36.36% Vector in Multiverse. / Chapter 16: Accelerator vs Berserker

บท 16: Accelerator vs Berserker

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The night air was thick with tension as Accelerator, Rin, Archer, Shirou, and Saber made their way back to the Tohsaka mansion. The confrontation with Kirei had left a sour taste in Accelerator's mouth, and his mood had soured considerably. He was about to leave the group, seeking some solitude to cool off, when they all stopped in their tracks.

A young girl stood in their path, her presence unexpected and unnerving. With a single glance at her, Rin's eyes widened in shock and she turned to Accelerator, her voice filled with bafflement. "Do you have a sister?"

The girl looked remarkably like Accelerator: long white hair, red eyes, and an aura that was both eerie and commanding. The others were equally stunned by the resemblance.

Accelerator's eyes narrowed in annoyance. "What kind of disgusting coincidence is this?"

The girl smiled, her eyes gleaming with a hint of malice. "I am Illyasviel von Einzbern. And Shirou Emiya," she said, her gaze shifting to the auburn-haired boy, "Nice to see you again, brother"

Shirou's eyes widened in surprise. "Brother? What are you talking about?"

Illya's smile widened as she gestured to the towering figure behind her. "This is my Servant, Berserker."

Rin's eyes darted to the enormous Servant standing protectively behind Illya. She quickly assessed his status and felt a shiver run down her spine. Berserker's power far outclassed that of the current Saber. He was a monstrous presence, radiating sheer strength and fury.

Accelerator, meanwhile, was growing more irritated by the second. The girl's condescending smile and tone grated on his nerves. "You really think you can do whatever you want, brat?"

Illya's smile didn't waver. "Berserker, attack them."

With a roar that shook the ground, Berserker lunged forward, his massive form charging towards the group with terrifying speed. The face-off began, with Archer and Saber stepping forward to meet the assault.

Archer moved first, his bow materializing in his hands as he fired a rapid series of arrows at Berserker. Each arrow was infused with potent magical energy, aimed to slow the colossal Servant down. But Berserker swatted them away with ease, his strength and durability proving to be formidable.

Saber charged in next, her blade shining with a brilliant light as she swung it at Berserker. The clash of steel on steel echoed through the night, the force of their blows sending shockwaves through the air. Saber was agile and precise, but Berserker's sheer power and relentless attacks kept her on the defensive.

Archer continued his barrage from a distance, seeking any opening to exploit. He summoned a pair of swords, launching them at Berserker in quick succession. The blades struck their target, but Berserker's tough body made it clear that they were only minor inconveniences.

Illya watched the battle with a smile, her confidence unwavering. "Is this all you have? My Berserker is unstoppable."

Rin, standing beside Accelerator, clenched her fists in frustration. "This is bad. Berserker's power is overwhelming. Even Saber is struggling to keep up."

Accelerator's annoyance grew as he watched the battle unfold. The arrogance of the girl, the overwhelming power of her Servant, and the desperate struggle of Rin and the others all grated on his nerves. He was itching to join the fight, but for now, he held back, wanting to see how Archer and Saber would handle the situation.

Berserker's attacks were relentless. He swung his massive weapon with devastating force, each strike aimed to crush Saber and Archer. Saber deftly dodged and parried, her movements a blur of speed and precision, while Archer continued his assault from a distance, trying to find a weakness in Berserker's defenses.

But Berserker was relentless. He roared in fury, his attacks growing even more ferocious. Saber was forced to retreat, her breath coming in heavy pants as she struggled to keep up with the monstrous Servant. Archer's arrows and swords seemed to have little effect, bouncing off Berserker's thick skin or being deflected by his powerful swings.

Rin watched in horror as the battle unfolded. "We need to do something," she muttered, her voice tinged with desperation. "At this rate, Berserker will overpower them."

Accelerator's eyes flickered with a dangerous light. He could see the struggle, the desperation in their eyes. And he hated the smug look on Illya's face. "Enough of this," he growled, stepping forward.

Before he could join the fray, Illya's smile widened. "Ah, are you an Einzbern? After all those barking, are you finally going to show us what you're capable of?"

Accelerator's glare was icy. "I don't like brats after all," he snapped. But despite his words, he was ready to intervene, to tip the scales in their favor.

Accelerator decided to join the fray. Stepping forward, he reached into his inventory and withdrew his unbreakable Nichirin Blade. The sword gleamed with a radiant light, reflecting his eagerness to test it out against a formidable opponent like Berserker.

"This should be interesting," Accelerator muttered, his crimson eyes alight with a dangerous gleam. He knew that matching Berserker in sheer physical strength was impossible, but that wasn't his plan. He would rely on his esper abilities to heighten his senses and augment his reactions, giving him the edge he needed.

With a smirk, Accelerator began to channel his energy. The vectors around him shifted subtly, enhancing his perception and reflexes to superhuman levels. "Alright, big guy," he taunted, gripping his blade. "Let's see what you're made of."

Berserker, responding to the challenge, roared and charged at Accelerator with a ferocity that shook the ground beneath him. The giant's massive weapon swung down with lethal intent, aiming to crush Accelerator in one blow. But Accelerator was ready. He moved with blinding speed, his enhanced senses allowing him to anticipate and react to Berserker's attacks with precision.

With a fluid motion, Accelerator sidestepped the incoming strike, his Nichirin Blade flashing as he executed a swift and powerful counterattack. "Sun Breathing, First Form: Dance!" His blade ignited with fiery energy as he slashed at Berserker, the strike aimed to exploit any gaps in the giant's defense.

The blow connected, slicing through Berserker's armor and drawing blood. Accelerator's mastery of the Sun Breathing technique was evident, each movement precise and devastating. He pressed the attack, his blade dancing with an almost hypnotic rhythm as he unleashed a series of rapid slashes.

Berserker roared in fury, swinging his weapon in a desperate attempt to fend off the relentless assault. But Accelerator was relentless, his enhanced reflexes and combat instincts allowing him to stay one step ahead. He maneuvered with shocking agility, his blade a blur as it cut through the air.

"Sun Breathing, Second Form: Clear Blue Sky!" Accelerator spun in a rapid circle, his blade carving a path of fiery destruction. Berserker staggered back, his guard shattered by the onslaught. Seizing the moment, Accelerator lunged forward, his blade aimed for the kill.

"Sun Breathing, Third Form: Raging Sun!" With a powerful upward slash, Accelerator's blade sliced cleanly through Berserker's neck, severing the giant's head from his body. Berserker's massive form collapsed to the ground with a thunderous crash, the impact sending shockwaves through the battlefield.

Accelerator sheathed his katana, a triumphant smirk on his face. "Well, that was easier than I thought," he muttered. But his satisfaction was short-lived. As he turned to walk away, he noticed something that made his blood boil. Berserker's body began to stir, the severed head regenerating and reattaching itself with a sickening crack.

"You've got to be kidding me," Accelerator growled, his eyes narrowing in anger. "This guy just doesn't know when to stay dead."

Berserker rose to his feet, his eyes blazing with renewed fury. The sight of the giant Servant coming back to life sent a surge of frustration through Accelerator. He laughed, a crazed, mocking sound that echoed across the battlefield. "Oh, this is rich! You really are one stubborn bastard, aren't you?"

Illya, watching from a distance, smirked confidently. "Berserker cannot be defeated so easily. You'll need more than flashy moves to bring him down."

Accelerator's grin widened, a manic gleam in his eyes. "Is that so? Then let's see how many times I have to kill him before he stays down."

With a renewed sense of purpose, Accelerator charged at Berserker, his blade flashing with deadly intent. The giant Servant met him head-on, their weapons clashing with a force that sent shockwaves rippling through the air.

"Sun Breathing, Fourth Form: Burning Bones, Summer Sun!" Accelerator's blade ignited with intense heat, the fiery energy searing through Berserker's defenses. Each strike was precise and calculated, aimed at exploiting any weaknesses in Berserker's armor.

Berserker roared in fury, his attacks growing more frenzied and desperate. But Accelerator's heightened senses and reflexes allowed him to stay one step ahead, dodging and countering with lethal precision. His mocking laughter echoed through the night, a testament to his confidence and deranged enjoyment of the battle.

"Come on, Berserker! Is that all you've got?" Accelerator taunted, his voice dripping with contempt. "I thought you were supposed to be strong!"

Illya's expression twisted in anger at his mockery. "Berserker, don't let him mock you! Crush him!"

Berserker roared, his fury reaching a fever pitch as he swung his weapon with terrifying force. The ground cracked and splintered under the impact, debris flying in all directions. But Accelerator was relentless, his blade a blur as he continued to press the attack.

"Sun Breathing, Fifth Form: Setting Sun Transformation!" Accelerator's blade glowed with an intense light as he delivered a powerful slash, the energy of the attack radiating like the setting sun. Berserker staggered back, the blow cutting deep into his flesh.

Despite the devastating assault, Berserker's resilience was unwavering. He roared in defiance, his wounds healing almost instantly as he charged at Accelerator once more. The two clashed in a fierce exchange of blows, their movements a blur of speed and power.

Accelerator's laughter grew more maniacal, his enjoyment of the battle evident. "This is fun! You just keep coming back for more, don't you?"

Berserker's attacks grew more ferocious, each swing of his weapon aimed to crush Accelerator. But the esper's heightened senses and reflexes allowed him to dodge and counter with ease, his blade dancing with fiery energy as he executed one Sun Breathing form after another.

"Sun Breathing, Sixth Form: Solar Heat Haze!" Accelerator's blade blurred with incredible speed, the fiery energy distorting the air around him. Berserker's massive form was engulfed in a torrent of searing heat, the attack cutting deep into his flesh.

The giant Servant roared in fury, his eyes blazing with rage as he charged at Accelerator with renewed determination. Their clash sent shockwaves rippling through the air, the ground beneath them shattering from the force of their blows.

Accelerator's mocking laughter echoed across the battlefield. "You just don't know when to give up, do you? This is starting to get boring."

Illya's frustration grew as she watched the battle unfold. Despite Berserker's incredible strength and resilience, Accelerator's relentless assault and mocking taunts were taking their toll. She clenched her fists, her confidence wavering. "Berserker, don't let him win! Fight harder!"

But Accelerator's grin only widened. "Come on, big guy. Show me what you're really made of."

With a final, powerful swing, Berserker brought his weapon down with devastating force. Accelerator deflected the blow with his Nichirin Blade, the impact sending shockwaves through the air. He seized the opportunity, his blade flashing with fiery energy as he executed a powerful counterattack.

"Sun Breathing, Seventh Form: Sunflower Thrust!" Accelerator's blade pierced through Berserker's chest, the fiery energy radiating like a burning sun. Berserker staggered back, the blow cutting deep into his flesh.

But once again, Berserker's resilience proved unyielding. The giant Servant roared in defiance, his wounds healing almost instantly as he rose to his feet. Accelerator's frustration grew, his mocking laughter giving way to a more serious expression.

"This guy just won't stay down," Accelerator muttered, his eyes narrowing in determination. "There's got to be a way to finish him off for good."

As Berserker prepared to charge again, Accelerator's mind raced with possibilities. He had faced tough opponents before, but Berserker's unyielding resilience was unlike anything he had encountered. There had to be a reason for it, a secret to his seemingly endless lives.

Then it hit him. "Of course," Accelerator muttered, a look of realization dawning on his face. "He's got more than one life. That's why he keeps coming back."

Illya's eyes widened in shock as she heard his words. "How... how did you figure that out?"

Accelerator's grin returned, more confident than ever. "Just a hunch. And now that I know your little secret, it's only a matter of time before I figure out how to beat him for good."

Berserker roared in fury, his eyes blazing with renewed determination as he charged at Accelerator once more. The battle continued with unrelenting intensity, the ground beneath them cracking and shattering from the force of their blows.

The battlefield was a testament to the sheer power and determination of the combatants. Accelerator, his senses heightened and his reflexes unmatched, clashed with the relentless Berserker. Despite his earlier triumph in decapitating the giant Servant, Accelerator found himself facing a new challenge as Berserker's body regenerated once more, rising to continue the fight.

With renewed determination, Accelerator charged at Berserker, his Nichirin Blade igniting with the fiery energy of the Sun Breathing technique. "Sun Breathing, Seventh Form: Sunflower Thrust!" He aimed for Berserker's neck once again, confident that a repeated decapitation would finally put the giant down.

To his shock, the blade didn't puncture through. It clanged against Berserker's neck as if hitting an impenetrable barrier. Accelerator's eyes widened in surprise as he quickly backed away, his mind racing to make sense of what had just happened.

"What the hell?" he muttered, his eyes narrowing as he observed Berserker's unmoving form. "Why didn't that work?"

Backing away to create distance, Accelerator thought about it. The pieces slowly fell into place, and a realization dawned on him. "What killed him before can't affect him anymore," he muttered, a dark smile spreading across his face. "This just got a lot more interesting."

He looked directly at Illya, who was watching the battle with a mixture of shock and concern. "Hey, little girl," he called out, his voice dripping with mockery. "It seems your pet monster gets tougher with each death. What a fun game!"

Illya's eyes widened in horror at his deduction. "How... how did you figure that out?"

Accelerator's smile twisted into a maniacal grin, and he began to laugh, a chilling sound that echoed across the battlefield. "Isn't it obvious? You've made this so much more entertaining for me!"

His crazed laughter sent a shiver down Illya's spine. Her confidence wavered, and she felt a flicker of fear for the first time. "Berserker, back down!" she ordered, her voice trembling with both anger and fear.

Berserker hesitated, his eyes still locked on Accelerator, but he obeyed Illya's command, stepping back with a growl of frustration.

Illya's face twisted with rage and desperation. "You may have figured it out, but this isn't over! I will kill you all! Especially you, Emiya Shirou!" she shouted, her voice filled with venom.

Accelerator's smirk didn't waver, and he shrugged nonchalantly. "Whatever. Do what you want. I couldn't care less about Emiya Shirou."

Shirou, standing nearby, tensed at the mention of his name but remained silent, his eyes focused on Illya and Berserker.

Illya glared at them all, her hatred evident. "Let's go, Berserker. This isn't the last you'll see of us."

With that, she turned and walked away, Berserker following closely behind. The tension in the air slowly dissipated as the immediate threat passed.

Rin, Archer, and Shirou approached Accelerator, their expressions a mixture of awe and relief. "That was incredible," Rin said, her voice filled with admiration. "I've never seen anyone fight like that."

Accelerator shrugged, his smirk widening. "Of course you haven't."

Shirou looked at him with a mixture of awe and determination. "I have to get stronger. I want to be able to protect everyone, just like you."

Accelerator's smirk faded slightly, replaced by a more serious expression. "Don't let me hear those shitty words, brat. You piss me off"

With the immediate threat averted, the group made their way back to the Tohsaka mansion, their minds heavy with the events of the night. The battle had shown them the immense power and danger they faced, but it had also revealed their own strengths and the potential for victory.

As they walked, Accelerator couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. He had faced one of the toughest opponents he had ever encountered, and he had held his own. The Holy Grail War was far from over, but he was ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.


Back at the mansion, Accelerator retreated to his room, still seething from the encounter. He couldn't stand Shirou's naive idealism, and it gnawed at him. The idea of sacrificing oneself for others without considering the cost was absurd in his eyes.

Meanwhile, Rin and Archer discussed the battle. Rin couldn't hide her amazement at Accelerator's abilities. "He fought toe to toe with Berserker. I didn't expect him to be that strong."

Archer nodded, his respect for Accelerator growing. "He's more than just his power. His perspective, his understanding of sacrifice and survival... There's more to him than I initially thought."

Rin smirked. "Maybe you two can bond over your mutual dislike for Shirou."

Archer chuckled. "Hell no, well perhaps but I doubt either of us will admit it."

As the night wore on, Accelerator lay in bed, his mind racing with thoughts of the battle and the upcoming challenges. He had faced one of the toughest opponents yet, and he knew there were more battles to come. But he was ready. He had survived worse, and he would continue to fight, not as a hero, but as someone who understood the true cost of survival.

The next morning, the group gathered in the mansion's living room to strategize. The memory of the battle with Berserker was fresh in their minds, and they knew they needed to be prepared for whatever came next.

Rin looked at Accelerator, her expression serious. "We need to find out more about Berserker. If your theory is correct, knowing how many lives he has could be crucial."

Archer nodded. "Agreed. We need more information. And we need to be ready for anything."

Shirou, despite Accelerator's harsh words, looked determined. "I'll do whatever it takes to help. We can't let Berserker or any other threat win."

Accelerator sighed but didn't argue. "Fucking retard"

Archer, observing the interaction, felt a strange sense of camaraderie with Accelerator. Despite their differences, there was a mutual understanding of the stakes and the realities of the Holy Grail War.

"We'll need to gather more intelligence," Archer said, breaking the silence. "And we need to be prepared for any surprise attacks."

Rin nodded, her mind already working on a plan. "Me and Archer will observe the vicinity again."

As the group prepared for the challenges ahead, there was a sense of determination in the air. They had faced Berserker and survived, and they were ready to continue the fight. The Holy Grail War was far from over, but with each battle, they grew stronger and more resolute.

Accelerator, despite his disdain for Shirou's ideals, found himself part of a team. And while he would never call himself a hero, he knew that his strength and experience were crucial in the battles to come. With a newfound sense of purpose, he prepared himself for whatever lay ahead, ready to face any challenge and emerge victorious.

The night had ended with Accelerator feeling both satisfied and half frustrated. He had learned a lot from his battle with Berserker, but the fact that the monstrous Servant kept coming back to life had grated on his nerves. As morning broke, he decided to blow off some steam and erase his frustration in a way that only he could—by spending an obscene amount of money.

He made his way to the supermarket once more, his presence immediately recognized by the staff. The workers who had dealt with him before felt a chill of fear run down their spines as they saw him approach. They had just finished restocking the entire store, and the sight of Accelerator with an empty shopping cart filled them with dread.

"Oh no, not again," one of the cashiers muttered under her breath as Accelerator began to pile goods into his cart with reckless abandon. 

This time, he wasn't just content with a few essentials. He loaded up on everything: meat, vegetables, coffee, toiletries, snacks, and even luxury items. By the time he was finished, he had filled seven entire racks with goods, leaving the shelves barren.

The manager, seeing the situation unfold, rushed over, his face pale with anxiety. "Sir, please, if you buy everything again, we'll have nothing left for our other customers. Our store's reputation—"

Before the manager could finish his plea, Accelerator reached into his pocket and pulled out a thick wad of cash. He shoved the money into the manager's hands with a sneer. "Here, take this and piss off."

The manager, stunned by the sheer amount of money being thrust at him, could do nothing but nod and step aside. He watched helplessly as Accelerator continued his shopping spree, piling up goods without a care in the world for the havoc he was wreaking on the store's inventory.

Customers who had been browsing the aisles watched in stunned silence, unsure of what to make of the scene. Some whispered among themselves, speculating about who this strange, white-haired young man could be. Others simply avoided him, sensing the dangerous aura he exuded.

Accelerator, for his part, reveled in the chaos he was causing. It was just another day of him being a bastard, and he couldn't care less about the store's reputation or the inconvenience to other customers. By the time he was done, his cart was overflowing, and the shelves were once again empty.

As he approached the checkout, the cashier nervously began to ring up his items, her hands shaking slightly. Accelerator tossed another heap of money onto the counter, more than enough to cover his purchase. "Keep the change," he said with a dismissive wave.

Once his transaction was complete, Accelerator activated his inventory space, storing all his goods instantly. The supermarket staff watched in a mixture of relief and disbelief as he walked out, his presence leaving a wake of confusion and frustration behind him.

Back at the Tohsaka mansion, Accelerator unpacked his spoils, feeling a sense of satisfaction at his morning's antics. The act of throwing around money and causing a scene had done wonders to alleviate his frustration. As he settled in with a cup of his special coffee, he couldn't help but smirk at the thought of the chaos he had left behind at the supermarket.

Rin, observing him from a distance, shook her head in exasperation. "Do you really have to cause such a ruckus everywhere you go?" she asked, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Accelerator looked up, his smirk widening. "It's just how I do things. Keeps life interesting."

Rin sighed but couldn't help but smile. Despite his abrasive personality, there was something undeniably captivating about Accelerator's unapologetic approach to life. "Just try not to buy out the entire city, okay?"

"No promises," Accelerator replied, taking a sip of his coffee. "But I'll keep it in mind."

The rest of the morning passed peacefully, the mansion's occupants going about their routines. Accelerator, having vented his frustration, felt more at ease and ready to face whatever challenges the day might bring. Despite the chaos he caused, there was no denying that his presence had a way of shaking things up and keeping everyone on their toes.

As the day progressed, the group prepared for the next steps in the Holy Grail War, their minds focused on gathering information and strategizing for the battles ahead. Accelerator's actions, though disruptive, had provided a brief respite from the tension, reminding them all that sometimes, a little chaos was just what they needed to stay sharp and ready for anything.

Asthoglho Asthoglho

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