11.11% Saruyama Kenichi takes control / Chapter 2: I am really a secondary character (rewrite)

บท 2: I am really a secondary character (rewrite)

*Kenichi's POV*

Kenichi: "My name is Saruyama Kenichi.... And I am... The supporting character of a... Anime Ecchi."

It all started when Sairenji hit me with the tennis ball, in the few seconds I was lying on the ground I was suddenly assaulted by an intense headache.

It intensified even more when I thought of helping Sairenji, in the few seconds I was standing still, a huge amount of information entered my brain.

That information showed me many things in a single instant, that's why I was a bit disoriented at first?

That information showed me a kind of alternate reality in which all of us were characters from a Manga and Anime called "To Love-Ru".

To sum it all up, the story went like this:

The whole story revolved around the protagonist Yuuki Rito who was deeply in love since high school with his classmate Sairenji Haruna, but because of his shyness and bad luck no matter what he did he was unable to confess his feelings to her. One day, while he was taking a bath after returning from school, suddenly while bathing in the bathtub, out of nowhere appeared a beautiful girl with pink hair completely naked.

She introduced herself as Lala Satalin Deviluke, an alien who came from a planet called Deviluke, plus she was one of the princesses of that planet. Her father the King of Deviluke and emperor of the Galaxy one day suddenly decided that he was going to retire from his position as King and whoever married Lala would become the next King of Deviluke, after he declared that a huge amount of suitors from different planets began to pursue Lala to marry her, and fed up with her suitors Lala decided to flee from Deviluke and coincidentally while teleporting ended up in the bathtub of Rito by accident.

After some events and misunderstandings, Lala decided to declare Rito as her fiancé. From that moment on, Rito must defend himself against Lala's strange suitors who seek to eliminate him in order to marry her. Later in the story, his feelings become more confused, as he is still in love with Sairenji but has also begun to have feelings for Lala.

That would be the main summary of the plot.... In other words, I got to see an alternate reality where we were all Manga characters and another where we were Anime characters. And to top it off, my clumsy friend Rito, who was terrified of interacting with girls, was the protagonist of those realities.

Obviously at first I had a hard time believing all this even though what I saw felt so real, but after thinking about it for a while, it all made sense, so for a while now I've felt that everything is strange, around me there were always situations that seemed to be taken out of an anime.

Also, except for the girls who were aliens, all the other characters that appeared in those realities exist here: Rito, Sairenji, Mikan-chan, Kotegawa-san, Sawada, Momioka, Mikado-sensei and even the perverted Director exist here. Moreover, in those realities, perverted accidents always happened to Rito with the girls that should be physically impossible to carry out in reality, and that also happens here, in fact, if he hadn't helped Sairenji a while ago that same kind of perverted accident would have happened to him.

When I think about it, an image from the Anime's parallel reality pops up in my mind.

In it, Rito was lying on the ground, and Sairenji was sitting on his face, it was an incredibly compromising image.

Kenichi: (Yes... That's exactly what would have happened to them if I hadn't gotten Sairenji out of the way.... No in fact something even worse could have happened.... From what I saw... Some of Rito's falls ended up in situations almost similar to hentai anime).

And this is also the reason why I am now completely sure that this world is like those realities that I saw...

Until I saw those alternate realities I had never thought it was weird for Rito to have those perverted accidents, I've always seen it as something normal, when in reality the normal thing would be to get suspended or expelled from school for sexually harassing girls like that. It's similar to what happened a while ago with the guy I saw running around with those panties on his head.

Same thing with the principal, he's a big pervert who often takes his clothes off in public while chasing girls, normally you'd get arrested for doing something like that, but here they just scold him a little bit and then everyone goes home like nothing happened.

I'm no exception either, until I saw alternate realities I didn't think much about such things, but now everything is clearer. If I had to give an example, it's almost like I'm an NPC programmed to do a certain amount of things, that would explain why I froze when I tried to help Sairenji earlier, that's not the kind of thing I'm supposed to do.

In both alternate realities I'm supposed to be just Rito's perverted friend, I'm only there to make perverted comments or to try to hit Rito out of jealousy when he's too attached to girls or even to support him when he tries to confess his feelings to Sairenji, I'm like the loser friend that usually appears in Galges, my main role in the story is to be the protagonist's best friend and help him when he's in trouble.

After quite a while walking I finally arrived at my house, and now that I think about it I never realized it but I have a really big house all to myself.

It's at least three times bigger than Rito's house. This huge house was part of the inheritance my parents left me.... It happened quite a few years ago... My parents died in a car accident when I was 8 years old, and the only relatives I have are my grandparents on my father's side, they took care of me for a few years before I came back to live in Sainan, apparently my parents left everything prepared for my future in case something happened to them, so far I haven't had any problem with my personal expenses.

That's why even though this is a world based on a fictional reality, I know I am real, after all, in those stories I was just the pervert that appeared from time to time, nothing of my personal life was shown.

The stories were only about Rito or the other girls, they mentioned almost no details about the secondary characters.

Kenichi: (Does it have something to do with what prevented me from moving when I tried to help Sairenji...?)

For my part, in those stories the only thing mentioned was this:

Saruyama Kenichi is one of Rito's classmates, and is also his best friend, he's known to be a complete pervert (Though not as much as the Headmaster).

Basically, I'm a pervert but not in an exaggerated way, I'm very nice and I'm always willing to help Rito when he tries to confess his feelings to Sairenji.

That's all that's known about me other than my age, and although I'd like to deny it, it's true that until before I got hit with that tennis ball, I behaved like a pervert.

But the strangest thing about this whole situation is that when I get hit with the tennis ball.... It's almost as if the hit broke the control the world had over me, when I think about how I have acted so far and what I saw of those alternate realities I feel a little disgusted and not only of myself but of almost everyone, even Rito.

Yes, I understand that I'm a hormonal teenager, but I don't think I'm so excessive as to go around bringing pornography to school or blatantly looking at girls in such a perverted way, no matter how I look at it, there's nothing but porn books in my house...

Kenichi: (I... have been... Spending all the inheritance my parents left me... On this...)

How many things I've done against my will...

And I'm completely sure that it's not just me, we've all been influenced in some way by the things that happened in those alternate realities, I bet that if one day suddenly a spaceship appears in the sky, everyone will be surprised only at first but only a few minutes later it will seem normal to them that aliens exist.

Kenichi: (But what's all this crap...! I'm not a fictional character...! And I have a will of my own, my life doesn't revolve around Rito and I'm not obsessed with perverted things, as if I'm going to let something I don't know control my life, I'm going to do what I want to do, not what the world wants me to do...!)

After reaffirming my resolution I started walking to the bathroom, I needed to wash my face and clear my mind a little.

Upon entering, the first thing I did was to look at myself in the mirror.

Kenichi: (I had never paid attention to my appearance before, but now that I look good, I really am like a character out of an anime, even my hairstyle looks like Vegeta's).

What was reflected in the mirror was the appearance of a boy of normal height for his age, black colored hair, brown eyes, and a slim body dressed in the summer uniform of Sainan High School.

I looked at my body some more and I have to admit that I was quite disappointed. I didn't expect to have a body like The Rock's, but I still expected to have even a little bit of muscle on my arms.

I continued to inspect myself, until I found something that surprised me quite a bit.

Kenichi: "Well... At least I'm well endowed down there.... What must he be, about 18cm? I wonder what this beast looks like standing up?"

Putting my stupid thoughts aside, I walked out into the living room and sat down on the couch.

Kenichi: (Well now that I'm free from the influence of the world.... I think I will try to improve myself as a person, maybe try to do something like having a hobby or getting better at my studies, because honestly I don't want to do kinky things anymore.... I can still be friends with Rito, after all, apart from his awkwardness he's a nice guy, but I won't get into his love problems...).

Plus I'm still mad at that son of a bitch for cheating on me with his Alter Ego!!!

After thinking that, I decided to turn on the TV.

Kenichi: "Hmm... There's nothing interesting... Actually now that I think about it, there's not much interesting entertainment here.... UGH...!"

And just as I was thinking about what little entertainment there was, a huge amount of information many times greater than before entered my head.... What I saw varied quite a bit, I saw Super Hero Comics, a wide variety of Movies of all Genres, Books, Light Novels, Mangas, Anime, Eroges, Games, etc.

I think I was stunned and lying on the couch for several minutes.

Kenichi: (Wow... Th-That was amazing... S-So there's an alternate reality where all these things exist for entertainment.... Honestly I was never that interested in anime or movies, but with so many interesting stories even I was hooked.... I wonder if this seeing other realities is some kind of skill, I just watched all those entertainments in detail, I can even remember them just by thinking about it, it's like it's all stuck in my memory).

In comparison the entertainment here is boring, for some strange reason the most popular thing to watch is the Magical Girl Show, and the only reason it's popular is because of the Fanservice there, if I'm not mistaken it's the same show that was popular in To Love-Ru, the one called 'Explosive Heat Magical Girl Kyouko Flame', in which that Idol called Kirisaki Kyouko performed.

And not to mention the Light Novels, Mangas and Animes, all here are boring, one of the most interesting is Dragon M-ball and it looks like a crude imitation of one of the animes I saw in alternate reality called Dragon Ball... and I say imitation out of pity, if I compare them it is very inferior, now that I have the knowledge about other stories the ones here seem made by children or perverts, the only thing worth saving are the drawings, even the games are boring here.

This world was always so boring, no wonder I used to spend my time watching pornography, it's the only interesting thing you can see here for entertainment, that's the only redeemable thing, well the stories are also trash, but at least they have good quality.

The foreign movies are at least somewhat passable, some of the ones I saw also exist here, but they are few, also several famous actors exist here, but their movies are average. Super Hero Comic companies also exist but they don't even come close to Marvel and DC, and all the Heroes that appear are crude imitations.

Kenichi: (With all the knowledge I have, I can dedicate myself to be a Novelist or even a Mangaka, after all, they are the best professions around here, the only problem is that I don't have the skills to replicate the most famous novels and manga I saw).

And once again, after saying that my mind was filled with knowledge about all the different manga drawing techniques and all the ways of writing novels.

I think I start to understand how this skill that shows me different alternative realities works...

With curiosity I thought about things related to programming. And once again my brain was filled with information about all the programming techniques.

Kenichi: (Wow, this is definitely a broken skill, just by saying or thinking about it I get knowledge on how to do different kinds of things.... Well it's not all that good though.... I may get the knowledge but not the skills, that means if I want to master something I have to practice like everyone else, but I'm not complaining either, this in itself is already a great skill, while others have to study to learn something I just need to practice the techniques...)

Well that leaves aside for now to be a Mangaka, besides I need to have great drawing skills, it is also a very stressful job, you only have to see the Father of Rito to know that it is not a very recommendable job, besides that it makes me lazy to deliver the work on certain dates. For now the best thing is to be a Novelist, besides being a much calmer job, I already know the complete stories of several famous novels.

Kenichi: (Well, I'm not going to take advantage so much, I'm going to practice and improve my writing skills to modify some parts to be more original and not just copies.... And as for Manga, once I improve my drawing skills I'll try it, and if it doesn't work I'll hire some famous Mangaka to draw the stories).

I'm going to do that for the time being.

Wait... If this world is based on an anime, that doesn't mean it's also possible to do combat techniques from other anime... I think I'll give it a try, I don't lose anything by trying... In the entertainment info I received there is a fighting anime that caught my attention, I'll give that one a try... I would like to box like the characters in Hajime no Ippo.

The story of Hajime no Ippo, is about Ippo Makunaochi, an awkward young boy who is constantly bullied by his classmates. Until one day he meets a professional boxer named Takamura who saves him from the bullies. That day, seeing Takamura's way of fighting, Ippo becomes very interested in boxing and decides to enter the big boxing arena to test his skills.

Overall, it is a very touching story, it has it all: action, humor, self-improvement, and it also shows the sad pasts of the boxers who fight with Ippo. It's a story that I really liked, and if I get to draw manga someday, I will definitely draw this story.

The moment I thought that, I suddenly got a lot of information about Hajime no Ippo's boxing techniques into my head.

Kenichi: (It really worked out... Instead of receiving information about Boxing in general, I received information about the different types of Boxing styles of Hajime no Ippo... And even though it's just a feeling, I feel like I can throw punches with those wind effects... I definitely have to try this...)

I think I rushed too much, I was so excited to try something new, that I forgot something very important...

My physical condition is average...

Ignoring all logic I got into a Boxing stance and planted my feet firmly on the ground. I'm going to try to throw a right hook.

The hook is a boxing specific punch that is delivered with the core muscles and back. Normally, the Hook is a punch that aims to hit the opponent's head (especially the temple or jaw), however, in Hajime no Ippo it has been pointed out that the Hook can also be thrown to the body, causing internal bleeding. And most likely, damaged or broken ribs.

After concentrating for a few minutes, I gathered all the strength my body could produce at that moment in my core muscles and back and threw the punch with all my might.

The result was unexpectedly devastating, I didn't think that with my thin arms I could throw a punch with so much power and besides that wind effect looked amazing, it's for sure that if I hit someone with this kind of punch I would knock him out instantly.

And just when I was elated by my incredible punch...

Kenichi: "Ugh... I-I think my body... I-I wasn't really... R-Ready to throw... That punch."

An incredibly intense pain ran through my entire body leaving me trembling on the ground.

Kenichi: "Aah... Ahh... Ahh... A-At least... It's just a muscle pain... Thanks to the knowledge I have about boxing... I can say that I didn't break any bones, I didn't tear any muscles either..."

After several minutes I was able to get up even though I was still a little sore.

Kenichi: "I guess this means that nothing is free... I know how to throw the punch perfectly but I still have to train my body enough not to hurt myself while doing it... Although I think it will only be a matter of time until I can do it without any problem, among the knowledge I received from Hajime no Ippo were also all the training forms that exist, even the ones that were unrealistic, like Mashiba's Flicker Jab or Hayami's Shotgun."

Kenichi: (This is going to be very useful to me if one day I am attacked by some aliens, after all, even Rito who has never fought in his life was able to slightly defend himself from them, he could even hit the ones that were weak... Also I'm not naive enough to think that this world isn't dangerous, the To Love-Ru anime painted everything as humor, but the fact that there are assassins like Yami means that space is much more dangerous than what the Manga and Anime showed, not to mention Lala's father who is Like a character straight out of Dragon Ball, in the story it was said that he was able to easily destroy the earth in his weakened state)

Well all this learning to fight I'm doing it to be able to defend myself in case something happens to me (And because knowing how to fight is great). When annoying things happen I'm going to step aside and leave all the hassle to Rito, I may be considered a bad friend for not helping him, but honestly, I think he deserves a lot of the things that are going to happen to him, for being so indecisive.

Kenichi: (If only he would be more assertive and confess his feelings to Sairenji all his problems would be over, but Mr. indecisive was not sure of his feelings for Lala and that's why he couldn't reject or accept her, although I appreciate him as a friend, I honestly don't like his cowardly personality and even more after everything he did to the other girls).

Besides I still resent him, I know that what I saw was just a story, but I am irritated by the idea that my alternate version fell in love with the female version of Rito, in one part of the story Rito accidentally transformed into a woman because of one of Lala's inventions, when my alternate version saw him she instantly fell in love with him, and the idiot instead of telling her the truth played along without revealing the truth, they even went on a date.

I understand that he wanted to be a good friend of mine, but it's much worse to have a date with a man than for him to be sincere and tell me the truth, I wonder which idiot came up with the idea of creating such a stupid story like that, it's bad enough that he's a secondary character.

Kenichi: "Well, I guess that doesn't matter now, I have the knowledge of To Love-Ru's story so I'm not going to let that happen to me.... For now I'm hungry, I think I'm going to make dinner.... And then I'm going to practice a bit by writing some Light Novels."

But just as I was walking with my aching body to the kitchen, something strange happened.

*Ding* *Ding*

Suddenly a strange sound started playing directly in my head, and seconds later a transparent screen appeared in front of me.


Achievement System

*Congratulations, 'The Achievement System' has been successfully installed...*

*A certain Deity from outside was surprised that you willingly freed yourself from the influence of the World's will and was also amused at the idea of you trying to change your destiny, so he granted you this system to help you make your journey a little easier*.

*Do you want to receive it?

Yes✓ No✗


Kenichi: "..."

DaoistmvWChj DaoistmvWChj

No es fácil crear una obra, ¡deme un voto por favor!

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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