleasant." There. Payback. Sputtering comes from Sampson and Samuel just roars in laughter at my tone. Sticking my hand out to him I draw upon my heritage and speak with presence. That shuts him up and he gives Sampson a considering look that has the man groaning at something. "Ella Mita. It is a pleasure to meet you Professor Oak."

"So you're the trainer that Sampson was bragging about." Okay. Maybe I should have played up a kid more but I can't. This man could be my greatest ally and he loves pokémon as I do. Sampson is great but he isn't a trainer like me. Professor Oak is. Was. Whatever. Sampson has some tough partners, especially after his time with the Clan...But this is a former Champion. I won't be one, but I will have that power. I must. "It is nice to meet you Miss Mita. Blackthorn is not too far behind us here in Pallet but I think I still have some breakfast pastries if you need a snack?"

Giving Sampson a triumphant look I just about beam at the professor. "No. I came here to meet you. I bribed Sampson to get this chance and I ate with my team at five this morning. We get up early in the Den." More raised eyebrows from Samuel and a long considering look as he examines me a bit more. Perhaps seeing the three pokéballs along my waist and the scuffs and scrapes I constantly have give him pause. He spends a long, long while staring at the various scars on my hands from dealing with Zaela's scales.

Further down he notes how my clothing is made of durable leather and that my boots are custom made and meant for harsh environment. My hair, my one vanity, is tightly braided and pulled back and up so nothing gets in my eyes. Lance's battle last year taught me that looking all cool with it whipping about my face just means it stabs me in the eyes in Zae's sandstorm.

"I see. Well. Let me go put on hold Sampson's folly as I think I'll call the experiment he almost destroyed and you can tell me why such a young lady wants with my humble self." If that came out of Sampson's mouth I'd call it so much shit but he just smiles warmly, a curious glint in his eyes and moves back towards the lab he came from. "Sampson! Show them to lab seven."

Turning about I grin at the couple and am unable to stop from squeaking in pure joy and grabbing both their hands. Sampson just lets out a snort and starts leading us deeper into the complex. Its all I can do not to pull away and explore each door we pass. The majority of my life has been spent outside and in the Dragon's Den or in the Clan grounds. The occasional trips into Blackthorn City weren't nearly as interesting as this could be.

Sensing my potential disaster making exploration Sampson hastily tries to distract me. "So why do you want to meet him? You've got powerful pokémon so I don't see you starting your journey here. Sure, his starters are strong but you don't seem the type that would meet someone just for a chance at a pokémon." He's wrong of course. Bill is here. And my eevee. I'm sure of it. There is no admonishment in his voice. Just curiosity. As always really. "You've been awfully cagey about this Ella."

Its at this point I am again sucked into Fate's plan. Not in a bad way. More like what the hell? For the most part Fate has been pretty logical. Born in Blackthorn. Get a dragon starter. Dad works with the Stones? Get a beldum. Obvious Aura Adept? Riolu shows up. Dig in an aura rich cave? Get my fossil pokémon for later when the technology is ready to revive them. Maybe Fate just wanted good comedic timing with this one.

My eevee chose that moment to come squealing her name around the corner and jump straight into my chest and act like a squirrel in a cartoon, just running around my body like it was a cat tree. Shock was my first emotion and when I reached out to her aura and was greeted by intense fear shock became instinct. The sudden and loud explosions echoing in the halls told me which of my partners I needed as well as why Eevee was terrified.

While I often focus on combo moves for straining and especially terrain control, I am very pragmatic. I used to do my best to break single player games. Query came out the moment I thought of tactics and floated up to the ceiling and started bringing up invisible reflect barriers around the corridor Eevee ran from and then hid behind an air conditioning unit while pulsing out his senses.

Did I think we were under attack? No. But an angry pokémon loose in the lab? That sounds very likely. My own aura pulsed out and caught nothing but I kept on guard as I started to soothe the little fox, carefully keeping my voice low and laced with aura to speak with her. Query stood overwatch and began to simulate every possible type that is small enough to rampage into the room.

"Hello there little one. Look at you. You're small even to me. Isn't that funny? I'm not very large yet. See?" Still holding the trembling creature to my chest after she stopped treating me like a 3-D race track I let her feel my desires. Tru has been helping me with this for about a month now. That instinctive feeling that her species are known for. To be trusted.

Eevee did that head tilt thing that all small creatures use to devastating affect. My focus was entirely upon her so I didn't notice Sampson palming his own pokéball (I didn't know which, too busy with fluff) and heading to an intercom to find out if anyone knew of what was going on. Aurelia was just looking rather bored. Explosions happen in the Den like ten times a day. And she picks up the pieces. This place was rather soft looking to her. I knew she'd react in an instant at any true sign of danger though.

"Tell me what happened little one. Come on Sunshine. You can trust me." Query is going to replay this moment forever. Cause I got that baby voice people get with well, babies and cute things.

"You understand me! Yay! That's amazing! Are you a pokémon that looks like people? Oh! Oh no! Wait! I was running away from a boomer! You have to run! He's mean and loud and confused! So maybe not mean! Get away person mon!"

Eevee's voice in aura sounded fucking adorable and full of honesty in the purest sense. Innocence. As to what she was speaking of? Well. An electrode rolled around the corner and Sampson made a low hiss of worry. Eevee's squeals turned into whimpering. I'd find out later that the voltorb that some of the lab assistants were helping to try and control his urges to explode evolved and promptly lost that same control due to the evolution.

Feeling only a determination to get away from the damage it was causing the Electrode reluctantly started moving towards us. To Sampson and Aurelia (Who had a baton out from somewhere on her form) it looked like it was going to attack us. My voice stopped whatever they were about to do even as Query flew down, erecting more reflect screens and lacing them with light screens in a double layer of protection. Already was he mentally telling the electrode telepathically that he could keep everyone safe from a few explosions until they got the poor pokémon outside.

"Wait! Query has him. Its not what you think." Voltorb and electrode are indeed known for exploding even for fun, and of course from any sort of stress. Seeing the Ball pokémon fly directly over our heads and explode was quite disconcerting. Query trains against Momma though. Not with success yet. Even my whole team can't take her of course. But the strength he has is nothing to scoff at. A low hum of contentment and determination are all he says as he carries electrode out the way we came.

Still stroking Eevee as if nothing supremely dangerous just happened, and to look like a bond villian, I followed Query along while I kept up conversation with who I was sure was my fourth pokémon.

"See? Query is my friend and will keep us safe."

"Wow! How is he doing that? Mr. Brain who works with the head human here can lift things but not like that! Or maybe he does and just doesn't show off. Are you showing off? I guess not because you took away the scary. Uhm. Or was the boomer not scary? Some other pokémon here are very, very scary looking since my father's human took us here to learn things. And the boomer was pretty nice before he became a big boomer."

Oh my Arceus. She must be a newborn. Zaela was cute in her own ways but nothing like this. Dragon cute is like. 'Hey! See this thing I killed for us? Want to play catch until its tender enough to eat?'

"You're just a bundle of happy aren't you? From what I could tell uh...Your boomer friend there was trying to get out as quick as possible. Why someone didn't get his pokéball or not I don't know. Query has it though."

"Oh! That's easy. Boomer boomed the ball. If he's still nice it probably wasn't on purpose. Daddy says those balls are homes! Do you have a ball you go into?" Cute head tilt. My heart. Sampson and Aurelia don't exist to me even if my aura pulsing out detects them following me after Query. A few more explosions sound in the distance until they stop and a pleased hum flows into my mind. Evidently my boy fixed the issue.

"I do have a home but its more of a house. People don't have pokéballs. That's mainly for pokémon such as yourselves when you find a human you wish to belong with. If you do that is." Walking out the front door and a few hundred feet back towards the hill finds us at Query and a snoozing electrode in a rather larger crater. Query can't use hypnosis really but after all the self-damage the poor electrode caused itself it was easy for his confusion rays to stimulate rest.

"Oh. He's sleepy. That's much better. We should be quiet. If we tiptoe we'll be quieter. I can show you if you want!" A soft yeep follows as she realizes she was a little loud at that last part and she hides into my arms only to peek over and make sure electrode is still down. "Oh. Good. What was I saying? Tip-hey you already know how to tiptoe. You're smart. Who are you?"

This little girl must be very young if she doesn't have any wariness about her or she's not spent a bit of time with wild pokémon. I'm about to open my mouth to tell her but a bunch of people in lab coats come running out and are about to demand answers until Sampson hisses out a large 'shhhh' and waves to the metang hovering over an obviously unconscious electrode. One of the coats just sighs hard in relief and tosses out a great ball that sucks up the poor creature without a single wiggle. Maybe this is his trainer? Pulling my aura back in makes me sigh a bit in relief. I'm getting better, but its still years before I'm all bad ass. I keep enough to speak with Eevee but my immediate concern is that the coats are staring at me….and my shiny pseudo-legendary.

"Erm. Hi. I'm Ella Mita. Pleased to meet you?"

Sampson treats them a bit like an unruly mob as we head to Lab 7 to find a relieved Samuel Oak. Even if he's already bringing up video of Query carrying the electrode who I kept out as he's already out of the bag. Plus this place is a haven for him. Instead of watching himself efficiently deal with the issue he's floating about examining all the various consoles and doodads. Samuel has trouble deciding which he pays attention to first until he sees the way I handled Eevee on the recording and then again at the small fox asleep in my arms.

Eevee refused to leave me until she could introduce me to her daddy who is out on an errand with his human. Who is Bill. Obviously. So until they return I'm her minder. And yes she fell asleep almost immediately after talking a bit more about how she's happy the loud sounds are gone.

The recording finishes as Query floats the electrode out of view. Not bothering to pull up footage from other angles Samuel sits back and strokes his chin as he watches Query float about with a pleased hum. "I saw five? Moves. Light screen, gravity, reflect, psychic and magnet rise. The reflect and light screen are obvious. Psychic to carry the electrode, gravity to aid in keeping them both steady and with less chance of anything hitting of them causing enough force to cause another explosion...Magnet rise though. To counteract any sort of stray electricity or...No. To make sure if the electrode did spark that it would home in on your metang and nothing else...Query was it?"

I let Query hum out an approval for his name. "Query has been trained primarily, as a close range fighter and a field commander. Think battlefield overwatch and the ability to quickly substitute himself into danger for others who may not be able to take a beating." I noted how Samuel's eyebrows kept on raising at obvious unit tactics. I would not hide this from him. Even if I did reach out to get a bit of a taste of his aura. His lifeforce screams honesty and good intentions.

"And you say your starter is even more powerful?" A smile at those words as I pampered the sleeping Eevee with careful strokes and my boon's gift showing me that she needs a bit of a change in diet from how her fur is growing. Now that the excitement is over my mind is already building a plan for her. Assuming she's coming with me. Yeah right. I'm not letting this girl go.

"Zaela is much more than just powerful, but yes right now Query can barely beat her in close combat. But if she uses any of her terrain tactics there is no contest." Someday the gap will be much, much closer between them but their peaks of power are in very different timeframes.

The Professor just nods at that, lost in thought at the moment. Sampson shifts a bit and sighs, speaking up.

"This is going to turn into a boring discussion without doing things. So if its all the same I'll go give Aurelia the tour. Don't forget to do the same for the kid here too after you geniuses are all done being smarty pants, Sammy." This must be family teasing as I know Sampson has spent hours in front of me writing and studying. Judging by Samuel's scowl I'm quite right.

Aurelia doesn't even hide her relief and drags Sampson out without anything but a nod for me and the professor. She's always been pretty quiet. Again the Professor's gaze is considering something in his head so I just enjoy the presence of Eevee. She's perfect. Pikachu might be the front runner for the 'cute' pokémon in my previous world but eevee was my choice. Always. Then again mostly everyone liked the Evolution pokémon.

"She's very taken with you. I can speak to Bill about giving her over if you like. Its obvious from your Query here that you could handle an eevee." Snapping my head up to see that Samuel has taken a seat next to me I would hug him if I could. Instead he has to settle for a bright smile of joy, then a sigh.

"Yes. Its love at first sight but we'll see what her father and more importantly, what she says first. I take it she's only a week or so old?" A short nod and an approving smile greet my words. "If you'd like to see my other two pokémon I don't mind. Zaela will require we go outside though." His eyes widen as he spots me judging how tall the ceiling is and he hastily grabs some sort of scanning device. Likely a prototype pokédex adjacent scanner.

Standing woke eevee but if anything she was happy to talk to me some more. I get the feeling that she's lonely and starved for attention. Scratching her behind the ears gives me more pleased coos and she hops up and onto my shoulder to butt her head against my hair and start examining my scent in detail. While nothing compared to a growlithe or hondour, her nose is still quite the magnitude greater than my own. Pleased emotions radiate her like sunshine. Yes. That'll be her name.

Query floats with Samuel and while my metang can talk to my team and I telepathically, he has yet to do so to anyone else. I've not asked him why, figuring he'll tell me when he wishes. Still, he can pulse emotions and is constantly pushing curiosity at the Professor on every single thing they pass that is remotely interesting.

"Ella? Do you like things? I like digging and the sky. They're so far apart unless you look straight ahead. Its weird! But good. Since I came here so many new things have happened. The first day I went to the lake and ran with these little round friends with tails. And then..."

My heart. The walk through the complex takes a long while as Query happily gives a fascinated Professor Oak anything he wants to know, responding with hand motions they figure out as a yes or no.

"My word. Even my alakazam isn't as socially aware as you are. Interesting. And you say that he has no issues being around many people or pokémon?" I have a feeling that Query is going to be peppered for questions about how he's so much a 'normal' person. Individual. Perhaps even more than his shiny nature.

"...then yesterday I got to go with daddy to see what people look like besides the people I know! You're smaller than all the others! Does that mean you were just born too?" Bright eyes lock on me in joy at the idea and she can't help but run all over me again at the idea she's got someone her age, even if she told me just moments ago she got to watch a growlithe pup learn some moves from his parent and then got to play with them after.

"No sunshine. I'm nearly seven. But I am young for a human. I won't be as tall as everyone here but I will get a lot bigger." Whatever she might make of that it doesn't matter as she's now committed to jumping all over me until I trap her. And catching her (which its obvious she wants to be) just causes her to make low purring noises and pay attention to where we are going. "We're going to meet my other two partners. Zaela is going to be very big and fierce but she won't hurt you. Tru will be much more calm and isn't nearly as big."

Eevee takes this all in and while she snuggles in a bit further in response she shows more desire for snuggles than actual trepidation. After explaining what a doorbell is to Query (Where did that conversation come from?), Samuel finally leads us to what is obviously a cleared out training field. Pulling out Tru's ball I release my riolu. Her ears twitch quite a bit back and forth as she assesses the feel of the place then glances over to the professor, a slight smile on her face as she feels out his aura, finding the same thing I did.

"This is Truthseeker or Tru for short. She's my moral compass. This is Professor Oak Tru. The leading expert on pokémon and how they interact with humans. Among other things." Showing just how smart he is, Samuel just stays back with a grin and a short nod of respect before addressing Tru directly who gives him a short bow.

"If I may, this device scans you for information on your species. There is no pain or discomfort. Any information I gain will be shared once its processed." Ahhh. So that's the drawback of this pokédex. It isn't instant yet. Tru just nods her agreement and its a quick flash later that Query hovers in front in obvious consent as well. Once they are done Tru pads over to peer at Eevee.

"Is this a new teammate Mistress? She seems small and kind."

"Teammate! What's that? Who are you? And yes I'm kind! I don't want to be mean. Wait. Do you think I am mean?"

Laughing a bit, I walk a bit back to give Zaela room as I soothe Eevee. "No. She can sense if you are nice like I can. And teammate means that you would become my pokémon and train with me. I'll tell you more later. For now do remember what I said of Zaela."

My starter emerges with a flash but without her usual roar of intimidation. She heard all of what has been happening in her ball and knows not to frighten a baby. Something that all pokémon agree on is that newborns should be protected above all else. Eggs are sacred among them save for a few of the carnivorous species such as ekans.

Zaela turns to the mouth-agape professor as he realizes that Query isn't the most special of my pokémon at all. King's Nature is so utterly rare that almost no in depth studies exist. The last trained King pokémon was somewhere in Unova around fifty years ago before the regions became more open about trade and travel.

"….Sampson kept this from me for dragon scales?!" Letting the man rage a bit felt nice as Zaela preened and allows him to scan her, even if he was muttering under his breath like mad. Come to think of it, he has a dragonite. Yeah that was a raw deal. Sure new scales from other species is cooool...But Zaela is amazing.

"You take good care of...Zaela. That's obvious. I don't get to study gabite at all but from what I've read everything here looks perfect. My own experience with dragonite gives me some insight and her form looks quite powerfully set. The scans will tell me anything more. You said you are staying two weeks? Is there any chance I could bribe you for a month?" From the eagerness he's trying to keep down I can tell he'd happily keep us here until he could pry every piece of data about my pokémon as possible. So while I would do it for free, I should get something from him.

"If you have your dragonite teach Zaela Draco Meteor and anything else they are willing then yes. Mother has a pokémon who knows it but your dragonite was a Champion. That is my request." Tru wants nothing here but a quiet place to train with me. Query will get more than he ever could want learning here...But my starter thrives on hard work.

I don't get my answer right away as he stares deep into my eyes and then at Zaela once more. I can tell he's probably going to deny that weapon of mass destruction from going into my hands at least perhaps until I'm older so I give my last trump card unless I want to pull anime knowledge out.

One hand raises to keep him from talking then goes palm up. Aura condenses and solidifies, shaping the sphere I've worked so hard to become mine. Winking at his again jaw-dropped expression I keep Eevee carefully against my chest and toss the sphere to take a chunk out of a nearby training post. Its not up to pokémon standards yet but for a human? Beyond impressive.

"Let me calm Eevee down and let's go have some tea Professor. Then I'll tell you of my dream and see if I can't show you why I can be trusted."

First step of getting the Pokémon Professor as one of my backers is a go. Next up is Bill.

Next day​

Eevee is mine. Almost immediately it was settled when Bill returned. Why? Eevee's father is an Espeon. The moment he felt me and went into the part of my mind I leave open (Well, Query keeps open) he knew. Query let him roam around a bit in a way I don't quite understand and barely felt. But what he did get was that I would cherish his daughter and my team would keep her safe. That she couldn't stop talking about me and all the 'really super cool' things I could do meant a lot as well. Still, we had a long conversation about what I wanted in my life. I didn't lie. I told him I would lead her into danger, even if it was years later. Pokémon are not afraid of such things. They care more about a fulfilling life than an overly safe one.

Meeting Bill was rather anticlimactic though. I gave my message from Dad and he all but ignore me, just waving off that I wanted Eevee as soon as I had Espeon's approval. Espeon informed me in a slightly amused tone that they were seeking a trainer for Eevee anyway as she requires more attention than they could give her. Her mother apparently was a fling of sorts and didn't want to raise a kit. Espeon however was willing to stick it out until they found her a trainer or even after if they did not.

Explaining it to her was interesting though.

"So I get a ball?! Yay! They are so bright and round! And look like a mini- boomer! Oh no! Will they blow up too?" Frantic circles of worry followed this as I just couldn't take it. Laughing harder than I have since I came to this world I just laid back on the bed in the small room I'm using here for the now month I was allowed. Mom more or less knew my plan so a quick call back home and promises to keep in touch every other day at the most meant Zaela got to train with another Champion level pokémon.

Immediately abandoning her own worry, Eevee jumped up on the bed to console me from whatever was happening to make me flail about but it faded into giggles of her own.

"Why are you laughing? That's funny. Your laughter is nice. Now I'm laughing!"Rolling her over into a hug I sighed and wiped away tears as I shake my head, pulling out one of my swiped premier balls from all that time ago.

"It means Eevee that I will become your family. So will Tru, Zaela and Query." Query was easily her favorite. The calm, kind metang let her crawl all over him and patiently answered any and all questions she had for hours last night as I was writing out my plan to abuse the opportunity to train and learn in this place for a month. The long discussion on softness of fur was particularly amusing as Query didn't even consider he couldn't feel such a thing and requested a memory of softness from me before bed because of it.

"Oh. You mean...You'd be my mom?" Oh god. Heart dead. Also I know its pokémon nature but eff Eevee's mom.

"Sort of? I'd take care of you. Train you to become strong and healthy. We'd go back to my home and meet my family then live there for a while before we travel the world." My ball of sunshine didn't know what years or real time was yet so have to keep it a bit simple.

The little fox got a very thoughtful expression on her face and started walking in circles to think. Very tiny circles. I hope this becomes her habit. Soooooo cute. Eventually she peered up at me and there was just the smallest bit of true realization of what this meant for her life.

"You're nice. And feel like home. But even if you're young and small I think I like you being my mom." Much purring started as she leaped into my lap and curled up. Of course, her head shot up a second later. "Wait! Does that mean I won't see dad?!"

Soft chuckles keep me from replying right away as my hand already finds the places she likes being scratched. "We can visit if you like at times but we will spend most of our time away. There is however this wonderous thing called the video-phone that can let you talk to him from anywhere in the world."

Awe filled her eyes as she wagged her tail furiously at the idea and curled right back up, worry gone. "One last thing. All my pokémon have names other than your species. I thought of one for you minutes after we met. Would you like it?" Squeals of excitement gave me my answer.

"Sunshine. You're my Sunshine."

Aurelia Queltz​

"So did you grow up in places like this?" Aurelia was more than a little amused that her boyfriend was so obviously at home here but denied it with such interesting intensity. Many of her Clanmates are loud enough so she's never had a problem being quiet to give herself a chance to breathe. But with Sampson? She finds she wants to talk all the time. His eyebrows furrow a bit as he sighs and nods. Another thing she likes about him. When he's got something in front of him that is clear, he accepts it. Great or poor.

"Sammy and I did yeah. While we were close, our parents weren't. So when we saw each other we got shipped off for a long while. Also some of it was during conflict. Sometimes Sammy's home was safer. Sometimes mine." Ah yes. That's a delicate thing. A big part of their dance was they both knew they had likely fought on different sides of certain past unpleasantness. The Rockets often played their two regions against each other. While Sampson was never a true combatant, he did smuggle supplies often.

"Well it suits you. We can stay longer if you like." Her hand moves over his shoulder, reveling in how easy it is to touch him. While the Clan doesn't allow their true emotions to hide, often physical aspects are rather muted. Likely because of her quiet nature, she has always found more satisfaction in physical communication. Is it any wonder this good, good man captured her heart with how easily he shows his own affection?

Mulling a bit, Sampson's face considers it. She watches, fascinated as always at how he can show what he's thinking so readily. She's never had to doubt anything he says or does. That even despite how far from each other they are in life experiences he's always respected her. Desired to know more of her.

"Ella has been a surprise. Like waking up and finding a…" She smirks as he grumbles. "Niece. Niece. That I never knew I had. I'm not old enough for a granddaughter right?"

Her pale blue eyes twinkle at her Sampson, her voice sweet as can be. "Of course not. You're kind Sampson, but she's a Blackthorn. She doesn't need you here. Your friendship is set. Now let her go. For now."

Harsh as it must be, he has to know how things are. It was hard for him when they started courting when she insisted they battle. That she wouldn't even let him start wooing her until she had his measure. Oh he understood some of it. That it was about her Clan. Even that to battle someone was to know them.

But that she wouldn't even look at him before? While she may be rather tame for her Clan, Aurelia's mother would have been beyond annoyed if she didn't go through the proper steps. Luckily, Sampson was worthy. He lost, of course, but he got her heart beating for certain.

Drawing him out of the room he uses when visiting her cousin, she leads him towards the training grounds. Pillars of rocks lay shattered. Massive rents in the ground are half filled with sand. Zooms of exploding waves constantly shatter the air. The deep hum of psychic warps give the song of battle an exotic tune compared to what she is used to. While the Clan doesn't forbid non-dragon teammates, not many pokémon find the dragon haven an easy place to live.

She watches Sampson watch Ella. How her team is moving as one. While she knows Zaela is very focused on personal growth, it amazes Aurelia that that pride can be bent so easily to their team training. The honey-haired girl standing off to the side's gaze is focused. She sees nothing but the group.

Query ally shifts into Tru, delivering a series of punches into Zaela's leg, tossing her off balance even as a stomp of her other leg sends a rock up to smack her own back, driving her to bring down a claw to strike the small fighting type. The size difference is dramatic but Tru's eyes are confident. Reflect shields shatter one after another until the dragon claw reaches the riolu with still devastating power.

The King gabite does this even as Query descends from the air, the ridiculous psychic martial arts style of his already using Zaela's new center of gravity, along likely with the move to start tossing her further into a plan the metang set up many moves ahead. It doesn't stop the riolu from being slammed into the ground, nor Query about to eat an incoming flamethrower, but he shifts his place with Tru again, the counter she built up going off with a hitch and her shorter form letting the flamethrower pass just over her head.

Zaela roars with pain as a Psi-Fist strike tosses her into a spin that the counter only makes worse, so precisely did Query time it. It sounds more pissed off than truly hurting but either way it doesn't bode well to her two sparring partners. Or wouldn't if they stopped there. Query stops his momentum with a visible crackle of a magnet rise even as Tru's small feet somehow stick to Zaela's raging arm. She's an instant from being ravaged as a sand tomb and sandstorm close about the gabite so close almost to be another layer of skin but Query's gravity pulses disrupt Zaela's control just enough that the small fighting type can start laying in with cross chops.

Aurelia thinks there might be a few mind readers and detects in there as Tru ping pongs bullet punches along Zaela's jaw. Still, the two are not likely to win as the giant shark simply dips into the ground and vanishes with one last snarl of determination. At that point the visibility gets so bad she can't make out anything else and for many minutes its just crashes, clangs and roars. The occasional yelp from Tru before she's ejected from the mass of sand, not done, but obviously battered.

"Alright Tru. That's enough. By the time you get in there Query will be out of it. Zae's in the ground and not coming up until she's got overwhelming control." Ella's voice is firm and Auerlia smirks at it, watching Sampson now. Like him, she recognizes how much the younger Mita sounds like her mother just then. The slump of his shoulders tells he gets it now. She really is good.

When Sampson first started really bonding with Ella, he got a bit too caught up in thinking she was doing too much. Pushing too hard. She gets it. Its not the same in other parts of the world. The Clan is harsh. Even they admit it. Doesn't stop it. But the Clan also breeds monsters.

Giving his butt a swat, Aurelia moves forward, her introspection and Sampson's acceptance took enough time that Ella is already talking her team about what they needed to work on. She didn't notice the eevee in her arms earlier. The little fox has wide, wide eyes and a big smile on its face that even Aurelia must admit is adorable. It'll be interesting to see what it...She? Evolves into and if she'll be as big a battle maniac as Ella's current partners.

"Zaela. I don't mind that you started moving underground when pushed, but if you want to get better, start trapping limbs. Its a bit hard with Query, but you could have gotten Tru's balance messed up if you were a bit more sneaky. Though if you take too long she could sense it." Before she can get more into it, Aurelia coughs.

She's certain Ella sensed them a while ago, but its only polite to announce yourself.

"Hey kid." Sampson talks for them both usually. Besides, she's never been close to Ella. Observed her sure, but they never really connected. Which is fine. The girl has enough to pay attention to. She's not pushy like her love.

"Finally leaving Sampson?" There's a note in the girl's voice that has the eevee in her arms perk up in concern. And the metang over her shoulder let out a low hum of some manner she doesn't quite clock. Ella though is sad. Not in a way that's easily clear. She's sad in the Clan way. Ready to let go of it in front of her and help it drive her in some other way. To use the emotion and respect that it was from the heart. Aurelia greatly approves.

"Yeah. Its been too long away from the road." Her lips curve up, watching her man be awkward. This will be teased later. "I know you will be fine. So I should let you go."

Alright, she's not blushing as he looks at her. Look away Aurelia. Look away. She still hears the response. And she's happy for Sampson. Because there is love in it.

"I figured. You'll be fine Sampson. And I'll enjoy seeing you again." Never missed. Not really. Because Blackthorns burn memories into their hearts. Its how they hate so well. And love so deeply.

As they leave the young future of her clan, Aurelia vows to teach her Sampson how to love that way. Because she already does for him.

End of trip,

So uhm. I've been trying to get Sunshine to evolve into a Sylveon as I want her way more durable around Zaela. Who is having trouble controlling draco meteor. I'm not distracting myself from Sampson leaving. Shut up.​

My starter is strong enough to use it but she's also not a special attacker. Her adamant nature doesn't mean the move is weaker here but rather that she has a harder time controlling it. Of focusing the more abstract way its produced. Needless to say that the ground and rock types have been working overtime repairing the ranch at places. Good thing the Professor doesn't care. Already the data he's analyzed is helping him track evolution patterns in ways I don't understand but very much have him slobbering at the mouth to see Zaela when she becomes a garchomp.

Now. I'd keep Sunshine (or Sunny for short) away all the time during training but she loves having a family. Her countenance is so bright that even my battle maniac starter does her best to treat Sunny carefully. The issue is that the second she can, Sunny will wander off to see the pretty light show that is my starter's training. And I need my arms at times to toss out heal spheres for my own I made a deal. She could do so as long as she trains hard with me every day and we get her evolved. You might think that this is too soon for her? She's only a few weeks old?

Well it is to an extent but she's very strong and determined. Despite her sweet disposition. If anything that makes her becoming a fairy a strength from how they bend reality. She just wouldn't believe it couldn't happen if she wanted an attack to happen. My boon tells me that she'll be behind in power for a while if I got her to evolve but we still have a bit over three years to go. I'm fine with the long haul and I'm very afraid she's going to get truly hurt. Having her immune to Zaela's strongest and least accurate move would ease my mind a lot considering we haven't used a lot of her dragon moves in a while and they need work.

I knew she had baby-doll eyes and so we trained. Nothing too hard but she took to it well. Its a joy for her to be playing with her family and any pain in it just makes her more determined when she sees Tru tank a hit that would put her own self out and then see Tru counter it. Three weeks later and after a long day of running around the ranch we found ourselves looking at the fading sun. I was careful to keep her well groomed and to coach her on the energy she feels with baby-doll eyes so I don't accidentally get an Umbreon or Espeon. Not that I'd be truly upset with that. She's whomever she chooses to be, but once I explained what a Sylveon offered, she was all for it.

Of course, I did tell her all the choices she could have but also said that if she chose a sylveon she'd have extra hand-like ribbons she could use to manipulate things and that it would be the safest form for her to have to be able to be around Zaela. Who she calls aunt. Cause I'm her mom. I knew some pokémon felt that way. Ones hatched obviously. But...thinking about that later. I made it clear we could work around things but if she wanted to join us she'd have to wait a bit for that. Her emotions were the most sure I'd felt from her and thus we went with it.

There we were, just relaxing. Query was off with Tru somewhere near all the fighting pokémon. They both wanted to learn move moves such as rock smash and the like for use in our travels so they'd been collecting basically HM moves. Zaela has been apart from me for all but one day a week with dragonite. She's drawn to his strength and keeps badgering him to teach her more with a promise of fighting him when she evolves. I guess he gets bored easily around here. This was the most my starter was away from me from birth.

Its a bit of an odd feeling...But it also has meant I can focus entirely on Sunny.

As the sun set she looked up at me, eyes shining with fairy energy that she's been using with single minded effort from the moment I told her of what a Sylveon was. Fate really got my choice right. The soft glow of evolution took her. Her body extended over mine, flowing outward as streamers made of fairy energy formed into her new limbs? Tentacles? Pink and white fur cover her body as bright blue eyes beam up at me. Chirping in almost her exact same eevee voice my Sylveon starts dancing about in joy.

Laughing with her we spend the next few hours getting her used to walking about and using her tassles. Honestly, she's a natural with her feelers and she delights in holding my hand as she walks with me. Here's the part that got me cursing at my stupidity. I've never heard mom talk about fairy types. Just ice and dragon for weaknesses. I was so absorbed in building a base that resistance training and counters were for well, this year and the sixth year. Fighting momma already covered dragon fights.

Thus the next day when I handed Professor Oak Sunny's pokéball and asked if he could check her out for any issues it was quite the pleasure to see his eyes widen at what the scan told him. Fairy types are not common at all and it told a lot that I could get Sunny to be that trusting of me already. But honestly I think its aura again and I am sacrificing much of her power until much later in her life. Still, it should even out about when I start my journey.

"It says a lot of you that Sunny would evolve for you Ella but I do hope you did not pressure her into this. Growlithe that are given fire stones near to birth almost never reach their full potential." The cool tone in his voice actually made me think higher of him yet again but I nodded. I made sure not to groom her. Other than actual grooming with a brush.

"I'm aware her growth will be much slower now. Believe me. I am used to slowly growing pokémon." Though of course Zaela was powerful from the start. "Sunny was sure. And quite happy."

Nothing much was said after that save to remind me of things I already knew about caring for her but they were actually helpful in reminding me of priorities. She's going to be using her feelers constantly for everything she does for a while to get her stronger and fairy moves would come rather slowly until she got used to the new energy her body is attuned to.

Conversations with Samuel got a bit more uncomfortable after that but once he saw how happy Sunny was and how I wasn't training her nearly as hard as even Tru the professor warmed right back up to me.

The last bit of time at the ranch went by quick. Tru got to experience mediating conflicts and very much appreciated a taste of what we would do in the future. Query absorbed so much that I was a bit worried I wouldn't be able to pry him away from the ranch. Zaela was the one who changed the most after my new sylveon though. Draco Meteor would be the rest of the year's training for her.

The advantages of tossing down hunks of draconic fury just as an advantage to her terrain control cannot be denied. I don't plan to let her work on any other move and she agrees. Frankly I don't know if she'll even finish it this year. This is the lull of our long term plan to be utterly strong from gym number one. Where the middle evolutions take up the most amount of time on base ability.

Anyway, tomorrow we're heading home. Mom has been getting a bit edgy about me being out of her sight and I will admit that I miss her more than I let on.

Two days later​

I was right way back when. I am getting something from Samuel later. He told me to come back in six or so months and if I'd proven that Sunny wasn't harmed by my treatment of her that he'd give me a pokémon egg. My dream resonated with him after seeing me work as hard as my team so early in life for my goal. It was shaken a bit by how Sunny evolved but he must judge me worthy in some way to give me this chance. Also, found out that fairy type are still very, very rare. Mom usually only has five or six challengers a year with one and she was planning training me against them next year. Now that I have one she's demanding my help when Sunny is ready to knock in some heads around the Den.

That'll be fun but probably not for the rest of this year. Only a month in and I can tell this is going to be a boring one. We're going to take some time off and just relax. Zaela will spend that training anyway but I know Query wants to find someone new to play board games with since Sampson is gone. Tru and Joy's Lucario are going to start on medic training in earnest and I'm showing Sunny my home.

A one month break after over three years of relentless effort. Yeah. Sounds good.

A few months later.​

So that ended up being more time than expected. A lot of it was just catching up on things. Despite everything I still am visibly a child so there is school and such. I was opted out for self study a long while ago but I still do have to turn in some things or go to a few tests to get a trainer's license someday. So I was a little behind my goal but way ahead of the actual class.

Sunny has fit in perfect even if her early evolution is indeed biting me in the ass. Fairy moves are coming along well but her esoteric abilities I honestly should have waited for. Or so I'd say if her typing hadn't saved her already from some damage. Draco Meteor is very, very dangerous and we're only allowed to train in Momma's territory. My mom was less than pleased to learn what I was getting from Oak's dragonite but helped me anyway with methods to control it.

Its very likely that the moves I want for Sunny won't come about until next year. For now its a slow build up of her body and just letting her grow. I was spoiled with Zaela. She was built for combat from birth. Query was ready for evolution when we met or close to and Tru was five years old before she came to us.

Ultimately I don't really mind. Sunny brings us up like nothing else. She'll gather flowers and wave them around like a cheerleader when we're flagging or start singing nonsense to cheer us up. She regularly babysits for Joy and Becca with me and its amazing to see how gentle and patient she can be with the twins considering how hyper my sylveon can be otherwise.

I will admit its very nice to have one of my pokémon who cuddles to sleep with me as well. Its not safe for Zaela or Query to do so and Tru might have mellowed but I can imagine the look of disbelief if I asked her for a cuddle. I think I'd be dodging force palms. Its another aspect of having a pokémon that I neglected to think of. When I made my list years past I was thinking mostly about combat and my favorite pokémon. The simple act of Sunny laid across my lap asleep while I read fills me with contentment I didn't know I needed.

I think this year will be about basics and playing to our strengths. When number five arrives and brings more diversity I think we're going to go heavy into more combo moves. I deserve to be a kid for a bit right? I'll see what my team thinks.

A few more months later​

Turns out it was a good plan. I took Zaela to Joy for a bit of an in depth checkup. This happens at least three times a year for each of my team. Use of draco meteor to the level she has been using it has strained her a bit more than expected. She can still use it but we're limited to a certain amount every other day for some months just to be safe. She hates it but it also means she can focus on her physical attacks. Its long overdo really.

So the next few months are her slashing things to bits constantly. And combining energies into single blows. Basically using slash constantly. We'll see what comes of it.

Query is the only one of us that is in perfect condition but then again he's always known his limits well. My boy. He did find a partner for his board games though. Older fellow who just answers to Bud. In his seventies. They don't ever talk. Just play. Go figure.

Tru is growing steadily and needs a bit more on on one these days as our sparring is getting more intense. She's still not close to evolution but she is learning quite a lot. Heal pulse will come after she becomes a lucario but she's gotten force palm and copycat down. What is truly fun is that she can use different energy on each hand or say, toss out a bullet punch and turn it into a meteor mash halfway to her opponent. She can't yet switch move types mid swing but it sounds like that's our next goal. Her issue is she's still a bit uptight at times and restless but our meditation is becoming a daily thing we share together. It helps both of us immensely.

The most change is definitely Sunny. While still quite childish she's mature in a lot of ways and I may have to rethink making her an overpowered monster. Not because she can't do so. She can despite her early evolution. I think its because she just doesn't have the drive my other pokémon do. Perhaps that will change in time but her idea of happiness is to help us get there. I know she has wish so maybe my list of medics will change to three.

Perhaps by the time I start my journey I'll know for sure. Maybe like a bard from d&d? Primarily buffs and disrupts? That actually might work very well. Whatever the case she still has about six more months of growing before I can push her hard. She doesn't really mind the wait. Every bit of her life is a new joy with people who appreciate her.

The plan is to be pretty boring until I go pick up my egg from Professor Oak. Assuming he approves of Sunny.

Nearing the end of the year.​

Got my egg. Its what I expected. The team dotes over it and yeah, the Professor was very pleased to see that I'm being patient with Sunny. The conversations we had about his poems were pretty fantastic. Might write that down later in the journal but the important thing is is that I'm setting the ground work to help Ash later. My reward for all this effort are my pokémon. And what a reward it is. I'm going to leave this year with a conversation I had with Sunshine after I thought to ask her if she'd like a different type of battling or if she wanted to battle at all.

"Sunny...I've been thinking about something for a long while. When we first met I had expectations I didn't share with you. I've never forced them on you but I did think that it would occur as I wanted. Sorry for that." I'm growing too, even if this is my second life. It wasn't pleasant that I just assumed my girl wanted what I wanted.

"Its okay momma! I knew you meant well. Besides. You give me ice cream. We're even." Shaking my head I tried not to smile. She's still simple in her desires but when presented with something sincere she can show me quite a lot.

"It was wrong, really. I'm supposed to look out for your interests. All the others want what I want. But I've never really asked you what you desire. And not what to eat tonight or to play. Tell me what you want for the future. Or you can tell me to come back later when you've got time to think of it." I might be a bit unfair to her now. She's still quite young.

"You don't need to worry. I know you do that all the time. I can feel it." Her ribbons came up, caressing my face and easing my frown as she started rubbing against my legs. "There doesn't have to be something all confusing and complicated momma! I am with you because this is where I belong. I don't like battling but I do quite like protecting you. So I'll get stronger when you need me to. But you don't right now do you?" Head tilt. My heart. Every time.

"No...Not now. Someday I will though. If you change your mind you can always say no. You're my precious girl after all." Leaning down and hugging her was exactly what I needed. My Sunshine through and through. Her feelers wrapped around me, pulsing with calming emotions as she rubbed her cheeks against my face with a giggle.

"Silly momma. I'll never change my mind about you. We're family."


Mooooom. Query is being stupid. I'm not going to change! I don't like sitting here and being all….Bored! If I want to tell Mom how I feel I'll just go hug her! Stupid!

He's stupid.

Fine. I'll say a bit. But this is ridiculous. Tru too! And Angel! All of us have emotion abilities! Why are we not just going and saying this to you?! You light up when I hug you. Every time.

He's really stupid.

I'm smacking him right now Mom. Look! He has to write it because he said he'd write everything I'm thinking.

Potato. Band aids. Fish sticks. Pudding. Maybe I'm hungry. Not sure where the band aids come from.

Urgh. Blargh! Stupid Query!

All I want to do is go play with Aurora. She said she'd make stepping stones for me on the lake over there and its nice and cool out. It was so hot last week.

Query is glaring at me. How he does that without a mouth I don't know. I'm sticking my tongue out at him now. Hah! Take that. Yes I know you actually have a mouth Query but it doesn't do anything but go up and down. Its made of steel!

I love you! There! That's enough right Query? I'll give her two hugs to make her feel better.

Its not as if I don't care about you a lot! You're my mom. I adore you. You've given me my whole life. But you live on doing things. Same as me. I mean. Your doing things are running into danger and saving people. That's amazing! And epic. Tass said to say that.

Oh! Tass tell me what to say so Query won't bother me about this.

Ew. No. That's not nice.

Ewwwww. Okay go away. Bad idea.

Do you remember when I was small enough to ride on you Mom? Those were good days. Wait. I can still ride on you. That was yesterday. Its just not the same when it has to be two shoulders. Still good if you ever have hatchlings that they can ride on me?! Oh oh! That'd be amazing.

I'd show them how to skip rocks and where to find good berries and how to bother Query for being so STUPID!

What do you mean humans don't hatch eggs? What? See? He's stupid. Psh. No eggs.

Wait really? Aurora said that's true. Huh. Well now I know what I'm asking you first when you get back!

More smacking Query….Did you know it makes different sounds where you hit him? We could make music and annoy him at the same time. He likes being efficient right?

Zaela is laughing really hard right now. How come Thunderbug got to go with you to see your mom? Why do we have to stay here and wait? Your mom loves me! Even if I beat up kingdra that one time.

This is my letter now Query! I'll say what I like!

Don't you shake your head at me! Yes I know you can't physically do that without moving your whole body but I felt it.

Zaela's really laughing now. I like the sound. Maybe some good comes of this stupid letter that doesn't let me actually show you how I feel.

Tass wants to tell you that he wants more cookies. Uhm. Me too?

Aurora wants some new types of pasta. Oh! Maybe we can go get it ourselves. There is an emergency card in the nearest safehouse right?

Wait. She doesn't get this letter right away? Its for after she gets back? Well then who will get our cookies Tru? Hmm?

Us! That's who! To victory and cookies! I only said that in hopes Zaela considers it victory. Cause she'd totally go after it then.

Yes! Tru says she'll go get us food if it stops that 'look' in Zaela's eyes. I don't know what that means. At least I get cookies now.

Why doesn't this go to her immediately like when she writes on that square thing with the videos? Oh shut up Tass. You don't know either. I don't care if you all do things with that net thing. I don't! If I need a video I ask Prime to get it for me.

Nevermind Query. I'm going to end this with mushy things like you want. I'm the queen of mush.

I don't know why you are hurting Mom. Its not that I don't care its just that you're never alone. You have me. And I guess Query and the rest.

And I will love you forever. So cheer up. Right now. So there.

Really Mom. Love you. Please be better.

Now I'm sad. Query's idea sucks.

See you when you get back.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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