50% Danmachi: The Blade-Bound / Chapter 14: Duel

บท 14: Duel

Zephyr sank into the plush mattress of his new room, a satisfied sigh escaping his lips. Compared to the meager cot he'd used in the village, this felt like the lap of luxury. He shrugged off his cloak, the familiar black t-shirt and pants clinging comfortably to his form. Though practical, they lacked the true durability of a proper adventurer's garb. Still, they were his, worn with a touch of pride.

Thoughts swirled in his mind like leaves caught in a breeze. He wondered about the villagers back home. Had Lilia given birth yet? He remembered her swollen belly from their last goodbye, the promise of a new life hanging heavy in the air. Old Zen, he was sure, was still tending to his beloved farm, his weathered hands calloused but strong. And Bell… that mischievous boy. Zephyr chuckled softly. Reading another fantastical tale, or perhaps training with his newfound determination – there was no telling with him.

'One day,' Zephyr thought, a playful smile dancing on his lips, 'I might just hear that he's gone off and become a legendary hero himself.' An image of Bell, eyes wide with boundless determination, flashed in his mind. The very thought filled Zephyr with warmth.

The day had been a whirlwind – the grand entrance of Twilight Manor, the intimidating but motherly presence of Riveria, and finally, the bestowal of his Falna. His initial disappointment at the blank Skill sheet had quickly melted away in the face of Loki's revelation.

Four unheard-of skills, each with the potential to make him a force to be reckoned with. Now, exhaustion tugged at his eyelids, the weight of the day finally catching up to him.

He closed his eyes, a single thought lingering in his mind. Tomorrow was a new day, filled with the promise of training, adventure, and the forging of new bonds within the Loki Familia. A smile touched his lips as he drifted off to sleep, excitement for the future thrumming through his veins.


As Zephyr drifted off to sleep in his new quarters, a world away in the dimly lit confines of the Loki Familia's meeting room, a tense silence hung heavy in the air.

Finn Deimne, the captain of the Loki Familia, sat at the head of the table, his stoic expression mirrored by the two figures gathered before him. Riveria, the emerald-haired Elf, and Gareth Landrock, the boisterous Dwarf, each held a copy of Zephyr's Status sheet, their brows furrowed in concentration as they scanned the document for the tenth time.

The first to break the silence was Riveria, her voice cool but laced with a hint of awe. "This… this is big, Finn. The child has the potential to be something truly glorious."

Across from her, Gareth boomed with laughter. "Indeed he does, Riveria! Four starting abilities, some of them completely unheard of! Being able to get stronger without relying solely on Falna… the kid's a walking anomaly!" He chuckled, his voice tinged with a hint of admiration. "He even puts you to shame, Captain, with all due respect."

Finn, ever the composed leader, met Gareth's playful jab with a stoic nod. "Gareth's point holds merit. Having a promising rookie with such unique abilities is a boon to the Familia." He turned to Riveria, his voice firm.

"Riveria, Gareth, your expertise in training will be invaluable. We need to ensure he's properly guided to unlock his full potential."

Riveria straightened in her seat, a glint of determination in her emerald eyes. "Consider it done, Captain. This Zephyr… he presents a fascinating challenge. I'm eager to see how he develops."

A thoughtful expression settled on Finn's face. Zephyr's arrival, initially a whim on Loki's part, had taken an unexpected turn. The boy was an enigma, a walking contradiction to the established norms of the Dungeon. Now, the responsibility of nurturing his potential fell on their shoulders.

"We'll need to create a unique training regimen for him," Finn declared, his voice resonating with authority. "One that capitalizes on his extraordinary skills and prepares him for the harsh realities of the Dungeon."

A collective nod of agreement circled the room. The future of the Loki Familia, it seemed, might just rest on the shoulders of an unassuming boy with a mysterious past and a Stat sheet unlike any other.


As night surrendered to the first rays of dawn, Zephyr woke with a burst of energy, a stark contrast to the exhaustion that had claimed him the previous evening. He wasted no time, flinging his covers aside and grabbing his trusty sword. With a determined grimace, he set off for the training area of Twilight Manor.

There, in the cool morning air, he launched into his daily routine. Each movement, from stretching to push-ups, held an intensity that belied his youthful appearance. Years of honed discipline seemed etched into his muscle memory.

He finished his warm-up and then came the real purpose of his visit – sword training. He unsheathed his blade, the polished metal glinting in the rising sun. Closing his eyes for a moment, he focused on the familiar weight and balance, a silent conversation forming between him and the weapon.

Then, he moved.

Slashes and thrusts flowed from his body in a mesmerizing display. Each swing, each parry, carried a grace and deadliness that hinted at a depth of experience far exceeding his youthful visage. So engrossed was he in his routine that he failed to notice a figure observing him from the shadows.

A young girl, no older than Zephyr himself, peeked around a massive training pillar. Her golden hair cascaded down her back, catching the sunlight like a halo. Her eyes, the same mesmerizing shade of gold, were fixated on Zephyr's movements.

In her hand, she clutched a worn practice sword, a stark contrast to the elegance of Zephyr's weapon.

A flicker of envy crossed her features as she watched his blade dance. It wasn't just the sword itself; it was the way he handled it, the effortless precision and fluidity that seemed to defy the laws of physics.

His movements were akin to a calm lake, serene yet powerful, or perhaps a cool breeze that whispered through a field of wildflowers.

With a slight determination the Girl left the training grounds to to her private training spot.


As Zephyr finished his final flourish, a burst of shimmering blue aura escaping his lips with a sigh, he sheathed his sword with a practiced flick of his wrist. Sweat beaded on his brow, a testament to the intensity of his training. Just as he turned to head back inside, a childish voice, laced with a hint of awe, pierced the morning air.

"Hey, you!"

Zephyr whirled around to find himself face-to-face with a young girl, no older than ten perhaps. Her skin, the color of rich caramel, gleamed with an almost ethereal glow in the rising sun. Short, black hair bounced with each step as she raced towards him, her movements surprisingly quick and agile.

"Uh, Hi?" Zephyr greeted the girl cautiously, unsure of her sudden approach.

"Hey hey, why don't you spar with me? I saw you training earlier and your movements were SOOO pretty!" The girl blurted out in a flurry of excitement, completely ignoring Zephyr's greeting and launching a challenge instead.

Zephyr raised an eyebrow, surprised by the unexpected proposition. The girl, despite her age, exuded an energy and confidence that belied her youthful appearance. He could sense a raw power emanating from her, a power that rivaled, and perhaps even surpassed, his own. 'Hmm..' he thought to himself. 'This could be a good way to gauge my current strength against someone from the Loki Familia.'

"Sure, why not," he finally replied, a hint of amusement flickering in his eyes. "But first, what's your name? Mine is Zephyr." He extended a hand in greeting.

"Oh oh! Nice to meet you Zephyr, my name is Tiona!" The girl, her self-proclaimed name now tumbling out, grasped his hand with an enthusiasm that nearly sent him stumbling backward.

Before Zephyr could respond, another voice, tinged with exasperation, cut through the air. "Tiona! Don't go running around the mansion, you'll cause the Captain problems!"

Tiona flinched, her face falling slightly as a second girl emerged from the shadows. This newcomer, older than Tiona, mirrored her features with striking caramel skin and longer black hair, though hers flowed down her back with a few braided strands.

However, their expressions were a stark contrast. The newcomer, who Zephyr deduced to be Tiona's sister, wore a scowl that could curdle milk.

"Geh, Nee-chan.." Tiona mumbled, her earlier enthusiasm dampened by her sister's arrival.

The older girl, who Zephyr overheard being addressed as Tione, turned her sharp gaze towards him. "Hm?" she started, her voice laced with suspicion. "Who are you? And what do you want with my sister?"

The hostility in her voice was unmistakable. This Tione seemed fiercely protective of her younger sibling.

"Tione, don't talk to my new friend like that!" Tiona puffed out her cheeks, a pout forming on her face. It seemed a sibling rivalry was about to erupt.

Zephyr, ever the mediator, decided to intervene before things escalated. "It's alright," he said calmly, raising a placating hand. "We were just about to have a friendly spar. Tiona was watching me train, and she challenged me."

Tione's scowl softened slightly, replaced by a hint of curiosity. Tiona, on the other hand, beamed. "See Nee-chan! I told you he was nice!"

A sigh escaped Tione's lips. "Nevermind," she muttered, her stern demeanor dissolving into a hint of resignation. "Just… don't cause any trouble, alright Tiona?"

"Don't worry, Nee-chan! I'll be careful!" Tiona chirped, her earlier disappointment forgotten. She bounced on the balls of her feet, her gaze flitting back to Zephyr. "C'mon then, let's fight Zephyr!"

With a determined glint in her golden eyes, Tiona assumed a fighting stance, her small fists clenched. Zephyr, discarding his sword for an unarmed bout, mirrored her stance, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. He was eager to see what this seemingly innocent girl was capable of.

Tione, her initial hostility replaced by a flicker of competitive spirit, observed from the sidelines. This impromptu sparring match promised to be an interesting spectacle.


The morning air crackled with anticipation as Tione raised her hand, her voice ringing out with a playful authority. "Ready?" she called, her eyes flitting between Zephyr and her younger sister. "Go!"

With a whoop, Tiona slammed her hand down, and the impromptu duel commenced. Tiona, a blur of caramel and black, wasted no time. She surged forward, her short legs propelling her towards Zephyr with surprising speed. Before he could even blink, she launched into a ferocious axe kick, aiming for his head.

Reacting purely on instinct, Zephyr threw his arms up in a makeshift crossguard. The impact sent a jolt of pain through his forearms, Tiona's strike carrying a surprising amount of weight. Her dark green eyes, gleaming with a fierce determination, sent a shiver down his spine.

'Heavy!' Zephyr thought, his surprise evident in his widened eyes. Each of her blows felt like a miniature warhammer connecting with his flesh. He couldn't afford to hold back any longer. With a silent command, his body pulsed with a surge of ethereal blue aura, his physical capabilities instantly amplifying.

He used the burst of power to propel himself backward, creating much-needed space. A ragged breath escaped his lips as he assessed his opponent. Tiona, unfazed by his sudden display of power, grinned – a wild, almost feral expression that sent shivers down Zephyr's spine.

"That's more like it!" she roared, charging at him once again.

The training ground became a whirlwind of motion as Zephyr and Tiona clashed. Zephyr, fueled by his aura, unleashed a flurry of fast, precise strikes. Each blow, honed by years of practice, was aimed to bypass Tiona's defenses. Despite her raw power, her fighting style lacked the finesse of Zephyr's.

Yet, Tiona was a fast learner. With each blow she absorbed, her movements seemed to adapt, her own strikes gaining in ferocity.

Zephyr noticed a glint of something wrong, Tiona was growing stronger! With each blow he delivered her blows would get stronger, it was if she was a berserker. But she wasn't the only one who had a skill similar to that. Zephyr was the Honoured One!

The rhythmic thumps of their fists and feet against the training ground attracted a growing audience. Adventurers, roused from their slumber by the unexpected commotion, peeked out from windows and doorways, their faces a mixture of curiosity and amusement.

Among them was a group of young adventurers, their eyes wide with awe as they witnessed the spectacle. They recognized Tiona – the boisterous Amazon who, despite her young age, was already a Level 3 adventurer. But the newcomer, the boy who traded blows with her on equal footing, was a mystery.

Whispers swirled through the crowd. "Who is that guy?"

"Did Loki bring in another new recruit?"

"He must be strong if Loki took an interest in him!"

The duel continued, the two combatants locked in a dance of violence and unexpected camaraderie. A shared smile erupted on their faces as they broke apart for a moment, catching their breaths.

"Let's end this in one strike," Zephyr declared, a playful glint in his eyes. He reveled in the thrill of the fight, the raw power he was wielding against a worthy opponent.

Tiona mirrored his grin, her earlier wildness replaced by a determined glint. "You're on!"

With a final battle cry, they launched themselves at each other, fists clenched. Their attacks met in a resounding boom, the force of their combined blows sending a shockwave through the training ground.

But alas, there could only be one victor. Zephyr, despite his newfound aura-enhanced strength, found himself propelled backward by the sheer force of Tiona's counter. He landed several meters away, the wind knocked out of him.

As he lay there, momentarily stunned, a wave of laughter echoed through the training ground. Tiona, the victor, stood tall, her chest puffed out with pride.

Zephyr slowly pushed himself to his feet, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "Ah, I lost," he conceded, a hint of admiration lacing his voice. Losing to such a talented opponent wasn't something to be ashamed of.

He approached Tiona, who was playfully flexing her biceps. "Hey, Tiona?" he called out.

Tiona, her attention drawn, turned towards him with a grin. A hint of mischief flickered in her dark green eyes. "What is it, Zephyr?" she asked, her voice laced with playful curiosity.

Zephyr rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "That… that was a great fight, Tiona. You're really strong."

Tiona puffed out her chest with pride. "Thanks, Zephyr! You weren't half bad yourself. You got some fancy moves there, especially with that blue light stuff."

A smile tugged at Zephyr's lips. "Blue light stuff, huh? That's called Aura. It lets me be stronger and faster."

Tiona's eyes widened with fascination. "Aura? That sounds awesome! Can you teach me how to do it?"

Zephyr chuckled. "Well, Aura isn't something you can just learn. It depends on your own abilities." He paused for a moment, considering his words. "But, I can definitely help you train to get stronger."

Tiona's grin widened even further. "Really? You'd do that for me?"

"Sure," Zephyr replied, a newfound sense of camaraderie blossoming within him. "We can train together. You help me improve my close-quarters combat, and I'll help you develop your fighting style."

Tiona's face lit up with excitement. The prospect of training alongside her new friend was far more appealing than any solo training session. "Alright!" she exclaimed, pumping her fist in the air. "We'll be an unstoppable team!"

A chorus of cheers erupted from the gathered crowd. The young adventurers, who had witnessed the thrilling duel, were ecstatic about the prospect of witnessing their newfound training partnership. The future of the Loki Familia, it seemed, might just take an unexpected turn, fueled by the unlikely bond between a mysterious boy and a boisterous Amazon.

———[Chapter End]———

A/N: Damn, 2685 words, by far the longest chapter of this novel. Also did you guys like the action scene? Anything I need to improve?

PS: Tiona isn't necessarily the FL of this story, but each of the Executive Member's of the Familia will be an important character of the story, so I'll be going through the trouble of building them up and making them worthwhile characters.

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Stone -- หินพลัง



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