15.21% poke fanfic fun to read / Chapter 14: 31-32

บท 14: 31-32

Chapter 31: Moment of Respite

The waterfall on the South edge of the Pokemon League roared in the distance as Thad finished his daily squat quota; Chad beside him kept in stride with each rep. Thad wiped a bead of sweat from his brow, then reached down beside him and grabbed a shaker cup filled with protein mix and guzzled down a healthy gulp. The insignia of the Pokemon League, a simple red and white Pokeball, was emblazoned on the front. A complimentary item he had managed to snag after finishing interviews and registration.

While the action wouldn't begin officially until tomorrow, Thad had found a small little inlet near the edge of the waterfall to let his entire team out to roam. Keto and Butterbean had begun to bond quickly, sharing the large repository of protein and 'Carbos' that Thad had haggled over in the local market. Butterbean's abs were vaguely visible underneath their protective layer of blubber, and despite Keto's massive size, he was still dwarf-like when beside the mammoth Normal-type.

Across the grassy plateau, King and Titan flexed at each other. A few ornery grunts and buzzes came from them as they playfully sized each other up, but Thad kept an eye on them from the corner of his eye.

Buncha lovable meatheads. Thad turned his attention toward the sky, shielding his eyes from the setting sun as he spotted Nacho cruising through the sky with Ali on his back, their stubby inky arms flailing along with a large grin on their face as the nimble Flying-type continued to practice loops and swerves. Well, good to see the team is bonding.

"Wea!" Trouble rumbled through the area on top of Dwayne, who had completely balled up. Trouble maintained perfect balance as they maneuvered the trusty Golem around the others, intentionally cutting a few corners a tad close to King and Titan if for no other reason than to antagonize.


Thad looked back to Chad, who pointed toward the towering Pokemon League complex. He could see a small figure in the distance approaching.

"Good eyes, Chad. On point as always, homie. Let's check it out." Thad looked over to the rest of his team. "Be back in a sec, remember, Chad's in charge while I'm outskie."

Thad took off into a brisk jog toward the approaching figure. He picked up his pace when he recognized the silver summer dress, closing the distance with a burst of speed.

"Ah!" Jasmine flinched as Thad sped by, swooping around Jasmine and scooping her up bridal style. She took a moment to compose herself before playfully scowling at Thad. "You could warn me before you do that."

"It's me, Jazzy. I think that's enough warning, yeah?"

Jasmine rolled her eyes, but couldn't help but smile. "You make a compelling point. So, where are you whisking me away to?"

"Need to chat about tonight. I've got an idea. Something to help us relax before all the craziness goes down tomorrow."

"Just the two of us?" Jasmine folded her arms and wriggled a bit in Thad's arms to get more comfortable. "Are you asking me out on a date?"

Thad let out a stifled chuckle. "Your words, not mine. But sure, let's call it that. I've cooked up a plan, and Chad thought it was pretty baller. So, you down for a little surprise?"

"Surprises from you? To say I'm intrigued would be an understatement."

"Dope. I'll have Nacho be on the roof of the League building later and pick you up. They'll know where to drop you off."

Jasmine's lips formed a thin line. "I hope you don't mean literally."

"Uhhhh… surprise?"

"You're ridiculous, but I'll admit I'm more curious than afraid."

Jasmine paused as Thad shifted and set Jasmine back down to her feet. She stretched out for a moment, rotating her hips and shoulders. Thad had brought her closer to the Pokemon League entrance; the sound of the crashing waterfall sloshed with a few Luvdisc and Magikarp hopping about. The swirling eddy that seeped from the underground mountain river trail reflected a bright orange light from the sun above, forcing Jasmine and Thad to avoid looking directly at the quick moving water.

"Just trust me on this, you'll like it. Just give me a few hours of prep time. I've got some errands to run to make sure it's all top shelf," Thad reassured. He placed a hand on Jasmine's bicep, which had a hint more tone than a few weeks ago. He gave her a gentle squeeze "Have I ever been wrong?"

"Several times, actually."

"Okay… but it's always been fun, yeah?"

"Yes, you've got me there. Alright. I'll leave it to you. Anything I should bring?"

"Just that cute booty and good vibes."

Thad winked at Jasmine as she shook her head whilst turning back toward the league. Thad swore he saw a hint of red creep up onto her cheeks as she sauntered off, casting a gaze over her shoulder that made Thad guts churn with excitement. Or it was the protein shake from earlier beginning to fight with him. Nonetheless, Thad raced back to his gaggle of muscle heads just in time to separate King and Titan from throwing hands.

A formal, scheduled date was one of the last things Jasmine had anticipated to come from Thad.

Sure, he was boisterous with his image and personality, but since they had begun to open up to each other more since their battle at Mt. Silver a few lingering doubts had polluted Jasmine's mind. Thad was never shy about chatting anybody up and naturally liked to be playful, even flirty. While it was comforting to know he was never nervous to engage, Jasmine knew it was a lie that his behavior didn't make her a bit self-conscious in the back of her mind. The way he… appreciated other people's appearance was no mystery, but Jasmine still couldn't decipher if it was primarily rooted in attraction or appreciation, like someone admiring fine art.

He was interested. Jasmine knew that. But whether or not it was more than just a fling of convenience due to proximity of travel or something more real pricked at her mind. For how incredibly simple the jock appeared, he was a bit more complex than most gave him credit for. Nobody picked up Pokemon battling in a few months by being dumb. He'd managed to charm and work his way to the top where conventional strategy failed him.

Jasmine's eyes once again danced between the options she'd laid out for herself on the hotel bed. Summer dresses were a bit of a guilty pleasure of hers. They tended to be roomy, comfortable, and elegant all the same. Plus, custom pockets could be sewn in to help carry extra things, though a bag or purse tended to work best and doubled as a great accessory to compliment whatever outfit.

Where in Arceus is he planning to take me?

Jasmine traced her fingers over a sleek, maroon maxi dress. Soft fabric tickled her fingertips. Her other options included a loose fitting silver dress with a flared out skirt. She couldn't help that steel just happened to be a favorite color along with type. One had to consider how they looked with their respective Pokemon when representing a region.

The last outfit was the wildcard. A gray sports bra, gray thigh high leggings, and a loose fit crop top with the watercolor image of a Donphan on the front. It was about Thad that made her consider that he might think a workout or trip to the gym was a suitable place for a date. And that didn't even consider the desire for make-up, but that was a bit easier. Waterproof everything just in case diving into the ocean somehow came up.

"The fact he needed prep time is worrying," Jasmine muttered. "Is he making an obstacle course? I wouldn't put it past him…"

The decision was a swift one. When in doubt expect the unexpected when mingling with an enigmatic fitness fanatic. Jasmine settled on the silver summer dress with sportswear underneath; nothing visible to detract from the visage, but simply a well calculated pivot if needed. Hair came next, opting for letting it down rather than bunching it up into braids or anything else.

Jasmine took one last opportunity to survey herself in the bathroom mirror, inspecting her makeup. The woman looking back wasn't familiar. Rarely she found herself trying more than her usual fare of cute, whether it be from work obligations or convenience. The way her dress clung around her body wasn't quite as she remembered either, showing off a bit more of the shapely tone she'd developed ever since being stranded with Thad. Not that it was necessary in the first place, but being near him had a residual effect, like radiation for exercise that infected those around him. Radiation or not, it made you glow.

With one last fluff of her hair, Jasmine grabbed her satchel and departed for the rooftop. She'd chosen comfortable shoes without a heel, as movement was to be expected and he already had a full foot of height on her.

The elevator ride up to the roof was quiet with only the hum of the machinery. Once at the top, the doors slid open and sunlight poured into the small cubicle. She stepped out to see an endless expanse of blue skies and water. A few Flying-type Pokemon dotted the horizon, though the only bird-like Pokemon she focused on was the lone occupant of the roof; Nacho.

Thad's Hawlucha seemed to be quite bored by how they danced through various poses on the edge of the railing. Only once Jasmine approached did they straighten up and let out a happy squawk. Nacho hopped off the railing and took to the air, making a large arc around the building before swooping toward Jasmine.

Flying was never something Jasmine found herself looking forward to. Riding atop Ceris even took lots of time to get used to. Even when traveling to Ecruteak and Cinnewood she would opt for a boat or a Pokemon with access to Surf.

Still, Jasmine relaxed her shoulders and took a deep breath as Nacho gripped around her arms with both their feet, and lifted her from the rooftop and into the sky.

The immediate area surrounding the Pokemon League were towering mountain peaks, though as Nacho flew northward, the mountainous terrain flattened out into a vast meadow that stretched on for miles. Rolling swathes of vivid color blended together beneath Jasmine and Nacho, perfectly highlighted by the setting sun. Off in the distance near the edge of the meadow, a small white dot came into view.

Sure is taking a long time to arrive… how far did Thad plan this away? The Pokemon League won't be visible! Jasmine swiveled her head, looking at the vast amount of ocean on the sides of the flowery path. Not to mention… how high up are we? I don't remember seeing a flower path carve itself through the ocean like this.

After an undetermined amount of time, but enough for Jasmine's shoulders to begin feeling sore from being carried by Nacho, the end of the path came and a paradise of floral wonder opened up before her as she began to descend. The white dot she had spotted earlier on the edge of the horizon was in fact, Butterbean, Thad's newly acquired Snorlax of dubious origin. Part of her wanted to know, and yet another part told her that the explanation was probably more headache than it was worth. Pick your battles wisely.

Atop of the gigantic, slumbering Snorlax was a checkered blanket with a wicker basket, a small folding table, and some candles. Thad came out from behind the Snorlax wearing anything more formal than Jasmine had seen before. Black slacks with a matching black V-neck shirt tucked in that hugged Thad's sculpted form. He'd even shaved and fixed up his short cropped hair.

Jasmine nearly did a double take. Thad was wearing more clothes than she'd ever seen him wear, let alone something that didn't involve sportswear.

"Looking good, Jazzy. How do ya like the spot? Nacho saw it earlier and we scoped it out. Was just a bit too hilly, so I had to use Butterbean as a floor. Don't worry, his abs are pretty flat."

"Yeah." Jasmine's voice came out slow and unsure. "Um, I just didn't expect this. It's quite pleasant! What did you bring?"

"Rice cakes and some kind of tofu dish that Whitney said wasn't terrible. Said you liked it so I bought one." Thad knelt down, holding his hands out. "Lemme boost ya up and we can check it out."

Jasmine placed a foot on Thad's interlaced hands, and with one quick motion, Jasmine bounded up to the top of the Snorlax's firm abdomen. She crawled toward the blanket and picnic basket in question while a brief grunt came from Thad as he joined her. Once they scooted across from each other on the picnic setup, Thad cracked open the basket.

"Here ya go." Thad handed Jasmine a rice cake about the size of her hand. "So, whatcha think?"

"Never did I expect to have a date on top of a Snorlax from the edge of a strange flowery island," Jasmine said. She took a bite of the rice cake; her eyes lit up as a hint of honey and cinnamon flavor came through. "Honestly, I didn't know what to expect. But I'm glad it's this."

"Thanks, Jazzy. I wanted to have a little moment out here before we get too into the sports the next few days."

"You take a break from sports?" Jasmine eyed her companion with a playful skepticism. "I'm not having some conversation with a Zoroark am I?"

Thad laughed, but just forced enough to key Jasmine in on Thad not having any idea what Pokemon she had just mentioned. Thad took out a rice cake from the picnic basket and both took a few bites as they watched the sun melt into the horizon on the ocean's waves.

"So, we've been on quite the journey, yeah? Did you ever think we'd end up here?" Thad asked, wiping a few crumbs away from his mouth.

Jasmine shrugged. "Can't say that I did. I thought you'd get your answers about your situation sooner, and I didn't see you making it to World's when you first started."

"Didn't have faith in my mad skills?"

"More like thinking of the general odds," Jasmine said. "But you've proven yourself as a frighteningly good competitor. I can count on one hand of the trainers who have done what you have done in recent memory." Jasmine shifted closer to Thad, rubbing her shoulder against his. "Did you get any news from Bruno?"

"Kinda. Messaged him earlier and he said that some scientist is flying out here from some place called Alola. Think they're name was Lusamine. They should arrive in a few days, well into the tournament. Apparently they might know a thing or two about my situation. So, we just stick to the grind in the meantime."

"What do you think will happen?"

Thad scratched at his chin and frowned. "Not sure. Not thinking about it to be honest. Don't think I want to, either. Just want to live in this moment right here, right now." Thad wrapped his arm around Jasmine and pulled her in closer. "Tomorrow's always there, but today isn't."

Jasmine kissed Thad on the cheek and looked back at the half-eaten rice cake in her left hand. She savored another bite as the sun continued its descent; the shimmering water highlighting a pod of passing Wailord in the far off distance.

"Ya know, it means a lot to me. The way you look at me and whatnot."

Jasmine paused mid bite, slowly putting down the rice cake. "Oh? Well, you are more thoughtful than you give yourself credit for, and you're very hard to ignore."

"True 'nuff, but you see more than just the super muscular dude on the outside."

"Of course I do, you—"

"You also see me for the super muscular dude on the inside, which is pretty dope."

Jasmine covered her mouth, partly to stop food from coming out and partly to avoid devolving into a fit of giggles. "You certainly have a way with words. I think that's the closest you've come to outright saying it."

"I can read between the lines, Jazzy," Thad said. He paused for a moment and narrowed his eyes. "Come to think of it though, all words are usually in between lines so that's a bit weird to say. Clever word people trying to over complicate stuff."

"Thad." Jasmine let her voice linger on his name for a moment to catch his attention. "You're getting sidetracked."

Thad snapped his fingers. "Right. My b. I love ya, which you knew, and I knew, so here we are. On top of Butterbean eating some tasty carbs, which by the by, took a lot in myself to bring a basket full of carbs to a picnic. But I did it, because, I knew you'd like it. Plus this location is supposed to be home to some kinda cute magical shrub Pokemon."

"Shaymin? I've heard the legends."

"Ahuh. Sounds like a shampoo brand."

Jasmine playfully pushed Thad's shoulder, and then leaned back into the beefcake. "You're silly."

"But really though. Think about it."

"Shhh," Jasmine placed her index finger in front of Thad's lips. "Just look at the sunset and hold me for a bit."

"You want me to send Butterbean back into the Pokeball? Just you and me rolling around in the grass?" Thad offered with a knowing glint in his eyes.

Jasmine steeled herself and looked over at Thad's smiling face. "Do it. I wore sportswear anyway just in case. Would be a shame to not use it a little."

"Say no more."

Thad scooped Jasmine up into his arms and slid off Butterbean. In a flash of red light, the Snorlax had retreated back into their respective Pokeball. The blanket and picnic basket tumbled harmlessly into the soft grass. Just as Thad stashed the Pokeball back into his bag, he barely had time to catch Jasmine as she leapt into his arms. Only a sliver of sunlight flashed from the ocean as the stars began to come out in full, illuminating the floral field around the two.

They stayed for hours after dark, spending the last day before the media and public would be hounding their every move. This was their moment, for one night when the questions of the world faded away and more carnal desires were sated.

The day had finally arrived, and Jasmine couldn't help but feel the nerves finally beginning to swell within her queasy stomach. No matter how many high stakes battles, there was always a bit of trepidation. Thad, on the other hand, handled registration with a charismatic, carefree aura. It wasn't until all the coffee from the morning had finally reared its head and forced the jock to the bathrooms. Which was surprisingly longer than she'd anticipated.

In the waiting area of the Pokemon League, it was in the shape of a large ring with several ramps leading to the Elite Four battle areas on ground level. Many of the trainers holed up in the small plazas and lobbies, keeping to themselves as they went through their pre-game rituals. Even the most seasoned trainers were tense on day one of competition. Single elimination matches were rough, especially when it was a one-on-one Pokemon battle. You had to bring your best, because hundreds of other people were going to as well.

Where is he? He's going to be up soon!

Jasmine peeked her head around the corner, looking to where Thad had wandered off since it didn't take that long to go to the bathroom. It wasn't like him to abandon ship when the action was about to begin, with the first four matches already finished. She figured he'd race out in his birthday suit before letting a little bladder dilemma slow him down.

The bathrooms looked clear, but on the opposite side of the room were the long-distance phones. Most leagues had them installed since people traveled over large distances and a simple PokeNav network usually only extended to the local region. Thad had set himself up at one of the booths, just finishing pressing in a phone number as he raised the corded receiver up to his ear.

Curiosity had gotten the better of Jasmine, and she crept closer. Who would he be calling? Chuck? Professor Elm? His emergency protein supplier? She held her breath as the phone rang for a few ticks.

"Hey, it's me," Thad said in his typical joyous tone. "It'd been a while, and I'd always promised to give you a ring when I made it to the big stage. Well, maybe not the one we were thinking of back in the day, but it's arguably bigger. Ha! Yeah…" Thad paused for a moment and swallowed hard, recomposing himself. "But, uh, I just wanted to make good on my promise. Let you know I haven't forgotten. Wish you could meet my new friends. They're really awesome and—"

Thad's head looked toward the causeway, and Jasmine dipped behind the corner as stealthily she could muster as the loudspeakers crackled on.

"On battlefield three; Thad of Johto versus Falkner of Johto. Please make your way to the loading zone."

Thad rolled his shoulders and returned to his phone call. His voice began to get real quiet and small, almost enough to make Jasmine wonder if it was even the same larger than life person she'd come to know. "Sorry about that, I'm almost up. Just how it is, ya know? I'll, uh… be seeing you around, mom and dad. Love ya both. Bye."

The phone clicked as Thad hung it back up. He cracked his neck and clapped his hands together. "Alright, game time, baby!"

And just like that, Thad was back in action. He bounded into doing high knees at a blistering pace back toward the main waiting area of the Pokemon League, so much so that he didn't notice Jasmine as he blitzed on by.

Once again, curiosity nibbled at the back of Jasmine's mind. She gave one look over her shoulder to confirm Thad had in fact disappeared into the distance before moving toward the long-distance phones. Had he really called his parents? Questions swirled around inside her head as she turned on the small, outdated console. It was a version that had yet to receive the video call functionality.

"Should be… right here," Jasmine thumbed over a few small knobs, opening up the call. She brought her hands up to her chest and grimaced.

The console read out in block red letters: Call could not be completed.

Before Jasmine could whirl around, a large horn blared from the speaker system.

"On Battlefield one; Jasmine of Johto versus Koga of Johto. Please make your way to the loading zone."

"Tough luck of the draw… but I won't let Thad out do me." Jasmine clenched her fists and straightened her posture. "Not today. Steel versus poison. Time to show them all."



Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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