53.42% One Piece : Descent / Chapter 39: Chapter 22: A Little Slice of Life 2

บท 39: Chapter 22: A Little Slice of Life 2

"Stop saying stuff like that or I'll fall in love all over again," the woman complained.

Seriously this guy was unbelievable. Don't tell her to move on while complimenting her.

"Oh!" Shizuka said, as a memory came to her. "Rosan, I just remembered! Around 4 years ago, a woman came to the island. She was really covered up and seemed to be looking for something."

Rosan glanced at her and tilted his head. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Well, I happened to run into her and noticed that she had glowing purple eyes and they reminded me of yours! I think she might have been looking for you," The gray eyed woman told him.

"...Raisa visited this island?" Mod asked in confusion. Was it to make sure Rosan was dead? Or was it to make sure he was doing fine?

"I was under the impression that she hated me but if she visited this island… it must have been out of some twisted concern. If she hated me that much and wanted to see if I died, she'd probably just kill me herself," Rosan explained. She was his biological mother and Rosan himself would never go out of his way to abandon family. Perhaps a small part of her was the same way.

"...Is she searching for you? For what reason?" The Devil Fruit pondered. Mod hoped she wasn't going out of her way to find Rosan. If it was to make amends, she'd never accept it. Even if her charge felt nothing for the woman and would likely allow her to prove it, Mod would never forgive her.

"It's best not to dwell on it. We can't even be sure that it's her so we should take this with a grain of salt," Rosan said but he didn't sound convinced himself. He wasn't sure what his birth mother's goal was but he didn't care about it or her.

"I'm not sure what her relation to me could be but thank you for telling me, Shizuka," the redhead said and she smiled at him.

"D-Daughter?!" Maro whispered before tears started forming in her eyes. To the princess who had no parents or anyone that wanted her, Rosan's words meant everything to her and she began happily bawling on his chest.

"Wait," Ram said. "Doesn't that mean Maro is basically my sister…?" The silver haired woman whispered in horror and Maro cackled in victory.

"Should I start calling you Ram-nee, now?" Maro purred to her best friend.

"Fuck off!" Ram barked.


"I hate you, Maro."

"Love you too~."

"Wouldn't that make you my niece?" Angel hummed in curiosity, causing the Dokkaebi to suddenly freeze at the truth of the statement. "I don't wanna date my niece."

"H-He said like a daughter!" She protested immediately, rounding on Angel in shock. "You... You wouldn't break up with me over something like that, right?! RIGHT?!"

Angel merely looked away from her, inspecting her nails awkwardly. Maro began whining like the spoiled brat she was at the refusal to answer and started tugging the woman's sleeve insistently.

"I'm just kidding!" The redheaded clone laughed, hugging the shorter girl to appease her and planting a gentle kiss on her cheek, making her beam happily with a rosy blush.

The princess immediately grabbed Luffy by the cheeks when he laughed and said, "Maro is stupid!"

"I DON'T WANNA HEAR THAT FROM YOU!" She roared indignantly, shaking the 11 year old back and forth rapidly.

Ace watched everything unfold with a fond exasperation and shook his head. "How did a trip to visit my birth island turn into this?" He muttered in disbelief.

"I wish I could answer you but I can't," Demon laughed.

Shizuka sweatdropped at all the chaos.

"Your friends sure are... unique," she said to her childhood friend.

"...Yes, my family is full of eccentric people," Rosan corrected and he smiled a small smile.

Angel and Maro squealed again and tackled him to the floor.

"Please stop doing this," Rosan muttered and Shizuka laughed at his plight.

Today was finally the day.

It had been 7 years and now, he was finally taking one step towards his dream.

Yes, Ace would become a pirate that the whole world knew about. Hate him or love him, he'd live his life without a single regret until he finally found the answer to his lifelong question!

He was currently on his temporary ship (he'd get a bigger one eventually) and he was looking back at all the people seeing him off.

The bandits, the mayor, Makino, Angel, Demon, Maro, Rosan and Luffy. They were all here to see the 17 year old depart.

Ace grinned happily at them all. Dadan wasn't here but that was because she was a big sap and she didn't want anyone to see her bawling her eyes out so he didn't mind.

"Take care, Ace!" Luffy beamed.

"I hope you find what you're looking for," Rosan waved and Ace grinned wider at the two.

His brothers were precious to him and to have them see him off made the boy giddy with excitement. He wouldn't trade their bond for anything in the world and he hoped they (especially his stupid older brother) knew that.

"Luffy, Rosan, I'll see you out in the sea! I'm heading out now!" The freckled teen grinned.

"Yeah! I'll be way stronger when I leave here in three years," Luffy grinned in return.

"I'll make sure he doesn't die until he gets to that point," Rosan assured and Ace laughed heartily at the look of outrage on Luffy's face.

"Bye Ace! If you somehow ever end up in the North Blue, you'll be welcomed on Celadon any time," Maro waved ecstatically. She was going to miss that freckled boy dearly.

"Be careful out there! Don't die because of your narcolepsy!" Demon warned with a kind smile. The day they found out Ace had narcolepsy had been the day where he had immediately sought out Demon for a way to lessen the attacks.

Why? Because Rosan painted his face the moment he figured out his brother hadn't just fainted. The fury on Ace's face, while Luffy laughed hysterically, was well worth fleeing for the better part of an hour. Afterwards, he had demanded to see the doctor and Demon had prescribed him the necessary medicine for his condition.

"Don't just give it up to anybody, you're better than that!" Angel beamed and Ace flushed with a scowl at his protective redheaded sister.

The scowl was quickly wiped off his face and was replaced by a fond smile. This was his family and he'd do everything to protect them. They accepted him for all his qualities and without them, he'd be such a different person.

He was going to miss them but he couldn't stay any longer.

They all waved the sailing ship off and Ace finally turned away when they vanished from his sight.

Almost as soon as he did that, the air distorted around a corner of the ship and he stared in disbelief, at the large pile of treasure lying there. He picked up the note lying there and it read, in impossibly neat letters, "It would make your older brother sad if you threw away his gift to you so please accept it. This should be more than enough for you to get what you want so have fun. Signed - Rosan."

Oh that son of a…

"I dropped the illusion, Master," Maro said and Rosan nodded. Good that meant that Ace would probably see the treasure right about —

"ROSAN!" A voice roared in the distance and everyone who knew of his plan, burst out laughing.

"I knew he wouldn't appreciate it," Rosan sighed with a tiny smile. "No matter, he has at minimum three years to get over it."

"What if he throws it away?" Mod giggled.

"He wouldn't throw away a gift from his dear older brother," Rosan hummed. "Don't you remember the time I bought him that Mama's Boy shirt? Despite trying to choke me to death, he never did throw it out."

Ram cackled at the memory. Rosan loved teasing Ace and his reactions were always worth it.

"Besides, Ace is a terrible liar. I'll just interrogate him when we do see him again."

"You can be really playful, Master!" Maro laughed with a large grin. Over the years, he had been tormenting them all and it was as annoying as it was refreshing.

"I was rather playful when I was younger," the 21 year old told her.

"It's true!" Angel cackled before an angry expression crossed her features. "But me and Demon were subject to this the most! You were a complete asshole!" she scowled, glaring at Rosan, who completely ignored her gaze by inspecting his nails.

"Three more years, Luffy and we'll also be setting sail," Rosan commented, dodging Angel's dive and grabbing her to appease the outraged woman.

Luffy grinned excitedly.

"We'll get even stronger before that!" The future captain said, brimming with confidence.

"Ah! We won't be able to see you two off the way we want too," Maro frowned sadly. Rosan was the one who transported them between the islands and since he was setting sail, it would be stupid to have him leave the ship just to bring them back.

"We'll visit you all before that," Rosan promised. He would be visiting everyone he knew before setting sail. Even if he could visit them whenever he wanted, it would be rude not to do so.

"You better!" Maro threatened with a large grin. "On the exact day too! I don't care how long it takes or else I'm hunting you two down."

Luffy saluted and Rosan nodded. "Of course, you three are precious to me and I wouldn't feel right leaving without letting you know."

"Yeah! We'll definitely visit!" The future captain grinned like it was a given. "Now let's throw a party! I want food!"

"We already threw one last night," Rosan pointed out but his youngest brother was no longer listening.

"PARTY!" Maro cheered and the two rushed off excitedly.

Angel sighed fondly. "Those two enable each other's bad behavior so much," she said flatly, watching them go with a shake of her head.

"I can buy drinks," Demon suggested. "I want some wine."

"Fucking alcoholic," Angel muttered under her breath. Demon was the triplet who enjoyed alcoholic beverages the most. The female redhead wasn't very fond of them and Rosan tolerated it.

They'd both still drink it though, especially in a party environment.

"I'll help with food," Makino offered with a smile on her face.

"Then I'll help with food too," Angel jumped in, glaring daggers at the bartender.

"You don't have to look at me with such dangerous eyes," the green haired woman placated but Angel didn't let up. In fact, her glare only deepened.

The redhead squealed in surprise, as Rosan easily lifted her up and began walking off after slinging her over his shoulder.

"Stop harassing people, Angel."

"B-but I have to protect you!" She protested, not struggling at all in his grasp.

"You can protect me over here, then," Rosan hummed.

Makino watched them go with a sweatdrop. Maybe it had been a bad idea to occasionally hook up with the redhead. She really did feel like Angel was going to kill her sometimes.

"Don't worry," Demon assured, patting her on the shoulder. "Angel likes you so she won't kill you… Maybe."

"That... makes me feel so much better," she replied dryly.

Demon smiled apologetically.

"Happy birthday, Meiko."

Rosan placed a white rose next to her and bowed deeply. "You would be 26 today... I wonder how our life would have been right now. Would we have children? Would I have become the strongest? I'm not sure, but I'm sure we would have been happy regardless."

"Luffy's birthday was 5 days ago. He turned 17 so that means we'll be heading out soon as pirates. You two would have gotten along really well. Knowing you guys, you'd want to celebrate your birthdays together and we'd throw a huge party for you both."

Meiko and Luffy would love each other. He was sure of it. They were both good people and the blonde would absolutely adore his captain. She would approve of him and the two would give him headaches every single day with how clingy they were.

"I wonder how you'd look when you found out that not only am I becoming a pirate, but I'm not the captain of the crew. I imagine circumstances would be different if I still had all my emotions... but even without them, I doubt I'd allow just anyone to lead me."

"The castle has barely made any progress but… I'm feeling bursts of emotions much more frequently so I think there is a lot of progress being made. Though, I've figured out that there is an intruder in there, doing something with my emotions. I expect to meet them soon considering how much more often my feelings leak," he explained to her before a thought came to him.

"I realized I never formally introduced you two but this is Ram," Rosan said softly and his weapon transformed into her silver haired human form.

"I wasn't kidding when I said you two look remarkably similar… If this was how you would look at 24, then I'm a lucky man," Rosan said honestly and Ram blushed at the praise.

"I'm glad that I managed to inherit Mother's appearance," the 6'0 woman said somberly. "She is such a beautiful person and I would have loved to see how she would have aged."

"We all would have," Mod said quietly and the three stayed there to pay their respects.

"I'm sorry for always dragging you guys here," Rosan said softly.

"Never apologize for this, Father. We will always be with you, no matter what," Ram said strongly, hugging him tightly.

"We want to be here with you so you aren't dragging us anywhere," Mod agreed firmly.

"I appreciate that more then you could imagine," Rosan whispered and they went silent.

It was a sobering atmosphere but the 3 found comfort in each other.

They always would.

"I can't believe it's been 15 years since we met," Aiko muttered in disbelief, glancing up at the redhead before her.

When they had first met, Rosan had been 9 and Aiko 20 and she had towered over the boy (even despite the fact that he was floating).

Now, she had to strain her neck to look at him. Oh how time flew, puberty had hit him like a sea train and everyone was aware of it. Not a day went by when someone wasn't making an advance on him and he just accepted it all with that same stony demeanor, little heartbreaker that he was.

At 24 years old, Rosan stood at the tall height of 6'5. He had come a long way from the tiny boy he had been before and his patience (and boasts) finally paid off.

His hair remained shoulder length when it was not in its bun and he had lost all of his baby fat, showing off a chiseled, handsome face that garnered plenty of looks.

His tattoo was being hidden (as usual) by a long sleeved purple shirt, with a black rose on his left breast area, that barely hid his muscular figure and long, baggy, black cargo pants. He had on all his usual accessories and purple sneakers streaked with black.

"Keep staring at me like that and your girlfriend will get jealous," Rosan's deep voice snapped her out of her musing.

Aiko rolled her eyes. "I couldn't help it, you've really grown up… Also how do you know I have a girlfriend?"

Rosan merely pointed at his neck and she flushed red, before pulling up her collar to cover her bruised body.

Akemi laughed at her sister's embarrassment and decided to steer the direction for the sake of Fregate's leader. "She's right. You've grown a lot and it's honestly crazy to see how much more handsome and mature you've become! You used to be such a cute little boy and now look at you!"

Rosan looked at his longtime partners and hummed. "Thank you. My mother used to always tell me she was going to have to beat people off with a stick when I'm older and I guess she was right."

The sisters laughed at that before turning serious. "I don't care if you're becoming a pirate, I still want you to visit us," Aiko said firmly, glaring at him to get her point across. "We're partners for life and you're like an annoying little brother to me."

Akemi cooed at her older sister's words and nodded in agreement. "You've done so much for us at such a young age and to see you so grown now… It almost makes me want to cry."

The younger sister was actually tearing up and Rosan grabbed the both of them into a hug.

"Of course I'll still visit. You guys have done so much for me and have become some of my most loyal friends to this day," he said softly. "I reward loyalty with my own loyalty and you two deserve nothing but loyalty. I'll do anything you guys ask me to do because you both deserve it."

It was true. In all 15 years of knowing her, Aiko had never once let him down. Despite her complaints, the woman always did her job perfectly and never gave him a reason to step in, sending the money on time (despite him telling her she didn't have to pay him anymore) and turning Fregate into a monster of an island. She was a perfect partner.

"Stop trying to make me tear up," Aiko grumbled in his chest but she readily returned the hug. "We love you, Rosan so be careful out there. I know how strong you are but you never know."

"Mm!" Akemi agreed. The younger sister made no attempt to hide her tears at Rosan's words and she was soaking his silk shirt, not that he minded. "You're the best thing to happen to us and though many people may hate Reaper, we are the complete opposite!"

Rosan flashed them a tiny smile before squeezing them a little tighter.

"I love you guys too," he said simply and even Aiko teared up at that.

Rosan hummed in contemplation. "It's been 10 years since Reaper has vanished off the map. I'm sure people are surprised that I haven't done anything since getting a bounty."

"Hell, I'm still surprised you so willingly abandoned that persona," Aiko interjected. Reaper was incredibly famous and carried quite the presence around him. To give up someone of such fame, even with a bounty, was insane. Most people could use that reputation to do whatever they wanted.

To be honest, there is nothing the Marines would be willing to do with a person who has a 500 million beri bounty in the Blue Seas. Any Marine capable of dealing with that, was in the Grand Line and resources were spread too thin for them to send that person to deal with the Shinigami who could just escape whenever they wanted.

If Rosan wanted to, he could have likely conquered at least one of the seas before someone tried to interfere and they would likely fail to even capture him.

"At the end of the day, Reaper is a bounty hunter and since I have a bounty, there's no point in keeping him. They were a means to an end and allowed me to act much more freely, despite all the restrictions I placed on myself," the man explained to them.

The sister's nodded at his explanation before Aiko scowled. "To think just one bounty hunter would be the one to save us first and not the people whose job it is to do it," the 35 year old scowled.

If only the World Government knew what she actually thought about them. That's why she gave them the worst (still pretty good) quality goods she could hand over.

Speaking of which…

"Ram was consulting me with this and I figure we could finally try it out," Aiko said suddenly. She had met the weapon and honestly the shock of seeing a silver haired Meiko had shaken her to the core and dredged up the lingering sadness inside of her.

Appearance and their attachment to Rosan was all they shared though. Ram was a terror to deal with and she relished in that fact. It reminded her of how playful Reaper used to be before she was aware of his identity as Rosan.

The leader of Fregate pulled out some seastone handcuffs and presented them to Rosan.

"Here, I managed to get my hands on some seastone so that you could absorb it."

"She is such a useful partner," Ram beamed and she urged her Father to grab it.

The redhead did just that and didn't even flinch at the feeling of getting all his energy sapped out. He had been under the effects of seastone for a prolonged period of time before so this was nothing new.

What was new though, was the fact that the seastone had not been absorbed instantly by his weapon.

"I'm not going to absorb it," Ram said seriously as she inspected the material. "I can do it, but the negatives outweigh the positives by too much to make adding this to my arsenal worth it."

Rosan hummed and his partners raised a brow at him. They no doubt knew how quickly Ram absorbed materials and weapons so for the seastone to still be in his hand, was concerning.

"Explain to all of us," Rosan instructed and she nodded before morphing into her human form.

Aiko and Akemi waved at the woman and she waved back but there was a frown on her face.

"Father, you and I are bonded to an extreme level. It's why you can so effortlessly use Germa's energy and I have some degree of Modification. Whatever I absorb, by proxy you absorb."

Rosan immediately nodded in understanding. "So if you absorb Seastone, which negates my abilities, it could be disastrous for us. I wouldn't be able to use my abilities until you manage to get it out of my body."

"Yes, it would take me some time to find and get rid of it. But, that would take too long for my liking and it would be an absolute failure on my part."

"Don't beat yourself up," the redhead assured, stroking her hair gently. "I somewhat expected this outcome. It's my fault that I'm a Devil Fruit user."

"Of course it's not!" Ram violently protested. "You wouldn't even be able to create me without it so none of that, dummy."

Rosan pat the tall woman on her head and surrendered with a nod. "That means we will have to find another way to attack Logias. I was hoping we could do it like this but alas, it was never going to be that easy."

"We'll just hit them until they get hit!" Ram grinned psychotically, morphing back into a ring and nestling snugly on Rosan's left ring finger.

"Logias have natural counters. With Modification it's possible to exploit that," Mod explained and Rosan nodded.

For something like Ice, a natural counter would be easy to find but what if he found one of the more elusive elements...

That would be troubling.

He'd need to find a more decisive method. He could get his hands on a seastone weapon quite easily with Aiko's assistance, but he would not disrespect Ram like that. She was his one and only weapon. Any other weapon he used, normally belonged to the enemy and was trashed immediately after.

"This is why I love you~," Ram gushed.

"I thought it was because he spoiled you rotten," Mod said, voice full of amusement.

The ring blew a raspberry as a response.

"Thank you for supplying me with the seastone, Aiko. Unfortunately it wasn't of much use to us," Rosan nodded and she waved him off.

"It's fine. We managed to secure quite a bit and they'll be useful in the long run so I don't mind," the gray haired woman said dismissively.

"Will you be going now?" Akemi asked.

"Yes, it's about time for me to leave. I'll be sure to visit whenever," Rosan promised and they nodded eagerly.

With a single wave, the man vanished.

"Man, puberty hit him hard. He's fucking hot," Aiko muttered and Akemi nodded in agreement.

"Seriously, I didn't expect that cute little boy to become so handsome," the younger sister sighed.

"Oh? Are you crushing?" Aiko teased and Akemi rolled her eyes.

"Nope, maybe I used to but he's like a little brother to me," she replied. "Besides, I saw you getting an eyeful of him. Want me to tell your girlfriend what you're up to? She might not bruise your neck again if I do."

"You're so lucky I love you" Aiko growled, stomping away from her younger sister.

"I love you too!" Akemi laughed, following after her.

"So you two are finally leaving," Maro sighed fondly, looking at the two sadly. Damn it, she was gonna miss the hell outta them.

Rosan and Luffy regarded the inhabitants in the room with a blank and excited expression respectively.

"Yep!" Luffy chirped happily. "Me and Rosan are gonna go on the best adventure ever and I'm gonna become Pirate King!"

"It just occurred to me, that technically I have to take orders from Luffy now," Rosan mused, looking at his captain in contemplation.

Luffy grinned at Rosan and said, "Yep but I won't tell you what to do unless I have to!"

"You remember that?" Rosan asked in surprise and his youngest brother nodded eagerly, looking proud of himself.

That sounded fair enough. Luffy was far from unreasonable and he didn't care about giving out orders. He would scarcely tell Rosan to do anything and the redhead would be free to make his own decisions most of the time. If he had joined Ace, his freckled brother would absolutely take advantage of his sudden leadership over the oldest brother and make him do everything with malicious glee.

Ah, it was a good thing Luffy found him first.

A figure crashed into the two and it was revealed to be the middle triplet herself, Angel. She was clutching them both with crushing force and her eyes were brimming with tears as she determinedly glared at them.

"You two go out there and become the best damn pirates on the planet!" Angel's muffled voice commanded. "I expect nothing less from my brothers!"

"Of course!" The 17 year old beamed, happily returning the hug. "I'm gonna become the Pirate King so I have to be the best!"

"I won't let you down," Rosan hummed, stroking her long hair to soothe her.

At 24, Angel had fully matured and remained as gorgeous as ever. Her long hair was flowing free now instead of being in a ponytail and there was a blue daisy resting neatly in it that she scarcely removed. On her left ring finger, a beautiful silver ring, with a sapphire gemstone gleamed.

She remained 5'11 and her curvy body had finished developing so there was not much reason for him to assist her.

She still made him though.

Demon had opted to not keep Rosan's height and let himself be 6'0 instead of 6'5. His purple hair remained as long as ever though and he had taken to tying it up in a high ponytail so that it didn't interfere with his work.

Maro had gone through the most changes. The 23 year old queen had gained a bigger bust then her girlfriend and she had grown one extra inch, standing at 5'10 now. Her azure blue hair, that she dutifully kept at chin level, had an increased amount of white streaks (it was due to her Devil Fruit, not stress) and she had begun wearing more regal kimonos that hid her, rather curvy and strong, figure. On her right ring finger, a gorgeous white ring, with a ruby gemstone, glowed.

Rosan was impressed. To think she had gone from that malnourished, homeless girl to this healthy, beautiful queen before him. Her progress had been a sight to behold and it made him proud of her. If not for how loyal she was to Angel (and how scary the redhead was), he was positive she'd have multiple suitors trying their luck at winning her heart.

He had even once listened to her complaining about how other island's wanted to ally themselves with her through marriage, despite her sheer disinterest in them.

Maro, being Rosan's partner, could tell what he was thinking (when he let her) and she flushed with a large grin at the attention she was receiving.

"I'm happy you approve, Master!" The queen stated, preening all the while.

"Do you guys have food? Plans? Money? Of course you have money… but will Luffy use your money?!" Angel asked rapidly in concern.

"Nope!" Luffy beamed shamelessly and Angel sweatdropped.

"As long as I don't give him the money directly, it'll be fine," Rosan said calmly. He wasn't planning on doing that regardless. Luffy could not be trusted with money at all and he'd spend all their funds on food. It would be best if he dealt with the money.

"You won't be using the White Rose either…" Demon mused. It was Rosan's ship, not Luffy's and since Luffy was the captain, it was out of question to use it as their primary source of travel.

They would be hard pressed to find a better ship then the White Rose but Luffy was right to want to start at 0. He would need to build himself up completely and he couldn't do that with Rosan's ship.

He was the captain after all. Rosan was just a humble scout.

"I still can't believe Rosan of all people is allowing someone else to lead him," Mod sighed fondly. The little boy who had no intention of being a leader, but also had no intention of letting anyone else lead him... A free spirit who only wanted to live for himself and his loved ones.

He may not have his emotions, but he was still growing up in his own ways.

"I wouldn't allow it normally but since it's Luffy, I can concede!" Angel smiled brightly and her youngest brother laughed happily.

"He's gotten quite strong! We've made sure of it!" Ram grinned eagerly. They had been quite ruthless when training the boy over the 3 years and it was paying off.

Rosan doubted much of anything would be of trouble to Luffy in the East Blue.

Good, his brother couldn't die here. If he had to interfere, he'd begin training him in earnest again.

"Ah it's really hitting me that you guys are about to go…" Maro sighed miserably. "I know I'll see Master but as Captain, I probably won't see Luffy as much."

The Queen and Luffy were two idiots that enabled each other and it made them get along famously. It also gave Angel a headache when the two were left alone to their own devices and Ram decided to join them on the fun. The amount of chaos they caused, had made Mod take over many times to discipline the three.

Maro had no idea how getting her cheek pinched could possibly hurt that much.

If not for her duties as queen, Luffy would have relentlessly pursued her to join his crew and she would have readily agreed, along with the twins. Those two were no doubt going to have a crazy fun adventure if Luffy was the one making the decisions and Maro would have supported every single one of them!

"Don't worry Maro! When I start missing you, I'll just have Rosan bring you on our ship!" The Captain said like it were the most obvious thing in the world. "Then you can meet our crew and see our ship! Then we can throw a party!"

"Alright! When that happens, you better make a name for yourself! Give those Marine's hell!" Maro grinned savagely.

"Oh you can believe that I will." That was Rosan and everyone's grin widened at his assurance.

"You'll hear about us in no time!" Luffy promised.

"Maybe not me," Rosan hummed. "I would rather prolong anyone knowing of my existence for as long as possible so I'll let Luffy cause all the chaos."

They nodded at that before settling into a comfortable silence.

"We should probably head out now," Rosan mused and he stood up. He wasn't even able to take a step as he was tackled by all of his companions.

There we go.

Angel and Maro were sobbing freely into his chest and they clutched him like their life depended on it. Demon hugged him just as fiercely and let his tears fall freely. Rosan smiled softly at them and hugged all.

Honestly, the three of them acted like his children sometimes. It was... endearing and he didn't mind it much at all. He had basically given life to all of them so it wasn't that far-fetched anyways. As their leader, it had been his job to look over them and that meant listening to their problems and making sure that they were okay.

"I know you can visit us whenever you want but this is still too much for me! I can't believe you're actually going now! I never thought I'd see this day!" Angel cried. "I want you to go out there and explore the world in full! No matter what, I want you to say that you enjoy this a-and I want you to get all your emotions back!"

"Alright, Angel. I'll do my best," Rosan assured.

"You two have to be careful. I know you won't rely on me so please get a doctor for the ship as soon as possible. If things get bad, don't hesitate to come to me. I'll have anyone you bring patched up in an instant," Demon requested quietly and Luffy shot him a thumbs up.

"We'll get a doctor right after we find a musician," the captain said seriously and Demon sweatdropped.

Maro, ever the sap, cried into him and soaked his shirt the most. "You managed to help me find what I was looking for so... I-I hope you find what you're looking for! W-When you get your emotions back, we're gonna throw a party so big everyone's gonna hear about it!"

"Still as attached to me as ever, Maro. Like I said, I can visit you guys whenever, my Save Point is still on your tiara. Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere," Rosan soothed and she eventually calmed down to just whimpering.

They released him and Rosan was about to go before he paused.

"Mod-chan wants to hug you guys as well," Rosan suddenly said and Angel cheered happily.

Demon and Maro were not as excited.

"I'm not mentally ready for this," Maro swooned, grabbing her cheeks. Mod was too much for the queen and the regal woman had an untouchable air about her. It was like she was a queen in her own right! Maro sometimes found herself mimicking the woman in meetings so that they could be intimidated by her stone cold demeanor!

There was also that crush she harbored on the woman from long ago. Mod-chan sure had it going on. Master was lucky to be able to see her whenever he wanted. Maro could only wish.

"You and me both," Demon muttered. He was of the same opinion as Maro in that Mod was an untouchable presence. She was scarcely seen as well and that added to her already powerful aura.

"Oh none of that you two," Mod said with a roll of her eyes and they watched as Rosan's body became slimmer and shorter. His blood red hair turned royal purple and it completely smoothed out, growing much longer.

"Rosan's too tall," the woman complained, looking down at his, now oversized, clothing.

This was another reason Mod seemed untouchable to them. The woman was practically eternal. Time had done nothing to change her appearance and she was content to remain this way. She still physically appeared the exact same as the day she had met Rosan.

"Stop that you two!" The Devil Fruit scowled. She held her hands open and Angel was already happily in them, squeezing the woman in happiness. "Just come give me a hug. I don't bite!"

"Modi!" Luffy cheered and he immediately pounced on the woman. The two embraced and Mod smiled gently at the 17 year old.

"We might hurt you?" Demon tried and the woman's crimson eyes narrowed.

"I'm happy to show you how proficient I am in battle if you want. I'm not as strong as Rosan now, but I've been watching him for all these years and I've naturally picked some things up," she stated and the two immediately waved their hands in surrender.

"Nope, I'm okay," Maro said fearfully and she, a little to eagerly, launched herself into the woman, easily picking her, Luffy and Angel up in the process.

"Could you have a little more shame!" Angel scowled at the queen who had the decency to look sheepish.

"I'd rather not test Master Mod's patience," Demon whispered and eventually joined the group hug.

They remained that way for a moment until Mod stepped back to assess them.

"You don't have to worry about Rosan, I'll keep him safe like I've been doing these past 20 years," Mod assured them and it really did dawn on them all that the two had been together for 20 years.

She would not have wanted it to be any other way. Rosan was her most precious person in the world and she cherished him above all things.

The residents of Celadon were immediately calmed down by Mod's voice and they nodded resolutely, finally allowing the two to leave without any setbacks.

"Alright! Let's go!" Luffy said and Mod nodded her head before transforming back into Rosan.

"Bye you two! Don't die or else I'll kill you!" Angel promised.

"Make sure you recruit trustworthy people whose hands you can put your life into! Master has no tolerance for traitors too," Demon advised.

"I totally want to join you guys for one adventure one day! Maybe when you guys go to the Grand Line," Maro mused. There was no way she wasn't going to travel with them one day but she had learned the art of patience and so she'd wait.

"As long as Luffy doesn't mind," Rosan said and the boy nodded rapidly.

"Of course, all three of you can come! It's gonna be awesome!" Luffy laughed and they grinned at his infectious cheer.

"C'mon Rosan, let's go!"

Rosan grabbed his youngest brother and shot them a wave before the two vanished.

"I still can't believe Master forced me to be a queen and then decided to go on such a fun adventure," Maro sighed despondently but she didn't regret it. She loved her citizens and she loved this island dearly.

She would never tell the twins but Rosan had made them settle down, so that the clones could be protected from the harshness of the world. The fact that he wanted to keep those two safe, made her all warm inside and she vowed to protect them in his stead. They had helped her stabilize and turn this island into something glorious and she loved them both so damn much! It was her duty as queen, to keep all her citizens safe!

It would undoubtedly piss Angel off though, if she figured out the reasoning he wanted them to stay behind.

Yeah… she would keep that information to herself.

"If Master ever unlocks his emotions… those two are gonna turn the world upside down," Demon mused.

"I trust Luffy," Angel said confidently. "He's a surprisingly perceptive kid and I think he's one of the few who can actually help Master."

"Yeah, Luffy's awesome!" Maro nodded in agreement.

A knock on the door cut them off and Kanna quietly walked in. The 18 year old bowed with a smile and said, "My queen, your meeting is about to begin in ten minutes."

Maro groaned in annoyance. "I'm on my way… Is it possible that I can —"

"No, I already do everything for you so you have to be here for the meetings."

The bluenette pouted as Angel laughed at her.

There was way too much responsibilities involved in this.

Maro cursed Master for making her a queen.

"Not gonna see us off?" Rosan asked calmly.

"Yeah, we're leaving now!" Luffy exclaimed, barely able to contain himself.

The source of their prodding sighed in annoyance. "The mayor and Makino won't mind, but the villagers will be afraid of us," Dadan said finally.

"But…" Luffy's disappointment was clear.

"She's right Luffy, they will cause a ruckus if they show up," Rosan said calmly. "It's not because she's going to cry herself silly at the sight of us sailing off," he explained.

"Eh?! I thought that's exactly what she was going to do!" The 17 year old replied dumbly.

Dadan gained a tick at the man's words and gnashed her teeth. "Can't you two just go already?!" She barked. Kami, the redhead had gotten so annoying over the years.

The bandit leader hid her happiness at the fact that he was comfortable enough to annoy her. Despite their terrible start, Dadan was pretty sure that the redhead actually liked her.

"Okay," Rosan said obediently, but he made no move to leave.

"Alright! Thank you guys for everything," Luffy beamed with a megawatt grin.

Rosan merely walked up to the bandit's and Dadan gained another vein of annoyance.

"What?!" She asked angrily, standing up to face the redhead. "You've still got something to say —"

Rosan wrapped two arms around the bandit leader.

"I was wrong about you. I thought you didn't care, but you care as much as a mother does," Rosan said softly. "I'm sorry for judging you so soon and thank you for raising Ace and us. You're an amazing person, Dadan. I know how bad you wanted a comfortable bed so I left one in your room as well as some money so you can spoil yourself."

"Yeah! I hate bandits, but I like you guys," Luffy beamed.

Dadan had never been hugged by Rosan before. She had always secretly wanted one but she would never ask for one out loud.

Now he was willingly giving her one and coupled with both the boys words, as well as his gifts, they successfully broke Dadan.

The woman pulled out a napkin and began wiping her tears away, as she cried in spades. Without any hesitation, she wrapped her arms around the redhead and returned the tender hug.

"S-Stop talking nonsense and go away already, you bastards!" she sobbed and everyone laughed.

"You're hugging me to tightly and I don't think you want to let go," the redhead hummed.

"S-Shut up!" She cried, not releasing him.

Rosan patted her on the back and finally broke the hug before making his way over to Luffy.

"See! I knew she was gonna cry!" Luffy pointed out to his brother and Rosan pat his head to congratulate him.

"You proved me wrong," the redhead praised. The boy didn't but there was no point explaining it to him.

"I'm not crying!" Dadan cried. She was gonna miss all her boys. She knew they were gonna impact the world and the bandit leader would be rooting for them the whole time.

The bandit's laughed harder.

"Luffy... this boat is too small," Rosan said slowly. He had yet to step in it but he was not sure how the two of them could properly fit on it and move around.

Rosan was not small anymore and Luffy had grown too. It would be really cramped for the both of them (just Rosan, it seemed impossible for Luffy to be put in an uncomfortable position).

"Why don't you take my fishing boat?" A villager offered. "That thing won't last a minute with you two in it."

"This is fine! This is what I wanna start with!" The captain, laughing in glee as patted the ship.

"Two Devil Fruit users… and this is what he wants to use?" Mod wanted to sound surprised but she was far too used to Luffy's antics.

"If the ship breaks, please fly away and let him drown," Ram decided after taking one glance at the sorry excuse of a ship.

There was so much issues with this ship. For one, neither him or Luffy ate light at all. There wouldn't be nearly enough food to satisfy the both of them, if not for his pocket dimension, and his brother would finish it off by himself in a day.

Rosan sighed. He should have just become the captain of his own ship.

"Alright," was all he said before stepping onto the dinghy.

Luffy grinned in satisfaction and didn't even seem bothered by how much space his, much taller, brother was taking.

The captain looked towards the sky in excitement and screamed, "Sabo! Watch over us! We're heading out to sea now!"

Rosan wondered how Sabo would be faring as a pirate. The boy was just as talented as Ace but he didn't approach things with as much fervor as his freckled brother.

No, Sabo was a lot more calculating. He wouldn't be surprised if the boy was just as dangerous as Ace but in a more subtle way.

Well, there was no point in thinking about what ifs.

For now, he'd just observe Luffy on his journey to be the Pirate King and help if he deemed it necessary.

Maybe he'd find something helpful along the way. He wasn't holding out any hope but it would be nice if it happened. His emotions were coming out much more frequently so maybe he just needed an extra push and what better way then to go on a journey through the world's most dangerous sea?

"Take care, Luffy!"

"Bye, Rosan!"

Mod groaned in annoyance at the numerous voices of the woman sadly waving the man off. "I hate them all," she said flatly, getting a sympathetic rub on the shoulder from Ram.

Rosan waved at them in return and soothed Mod at the same time. He was certainly… popular with the female population on Goa and that had only increased since becoming a full fledged adult. It was annoying but he could put up with it and he didn't really care at the end of the day.

The same could not be said for his dear Mod-chan.

"Alright, we're going now!" Luffy said and he loosened the rope holding the ship. '

"They're finally leaving…" Makino sighed fondly, glancing sadly at the moving boat. "I'm gonna miss the two of them."

Since arriving, Rosan had kept her company many times and he was rather enjoyable to hang around with, once she quickly got used to his odd mannerisms.

When she told him that, his reply was, "Your life really is boring, if you find joy in interacting with me."

He had no emotions but he was so rude! Despite how he viewed himself as boring, behind his stony expressions and emotionless tone, was a very entertaining person and she'd die on that hill! He should give himself more credit where credit was due!

Makino could confidently say that he had become one of her closest friends despite how much she had feared him before. He was the only one she could regularly talk to that was close to her in age range and it had the benefit of leaving the two of them isolated together a various amount of times.

It was no surprise that she had agreed to take his virginity when he was of age. Makino would be lying if she said she wasn't attracted to him and they both agreed that there were no strings attached when doing it. One thing had led to another and they began to occasionally hook up.

She probably should have said no though, Angel was terrifying. Makino didn't know how someone could get so creative with threats but she feared the haughty clone might actually follow through with them one day.

Ah, she probably wasn't going to see the twins or Maro for a really long time either.

She really was going to miss them all.

Her musings were cut short as the Lord of the Coast made its appearance right in front of Rosan and Luffy and she gasped in worry. Would they be alright? It was quite close to them so maybe they didn't have enough time to react... Oh no, she didn't want them to die so soon! Hopefully Rosan would deal with it before it sunk their ship.

The redhead in question, looked utterly unbothered and Luffy smiled eagerly at the fish that nearly killed him 10 years ago.

"So this is the Sea King that took Shanks' arm?" Rosan mused, making no move to attack it and eyeing it boredly. As long as Luffy could handle it, the redhead saw no need to interfere.

"Yeah and he has no clue who he's messing with," the rubber boy grinned. He clenched his fist and launched it back. His hand began stretching to an insane degree and the rubber boy brought the fist back to let his attack fly.

"Gomu Gomu no Pistol!" Luffy bellowed and he connected squarely with the Sea Kings cheek. The powerful punch knocked it out in one blow and it collided with the water in a loud thud.

"I wonder how edible Sea King is," Rosan idly said, as the monster sunk into the Sea. The people seeing them off were cheering at the display and his sharp vision could pick up relief on Makino's face.

Did they really think one measly Sea King was going to take them out? How insulting.

"First, we gotta get a crew," Luffy decided. "I want at least 10 of them. Sound good to you?"

"Yeah," Rosan nodded. 10 was fine, he wouldn't have wanted a massive crew like some other ships because that would be far too much people for his liking.

"I'm the scout so we'll at least need a cook and a navigator," Rosan hummed.

"And a musician and a black flag!" Luffy grinned, shaking in anticipation.

"Alright, let's go!" The pirate captain grinned and the scout smiled a tiny smile.

"I'm gonna become… THE KING OF PIRATES!"


Rosan and the twins are 19

Maro is 18

Ace is 15

Luffy is 12

Turmoil between the leaders of Celadon - Part 1.


Rosan paused in the middle of his spar with Luffy and idly grabbed the rubbery hand out of midair, dangling his little brother as he felt his connection with the clones randomly flare.

"What's the matter?" Ace asked from his seat, noticing the pause in his brother.

"It's Angel. She activated my connection and she doesn't really do that ever," the redhead replied. He stopped his duel with Luffy and decided not to leave his little sister waiting any longer.

"Angel, what's the matter?" Rosan asked softly. She was trying to mask it but the light stammer in her voice, let him know that something was wrong with her. He knew his clones as well as they thought they knew him.

The woman was barely keeping it together.

"C-Could you come pick me up... p-please? A-And don't tell anyone here that you're coming either."

Rosan raised a single brow but said, "Okay. Wait in your room; I'll teleport right there to pick you up."

"I'll be right back with Angel," Rosan informed them, getting nods of curiosity out of his brother.

"Only Angel? What about Demon and Maro?" Luffy asked curiously.

"She didn't want me to tell them I was getting her so it'll be just her."

Activating his Save Point to Maro's tiara, Rosan vanished from their site.

It was a good thing Maro had opted to keep her tiara in the castle. It didn't seem like the queen or Demon was here so that made getting Angel without alerting them, much easier.

The clone was already waiting for him and Rosan mercifully didn't mention how terrible she looked. His little sister was barely keeping herself together right now but she was trying and he'd spare her for now.

"Come, let's go," he said, holding his hand out for her to grab. Angel stared at Rosan with a strong expression before her expression immediately wavered at the sound of her older brother's voice.

Instead of grabbing his arm, she crashed into his chest and began sobbing, blabbering all the while and clutching him desperately. He quickly recovered and began rubbing her back, activating Save Point in the process and going back to Dawn Island.

Luffy and Ace's surprise, turned into worry at the sight of the crying redhead on their oldest brother's chest and they quickly closed the distance between her.

"Angel, are you alright?!" Luffy asked.

"What's the matter?" Ace prodded gently.

Her sobbing only got worse and the freckled boy cringed back, not knowing how to deal with a crying woman.

Luffy was no good at this either so he'd let Rosan handle it!

"I-I'm so stupid! I... I don't know why I act like such a bitch all the time b-but I do a-and it only hurts the people I love at the worst times," Angel wailed, soaking Rosan's shirt and trying to bury herself deeper into him.

"Oh, Angel," Mod sighed, sadly staring at the mess of a woman.

"Angel, what happened? Talk to me," Rosan soothed, trying to calm her down. It was a testament to her current mental state because he was actually failing to do so. Nothing they were saying was getting through to her and so, he just let her cry until her sobs turned into hiccups, those hiccups turned into whimpers and the whimpers turned into soft snoring.

"I wonder what happened to Auntie Angel..." Ram pondered.

"The only things on Celadon that would ever make her break down, would be involving Demon or Maro. Seeing how sad she is, it probably involved both."

Rosan sighed and adjusted her in his grip. "We'll just ask her when she wakes up. I'll talk to Demon and Maro afterwards to get a bigger picture on just what happened though because it seems like even Angel agrees that it's her fault."

He couldn't say he was surprised that Angel's personality got the best of her. Demon had been becoming so much more independent lately and didn't rely on him or his older sister nearly as much as he used too. Maro had always been emotional and the Dokkaebi sometimes let it get the best of her when it came to her loved ones.

"Let's call it here today?" Rosan asked his brothers and they readily nodded. "Go hunt some food while I bring her to our hideout. I'll cook us all something to eat."

Ace and Luffy nodded in unison and quickly took off. Rosan walked in the opposite direction and brought the woman to their hideout to rest.

The redhead sighed. Seems like he still had problems to clean up with his old crew.

Angel awoke to the smell of food and slowly pushed herself up. She blearily wiped her own eyes and was met with three sets of eyes gazing at her, concern on both of them and a familiar neutrality on the other.

"Angel, we made food for you. Eat up," Rosan instructed, pushing a plate of meat and a glass of water towards her. She saw that they all had their own hefty portions of food and accepted her own.

She felt exhausted but that didn't stop her from digging into her own food and the group of 4 ate in silence... Well, as much silence as ravenous eaters such as Luffy and Ace could participate in.

"What happened?" Rosan asked bluntly, seeing everyone finish their meals. He had never been one for subtlety outside of missions and that remained true even without his emotions.

His sister regarded him with a confused expression, before her eyes wavered at the memories crashing back into her. Tears formed in her eyes again and she let out a choked out sob.

"M-Maro broke up with me," she whimpered, curling into herself.

Everyone blinked in disbelief.

"Huh?/What?/The hell?" Every single person said in confusion. Were they hearing that right?

Even Rosan couldn't quite believe it. He tilted his head to the side and stared a hole through her. "Maro is head over heels in love with you and it's been that way since she was 12. What exactly did you do to make her break up with you?"

It may have been harsh for Rosan to immediately pin the blame on her, but he knew all of his allies well. Maro genuinely loved the haughty redhead and would never be the one to break up with her. Angel had done something that had pushed the recently turned 18 year old to her limit.

Angel flinched back at his accusing question and he saw her tears grow but the Mod Mod no mi user wanted answers right now. If he had to be a little ruthless, then so be it.

"She... she just wanted to tell me something and it seemed so important to her b-but I just finished messing something up in my workshop and... I took my anger out on her. At first she was hurt, but then she got mad and she started screaming back about how I didn't care about her! I realized how much of an ass I was being because she started crying a-and before I could make amends, s-she broke up with me. I didn't even get to apologize before she stormed out of... of the roo —"

Angel shuddered in the middle of her story and she began sobbing again in earnest, clutching herself and letting loose ear shattering wails.

Rosan sighed in understanding. When Maro had been 17, she had pulled him and Demon aside one day to talk to them.

"I... When I turn 18, I want to propose to Angel!" Maro said in determination, staring up at her teacher with a pleading gaze. "Do I... Do I have the both of you guys approval?" She asked softly.

"What a stupid question," Rosan replied, flicking her on the head and getting a yelp out of her. "You shouldn't even have to ask me, Maro. I'm the one who urged Angel to pursue you so of course you have my blessing."

"You're already family, Maro," Demon said kindly, grinning fondly at the girl. "If I didn't think you were good for Angel, you two wouldn't be dating!"

She grinned blindingly at the two and crushed them in a hug.

His student wanted to propose to Angel and it was likely that she had tried to do just that and got rebuffed before even opening her mouth. He wasn't surprised that she got angry and lashed out.

"Demon caught wind of our argument a-and he was so mad at me. I-I never saw that look on his face and he blew up on me, telling me that I never take consideration of other people when I act the way I act before running off to console Maro..." Angel whimpered.

"I don't wanna lose her, Master! I-I know I'm mean and rude a-and I insult her all the time b-but I love her and I want to spend everyday around her!" Angel begged, closing the distance between them and grabbing him desperately.

"Angel..." Rosan sighed. "Your personality has finally come and bite you. You know how emotionally vulnerable Maro can be and yet you refused to hear her out. Now she's finally fed up with you and you don't know what to do about it."

"Rosan?" Mod whispered in surprise. Besides Ram, Angel was quite possibly the one person Rosan spoiled the most. He treated her like a princess! To see him tearing into her like this, was quite the surprise.

"Maro is a complete sweetheart. I don't doubt she'll forgive you but you need to understand that it's not okay to continue to hurt her feelings whenever you want. Don't take advantage of the love she has for you, Angel. Demon and Maro were completely correct to be upset with you."

"I-I know and I just want her to know that I'm sorry!" She whimpered. "Please Master, I'm begging you to just give us a chance to talk! I know she'll listen to you so please! I just want to make this right..."

Ace had never seen his confident sister so distraught and it was quite jarring. He sympathetically stared at her and patted the woman on the shoulder in hopes of making her feel better.

"You really love Maro huh, Angel?" Luffy said somberly.

"I-I do and I just want her to know that," Angel told them.

"Okay, I'll talk to Maro and try to set up a meeting between the two of you. You two are good for each other and one bad argument shouldn't be the end of it all," Rosan said, standing up. "I'll bring her here so just wait."

"T-Thank you so much, Master!" His sister bowed deeply and he waved her off.

"Think nothing of it," he said, vanishing from their sight.

Demon sat next to a gloomy Maro without making a sound, though he knew she was aware of his presence the moment he showed up. They were currently at her personal garden, staring at all the beautiful vegetation and fruits.

"...Hey," he said softly.

"...Hey," she repeated quietly. "Here to tell me how disappointed you are in me? No offense, but I really don't need that right now."

Demon sighed sadly at her tone. "Just because Angel is my twin, doesn't mean I'll take her side for everything, Maro. After you stormed off, I got mad and let her know that it wasn't okay what she did."

The queen looked up in surprise at that, frosty features melting away in favor of shock. "You got mad at her... on my behalf?" She asked softly, not believing him.

To her surprise, Demon scooted over and embraced the bluenette in a hug. His long purple hair brushed against her and her expression wavered.

"You were trying to propose weren't you?" He asked quietly. "And she just snapped on you without even hearing you out, right? You don't deserve that, Maro. Angel's personality has never really bothered us but that's because she doesn't go out of her way to make our life harder. You're a sweetheart, Maro and you didn't deserve that treatment."

The queen sniffed a bit and the floodgates came crashing down after that one small mistake. With a sharp wail, she crashed into Demon and began sobbing in full force.

"I don't know why she hates me!" Maro cried, desperately trying to make herself smaller. "I-I don't know what I did wrong! She's so mean to me a-and I got fed up because this was so important to me a-and she didn't even want to hear me out! I... I didn't want to break up with her but she made me so upset!"

"I know," Demon soothed, patting her gently in hopes of calming her down. "No one will blame you for reacting the way you did so don't blame yourself. But, I will say that... Angel doesn't hate you. Not even a little."

Maro whimpered. "S-She doesn't?"

"Of course not. You two have a genuine love for each other but Angel's personality makes that difficult to see," he assured. "You should see her when she's talking to me about you. That girl is a woman in love and is so glad that you can put up with her... less then stellar temper."

Despite herself, Maro let out a watery laugh. "I guess I may have overreacted..."

"You didn't. I think your reaction was completely normal but I don't think you guys should let it end like this. At the very least, have one more conversation?" Demon suggested.

The Dokkaebi nodded in his chest and pulled back to wipe her tears. "Okay! I'll talk to her and we'll figure this out."

The two stood up and dusted themselves off.

"Demon...?" Maro called quietly.

"Yes, Maro?" Demon replied.

The bluenette engulfed him in a hug and he smiled softly, as she said, "Thank you so much for making me feel better. You're the best."

He returned the hug and replied, "Of course, little goblin. You are our queen after all and the whole island would cause an uproar if they knew their beloved majesty was miserable and crying. Even Angel's wrath wouldn't stop them from trying to protect you."

"Stop teasing me!" She whined, before they both laughed.

Maro loved Demon. He had never given her a reason not to dislike him and always supported the queen when he could! He even snapped on his older sister for her sake! Whereas Rosan was like her father, Demon was her protective older brother and she deeply cherished their bond.

"It seems like you two have already resolved things on your side," Rosan said softly, making them jump in surprise. Maro glared at him for scaring her before realizing that her Master was here.

"Master! How did you know something was wrong?" The queen asked.

"Angel called me to come get her. She's on Dawn Island right now. I get the gist of what happened and I made sure to let her know that what she did to you was not okay," he informed them.

Maro's eyes widened at that. It was no secret that Rosan let Angel get away with practically anything, so to hear that he went out of his way to scold her on the Dokkaebi's behalf, made her warm and tender inside.

"I don't blame you for what you did, but can you two talk it out?" Rosan requested. "Angel's a mess right now and she begged me to at least get an audience with you."

His student's eyes narrowing in worry, was all he needed to know that things would be okay. Nodding without hesitation at his request, the two grabbed onto Rosan and they promptly vanished from Celadon.

Maro really hadn't been expecting someone to crash into her literal moments after appearing on Dawn Island, but the shock of red hair attached to the person desperately clutching her, proved otherwise.

Angel was at least planning on trying to apologize normally to Maro when she saw her, but all of that flew out of the window when she saw the somber queen appear in front of her. The beautiful blue haired goblin that was too good for her sometimes.

It was natural that she overreacted.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Angel sobbed, clutching Maro like her life depended on it. "P-Please don't leave me! I know I can be a bitch and I'm super rude a-and I make your life more difficult when we got out on dates and I'm rude to the people serving us b-but please don't break up with me! I love you, Maro!" The woman begged, locking teary purple eyes onto wide orange ones.

The 4 boys were watching from a distance, not saying a word and just observing in curiosity.

Hearing Angel so desperately say she loved her, made Maro's heart clench and despite their argument, the queen was sad to see the state her girlfriend had been reduced to.

"I don't wanna break up, Angel. I just... I got really upset and blurted out the first thing I could think of," Maro sighed, hugging the woman in her strong arms. "I overreacted, I'm sorry for causing you to become like this!"

"Don't apologize!" Angel barked, making the Dokkaebi reel back in surprise. "It's not your fault so just don't! I-I won't let you forgive me so easily and try to take blame in the process. I'm so glad you don't wanna break up with me, even though I deserve it, b-but I'm still the one who pushed you to that point. I'll be better, I promise!"

The redhead took a deep breath and stepped back, much to Maro's confusion. That confusion turned into shock, as Angel pulled something out from her back pocket and presented it to her.

"I was planning on asking Master to make us a fancy dinner so I could do this but... I think now's as good as time as any," Angel said, taking a deep breath before staring directly into Maro's eyes. "Maro, will you marry me?"

She opened up the case to reveal a beautiful white ring, with a ruby gemstone and smaller red gems adorned on it. It gleamed and reflected the shock on the queen's face.

"I'm so sorry for letting my anger get the best of me and blowing up on you. Despite how bad I am to you sometimes, you're so patient and caring a-and you always hear me out, no matter how tired your duties make you. B-But when it was time for me to be a good girlfriend, I shut you down completely and even started screaming at you." Angel nervously glanced downward and bit her lip in misery but continued.

"I shouldn't have done that and I really want you to understand how much I love you, Maro. I... want to spend the rest of my life with you and the thought of you not being there for me... it terrifies me. You keep me safe and you love me despite all my problems a-and you're so beautiful but you still think I'm so much better looking then you when that's just not true and —"

Maro put a finger to her lip to silence her and sighed fondly. "You know Angel, that's the second time you've done this to me."

"S-Second time?" Angel muttered in confusion. Did she mean the second time she had hurt her? I-It was true...

"Yep. The first time was when I psyched myself up for a whole day to confess to you and then you suddenly blurted it out, causing me to faint," Maro laughed, pulling the slightly taller woman into a tender hug. "The second time, I was super stoked to show my rude and beautiful girlfriend this awesome ring so that I could ask her to marry me, when you suddenly decided to blurt it out instead."

Angel took a sharp breath at that and shakily said, "You... You were going to ask..."

Watching Maro dig into her kimono to pull out a beautiful sapphire ring of her own, suddenly made Angel aware of why she had gotten so upset, why Demon had gotten so upset and why Rosan had reprimanded her. The queen had been so excited because she wanted to propose.

"To answer your question, I do," Maro grinned, grabbing Angel's bronze hand and delicately sliding the ring on it. Then, she demurely held out her own hand for Angel to return the favor.

"You want to... with me?!" Angel asked softly, staring at the Dokkaebi's fair hand with a wavering gaze.

"Of course I do! I love you," Maro declared without hesitation.

The redhead sniffed and took her own ring, before sliding it on her girlfriends finger. When she finished, she immediately crashed into her arms and began crying in earnest.

Maro, ever the sap, began tearing up as well and smiled blindingly, holding her fiancée tightly.

"It seems they managed to figure things out," Demon smiled, pleased to hear that they were getting married.

"I had no idea Angel was planning on proposing as well," Rosan nodded. He was happy for them.

"You didn't? She told me and Makino about it," Ace raised a brow, glancing at Rosan and Demon in confusion.

The purple haired clone blinked, scratching the back of his head. "When did you and Angel get so close...? She told you and not us?"

Ace grinned smugly.

"I don't know what's going on but everything's better no so let's throw a party!" Luffy beamed, jumping in the group hug between Maro and Angel without hesitation and making them fall to the floor.

"Luffy, you little shit! We're having a touching moment here!" Maro roared, bonking the 12 year old on his head

Demon, Ace, and Ram burst out laughing watching the three collapse, while Rosan and Mod smiled softly.

"Good for you guys," Rosan whispered.

To be continued

Character Sheet: Rosan

Full Name: Portgas D. Rosan (Iris D. Rosan) (?)

Age: 24

Birthday: March 12

Summary: Found and raised by Portgas D. Rouge as a newborn, Portgas D. Rosan is the scout and older brother of Monkey D. Luffy, captain of their newly founded pirate crew. . Not much is known about his origins but, he has the D initial in his name and his birth mother is the queen of an unknown island in the South Blue.

Currently devoid of any emotion due to the death of his lover, Suzuki Meiko, all of his ambition has vanished though some sparks can occasionally be seen. At 24 years old, his current goal is to fulfill the wish of his deceased love and find a new reason to live by observing the unique boy known as Monkey D. Luffy, while keeping his family safe and restoring his emotions, which are locked in a castle with a strange entity known as the Virus.

Devil Fruit: Mod Mod no Mi

Type: Paramecia

Description: Turns Rosan into a computer man. With this Devil Fruit, Rosan is allowed to modify whatever he sees fit. This fruit is currently the reason Rosan is devoid of emotion, due to the boy not being able to handle the overload but occasionally an emotion is capable of seeping out. Currently, there are two parts of this Devil Fruit, Modification herself and the Virus, which has played a part in keeping Rosan's emotions jailed.

Appearance: Bronze skin. Outfit changes often but normally he is seen wearing a combination of black and red, black and purple, or red and purple. It goes mostly unseen, but he has a tattoo of his name on his left arm that has a rose cutting through the letters. The thorny stem wraps around his arm and cuts through the letter S before it blossoms into a red rose right by the R.

Accessories: Ruby red earrings in his ears, amethyst ring on his left hands ring finger, black armband on his left hand and white pendant that stops right at his chest with a shrunken picture of him and his mother.

Height: 6'5 (195 cm)

Hair: Spiky long red hair that's soft to touch. Keeps it in a messy bun that left the spikes in the front of his head free.. Reaches just above his back when he lets it fall freely.

Eyes: His right eye is a royal purple and his left one is a blood red. Both have lost the glow in them and subsequently give Rosan a rather lifeless appearance.

Likes: His family

Dislikes: N/A

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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