52.89% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 137: Date Night: Killa

บท 137: Date Night: Killa

I don't own Star wars.

"Good work…" Babayaga grinned smarmily, eyeing the arm of the pirate formerly known as Captain Claw in her hand before she abruptly tossed it aside, letting it crash somewhere out of my sight as she grinned at me. "As promised… your payment." She snapped her fingers as a nearby majordomo began rapidly typing on his keypad.

"Done Madam." He said with an abrupt bow, and she smiled almost motherly at me.

"Your debt is paid." She said, "Enjoy your freedom young Firemane."

"My debt?" I asked a little surprised, "Did… did I owe you something?"

"You owed my son." Babayaga said calmly, "Torga. Your debt to him has been paid in full. You're free now." That was amazing news. And I couldn't help but feel the smile stretch across my face, she returned it, but a little more smug. "Now I imagine you have many things you wish to do." She brushed me away with her hand, smoking her pipe with a knowing grin. "Go celebrate with your females." She smiled.

…Oh… right I just remembered something. I owe Killa a date now… which in my head meant dinner, a movie, and some alone time. But not KIlla… Killa wasn't your average girl that wanted to be treated nicely to an evening. She'll probably want to shoot something or someone…

"Firemane? Are you unwell?" the big Hutt said coolly as if pondering if she should have me forcibly removed.

"…Uh… Madam? My Lady?" I began, not quite finding the right words for the slug gangster, "…Can I… make a small request?" I began as a rather stupid for me, but fun for Killa idea popped into my head.

And… it turns out, it was a rather fun idea for Babayaga as she granted my request.

I broke the news to the others, they took it well…

"PARTY!!!" shouted Rattletrap as he leaped onto the table and popped a bottle of what I assume to be champagne as he poured it into mugs and glasses on the table as we took one and toasted to all our hard work.

Nike kissed my cheek as she began to drink with Seis and Barradowwa. Killa watched Rattletrap dance with X-E with an amused look on her face turned to me as I took her hand and led her out of the kitchen. "Well Captain…" she said smugly, clinking my glass with hers, "What do we do now?"

"…Well…" I began, handing her a datapad. "…I believe I owe you a 'date night' right? You won the contest?"

"Indeed I did…" she said curiously, reading the datapad. Slowly, but surely her, utterly beautiful face, stretched into a smile… then she laughed, looking at me almost hopeful. "Right now?"

I nodded slowly as she smiled, turning back into the kitchen. "We'll be back in the morning!" she said as they cheered, taking my hand and hurrying into the crew's quarters, letting me help her armor up.

…I put a bounty on my head… well Babayaga did. One night only, from now until sunrise (about 8 hours) Nar Shaddaa was a hunting ground for me. 100,000 credits on my head for anyone who can beat Green-Eyed Killa and take me to Babayaga. And since Babayaga had camera's everywhere on Nar Shaddaa she could watch the whole thing.

I realized I was right to do this as Killa reloaded her tri-barrel blaster and tested the switchblade-like gauntlets. She much preferred this to dinner and dancing.

"My father had an old Safehouse in District F, four districts from here…" she said, unable to stop herself from smiling. "If we can get there from here we can bunker down for the rest of the night."

"Okay…" I said nervously as she took my hand, raised my arms, and dropped a blaster-resistant vest on me. Something Rattletrap patched up. I didn't trust it but it seemed appropriate. "You're the boss."

"This is going to be fun!" she giggled in Ryl as she pulled up her tri-barrel blaster and fired into a Gran's hand his stun blaster spiraling away as he clutched at his bloody wrist. Her boot crashed into his three-eyed face sending him crashing into a wall as she led me down several alleyways. Dozens of speeders suddenly erupted into the night and obvious bounty hunters began to take to the streets.

"You are my best friend ever!" she smiled happily at me, pressing me against the cold steel wall, "Stay here for a moment." she noted, darting around the corner to the sounds of screams and blaster fire. She soon returned slamming a human bounty hunter's head against the wall as he groaned, "Okay. I'm done. Come on." She took my hand again, almost kindly as she led me on, past several broken, but still alive, bodies. A few blocks and honestly it felt like a date… then it was ruined by half a dozen Duros. Then Killa disabled them, blood and broken she dusted her hands as I stared at her.

"…You're not killing them." I said, more surprised than anything as she watched me.

"…I thought you wouldn't approve…" she said, curb-stomping a duros and knocking him out. "Considering you'd set all this up. If I killed any of them it would be… and pardon me for saying it. Your fault."

I realized that but honestly, this was about her. She could do what she wanted… however before I could tell her that she grabbed my hand and we ran on. "Time to leave." She smiled as several speeders suddenly swivel around the corners and began coming at us. But she took us down an alleyway where they couldn't follow us directly so after one of them crashed, the rest went around.

We slid against the wall as she scouted ahead, she returned. "…There's a lot." She smiled manically, "…You're very popular" she teased with a grin.

Normally I would be concerned about this. But strangely… Killa was keeping me calm. I was questioning my sanity at how stupid this bounty thing was, sure. But knowing that Killa was protecting me let me feel invincible. "What do we do?" I asked as she began to think, absently rubbing her lekku in thought.

"…Come on." She said, leading me back for a moment and finding a tunnel vent. "Droids normally go in these…" she said, blasting the hatch open and climbing in. "But we won't be in here long. Stay close."

Together we crawled through several tight tunnels, occasionally Killa would check a datapad on her wrist and we'd go in another direction, but then rolling over, she blasted open a vent above her and crawled out. Taking my hand and dragging me with her as she looked around and smiled. "…Well there's a familiar face…"

…Tagler. He was leaning absently against a speeder, smoking a cigarette outside a skin bar. He looked good… even as Killa's hand wrapped tightly around his neck and she wrapped him in a headlock. "Fukin ell!?" he gagged softly, slapping at Killa's arms in vain, "What're yeh… oi fuk…" he grumbled, recognizing me instantly and looking at Killa over his shoulder, "Oi! Oi! I didn't want notin to dea with dat bountie! I just want'ed to spend som time wit ma bird!

"Oh… good. Then you won't mind me borrowing your speeder codes?" Killa grinned dangerously at him.

"…Ah fuk…" he moaned, handing us the codes…

The wind blew past my face as we gained ground towards Killa's safehouse, even engaging in quick speeder on speeder combat with a crew of weequay… apparently, Killa had done it before because she took them out no problem, sending their speeder burning into the vast pits of Nar Shaddaa.

"We got more…" I noted as she handed me the tri-barrel blaster with a smile and spun the speeder violently between a collection of buildings as I fired almost automatically at the two speeders following us. I got the driver of one, and he spiraled into the other as they crashed hard into the durasteel walls of the alleyway… and we were away with a laugh…

Literally crashing Tagler's speeder into a wall we sped off through a warehouse, once we reached the other side she led me near a stairwell that led to the lower levels, before taking me into a small cleaning closet.

"So… is this BLackjaw's saferoom?" I asked, pressed firmly against her toned body as she knocked hard on the all, looking for something.

"Close." She said, "…Where is... here we go." She heard a rather hollow knock before pushing hard against it. It popped open revealing with a hiss an eye-reader that she looked into. A green ray of light scanned her eye, and the inner wall of the closet opened, revealing a hidden door that opened as well. A small room revealed itself, about the size of the hold back on the ship. There was a small bed, and several screens on the wall that booted to life as we entered, revealing several locations from alleyways to the stairwell itself.

"…He built this?" I asked surprised, hesitantly stepping away from a collection of weaponry stored on the wall by the entrance.

"No. A Ugnought built it then he killed the ugnought…" she replied, closing the door behind us as the wall re-hid itself. I watched the screens for a moment as bounty hunters scrambled all around the cameras, some even picking fights with each other as they searched for us. "Blackjaw appropriated it. Only he and I know of… it…" she frowned for a moment, eyeing a bare cabinet on the wall. It had a few scraps of food and water, but it was obvious it was supposed to have much more. But putting that out of her mind she sat down in front of the screens. Smiling slightly as she slapped the bed, "You can rest. We're quite safe. There's even a bathroom if you wish to wash off."

However it was at that moment that my com began to ring, so I answered. Naturally, it was Nike looking extremely concerned.

"Roland! Thank gods! There's a bounty on your head and-"

"Yeah. I know Nike, look take the ship and get off planet for about…" I checked the clock in a corner of the screen. "Six hours? It will only be up for a limited time. I'm with Killa and we're hiding out…"

She stared at me, still concerned but I gave her a small smile. "It'll be fine. Just take care of yourselves and I'll see you in six hours when the bounty is up."

"…Okay." She said hesitantly, "Stay safe okay?"

"Okay." I replied as she signed off, I sat down on the bed. Watching the screens as a dozen hunters began to argue a little more violently. "…Wow there are a lot of them." I said, watching them scramble.

Killa smiled at me, "…Well you're worth it… this is the most fun I've had in a long time." She giggled sweetly, "You give the best presents."

I laughed lightly, "…Well… I figured you'd prefer this over some fancy dinner."

"And I do!" she smiled, leaning over me as I lay back on the bed. "I'm very appreciative." She cooed, her lips pressing gently against mine. "…Six hours you said?" she asked, her armor casually tossed into a neat pile on the floor as she stripped herself, and soon me.

"I… did say that." I noted, my hands running slowly up her waist as I helped her remove her shirt. Revealing her firm green breasts as she cradled my face in her hands, pulling me to her lips as she dropped onto me.

She moaned hungrily into my mouth, I stroked her lekku as she shivered on top of me, her tongue probing firmly between my lips. "…I do like your taste…" she said, suddenly pulling away and stepping off the bed. Her pants dropped abruptly to the floor as she walked towards what could only be the bathroom. Glancing over her shoulder seductively at me as her naked body disappeared inside it.

I naturally followed her, struggling to remove my clothes as she led me into a rather small shower, the water cascading down her body as she shivered at the cold, her nipples hardening at the temperature as I pressed against her, my rapidly hardening erection rubbing against her lower lips as I embraced her upper ones with my own again.

Her body was slick and shiny in the cold water. Our hands thoroughly explored each other as I groped her toned muscular body. "…Come to me." She said softly, "I need it." She raised one leg slightly, and I lifted it the rest of the way as my length rubbed against her entrance before slowly pushing into her, she hissed softly as her warmth counteracted the cold water, "Mmn…" she moaned, gazing into my eyes smugly as she grinned, "Such a good fit." She was so tight, she really was a good fit. Her body rhythmically squeezed me as I slowly began to move, her hips thrusting forwards to meet me.

"Killa…" I said simply, pressing my lips to hers as I kept penetrating her, stroking her smooth lekku as she shivered erotically against the wall, tightening around me as I began to lick her wet headtails.

"Uh! Ah!" she quivered, her emerald green eyes rolling as she came, "Roland." She hissed suddenly, pulling my hips to hers and holding me close. "Wait! Wait…" she repeated, breathing heavily as I slowed down. Her body rapidly shook as she silently came, slowly smiling at me. "…Harder…" she demanded, and I obeyed.

The water had gotten warmer, but not nearly as warm as her pussy as she clenched around my throbbing length. Encouraging me to go harder, rougher, her whole-body trembling wildly as the water splashed everywhere with our movements.

Soon enough I approached my release, pinning her roughly to the wall as I heard her ass slap against it with each deep stroke. "Put it all the way inside me." She snarled, "Give me your cum Roland!" she roared raking my back with her fingers as I pumped her full of seed. "Yes… I can feel you filling me." She praised, groping her breasts as she looked down at our connection, my cock pulsing thick human seed inside her. She smirked, rubbing her muscled stomach fondly as I slowly pulled out.

I took her face in my hands and kissed her. she giggled into my mouth but returned it, gently rubbing my back as I pulled away. Well, our lips parted but my hands insisted on remaining close. Wrapped around her body and firmly gripping her rear I pulled her to me, letting the water shine her body further.

"…Well captain…" she said softly, a rather fond look in her emerald eyes as she watched me, "…I hope you have enough stamina for another five hours…" her smooth, wet legs suddenly clamped around my cock, her thighs rubbing me slowly back to life as she watched me, "…I still want more." She suddenly jumped as I began to rub my cock against her on my own, smiling rather confidently.

"…Turn around Killa." I demanded, as she turned carefully in place, I pressed her chest against the wall and pulled her ass out to me. I spread her cheeks, gazing fondly at her holes as I began to prod her pussy with my cock again, pushing firmly inside her as she hissed lovingly.

"MMMnn!" she whimpered fondly, shivering in place as I forcefully pressed my hips against her supple green rear. "Oh My Captain… are you going to assault me from behind? How cunning of you…" I took her hands in my, lifting them higher on the wall as I pulled out, and roughly went back in, slamming her repeatedly as I kissed her lekku. "Oh! ROLAND!" she moaned loudly over the cascading water, "Harder! Make me feel it!"

"I'm the captain." I said rather firmly, letting go of her hands as they clawed down the wall in pleasure, "I give the orders." I groped her breasts, squeezing them firmly as they shook with my thrusts, in fact her whole body shook. I enjoyed her soft chest for a few moments longer, before naturally, they went to her lekku, stroking them with my fingers and lips as she screamed in pleasure, orgasming against me as she tightened unimaginably.

"Scorekeeper! Fuck! ME!" she praised wildly, shivering beneath me as I pounded her harder, gripping her waist and holding her up as she slid down to the shower floor.

"Cum for me Killa! Cum for me!" I ordered, as she violently writhed against me.

"I-I'm CUMMING!!" she squealed, "Scorekeeper I'm cumming!" she clenched up, and I finished. Thrusting into her and pinning her to the floor as she shrieked into the pooling water, clawing at the tiles as she curled up beneath me.

I let my seed spill deep into her body, sighing contentedly as I pulsed another thick load into her. I pulled up her climaxing body, kissing her from behind as she spasmed just a few more times. "…You… are amazing…" I whispered, stroking her lekku: with each gentle touch her pussy tightened briefly around me.

She stroked my face carefully, gazing into my eyes. "…If I told you I loved you… would you believe me?" she asked.

"…Yeah." I replied, looking at her confused, "…Why wouldn't I?"

She just smiled at me, "…Because I want you to take me into that bedroom and put your children into me." She said, like an animal in heat. "I want at least two." She said as she felt my cock harden at the idea. Unintentionally actually, because I thought I was too young for kids… but her pussy was very persuasive.

She practically skipped back into the bedroom, dropping onto her back as her legs went up and spread eagled before me. She grabbed her legs beneath the knees, holding her legs up as I approached, crawling over her as she grinned, licking her lips as she watched me. "Fuck me like I'm NIKE…" she said with a possessive growl as she wrapped her legs around me, pulling me deep inside her as she stroked her lekku. "Fuck me hard…" she moaned as the bed shook beneath us, "Fuck me deep!" the bed creaked and cracked as I pounded into her, groping her chest and kissing her as she firmly stroked her lekku like she was giving them a handjob, wave after wave of pleasure surging through her as my cock slid easily into her tunnel.

Her back suddenly arched as she came, thrusting up against me as I gripped her ass and pulled her up and onto me. She rode me as her breasts bounced and her lekku shook, her ass clapping against my lap as I thrust up into her, her hands caressing my chest as I rubbed her ass. "I'm cumming." I declared, pulling her down onto me firmly and holding her close as I moved rapidly inside her, "Here! It! Cums!" I shouted with a growl, smacking her ass for emphasis as she screamed. My load rushed into her as I slapped her ass down hard, squeezing it firmly as my cock finished up.

We kissed again, it just came naturally as I stroked her lekku now… she rolled off me, draping her arm and leg onto my exhausted body as we caught out breath. She giggled, her Ryl accent more prominent as she cooed in my ear.

"…Now that… was just as fun Roland…" she smiled, licking my ear gently as she snuggled against me. I pulled her close as she giggled, I rolled on top of her, kissing her possessively as the words just flowed off my tongue.

"…I love you Killa…" I moaned contentedly. She smiled, and pulled my back to her lips, making sure I stayed there for a good long while….

Before she finally answered "…Well obviously…" with a knowing grin, before continuing our lip lock.

End of Chapter.


"HA HA HA!!" Babayaga laughed as a dozen bounty hunters were taken out by Killa. "This is better than my shows!"

I watched rather bored for a moment, twirling my purple hair in my fingers as my cute nephew ran for his life through a gauntlet of hunters. "So how come I didn't get the contract to?" I asked as Bagayaga snarfed down a live bug of some sort. Naturally, using the Hutt Bounty Service, it would've gone out to all the Contract Coms normally.

"…I may or may not have ordered that the contracts be sent to people who work for my current 'rival'…" she noted, saying 'Rival' with a dismissive spat before wiping her lips with the back of her hand. "Every single one of those fools?" she said, gesturing to a bleeding weequay, "Is working for Altora…" she smiled at me rather smugly, "Or is under the suspicion of working for her. Either way…" she rested herself on her throne, watching the screens with great relish. "I still win…" she laughed, "This was worth every Credit!" she laughed again as a speeder crashed.

I shrugged, chuckling a little bit as my nephew took out a couple of hunters. He was turning out a lot like his daddy… I wonder if he's got the family libido? But I'll have to find out another time, I imagine the boys in black armor might want to have a little fun when the show's over, and boy, they are like his daddy too.


Not that she's had 'fun' with her half-brother, she just listened to the rumors spread around by that Busty Chiss Barmaid she once met... intimately. But maybe his Son might be more malleable.

End of Bonus

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