3.57% Anti-Virus Multiverse Chat Group / Chapter 1: 1: Reincarnate when the plot finished.
Anti-Virus Multiverse Chat Group Anti-Virus Multiverse Chat Group original

Anti-Virus Multiverse Chat Group

นักเขียน: Sir_Traverse

© WebNovel

บท 1: 1: Reincarnate when the plot finished.

Imagine being reborn in another world. Well, it's not uncommon these days because there are so many stories, both original and fanfics, with that premise, but hey, I guess it's easy to do for that reason, isn't it?

Generally, in fanfics, characters, whether original or inserted, are reborn either before or during the plot that characterizes part of that world. The plot is not the most important thing, but it allows you to get certain advantages, doesn't it? And it is even because of the plot that many universes in the vast Omniverse get their name.

Timespinner was a huge game that attracted the attention of the masses, but it was a game that our protagonist played and enjoyed before moving on to other games and hobbies to kill time. 

He never expected to die suddenly after going out to play grass, and was reborn in this strange world. Fortunately, or unfortunately for some, he was born in 1500 BC. The Empress of the Lachiem Empire was Lunais, a literal magical goddess who could control time with the greatest of ease. 

Given this, our young protagonist was terrified when he found out, but apparently, her majesty was not interested in his reincarnated ass, so he lived normally. 

Magic exists in this world, although it behaves differently here than in other universes. Magic, or aura as it was called in this world, reacted with certain compounds in nature, but it wasn't until the Magic Orbs were created that this became more relevant. 

A Magic Orb, always made in pairs, were objects that could be controlled by the Aura to instinctively float around the user in a double helix pattern. Depending on which orbs you chose, you could gain certain abilities, but you had to turn 15 to get a custom orb. 

Every aura user started with the basic orbs, which could only separate you a few meters, depending on the strength of your aura, and thus inflict blunt damage on your enemy. The custom orbs were numerous, and the combinations a person could make also depended on them. 

This, along with the fact that a person could only connect to three pairs of orbs, but only one pair until they made the switch, made this limited magic system a bit more flexible. Also, if you had a certain amount of aura, you could supercharge the orbs to cast a different attack, which was called a spell. 

Our protagonist, who was just a commoner from an unnamed planet in the Empire, was someone who was gifted with aura, a kind of achievement among his people who lived on an ice-covered planet. But nobody was happy when he went to the Imperial Academy in the capital of the Lachiem Empire, the moon Lachiem, and in the distance was its twin moon, Vilete, both orbiting a huge gaseous planet. 

At the age of 15, before he had even graduated, he received his first pair of customized orbs, choosing the ones that reminded him of his home world. The Ice Orbs were different from those of 500 years ago, which only made ice grow from the ground. They could be modified into various melee weapons, though they were not as hard as the orbs of the corresponding weapons. 

It was in his dorm room, which he shared with another classmate, Tanner, a boy who partied hard but was diligent enough to avoid being scolded by the instructors at the Academy. Eis enjoyed the beautiful view his city afforded him of the kingdom's capital. 

The spaceships landing in the distance, Vilete, the pink moon, shining in all its splendor in the distance, and the tranquility of knowing that his roommate was somewhere, even though he could hear the party in the auditorium, the young people celebrating getting a custom orb beyond the classic blue orb. 

Two bluish orbs floated around him, radiating a certain coolness that even made him shiver a little, a guy who was born on a planet that had never seen natural ice melting in thousands of years. He was a guy of normal height, only 1.75 m at the age of 15. Normal, because in his world, men naturally grew to be over six feet tall. 

His skin was brown, but his hair was anime-worthy because it was deep blue, though since there were succubi, incubi, and people with literally rainbow-colored hair in this world, his hair color was normal. 

"Hmm? I don't think it's Tanner, otherwise he would have called me," Eis noticed a certain vibration in his pocket, from which he pulled out a transparent diamond-shaped crystal. 

This was a communication crystal that did exactly what its name said. He didn't like this thing making noise, he was used to the silence of a frozen world from childhood until he was 12 years old, and even in his past life he didn't appreciate how annoying messages were. 

Curious as to why his communicator was vibrating, a holographic screen was projected by the object and what he read shocked him for a moment before he laughed, but then he thought of something, and beads of sweat fell from his forehead at the terrible thing in front of him, because something like this had never appeared in this universe. 

[Congratulations! You have been chosen by the highest figure in the omniverse to perform an incredible task].

[Would you like to participate in a multiversal chat? Here, you can gain much more power than you currently possess, even though you will have a job to do, but at least it's better than your boring life, don't you think Eis? Here, you can let your thirst for battle run wild].

At first, he thought it was a joke, but then he remembered that fiction in this universe is very .... strange, so to speak, it's not even on Earth, even though they're all human, it's more like a Star Wars-like situation, and it was literally in a galaxy far, far away from the Milky Way, so...

Besides, he was bored. A childhood on a nearly desolate planet where the inhabitants struggled to survive while fighting predatory and deadly mega-fauna, then moved to a magical academy where there should be fun, but he found only boredom. 

Even though he enjoyed fighting others, he had to restrain himself. He was born with a decent amount of aura, and he had to keep his power under control so as not to hurt those weaker than him too much during training. 

On the other hand, he couldn't go all out against the stronger ones, because he and his opponent might get too excited during the fight and hurt each other badly, something that was not recommended by the Academy, at least not in the first years. 

The fights of the fourth year and up were a bit more exaggerated and moving, but you couldn't maliciously cripple your opponent, although if you wanted to humiliate him, you could do so as long as the physical or mental damage wasn't permanent.

He knew that there was a much wilder underground fight club at the Academy, even the teachers and instructors knew about it, but he never joined because he was just a redneck from a remote planet, who would do him the favor? And Tanner, his partner, not that he was into that stuff either, which left him with a lot of boredom. 

From what he had heard in some rumors, dismemberments were allowed, it was all about using the Empire's advanced technology to heal the wounded. Only those who were willing to have a really hard time if they lost went there.

So would this be the classic multiversal chat where he could go to other worlds, fight, get stronger, and stuff? Maybe he could get op rewards, but he was restrained enough not to make a hasty decision, he had to figure some things out first. 

"I'd like to ask a few things before I join, is it possible?"

[As an inquiring person, you may ask a question, and formulate it appropriately].

Seeing that the screen displayed another message, it seemed that this thing could understand his words well, so he took a deep breath before asking a crucial question. The rest he could find out by agreeing to it, though it depended entirely on the answer he received. 

"Can I have fights that make my blood boil?" His question had nothing to do with becoming much more powerful, getting women, or traveling to other worlds, it was a simple one, something he deeply desired. 

[If circumstances lead you to fight, you can have fights that make your blood boil, I can assure you of that].

A smile full of thirst for battle bloomed on his face, and he bared all his teeth as he began to laugh like mad. The coldness of the orbs floating around him increased, causing the temperature of the room to drop significantly, but it didn't affect him. 

His blue hair, which was quite long for cultural reasons, swayed in the breeze that came through the window of his room. The excitement he felt increased his heartbeat, but that characteristic sound was overshadowed by the crazy laughter he was having.

"Good! I'm in!" his scream made the projected words disappear. 

The communicator crystal slipped from his hand and floated into the air. Plasma, the energy that inhabits all truly habitable worlds in this universe, seemed to stir with some unknown force. A certain Empress in her palace looked up at the Academy and smiled. 

"It seems that the special boy I chose has accepted, I told you he would," the woman said, stroking the huge head of a gigantic green dragon lying in front of her. 

"Yes, I know, but I must allow my servant to have some warm blood in his cold veins, and the Regent offered me a position in his little project, he even gave me VIP tickets to his show. Do you know how expensive they are?" said Lunais, who did not seem to have changed except for a more mature and dominant bearing, worthy of a goddess and empress. 

Her dragon simply snorted as she continued to enjoy the caresses of her mistress, who no longer argued with her lifelong companion. She continued to look in the direction of the Academy as a smile spread across her face. 

On four other worlds, similar things happened. 

Satoru Gojo was bored too, the only time he felt excitement for a fight was when he fought the guy who almost killed him, but as a good protagonist he was, it was obvious that he would raise his respective power in times of crisis. 

"Ah, having a plot armor as thick as mine should be fun, where's my adventure after falling off a cliff? Too bad I wasn't born in a cultivation world, I'd be a devil-level genius or something," our beloved Gojo Satoru complained while reading a novel on his smartphone. 

When you are bored because no one can touch you without your permission, you start to have strange hobbies, at least for the few of his acquaintances who understood his references when he talked about arrogant young masters, ignoring that he was one in his childhood. 

[Congratulations! You have been chosen by the highest figure in the omniverse to perform an incredible task].

[Would you like to join a multiversal chat? You are already at the top of your world, but there is a heaven beyond the sky, and there are extremely powerful beings in other universes who could easily confront you and even defeat you. Although you will have a job to do, you will be able to enjoy a much more colorful life, what do you think, Gojo Satoru]].

At this unknown message, he thought he'd been attacked by someone's innate cursed technique, so he lifted his blindfold a little and let his beautiful blue eyes scan everything around him. But since he was on such a tall building and there was no trace of anyone, he hesitated a bit. 

Was it the work of some cursed tool of some other assassin who possessed some heavenly restraint like Toji? He didn't know, but the words he read caught his attention. 

"Hmm, I know that I would be defeated if I fought Saitama or Goku, but I would like to fight them if there is a universe out there where they exist," as the owner of a cursed technique that used mathematics and physics to function, he was well versed in those subjects.

Parallel universes were also a trope of the novels and series he watched, so he was not disoriented on that point, so he pressed the accept option that was shown in a box below the words he had read. His phone floated uncontrollably in the air, and certain people, including himself, felt a disturbance in the world. 


It had been three years since Azula's brother Zuko had been banished to seek the illusory figure of the Avatar. At first, Azula had viewed this situation with amusement, until she realized that her father was now much stricter and less tolerant of her as if her older brother had been the focus of all her father's stress and malice, but now there was only her. 

She had just trained, and she was so angry, she felt like she could do more, that she had so much more than she could do, but she was just trapped in the same thing. Yes, Azula felt trapped in her own home, she didn't mind the difficult training or learning to navigate the intricate threads of politics, no, she felt trapped for a reason. 

Though she did not want to mention it because it would be dangerous, she knew that her father was manipulating her deeply, and this, combined with unresolved personal conflicts and the lack of people to confide in, even though she had two friends, made her extremely ill. But she couldn't cry, she couldn't just let her feelings out, so it all turned into anger.

As her body was submerged in a bathtub filled with hot water and bubbles that hid her figure, something strange appeared in a strange golden light. She raised her hand to hold what appeared to be a rare jade tablet. She didn't think that someone would sneak into the royal castle of the nation to leave this for her, but she still raised her guard as she stood up and stepped out of the tub.

Her body was still covered in bubbles, hiding her precious parts. She looked at her surroundings carefully, even using something she had recently begun to develop. Unlike her father and Zuko, she paid attention to the supposed nonsense her uncle said about breathing, as well as the confusing things related to tea.

Then she took a deep breath while closing her eyes, and small lights appeared in her mind, one of them, the largest, representing herself, the other smaller ones representing the bathtub and the candles that illuminated her bath. Azula had developed a strange sensory ability that helped her perceive heat, to which she was very sensitive as a blue flame user. 

"No one, and that golden light... it just appeared out of nowhere, could it be a spirit thing?" she whispered cautiously, looking quizzically at the jade tablet she was holding, almost dropping it when golden letters appeared on it. 

[Congratulations! You have been chosen by the highest figure in the omniverse to perform an incredible task!"]

[Would you like to participate in a multiversal chat? It's a way to communicate with four other people from another world, and I don't mean the spirit world but worlds different from yours. Where you can struggle, learn, improve, and be yourself without the control of your oppressive father. Do you want to be free, Azula?]

Something seemed to stir inside the young woman as she read those words. She knew that ghosts were mischievous and many hated humans, or so she had read. But if this jade tablet spoke the truth, she could reach heights she had never imagined. Most importantly, she could be free of her father's oppressive yoke and just be Azula. 

"Yes, I want to be free," she said, and the tablet slipped from her hand and floated in the air, a golden light emanating from it. 

The chi, or vital force, of the entire world, even the spiritual world, became agitated. Those most connected to the spiritual world noticed this strange disturbance, such as Iroh, who had arrived near the South Pole with his grandson. 

"It looks like great things are about to happen," the old man muttered before a huge column of chi rose in the distance. 

"The Avatar..." the old man muttered as he turned his attention to his anxious nephew, who was desperately trying to redeem himself. 


Jotaro Kujo enjoyed a rare moment with his little daughter Jolyne, who was only seven years old. They were both watching an episode of SpongeBob and while his daughter was enjoying the show, Jotaro couldn't help but think about the details the Speedwagon Foundation had received about the recent activities of Giorno Giovanna, who had joined a gang, some members of which were stand users. 

The boy seemed to have a humanoid stand that screamed 'MUDA', something that made him shudder slightly as he had Koichi make a formal report on the situation. He had already noticed that even though he had defeated DIO, he still had certain psychological aftereffects regarding the vampire. 

"Daddy, you made that creepy face again," little Jolyne pouted as she touched her fingers to her father's cheeks as he stared at her. 

"Sorry, it's just that my favorite character is Squidward," Jotaro joked with his daughter, who burst out laughing at such a silly joke. 

When Jolyne turned his attention back to him, he felt something appear in his pocket, and without hesitation, he brought up his stand, which appeared behind him in a flash as everything went black and white.

"An enemy stand?" he muttered as he pulled out what he had in his pocket, realizing that it looked like one of the prototype smartphones the Foundation had.

Time resumed, and no one but he noticed, that his daughter was still distracted by watching TV, while Star Platinum approached him and held up the object that was presumably a phone. 

The screen soon lit up, displaying a series of messages that caused Jotaro to be alarmed for a moment before he began to think about it. 

[Congratulations! You have been chosen by the highest figure in the Omniverse to perform an incredible task!]

[Would you like to participate in a multiversal chat? You're an excellent scientist, even if you don't know much about physics, you know about the possibility of other worlds, other universes. Maybe some stand in the future will have something to do with them, who knows]. [Would you like to join a multiversal chat?

[Would you like to join a chat group that explores new worlds? Perhaps an adventurous journey like in the old days will rekindle the dying flame within you. Perhaps you can also find the strength to break the chains of the sad fate that binds your lineage, Jotaro Kujo. Would you like to spend more time with your daughter without worrying about such problems].

That struck a deep chord in him, the little attention he paid to his daughter would go unnoticed for now, but if he continued on this path, who knows, his daughter might end up in prison or worse, at the mercy of their enemies. 

And even though he had some thoughts about leaving his family to protect them, it was something he avoided even thinking about, he ached at the possibility of doing the same to Jolyne, he didn't want to be her father, he promised himself that when he held his little daughter in his arms for the first time.

"If you're not an enemy, then..." Jotaro mumbled and pressed the answer button. 

The phone floated in the air and attracted the attention of his daughter, who started to jump and try to catch it.

"Daddy! Look, it's flying!" Jolyne laughed when she saw the strange object in the air, she couldn't reach it, maybe she would have to ask her father to carry her.


Loneliness was something she had gotten used to so long ago, that and the madness of being sealed with this life-destroying monster, trying to keep it from waking up and destroying her planet. But she felt like she was about to lose herself, and besides, this thing seemed to have noticed her interference even when she was asleep and would want to devour her as well. 

But she was Schala, Princess of the Kingdom of Zeal, and her self-imposed duty was to keep Lavos, named after her ancestors so long ago, at bay. There was little in the absolute darkness in the depths of the world until a strange light shone and caught her attention. 

Was it a Book of Communication? Her kingdom was a lover of books, even her palace had more libraries and bookshelves than ornaments, so she instinctively reached out for the book, which showed her strange words on the cover. 

[Congratulations! You have been chosen by the highest figure in the omniverse to perform an incredible task].

[Would you like to participate in a multiversal chat? As a princess of an advanced magical kingdom, you should know about other worlds; after all, they've already toyed with them by summoning mystics, haven't they? If you accept, you will meet four other people who will accompany you in your loneliness, and you will have the possibility to free yourself, to no longer have to face that terrible monster, to see Janus again].

Schala did not hesitate to accept, even if it was a demon, that it was better than the devouring monster she had to guard, she was anxious to see other people, especially her little brother. She wanted to know what had happened to him after the incident.

The book glowed in her hands instead of separating like the other communication artifacts, as if the being behind the multiversal chat understood that Schala needed this light. The magic pulse that was released was felt by only a few existences, fortunately, Lavos was not one of them. 

[Welcome to the Anti-Virus Multiverse Chat Group!]

[Ice Orb Master has joined the chat] 

[Honored One has joined the chat] 

[Marine Biologist has joined the chat] 

[Fire Nation Princess has joined the chat] 

[Zeal Kingdom Princess has joined the chat]

Sir_Traverse Sir_Traverse

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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