50% Messing With Canon With A Shop…Wait What!? / Chapter 7: What is their Luck!? (Part 1)

บท 7: What is their Luck!? (Part 1)

Cobalts first trip into the unknown! Remember he died In 2017 so all anime or media he knows is 2017 and before, so not only is it unfamiliar setting but he doesn't know who is the protagonist or anything.


Cobalt was like a doll. Face unshifting. Not blinking. And a smile as fake as implants on a model. Mitsuri humming a tune carrying her spoils with her to meet her master! Oh she can't wait for Cobalt to meet everyone! Oh wait did she tell him that all the other Hashiras will be there?

Ah she didn't did she?

"Ano, Cobalt? I forgot to mention…are you okay?" She turned to look at him and blinked as his face. Cobalt robotically nodded. Mitsuri tilted her head confused when a voice was heard above them.

"Oi shitty merchant. Take that disgusting face off when you meet the master. I won't accept any disrespect from you. Your representing not only my trust but Mitsuris." Iguro with his trusty snake buddy were crouched on a tree branched above them. He jumped down and whacked Cobalt on the head.

"Gah!? Why did you have to hit so hard?" His face shifted back to normal human setting, rubbing a bump that slowly formed on his head. Iguro scoffed. "Your're panic is noted. As long as you don't disrespect our master you'll be fine. Are these balls part a new product?"

While Iguro and Cobalt may dislike each other, they can at least respect each other. One who is some kind of high ranking slayer of man eating creatures. The other is a owner of items that can give them a edge in battle. Oh and Kaburamaru likes the drinking the fuzzy drink he sells.

"Yep. I got a new machine called a Gachapon and…" Soon all three fell into small talk. Mitsuri chiming in talking about her meeting two girls from another world and how exciting it was to meet others other than Cobalt. Iguro glared in displeasure when he heard one of them pointed weapons at her. Sadly they didn't talk about their world only that is was as they say, "a clusterfuck."

Soon they reached a big house, or is it call a compound? Cobalt didn't know. What he did notice was the cast of colorful people standing in front of the porch.

Mitsuri gave them a big smile. "Hey eveyone! I like you to meet my friend Cobalt! He's the merchant that sells me snacks I've been sharing." All eyes turned to look at me with a gleam in their eye. Geez thanks Mitsuri. Now he was more worried on offending somebody.

"Ah the merchant that sells you those 'chips' as you call them. I wish to buy some as well!" A man with owl like eyes and looked to be on fire spoke confidently. Good to see she shared his stuff, maybe he can gain more favor points.

"Oh my. Is he the one who sold the pocky? I would like to also purchase some. They appear to have a wonderful ability to sooth our masters illness." Next was probably the second shortest person he met. With big purple eyes that stared into his soul. Was her haori based on butterfly wings?

He's two for…seven in aproval. Though he wondered if everyone here a Hashira or whatever? Got to be if Mitsuri is here

Before he can respond, one of them disappeared and appeared next to him with a hand to his chin. "My what flashy clothes you have. Do you also sell clothing? The colors go quite well together." He was tall and the only one with no sleeves with two golden arm bands. His eyes were a shade of burgundy with jewellary shining in the light.

"Tch, who cares about that shit. Why did we let this outsider into our base? Especially near our masters home!?" A man with many scars and a open uniform glared hatefully at Cobalt. His eyes had veins popping up and carried a edge that makes him shiver. Does this man just tank damage not dodge?

Well he was bound to swing and miss, but he had a majority of them liking his stuff so he's in the lead in approval!

"Master asked Mitsuri to bring him to show his wares. Don't make a fuss when he gets here." Iguro surprisingly came to Cobalt defense with a glare of his own. His snake slightly hissing at the heavily scarred man. Dont threaten the man who brings him fuzzy water!

"Hah!? Don't tell me you support this too Obanai!?"

"I accompanied Mitsuri on all her trips and bought my own from him. I won't play stupid and lie that they aren't effective and worth the price." Oh so some calls each otherbu their first name and some last. He can get with that.

The tallest one with red beads wrapped around his hands in a prayer nodded, his forehead having a scar the reach each side of his forehead. His eyes have no pupils. "This young man sold us his wares, each having effects helpful in our fight against demons. He is risking himself appearing outside his home. Treat him well Shinezugawa." Holy shit, that's a long ass name.

Sanemi clicked his tongue and looked away. Cobalt believes he found the most respectable one of the group if he can pacify this wild looking guy. He looked like those really angry characters you see in anime that always have a attitude and wants to fight.

Both a man with a patchwork haori and the kid didn't even bother to register him, looking straight ahead without even a glance. He dubbed thee under the name of Cobablt, the emos! Also isn't Hashira a high ranking member? Why is a kid here? Is he strong or they don't have that many members?

As he was about to respond two identical little girls walked up to the porch. "The master had arrived." His world blurred a bit and found himself next to Iguro and Mitsuri in a line with all the other Hashiras. Iguro was holding onto the back of his shirt. He leaned over and whispered. "When he arrives kneel." Cobalt nodded, old Japan customs.

Soon a man escorted by his a women who looked like a older version of the girls walked to the edge of the porch. One of the girls layed a blanket and the other a pillow for the man to sit on. All the Hashiras kneeled, himslef included to not offend this guy or the other Hashiras.

Sanemi bowed. "Welcome master. It's good to see your are in great health."

The master nodded at him. "Thank you Sanemi. It's great to have this meeting in this nice weather." They all looked up, Cobalt choking down a curse when he saw the masters face. From his forehead to his nose was sickly purple with veins bulging form his face. His eyes paled and glassy no doubt blind, yet he was smiling. What kind of illness it's that!? He never seen anything that bad before in his previous life!

"Now let's begin our annual meeting. Today we have a important guest amoug us. He's a merchant that sold Mitsuri those unique snacks that helped in bring down demons and help healed some of my beloved children." All eyes turned to him. Iguro slightly pushing him forward.

Cobalt cleared his throat and bowed his head. "I thank you for inviting me to your home. It brings me joy knowing my product is helping people in need." Was that enough sucking up or does he need more?

"Indeed it's been quite a boon. The Pocky quite a treat to enjoy and helps soothes the pain I suffer from. Please, allow me introduce you to everyone. Stand."

With a single order everyone stood back up. Cobalt turned to face the group. "You already met the Love Hashira Kanroji Mitsuri and the Serpent Hashira Obanai Iguro." The two nodded with Mitsuri smiling at him.

"Next is the Flame Hashira Rengoku Kyojiro."

"It's great to meet you!" He really looks like a owl with the way his eyebrows and eyes look.

"The Sound Hashira Uzui Tengen."

"I'm the flashiest man you'll ever meet!" You must be the attention seeker.

"The Insect Hashira Kocho Shinobu."

"Greetings~." Wow she's can go awhile without blinking huh. Though the butterfly haori make snes now.

"The Mist Hashira Tokito Muichiro."

"Ah why am I here?" Is this boy okay?

"The Wind Hashira Shinazugawa Sanemi."

"You better not cause any trouble." You need to get some eyebrows before threatening me.

"The Water Hashira Tomioka Gyuu."

The man didn't say anything and only gave him a glance. Wow, real talkative.

"Finally The Stone Hashira Himejima Gyomei."

"Namu Amida Batsu." Oh he's a monk. A blink monk who's related to stone. Tophs father anyone?

The master gestures to the people around him. "These are my oldest daughters Hinaki and Nichiika. With me is my wife Amane. Finally I'm the master of the demon slayer corp, Ubuyashiki Kagaya. It great to meet you."

Holy shit these were quite a cast of characters of any he saw. But he'll have to delve on that another time. Cobalt bowed and introduced himself. "It's nice to meet you all. I'm Cobalt, no last name, owner of the Shooting Star. Did Mitsuri and Iguro explain location of my shop?" Kagaya nodded.

"Yes, we actually had a meeting the day she discovered your world. If it wasn't for the snacks and the power they gave it would be hard to believe. The pocky you sell is quite the gift." Cobalt smiled and gestured to Mitsuri. She nodded and approached him with the capsules in her arms.

"If you think thats a gift then this will be more shocking. I recently obtain a machine of great power. By spending five stores credits you can obtain a special capsule, the ones you see in her arms." Time for shameless self promotion!

They all turned to look at the ten capsules, Kagaya daughters describing what they looked like to him. Cobalt picked out one of each color. "The machine wil drop a capsule of four colors and value. The white is common with a 55% chances to drop. The blue is rare with a 30% chance to drop. A purple one is 10% and the gold only a 5% to drop. As you can see Mitsuri has the devil luck it seems."

Misturi blushed but smiled a bit. Tengen oohed at the sparkling golden capsule. "While they are quite flashy, what do they do?" Now for the true shock factor.

"Each capsule contains a unique item of all worlds! From basic gear to jewelry to even skills similar to ones you see on demons you faced! The better the rarity the more powerful or valuable the reward is!" Everyone eyes widened.

Shinobu stepped forward with a serious look, yet still smiling. "Thats quite the claim. How do we know its true though? What your saying can change the flow between the battle of demons and slayers? Is there a limit to what they bring?"

Cobalt shook his head. "There no limit to what you can get. It's up to you and your luck on what you get. As for evidence…Mitsuri shall open one for us too see."

"Eh!? Me!?"

"Well you did pull them Mitsuri. They are yours for you decide on." Mitsuri nodded as it made sense. Iguro came up and grabbed her capsules for her while she held onto a epic capsule. Cobalt gestured to it. "This is a epic capsule. The second rarest capsule you can get so whatever comes out of it will no doubly something incredibly powerful or valuable to it's rarity. Basically gambling but you always win…well sorta. Mitsuri when your ready."

All eyes were on her she stared at the ball in her hand. A minute passed…then another…

"You don't know how to open it do you?"

"Ah no I don't sorry."

Any suspense was gone as eveyone couldn't help but feel flabbergasted. Rengoku and Tengen laughed uproariously while Sanemi faced palmed. "Stop wasting our time and opened the damn thing."

Cobalt showed her what to do by grabbing the bottom and top and twisting them in opposite directions. She grabbed both sides and twisted releasing a sparking light.

They watched as it flew into the air growing, twisting, morphing before it condescend into a single sparking orb. It fell down slowly to Mitsuri, floating at eye level. It was a emerald green with pink, glowing like a glow stick. Cobalt tapped the orb to get the information.

Matriarch's Love

The healing skill of the mother godess of Celtic mythology, Danu.

Ability:Mediarama + Patra + Dekunda

Requirment: Defeat or Impress Danu

HOLY SHIT! Cobalt eyes were wide and his jaw dropped. A high multi heal skill with all cleanse and a debuff cleanse too!? "Um Cobalt? What did I get?"

Cobalt snapped out of it and noticed her worried look. "Well it seems you are indeed blessed by a higher being. This is the skill of a the mother goddess Danu. Matriarch's Love. A skill that massively heals multiple ally's including yourself from all physical injuries and cures any status aliment such as poison or disease. It can also heal you from anything that weakens you temporarily."


The more vocal ones shouted out in shock! Shinobu had her hands to her mouth snd even Gyuu and Muichiro reacted to the skill. Kagaya heard this and had trouble hiding his reaction. Tengen shakily took steps to it but I held up a hand to silence everyone. "It comes with a requirement. To be able to use this skill you must impress or defeat Danu

herself to use."

All eyes widened. The actual goddess? Rengoku looked at Cobalt seriously. "Is it possible to gain audience with such a deity? This skill is a great boon and call be used to heal our master." That Cobalt didn't know. He played up most SMT games, they game that holds most mythological entities, and never heard of Danu in the game or any Atlus game at the time. So until he finds a way to summon her or meet her this skill can't be used.

When he relayed his thoughts they simmered down. Kagaya cleared his throat. "I have no doubt you can find a way. One doesn't receive a boon such as this without being able to achieve it. So until then we'll keep this a secret and hide it in a place no one can find it. Understood?"

All Hashiras agreed with no complaint, they are really loyal to this guy huh. Mitsuri was downtrodden so he placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry. If I'm able to connect to the world Danu is in I'll see if I can hook up a meeting between you all. I doubt you'll leave meeting a goddess to Mitsuri alone right?"

Gyomei nodded. "You are correct. A god Is not one to trifle with and no doubt have power even greater then the demons. Fighting cannot be a option as of now." Sanemi scoffed but didn't say anything. Tengen side eyed him. "You actually think we can beat a literal goddess?"

Sanemi glared at his flashiness. "Of course I don't. But we now have something to give a edge in battle and a way to possiblely heal master. Oi merchant. Anyone can pull these balls right?"

"Also long as you have five store credit yeah. Anyone can pull."

"Good. You'll been seeing me real soon." He was gonna gather as much savings he can. If Mitsuri can get a power of a literal god what's to say there aren't others?

Shinobu nodded. "Mitsuri can you open another one? I wish to see what else you can gain from the capsules." At that everyone nodded. She grinned and turned to her master. Despite being blind he stil can feel the her gaze and nodded her to continue.

"I suggest starting with the commons and move up in rarity. Can someone take this skill?"

He grabbed the floating orb but was beckoned by the wife to hand it too. She gently grabbed it and head inside to store it somewhere safe.

Mitsuri twisted a common, smoke pouring out and quickly assembled into a…flashlight? Yes a normal flashlight cops use. Mitsuri turned it around not knowing what it is before see a button. "Oh! A button." Unfortunately it was pointed at Kyojiros face so when she pressed the button he was met with a bright beam of light to the eyes. Ah so a strong one, nice.

"Gah!?" He took a step back from the bright light and tripped on himself, falling onto the white stones on the ground. "Oh I'm so sorry! I didn't know it would do that!"

"It's, gah my eyes, it's alright Mitsuri. I think it's just a source of light like a lanturn." Cobalt tapped it and indeed it was just a flashlight with unlimited power. Gyuu thought how useful it was in dark areas and at night.

The next common was twisted and it morphed into-

"Ooh a cake!" Indeed it morphed into a slice of caramel chocolate cake with no effects. "A source of light and then a pastry. Indeed compare to the power of a goddess it's quite common." Shinobu said with Iguro nodding in agreement. Mitsuri gave it to Kyojiro as a apology, he gladly accepted it, and did the next. A rock with googly eyes and a drawn smile. For some reason Muichiro wanted it so she gave it to him. You do you little man.

In the future this was known as a mistake.

The fourth opened to a-


A tarantula. Big and hairy too. Shinobu quickly and gently picked up the confused arachnid and went to put it in a safe area. "So we can get creatures too." Said Kyojiro licking his fingers. Cobalt and Iguro comforted her as she was now afraid to open the next one. "I'll do it!" Tengen said swiping the last grey one and opening it. A weirdly shaped green ball with a silver to-

"That's a grenade!"

In Tengens hand was a frag grenade. Cobalt explained what it was and how to use it and Tengen was really happy. "How flashy! I'll use it on the next demon I find!" Sanemi wanted one too he concluded. Blowing them to bits sounds like fun.

They moved on too blues, with Gyomei being offered one. When he twisted it a greyish black orb rested on his hand. "Is this another skill?" Cobalt tapped it to check.


A type of esper ability.

Ability:Harden your entire body increasing your defense and highly resistant to all attacks. Masters can make themselves impervious to all and spread it to others.

Requirement:Athletic body. Stable Mind. High intelligence

Cobalt relayed the information, all around eveyone was surprised. A skill that anyone can use, expect for Muichiro who's suffering from amnesia and the less…gifted ones. All of them were athletic and believe to be mentally stable, as far as fighting demons can take you. "So who should get it?" Iguro asked before Gyomei offered it to Shinobu. "Your breathing technique relies on poisoning demons and you are no doubt the most intelligent one here. Incase you run into a demon that can resist wisteria, you can stall with this ability or use it to get closer."

Cobalt saved that tibit of information for later. Wisteria is apparently toxic to demons. Are other poisons not effective?

Shinobu took the orb, staring at it, then crushed it in her hand. The shards flew into her hands and arm but left no mark or damage. Ina brief moment her skin was a dark metallic chrome. "Holy shit we can actually get demon like abilities from the capsules!" Tengen cheered! He was a bit skeptical if they can ever use skills when Matriarch's Love is to confront a literal god. He's definitely gonna try his hand on getting the flashiest abilities! Maybe some for his wives too!

Shinobu stared vacantly, processing information oh her new found esper ability. She turned to Gyomei. "Gyomei hit me as hard as you can with a breathing technique. I wish to see the extent of damage I can now reduce." He raised a brow, not expecting such a request, but Shinobu while a bit reckless isn't stupid. She truly believes her new boon can tank even him.


Gyomei pulled out his weapon and Cobalt noticed it was vastly different from the rest. Instead of a katana or a variant of it, it was a axe with a chain connected to a spiked metal ball. Chainaxe flail. Only ones he can remember ever using something similar was Madara but he used a chain scythe and Kratos blades of Chaos.

"Stone Breathing Fifth Form: Arcs of Justice!"

"Wait that's too much!" Gyuu actually shouted! a barrage of axe and fails headed to her, whipping up wind and cracking the walls around from the force alone. They were so fast, Cobalt thought they multiplied! Shinobu stood her ground and tensed her entire body and took a deep breath. Is she using a breathing technique with it!? "Insect Breathing fifth form: Chitin!" Soon her entire body was wrapped by grey metallic chrome, weirdly with patterns but they were unkempt and too faded to tell.

A whirlwind of heavy strikes hit all over her. From her body to head and limbs. Yet she endured, only digging deeper into the earth, cratering the area around.

Everyone jumped back with Sanemi clearing any debris that would reach the family on the porch. The attack had a large radius, Cobalt had to be shielded by Mitsuri from getting hit from the many white rocks that were in the area. When Gyomei finished a crater stood where Shinobu was. It was wide and the area was a mess, the walls were shredded from the rocks and winds. Yet Shinobu released the ability and stood with rags of her clothes and haori but conveniently saving her modesty. She'll have to fix the haori but that's didn't ruin her sense of accomplishment. Her esper ability can be used with total concentration breathing! to cover herself Gyuu wrapped his haori around her, slightly looking away to not look. She was slightly scratched up and had small bruises, but with some snacks and rest she'll be fine. "Ah thank you Tomioka-san! You might be able to gain a friend in me!" She of course still teased him.

"No way. Gyomei is the strongest but he could only scratch her lightly! It can also mix with total concentration breathing." Tengen muttered. This was a skill of the rare catagory. Yet somehow it still pales to the skill of a goddess. What other powers can they get to boost their techniques! "And we can get this…by buying candy?" Sanemi said.

"Well uh not just candy. When I gain enough money I can either upgrade previous product, upgrade it or buy a new group of product. I just chose upgrade it as it was the cheapest option and can be bought by children too." Sanemi stared at the merchant. "Why the hell would you stay with snacks? Start selling weapons or something! You need money so you got to start selling more shit at higher prices!"

"It's not cheap you know! I can't set prices higher or lower unless I invested into each item individually!"

"Invest into a item itself? You can make them stronger!?" He shouted! The healing was barely noticeable but it does help with resting he'll give him that. So the fact he can increase effects opened even more opportunities to fight demons!

"I hope you plan on fixing the mess you cause Gyomei. You aswell Shinobu. I congratulate you on your new ability but please try it outside my home. The poor Kakushi will have to replace what you broke." Both mentioned Hashira kneeled to their master with head bowed. They realized they could of hurt Kagaya and his family. "Of course master. We'll personally help fix the mess we made." They felt a little ashamed.

"Welp I'm convinced. Hey Kyojiro open the other one."

"Of course!"

"Can I open the purple one?"

"Sure young Muichiro!"

Rengoku grabbed the last blue and twisted it. Instead of condensing into a skill it grew into…a bow? In his hand was a gold bow blue accents but no draw string. In the middle was a little shield with a arrow symbol. "Is this suppose to be a twin blade? A bow usually has a string and made of wood." Kyojiro held it up for Cobalt to touch.

Palutena's Bow

A bow used by the champion of Palutena, Pit, shoots out arrows of light and can be split into two blades for close range. Each arrow gains speed the longer the distance is. It's relies on moving while shooting rather then standing for more damage.

Ability: Light Arrows, Infinity, multi-weapon

Requirement: basic Archery, basic duel wielding, strong sense of justice

"It's a bow alright. Anybody a duel wielder and a strong sense of justice?" All Hashira turned to Tengen. He blinked before grinning massively. "I'll trade ya for a grenade."

"Deal!" Kyojiro joked and traded with him. "So how does it work?" Tengen asked, unintentionally splitting the bow. He noticed they were light more act more like duel kunais or daggers in his hands and can be detached and put together with no issue.

"It's a bow that can be split into two blades as you can see. Get into a archery stance if you know one." As a former shinobi he's been trained in all sorts of weapons and a bow was one of them for assassinations. "Now touched the little shield and pretend your noching a arrow. Though aim for the sky to prevent further damage."

Doing as told, two rings of light appeared around his notching hand and a blue string materialized followed by a blue arrow, it made a blinking sound so he aimed up and shot into the sky. The arrow flew into the air and seem to get faster the more it travels before it vanished into the distance. "If you held the arrow long enough it, make a charged shot. Though to get the most out of it, you have to be moving while shooting as it relies on constant movement to use."

"It's a bit smaller but I can definitely used the range. I'll see if I can make a breathing technique with it." He clapped a hand onto Cobalts shoulder. "Thanks for this flashy gift! I'll most definitely swing by to get more stuff, do you accept jewelry?"

"If it has value i can accept it as payment."


The children told the master what happened, and he smiled at Tengen. "Treat it well Tengen. A gift such as that should be treated with respect. See if the light properties can also slay a demon, and check with your blacksmith to infuse it with scarlet ore." The ore was the only metal that can kill a demon and the main source of all demon slaying weapons. With the bows power it'll be a massive boost to demon slaying.

"Yes master! Now sleepy one, open the next one!"


Thankfully Muichiro actually remember and grabbed the next one. A tense silence fell as everyone waitined in anticipation for what to come out of it. Will it be another powerful skill like the first? When he started to twist it, a sparkling light emitted from it before it erupted into a blinding light.

Everyone had to look away as it dined bright as the sun! "What the hell is going on!?" Yelled Iguro, his snake hiding in his uniform.

I took a minute for the light to die down, everyone looking up to see what could of triggered such a response. In Muichiros hands was a katana and a sword of green light. The light sword reminded him of a lightsaber from Star Wars, more of a torch then sword, with a golden handle. Cobalt jaw dropped recognizing both weapons! "Put the purple one down!" Muichiro let go of the katana, it stabbing into the ground. It wasn't normal was the first thought anyone can see.

It was the size of a regular katana with a silver and dark grey blade with red blade ridge that looked to be moving like a liquid. The sword guard was dark brown with a circular design of a eye. The hands was black, a strange orb rest in it and the pommel was gold with a intricate design to it. From the pommel a chain hanged with a red plume of feathers of fur.

Cobalt had to be careful and quickly tapped the handle.

Shutaba-Blade of a Umbra Witch

A katana made from the demon god Ashura for the Umbra Witch Bayonetta after defeating a pair of Beloveds of the Power ranking. Angels form Paradiso. The dimension of angels. The twin blade of Angel Slayer.

Effects: Sentient, Soul Absorbion, Echo, Combo Skills

Abilities: Wicked Weaves, Moonlight Massacre

Requirements: Bloodthirsty, Proficent Swordmanship, Incredible Will

"Cobalt…what's wrong with that sword?" Kagaya seemed to be looking right at the sword. A pink mist like aura emitted from the blade, the jewel on the handle…pulsed.

Kagaya stared at the blade…

And he wasn't smiling.


The biggest challenge was not giving them something overpowered for free and something that isn't too convenient for whoever gets it. My original item list was too specialized like instead of Sclerokinesis I was gonna do element projection but it was a bit on the nose.

I also went over the minimum of words by a good margin and would of continued but 5k in one chapter can be much for some people. So this event will be split. Let me know if you think each item i used fits in the catagory they were pulled from.

Have a good day~

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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