25.92% The Owl House Watches The Owl House / Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Something Ventured, Someone Framed Part 2

บท 14: Chapter 14: Something Ventured, Someone Framed Part 2

At the Hexside stadium, Gus and Luz are sitting down while they watch Skara about to kick a ball before being picked up by a griffon; she says that she hates the game as the griffon drops her into a hoop.

"I only tried out for the team because my parents thought that it would look good on my record!" Skara said looking annoyed as the humans were just wondering how the rules of this sport must be with the griffins.

Luz and Gus clap but Gus notices a guard and takes her away. Luz looks through the window of the classroom to the Plant homeroom where a flower picks up Amelia about to swallow but Willow comes and tickles it causing it to drop Amelia who is covered in yellow slime and gives a thumbs up.

"...Thanks for that Willow, you have been a big help since you joined the track..." Amelia said as most students looked grossed out by what they were looking at.

Luz waves to Willow through the window who waves back and Gus does so but Willow gives him a look and shakes her head.

Willow gives a similar look to Gus.

Gus shows Luz to the Illusion track homeroom where Emira shows off an illusion of herself with longer legs which the demon teacher marks and then Edric makes an illusion of himself looking like an illustrated handsome and aristocrat with a cape.

"The best students in the track!" Emira and Edric shouted proudly as they stood up to make a pose.

"The most modest ones as well..." Amity muttered sarcastically.

"Why thank you Mittens." Edric told her and Amity glared at him.

Another student nervously makes an illusion of themselves with a face who freaks out when she can't breathe and the teacher has to fix it.

"...How does that work? Is that real illusions or shape shifting?" Camila asked stunned.

"Transforms our bodies to work with the illusions." Emira explained as the humans thought about how cool Illusion magic must be.

Luz asks Gus who is that as there is another Gus writing stuff down at a desk and Gus explains that it's one of his illusions who takes notes when he is not around, the Gus illusion puts up a note saying that he isn't paying attention.

"How long has this been going on Augustus?" Bump asked with a glare to Gus who looked scared and Perry didn't look happy either. "I will warn you all in the Illusion track right now should you decide to do this to skip your classes; you will be going straight to Detention!" Bump warned as they looked scared.

Gus says that he doesn't always do what he is told, Luz calls him good and Gus explains that he moved up a couple grades and then his alarm goes off saying that it is time for the HAS meeting. They leave but Gus gives his illusion a neck threatening motion worrying him.

The HAS members are excited for the human as Gus introduces Luz with Bo commenting on showmanship and the unicorn calls her horrifying but Mattholomule looks away with his arms crossed. Luz was about to inspect the items but Mattholomule throws them away and goes onto the table saying that he has something to say; explaining that making friends while new at Hexside was hard and the items are all fakes shocking the other members.

"Wow, I think we were misjudging you before." Luz said with a smile and Mattholomule thought that his future self must have a plan.

Mattholomule said that he thought if he was important enough then people would like him and he has caused enough drama saying he will go.

Luz tells him that it's okay and he's only human but realises what she said and says that he knows what she meant.

"Yeah, I bet you have friends in your club!" Luz said with a smile and nods from the other HAS members.

The HAS members tell him that he isn't alone and he has a place there, Mattholomule says thanks and he knew that they would understand.

Mattholomule stayed quiet from the looks making him sick as they looked towards him and was there a singe of guilt in his stomach?

Eda is in the hall moaning that she doesn't want to do this and Bump pats her on the back saying that there's the whiney rebel teen that he remembers, he gives her a broom to clean up the hexed graffiti that she left them and wishes her good luck as he leaves.

"Did you seriously leave that there all those years?" Hal asked incredulously.

"I have been waiting for Eda to come back someday so that I can get her to fix it herself and besides, her special graffiti is not so easily cleaned up." Bump said confusing the humans.

Eda moans as she tries to clean the graffiti but they move and transforms saying "MOTHER NO!".

The humans thought that it looked impressive, "Wow Eda, how did you do that..." Luz asked curiously but then got a glare from her mother and Principal Hal. "Not that I would ever use that but I am just curious!" Luz said suddenly and Eda smirked thinking that she would tell her later.

The HAS members thanks Luz for coming as they leave and Mattholomule thanks Luz for being so forgiving and Luz says that they were all the new kid at one point. Mattholomule says that he has just one thing to say as two guards come barging in and Mattholomule points to Luz as the intruder.

"We take back everything!" Bo said looking at Mattholomule angrily along with the other HAS members as he gulped thinking that now he might as well be considered an ex-member.

Luz tells Luz to tell them the ban has been lifted as the hook catches her and she shouts at Gus to tell them as Mattholomule asks Gus who the liar is now.

Willow gave Gus a look and Gus was muttering apologies to Luz and Gus was getting glares from Camila and Amity.

Willow waters the plant in the homeroom asking herself if she was too hard on Gus and what trouble could they get into, she hears Luz shouting for help as she sees Luz being carted through the door window.

"Willow, you are their friends and you decided to ask that stupid question?" Amity asked incredulously and Willow looked away from her. "I didn't mean anything bad about it but you get into trouble a lot..." Amity told Luz and she flashed her a smile understanding what she meant.

Luz asks where she is being taken and the guard responds Detention which Luz thinks isn't so bad.

All the detention students laughed humourlessly and muttered about Luz being naive.

A large wall with a giant mouth and three eyes opens up its mouth which causes Luz to scream.

"I am afraid to look..." Camila muttered as she was joined by Luz and the other humans plus some students who never got into detention before.

Mattholomule says that he can't believe that they both fell for that as if he would actually apologise, Gus angrily asks what did he do and Mattholomule mocks his earlier attitude and says that he wants power and drama and one of those he has right now and asks Gus what he is going to do.

Mattholomule shrinked from the glares.

Gus says executive action as he takes the tongue of an alarm bell which spits out water at them. Mattholomule panics saying that he didn't pull the alarm and it was Gus as they were both being carried away by the hook of a guard as Willow looks on from her hiding spot.

"So that's your fire alarm?" Luz asked thinking that it looked awesome.

They are thrown through the detention mouth as it closes and Mattholomule bangs on it demanding to be let out. Gus notices Luz hiding behind a stone as she tells him that he said that the ban was lifted, the floor opens up and there is a giant mouth in there with students stuck in cocoons which Luz screams at.

"Detention, that is a death sentence!" Luz screamed as they students looked on in horror along with the humans.

"This is not a fantasy realm school but a school from a horror film, what kind of messed up laws for child saftey do you have?" Hal shouted incredulously.

"It teaches students their lesson." Bump said looking like he didn't know what the problem was.

"I don't think that I want you go there now..." Camila muttered.

"Come on Mum, it's not like I would get into detention... Nevermind..." Luz muttered from the look that Camila was giving her and Eda blew a raspberry.

In the cafeteria Eda is covered in purple goo as she is carrying a bag filled with ghosts, she says the girl's changing room is ghost free.

"You have ghosts here?" shouted a human student as Lilith muttered about that time at school.

Bump asks Eda if she is ready to give up as she barely scratched the surface and Eda snarls in response as she looks back.

At a table Bo shows Skara a fireball which turns into snow which lands on the table, Skara does it and they hug as Skara says that friendship is the real magic.

"It really is!" Skara shouted happily waving to Bo who waved back and Boscha muttered to herself not much longer now.

Eda calls them as bad as Luz and she would love it there and asks Bump what is next.

Eda sighed and so did Camila thinking the same thing, "I will reconsider... I can't believe that I am even thinking about this..." Camila told Luz giving her a smile.

Bump picks up a plunger as she closes her fists and moans without moving her mouth or changing her face.

"I hate you Bump!" Eda snapped as Bump smiled.

Luz asks how is this detention and calls it a death sentence, Gus says that he had never been in detention before and Mattholomule welcomes them to his world.

Students were glaring at Mattholomule and Amity muttered to herself saying that she will never get into trouble at school again afraid of what she was seeing.

He explains that he was in detention plenty of times which Luz doesn't find hard to believe since he is kind of a jerk, Mattholomule said that in detention he was king so they better do what they say if they want to get out.

"Yes, your permanent record from Glandus was most interesting Mattholomule." Bump said simply.

Before he could say much more a scar looking head on a neck comes up and spits out a tongue which takes Mattholomule by the ankle and drags him away to be put into a cocoon.

Mattholomule looked terrified and the students now looked at him feeling sorry.

Luz shouts to Gus about him lying to her and asks why; Gus says that he was afraid and acted stupid to which Luz agrees with.

"Kid I agree with you there but you have no position not say that considering how stupid you act sometimes." laughed Eda as Luz looked sheepish.

Gus says that he gets overlooked being younger than everyone and at the HAS he matters and can make sure that no one gets left behind which he didn't want to lose; he puts his head down and apologises. Luz puts a hand on his shoulder saying that she gets it and just wishes that he told her the truth.

Luz and Gus smiled at eachother and so did Willow.

More necks come up as Gus says to let him make it up to her as he has a plan but Luz kicks one in the face away. Luz says that she is in and asks where do they start, Gus says by leaving no one behind as she takes her by the wrists and jumps in.

"Dweebus, you are really going back for him?" Eda asked as Mattholomule shot Gus a grateful look.

They get to the ground takes the cocoon that Mattholomule is in and a voice tells him that he will be a good student that he repeats.

The humans looked terrified and Eda laughed saying "I wasn't exaggerating when I said this place brainwashes you!"

Luz tries to eat through it and it doesn't taste as bad as she thought it would and then tells Gus to do magic since he is a witch.

Gus says that he will use human magic as he gets out the paper clip and uses the end to stab through the cocoon and gets Mattholomule.

Bump got out a pen and paper to make a note to make the cocoons much stronger.

Luz picks up Mattholomule and Gus says that he has an illusion of a plan as he gets various illusions of them both to appear distracting them as they escape by climbs up through the eyes.

The students thought that this looked cool.

Gus used a giant bone to push faces away as Luz kicks some more and Gus runs saying that they will have to bust down the door with Luz right behind him carrying Mattholomule. Willow tries to open the giant door as she hears Eda coming telling Bump that she washed off all the graffiti, apologised to Ms Jenkinmyer for stealing her teeth caught all the wild seribii and they should be good. Bump shakes her hand saying that it should be really exciting to have a real human exchange student and Eda asks if he won't tell the Emperor's Coven about this. Bump says no and Hexside school should be safe for them both, he is a principal and not a stooge.

"Principal Bump! Are you really making a deal to let a wanted fugitive come and go as she pleases here?" Lilith shouted incredulously as Eda smirked at her.

"Ol Bump has a soft spot for me Lily!" Eda taunted her as Lilith looked angry.

They hear thudding and the door is broken down and they see the three there, Eda tells her to guess who got her into Hexside and they see the faces behind him. Bump snaps his fingers and the faces go away with one apologising to him sounding normal.

"They are good staff members." Bump said simply as they all looked stumped.

Bump shouts to think that any student of Eda would be capable of anything but chaos and tells her to take Luz and leave with them both banned from Hexside.

"You can forget what I said here as I know this wasn't really your fault Luz so please don't make me regret this." Bump said before Luz could look down and Eda thought about her work being for nothing. "But I still expect Eda to do exactly as she did here!" Bump warned her and Eda glared at him.

Luz looks down as she is leaving with Eda, Gus tells them to wait explaining to Bump not to blame Luz since he told Luz that the ban was lifted with it all his fault. Bump asks Gus if he would be willing to accept her punishment as his own and Gus agrees impressing Eda, Bump says that barring anymore trouble Luz will be officially enrolled at Hexside the next semester.

"How do semesters work in the Boiling Isles?" Camila asked wondering how much time would that have to be and Bump stayed silent thinking it would take too long to explain.

Eda tells them to hold on and silently asks Bump to step away as she tells Luz that she is only doing this because she has faith in her and that she is too smart to fall for the one witch one coven nonsense.

"The fact that you swallowed your pride to come here to clean up your messes to get your student in school is a big enough win for me." Bump said as Eda laughed as Lilith sighed.

Eda says that she could learn a lot from the witches there and even teach them some of that Bad Girl Coven magic as well and Bump walks away saying that he didn't hear that.

"Am I going to have to keep escaping from detention if Mum lets me go there?" Luz asked nervously as Camila preferred not to answer.

Bump tells Gus that he would be saying detention right now but it seems to be out of order so he is removing him from the Human Appreciation Society and Mattholomule asks if that leaves him president.

"Principal Bump sir since Gus hasn't done this and probably never will, would that mean that this punishment can't be used?" The unicorn student asked as Bump muttered about hating loopholes.

Bump finds it impressive that he is still alive and crowns him president as he throws the crown to his head.

Mattholomule mutters about a crown he will probably never see now, "You find it impressive he is alive? Have you had students die at your school?" Hal asked and he and Camila hated that Bump purposefully ignored the question.

Bump tells Eda that she has paperwork to do and she moans that she has to do more stuff and tells Luz that she better enjoy the place.

"Don't worry I will!" Luz said proudly as Camila hated about the answer that she will probably give to letting Luz attend Hexside.

Gus offers to show her the rest of the tour and Willow says that she can show them what plants not to touch in the greenhouse and let them touch them. They leave together as Mattholomule still on the floor weakly tells them to take him with them and that he is their president.

Students laughed.

Why Can't You Remember plays as Incident #5523 takes about Eda letting loose a pack of feral ghosts in the girl's locker room. They called in a rag tag team of 'ghost blasters' by they accidentally open a door to the ghost dimension which threatened to overtake the city. The photo shows the girls in pink towels screaming with Eda looking innocent with a smirk.

People looked away from the photo as Luz said "well the ghost blasters thing sounds like it would make an awesome movie!"

The next page shows Incident #3421 where Eda raised an army of abominations to start a foot fight after Lilith's lunch money was stolen. The abominations gained sentience and revolted against her forcing Eda, Lilith and the thief to form an alliance to stop the giant abomination from destroying Hexside. The photo shows Eda directing the separate abominations in the cafeteria.

"You know that I never got a thank you or any gratitude from you Lily for that! I got payback and your money back." Eda told Lilith who stood up and glared at her direction.

"You seriously expected me to show gratitude? I hated having my money stolen but I would no contest go without lunch for a day if it meant a giant abomination didn't destroy the school!" Lilith shouted at her as Amity stopped herself from asking how the abominations gained sentience as it sounded impressive.

The next page shows Incident #9677 where Eda had hexed the school bells to sing the famous pop song 'SINCE U BEEN CONNED' which lasted for five hours and could only be stopped by pitting the school bells against eachother over who's the better boy band: 'Babies to Boys' or 'Two Seconds to New York'. It was a horrible day but no one was allowed to go home early. The photo showed the bell and the students in the hallway walking through the halls covering their ears.

Students muttered about hearing horror stories about the day from their parents, "Come on Lily, you liked the song!" Eda told her and Lilith glared at her.

"I did as in past tense as that day ruined that song for me forever!" Lilith replied.

The next page shows Incident #2601 where Eda had found two bug things that just tore up the place. The writer had gotten tired of writing down the things and now writes down that he hopes that no one reads the things and he should take a day off since it has been years since he was allowed by his overlords. The photos showed Eda lying on top of a bug looking innocent as both bugs are destroying a classroom.

"Only so much that someone would take filing these incident reports for you alone Eda!" Bump said as Eda looked proud of herself.

The next page shows Incident #7662 where Eda let the school griffon out from it's pen and fed it spicy snacks until it vomited all over the Grudgby field. Instead of cleaning it he ate a donut and his friends are always telling them that they should practice self-care more often and they deserve it. The photo shows Bump furiously looking down at the vomit covered field.

Students laughed and were grossed out, "This I had no choice but to have cleaned up..." Bump muttered.

in the Owl House, Eda is fondly looking through the binders with Luz saying that Bump was not exaggerating that she was a terrible student stunning Eda.

"She is not wrong Edalyn." said Lilith with a smirk as Eda glared at them both as she stood up as well as audience members chuckled.

Boscha ran out of her seat to Cornholio and shouted "there! I behaved myself so fix me right now!"

Cornholio crossed his arms and told her "you are a witch so I expect to hear the magic word." Boscha clenched her teeth as she said please as Cornholio put her clothes back to normal with a snap. "Be warned that I won't hesitate to do it again if you give me a reason too." Cornholio warned her and Boscha nodded as she returned to her seat.

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