16.16% Begin Again In Marvel / Chapter 31: Negotiations

บท 31: Negotiations


I just finished a training session on Vaapad and was heading to the kitchen to get some food, I had just entered the kitchen when I walked past a Gardevoir.

'Wait, Gardevoirs aren't blue. Holy crap it's a shiny! Where are my Pokeballs?'

I scramble for a second before remembering that I summoned a Gardevoir.

'Wait it was a shiny summon. Why didn't it say so in the description? I should say hello.'

Rio: "Hello, my name is Rio. I believe I summoned you. What do you go by?"

Gardevoir: "Ah! Where did you come from? How did I not hear you coming? Why can't I sense your mind? Why are you naked?"

Rio: "Oh, in order. From the training room. I walk very quietly. My mind is hidden from basically all but the highest-level beings. I am not naked I am wearing pants. Oh and sorry for scaring you."

Gardevoir: "Wait you can understand what I am saying without my telepathy?"

Rio: "Huh, oh yeah I learned that ability a little while ago. I can now understand all languages and even encryptions. Also, you still haven't introduced yourself."

Gardevoir: "Sorry about that. You can call me Gardevoir. I was never caught before so I never got a nickname. I do have a question for you while we are talking. If that is alright."

Rio: "Nice to meet you Gardevoir and yes ask away but let me make something to eat while I am answering please, as I just finished some intense training."

Gardevoir: "That's fine. I was going to ask why are you okay with me and the other Pokemon not working. Isn't that the main reason humans catch Pokemon? Also, why did you summon us if you don't require us to work?"

Rio: "You don't have to work for 2 reasons the first is you were summoned by me and thus I have an obligation to take care of you. The second is I won't force anyone to do a job they don't want to. It would be really inefficient if I did so. If you want to do your job and you love it then you will never work a day in your life. To answer your second question I should clarify that you are not a caught Pokemon, I never caught you I just summoned you. As for if humans catch Pokemon just so they can do work for them I think not everyone is like that. Then again I don't know what your world is like so I can't say for certain. Finally, I summoned you because I won your summoning in a raffle of sorts. If you help great, if not then I will ensure you will have a nice comfortable life."

Gardevoir: "Wait, I am not captured?"

Rio: "Nope, you are still a wild Pokemon. All the Pokemon you have met are the same. Lucario is also in a different situation from you. I hatched Lucario from an egg so I am sort of his father and as such I am trying to raise him to be a productive member of society. If he said he wasn't ready or didn't want the job I asked him to do I would have accepted it and moved on."

Gardevoir: "You are probably the weirdest human I have ever heard about."

Rio: "HAHAHA."

Gardevoir pouts a bit at my laughter.

Gardevoir: "What's so funny?"

Rio: "Sorry it's just that I am not human so I found it amusing you thought I was."

Gardevoir: "Wait what? How can you not be human? Are you a Ditto?"

I can't handle it and burst into more laughter at the ridiculous idea of me being a Ditto. Gardevoir just pouts more at my laughter.

Rio: "Oh, that was a good one but no I am not a Ditto, a human, or a Pokemon. I am an Alicorn."

I transform into my Alicorn form to show her my actual appearance. Gardevoir just stares wide-eyed at my Alicorn form.

Gardevoir: "You, I, What?"

I giggle a bit.

Rio: "I assume Lucario hasn't started your familiarization training yet. You are in a different universe that has thousands of different sentient species. I am the only one of my kind so you won't see others like me. This universe is so very different from your old one. I would love to explain all the intricacies to you and the others but I have a very strict schedule to keep to for the next month. It was lovely meeting you but I have to get back to my training. If Lucario ever gets on your case too much ask him about the Mew costume. If you need anything from me ask Sebas or if I am outside the training room just ask me. Have a nice day."

POV Gardevoir

I watch as my trainer, no my summoner leaves.

'Wow, he is not a Pokemon but dang he sure looks like one. Aliens huh? I heard Clefairy were from the moon but I never really believed that. Now I guess I get to meet a lot of aliens in the future. I wonder if I should work for him? Hehe.'

I quickly shake my head to get those thoughts out of my head and look at the breakfast he made for me. I decided to try it and I am shocked by how good it is.

'Wow, this is really good. I can get used to this. I hope this is the kind of food we get for every meal. I wonder if being a scientist is really the job I would want to get. I think the other idea was assistant but for whom? Maybe Rio?'

I look at the time and see I need to get going so I can go to the first lecture by Lucario. I quickly finish the meal and get going.

A Couple Of Weeks Later...


The Aura's Revenge leaves hyperspace and I look upon the planet Sakaar. I looked over the scans and attempted to contact the local space authorities. After talking to them I set up an appointment to meet the Grandmaster.

Tex: "Prepare my shuttle and the proxy droid."

B1: "Roger Roger."

The shuttle leaves and I connect to the proxy droid so I can be present at the meeting without risking myself. We land at the palace and are escorted to the audience chambers.

Grandmaster: "Welcome visitors to Sakaar. What do I owe the pleasure of this meeting?"

Tex: "I am here on behalf of the Baktoid Combat Automata or BCA for short to negotiate absolute rights to all material on Sakaar."

Grandmaster: "That is quite the request. What are you offering in exchange?"

Tex: "The BCA is offering to not invade Sakaar and to not interfere in your government. We will offer assistance in maintaining you as the current leader of Sakaar if you make scraping illegal and give us the right to detain anyone caught scrapping."

Grandmaster: "You walk into my palace and demand I give you complete authority over Sakaar in exchange for you not taking everything anyway. Why shouldn't I just kill you here and summon my army to fight."

Tex: "That is because we have already taken control over all the planet's defense systems and if you attack me you will only destroy this droid while I order an orbital bombardment of this palace. Once you are dead we will either take over the planet or place someone else on its throne. Or we can avoid all that unnecessary bloodshed and you get to maintain your position while receiving our support for your regime. We have over 2 million droids ready to invade the planet and wipe out everyone who resists. Make your decision."

The Grandmaster scowls for a few minutes before giving up once he realizes he really lost control of his planet's defenses. When he realizes his situation he becomes pale and wide-eyed.

Grandmaster: "I will sign the agreement. I will not punish anyone for scraping or salvaging but I won't stop you from doing whatever you want to them. I just want it in writing that you will fully support my regime. I will also require you to trade with me as Sakaar needs to rely on outside imports from time to time. I hope everything is acceptable."

I look over the agreement and scan for any deceptions. Surprisingly there are none.

Tex: "This contract is acceptable. You will have to announce the terms of this contract planet-wide so that everyone knows what the restrictions are. If one wants to be a scrapper or salvager they must get a license through the BCA."

Grandmaster: "Of course, I will make the announcement right away. It was a pleasure doing business with you."

With that, the meeting ends and I return to the Aura's Revenge. Once the droid leaves the planet I disconnect and look to my right where a communicator is. I send a message.

Tails: "Hi, Tex. Did the negotiation work out?"

Tex: "Yes, you can enter the system with the prototype."

Tails smiles and says.

Tails: "Perfect, I will see you in a minute."

A Few Minutes Later...

Tails: "Okay, now it's time to see if our project worked. You think she's ready?"

Faraday: "Absolutely, we have triple-checked all the numbers, and the previous tests worked flawlessly. If it fails then it won't take too long for us to figure out how to improve it."

Tails: "Okay, we are in position. Beginning powering sequence. All systems are nominal. The Ultra Recycler Machine (URM) is online. Selecting target. Activating. Please work."

A massive rectangle of 300 meters in length attached to a Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser starts to glow green and suck up a large portion of junk from the planet's surface. After it enters the rectangle the junk disappears. The junk is dematerialized into base materials and then condensed into a storage bay designed to store large amounts of material in smaller spaces.

Tails: "Everything is holding steady. Our first spacial compressor is at 82% capacity and slowly increasing. How is the ship doing with the extra weight?"

Faraday: "Good so far. It looks like it will be able to handle all 8 containers becoming full. Should we test the short-range teleporter now or when we reach 7 full containers?"

Tails: "I can lower the intake and we can test the teleporter's capability to store the materials in the other dreadnaughts."

Faraday: "Do it. I will warn you if I see anything wrong with the reports."

After a few hours of operating the URM is shut off and the dreadnaughts retreat with the materials back to Olympus.

Tex: "How was the first operational test of the URM?"

Faraday: "Excellent, we only saw a slight issue with the dreadnaught's capability of holding such a large amount of cargo. We will change the amount that is carried out for the next test. The issues themselves were only an issue when in the atmosphere, in a no-gravity area it was unnoticeable. We also checked the cargo itself and confirmed that everything was converted from miscellaneous junk and parts to base materials they are made from."

Tex: "What about the tech scanner did it give good results?"

Faraday: "Technically it worked. The issue is was much of what was scanned was either too damaged to learn anything or incomplete and thus the results were less than ideal. Most of the information we were able to learn about was some very rudimentary appliance designs. As for the military tech we were looking for, nothing concrete. That being said we found something odd."

Faraday looks to Tails and nods. Tails grabs a piece of what looks like scrap and hands it to Tex.

Tex: "What is this?"

Faraday: "A very strange piece of technology. I made the scanner to separate if any tech found was of a level 10 or above. That or unrecognizable. What you are holding is something maybe around the same level as the Aura's Revenge or higher. I can't be certain until I analyze it some more. What I can say for certain is it is unlike anything we have seen so far. It is designed with a completely different thought process. If I had to say what it resembles it would be a piece of tech a techno-organic would make. It's too early to say for certain what that was used for but my guess is a piece of a computer. It almost seems like a recording device but I can't see how to activate it. I request time to study this before I am sent to work on the Covenant tech."

I look at the device in my hand and calculate the possible value and risks with his request.

Tex: "I accept your request. However, you must first finish the correction to the URM, and technician Tails will remain on the project to train new droids on the operation of the URM."

Faraday: "Thank you and I will work to get the corrections in place immediately."

Tails: "I have no problem teaching the droids to use the URM. I will also write a complete manual on its operation. Repairs will require me or Faraday to do."

Tex: "Very well I will await your reports. If you have nothing else you are dismissed."

I return the item back to Tails and focus on making sure the control of Sakaar is continuing smoothly.


Authors Note:

So Sakaar is now under the control of the BCA. I chose to make them name themselves like that so that it can't be easily traced back to the Crystal Imperium and instead, it looks like a mega-corporation is salvaging all of Sakaar. Also if you have a better name for the URM then let me know. If you have any recomendations to what the technicians could create let me know. As always if you have comments or concerns let me know and until next time Ciao.

บท 32: State Of Affairs


I enter my office and sit down at my desk. I activate the anti-spying tech and wait for the meeting to begin.

A Few Minutes Later...

The communicator blares to life and I see a hologram of a meeting room where others who couldn't be physically present are also connected via hologram.

Tex: "Let us call this meeting to order. The first order of business is an update on the current affairs. Lex, will you start?"

Lex: "Very well. The first order is the completion of the miniaturized Arc Reactor. The creation of the new element has been decided to not be given to the Vanko family. I have also got in contact with the senators and the good news is that Ms. Amidala has got on the ballot for California. Mr. Armstrong has got the job as the assistant to the senator of Colorado. Thanks to Monika I have received much of the membership list of Hydra. We have found priority targets 5 and 6. They are confirmed to be in Sokovia."

Seto: "Are we going to go for targets 5 and 6 now or after Rio returns from his training?"

Tex: "Rio has stated that we shouldn't attempt to eliminate target 5 without him as they have the ability to manipulate reality. Even if it is on a low level. We will be waiting to attack them for now. What is the progress on the Stimpak?"

Lex: "Orochimaru has been able to easily make the Stimpaks based on the schematics. We have also found that this will likely increase the odds of the success of the initial trials of the Spartan Program by up to 23%. Speaking of said program we expect a fully operational trial by the end of the year. I have also seen some preliminary results from the Nether Star. From what I have found it is likely an extremely powerful energy source. I think it could power the Aura's Revenge if we use it properly."

Tex: "I will add that as a possible upgrade to the Aura's Revenge. Next, what is the current status of the Covenant project?"

Lex: "I haven't had much time to work on it. When will the new technicians come to assist?"

Tex: "From the most recent report I have received. They will join the project tomorrow. They were going to join you a week ago but a unique piece of tech delayed that."

Lex: "I am glad to hear they will be joining me tomorrow. What of this piece of tech? Did they learn what it was?"

Tex: "Yes, they have ascertained it is a microcomputer with some sort of library of information. It is in a language we cannot decipher and it is likely encrypted. It was determined to wait for Rio to translate it."

Lex: "Very well. Next, I would like to know when Curie will be sent over to LexCorp?"

Seto: "I will need another 3 weeks until I think I will have a full understanding of her programming."

Lex: "Very well."

Tex: "Next will be the financial side of our operations. Seto you are the oldest of the companies please explain your progress."

Seto: "Duel Monsters has made 70 Million dollars in the first quarter. Estimates show it should slowly increase as we slowly expand to foreign markets. I have received multiple companies and governments asking about my hologram tech. I have shut down everyone but I did send a copy of a lower-spec version to the US Government. After that, I have seen a massive drop in spies attempting to infiltrate my company. I have also recently got into the animation industry and I will launch my first project in 5 months."

Lex: "I have signed several contracts with the US and a few other nations. Since my acquisition of Oscorp, I have seen a fairly large decrease in my funds. I am still paying off the loan I took out to purchase Oscorp. My estimates show LexCorp will see a massive increase in profit by the end of the year. I hate to ask this but I will need more funding to eventually buy Hammer Industries. If all my plans succeed then I expect to be able to buy Hammer Industries in 11 months or less."

Seto: "How large a loan will you need and will you have paid off your first loan before the purchase?"

Lex: "I will need 25 Billion and I will have the current loan paid off in 2 months."

Seto: "That is a lot of money. That would be a large portion of my company's current wealth. While I would love to just lend you the money for free I need to make some profit off it so people don't get suspicious. I also have several projects coming up that will cost me to launch. Where else can you get the wealth from?"

Lex: "I am in the process of increasing my credibility but the biggest seller will be the Stimpaks as well as the experimental addiction cleansing machine. If they perform as well as I hope then I should be able to get several cash injections from the government and I will likely get approached by Shield. Other than you I can also get another loan from the bank I got one from currently. I would prefer not to as the interest rates are a bit too high for my taste."

Seto: "I can give you a 20 Billion dollar loan at 2% interest. I can't give any more than that without risking my company."

Lex: "That will have to do. I could also get Rio to give me a loan as well. His company has already increased massively in profits from the Sentinels. I will let you know when I need the loan and how much."

Tex: "Next will be the intelligence update. We have captured Sakaar in all but name. The Grandmaster will follow the contract so long as we keep our end of the bargain. The shipyard at Olympus has completed the retrofit of 12 dreadnaughts. We have also gathered the location of Knowhere. We will perform a heist there once Rio has finished with his current training."

Lex: "How can you be so certain this Grandmaster will truly follow the contract?"

Tex: "We are the best hope he has for maintaining his regime. So long as Sakaar has value he will not try to cheat us."

Lex: "Will we just support his regime for eternity or will we break the contract once the value of Sakaar has reached its end."

Tex: "Negative. We will follow the contract until he breaks it first. I have calculated a 99.876% chance he will attempt to betray the contract after most of the scrap on Sakaar has been taken. He is a coward and as such will either run away or attempt to cheat on the agreement once his usefulness has diminished greatly."

Lex: "Would he call on the other nations in the universe?"

Tex: "It is not impossible, however, the likelihood of any nation coming to his aid is slim. The Kree would see no value in Sakaar. The Nova Empire would be disgusted by his slavery and totalitarianism. Asgard is too isolationist to bother with Sakaar. Any other nations he could ask would be too weak to help him. The only possible threats to us would be the Covenant and the mysterious attackers. The Covenant would sooner massacre all the infidels on Sakaar than help them. We don't know enough about the mysterious attackers to say what they would do. It would be highly improbable that the Grandmaster could contact them and further convince them to help him."

Seto: "From what I read the Kree Empire is an expansionist empire. Why wouldn't they help Sakaar and take it for themselves?"

Tex: "There are 2 primary reasons. The first is that the movements of the Kree are strange and indicate they are preparing for an attack of some sort. The information we gathered is mostly thanks to recovered Kree tech allowing us to listen to their comms. We have gathered that they have detected a strange signal coming from their north and they think it could be a previously unknown empire. The second reason is likely the greatest reason and that is the relationship between the Kree and Nova. If the Kree take Sakaar the Nova Empire will not stand by and a fight will ensue over the ownership of Sakaar. Sakaar is simply not strategically valuable enough to risk a war with the Nova Empire. The Kree have recently brought a new Supreme Intelligence back online after its destruction. This Supreme Intelligence is an AI and thinks more logically and practically than organics. Thus I can more easily predict the movements of the Kree Empire."

Lex: "Could this mysterious signal be from the enemy of the Covenant?"

Tex: "It is possible but I cannot calculate with any accuracy based on such limited information."

Lex: "I suppose we can ignore that for now. What about the attack on Wakanda?"

Monika: "I can answer that. I have fully invaded all electronics in Wakanda. I have also gathered all the technological schematics they have ever made. I can make an excuse for the royal family to be gone from Wakanda so we can release Godzilla. I will only be able to buy us 1 week for us to destroy Wakanda and then steal all the Vibranium. The question I have is if the mobile teleporter is working?"

Tex: "Yes the mobile teleporter is working and we can use it to transport Godzilla to Talokan. The few aqua droids we have are also ready to sacrifice themselves to teleport Godzilla one last time."

Lex: "I thought the plan was to only attack Wakanda?"

Tex: "The plan changed when we learned of Talokan and its Vibranium. The third attack location was decided to be Russia. Specifically an area with numerous Hydra facilities."

Lex: "Why was I told only now?"

Tex: "The plan was not intended to be executed until everyone on the council was made fully aware and was given a chance to oppose it. That is this meeting. Is there any opposition?"

Seto: "I suppose I am somewhat opposed to this plan. The annihilation of Wakanda seems a bit extreme. Also why Talokan?"

Tex: "Wakanda was determined to have an 87.92% chance of becoming an enemy to the Crystal Imperium based on their cultural beliefs and their general distaste for anyone who isn't Wakandan. Talokan is different as they see the surface dwellers as a cancer and their current king is very old and his heir has made it clear how much he hates the surface dwellers. I have calculated a 99.99% chance they will start a war with the surface in the next 20 years. Thus a proactive approach must be taken. We have also learned that they have a rival in the city of Atlantis. Atlantis differs as they are isolationist but they see the surface as not their problem. Atlantis has a history of agreements with the surface and will likely accept agreements from us. Talokan is more likely to attack us on sight as they have done for centuries now to many ships passing through the Bermuda Triangle."

Seto: "If that is the case then I won't oppose the plan. What about Hydra won't they be able to replicate Godzilla if they get samples of it?"

Tex: "The chances of them getting a sample of Godzilla's DNA is nearly 0%. I have been told that the DNA of Godzilla will be so corrupted and mutated that any samples obtained will not resemble anything classified as DNA. That and once the summon despawns all matter from it will also disappear. Any further questions on this topic?"

Everyone shakes their heads.

Lex: "When will Rio be finished with his training?"

Tex: "2 days 13 hours and 37 minutes."

I look at him with some surprise.

'How did he get such an exact number?'

Tex: "Getting more on the topic of technology updates. Have you finished the Fusion Reactor and Cores?"

Lex: "Yes I have. The cores and accompanying generator were completed 3 days ago. The super reactor is going to be fully online in 3 days if everything goes according to schedule. I have got the preliminary data on the power they produce and I can say that they are not superior to the reactors on the ships. That being said I think I can create a far more powerful and smaller reactor for all our ships if I take all but the Sub-Energy and combine them. This would be assuming I can complete the new element research in the next few weeks."

Tex: "Can you succeed in a few weeks?"

I take a moment to think about all I know and what has been completed so far.

Lex: "Yes, I think I can. The longest it should take me is a month as I cannot give all my time to just the element research."

Tex: "How long would it take for you to produce the new reactor?"

Lex: "If only I work on it, 9 months at a minimum likely up to 2 years if I face possible setbacks. If I get help from the other technicians and it is not our main priority, 4-12 months. We also have to consider that the Covenant has a form of power generation that we will need to study to improve the design even more."

Tex: "Very well I will let the technicians know. When you start studying the Covenant tech tomorrow I want you to focus on the power generation and the shields."

Lex: "Very well. I also have a schematic here for an upsized Gauss rifle that I think could work. Finally, I have the ballistic weave ready for all the summons. I will have Orochimaru deliver the shipments to the base."

Tex: "I will await their arrival. Also, Rio has directed that we assign a name to the base as Rio will be moving to his mansion soon. All suggestions are welcome. The actual vote will be held in 1 week after everyone gets a chance to submit a suggestion."

I start to think of possible ideas.

Tex: "With that, this meeting is officially over unless anyone has additional comments or concerns."

We all shake our heads and one by one disconnect from the meeting. I am left alone in my office and I decide to talk to the other summons to update them on the most recent developments.


Authors Note:

Leave a comment if you have any suggestions as to what the base should be named. Also yes both Talokan and Atlantis exist in my story. Namor lives in Talokan. Atlantis will be more like an Atlantis ruled by Aquaman. They will also be an actual aquatic-based species from the beginning. They will also be more cosmopolitan in their views. Also in my story the Supreme Intelligence was destroyed but the Kree didn't immediately collapse into a civil war instead the Supreme Intelligence had contingency plans in case it was destroyed. You know like any smart think tank would do. If you guys have any suggestions or comments let me know. Until next time Ciao.

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คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank 200+ การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone 15 หินพลัง



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