25.66% My Harem in Galactic Quest / Chapter 26: Chapter 26: Escape Alturus Prime!

บท 26: Chapter 26: Escape Alturus Prime!

The cold, damp air of the cave pressed in around them, and Ethan felt the weight of the situation bearing down on his shoulders. The revelation about the Black Council was still sinking in, but there was no time to process it. They had just barely escaped the black ships, and there was no telling when their pursuers might find them again.

"We can't stay here forever," Vala said quietly, her back against the rocky wall, her eyes locked on the cave entrance. "They'll figure out where we are sooner or later."

Prella nodded, her hand resting on the hilt of her blade, ever ready for a fight. "We'll have to move soon. We're sitting ducks here."

Ethan was about to respond when Nova's voice crackled in over the comms, her tone urgent but carrying a spark of hope. "Captain, I'm picking up something—high atmospheric disturbance. It looks like… a ship's breaking through the atmosphere."

Ethan's heart skipped a beat. "A ship? Whose?"

Nova paused for a moment, running the data through her systems. "It's large… really large. I can't be sure, but… it's got the same energy signature as *The Ark*."

For a moment, Ethan couldn't believe what he was hearing. The *Ark*—their ship, their home—was supposed to have been lost after they'd been forced to crash land on Alturus Prime. Could it really be coming for them now, just when they needed it most?

"Are you sure, Nova?" Ethan asked, his voice filled with cautious optimism.

Nova's hologram flickered as she confirmed her scan. "I'm sure. The *Ark* is breaking through the atmosphere, and it's heading this way. ETA… five minutes."

Ethan stood up, his mind racing. "Prella, Vala, get ready to move. If the *Ark* is coming for us, we need to be prepared to board as soon as it gets here."

Prella's eyes narrowed, though there was a glimmer of hope in her gaze. "How did they find us?"

Vala grinned, standing up and grabbing her blaster. "Does it matter? They're here, and we're getting off this rock."

Ethan quickly moved to the refugees, helping the injured man to his feet. "We're about to get some backup. Our ship is coming for us, and we're getting you both out of here."

The older man nodded weakly, though the relief in his eyes was clear. "Thank you," he whispered, his voice hoarse. "We didn't think we'd make it out alive."

The young woman, still recovering from her injuries, leaned heavily on Ethan's arm, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and hope. "Will they follow us? The Black Council?"

Ethan's jaw tightened. "We'll worry about that once we're safe on board. Right now, we just need to survive the next few minutes."

Prella took position near the entrance of the cave, her sharp eyes scanning the horizon. "The ships are still out there, but they're circling further away. They haven't found us yet."

Vala rejoined them, her blaster ready. "The moment the *Ark* touches down, those ships will know exactly where we are."

Ethan nodded grimly. "Then we'll need to move fast. We can't risk a prolonged firefight—not with these people in the condition they're in."

As they waited for the *Ark* to arrive, the tension in the air was palpable. Ethan could hear the faint hum of the black ships in the distance, their cold blue lights flickering against the night sky. The minutes stretched on, every second feeling like an eternity.

Then, suddenly, a distant rumble echoed through the air. Ethan turned toward the sound, his heart racing as a massive shape began to break through the clouds, its silhouette growing larger with each passing second.

There it was—the *Ark*. Its familiar shape cutting through the sky like a beacon of hope. The ship's thrusters flared as it descended rapidly, the atmosphere shimmering around it as it approached the surface.

"They're here!" Nova announced, her voice filled with excitement.

The *Ark* slowed as it neared the ground, hovering above the rocky terrain with a low, powerful hum. Ethan could feel the vibrations through the ground as the ship's landing ramp extended, touching down just a few meters from the entrance to the cave.

Ethan's breath caught in his throat. For the first time in what felt like days, he allowed himself to feel hope. They were going to make it out of here.

"Move!" Ethan shouted, helping the young woman to her feet as he guided her toward the landing ramp. Prella and Vala followed closely behind, supporting the older man as they hurried toward the waiting ship.

The moment they stepped out of the cave, the black ships overhead seemed to sense their presence. The cold blue lights flickered, and the ships veered toward them, their engines roaring as they closed in.

"We don't have much time!" Vala yelled, firing a few shots into the sky as they raced toward the *Ark*.

The ground trembled beneath them as the *Ark*'s thrusters powered up, ready for a quick takeoff the moment they were all on board. Ethan could hear the distant whine of the black ships' weapons charging, and his heart raced as they sprinted the last few meters toward the ramp.

"Go, go, go!" Ethan shouted, helping the refugees up the ramp as the black ships fired, their blasts slamming into the ground just behind them.

Prella and Vala were the last to board, their weapons still drawn as they fired into the sky, keeping the black ships at bay. The moment they were on the ramp, Ethan hit the control panel, retracting the ramp as fast as it would go.

The *Ark*'s engines roared to life, and the ship lifted off the ground, rocketing into the sky with a burst of speed that sent a wave of dust and debris flying across the landscape.

Ethan collapsed against the bulkhead, his chest heaving with exhaustion and relief. They had made it. They were on board, and the black ships were falling behind.

Nova flickered back into view, her holographic form glowing with pride. "Nice work, Captain. The *Ark* has full systems online, and we're out of range of those ships. We're safe—for now."

Ethan let out a long breath, his body still trembling from the adrenaline. "Thanks, Nova. I don't know how you found us, but I'm glad you did."

Nova grinned. "You can thank my superior hacking skills later. For now, I'd suggest we head for orbit before those black ships get any ideas."

Prella leaned against the wall, her expression calm but determined. "We need to decide our next move."

As the *Ark* ascended through the atmosphere of Alturus Prime, a sense of urgency gripped Ethan and his crew. The Council of Shadows wasn't about to let them go easily, and those black ships circling the planet like vultures weren't just scouting—they were preparing for an attack.

"Captain, those ships are still closing in on us," Nova's voice came through the comms. Her holographic form flickered on the console in front of him. "They're faster than anything we've encountered before. I don't think we'll shake them without a fight."

Ethan's jaw tightened. "I had a feeling this wouldn't be easy. How long until we can initiate hyperspace?"

Nova's eyes flickered as she calculated. "We need at least another five minutes before the engines are fully charged. Until then, we're going to have to outrun or outfight those ships."

Prella, standing at the ready by the ship's weapons console, gave a grim nod. "Then we fight."

Vala was already strapped into her seat at the weapons system, her fingers hovering over the controls. "I'll handle the forward cannons. Let's give these Council bastards something to think about."

Ethan clenched his fists as he brought the *Ark* around, angling the ship to face the oncoming threat. He could see the black ships on the scanner, sleek and deadly, their blue engines burning brightly against the backdrop of the stars. There were four of them, and they were moving fast—far too fast for comfort.

"Incoming!" Nova shouted, her voice filled with urgency.

A barrage of energy blasts erupted from the lead ship, streaking through the blackness of space toward the *Ark*. Ethan jerked the controls hard to the left, narrowly avoiding the first volley. The ship shuddered as another blast grazed their hull, sending a tremor through the entire vessel.

"They're not playing around," Vala muttered, her fingers flying across the weapon console as she targeted the nearest black ship. "Firing back!"

The *Ark*'s forward cannons lit up, sending a stream of high-energy projectiles toward the enemy ships. The black ships moved with eerie precision, dodging most of the shots with ease. But Vala's aim was true, and one of the projectiles connected, slamming into the nearest ship's shields. The black ship spiraled momentarily before recovering, but its shields were flickering.

"Nice shot!" Ethan called out, his hands steady on the controls as he brought the *Ark* around for another evasive maneuver. "But they're still coming!"

The second wave of black ships opened fire, their energy blasts tearing through the vacuum of space with terrifying speed. Ethan swerved the *Ark* again, his knuckles white as he fought to keep the ship ahead of the assault. The *Ark* was fast, but these ships were faster, and they were relentless.

Prella kept her eyes on the tactical display, her voice calm despite the chaos. "Shields holding at 60%. We can't take much more of this, Captain."

Ethan gritted his teeth, pushing the engines harder as they raced through space. "Nova, how much longer until we can jump?"

Nova's hologram flickered as she ran the calculations again. "Three minutes. But those ships are gaining on us. If they get too close, they'll tear us apart before we can hit hyperspace."

Ethan's mind raced. Three minutes felt like an eternity in a battle like this, and the Council of Shadows wasn't about to let them slip away. They needed to buy more time, but the black ships were closing in fast, their weapons already charging for another volley.

"Vala, focus all firepower on the lead ship," Ethan ordered. "We need to slow them down."

"On it!" Vala replied, her fingers flying over the controls as she locked onto the lead ship.

The *Ark*'s forward cannons roared to life again, sending another barrage of energy projectiles toward the enemy. This time, Vala didn't miss. The lead ship's shields flickered under the onslaught, and one of the projectiles pierced through, slamming into the ship's hull with a brilliant explosion.

"Direct hit!" Vala shouted, her voice filled with triumph.

The lead ship wobbled, smoke pouring from its engines as it began to lose control. But the remaining three black ships didn't slow down. They closed the distance, their weapons charging for another devastating strike.

"Shields down to 40%!" Prella called out, her hands gripping the console. "We're taking too much fire."

Ethan's heart pounded in his chest as the *Ark* shook violently under the barrage of enemy fire. Another blast rocked the ship, sending sparks flying from the control panels.

"We can't keep this up!" Vala yelled. "They're tearing us apart!"

Ethan's mind raced. They needed a distraction, something to throw the black ships off long enough for them to get the engines fully charged for hyperspace. His eyes darted to the nearby asteroid field, its jagged rocks floating ominously in the distance.

"I have an idea," Ethan said, gripping the controls. "Hold on!"

He swung the *Ark* hard to the right, steering them straight toward the asteroid field. The black ships followed close behind, their engines flaring as they adjusted course to pursue.

"Ethan, what are you doing?" Vala asked, her voice a mix of confusion and alarm.

"We're going into the asteroid field," Ethan replied, his voice steady. "It's tight, but if we can weave through the rocks, we might be able to lose them—or at least slow them down."

Prella's eyes widened. "That's a dangerous gamble, Captain."

"Do you have a better idea?" Ethan shot back, steering the *Ark* into the field.

The asteroid field was dense, the massive rocks tumbling slowly through space, creating a maze of deadly obstacles. Ethan gripped the controls tightly, weaving the *Ark* between the rocks with expert precision. The black ships followed, their smaller size allowing them to maneuver easily through the field, but the asteroids forced them to break formation.

"They're splitting up!" Nova reported, her voice filled with relief. "It's working!"

The *Ark* banked hard to avoid a massive asteroid, the ship's thrusters flaring as Ethan pushed the engines to their limit. The remaining black ships followed, but their shots were less precise now, many of their blasts hitting the asteroids instead of the *Ark*.

"We're not out of the woods yet," Vala muttered, her hands still on the weapon systems. "But this definitely helps."

Ethan's heart raced as they dodged another volley of enemy fire, the ship shuddering as they narrowly avoided a direct hit. "Nova, how much longer?"

"One minute until hyperspace is ready," Nova replied, her voice tense. "Just keep them off us for a little longer."

The *Ark* weaved through the asteroid field, dodging and twisting between the massive rocks as the black ships continued their pursuit. Ethan could feel the sweat on his brow as he pushed the ship to its limits, narrowly avoiding collision after collision.

"We're almost there!" Nova called out, her voice filled with hope. "Engines at 95%!"

One of the black ships, trying to cut them off, swerved too close to a massive asteroid. The ship clipped the edge of the rock, its hull sparking violently before it spun out of control, crashing into the asteroid with a brilliant explosion.

"One down!" Prella called out, her voice filled with grim satisfaction.

The remaining two black ships, realizing their quarry was slipping away, pushed forward with renewed aggression, firing relentlessly as they closed in. The *Ark*'s shields flared under the assault, the ship shaking violently as another blast hit home.

"Shields at 20%!" Prella warned.

Ethan gritted his teeth, dodging another asteroid as the ship shuddered from the impacts. "Nova, now would be a great time!"

"Engines at 100%!" Nova shouted. "We're ready for hyperspace!"

Ethan's hand flew to the control panel, his heart pounding as he hit the hyperspace drive. The stars outside the viewscreen stretched into long, thin lines, and with a sudden lurch, the *Ark* shot forward, leaving the black ships and the asteroid field behind.

The ship fell into the relative silence of hyperspace, the thrum of the engines steady as they sped through the galaxy. Ethan let out a long breath, his muscles aching from the tension of the battle.

"We made it," Vala said, slumping back in her seat with a relieved sigh. "Barely."

Prella's gaze was still fixed on the tactical display, her expression hard. "But they'll be back. The Council of Shadows won't give up that easily."

Ethan nodded, his mind already shifting to what lay ahead. "Then we'll be ready for them. But first, we need to get to the Federation. They need to know what's coming."

Nova's hologram flickered back into view, her usual playful grin returning. "Well, Captain, I'd say that was a pretty close call. But I have faith in us."

Ethan smiled, though the weight of their mission still hung heavy in his chest. The Council of Shadows was relentless, and their plans were more dangerous than ever. But for now, they had bought themselves some time.


Ethan sat back in his chair on the bridge of the *Ark*, staring at the streaks of light outside the ship as they sped through hyperspace. The tension in the air was still thick, but at least for now, they were safe. The Council of Shadows might be relentless, but the *Ark* had proven itself once again—a testament to the crew's skill and determination.

Prella remained at her station, watching the tactical readouts with a hawk-like intensity. Vala, slumped back in her seat, let out a long breath as she checked the ship's status. "Shields are recharging," she reported, her voice weary but relieved. "We've taken some damage, but nothing we can't fix."

Ethan nodded, feeling the weight of exhaustion begin to creep in. "Good. We've been through worse."

Nova, hovering beside him, her holographic form shimmering faintly, broke the silence. "Captain, I've run another diagnostic on our jump trajectory. We're still on course for the Galactic Federation's nearest outpost, but I'd recommend we stop for repairs once we get there. The ship's taken a beating."

Ethan glanced at the ship's status display and nodded. The battle had been brutal, and while they'd escaped in one piece, the *Ark* wasn't at full strength. "Agreed. We'll get to the Federation, notify them about the Council of Shadows, and then see to repairs. We'll need the *Ark* at one hundred percent if we're going to keep up this fight."

Prella finally turned away from the tactical display, her expression grim. "The Council won't stop. We've hurt them, but they're regrouping, and when they come at us again, it'll be with everything they've got. We need to be prepared."

Ethan met her gaze, appreciating her steady resolve. "We will be. But we can't do it alone. The Federation has to know what's happening. If they don't take the Council seriously, we're looking at a galaxy-wide disaster."

Vala stretched, standing up from her seat and rolling her shoulders. "Think they'll even believe us? The Federation's been known to drag their feet when it comes to threats like this. They'll want proof."

"They'll get proof," Ethan said firmly. "Between what we've experienced, what Nova's collected, and the information from the survivors, we'll have enough to convince them. We have to."

Prella crossed her arms, her face set in stone. "The Council will have spies everywhere. We'll need to be careful when we arrive—make sure we're not walking into a trap."

Ethan nodded, already considering their next moves. The Federation was their best hope, but the Council's influence was far-reaching. They'd have to tread carefully. "We'll be on our guard."

As the adrenaline from the battle began to wear off, Ethan allowed himself to sit back and take a deep breath. The crew had once again defied the odds, escaping what should have been a death trap. But the looming threat of the Council of Shadows weighed heavily on his mind. Each battle with them seemed to reveal a deeper, more sinister layer to their plans, and each victory felt more fragile than the last.

The *Ark* continued its smooth ride through hyperspace, the ship's systems humming softly around them. The med bay was quiet, with the two survivors resting under Vala's careful watch. The older man had stabilized, his injuries not as severe as they'd initially feared, and the young woman—despite her ordeal—seemed to be recovering well.

Ethan stood up, stretching out the stiffness in his muscles as he paced the bridge. "Nova, keep an eye on our sensors. If anything feels off when we drop out of hyperspace, I want to know immediately."

Nova's hologram flickered, her expression brightening a little. "Don't worry, Captain. I've got us covered. No nasty surprises on my watch."

Ethan chuckled softly. "Let's hope so."

As the minutes ticked by, Ethan's thoughts returned to the Galactic Federation and what awaited them when they arrived. The Federation was the governing body that held together the fragile peace between hundreds of systems, planets, and species. But even they were stretched thin, constantly putting out fires across the galaxy.

Would they even listen to a crew of outlaws bringing news of a shadowy organization hellbent on galactic domination? The Council of Shadows was a threat that could easily be dismissed as rumor or conspiracy by those who hadn't seen its effects firsthand.

"We'll need a strong case," Ethan muttered to himself. "Proof that the Federation can't ignore."

Prella, who had been quietly listening, nodded. "The Council is careful. If we're not precise, they'll discredit us before we even finish our first sentence. They've been manipulating events from the shadows for a long time."

"Then we'll be precise," Ethan said firmly. "We've been through too much to let them silence us now. The Federation will hear the truth."

Vala smirked, standing by one of the viewports. "Well, if they don't, we'll just have to make some noise they can't ignore."

Ethan smiled, appreciating Vala's confidence. "Exactly. But let's hope it doesn't come to that."

Suddenly, Nova's voice cut through the air. "Captain, we're approaching the drop point. Prepare to exit hyperspace in five… four… three… two… one…"

The ship shuddered slightly as it dropped out of hyperspace, the streaks of light outside the viewport collapsing back into the familiar sight of distant stars and planets. Before them lay the outer edges of the Galactic Federation's territory—their destination just a short jump away.

"Engaging sub-light engines," Nova reported, her hologram steady as the *Ark*'s systems adjusted to normal space.

Ethan took a deep breath. "Alright, everyone. This is it. Let's hope the Federation is ready to listen."

Prella moved toward the door, her posture as rigid as ever. "I'll check on our guests. If they're up to it, their testimony could make all the difference."

Vala settled back into her seat, her fingers tapping idly on the armrest. "If the Federation doesn't believe us, what's the plan, Captain?"

Ethan met her gaze, his expression hardening. "Then we make them believe us."

Vala grinned, nodding approvingly. "I like the sound of that."

Ethan turned his attention back to the controls, his mind racing with the possibilities of what lay ahead. The Federation outpost was their only hope of warning the galaxy about the Council of Shadows—and their last chance to rally any kind of organized resistance before it was too late.

As the *Ark* glided smoothly through space toward the shimmering planet in the distance, Ethan couldn't shake the feeling that this was only the beginning of something far larger. The Council of Shadows wouldn't stop until they had complete control, and the galaxy was running out of time.

"Nova," Ethan said, his voice quiet but resolute, "start compiling everything we've got. I want a full report ready when we reach the Federation. We're not walking in there blind."

Nova nodded, her holographic eyes gleaming. "On it, Captain. Let's show them what we've got."

The ship continued its steady approach, and as the planet loomed closer, the weight of the mission settled over the crew. This was their moment to make a stand, to reveal the threat hiding in the shadows.

The fate of the galaxy might very well depend on what happened next.

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