"What happened? Why did you stop? Don't you want to take revenge? Let me in, and you can be the best among everyone. The power you will hold will let you do wonders. Those Alphas won't stand a chance against you," the voice urged, its tone growing impatient. It almost sounded excited at the thought of me letting it take over my body.
"No!" I groaned, pulling my hand back from the doorknob.
"Why not? You could get revenge on anyone with the power I'm offering you," it said, sounding slightly disappointed that I had withdrawn my hand.
"What would you gain from helping me? I know no one does anything for free. So, what do you want in return?" I asked, my voice steady despite the growing tension.
At this point, I had seen enough terrifying things that the voice, and whatever dark secrets it held, didn't scare me as much as it had the first time.