40% RWBY: I Need to Cheat on My Girlfriend / Chapter 16: The Hangover - R18

บท 16: The Hangover - R18

Author's Note: Just a reminder that my writing skills are on the level of a poorly written porno movie. In fact, while writing this message, I thought of doing the classic pizza scene with someone who can't pay, hahaha! Now I just need to decide who will be the delivery person...


[Unknown Location - 7:00 AM]

Yang slowly opens her eyes, feeling the constant pounding in her head. "Ugh... how much did I drink last night?" she thinks as the bitter taste of alcohol still burns her throat. She brings a hand to her forehead, trying to steady herself, and starts looking around.

The ceiling, the walls, the sheets... none of it looks familiar. "Great, where the hell did I end up now?"

Carefully, she tries to move her body, but something stops her. Oh no... She glances to the side and, indeed, she's naked. As if that weren't revealing enough, someone is sleeping next to her.

Yang smiles with a hint of amusement despite the situation. "Well, well... looks like I haven't lost my touch." A brief sense of pride washes over her. The Xiao Long charm strikes again, she tells herself, giving herself a mental pat on the back.

"Let's see who the lucky one is...", she murmurs with curiosity as she slowly lifts the sheet to take a look at her night's conquest.

As soon as she sees him, all her confidence crumbles. "Oh, shit!" Her eyes widen, and as quickly as she lifted the sheet, she covers him back up. "This can't be happening...", she thinks with her heart racing.

The guy has brown skin and his white hair makes him unmistakable. It's Ruby's damn guy! Yang's smile fades faster than it had appeared, and her stomach churns. "Oh no, no, no, no... This can't be happening!" Ruby is going to kill her... literally.

Yang feels panic take over her as nausea rises in her throat. If a hole opened up in the ground right then, she would dive in without a second thought. Biting her lip, she tries to stifle the scream that's about to escape her mouth. The last thing she needs is to wake him up.

'Shit, Yang! Shit! What have you done?', she tells herself as she starts devising her escape plan.

She carefully slides her body out of bed, hoping he doesn't wake up. She grabs her clothes from the floor and her gloves, trying to be as stealthy as a mouse and not make a fuss. Once she has everything in hand, she exits the room without looking back.

She descends the stairs as quickly and quietly as possible. As she steps out onto the street, the cool air hits her face, and without a second thought, she starts running. She has no idea where she's going, but she runs. The blocks pass by as her mind races, trying to process what just happened.

'Ruby is going to kill me. She's going to destroy me... How the hell did this happen?' Finally, she veers into an alley, leaning against a wall as she tries to control her breathing. Her heart is racing, and no matter how hard she tries to calm down, she can only think about how screwed she is.

'What the hell am I going to tell Ruby?' Yang thinks as she runs her hands through her hair, feeling panic consume her. What if she finds out? I need to think of something quickly... Maybe I don't have to say or do anything... Yeah, that's it. Maybe the date went wrong and she's no longer interested. Maybe they'll never see each other again. Yang desperately tries to believe her lie.

Please, Ruby, tell me it all went wrong and now you hate him. Come on, for once, let there be something in his favor.

Yang's scroll vibrates, pulling her out of her thoughts. She looks at it, feeling a wave of panic wash over her. Oh no, please don't let it be... But there it is: [Ruby: 42 unread messages].

'How the hell did she find out so quickly?' Yang thinks, panic overtaking her. She stands frozen, unsure whether to open the messages or not. Her hands tremble as she finally decides to open them. 'It can't be that bad... right?'

Yang starts reading the messages, but there are too many, so she decides to focus on the ones that seem most important.


'Oh no, oh no... please Ruby, tell me that everything went wrong,' Yang thinks as her heart races.

Message 12: The date didn't go well and we ended up being chased by guards.

"Yes! Thank you, brother gods!" Yang says, raising her arms to the heavens, feeling a renewed wave of hope. There's still salvation!

Yang continues to read the messages quickly.

Message 25: "But in the end, everything worked out and now... WE'RE DATING!"

"Shit!" Yang exclaims, hitting the alley wall with such force that cracks form. "Shit, shit, shit!"

'At least she doesn't know I was with him tonight.' She keeps reading the messages, her panic growing more and more.

Message 36: "YANG! Daniel said he found you in bad shape in an alley and took you to his apartment. PLEASE, YANG, DON'T CAUSE TROUBLE. Don't ruin this for me, please."

Yang doesn't know what to do anymore. 'Now she knows I was with him last night.'

Message 42: "Yang, are you awake? You didn't blow up his apartment, did you?"

Yang lets the scroll drop and slides down the alley wall, feeling completely frozen. '… … What did I do last night?'

Memories begin to invade her mind like fragments of a night she would rather forget.


Yang is lying in the alley, drunk and depressed. Daniel approaches. "Are you Yang, right? Let me help you," he says, concerned. "I texted Ruby to let her know you're okay." Daniel helps her up and takes her to his apartment.


Another memory. Yang is cornering Daniel against the wall, kissing him. He resists. "Yang, stop! I'll tell Ruby," he pleads. 'Oh gods, no...' Yang turns paler with each memory.


"Yang, I have a girlfriend, you can't do this!" says Daniel, but Yang doesn't stop.


 Another memory. Yang drags Daniel to the bed, climbing on top of him. Daniel pleads. Yang, it's not too late, we can pretend this never happened. And then the memories stop.

Yang could have a panic attack at that moment. She stands frozen, the weight of what she has done crashing down on her. "What have I done? What have I done?!" she screams, with no idea how to fix it.


[Now what really happened yesterday]

*10 hours earlier...*


[Daniel's Apartment - 9:00 PM] "How do I look?" Daniel asks, doing an exaggerated spin in front of the mirror as he adjusts his blonde wig and puts on some dark sunglasses. He's wearing a sleeveless shirt, a completely different style from his usual attire.

Aegis, his trusted companion and only friend in this world, watches him from the sofa and lets out a squeak. "You look more ridiculous than usual," Aegis responds indifferently.

Daniel frowns but doesn't let it discourage him. He's not going to give Aegis the satisfaction of knowing that his comments hurt him.

"Why do you need all that?" Aegis asks, curious.

"It's to avoid being recognized," Daniel explains, as if his plan were foolproof. "Just in case, you know."

"Uh-huh, sure. Because nothing says 'going unnoticed' like a yellow wig and sunglasses that cover half your face."

Daniel ignores the comment and gives himself a final check before heading out. Meanwhile, Aegis, who has had enough, heads towards Daniel's laptop.

"What are you doing?" Daniel asks as he sees him.

"I'm doing what you said, I'm going to learn how to use this thing you call a 'computer'," Aegis says, walking on his paws across the room. He jumps agilely onto the table, landing right on the keyboard and starting to pound on the keys randomly.

"Do you even know how to read?" Daniel asks, confused by what he's doing.

"No, but I'll learn," Aegis replies calmly, continuing to type.

Daniel, not very hopeful that his friend will achieve anything productive, shrugs and leaves the apartment headed for the party district.


[Party District - 10:00 PM]

Daniel strolls through the streets of the party district, observing the bars and clubs around him, evaluating his options. Some places are livelier than others, but he isn't looking for anything specific. He stops in front of a bar with a flashy sign. "Guys' night. Guys drink free!" he reads aloud with a smile. "This world is improving."

Just as he's about to enter, something catches his eye in the nearby alley: a yellow stain on the ground. He decides to ignore it and keeps walking, but there's something about that image that seems oddly familiar and makes him turn back.

As he approaches, there she is: Yang, lying on the ground in the alley. He recognizes her instantly: Ruby's sister, with her distinctive blonde hair and large breasts. He remembers seeing her when he met Ruby and then in the photos Ruby showed him during their second date.

In her hand, a half-empty bottle of whiskey.

Daniel crouches, looks at her more closely, and lets out a sigh of resignation.


[Vale Streets – Yang, 8:00 PM]

Yang walks through the streets of Vale, hands in her pockets, letting out a sigh of frustration. She would have liked to follow her sister, spy on her during that date to make sure everything goes well, but unfortunately, she has other things to do tonight. Ruby will have to manage on her own... 'She'll be fine after all, she's my sister. She can handle this,' she thinks as she continues walking.

[Unknown Bar – Yang, 8:30 PM]

Arriving at the doors of a bar she's never been to before, a mischievous smile appears on her face. She's heard this place is known for having information, if you know how to ask for it. Bars are always great for finding out information... and getting a few drinks. Yang enters confidently and heads to the bar as if it were her own place.

"A drink of the best you have," she says, resting her elbow on the bar and winking at the bartender.

The man looks her up and down, clearly doubtful. "Aren't you a bit young to be here?"

Yang rolls her eyes, amused. "Yeah, sure... I said a drink," Yang insists with a more authoritative tone.

 Before the bartender can respond, a guard approaches, placing her hand on Yang's shoulder in a warning gesture. "Alright, kid. It's time for you to leave."

Yang turns her head, looks at her with a smile, and replies, "Of course, but after I get what I came for."

With a swift move, Yang delivers a punch that sends the guard flying across the room, crashing into the wall with a loud thud that silences everyone in the bar.

The bartender, who is serving another drink, freezes with the bottle in hand. Yang gives him a determined look. "Leave it," she says, pointing at the bottle. The man immediately lets it go, leaving it on the bar without a word.

Before Yang can enjoy her drink, more guards arrive running, ready to intervene. Yang turns with a confident smile, cracking her knuckles.

 What follows is total chaos. Yang knocks out the guards one after another, sending them flying around the room like ragdolls. Tables break, bottles smash on the floor, and screams fill the bar.

Finally, a burly woman, clearly the boss of the place, appears with an angry expression on her face. Yang smiles upon seeing her. "Are you the one in charge here? Perfect, we can get this over with quickly."

The woman wastes no time and goes on the attack. They exchange blows for a few minutes, but eventually, Yang subdues her, pinning her to the floor. "Now... let's get to the important part," she says, pulling out her scroll and showing a photo of a woman with black hair and red eyes. "I'm looking for this person. Do you know her?"

The boss looks at her angrily but shakes her head. "I've never seen her in my life."

Yang sighs, disappointed after being sure the boss is telling the truth. "Great... all this mess for nothing," she says, standing up and releasing the woman. She has nothing left to do there.

She approaches the bar, grabs the bottle the bartender left earlier, and murmurs, "Well, at least this wasn't a total loss," taking it with her. Before leaving, she takes a glance at the destruction she's caused in the bar: shattered tables, unconscious guards, and a boss still lying on the floor. "Oops," she says with a smirking smile before walking out the door, leaving a trail of damage in her wake. Yang walks through the streets of Vale, drinking straight from the bottle, not caring about what she's left behind. 'Another day, another bar...'


[Alley – Yang, 10:00 PM]

Yang is lying in an alley in the middle of the night, staring at a nearly empty bottle. "Great, now I even look like Qrow," she mutters, a bit annoyed with herself.

She sits in silence for a while, questioning what she's doing. "Am I really searching for this woman?" she thinks, balancing the bottle in her hand. "I already have Summer at home; I don't need this woman." But even though she doesn't want to admit it, she's still looking for answers.

She looks at the bottle. "I shouldn't have drunk so much, but I'm tired of not finding anything." She realizes she can't go back home like this; Summer would definitely scold her.

"Maybe I can find a cheap hotel and stay there... then I'll just make up that I stayed at a friend's house. If I say it confidently, they'll probably believe me." She pulls out her scroll and sees 38 messages from Ruby. "Either the date went really well or it was a disaster..."

Just as she's about to open the messages, she feels someone push her with their foot.

"What the hell...?" she says, turning her head to see who it is.

"Hey, you still alive?" the guy asks, gently nudging Yang with his foot. "If you're not, it's going to cost me a lot of points with Ruby."

He leans over her, observing her with curiosity. Yang looks at him, noting his features: dark skin, blonde hair, sunglasses, and a shirt that reveals his muscular arms and chest. Not bad... a bit of fun wouldn't hurt, she thinks, feeling a vague interest. He seems familiar, but she can't quite place him. It's odd that I'd forget a guy like this... Maybe I drank too much.

Better play along... He shouldn't find out that I don't remember his name, Yang reflects while flashing a smile.

"Hi," Yang says in a relaxed tone. "Sorry for being in this state. Did you mention something about Ruby?"

"Yes," the mysterious guy replies, pulling out his scroll. "I'm sending her a message, telling her that I found you."

"No! You can't..." Yang tries to stand up quickly but barely manages to stay upright before staggering.

"Don't worry, I already told her to make up an excuse for your mom," he comments, still looking at his scroll. "Helping her sister will make me look good, I hope."

Yang tries to process what he's saying. "I don't understand," she murmurs in confusion.

"It's okay, you're too drunk to understand what I'm saying," he says with a smile. "Look, she's already replied."

"What does she say?" Yang asks, still somewhat disoriented.

"She said not to cause me too many problems, ha." The guy laughs. Ruby has gotten bolder since she got a date. She'll pay me back later, Yang thinks.

He offers his hand to help her up. "I'll deal with that later," Yang murmurs as she accepts his hand and stands up with his help.

"Where are you taking me, adventurous guy?"

"I'm taking you to a cheap hotel or my apartment. You decide."

Looks like the night is getting better, Yang thinks. This guy is quite bold; I like it.

"Your apartment," she says without thinking. "I'd rather not spend money," she adds, the first lie that comes to mind.

They walk through the streets of Vale until they reach their destination. He lives in an apartment in the city center. They climb some stairs and stop for a moment. Yang watches him argue with a faunus rabbit woman. After a while, he makes a vulgar gesture and ignores her. Yang can't help but laugh at the situation; it seems very funny to her.

When they enter, Yang takes a good look around. It's quite decent, with several exercise machines—basically a mini gym—and an empty aquarium. As she looks around, she hears some noises and turns her head to see... a colorful lobster typing on a keyboard. Yep, I definitely overdid it with the drinks, Yang thinks, looking at the nearly empty bottle she still has in her hand.

She shakes it a bit and ends up spilling liquor on the mysterious guy.

"Sorry," she says with a drunken smile.

He laughs with an exasperated chuckle. "Hahaha." He pulls her over to the couch and drops her onto it.

Yang wants to apologize a bit more but is left speechless when she sees what's happening in front of her. He begins to take off his dirty shirt and tosses it into a bin, revealing his bare torso.

This went from 0 to 100 real quick, Yang thinks, smiling. "Mom warned me about guys like you. I hoped she was right!" she says to the mysterious guy as she stands up and straightens herself.

He turns to face Yang, only to find himself cornered against the wall by her. With his back against the wall and Yang's hand pressing on it, their gazes meet, intense and locked on each other.


[Daniel's Apartments – Daniel, 11:00 PM]

Daniel is pinned between Yang and the wall. This would be great if I had a domination fetish, he thinks, but unfortunately, I don't. I could do it with Yang, yes, but tomorrow her sister will find out, and this would be the shortest relationship of all time. Not worth it. Better to find someone else to fool her.

"You're cute," Daniel says, maintaining his composure as he gives her a few light pats on the cheek. "But I already have a girlfriend."

"That's fine, I don't mind," Yang replies indifferently. "Besides, can your girlfriend do this?"

Before Daniel can respond, Yang leans in and kisses him. She presses her soft lips against his, opening her mouth so their tongues meet, forcefully invading his mouth.

When they pull apart, Daniel looks at her seriously. "No," he replies. In his mind, he thinks, 'Well, at least I tried...'

Daniel uses his [Siren's Voice] ability and says softly, "Stop, Yang... or I'll tell your sister." However, instead of stopping her, the ability seems to increase Yang's arousal, who takes it as an invitation to continue.

Yang starts exploring Daniel's torso more confidently, her fingers sliding over his firm, well-defined abs, enjoying every contour. Each stroke of her hand makes Daniel's muscles tense slightly, a response Yang finds exciting. Her hands travel up to his pecs, feeling the tense muscle under his skin.

Receiving no resistance from him, Yang decided to continue her playful game. With a seductive smile, she began to unbutton her blouse, letting it slide off and fall to the floor. Her bare torso was exposed, and her large breasts moved freely.

Daniel, responding to the contact, raised a hand and began to play with one of Yang's breasts. His fingers glided over the soft skin, feeling her excitement grow with each caress. Yang let out a soft moan of pleasure, her chest quivering under his touch.

With a muffled "Ahn," Yang kissed him again with intensity, their lips meeting in a fiery kiss. Their tongues intertwined in a chaotic dance of wetness, the sound of their moist contact blending with their ragged breaths. Both hands explored each other's bodies with increasing eagerness, moans and whispers of pleasure filling the air.

Yang, determined to go further, let her hands slide towards Daniel's pants. She unfastened the button, exposing his erection. The size and hardness of his member surprised her, but she didn't lose control.

Daniel, for his part, stopped playing with her breasts and lowered his hand to Yang's shorts. He unfastened the button and slid his fingers directly into her wet, throbbing pussy. Yang let out a deep moan, feeling her femininity shudder under his touch. "Uhn" escaped her lips as he explored her warm, tight heat, the sound of their movements blending with her ragged breathing.

The rhythm between them quickly grew, approaching climax. The moans of pleasure and the wetness increased with each touch, each caress. Yang stroked Daniel's hard cock, while he explored her tight pussy with his fingers, feeling her femininity quiver under his contact. Normally, Yang's experience would give her the upper hand, making her partner cum first, but this time it was different. The situation was far from under her control.

As they continued kissing, Daniel took the opportunity to activate his [Aphrodisiac Essence] ability. The moment the power hit her, Yang felt a burst of pleasure course through her body like a lightning bolt. Explosive pleasure brought her to climax instantly. She pulled away from the kiss, tilting her head back, letting out a loud moan of pleasure. Her legs trembled, and she took a step back, away from Daniel, completely shocked by the intensity of the orgasm. She had never let out such a moan; she felt embarrassed, thinking that Daniel should have been in her position, not her.

Daniel, looking at her with a mischievous smile, observed his fingers coated in Yang's fluids. " Well, well… it seems the great Yang Xiao Long has a very short fuse in more ways than one. Want to continue or would you prefer I cuddle you while you sleep?" As he said this, he brought one of his fingers, covered in Yang's juices, to his mouth, savoring it. His words hit Yang where it hurt most, her pride.

Without saying a word, Yang grabbed him by the hand and dragged him towards the bedroom. With a kick, she opened the door, damaging it. Daniel, looking at the broken door, glared at her with anger and said, "You're a fucking animal! It wasn't even closed!"

Yang completely ignored him and shoved him forcefully onto the bed. She quickly removed her clothes, throwing them into a corner roughly. She was about to order him to take off his pants, but Daniel had already taken the lead, undressing quickly. "What are you waiting for?" Daniel said with an arrogant smile. "Do you need me to show you how to do it?"

Frustrated by being treated like a novice, Yang climbed on top of him. Aligning her dripping vaginal entrance with Daniel's hard erection. "I don't need instructions," she murmured and dropped down abruptly, impaling herself completely to the base in one motion, letting out a deep moan of satisfaction as her body adjusted to the intrusion.

When she looked back at him, Daniel was watching her with no hint of shame or shyness. He barely let out a moan, and his gaze was arrogant. Yang grabbed his wrists firmly and started moving her hips quickly, riding him hard. The juices from her pussy soaked Daniel's hard cock, covering it with a layer of fluids as she looked him straight in the eye, maintaining eye contact.

Muffled moans escaped Yang's lips as she strained to break him, feeling the pleasure intensify with each thrust. The wetness and heat of her entrance mixed with the wet sound of their bodies colliding.

Daniel enjoyed watching Yang's frustration at not having control over him. With a satisfied smile, he activated his [Aphrodisiac Essence] ability again. He thrust his hips up, colliding with Yang's, and unleashed the power. Yang screamed in ecstasy as a powerful orgasm shook her, her legs trembling as she tried to stifle the moans erupting from her throat.

"What's wrong, Yang?" Daniel said with a mocking tone, as he grabbed Yang's round ass firmly, making her bounce violently on his hard cock, pushing deeper into her pussy.

Yang screamed in ecstasy as she reached another explosive climax. She fell onto Daniel's chest, her body trembling intensely, her legs shaking with waves of uncontrollable pleasure. "Stop!" she gasped, "It's too much! AH!.. AH!... AH!..." Her screams of ecstasy echoed in the room, mingling with the wet sounds and the shaking of their bodies.

Yang couldn't take much more before she had to pull away forcefully, moving to the side of the bed. She crossed her legs, trying to contain another imminent orgasm. She couldn't cum for the third time without making Daniel cum at least once; that would be a blot on her record. She just needed a moment to catch her breath and continue.

Suddenly, she felt a weight on her. She opened her eyes and saw Daniel between her legs. That's new... she thought, astonished.

"What are you...?" she tried to ask, but a scream of pure pleasure escaped her lips as Daniel thrust his erection back into her tight pussy.

"AAAHHH!!!!" Her screams of ecstasy filled the room. Daniel fucked her furiously, his cock sliding in and out of her like a piston, with no intention of stopping. Yang wondered if it could get even more intense.

"AHHHHHH!" she screamed as Daniel started biting her right nipple, while his hands toyed with the left one, suction and pressure combining in a torment of sensations.

Yang was unable to articulate coherent words; this felt like a scene from a porn movie. Each thrust from Daniel made her shiver, her body exploding in moans and convulsions.

Finally, Daniel came inside her, shooting long, hot streams of semen that filled her interior. Yang felt the thick, warm liquid fill her vagina, causing a wave of pleasure. She couldn't hold back any longer and came with a heart-wrenching scream, her orgasm resonating with such intensity it could have been heard on the street.

Their fluids mixed in a cocktail of juices, and they lay there, motionless, with Daniel still buried deep inside Yang and her struggling to stay conscious.

Amidst the chaos, Daniel's wig fell off, revealing his white hair. Yang, exhausted and half-drifting into dreamland, could barely notice.


[Daniel's Apartment – 07:00 AM]

Daniel woke up to some noises. The only thing he saw of Yang was her back leaving through the door. Still half-asleep, he mumbled, "Whatever," and turned back to settle in for a bit more sleep.

"It'll be a problem for later," he thought as he sunk into the mattress.

After a while, Daniel got up. The system wouldn't stop bombarding him with notifications. With a mental gesture, he opened the system screens.


[Mission Completed]

Cheat your girlfriend ✓



Loading System…

New Features Unlocked


[Activated Statistics]

Name: Daniel Hawk

Age: 16

Race: Human

HP: 500

MP: 0

AP: 10000

STR: 75

VIT: 60

DEX: 75

INT: 74


[You have deceived your girlfriend]

You deceived Ruby Rose with her half-sister Yang Xiao Long

Rating: S

Penalty: You used a wig and hid your true face

Rating: S => A


[Copying Yang Xiao Long's Semblance: Burn]

[Burn Features Unlocked 20%]

10%: Kinetic Energy Absorption

20%: Kinetic Energy Redirecting

40%: Locked

60%: Locked

80%: Locked

100%: Locked


[Assimilated Yang Xiao Long's Statistics 5% (MAX 25%)]

Name: Daniel Hawk

Age: 16

Race: Human

HP: 500 (+37.5)

MP: 0

AP: 10000 (+805)

STR: 75 (+6.2)

VIT: 60 (+3.9)

DEX: 75 (+6.5)

INT: 74


[Additional Reward]

+4 Gacha pulls


[Unlocked Optional Missions]

[Optional Mission: Suction Cup Man]

Scale the tallest tower in Vale (Beacon Tower) using suction cups.


???? ???? ????


Daniel felt a surge of energy. His body felt lighter and stronger than before, as if a new strength was coursing through his veins. "This system promises," he thought, while starting to make some plans for the future.

Daniel's thoughts were interrupted when he heard knocking at the door. He quickly got dressed and opened it, only to freeze upon seeing Yang standing in front of him. Panic surged through him instantly. 'Shit, she's back for revenge!' he thought as he tried to close the door with all his might. However, Yang put her hand in the way, and although the door crushed against her, her aura protected her from the impact.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Yang cried out almost desperately. "I know it looks bad, and what I did last night wasn't right. I was way too drunk, and yes, I know that's no damn excuse, but... please, let me explain, please!"

Daniel, with a serious expression, remained silent, assessing the situation. 'Maybe I can take advantage of this...' he thought. After a few seconds, he said, "You have five minutes." He slowly opened the door, maintaining his best serious face, and let her in.

Yang exhaled a sigh of relief before entering and closing the door behind her. They went to the living room, where they both sat, though Daniel, cautious, kept a certain distance.

Yang noticed this, and the fact that he thought she might harm him hurt her more than she expected. What kind of monster does he think I am?, she wondered as she reflected for a moment. 'I guess I deserve it.' Yang gathered all the courage she had left and began to speak.

"Look," Yang began, visibly nervous, "I know last night was awful, and you have no idea how bad I feel. If I could go back in time, I'd give the Yang from the past a beating. But... you have to believe me, I thought you were someone else. The alcohol clouded my mind, and I lost control. I know! I know you told me you had a girlfriend, but... I really don't remember everything that happened."

She paused for a moment, her voice almost breaking. "But, please... if you can find any forgiveness, which I know I don't deserve, I promise this will never happen again. I'll do whatever it takes to make it up to you. Just... please, I'm not a bad person. Keep this a secret. Don't tell Ruby. This would destroy her... I know it's a lot to ask, and I have no right, but... please."

Daniel stared at her, processing every word, while his mind worked on how to exploit the situation. Finally, with his best victim voice, he said, "Alright... I forgive you. I know you weren't at your best, and the alcohol had a lot to do with it. Ruby has told me a lot about you. I know you're not a bad person, and I won't tell Ruby anything. "I'd really like to date her... but just promise me that this won't go beyond here and that you'll never do something like this again."

Yang, feeling so relieved she could almost cry, replied, "I promise." She could hardly wait to run out of this apartment and forget that this all happened.

"Wait!" Daniel said just as she was about to flee. Yang stopped, turned, and looked at him. Daniel held a jar in his hands.

"I'd like to give you one of my special cookies," he said with an unusually soothing voice.

Yang, surprised by how sweet Daniel looked, almost like Ruby, accepted the cookie. "Thanks..." she murmured, taking a small bite. Suddenly, a strange feeling of excitement grew inside her.

Before she could react, Daniel embraced her. "It's okay, Yang," he whispered, activating his [Siren's Voice] ability. "I know you would never hurt me. Ruby has talked a lot about you... I know you'll treat me well, right?"

Yang's senses began to numb as her libido spiked. Confused, but unable to resist, Yang looked at him, feeling his warmth so close, and unable to contain herself, returned the embrace and kissed him passionately.

[Aphrodisiac Essence Ability Activated]


[Yang did not keep the promise she made to Daniel, but this time it wasn't her fault.]

[Burn Functions Unlocked 20% => 45%]

[Yang Xiao Long Assimilated Stats 5% => 11% (MAX 25%)]


Author's Thoughts: 5k words, the longest I've written. Feel free to leave a comment; I enjoy reading feedback, whether it's good or bad.

Also, here's an image showing how I calculated the statistics.


I might modify it later.


Author's Thoughts 2: Any suggestions for the gacha? I'm running out of ideas as they keep piling up.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C16
ไม่สามารถโพสต์ได้ กรุณาลองใหม่อีกครั้ง
  • คุณภาพงานเขียน
  • ความเสถียรของการอัปเดต
  • การดำเนินเรื่อง
  • กาสร้างตัวละคร
  • พื้นหลังโลก

คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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