"Helanie, no! You don't even have a wolf," Penn said, stepping in my way as I tried to walk past him toward Rudy, who was sitting on the bench with the others.
"I don't need you to tell me the obvious. I can take care of myself—and that lycan," I hissed at Penn, taking out my anger on him, even though he hadn't done anything wrong to deserve it.
Still, he wouldn't let me pass. However, my attention was quickly drawn to Jenny walking away from Lamar. She headed straight toward Rayden, who was now approaching Penn and me.
"Hey," Rayden greeted us, a strained smile on his face. Lamar joined us quickly. "Helanie, I'm really sorry for all the bullying and how things turned out," Rayden continued. He then casually wrapped an arm around Jenny's shoulders, and she meekly leaned into his chest.
Hey everyone,
I have Helanie's character sketch up in the characters. Hope you will like her.