77.14% STAR WARS: Galactic Sex Adventures / Chapter 27: Chapter 27 - Balmorra Breakout

บท 27: Chapter 27 - Balmorra Breakout

A/N: Leave some ratings. Consider Supporting. Enjoy!


I awoke to the sound of my com vibrating on the desk and I groaned angrily, "…Fuck what now?" I mumbled, snuggling against Yura's body as it just continued to ring.


"You better get that…" she grumbled, "It'll just keep going until you answer."


"Torga said we were on vacation…" I replied, basking in her scent.


"You have other coms…" she replied knowingly, "Just answer it Aiden."


"Damn it…" I grunted, pulling away from her and slapping on my table blearily and grabbing the ringing com, "Hello?"


"Aiden." It was Scarlet and immediately I was far more awake, "Did I interrupt you?"


I quickly checked under the sheets and found both I and Yura were wearing clothes so, no she didn't interrupt anything.


"Not… really…" I grumbled quietly as Yura gave me a knowing look, I let my hand slip onto her supple ass and gave it a squeeze, she rolled her eyes exasperatedly but she pushed back against my hand letting me feel as much of her as possible. "I just woke up. What's up? Are you in trouble?"


"…Sort off." She said after a long silence, "Listen I might have a job for you. How fast can you get to Balmorra?"


"Hang on." I looked at Yura, "…Do you know where we are?"


"Raxus Prime." Yura informed me with a grunt, moaning softly as my caressing began to affect her, "Scrap planet. Better buzz Short-round and Milky they're out scrap hunting.


"Raxus Prime." I mumbled to Scarlet, slightly annoyed, "So a few hours maybe depends on how quick I can get Short-round back on the ship."


"Okay. I'll send you a location…" she said professionally, then with a soft hopeful voice that did nothing but arouse me. "See you soon?"


"Yeah I'll be there." I said unflinchingly. "Yura come on." I said getting out of bed. Yura groaned, but did so, before she could fully dress however my hands fully wrapped around her and pulled her against me. she whimpered delightedly against me as I caressed her backside and kissed her lovingly. She began to grind against me, suddenly in the mood.


I pulled away from her leaving a trail of our spit hanging from her mouth as I smiled at her, "…Well we better hurry or we're going to be late…" I ran a finger quickly across her wet crotch and put it in my mouth, tasting her, "Mmn Yummy…" I turned away only for her to wrap her arms around me, and pulling out my com.


"Milky?" she said suddenly into it as it beeped softly.


"Yep?" answered Milky as a sound of crashing metal was overheard.


"We got a job get back to the ship with short round." Yura replied quickly rubbing my crotch through my pants, grinding against my back.


"Kay. I'll be right there I just got to dig through the trash and find him, maybe thirty minutes?"


"Fine… just hurry." Yura replied hanging up and moaning, "Hurry!" she groaned against me, and I turned around pushing her onto the bed with a smile, "You asshole, you rilled me up!" she groaned lovingly against me as I claimed her mouth again and slipped a hand in her underwear to caress and finger her wet pussy.


"Well, remember Nar Shaddaa, when you wouldn't let me play with Milky?" I whispered into her *ears breathlessly, "I was trying to let you know how that felt…"


She panted, grunted and thrust against my hand. Her hips rising up against my fingers as if it were my dick, "I-I just wanted us to be professional…" she groaned as I forced her shoulders to the bed and leaned over her, thoroughly playing with her as I pleasured her. "We… we have time now…" she whimpered.


"That sounds like hypocrisy to me…" I teased, slowing down slightly as I felt her begin to tighten, she was about to cum.


Her eyes widened pleadingly as she tried to get me to go fast again, gyrating her hips against my hand. "N-no Aiden don't do that…" she whined, gazing up at me.


"Don't… do what, finish you?" I replied deliberately pulling my hand up her crotch as if pulling away, she shook her head desperately holding my hand in place. I smiled teasingly at her, "I don't know what you mean Yura…"


"Don't tease me! Please don't tease me!" she yelled pleadingly and I immediately shoved my fingers back into her thrusting them like pistons as she cried her release. "I love you!" she yelled to the room as her whole body quivered beneath me. I claimed her mouth quickly before her orgasm declined, still thrusting into her as she tried to pull my hand away. When she finally finished I pulled my hand from her and gently licked her taste from one of my fingers before shoving the other two into her panting mouth.


Slowly her tongue wrapped around them licking them clean of herself, and gently sucking on them. "You love me…" I teased, smiling at her blissful face.


She pulled my fingers from her mouth and rose up to kiss me, "I love you." She repeated with a smile, "...Do you want me to keep going?" she asked, letting her hand caress my crotch, feeling that it was just a little stiff.


"Later…" I breathed; taking her mouth again briefly before pulling away, "Get dressed and prep the ship we need to go to Balmorra…" she chuckled lightly and watched as I gather my armor.


She gently wiped her pussy with her fingers, and began licking her hand clean of her wetness, watching me pointedly as I smiled and left the room.


I entered the hold and paused as I saw Newt in a purple micro bikini under what looked like jury rigged sunlamp. Probably something Short-round made. "…What are you doing?"


"Tanning." Newt replied, looking at me from under sunglasses, "…Why are you all dressed up?"


"I got a job." I replied, grabbing my pistol from the weapons locker, "From Scar-…" I paused and eyed her cautiously; maybe it wasn't a good idea to mention I was working for the republic in front of Newt.


"-let?" Newt casually finished, flicking the lamp off and pulling her sunglasses down to look at me.


"Yeah…" I droned out, not looking away from her piercing gaze, "…Newt, is this a problem?"


"Is what a problem?" she replied avoiding the question like a professional, "…I didn't hear anything. I don't know anything, and honestly Aiden I've been asleep all day." She turned the lamp on again, reclining underneath it. "And whatever it is you're doing, that I certainly have no idea about, remember to wear a helmet."


"Yes Newt…" I replied strapping on my slugthrower.


Just a few hours later we landed on Balmorra, somewhere in what little forest remained in the wild. It was an industrial planet after all. I called Scarlet once we landed and she appeared on the com. She smiled at me, "Hey…" she said.


"Hey." I said simply back, "We're on Balmorra… where do you want to meet?"


"Just you Aiden." She replied seriously, "…You're the only one that could help. I'm on my way on a speeder bike to pick you up."


I gazed at her curiously for a moment and reluctantly nodded turning towards Milky and Yura, "Okay… watch the ship I guess..."


Milky frowned, as I exited the ramp all geared up, "Ever notice that he does a lot of jobs without us?"


Yura shrugged, "Well I'm technically a slave girl and you have a very particular skill set so we'd probably be more in the way than anything… he'll be fine."


I rolled my eyes as the ramp shut up behind me and headed a little into the wilds as I heard the distinct sound of a speeder bike, skidding suddenly to a halt beside me, Scarlet sat astride it with her face wrapped in a short blue scarf. "Hop on!" she said, revving the engine. As I did her eyes smiled at me, "Hold on tight…"


Chuckling to myself I wrapped my arms lovingly and tightly arouund her waist and took off. Normally I never rode a speeder bike; they were screaming metal deathtraps after all. Land speeders had a bit more control, and were somewhat safer. But I guess where we were going it was in a hurry and at a risk to our lives so… fun…


We reached a small cave after about a twenty minute drive, driving slightly inside she let the bike halt just out of sight. Then turning to face me, she brushed my shoulders. Giving me a kiss, "Hey…" she said again smiling as she pulled away…


I kissed her this time, her eyes widened in surprise, "Hey. We did this already." I said softly, caressing her hips, "…Not that I'd mind but I hope this isn't booty call."


She shook her head, before pulling away from me and leading me into the tunnel. "No, it's a real job just let me do the talking when you meet Shadow alright? She's another SIS agent."


"Neat." I replied with a shrug as I followed her in, "So what's the job exactly?"


"One of our agents got caught and was sent to prison… this is a breakout." She looked at me, "I invited you here because we need someone to wear the trooper armor. We can't fit in the helmets…" she scratched her lekku slightly. "…and I trust you." She added, stopping abruptly to look into my eyes, "Do you have anything to add about Imperial prisons?"


I shook my head, crossing my arms as I thought about it, "Honestly my knowledge is limited. They have protocols and patterns but it also depends on the type of prison, warden, guards… I'll have to have a look. I certainly don't know off hand."


She nodded, understanding my logic, "Yes… I guess that makes sense. Anyway, let me handle the talking with Shadow alright? She's… twitchy, around imperials."


"Former Imperial." I noted thoughtfully, but she smiled and waved her hand dismissively.


She turned into a corner that you wouldn't notice unless you knew it was there, and I followed her in finding a small command center with a handful of people including a slightly familiar face. A nautolan woman with a scar over her eye and blue tattoos on her head tendrils looked up from a holo map with a massive structure built into a mountain…


"Oh hey I remember you…" I said suddenly before Scarlet could speak. It was the nautolan girl on Spira that seemed so long ago. Shame she wasn't in her swimsuit


"What the hell are you doing here?" she asked coldly, pulling a blaster pistol and aiming at me, "Scarlet?"


"This is Aiden, Shadow." Scarlet said, placing her hand on the pistol barrel and pushing it down, "He's my…"


"Boyfriend." I said quickly with a smile causing Scarlet to blush embarrassedly as Shadow glared at her.


"Very close associate…" she said, glaring at me still blushing. "I asked him to help us. He's a defected Imperial…"


"Oh yeah…" Shadow snarled, raising her pistol threatening at me again, "That's convenient isn't it? What the hell were you doing on Spira? Meeting with a Cipher?"


"I was on vacation…" I said simply, staring her down but not trying to be intimidating, "I work for Torga the hutt, I'm a bounty hunter."


Her eyes narrowed at me but Scarlet lowered her pistol again, staring at her as she didn't look away from me. "Shadow, I trust him. He's saved me twice, and we need someone who can wear the trooper armor, and he knows how troopers think."


Shadow snarled silently at me than placed her pistol hesitantly down on the holomap, "One iota of betrayal, and I shoot you in the balls." She said coldly, not breaking eye contact with me. "Repeatedly."


"That's fair." I replied, approaching the table, "So…What's the plan then?"


She snorted at me, then pulled a scarf around her neck covering her face and pointed to a long tunnel close to me at the bass of the structure. "This is a sewage and garbage disposal… it won't be fun but we will make our way in through there… then our disguised trooper, you, will infiltrate the compound and locate our operative Silver Fox. Upon locating her, the three of us blast our way through and make a run for it using explosives if necessary to get through the wall. Normally we'd try to extract more POW's but Silver is the most important."


"Just the three of us?" I asked, getting an oddly familiar feeling.


Shadow Wave nodded in confirmation, "Yes. In and out before they know what hit them."


"…Do we at least know where your operative is?" I asked rubbing my chin in thought, and staring at the sewage system. It was too easy, I'd even go so far as to say obvious.


"Here…" she said, gesturing to a long hallway of cells, "or probably here..." she moved her hand to another hallway of cells but there were less of them and they were bigger. "…Hopefully here…" she said going to the first grouping of cells


"You know…" I began thoughtfully, looking at Scarlet. "…I think I might have an idea…"


"What?" Scarlet asked and Shadow snorted disapprovingly.


"…I need to make a call." I said firmly, immediately pulling out my com and contacting the ship.


"Hello?" Came Yura's voice as Scarlet restrained Shadow's blaster arm again.


"Hey Yura can you put…" I paused eyeing Shadow and Scarlet, "…Cilipha on the line?"


Scarlet's eyes narrowed at me as Yura was silent, "…I'm just going to assume that's another name for Newt."


"Good assumption…" I replied as Yura yelled for Newt.


"Yes handsome?" Newt voice replied soon after on the line sounding awfully relaxed.


"Hypothetically…" I began slowly, and I could hear the audible sigh of disappointment she gave out over the com, "…How would you break into a Balmorran prison and extract a POW?"


"…Oh god damn it…" she grumbled, and I could tell she was rubbing a headache away. "Which one?" she asked finally after a long silence.


"Which one?" I repeated confused, "How many are there?"


"Dozens… including the secret one that I certainly don't know about so don't ask me ever. What district is it in? Where is it located?"


"District?" I asked looking at Shadow and Scarlet.


"District C." Scarlet replied as she began restraining Shadow with a little more force, she didn't look happy herself, clearly realizing who I was talking to.


"District C." I repeated over the com, hearing Newt sigh again.


"Okay. Is it the one built into a mountain? Or surrounded by trees?"


"Mountain." I replied.


"Okay good it's the easy one. And Aiden, this conversation is completely hypothetical right? The conversation that I would definitely have to tell your sisters about never, ever, occurred, right?"


"Yep." I replied immediately. Rolling my eyes.


"Don't roll your eyes at me I'm serious!" I flinched to attention; that was just unnerving. "Okay then. Step one, somebody has to sneak in and shut the power off. Not blow it up, turn it off."


"Why?" I asked a little surprise. It achieved the same goal after all.


"Because shutting the power off wont set off the 'shoot everyone you don't recognize' alarm." She replied simply, "Once someone finally comes to turn it back on in about 5 to 8 minutes depending on laziness then you blow it up, which will set off the 'shoot everyone you don't recognize' alarm and gets the troopers scrambling to find something or someone to attack. You use those minutes or so and then the chaos to do what infiltration you can."


"Clever…" I replied quickly locating the power generators and highlighting it on the holomap. "But how do we get in?"


"When the power is off you sneak into the massive air vents on top of the mountain. Normally the fans inside that vent would slice you like a four armed lightsaber master. But with the power off you have plenty of time to get into the complex and close to the cells. Then you'd be able to extract everyone easily once the power blows."


Locating the vents on top of the mountain and highlighting it Shadow suddenly stopped resisting Scarlet and stared at the new plan with a certain amount of admiration. "So were the sewer systems a bad idea? Or was it just me?"


"Oh… yeah, no don't go through those they're killing grounds. Plus you know, sewage monsters and smells like you wouldn't believe. Stays with you forever. High killzones and choke points, those are death traps… built that way to lure in easy prey." she replied, "…All completely hypothetical of course. In fact I was never on Balmorra, I was on Raxus Prime trying to find a new droid compressor with Short-round."


"Well thanks anyway…" I replied with a smile.


"Why? I didn't do anything to deserve thanks." She said dismissively, before making a kissing sound and promptly hanging up.


Scarlet glared at me; but she seemed more unhappy at the fact that we were now getting out infiltration plan from a Cipher Agent then the fact that I was talking to her so candidly. "Can we trust her?" she asked as Shadow's mind spun at the new plan; apparently annoyed with herself for not thinking it up.


"Yeah." I said with completely trust, "I'm certain that she wouldn't just send me into a death trap."


"…Well shit." Shadow snarled quickly, looking at me with a growl, "…I hate to admit it but I'm liking your idea more and more. Who the fuck were you talking to?"


"Imperial contact…" I replied and finding that it wasn't a good enough description to distract her ire I added, "She's like my sisters' best friend, she really likes me. Knows a thing or two about prisons."


Scarlet scoffed rather cutely but I rolled my eyes and began going into more detail. "Someone needs to turn off the power here…" I pointed to the generators, "And when someone shows up to turn them back on then we blow the generators drawing more attention to this location… during that time." I gestured to the vent tunnels on top of the mountain, "The other two make their way through here and find and extract your captured agent…"


"Probably more…" Shadow replied, "If we are quick and quiet enough we could get more POWs out of there… I'll arrange a pickup, without power we can land a ship there easy enough."


"Even better." I replied nodding, "I should go through the vent in the trooper disguise I assume you have. It'll give me more leeway as I search for your agent before our 'quiet interval' is up… but I don't know how we're getting to the generators."


"That's me." Shadow claimed immediately, tapping something on her wrist and vanishing before me. "We only had one of these cloaks…" she reappeared suddenly, "But if it's just me hitting the generators then that's an easy solo infiltration.


"Then I'll go with Aiden and cover our escape." Scarlet added, "When should we hit it?"


"As soon as possible." Shadow said


"Nightfall…" I said, almost at the exact same time. She glared at me, but I sighed, "Fine, what do I know…" I mumbled, "Where's the trooper gear?"


Scarlet lead me to a table with a recently polished set of gear, I frowned at it for a moment before scooping up some dirt and wiping it on the shiny white gear. Then taking the helmet and smiling I put it on, looking at her, "…Bringing back any memories?"


She smiled and slapped my shoulder as she helped me with my coat, "…It certainly brings me some thoughts for later."


I watched Shadow for a moment as she strapped on a vibro knife to her thigh and a second blaster holster as I leaned close to Scarlet and whispered, "If those thoughts involve you on my table dancing later, I'm all for it."


She 'adjusted' my armor cod-piece and smiled at me as she let her hand linger just a little longer than necessary. She smirked at me, "Keep it in your pants for now. Oh right, before I forget." She attached a device under my wrist as we put my trooper bracer on. "This is a grapple. We're going to need it to get on top of the mountain in good time."


"Neat…" I said, looking at the tiny hook just showing from underneath the bracer. "How does it work?"


"Tilt your hand down to prime it" I did, "and allows it to clear its path and press the button to…" I did so, it suddenly slammed into the cave wall opposite me and I was pulled forward at blinding speed. "…Fire…" she finished as I hit the wall and Shadow began laughing.


It felt weird to be in trooper armor again, and as we waited quietly on top of the mountain over the prison as the ventilation fan nearby whirled quickly and dangerously I watched as Scarlet used a blow torch to open part of the chain link grate to protect the fan from larger particles. Soon all we had to do was wait for the fan to slow down enough to slip through.


"So what does your agent look like?" I asked thoughtfully while I quickly checked my rifle, I had to leave my other guns behind. Walking around with a slugthrower as a trooper would've attracted attention.


"She's a silver haired Mirialan woman…" Scarlet replied pulling the grate away and tossing it aside, "It was only by bad luck she was even caught."


I shrugged, and watched the sun slowly lower in the sky, "And you brought a com to call the extraction ship?"


"Yes." She said smiling, showing me the com and waving it chuckling softly, "This is not my first extraction you know."


"Yeah well…" I said a little nervous, adjusting my armor slightly, "Its mine. Don't want to screw it up."


"We'll be fine." She said hugging me tightly to calm me down. "Just find Silver first, that's the priority. Even if we end up leaving dozens of prisoners behind as long as we find Silver it's a success."


I blinked at her for a moment, "…You're agents seem to have a fondness for shades of colors… what was yours before you changed it to Scarlet?" she opened her mouth to reply but suddenly the noise brought on by the fan immediately silenced as it whirled to a stop.


"No time, move!" she shouted and we were inside running down the remarkably wide tunnel until we found a selection of grates to pick from. Scarlett counted three and began working on the fourth. "You first." She said, opening it up. I dropped down into the cell block and looked up…


My blood froze as I looked up and saw another trooper… luckily he seemed more surprised to see me then I was to see him. Acting quickly and with a few blows I slammed his helmet against the wall, stunning him and letting it roll away before I bashed him across the face with my rifle butt.


"865 report." Came a voice over his helmet com, I cursed as Scarlet dropped from the vent, attaching a rope up to it for an easier escape later. "865 are the prisoners acting restless?" the voice repeated, tossing my helmet aside and putting on his I spoke using the modulated voice of the helmet.


"No sir." I said, letting the modulated voice disguise my own, "Sorry sir I was just making sure. Darn helmet coms are acting up again." Scarlet looked at me horrified, for sure that our cover was blown. However after a moment…


"Acknowledged 865, report to maintenance to have it check out after your patrol." He hung up and I took off the helmet, smiling at Scarlet as I checked 865 pockets for the key codes to the cells.


"Helmet coms were always shit…" I said with a soft laugh, "Makes all the troopers sound alike." I grinned at her and added under my breath, "…Don't let Cipher-10 know I told you that." I tossed her the keys as the prisoners began to realize what was happening, "You take this cell block I'll check the one over."


She nodded and as I turned to head there she suddenly spoke, "Aiden this prison…" she said slowly, and I faced her, she looked a little nervous and disgusted, "…It's a female prison, guarded by imperial men…" she looked into a nearby cell, seeing a rather dejected looking black haired female. "Just… try not to reveal yourself until you find Silver."


I didn't like the way she said it… but I instantly understood. Setting my rifle to kill, I went into the 'interrogation block'


Okay a silver haired Mirialan how hard could she be to find? I slipped into the hall of the interrogation chambers quickly glancing through a few windows and finding them empty I quickly moved on steadily walking in standard marching protocol. It really did feel weird to be back in trooper armor. I passed a door and heard gasping, I promptly looked inside.


A blonde human female was bent over the bed as a trooper slammed himself into her from behind, still wearing his helmet but naked from the neck down he thrust violently into her as her orange prisoner pants were left in a lump at her feet, she was dripping fluids onto it. He raised his hand high in the air and for half a second I saw a strange patch on the woman's rear, it had a red 'X' on it.


"Tighten up!" he commanded angrily slapping her ass hard, she moaned like a dying animal as her tongue lolled from her mouth. "Fuck yeah! Tight!" he slapped her again, and again. Then he slapped her other ass cheek and she quivered visibly as she came. "Fuck!" he yelled slamming into her suddenly and pulling out as a torrent of cum and her piss flooded onto her clothes… he began stroking himself again, and pushed her down slightly before slamming into her ass. She screamed another orgasm as he cruelly pounded away.


Part of me wanted to help her, another part of me knew that I couldn't risk it until I found the agent. I walked on as I heard her scream another orgasm.


…The next one was worse. Three troopers, naked for all but their helmets, were slamming away at a nautolan girl and for one horrible moment I thought it was Shadow Wave. Sure she was kind of a jerk but I wouldn't leave her to be gangbanged. 'Thankfully' it wasn't, the skin of this girl was a darker green. She hung from the wall by archaic shackles as two troopers held her legs apart up in the air as another trooper relived himself inside her. I saw slapped to her left breast yet another 'X' patch.


"Take it aquatic whore!" the thrusting trooper groaned and released inside her, she whimpered in pleasure and shame as he pulled away letting his seed drip from her before he grabbed her right leg, letting the right trooper take his turn. "Hey let's take her to the water chamber. I want her to suck my dick underwater…"


"How long can she hold her breath?" asked the now thrusting trooper as he pulled her towards him as he thrust.


"Who fucking cares?" the first trooper replied, coldly, "She'll still have holes…"


"You're a sick fuck 821." The left trooper replied, "We're not doing it. The warden wants the prisoners to stay alive. Remember what he did to Zaps after almost strangling that twi'lek to death?"


The right trooper shivered, "Fuck man, take the fun out of it… they're still cleaning him off the cell walls."


The middle trooper slammed himself inside her, and came. Slapping her ass hard he moved to the left leg letting the left trooper have his turn, "I think she's just fine now." The now left trooper said


"That's because you're an alien lover Inks." 821 replied scathingly.


"You're fucking her too!" Inks replied indignantly.


"Because she feels good." he shoot back coldly, "I'm using her holes because she's better than my hand…"


The nautolan girl whimpered pitifully as the middle trooper slammed into her while he tugged cruelly on her nipples. "She's loosening up. Should we give her another patch? You want another one whore?"


"No please…" she moaned desperately, "Please I'll… I'll be good."


"I don't like those things anyway…" Inks said softly.


"Then tighten up!" the middle trooper replied angrily, ignoring Inks and cruelly twisting her nipples until she screamed. "This is your punishment! 10 shots each and we are only on four!"


"Oh gods!" she cried out as her whole body began twitching with an unwanted orgasm as he shot his load. And without even waiting he moved to the right leg letting the first trooper have another go. "Please let me rest!" she begged as a torrent of semen flooded from her pussy and pooled on the floor.


"No rest whore." 821 replied, slapping her tits hard and then her ass, before slamming into her ignoring her desperate pleas.


…I hated myself for enjoying it. I hated myself even more for walking away…


Finally I lucked out. There were two guards outside a chamber watching intently through the window as moans of delight flowed out.


"Yeah look at that traitor go… she's a sexy bitch isn't she?" one of them said, his hips shifting slightly as if demanding release himself.


"…Her clits huge though, it's like she has a dick…" the other trooper replied bluntly. I blinked under my helmet, that sounded a little weird but not unheard off.


"Yeah but not like she's a futanari, although I'd still go at her if she was." The trooper gestured inside the room, "Look at her man. Other than her pseudo dick, she's got huge fucking tits, a great smackable ass, and a real pretty face and she still has a pussy… so what's the problem? just fuck her from behind!" there was an audible female yell of orgasm from inside the room promptly followed by more lewd noises.


I casually walked up next to them, spotting me they politely moved aside slightly so I could get a look. "Look, let's ask him. Hey buddy would you fuck that?" he said degradingly as I looked.


Immediately my eyes went to the Mirialan woman with silver hair, I found who I was looking for. But the other woman, a tall muscular Zabrak female was what really caught my eye… the top of her head was covered in a clump of black hair framed by tiny horns as if they were a basket holding it there, it was pulled back into a small pony tail that dropped just below her neck. She was indeed very beautiful with model like features and glowing blue eyes that were gazing manically at the Mirialan woman kneeling before her. Her breasts were natural and firm maybe around Yura's size but with Newt's shape. And her ass was indeed very nice with a certain firm bounce to it as she thrust into the Mirialan's mouth.


And from what it looked like an abnormally large clitoris that could've doubled as dick in the right lighting. What I also noticed on her coffee colored skin was not one but two 'X' patches on her leg.


"Holy shit what did she do to deserve two of those?" I asked absently, making conversation as I planned on the Mirialan's escape.


"What the Red X patches?" laughed the horny trooper on my left. "That whore's a traitor; she disobeyed orders… now she's just a piece of meat like the rest of them."


"So we patched her and tossed in the… who is that anyway? The Mirialan?"


"Eh some republic slut giving the warden trouble earlier… after spending some time with Baleen she's been a little more obedient."


Baleen, I assumed, used her clit like a dick and rammed it into the woman's mouth, she released a muffled scream as Baleen cruelly pulled her hair. She tried to pull away as she gasped and gagged around Baleen's clit-cock only to have Baleen start thrusting again.


"Two patches seem a bit much…" I said, looking at him. "Wouldn't only one work?"


"Normally yeah, but Baleen was a tough bitch… she resisted the first patch so the warden slapped another on her." he laughed, "But anyway buddy… about my question. Would you fuck that?"


I blinked at the Baleen, her eyes were filled with tears as she uncontrollably demanded more and more from her partner… she didn't want to be doing this… this was wrong. "Would I be top or bottom?"


The horny trooper laughed loudly as his partner groaned annoyed. "Top man! Take that bitch to town!"


"Then probably yes." I replied before blasting him in the chest with my pistol and popping the other in the head before he could react. "…But not with her like that."


She seemed to be coming down as she fired another load of pussy excretion into my target's mouth before forcefully pushing her against the bed and stumbling away, collapsing to the floor and whimpering in desperation. I opened the door, removing my helmet as the mirialan glared at me defiantly… "The fuck do you want?" she growled angrily at me. "Want a turn? I'll bite it fucking off."


I shook my head, "No. I'm here to help get you out." I kicked one of the dead trooper's blasters towards her and she just could barely see their corpses outside. "Scarlet is waiting in the cellblock with everyone else we can take."


She spat out some residue pussy juice and got to her feet, I could respect that die hard attitude. "Well then let's go." she said determined and ran for the door. She paused and looked at me as I stared at Baleen on the floor, crying and whimpering as she stroked her clit-dick and fiddled with her pussy. She looked at my face, her eyes filled with tears but suddenly there was a new look…


One of desire "…Dick?" she whispered softly, spreading her pussy open as if pleading with me.


"We need to go!" the Mirialan woman replied, "Leave her! Come on!"


I kept staring at Baleen, watching her intently as she seemed to get wetter and wetter under my gaze. "Go, I'll be right there… turn left out this room its clear to the cellblock." I replied, pulling my pistol.


She frowned, watching the wreck of a woman on the floor, and nodded, slowly understanding. I imagine she thought she had a good idea of what I was going to do and she left back up the hall from where I came.


Baleen watched my face intently, licking her lips as she gazed into my eyes. I knew that look, but from what I could tell it was from the patches. I was quickly deciding that I didn't like them at all. I approached her; she whimpered erotically and whispered, "Dick?" into my ear as I gently removed one, then the other, tossing them aside as if that would help.


She frowned, visibly annoyed that I wasn't inside her. She stopped stroking her hardened length and rubbed my crotch surprisingly gentle. "...Dick? Please?" she whimpered. I watched her for a moment. Somewhere in my mind I knew that what I was about to do was risky… but I had to. I caressed her beautiful face, she smiled against my hand letting me pet her like a cat. "…You won't feel a thing." I said comfortingly and shot her with my blaster on stun.


I carried her back to the cellblock wrapped in the sheet from the bed, wearing the helmet again and leading the nautolan girl prisoner who was helping a still spasming blonde prisoner from the cells. Baleen breathed softly against me as Scarlet and apparently Silver watched me surprised as a group of prisoners helped the blonde up into the vent.


"What the hell are you bringing her for?!" she shouted indignantly as she glared at Scarlet. "Scarlet who is this guy?"


"He's my friend." She said, looking at me a little confused, but she quickly turned to the woman and defended me. "And if it wasn't for him Silver, you would still be locked up."


"Yeah, with her!" she replied, rolling her eyes annoyed, "Fine, whatever, we need to go. Where's our escape route?"


"We need to give it a second." I turned to Scarlet and nodded; she smiled and spoke into her com, "Okay Shadow. Make some noise…"


"About time…" came Shadow's whispered over the com and a massive explosion shook the ground. The room lit up with red light as the alarms roared over the air, the alarms were set on a separate generator and the red lights immediately dimmed leaving us in darkness.


"Okay you two first…" I said firmly, tying Baleen to the rope at the bottom as they went, "Help me with her." I said steading her as Scarlet and Silver pulled her up.


"She weighs a fucking ton!" Silver snarled as she pulled her up into the vent.


"Intruders!" somebody shouted up the cell block as a flashlight erupted into the room at me. I smirked at them and fired a round of blaster at them and fired my grapnel up into the vent. "Later!" I laughed, shooting up and catching myself before I dropped back down. Hefting Baleen onto my shoulder I hurried Scarlet and Silver along.


"Waiting on you guys…" Shadow shouted over the com, "Come on before they realize we're up here…"


"How did she get there before us?" I asked surprised.


"Grapnels…" Scarlet laughed, helping me through the exit of the vents with Baleen as we approached the republic freighter, "Why everyone doesn't use them I'll never know…"


On the ride back to camp, Scarlet glanced at the still unconscious Baleen, "So… why did you take her?" she asked quietly, looking at me as the prisoners cheered and laughed around us."


I shrugged, "…She's a victim too…" I replied scowling at the memory of the Red 'X' patches, "…And apparently a traitor maybe you guys can get something from her."


Scarlet laid her head on my shoulder, sighing contentedly, "…So you aren't taking her?"


I hugged Scarlet tightly to me as I laughed, "I think she'd get better help with the republic, can't waste all that good will on a low level bounty hunter. Besides…" I whispered in her ear, "I'm running out of room on my ship, one of the last spots is reserved for a certain republic spy."


"Oh…" she laughed contentedly, "Anyone I know?" she asked knowingly, gently kissing me.


"Oh I think so…" I said with a smile, "Is Shadow seeing anyone?" she punched me with a laugh. "Kidding!" I chuckled, trying to fend off her playful hits.


We landed at a republic outpost, Baleen and anyone else who needed medical treatment were taken away, and I needed a ride back to my ship. And a 'certain republic spy' needed a long, long, and scenic lift back to Coruscant.


"I'll check in on her later…" Scarlet said, referring to Baleen as she handed me back my things, "And I'll arrange for money to be wired to Yura." She swung a leg over the speeder bike, suddenly looking twice as awesome and three times as hot; A regular biker girl. 

"Well you can keep a portion of it…" I said with a smile, referring to the grapnel now under my bracer. "Say a grapnel's worth." I got on behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist again and hold her tight.


She chuckled, leaning back against me, "I won't tell if you don't." she said softly, revving the engine again. However before we left, Shadow stopped us.


"Hey… Imperial." She began holding out a hand to me and waiting patiently, "…Thanks, good work."


I smiled and shook it, she pulled me down and whispered, "What did I say though?" she hissed, "Get it under control." She threw me away and walked off, finding Silver she turned her around and kissed her passionately. Practically groping her ass as the republic revelers cheered at the show.


"Huh… didn't see that coming…" I said, watching the display as Scarlet kicked the bike into gear, "She's into girls?"


"And boys…" Scarlet replied, giving me a grin, "…She swings both ways. She's great with her tongue…" she added a little playfully.


"Well, she just got a little… Whoa wait how do you know that?" I asked distracted as she laughed loudly and hit the throttle forcing me to hold her tighter or risk falling off.


I want to say our ride was eventless… but unfortunately a bike patrol spotted us and gave chase. Apparently however there were some republic snipers nearby, and with amazing skill they were picked up within seconds of each other. I couldn't even spot the location, Scarlet however looked a little concerned.


Leaving the bike as we entered the forest hiding my ship, she turned to me confused. "…Was that Cipher-10's work?" she asked looking at the soft smoke rising from where the bikes had crashed and exploded.


I blinked at her, "No…" I said slowly and deliberately, "…She never left the ship." I said making sure she understood the clear denial in the words. "In fact, Cipher-10 was never on Balmorra..."


"…Then who shot those bikers?" she asked as I led her onto the ship.


"Republic snipers?" I supplied dismissively.


"Aiden we don't have any on this side of Balmorra." She said simply, "I know, I look at all troop deployments."


I shrugged, "Then I don't know. But we're still okay... so…" I was however was distracted by a bikini clad Cipher-10 yelling animatedly into her com.


"I don't know!" she shouted as Tolara's and Kavilla's voices could be heard over the noise. "I've been with Aiden all day on Raxus prime!" she glared at me as Tolara's and Kavilla's voices erupted even louder, "Oh look he just got back from scavenging with Short-round." She said coldly, while I waved my hands mouthing 'No'. "What's that? Oh, he wants to talk to you?" she added, smiling sweetly but poisoning the air with her malice while the voices died down slightly at my mention. "Okay, hold on Aiden." She tossed me the com and saluted me with a poisoned honey smile before beginning to promptly return Scarlet's glare in earnest…


It was a very, very long conversation…


Bonus Scene




I frowned as I lowered my sniper rifle, scowling softly as the smoke from the crashed speeders began to waft high into the air. Checking the list of targets I scowled as I crossed off 'wingmaw' while I sat on its corpse and looked at the remainder of the list.


Live Adult Male Rancor.

A canister of Ambori

And the final name on the list. The bounty hunter: Aiden, alive and intact.


I frowned watching as Aiden and his fellow rider ride away on the speeder bike. It would've been easy to take him now, but I was under higher orders after all, so he could owe me a small favor for later. My com however buzzed on my arm suddenly, I answered it.


"Knights." I said firmly, beginning to tie up the dead wingmaw.


"Hey Ozzy, are you coming home for dinner tonight?" Goldie said over the com, I could already see the smile on her face as I heard her voice.


"Not until late I'm afraid Goldie." I replied, legitimately disappointed, "I need to collect some gear for a trip to Dathomer then I'm off again." Then with a soft smile I added, "And isn't it supposed to be 'Master Knights?' Aren't you afraid Violet will lecture you again?"


"I call you master enough in bed…" she said seductively, "Vi can lecture me all she wants as long as you punish me later… Anyway I wanted to know what we needed to keep warm. Moona was cooking for you tonight."


I sighed sadly, Moona apparently had quite a talent for it. "Damn shame…" I grumbled honestly, lifting the corpse and tossing it easily into the back of my land speeder with my sniper rifle.


"Yeah well…" she said playfully as I leapt into the driver seat, "At least we know what to keep warmed up for you tonight… see you soon, 'Master'." She added with a seductive moan. I rolled my eyes and tried my hardest to keep the insatiable 'sisters' out of my mind as I began to make a mental list of what a needed to catch a live rancor.

As usual: Aiden can wait… and come to think of it as I thought about Goldie writhing naked on my bed, so could the rancor…


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