92.27% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 239: What If: Aiden Resolution

บท 239: What If: Aiden Resolution

I don't own Star Wars

"How does it feel?" Newt asked as she tugged the glove further down Aiden's artificial hand. "To tight? To loose?"

He flexed his fingers in the black glove, before lovingly running it along her smooth blue cheek, she smiled back him. "It feels fine." she pressed her body against him, and her warm lips brushed against his as I pulled her closer, feeling her body with his hands as she moaned into his mouth.

"MMn-hmn… ah…" she pulled away, "A few months off the radar do a body good…" she said, his scarred, rebuilt body back was back to as 100% as a Cyborg was going to get. Spending the last few weeks with rotating bedmates of Newt, Kaath-Tyi, and Imperial Rose was far more therapeutic than spending it in a hospital or alone in his manor…

She chuckled as he returned back to her lips, pressing her body against the wall. "MMn-hmmn… how do I look?" he asked, not letting her answer as he kissed her again.

"Mmnn-haa-mmn…" she ran her hands on his fresh new uniform, before caressing his face lovingly. "I prefer you… out of uniform. Mmn…" They spent several more minutes trying to swallow each other's tongues before she pushed him gently away. "BUT… your father will be here anytime now." She said, "…SO I'll just have to wait. MMg-?!" she grumbled playfully but cooed under his lips again as he finally pulled away. She licked her lips, wrapping her arm around his real one as they walked out of his room.

"This is a foolish idea." Declared Kaath-Tyi, watching Aiden angrily as Newt's long red dressed brushed the floor. "Declaring your return at some… gala?"

"You're just angry that I'm his date." Newt declared, "Ooh…" she gasped as Aiden's hand gripped her waist tightly and tugged her closer.

"She really isn't." He noted, "I offered her my other arm but she seemed uninterested in being my arm candy." Kaath-Tyi's pureblood eyes narrowed at him, "Attending with flowers in both hands would be scandalously appealing."

"Shame Imperial Rose is unavailable..." Newt added, smiling serenely.

Considering Aiden spent all evening enjoying Rose's company in his bed it would be too much to have her attend his 'grand return' to public life for his father's gala…"

"Sith do not attend parties…" Kaath-Tyi sneered stubbornly. "Especially as 'arm candy'." She added as Aiden frowned sadly…

"Still such a shame. I would've loved to see you in a dress…" there was a knock at the door, Kaath-Tyi's hand slipped to her lightsaber as Newt pulled a hold-out blaster seemingly from nowhere under her dress. "It's probably Airget." He said as Kaath-Tyi approached the door, and checked.

His Father's Mandalorian Bodyguard, Airget-Lam stood outside the door, his own hand resting a blaster at his waist as Kaath-Tyi opened the door. Not far away was a transport vehicle with dark armored troopers. "Are you ready sir?" he asked, looking past Kaath-Tyi to eye Aiden through his helmet.

"As we'll ever be."

"Right this way." He replied, gesturing to the vehicle as Newt and Aiden walked arm-in-arm out.

"Sure you don't want to come?" Aiden asked the beautiful red skinned sith one last time.

She glared sourly at him, before wordlessly shutting the door as Newt chuckled. "…I bet she really wanted to come." She said as they got into the vehicle. Airget and the guards taking positions in the front and rear of the speeder. It was somewhere between a luxury limo and an armored APC.

They sat next to each other in the soft seats, feeling the hover engines activate and speed along. "…Three months." Aiden said softly as she rested her head on his shoulder. "And the first thing we do is go to a party…" Newt chuckled, "Not exactly my grand return."

"Oh… I don't know." she noted, checking her blaster, "Spoiling your mother's fun sounds perfectly like something you'd do."

Aiden blinked at her surprised. "Mother will be there?" she chuckled.

"Oh of COURSE she will." She replied, rubbing his chest. "This is one big Kane family event. Your grandfather will be there, you sisters, even your grandfather's 'nurse' Bella'Dune."

…What? Aiden's eyes narrowed suspiciously at her. "What's going on? Mother would NEVER let Bella'Dune anywhere near her."

"…I honestly don't know." Newt replied frowning, "…This was all your father's idea." She lifted her dress slightly, about to holster her blaster… when Aiden grabbed her waist and hefted her onto his lap, she straddled him, smiling at him exasperatedly. "Really?"

He smiled playfully up at her, slipping his hand under her dress, rubbing her silk covered pussy pulling her to his lips as her hands slid down Aiden's uniformed chest to his bulging crotch. "Didn't you have enough with Rose?"

"Rose is fine… but sometimes… I just want you." he replied seriously as she laughed, pressing him to the seat, and unzipping his pants.

"…You're lucky I always liked you…" she said blushing adorably but smiling lustfully. "But you are insatiable… ahhh…" He ran my tongue along her neck as she slowly and stealthily slipped him inside her. "AH! Ha-ha-haa…" she rolled her hips up and down on top of him. "Haa-haa-haa…" his hands on her waist, guiding her down onto him as she gasped her pleasure. "Haa!" she shuddered as he began to buck his hips up into her as they bounced on the seat. "You-aah-ah-aah…" she fell forward, "D-Don't mess up… my dress! It was a gift!" she moaned into his ears erotically. "MGH! MMn! MMN!!"

She clung tightly to him as they panted, grunted, and moaned softly together as if afraid they would get caught. Her body was… perfect. And he couldn't ask for anything more, "Ugh!" he grunted, wrapping his arms tightly around her body and holding her still as he hissed his released. "Newt…" Aiden snarled the word, but sucked on her neck as she gasped. Her insides spasming around him as she came as well.

"Haaa-haaa… Aiden you're such a baby…" she declared grinning, resting her body against his. "…And so greedy." he don't know how long we were sitting like that but, eventually, an armored fist knocked on the window.

"Sir." Came Airget, "We have arrived." Hastily the adjusted themselves, Newt slipping his length back into my pants as she kissed him… only for Airget to knock again. "Sir."

"We're coming." Aiden declared as Newt, unhelpfully, snorted.

"Already did." They tried to keep their childish giggling to a minimal as Airget finally opened the transport door, watching Aiden through his helmet silently as they left the vehicle. Aiden stared up at their arrived location, he expected his father's private manor, or perhaps the Kane Family home…

But this was the Moff's fortress…

"…Mother agreed to my presence at the Moff's manner?" He asked as Newt lead him on, Airget following behind like the bodyguard he was.

"Apparently." She said hazily as Aiden shot a side look at it. "…Your father insisted."

"…She can't say no to him." He replied under his breath which was, mostly true. Mother was only the Moff because Father allowed it… not to mention the fact that out of everyone in his quote 'fucked up family'. His mother Altora only truly loved his father. Her children were efficient and acceptable tools… of varying importance of course.

Airget walked around them once the pair had arrived at the main hall doors when he promptly opened them, gesturing inside more like a butler than a lethal Mandalorian warrior. Newt and AIden entered, and he stared around in awe.

Everyone who was anyone in the Empire was here, moffs, generals, admirals… Aiden could've sworn he sported the ancient grand Vizer himself. A very rare event. All rubbing elbows or speaking in hushed whispers, there were even some rank and file soldiers, along with up and coming lieutenants and admirals…

"Aiden!" with his name, many eyes were suddenly upon him as his grandfather hovered over to him in his chair, his 'Nurse' Bella'Dune smiling beautifully behind him in a dress and jewels potentially more expensive than any other three currently in the building together. "Aiden my boy!" Aiden smiled at his Grandfather Roland warmly as he took Aiden's original hand and shook it. "Finally, you're up and about!" he declared loudly, obviously intentional as many lords and ladies began chattering excitedly.

"Looking good yourself." Aiden replied as Roland sat a little straighter in his war chair and wrapped an arm around his 'Nurse'… honestly she was already Aiden's Grandmother in all but legality but it was more entertaining to refer to her as Roland's 'Nurse'.

"Cipher." He greeted Newt with a 'Firemane' smile as she returned it but wrapped her arm around Aiden's again.

"Colonel." She curtsied as he chuckled.

"Maybe you can tell me what the HELL we're doing here?" he whispered subtly as Aiden blinked at him surprised.

"…I'm unsure myself." He replied hesitantly, as his Grandfather's smiling face lessoned somewhat and his arm around Bella'Dune's waist now seemed more 'protective' than lecherous.

"Sabiel asked me to come." He noted suspiciously. "But… if he wanted me to come I don't see why he'd invite your Mother." He said with a soft hiss… "Not to mention the Vizer is here, I have no idea how he managed-"

"Aiden." his twin admiral sisters approached him, wearing, of course, identical gowns. Tolara was on the left, Kavilla was on the right. he smiled at them and his grandfather abruptly stopped talking, putting on his smile again as they nodded to him. It was Tolara who had spoken, and she turned the attention back to Aiden. "Aiden I'm glad to see you're feeling well enough to join us."

"…Join us for what?" he asked as she blinked at him, Kavilla shrugged.

"No idea, but your presence is an excellent excuse to tell all these…" she sighed, "Suitors to leave us a lone."

"Lady Kavilla I-" began one, rudely interrupting.

"I am SPEAKING to my BROTHER." She snarled FURIOUSLY at the unlucky bastard unfortunate enough to have bad timing or poor strategic planning, and he quickly scampered off. "…See?" she smiled fondly at me as I sighed.

"Father just wanted us to be here…" Tolara answered his question with a look of innocence on her intelligently beautiful face. "You are looking well." She added, and nodded politely to Newt. "I assume my Cipher is make sure you're safe?"

"Well her and the Sith warrior." Aiden noted as Newt coughed, trying not to laugh and elbowing him in the side. "How have you two been? Father hasn't allowed me much information…"

"Yes you have been off-world for awhile." Kavilla noted, as Aiden frowned at that. "Father wouldn't say which medical station he sent you too."

"…I haven't been off world." He said as his sisters identically stared at him surprised. "I've been at the old Firemane farm."

"…We have a farm?" his sisters replied surprised before turning their attention to their grandfather who stroked his beard, and Bella'Dune's ass simultaneously.

"We do, but it's not exactly livable… I thought your mother burned it down ages ago." He said, "…Is it still there? It sounds like an excellent spot for a vacation. Don't you agree my dear?" he grinned lecherously at the curvaceous red twi'lek as she giggled.

"Your manor. A farm. What's the difference? We'll be doing the same thing regardless!" she bent over and fondly toyed with the elderly Roland as he laughed playfully.

"…Why does this seem more suspicious than it needs to be?" Aiden asked nobody as a waiter held a platter of appetizers.

"Well you WERE the victim of an assassination attempt a few months ago, it's to be understandable." Aiden turned to the waiter, the pink skinned, familiar looking Zeltron winked at him. "Hey boss." Lala, or Lacroix Lacine said, "How have you been? I tell you, your DAD is a SLAVE driver!" she hissed, "…And not nearly as fun to be around." She added pouting.

"Lacroix? What are you doing here?!" Aiden asked as she winked and put the platter down, as his sisters glared at her.

"What? You'd think I'd miss this? I worked my pink ass off for MONTHS helping daddy Kane. I wanted to see it come to fruit…"

"…What?" Aiden replied as the doors to the far side of the main hall opened… and his parents entered.

Altora was a beautiful bitch, but Sabiel Kane was equally as handsome and they both radiated power in their garbs of imperial grey. Altora smiled at his father, and he smiled back but… Aiden saw something, a flicker of pride in his father's eye, but it was a cold emotion… the kind a viper gave off just before a strike.

He approached the center of the room, Altora drifting off as he raised his hands to the crowd. "Thank you! Thank you for coming!" he declared as the crowd clapped politely… He smiled charmingly at them all, "Yes! It has been awhile since I've attended one of these!" he said, glancing around the main hall, "Thank you for humoring an old man for this…" he grinned, "But… Such news deserves a bit of grandiose affairs…" he turned his attention directly to Aiden.

"First. And foremost… I would like you all to join me and applaud the return of my son. Admiral, Aiden Kane." Aiden jumped as the crowd turned their attentions to him and started clapping loudly as he raised his good hand, and waved. "His bravery, and his courage, should be the standard ALL our soldiers take." Sabiel Kane said with such pride that it took all Aiden had not to cry. "He killed a jedi! And lived! Lost an arm, and an eye and he still he serves my family and the empire with distinction!"

Aiden spotted his mother downing a particularly large bottle of corelian whiskey.

"But… sadly my embarrassing my son isn't all that you were invited for." the crowd chuckled good-naturedly as Sabiel Kane seriously glanced towards the grand vizier. "I am here to inform you all. That Grand Vizer Adolfos will be retiring… and he has appointed the new vizier." The crowd hushed, and all in the Kane family were silently cold. "Many of you, rightly, assumed that my wife. Bless her!" his smile was genuine… but his eyes were not. "Would be the obvious choice for the new vizier… however." His voice was cold, "You would be wrong… because I am the new grand vizier."

The crowd gasped and chattered as Altora smirked proudly.

"And as such there will be some, obvious changes… for instance, Moff-ships." Suddenly, Sabiel Kane was no longer jovial and entertaining… he was a Kane… Cold, and Imperial… and a chill spread from him like an aura of the force… the only one who seemed to be enjoying themselves now was his wife Altora, smugly drinking her glass as Roland clenched his teeth.

"I will NOT accept her as Grand Moff." Roland said harshly to Aiden. "If he appoints her ass Grand-moff I am leaving and taking everything I love with me." He glared at his grandson. "Pack your bags." He said simply, gripping Bella'Dune by the hand.

"Tolara…" Sabiel held his hand out as his eldest daughter jumped in surprised. The announcement that her father had been appointed grand vizier, second only to the Emperor himself, was enough of a shock to paralyze her usually quick-thinking mind. "Please." He said as she trembled, but stiffed suddenly and marched towards her father… he took her hands, smiling. "You are gift… and far too intelligent to be wasted… so I, as Grand Vizer, appoint you Moff of Dormund-Kaas.

"WHAT?!" declared the other Kane siblings as the crowd gasped and chattered like school-children gossiping about a teacher's secret relationship. Because if Tolara was Moff of Dormund-Kaas, traditionally a position held by a Kane… then what about ALtora?"

Aiden… HATED the look of smug victory on his mother's face as she stood up, and brushed her dress. Apparently waiting to take the floor next to her husband for… whatever new position she would be taking. Sabiel kissed his stunned daughter's forehead. "I would like a dance to celebrate your new position but I have to take care of a few more things…" he gestured to Aiden, "Go sit with your brother." He said proudly, "Now…" he announced as a stunned Tolara walked away. "I have one more important thing to say…"

Altora began to move, "Let the party begin!!" and froze, looking confused.

Sabiel Kane approached his son, resting his hands on his shoulders as Aiden stared concernedly at his father. "…Good to see you son." he said kindly, "…Airget. My son is protected enough… come with me would you?" and leaving a confused Kane family… Sabiel walked out of the ballroom.

He entered his old office, and sat at his desk. He took a breath, looking around at all the memorabilia, the trophies, the books. And he stared at the door, waiting…

It burst open as his wife charged in, glaring at him. "Sabiel!"

"Altora." He said seriously.

"You!" she stomped towards him, "Why didn't you announce that I am Grand MOff!?"

"Because you're not." He said FIRMLY. And his wife stared at him… utterly shocked.

"You said-" she began finally after what felt like an eternity of staring.

"I lied." He said simply, coldly. And pulled out a blaster from his drawer…

They were silent as he pointed it at her, and her look of anger cooled into one of cold calculation. ".......What now?" she said as his glare of anger softened into on of pure sadness.

"…Quiet exile. Nobody has to know…" he said softly, kindly. "…There's a lovely moon, quiet, out of the way… I can visit you…" he seemed to stare off into the distance. "…Whenever you wish." He said, a lone tear dripping from his eye. "…But you will be leaving. Altora." He said firmly.

She ground her teeth, "Why? Why this betrayal Sabiel? This was my goal… THIS was the plan!"

"…You hired an assassin to kill my son." Sabiel said firmly, "OUR son." he said, getting to his feet, indignantly declare this fact as he held the gun on her. "Why?! Why would you do that? He is OUR SON!" he shouted at her as she jumped. "MY SON!" he repeated as his sadness gave way to the fury he had been holding back for months as he researched and investigated. "MY BOY!!" he roared at her, throwing the desktop effects onto the floor in rage.

She clenched her teeth and did not meet his eyes. He breathed heavily, FURIOUSLY, Sabiel Kane the warrior was before her, not Sabiel the loving husband… certainly Sabiel the loving father. "I…" he took a breath. "…Didn't want to believe it. I wanted to believe it was a trick, a set up, but no…" he nodded slowly, "…No you tried to kill our son… so many times."

"…Aiden Kane…" she hissed bitterly, not looking at him. "…Was a mistake… one night of poor judgment and bad luck." She said, "…He's not your son."

"HE IS MY SON!" Sabiel roared at her, but her sad look was replaced with fury. "I RAISED HIM!" he shouted as Altora flinched. "I held him! I taught him! I LOVE HIM! HE IS MY SON!!" he roared at her, "Whether or not some fucking ZELTRON knocked you up!"

She stared at him, horrified. "You know…"

"Of course I know!" he replied with a hiss. "It does not change the fact… that he is my son…" he said, sadly… and they stared at each other… years of love, regret, sadness, hate, joy… mingling together between them as she finally… after minutes of cold silence… spoke once more.

"…I will not go quietly, Sabiel…"

"…I know." he said nodding, "…I hoped you would but… you can be very disappointing…" a tear rolled down his other cheek. "…But to protect my son, my children…" he nodded, "…I will do what I need to do."

"…Then you better shoot me." She said, standing straight and brushing her gown. "…Make it quick Sabiel." They were quiet once again, Sabiel constantly opening, and clenching his other hand at his side… trying to work up the nerve.

"…I can't shoot you, my love." He declared, and the blaster lowered, he smiled apologetically, sadly. "…I never could…" he chuckled, "…You frustrate me to no end, but I love you." He said with some dignity and emotion.

She smiled sadly, "I know, Sabiel… I know…" he tossed the blaster aside and closed his eyes as she suddenly took a step forward and swung her fist at him…. but it stopped inches from his face. "NNgh…" she struggled as Airget-Lam, hiding in a corner of the room appeared and caught her wrist. She struggled in his durasteel grip, as Sabiel turned to him, and nodded… Sabiel Kane… turned his back on his wife. Staring at the wall as her struggles were as muffled as her screams… and closed his eyes once more as he heard a sickening…


"…So…" Newt sat next to a stunned Aiden, nursing a glass of whiskey. "…Are you going to ask me to dance?" she smiled at him as he fidgeted with the glass, he glanced at his grandfather doing wheelies on the dance floor, Bella'Dune awkwardly on his lap.

Admiral Aiden Kane smiled, put down the glass… and took her hand. "…Would you dance with me, New'wettenora'dea?" she scoffed pressing her body to his as they slow danced.

"Force, just call me Newt…"

"…But New'wettenora'dea Kane has such a ring to it…" he said softly in her ear as she blushed, and glared at him.

"…It does not." She said softly, "…I prefer…" she brushed his chest. "…Newt Kane."

Admiral Aiden continued to dance with his future wife, completely unaware, and unconcerned, about the disappearance of Altora Kane. He didn't mind much, not with his father Sabiel around…

End of What if

This is the final chapter of What if: Admiral Aiden, not to be confused with Moff Aiden or Darth Roland, and for the longest time I had trouble trying to figure out how to finish it. So, after the shitshow that was September. I just decided to bite the bullet and do so. Hopefully, my next what-if series or Interval will be just as fun to figure out.

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