62.16% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 161: The Korriban Shuffle

บท 161: The Korriban Shuffle

I don't own star wars.

In a landing bay of Korriban an odd event was occurring. "Hmmm… no. no. no." The sith Gasp said dismissively as a collection of bound at the wrists female slaves stood before her. she dismissed one after the other. And once they were dismissed, they were promptly dragged away by slave guards, however, they all looked utterly relieved to be ignored even as they were dragged away. She paused in front of a mirialan, gripping her face firmly in her hand as she examined her face.

The mirialan shivered as Gasp's abnormally long tongue slowly licked up her cheek. The slave whimpered at the touch of the wet organ as Gasp smacked her lips thoughtfully. "…No." she said, promptly releasing her face as she sighed in relief, and promptly dragged away to join the others. "No. No. No." she sighed, "How hard is it to find a fuck slave around here?!" she shouted as the slave guards absently looked at each other but stayed silent. "Bring the next batch!" she shouted as the slaves were led away back to their hard labor until the next trials.

As another nervous group of sentients were dragged forward Whisper matched onto the docks, glaring at his sister. "What in the name of the ancient Darths are you doing?!" he snarled up to her as she casually dismissed a mikkian woman outright and continued to judge her selection.

"I was bored. I thought I'd arrange for a gangrape." She said absently as the remaining slaves suddenly realized what EXACTLY they were being judged for, hoping beyond what could be called hope on korriban that she wouldn't select them."

"We need to interrogate the watcher." He growled, "Moff Kane is already knocking down doors."

"Then break him and let's move on. No, Twi'leks are too obvious." she lazily waved away the twi'lek. "It's not OUR fault that there was a… misunderstanding. You worry too much brother. No."

"…Everything is falling apart." Whisper hissed under his breath as Gasp hesitated and gave him her attention. "Chant is gone and DYING. Silent is destroyed. Malisis is becoming more unstable. Perhaps dear sister we should cut our losses and find a new ally…"

"Yes because that worked so well all those years ago." She said, sounding bored. "First Seven. Then Five. Now it seems Three remain. Perhaps brother you should simply accept the NOW before worrying about the… future…" she cooed softly, a curvaceous human blonde woman shivering as their eyes met. "…Yes." She said pointing at her, the words hissed from her mouth as the women whimpered piteously. As the slave guards dragged her struggling, crying body away from the rest. "Take them back. I'm done." She said with a wave as the slaves silently gave thanks as Gasp's attention was taken from them.

"Worrying about the future is exactly why we are here sister."

"Which is why Lie left us in the holocron and let Command die." She said dismissively, "Yes dear brother you are right as usual."

"…Guidance betraying us was an unrealized risk."

"Lie, dear brother. His name was Lie." She said with a cheery wave, grabbing a nearby guard, a higher ranking one as he wasn't a slave. "Arrange for my selected… guests, to be taken to my chambers."

"Yes ma'am." He said with a salute before matching away.

"It wasn't. We have simply forgotten our names…"

"That's because our old selves are dead, and we are alive dear brother… now. Are we going to break that adorable little watcher or are you going to interrupt my playtime?"

Whisper's eyes flashed to the blonde woman, whimpering pathetically as the slave guards sternly dragged her along. "…why not both dear sister?" he said as Gasp blinked at the blonde woman and a manic grin stretched across her face.

"…Now why didn't I think of that?" she hissed to herself with a laugh.


"I don't know whether to be disappointed in you or proud." The haunting image of my father said as I looked away from his decayed face. He spent the last three days merely talking, scolding, yelling, constantly at me. I smell the decay on his breath, and could feel his hands clutch my face to force me to look at him. "…I think proud… but that's probably because those two sith haven't messed with your head in a while…" I closed my eyes, trying to shake him away.

"Shut up. You're not real."

"No. I'm not real. I'm in your head."

"You're not real. You're not real."

"You're right Orrin." He said softly, comfortingly, "I'm not real. They're manipulating you." He then leaned close to me, gazing into my face, forcing me to look at him. "And I'm only telling you this because you're resisting. Right now, I'm your mind trying to fight back. So, listen to me. Hold on. Keep holding on."

"You are NOT! HELPING!" I snarled, yanking my head out of his imaginary hand as he nodded.

He took a deep breath, sighing softly as he looked around the interrogation room. "… It's only a matter of time until they return and I'm torturing you again… why don't you tell me how they're doing it? I bet you have theories you were always a smart boy."

I took several breaths, not looking at him as I tried to will him away. Obviously, it wasn't working. "…They're both master manipulators. Whisper uses some sort of… Mind trick, but pulls on inner thoughts and fear, ambitions, and desires even I imagine with the Moffs he has in his pockets. Gasp amplifies emotions, so… greed, guilt, lusts obviously, overloading the mind. Giving off the illusion of seduction."

"Good." My 'father' praised, smiling horrifyingly at me. "…Although that coming from 'me' might just be your ego stroking yourself... his eyes flickered over my shoulder and he frowned. "…Times up." I felt a hand on my shoulder, "Speaking of stroking yourself. How does it feel to screw my sloppy seconds?"

I ignored him, well I tried to ignore him. But he just got closer, "Come on. Tell me." He sneered, "You probably can't feel anything with how loose she feels."

"I hate to interrupt… whoever I'm interrupting." Whisper said, walking through the spectral image of my father and standing before me. Dropping a holo imager before me, "But my sister has arranged a little event with your friend." He said. I blinked at him confused, more so than usual.

The image flickered to life as Haley was pushed forward. Arms bound behind her back she nervously looked around as men of various species began to surround her, she whimpered as their throbbing length rubbed against her face. She tried to stand, to resist but they held her firmly down. One of them grabbed her chin, forcing it open as he forcefully shoved his cock between her lips.

"NO!!" I struggled at my bindings, closing my eyes, I didn't want to watch this. But I felt my father's cold rotten fingers open my eyes and forced me to look.


"No! Please! MMph!" another thick cock was shoved between the pretty blonde's lips as he forcefully moved her head up and down. I watched delightedly as I began to rub my quickly dripping pussy.

"Gag! Glurp! COUGH!!" she was yanked roughly away as another man approached her, her hair firmly in his grip, "No…" she whimpered piteously as he roughly stuffed her mouth.

It would've been a simple thing to engorge her lust as I had with the rest of the 'participants'… but where was the fun in that? This little party was to serve multiple purposes after all. Entertaining me being the most important. With my dear brother's abilities that pretty little blonde would look exactly like our current guest's woman, the one who had escaped our grasp. No simple feat.

"Hey! I wasn't done with her!" hissed a man, pulling the slave off her current pacifier and shoving his cock down her throat, holding her firmly in place as he sighed. His testicals quivering as a thick torrent of seed burst from her mouth and down her chest. "Fuck." He grumbled, yanking out as she vomited his cum onto her lap. "Bitch swallow my seed!" he growled as he was shoved away by other men, two more taking his place around her as she whimpered.

I approached her, she gazed up at me piteously as I gripped her chin, aiming her toward the camera and smiling. Wiping loose droplets of cum on her face, "Smile." I said coolly as she wept, "Aw…" I sighed, "Too bad." I yanked her hair, we had braided it for just such a purpose and forced her mouth open. "Teach her to swallow…" I said as the men shivered around me, she struggled in my grip, but it was useless, the near dozen men's cocks surrounded her open mouth as her eyes widened in horror. One after another they jerked their loads into her mouth, she shook and shiver but I kept her in place as it slowly filled with seed.

"Better swallow." I laughed as she coughed and gagged, the last of the participants bursting a thick yellow load into her mouth. "Swallow or drown in cum." I ordered, pinching her nose as she squealed, "I'm okay with both." I grinned as she closed her eyes, and her mouth and desperately gulped the load down, gasping for breath as she opened it again. "See? You can do it if you try…" I praised, but she didn't look happy at my words. Oh well.

I released her as the men approached her again, I waved my hand and half a dozen of them were suddenly erect and ready, probing her face as she shivered in fear. "I want her pregnant boys; lucky daddy gets her all to himself for a night."

"No!" she screamed as she was yanked aside. If I listened carefully, I could hear the watcher making the same sound. "No please!" she begged piteously, but unfortunately, I don't listen to the pitiful. Sitting down and watching the show as her shapely ass was pulled off the ground, pierced almost immediately by one of the men as the rest stroked themselves in impatience.

"This bitch is tight!" he praised, smacking her ass loudly as she shrieked in pain. "Fuck I'm going to cum. I wanted to enjoy you more!" he hissed, gripping her hips firmly as he moved her up and down his cock like a ragdoll.

"No! Please! No!!!" he slammed balls deep into her, sighing happily as she froze. Her eyes widened in horror at the realization of what was happening to her.

"Its been so long…" he growled happily, they were all force sensitive slaves, selected for their connection to the force. He slid out of her, his cock useless and drained as he was shoved aside for another, a tall muscular slave with dark colored skin and a cock I was going to have to have a taste of later.

"Yeah. Now move and let the rest of us play…" he spread her ass cheeks as her pussy dribbled its previous invader's cum. "Don't blame us for this." He said philosophically before pushing deep into her, his thick meaty length stretching her like never before as she shrieked in pleasured pain. "But let us enjoy ourselves!"

"Oh force please no more!" she begged shivering as the thick cock rammed repeatedly inside her, she screamed in an unwanted orgasm as he pinned her down to the floor, ramming hard against her. He might have been 'hesitant' but he was certainly moving his hips like he meant it.

"Here it cums. Here it cums!" he declared, slapping her ass as he pushed against her body.

"NO!" she shrieked in vain as his balls trembled against her flesh, a thick torrent of seed burst from their connection as she twitched.

"Drain them big balls…" he grinned maliciously, slapping her ass as she shook. "Yeah… have my baby bitch I want another shot with you."

"I want my shot now! Move it!" hissed another man shoving the dark skinned one aside and already sliding inside her. she was limp now, unmoving as one, after another, their cocks ravaged her stiff body, she stared blankly into the wall, uncaring of the loads shot inside her again and again.

Once everyone had had their turn, she was still on the floor. A thick puddle of seed spilled from her used pussy and flooded between her legs. I walked up to her, placing a foot on her ass as I gave her a gentle shake. She still didn't move. I looked around briefly, spying two of the men with the biggest cocks.

The dark-skinned man, and a heavy set one. I gestured for them both to come closer, and they obeyed. "This one passed out ages ago. That's BORING." I told them, and she shivered under my words as my hands gripped their exhausted lengths. I gave them one firm stroke, lacing them with the force and my pheromones as they became erect once more. "Wake. Her. Up." I said firmly smacking her ass hard with one hand as the heavy-set man, looking pain. Grabbed her arm roughly, lifting her up.

She was limp in his grip, but he lifted her easily up in the air, spreading her legs as her pussy continued to drain cum onto the floor. Without waiting the dark-skinned man pierced into her pussy again, she hardly responded even as he began to ravage her, however, the heavy-set man's length began to probe her ass, and that elected a response. She shivered, and her eyes widened, looking around nervously she realized what was about to happen seconds before it did.

"NO!" she shrieked screaming as the man's thick length pushed up her ass. The sound hardened many of the men still watching. She body shaking like a doll's as they pounded in and out of her wildly, more concerned with their lust than anything us, especially how it felt to her. she pushed vainly against them, trying to extradite them from her body but they were too strong and too hungry. Her legs flapped like broken wings as she was spread further apart, suddenly clenching as they forced another orgasm through her body.

Suddenly all she was doing was screaming, she was joined by the heavy-set man in her ass as he pushed up into her. Releasing his seed as the dark-skinned sped up, growling like an animal as she shrieked on his ravaging cock.

"OOOHH!!!" he grabbed her hair and pushed, thrusting up deep inside as he released again, flooding her body with his thick cum as she struggled, two cock balls deep in her body were too much and she went limp again.

I licked my own juices from my hand as they casually dropped her to the floor in a crumpled heap. Her body twitched, then, hilariously, her mouth opened, and she swallowed loads spilled from her mouth as she convulsed, spasming in a pool of seed as I watched. Now. Normally I'd call that a job well done. But we still needed her.

I waved my hand again, and her eyes, wide and trembling watched as the surrounding cocks hardened. She wept, her tears mixing into her vomit and semen. I spread my legs and licked my lips as they loomed over her again, already cumming. Her screams of torment like a drug to my ears as my legs stiffened in orgasm. Gods I hope my brother was having as much fun as I was…


"Turn it off! Turn it OFF!!" I roared, watching as they violated my Haley again, and again. destroying her body as they impregnated her, stretched her ass, and stuffed her stomach with cum.

"Please it's nothing I hadn't done to her before." The specter of my father said, watching in intently. "…Hell this is actually kinda hot, I should've had her gang-banged when she was young and pretty. I don't know why they're enjoying themselves now, all that Chiss cock through the years must have really loosened her up."

"SHUT UP!!" I roared at him, Whisper, turned slightly to the specter, then returned his gaze to me. "SHUT! UP! You are even WORSE! NOW!" I shrieked at him, struggling against my bindings. Lifting the chair from the floor to kick away the holo-device of my Haley being raped to have it crash against the wall. "I will kill you!" I shrieked, charging at my father as he stood still. Crashing through him against the wall, my face bleeding. "I'll kill you…" I snarled, my mouth filled with blood.

"Dead. Orrin. I'm already dead." He said softly, watching me. "…Stay focused. Don't slip." He said gently as Whisper watched me almost hungrily. "Look at 'Haley' look at her." he said as my eyes focused on the device.

…That wasn't Haley, she had barely a passing resemblance to her… "WHISPER." I hissed, realizing what they were doing as I glared at the sith lord.

"Yes watcher?" he asked, almost kindly, "I can make it stop. All you have to do, is tell me what you know…" he said silkily, I could feel him worming his way into my mind again. Dad suddenly didn't look so kind anymore, the manipulation returning as he sighed.

"…Just tell him Orrin I want to head back to your mother. And the half dozen other secretaries to stupid to realize I wasn't to be toyed with. Unlike Haley, they stayed tight after I killed them."

He wasn't real. He wasn't REAL. "You are NOT REAL." I hissed, and remarkably he smirked, flicking slightly as Whisper frowned.

"…Disappointing." He said and raised her foot, stomping on my face and knocking me out…


"We are out of time." Malisis hissed to us as I watched her pass back and forth, Whisper looking ashamed and Gasp looking satisfied. She apparently had had a turn with the slaves. "Out of time!" she repeated, "Moff Tolara is coming HERE and she is bringing her sister and a star destroyer. More then happy to 'accidentally' blast us if we don't return the Watcher. Well? What did he tell you?"

"…Essentially nothing…" Whisper noted, "He was too strong."

Malisis hissed angrily and glared at me. Looking annoyed. "…Release him… lose him in the wastes. We'll say he went mad and escaped, plausible deniability."

"Indeed." Whisper grinned, feeling a little more confident than he should. "How were we to know he was a Watcher? He certainly didn't tell us anything." He said, bringing a smile to his sister's and Malisis' face. I rolled my eyes. This little cabal was becoming little more than a childish group, with a 'No Republic allowed' sign on the door.

I waved, confirming the order as I left. Malisis' words were the last thing I heard. "And Scream says he has a surprise for us. I DO hope it's Chant… it better be CHANT."

I strutted down the hall as other occupants parted before me. I reached the prison cells. The Watcher quietly lying on the floor as I entered. I kicked him lightly, as he moaned, and I knelt down, reaching into my robe and placing the device I was given next to him. It shimmered into life as the message played.

"Orrin. Stay alive. We'll be coming for you. Do what she…" Moff Tolara Kane paused for a moment, closing her eyes exasperatedly "…Sorry." She apologized to me. "But, do what she 'says'." It flicked off and Orrin turned towards me, eyes widening slightly in fear and surprise as my scarred mouth twitched into a 'friendly' smile.

Tap Tap Tap. Went my wrist. And for those who don't speak 'Bracer'

"Don't talk and do what I say."

End of Chapter.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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