40% Blue Archive - Story of Joshua Sensei / Chapter 2: Chapter 2) To the Schale Building

บท 2: Chapter 2) To the Schale Building


After leaving the room, we reached the helicopter Momoka sent over. Rin stayed behind to advise us as Yuuka, the other three girls, and I boarded the helicopter. We're gonna land a fair distance away from the Schale building, as there's too much fighting nearby.

"Sensei. We're going to need you to give us orders when we land." The winged girl asks. Orders?

"That's fine. It's not the first time I've had to lead a group." I say, calm.

"Really?" The elf girl asks.

"Yeah. Don't you guys worry, it'll be a piece of cake? Before that, though, I figure it's best to know your gals' names and what you can do. Ya'll already kinda know it, but my name's Joshua Birkin. If need be, I can use a pistol, rifle, or shotgun best, but I've learned to wield most kinds of guns over time." I fully introduce myself.

"Well, you already know I'm Hayase Yuuka, I'm the treasurer for Millennium's Student Council, Seminar. I wield twin MGs and can cast a barrier around myself if need be." Yuuka says.

"So you can be a sort of tank, good to know," I conclude.

"I'll go next, then." The winged girl says. "My name is Hanekawa Hasumi, tactical commander of Trinity's Justice Realization Committee, also known as the Justice Task Force. I wield a sniper rifle and, if needed, can fire a much stronger shot than normal."

"Now we have close range and long range," I say.

"My name is Morizuki Suzumi." The silver-haired girl introduces herself. "A member of the Vigilante Corps. of Trinity. I carry an assault rifle and more than enough stun grenades." She says, pulling out a bag filled with stun grenades.

"How many do you have?" I ask, curious.

"Enough," Suzumi says, causing my smirk to grow.

"Non-lethal option, check."

"I am Hinomia Chinatsu, a member of Gehenna's Disciplinary Committee. I wield a handgun and can heal anyone who gets injured." The elf girl is introduced.

Gehenna? There's an academy named after hell? Then there's the Trinity, like the Holy Trinity. Strange. "How can you heal, Chinatsu?" I ask, curious.

She pulls out a syringe. "I have plenty of these. A simple injection will cause the body to heal."


"Instantly." She reiterates. Some kinda magic?

"One more thing, how resilient are you gals to bullets?" I ask. "I get Yuuka has a barrier, and Hasumi's a sniper, so she'll stay back, but none of you are wearing body armor, from what I can tell."

"Very," Yuuka says. "The students in Kivotos are incredibly durable. It would take a significant amount of smaller rounds to even injure us."

"What I wouldn't give to be bullet resistant... Is there anything else I need to know?"

"It would be best to avoid shooting one's halo, Sensei," Hasumi says.

"Why's that?" I ask, curious.

"If one's halo breaks, they die," Suzumi explains.

"Avoid the halo, got it," I conclude. "But what if you girls get hit by an explosion or something?"

"Our halos are more durable than we are, but they still can be broken," Chinatsu explains. "Though rare, there have been cases of halos breaking."

"That's a relief. I was worried they'd be easy to break." I say, with an exhale.

"Sensei!" The girl flying the helicopter says. "We're nearing the drop point!"

"Good! Ready you four?" I ask, to which they collectively nod.


Ah, good old Kivotos, so peaceful. So-


The sounds of explosions and gunfire ring out near the Schale building. The four of us hide behind some rubble as I grip my pistol. A spare 9mm the chopper's pilot gave me.

Yuuka groans. "Why do we have to be the ones to fight them?!"

"Rin said defending the club room is paramount if they're to regain control of Sanctum Tower," Chinatsu explains, hoping to placate Yuuka.

"I get that, but I belong to my school's student council! Why is busy work like this falling on me?" The treasurer complains. Suddenly, Yuuka gets hit in the shoulder with some bullets. "Ah, that's smart! What the heck?! Are they using JHP rounds? That's cheating!" She complains, treating the bullets she just took to the chest as mere bug bites.

"Just take cover, Yuuka," Hasumi says. "And besides, hollow points aren't considered illegal."

"Well, they're illegal at our school starting right now! That might have left a mark!" She continues complaining.

"Damn, you girls are bulletproof." I point out, surprised.

Hasumi sighs. "We need to remember that Sensei is with us. His safety is our top priority, reclaiming that the building will come second."

"Hasumi is right, Sensei isn't from Kivotos." Chinatsu agrees. "Unlike us, a single bullet could put Sensei in grave danger. Don't forget that!"

"I know that!" Yuuka says. As she opens her mouth to continue, I interrupt.

"Don't worry too much, I've taken a few bullets before. They're like candy to me." I joke. "But seriously, I'll hang back and give ya'll orders unless need be. Trust me." The four girls' eyes widen a bit in slight shock and confusion.

"What? Are you going to take command? Well... I guess you are supposed to be a teacher." Yuuka reasons.

"I did ask for what you gals could do on the chopper, remember? Besides, I know what I'm doing, so don't worry." I say, hoping to reassure the girls. Though Yuuka is the only one vocal about it, I can tell the other three girls are a bit unsure.

"It'll be fine." Suzumi finally speaks up.

"Okay. We'll follow your lead." The winged girl says with a nod.

"A student must listen to their teacher. We'll be counting on you." Chinatsu says, eliciting a nod from me.

"Okay, let's go!" Yuuka says, readying herself.

"Yuuka, Suzumi, take front." I order. With a nod each, Yuuka and Suzumi jump over the rubble and toward the delinquent-looking girls that I've been firing at us. "Hasumi, take the rear. Chinatsu, stick back and keep an eye on our six." They nod and ready themselves.

The purple and silver-haired girls take out a few AR wielders, most likely knocking them out. Hasumi hits the last one, knocking her out as a few more appear, some wielding miniguns. Those'll be trouble.

"Suzumi, flash 'em!" I yell. Reaching into her bag, she throws a flash grenade at the group, blinding them as the girls knock them out quickly.

A mix of AR and minigun users appears from the corner. "Yuuka, rush 'em with that barrier!" She nods, taking a tablet from her back pocket. After tapping on it quickly, a translucent blue barrier appears around her. She pulls out her second MG and takes them down quickly, Hasumi and Chinatsu still taking potshots from a distance.

Suddenly, one of the girls, wielding an AR, jumps out from behind me, flanking us. I quickly pull out my pistol and fire at her hand, causing her to drop her gun. I rush forward and punch her in the gut, followed by a knee delivered straight to her face, knocking her out.

When no more girls appear, and no more footsteps are heard, I say, "All clear, girls." The four relax and regroup with me.

"I wasn't expecting you to be so strong, Sensei," Chinatsu says.

"Well, I've been in my fair share of fights," I say, hopefully making them underestimate the sheer number of fights I've been in.

"But still, that battle was much easier than I expected it to be." Suzumi points out.

"I know, right?" Yuuka agrees.

Hasumi nods. "We were able to fight much more efficiently thanks to Sensei's command."

"That must be why the General Student Council holds Sensei in such high regard," Yuuka concludes. "The president must have had her reasons for choosing Sensei."

"Eh, it probably would've been just as easy without me." I shrug off their compliments.

Hasumi shakes her head. "It's true, we did fight much better thanks to you. I wouldn't mind sharing the battlefield with you again sometime." She says with a smile.

I chuckle. "Thanks, I suppose." I look around and try to see or hear anyone. Nothing. "Well, it seems to be clear for now. Let's move on ahead." They nod as we move onward.


We close in on the Schale building. My good hearing has certainly come in handy as we've managed to avoid combat, but there's still gonna be a lot of them at our destination.

"The Schale club room is just ahead of us!" Yuuka says. Looking ahead, I see it. It's a much larger building than any of the surrounding ones. It is probably still smaller than the General Student Council's place.

Suddenly, Rin's voice calls out from our comms. "I think I finally figured out who's responsible for this riot. Her name is Kosaka Wakamo. She's the fugitive that escaped the Corrections Bureau after being suspended from the Allied Hyakkiyako Academy."

Hyakkiyako? Sounds like the Hyakki Yagyo, the Parade of a Hundred Demons. Now we're getting Japanese myth, too?

"She's a repeat offender, so I'd advise that you don't let your guard down," Rin advises. As she finishes, I hear... footsteps.

"Incoming, get ready, girls," I say.


Nearby, a girl speaks to herself.

"Well, well. The General Student Council didn't bother to show up in person. Not that it matters."

"I've no idea what's in that building, but if it's important to the General Student Council... I'll just have to destroy it." She says, sadistically.

"I can't wait for what's going to come next. Heeheehee~. " She chuckles to herself.


More girls come toward us as we stick to the same loadout as last time. Fortunately, they're nothing much until Hasumi speaks out.

"We found the mastermind behind all this commotion! Get ready!" She shouts.

Looking ahead, I see, who must be Wakamo. She wears a black and red sailor uniform, its long sleeves spreading out like a kimono, adorned with flower patterns. Around her belly is a red kimono sash, decorated with gold flowers. The 'kimono' itself ends at her thighs. Her right leg has a thigh-high decorated in a flower pattern, yet it is ripped and torn. Her other leg has a sort of garter around her thigh. She has black boots with high, red heels and laces, and the left one is accompanied by a short, red sock. Her most noteworthy features are the fox ears sprouting from her long black hair, which is red on the inside, similar to Rin's. She also has a black tail coming from her back. Her face is covered by a kitsune mask. Her halo is a red ring with five stars coming from it, the lower two protruding much farther, in its center, is a black five-petal flower with a red outline and a red star in the center.

In her hands is a black and red rifle with gold trim. Interestingly, it has a similarly colored bayonet attached to the end.

"Looks like the little puppies of the General Student Council have come to stop me. How adorable~" She says, with a teasing sort of voice. She readies herself.

"Yuuka, barrier!" The treasurer activates her barrier as Wakamo begins to fire. Her rifle has to be manually cocked on the side, so her rate of fire isn't too fast, thankfully.

Suddenly, Wakamo unleashes many shots at once, knocking Yuuka back and disabling her barrier. "Suzumi, flank to the left!" I shout as she moves to the left, and Yuuka to the right.

Wakamo suddenly dashes straight through them towards Hasumi, Chinatsu, and me. She flips her rifle around and uses it like a bat to deflect Hasumi and Chinatsu's shots as she goes straight for me.

"Crap! She's going for Sensei!" Yuuka shouts.

The masked girl giggles. "Since you can't take a shot like us, I'll give you a chance to surrender~" I just ready myself. "Oh well." She swipes her bayonet at me horizontally, but I deflect it with my pistol, hitting the flat of the blade from underneath, and knocking her rifle upwards. I quickly jab her in the neck. She recoils and loosens the grip on her rifle. I follow up quickly with a kick to the stomach, causing her to land on her back and skid back away.

"Now, girls!" I shout as Hasumi's sniper rounds slam into the fox girl, knocking her back a ways. Now, she's stuck with the girls in between me and her.

Growling a bit, Wakamo flips her rifle out before unleashing a quick salvo of bullets at Yuuka. The treasurer staggers a bit, but...

"The hell is that?" I ask, worried about the sudden appearance of a spectral five-petal flower above Yuuka's head, its petals slowly falling off, one by one. As two remain, I shout, "Yuuka! Barrier, now!"

Yuuka's eyes widen at my shout, but she quickly activates her barrier as the last petal drops-


An explosion rings out at Yuuka's location, sending her flying back. Her barrier completely disappeared.

"Yuuka!" I shout as she hits the ground with a thud.

Wakamo merely giggles behind her mask again before saying. "My job here is done. You can take care of the rest." She says over her shoulder before running off.

"Chinatsu," I say, looking at the elf girl.

"On it." She says, running to Yuuka, still on the ground.

"You okay?" I ask the downed treasurer. She looks fine, save for some scrapes.

"I-I'm okay." She says, cringing a bit. "Geez, that stings."

Chinatsu then injects Yuuka with a syringe, and I watch as her scrapes disappear like magic.

"Where's Wakamo?" Yuuka asks.

"She ran away," Suzumi explains.

"She what?! We need to go to her!" Yuuka shouts, getting to her feet.

"No, we can't waste any more time. Our goal is to reclaim the Schale club room." Hasumi says, reminding Yuuka of our goal. "We must get to that building."

Yuuka, looking a bit upset, says, "Fine." with a sigh. "I guess it's not our job to go after her."

"She very well could have laid a trap, though." Chinatsu points out.

"Exactly. Our priority is to reclaim the building." The winged girl says.

"Alright then," I say, keeping a grip on my pistol.

"Still, I didn't know you were that strong, Sensei," Chinatsu says.

"Yeah, well, I've always been built like a swimmer. I might look a little slim, but I've got lots of muscle." I say, holding up my arm and flexing my bicep, not that they can see it due to the suit.

"You have great reflexes as well." Suzumi points out.

"I've been in lots of fights before. Up close and long range." I say, finishing the conversation.

We walk forward in silence a bit longer, no one in sight, when we reach the base of the building. It's a lot of large up close.

"We made it!" Yuuka says happily when suddenly a rumbling sound comes from nearby.


"Huh? What's that sound...?" The treasurer asks as the sound grows closer and closer.

"Nothing good," I add, as the sound's source is revealed. A large, camouflage tank comes from around a building, blocking our path.

"Watch out! It's a Crusader Tank!" The elf girl warns. Its turret swivels towards us. We all hunker down as a shell is fired from the tank.

"That's a Crusader Type One!" The winged girl points out. "It's the same as the tanks used at our academy!"

"It must be stolen! Those thugs must have swiped one meant for the PMC!" The purple-haired girl says, upset. "That means it's no different from a hunk of scrap metal! I'm going in!"

I sigh at her forwardness. "Yuuka, keep your barrier up as long as you can. Everyone else, take potshots when possible."


Nearby, Wakamo sees them dealing with the tank. "Well, now's as good a time as ever to sneak in while they're preoccupied. Heeheehee~!"


We stay hunkered down as Yuuka tries to distract the tank. How can we- Oh, there's an idea! "Hasumi! Since it's from your school, you know its weakness?" I ask.

"Yes, it has a weak spot on the front, albeit a small one." She explains.

"Think you can use one of those strong shots you mentioned on it?" I ask, hopeful.

"Of course." She says confidently.

"Yuuka!" I shout. "Make it face this way!" She looks confused but quickly does so. As the tank swivels towards us, Hasumi lines up her shot.


Hasumi's rifle fires a shot that explodes from the barrel, flying at the tank. Suddenly, it is hit with a powerful impact, knocking it back. Parts of it explode as the treads slip off. All goes quiet.

I can only stare in awe at the sheer power behind that shot of hers. I can't help myself to say the only thing that comes to mind here.

"Holy fuck, that's strong."


(Give me your Power Stones.)

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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