"Tell me, why don't you have a choice?" In front of me was a monster who wouldn't think twice before killing me. But today, he was acting calm. Maybe because he didn't want to get in trouble with me.
My mind was all over the place. Somewhere deep down, I knew this is not how I act, especially with this man, but then I would go back to the heaven where nothing hurt me.
I only wanted pleasure. I kept holding his big, gigantic hand between my two hands. He had big bones, veins, and such masculine hands.
"Everyone has a choice," I added, and he steadily shook his head.
"I don't," his smile was fake and vacant. That's because he didn't want to be nice to me but was forcing himself.
"Hmm, why?" I inquired with a frown, trying my best to deliver the exact emotions that I should be feeling when having this conversation and not just drool over him because of how hot I was feeling in my body.