75.67% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 196: Roar of the Crowd

บท 196: Roar of the Crowd

I don't own star wars

"Wakey Wakey here's Kal's snakey." My eyes flickered open as my hips instinctively thrust upwards, it only to me a moment to register what was happening as my erection roared to life.

"Woo! That is… wow…" I immediately looked down to find Lala, and Oriana both staring wide-eyed at my cock. Lacey was gently stroking me as I throbbed in her hand… I've… been with women before, a couple of girls in the academy that didn't last long… to be honest they dumped me, but…

I grunted and tried to sit up only to find my arms tied to the headboard by… I can only assume lace stockings. Lala smiled at me as Oriana turned red. "Hey Kal, Baby… relax…" she said soothingly as the pheromones filled the room. "You're going to be risking your life soon… its only fair that we… reward you appropriately." She said, silkily, her breath on my throbbing erection as I groaned. "Aint that right Oriana?"

Oriana kept staring at my length for a moment, then, taking a deep breath. Smiled. "She's right Kal. Just relax." She said, completely straight faced. Then her soft, warm blue hands clashed against Lacla's pink as they stroked me. "We'll give you a night you won't regret."

It was common knowledge what most cipher agents could do when it came to the art of seduction… but… it felt amazing… my body wanted to submit, but my instincts were thoroughly against this… bondage play. My legs kicked but their free hands held them to the bed as my hip thrust into their stroking hands, my cock bulging quickly for release as I growled and strained at the lacey bindings.

"What are you two doing? And how did she convince you… to…" Oriana was suddenly climbing onto the bed, lying beside me as she kissed me. Shoving her tongue into my mouth, I couldn't help but melt into her lips as she moaned softly. My eyes however widened as I suddenly felt something wet and warm slide down my shaft. I pulled away from Oriana to glance down as Lala, hilted my length into her throat, she glanced up at me before sliding slowly upwards with a pop.

"…Was I interrupting?" she asked as Oriana glared.

"Don't make me kick you out." She noted coolly as I shook my head, Lala stroking me slowly.

"What did I miss?" I growled quietly as Oriana tilted my face towards her and said, completely serious.

"Kal. Shut up. And kiss me." She said firmly.

…Well… I'm good at taking orders.

She rolled onto me, still kissing me as she caressed my face. Lala, watching us make out, slapped my length against Oriana's firm rear. Oriana suddenly pulled away, sitting upright as she undid the strap of her metal bra, tossing it away as I stared at her magnificent chest. I was surprised at how big they were when she was clothed, but naked? There was no restraint. She was always beautiful but now she was just pure perfection.

My erection throbbed against her flesh, instinctive and eager to get inside her. Her hands rested on my scarred chest, they felt warm and soft as they rubbed against me. "…Alright… give me a second. It's been a while." She raised herself up for a mere moment, then she slowly slid down, gasping and shuddering as she sat fully on my length. "Ah-ahh…" she sighed softly as my arms tugged against my bindings…

I snarled quietly as she adjusted to my length and size, then I glared at a fascinated Lala as she watched Oriana mount me. "Until me." I snarled as Lala blinked at me curiously. "Now." Lala giggled, raising an eyebrow at me so I decided to cut out the middleman. I tore the stockings easily and rested my hands on Oriana's waist as she blinked at me surprised.

"W-wait KAL!" she yelped as I sat up, I lifted her slowly up, then roughly but not painfully pulled her back down. "A-Ah!" she gasped as I did it again, and again, "K-Kal go slow!" I was, however, going on instinct.

…Boomer had gotten me a girl once when we were on Nar Shaddaa… I lost my virginity to her. I was… unimpressed… she had apparently passed out after about thirty minutes… when I told Boomer that he got an odd look on his face. And explained to me that normal guys don't make prostitutes orgasm so much they pass out. I mean… he never met my uncle.

"UhhOOOH!" Oriana tightened around my length, I hissed as my inner muscles clenched amazingly. The prostitute did that a lot to, but she didn't feel nearly as good as Oriana. My hand slid from her waist to her ass cheeks, lifting and dropping her rapidly as she gasped and yelped in pleasure. "Oh force! Kal! Slow!! PLEASE!!" she suddenly raked my chest with her fingernails as she pressed up against me, screaming in pleasure as she orgasmed again. I growled like an animal, rolling her onto her back as I kept pumping my hips down into her. "Ah! Ugh! MMN!!!" she bit her lower lip as I watched her ecstasy filled face…

…I liked how she looked; she arched her back as she thrashed beneath me. I took her hands and pinned them to the bed above her head as Lala looked on. Pounding deep into my oldest friend as her body submitted and excepted all of me. I felt her beautiful, large breasts rub against my chest as I plunged in and out of her, her legs wrapping around me as she gasped in pleasure.

…I was close, my hips moving on instinct as I rested my forehead against hers, feeling her writhe wonderfully beneath me as she panted, our breaths mingling together as her body tightened eagerly again. She gave one more shuddering breath as I pressed my hips to hers… I kissed her as I released my seed into her wonderful body…

As my balls shot stream after stream of thick semen into her… I felt this… itch. In the back of my mind that I never felt before. I could hear her heartbeat; I could feel her warmth… smell her HEAT… this beautiful woman: Oriana… I've known her all my life. I let go of her arms, she kept them where I left, and I gently caressed her cheeks as her beautiful ruby eyes opened to a sultry half-lidded bedroom eye look.

I growled in my chest… and sneered out one word as I gazed deep into her soul. "MINE."

She quivered beneath me, not looking away as my body continued to pin her to the bed. My length long finished emptying into her. But she gave me a feeble smile, mouthing clearly but no words came out. "Okay."

"My turn!" Lala laughed cheerily, breaking us out of our moment… I glared at her, baring my teeth as I slowly extracted myself from Oriana. I looked down at Oriana and kissed her again as she cooed into my lips.

"…I'll be right back." I snarled as she shuddered excitedly.

"…Okay." She said with a rather cheery, but exhausted smile.

Lala apparently sensed something ominous coming her way. Hesitantly backed away from the bed… I was on all fours, crawling slowly toward her like a prowling Nexu. I do in fact know the irony of that statement. "Huh…" she said slowly, "This is… new." She said, as I crawled across the floor. "…You know Kal, baby I'm not sure I like-URP!" I was suddenly on her, pinning her against the wall, her wrists held tightly in my hands as she fidgeted. "…Huh." She said again flatly, grinning smugly. "...Well… you're not going to keep me waiting are you?"

I pressed my lips to her, grinding my body against hers as she moaned into my mouth, rolling her body against mine as I slid my length against the crotch of her suit. "MMn… I like it when you take charge." She growled hungrily, as I pulled away her hands and yanked at her suit. "Wait. Let me…" she said slowly unzipping her tight bodysuit as she fidgeted out of it. letting it crumple to the floor but still wearing her jacket.

I snarled, lifting her right leg as I rubbed my cock against her entrance, she moaned rolling back and forth as her lower mouth drooled excitedly on my length. "Mmn! I can't wait…" she whined as I immediately pushed deep. "Fuck…" she whimpered, before she adjusted, I pulled out, roughly slamming back inside her and against the wall as it rattled beneath her, "Fuck! Kark! Ugh!!! YES!!" she moaned as I sped up, keeping the pace, pinning her as I rammed deeper and deeper. "Give it to me baby!" she cried, shuddering wildly as I kept pumping, kept pushing.

…Something had burst inside me and I was reveling in it. Grinning like a madman as I pressed her to the wall, lifting her to her tip-toes as I rode her up it. then suddenly, she was in the air, both legs on my shoulder as I folded her in half, fucking her wildly as she screamed in pleasure, her hands gripping her ankles as I held her ass cheeks, feeling her clench and tremble as we quickly approached out finish.

"Oh! OH! OOH! FUCKING! OOH!!!" she shuddered wildly, pink eyes wide as she stared at the ceiling and- "Ow!" I dropped her to the floor, rubbing my cock and scent against her face as she flinched, but still trembled as the orgasm rippled through her. I gripped my throbbing, ready-to-burst cock, and held it level with her face seconds before I lost control…

My seed painted her face… several thick white trails criss-cross her pink skin as she closed her eyes and let it happen. Cooing softly as I flicked the last few drops on her skin… and turned abruptly around, returning slowly to a rather bemused Oriana. She crawled away from me at first, but once she felt my lips on hers again she lay back on the bed. "…Well that's rude…" Lala said, standing up and getting steady on her feet. "Woo… that was fun though…"

"Mmn… mmm… Kal…" Oriana whimpered as I continued to enjoy her taste, squeezing her breasts, and caressing her body.

"Uh… hey. Still here." Lala said, approaching the bed as one of my hands went lower down on Oriana's body, sliding between her lower lips and slowly thrusting in and out as she writhed beneath my attention.

"Noted." I growled, tenderly giving Oriana my attention.

"…Well… don't get too lovey-dovey now… you have a big fight soon and you'll need your strength." Lala said amusedly as I continued to play with Oriana. "I'll take a quick shower. I need to look good too you know."

The sound of water flowed in the bathroom as Lala cleaned herself, I on the other hand continued to pleasure Oriana. She cooed, and whimpered into my mouth before finally pushing me away… "K-Kal… wait we need to…" I kissed her again as she melted in my embrace but slapped me away again. "Kal. We need to talk about… this…" she said as I rolled over her, her eyes widened slightly in surprise as she felt my length pressed against her tunnel again.

"…What's there to talk about?" I asked, rather bluntly as I caressed her cheek. "…You're mine now." I said as she blushed heavily.

"W-what do you-AH" she gasped as I penetrated her again, collapsing on top of her as she instinctively wrapped her arms around me.

"It means. Oriana…" I said slowly, looking into her beautiful eyes again as I throbbed inside her. "That You. Are. MINE." I said with utter, instinctive finality…

She looked… for a very brief moment… horrified. But not in terror… it was more at the realization as to what just happened. There was no going back. Only going forward… she wiggled beneath me. Her body reacting faster than her brain as I began to grind in and out of her once more, earning her gasps and moans of pleasure as I caressed her beautiful breasts… Oriana knew what I meant… she knew deep inside her heart and soul EXACTLY what I meant… if she denied me now… then this would be a one-time thing. We'll just move on an never speak of it again.

"….Okay." she said, after what seemed like forever. Then, as if a great weight was lifted and a flood was unleashed… she came again. And it didn't take me long to do the same…

I was being shaken; everything was a blur. My face was engulfed in blue, soft pillows… Oriana's heartbeat echoed in my ear to the rhythm of her steady breathing. I sat up, gazing at her sweaty, disheveled, and dozing features. I was still inside her. Sticky, sweaty, and I still felt exhausted… I couldn't remember when I stopped or how many times, or how long I was asleep.

"Kal, Baby… come on you got to get ready…" Lala said, she was half naked still wearing her jacket and not much else, she was also lying beside me as I removed myself from Oriana. "…Better take a cold shower… and put on pants, don't want to rile up Candi too much.

Looking through the window that viewed the arena I could see the stands slowly forming with people. A sort of floating aerial stage hovered over the arena fight pit, Candi strutting on stage with her two clown girls just behind her, apparently going over the 'script' or whatever it was they did before the blood started to flow.

"…Alright." I said, brushing Oriana's hair from her face and kissing her before heading to the bathroom.

When I was done waking up, I didn't bother putting on my 'armor'. Just my pants. One of Candi's thugs came to collect me and I was lead through the twists and turns of the building until I reached the ground floor and was lead through the tunnel into the arena. There were a couple dozen other fighters… most of them were small time. I could tell. Men who didn't want to be here. Men who did. Men who clearly wanted to be anywhere else… these were not fighters, they were fodder. There were barely any I would consider a challenger.

There was one however that immediately drew my attention. Taller, broader and fatter. A shirtless dowutin male sat on a fallen stone pillar. Scratching his broad scabby stomach as he grinned smugly at everyone. His eyes slowly rolled over all the other occupants of the arena. They lingered briefly on me, but he saw no interest apparently…

…He was going to be trouble. Not just his size and obvious strength, but his clear experience. He's done this before… in fact judging from the way some of the other fighters were grouping up and looking at him. They all saw him as the biggest threat.

"Ladies. Gentlemen and everything in BETWEEN!" Candi's voice echoed over the air as the stage moved slowly above the arena to the roar of the crowd. "ITS TIME FOR THE 'WHENEVER THE HECK I FEEL LIKE IT' MELEE!!" the crowd erupted as Candi swayed and strutted sexually across the stage. "You all know the rules. The last man standing wins. Dead or Alive!" she added as the crowd catered to her every word.

"You can't move? You lose. You're dead? You LOSE." She cooed as the Dowutin chuckled. "I'd introduce the contestants this time… but we all know who is going to win!" The Dowutin stood up, his stomach wobbling as he raised his fist. "The Master of Disaster. The Mauler of Brawlers! The Current King of My Melee ring. MONGRELLLLLLLL!!!"


The crowd chanted as the Dowutin blew kisses to them, spinning in place before promptly dropping back onto the stone pillar seat, watching the other contestants dismissively. "He tells me he plans to add another dozen kills to his record. What do you all think?! ANY TAKERS?!" Candi swiveled her hips as the crowd roared their approval.

I blocked her out. My eyes wandered across the other contestants now… a couple looked to be emaciated and panicking, clearly slaves press-ganged to fight. The rest looked like a collection of thugs and bounty hunters… I won't have to worry about them unless they all decided to attack me on mass. Then it might be a problem. But if Mongrell is really a champion of the Melee… I wouldn't doubt that they'll all try to go for him first…

"All right my lovelies! Let's get this train a rollin! Booty give me a drumroll!" Booty, the togruta, slowly turned as her giant rear was placed on screen. Her cheeks bounced rhythmically and rapidly up and down, first the left cheek and then the right on repeat. "Titties! Ring the bell!" the heavy breasted Rattataki slapped a button and an echoing ring rang out through the air as the crowd roared.

Almost immediately a group of brawlers, apparently teaming up, charged Mongrell who looked completely uninterested. One, a weequay, leapt into the air with a flying kick… that was a mistake. Mongrell lashed out seconds before the weequay hit him and…

CRACK. One hand on the weequay's leg the other on his back, his NECK hit the ground hard and he went still. The crowd roared at the death as Mongrell tossed the body away literally swatting a rodian away with a heavy, bitch-slapping, backhand, sending him flying into a stone pillar, crumpling to the ground. He tried to push himself up… but Mongrell stomped towards him, raising his foot and bringing his full weight down on the rodian's mid-back.

I could almost hear his spine shatter as Mongrell spat bitterly at the crippled rodian. "Stay down." He snarled, glaring at the last one, a twi'lek. Cowing him immediately, he raised his hands, and immediately ran of to find someone weaker to fight. Mongrell sat back down on his pillar, apparently daring the others to try their luck.

The twi'lek… apparently a very poor judge of talent. Looked right at me… I almost feel bad for him… but I guess I don't exactly have to kill him.

I let out a deep sigh… then… Went to work.

He swung his leg at me, using the momentum of his charge and the twisting of his hips for extra power. I took it on the upper arm, it stung, but was inconsequential. I reacted quickly grabbing his ankle and lifting him, he yelped in surprise and tired to remain balanced but that was difficult as my foot slammed against his planted foot's ankle. He screamed as I felt it break under my blow, but was immediately silenced as that same foot came up and cracked against his jaw. He crumpled to the dirt like a ragdoll, unconscious.

The crowd roared over the screams and grunts and thuds. Of fists on skin… I found myself moving into a large group, two groups against each other by the way it looked. And already two were down, three, four. I was a whirlwind, the thrill of battle and combat surging through me as I snapped an arm of a weequay, spinning him and slamming him into a pillar. A twi'lek leapt onto my back, getting me in a headlock but I rammed him hard against the wall of the arena, he loosened up immediately. I put him on his back.

"I've fought ZELTRONS tougher than you!" I growled, as he tossed sand into my eyes. Cursing to myself at my idiocy I felt overwhelmed as a group of them began attacking me. I dropped to on knee as fists and kicks slammed against my body…

…Then I caught one of their ankles … the leg snapped in my hand as he shrieked in pain. I heard him drop to the ground beside me as I got to my feet, delivering a heavy standing uppercut to another's jaw.

"What the hell!?" Someone shouted, that was a mistake, I spun, swinging the heel of my foot to crash against his skull as I heard the rest scatter. I whipped at my eyes, taking a moment.

"You know what?" came Candi's voice over the air as the fighting briefly stopped. "…This is taking too long." She said silkily. Mongrell, still sitting on his pillar but surrounded by at least another group of contestants, grinned wickedly as he looked up. "Booty. Drop the toys." The togruta; Booty, rested her hand on a lever. And pulled.

A rain of vibro-weapons dropped from the stage. One poor unlucky sod was impaled by three of them as they stuck in the ground. "It's time for the LIGHTNING ROUND!!!"

Mongrell, as if it was a specific gift to him, reached down and hefted a rather crudely forged vibro-axe just as a brave, but foolish weequay picked up a vibro-sword and charged… Mongrell's axe moved as if he was swatting a fly. The weequay's hands went flying as he screamed in pain. Mongrell kicked the stumpy weequay aside standing up from the pillar.


The melee became a bloodbath, those desperate for weapons immediately charged to get them, but they were cut down, beaten, broken and bloody. It got worse once Mongrell got to them, butchering them as easily as breathing. Some lost limbs, some just got cut… but the battle dwindled down to two…

Him… and me.

Mongrell performed for the crowd. Raising the bloody axe as he turned slowly in place, trodding on the dead and in pain alike as he soaked in the cheering roars. MON-GRELL MON-GRELL MON-GRELL.

I took another deep breath… and quickly examined my options. I had no weapon, Mongrell did… could I take out a man his size if I got a weapon? Probably not unless it was a blaster and that was hit or miss… mostly miss…

…I can handle him if I can get that axe out of his hand…

"Well it looks like Mongrell's got this melee all wrapped up… oops! I see one more victim."

Mongrell's eyes leveled on me, and he grinned spinning the axe in his hand with a flourish… I need to do this right.

I glanced around at the crowd, looking bored as he slowly approached me. "…So… you're really going to bring an axe to a fistfight?" I asked as he scoffed with a laugh.

"Not my fault you were to slow to get a weapon…" he said, kicking a vibro-blade away.

"True. True…" I said, grinding my teeth. Keep it together. "…But look at this crowd…" I said, waving around us as he paused. "Putting a vibro-axe into an unarmed man to finish a fight… that's not a way to win… they're not going to talk about that in the cantina…" Mongrell hesitated. Good. I'm getting to him, keep going. "Now beating a man to death with your bare hands. That's a show. That's something to talk about." I said eagerly, as his hand fidgeted on the axe. "Got to show the people you can still get down and dirty, not become lazy and predictable. Right?"

He scowled at me, the axe lowering. "…You calling me out? Runt?" he asked, spitting in my face from above. He was a good deal taller than me.

"Do you really need a weapon to beat me?" I asked, holding my hands apart, before curling my fingers in a 'bring it' sort of gesture. He glared at me, then tossed the axe over his shoulder as the crowd roared.

He moved quicker then I expected him to. His fist, the one holding the axe earlier, came at me like a speeder bike. I just dodged it. Coming in close for a heavy body blow to his massive stomach. I could tell he barely felt it, but he swung his arms wide trying to wrap them around me and get me in a bear hug. I ducked as they closed in the air before jumping back up.

The crowd screamed their approval as my fist collided with his jaw, he stumbled backwards. But I followed him leaping off a nearby pillar and bringing my elbow to slam against his face. He fell sideways, his head coming closer to the ground, I grabbed it, before slamming my knee and my elbow on the front and back of his head respectively.

"You little shit!" he shrieked as his nose cracked against my knee. He lashed out, his hand slamming into my stomach and sending me flying. I went into a backflip then a roll to recover myself, coughing violently as he came down on me quickly. His sturdy tree-trunk leg stretched out in a low round house that came to my waist. I used both arms to block the blow, it hurt, but I shrugged it off as I felt my blood boil in my veins for more.

Grinning broadly, I closed the distance again, using his girth as a steppingstone as my knee collided once again with his nose. He roared, reaching up for me but I was already over him. I grabbed his head as I descended and pulled him backwards off balance. Slamming us both to the ground before I rolled over to straddle his chest, resting my knees on his arms as I pummeled his face relentlessly.

Jab jab cross jab jab… I gripped his face by the ears, lifted his bleary head up. And slammed by forehead against his broken nose. Breathing heavily as he went still. I stumbled off of him, rubbing my bloody hands through my 'black' hair, I found myself snarling dangerously, as if expecting to fight more. My eyes wide with rage and fury…

But then… the uproar of cheering broke through my battle haze. I blinked, glancing around quietly as the crowd cheered and chanted.


…An odd feeling fell over me… I stood still for a moment, before raising my arms. Soaking in the praise... My mother told me about my father… how he was a champion gladiator of the arena… is this what that felt like? I could get used to this… maybe Lala was right. I do love to fight.

End of Chapter


"THAT'S MY KAL BABY!!!" Lala cheered as Kal stood, slightly bloodied, in the center of the arena, standing over the bodies… there were moments when I was worried but… its Kal. I don't have to worry about Kal.

I stepped away, taking the new com that Lala had brought back with her and, giving it a few quick fixes. Stepped into the bathroom as Lala danced and cheered happily, "We won, we won, we won, WE WON!!"

I sat on the toilet seat, sighed, and entered the secret number. It fizzled and crackled for a moment. Then…

"You had me worried." Watcher Zero aka my Aunt New'wettenora'dea. Or just, Newt. "Where are you? What's going on? Report."

"…I may have… made a HUGE mistake." I mumbled breathlessly, biting my lower lip as she didn't answer for a moment.

"…What happened?" she asked, more as a concerned relative then my superior.

"I slept with Kal…" I said, getting right to the argument… but it didn't come. She was silent for a moment, then.

"…Well its about time. Honestly I'm surprised it took you this long."

"Aunt Newt?" I asked surprised.

"What? We ALL saw it… I mean really. But look. Sweetheart. From experience? Being in love with a Firemane man… or a Kane man? It's exhausting… I mean, I have to share mine with three other women, one of them a former holo-girl, and I'm still pretty worn out all the time…"

"Aunt Newt!" I said scathingly but I could sense her literally waving it off.

"Look… Ori. Don't… think about it. You love Kal, Kal loves you, it will be fine. Especially if you get a few buffer girls to help you out from time to time." I rubbed my forehead exasperatedly, not believing that I was having this conversation but considering my family, both extended and immediate, I shouldn't be surprised. "Now. Other then a lovely relationship milestone that I may or may not have placed a bet on with your Aunt Kavilla. Is there anything I should know?"

"…Not that I can explain at length right now, but I can say we are on Juggalo II." Then remembering another reason why I called her, I added. "But more importantly can you look up someone for me?"

"I can. Probably." She replied a little sarcastically. She was the head of intelligence after all. Not even that, she was the head OVER the head of intelligence.

"I need you to look up a Tracey Lacey Lacine." I said, "I know I've heard that name before but its just not coming to me.

"Did you say 'Lacine?'" she replied, almost immediately.

End of bonus

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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