66.66% Danmachi: Paladin / Chapter 2: The First Exploration

บท 2: The First Exploration

The sun was slowly setting over the rooftops of Orario, casting its last crimson rays on the imposing towers of the city. Sammuel walked alongside Hestia, following the goddess through the bustling streets and narrow alleys of the industrial district towards Hephaistos' forge. The metallic sounds of hammers striking steel created a rhythmic symphony in the air, interspersed with the cries of artisans dedicated to their tasks.

Hestia walked briskly, her childlike face radiant with excitement. She glanced curiously at Sammuel, hoping to uncover the mysteries of her first child.

"So, Sammuel, where exactly are you from?" she asked with an engaging smile.

"From a place far from here," he replied, his tone both evasive and slightly tinged with nostalgia.

Hestia, never discouraged, continued enthusiastically, a spark of mischief in her eyes. "What you did during Hephi's test was incredible. Have you been forging for a long time?"

"You could say that," he answered briefly, avoiding details.

The cobblestones grew rougher as they neared the forge. The immense stone and metal building stood majestically, chimneys belching black smoke into the sky. The entrance was flanked by imposing statues of armored warriors, symbolizing the power and craftsmanship of the place.

Upon entering the forge, Hestia hurried off in search of Hephaistos. Meanwhile, Sammuel remained in the background, observing his surroundings with an instinctive wariness and palpable curiosity. Inside, the forge was a cacophony: anvils struck by hammers, the hiss of metal heated to white-hot temperatures. Sparks flew everywhere, illuminating the focused faces of the working blacksmiths.

Hestia soon spotted Hephaistos, bent over a workbench, her fiery hair glowing in the light of the furnaces. Hestia was already running with a triumphant smile on her lips.

"Hephaistos! Look, I've finally got my first child!" exclaimed Hestia, radiant with pride.

Hephaistos turned her head, dropping her hammer with a precise motion. She fixed her piercing gaze on Sammuel, recalling their past encounter perfectly. Choosing discretion, she made no mention of their shared history.

"That's wonderful, Hestia," she said, displaying a sincere smile. "Congratulations. And you, Sammuel, congratulations as well."

Sammuel nodded in acknowledgment. He remained in the background, his face displaying a calculated distance.

Hestia seized this opportunity to ask Hephaistos for help. "Hey, Hephaistos, can we crash here for one more month while we find our own place?" she asked, her eyes full of hope.

Hephaistos nodded kindly. "I thought you'd never leave. Of course, Hestia. You're welcome to stay."

After warm thanks, Hestia led Sammuel out of the forge. As they resumed their walk, the heat and clamor of the forge gave way to a soothing silence, interrupted only by their footsteps echoing on the cobblestones.

Their next destination was a library, a place of calm and knowledge nestled in the heart of the industrial district. Upon entering the solemn confines of the library, Hestia reserved a reading area at the back. These rooms were designed to offer perfect tranquility, isolated from whispers and ambient noises.

"Sammuel, take off your shirt," she ordered calmly once they were settled in the quiet room, her eyes shining with a silent determination.

He obeyed without question. Hestia took a magical needle from her pouch and, with careful gestures, inscribed the falna on his back, marking his new belonging to the Hestia Familia. Sammuel felt an intense warmth spread through his body as the falna integrated into his skin, like a wave of pure, luminous power.

Hestia, glancing at Sammuel's status forming before her eyes, widened her eyes in surprise. "Oh my God!" she murmured, astonished. Then, throwing her arms around him with overflowing joy: "My light, I was right!"

Embarrassed by this public display of affection, Sammuel took a deep breath. "Hestia, compose yourself and show me my status."

Hestia regained her composure and flashed a mischievous smile before showing Sammuel his status.

"Here, look for yourself," she said, pointing at the sheet with pride.

### Sammuel's Status:

- **Name**: Sammuel

- **Race**: High Human

- **Level**: 1

- **Familia**: Hestia

**Base Parameters**:

- **Strength**: 0

- **Endurance**: 0

- **Dexterity**: 0

- **Agility**: 0

- **Magic**: 0

**Skills and Spells**:

 **Unique Skill**: 

- Argentum Manus: Paladin, Virtuous Emissary of Light and Justice. Grants mysterious powers to bring justice, compassion, and repentance. Walking this path will bring you fulfillment.

- Will to Survive: Passively dispels all effects affecting movement and any forms of control loss. All detection and tracking attempts are ineffective.

Sammuel examined the paper intently, his brows knitting slightly. Then, turning to Hestia, he took a deep breath.

"I know most gods here like to brag about their children. Abstain from doing so until I am strong and independent enough to handle the consequences. My acquired skills will prompt some to act against us. Let's avoid such problems."

Hestia nodded with a gentle smile. "I won't endanger my first child. Who do you take me for?" she said with a childish air.

Sammuel looked at her dubiously. "Sure, right. I'm watching you, little Hestia."

Hestia jumped on him with boundless energy. "But show some respect! I'm a goddess full of wisdom, you know!" she exclaimed, climbing onto his back.

Sammuel, trying to keep his balance, responded sarcastically, "Oh, sure, I believe you. Now, get down." Finishing his sentence, he gently set her down on the floor.

"Hestia, can you hide my Falna?" he asked seriously.

She shook her head, her big blue eyes sparkling. "I don't know how to do that."

Sammuel sighed, dressing himself again. While Hestia once again climbed onto his back, they headed towards their house in the Hephaistos district. Hestia, perched on his shoulders, pointed out various structures and local attractions, a radiant smile lighting up her face.

"Sammuel, look over there, that's the great market square!" she exclaimed joyfully. "That's where you'll find the best ingredients and craft items."

Sammuel raised an eyebrow, glancing at the bustling square. "What kind of ingredients can we find here?"

Hestia bounced slightly on his shoulders, excited. "Oh, everything you can imagine! Medicinal herbs, rare materials, quality weapons..." She pointed to a stall where a merchant was selling multicolored potions. "There, you'll find the best ingredients, and here, craft items of very good quality. Everyone knows everyone here; people are so warm-hearted!"

With measured interest, Sammuel examined the stalls and passersby. "And for weapons? Are there any specialized forges worth visiting around here?"

"Absolutely!" replied Hestia. "Hephaistos' forge is obviously the most renowned – but there are also hidden forges producing unique pieces. We can visit them if you want, once you feel more comfortable here."

They continued their walk, crossing several groups of people who greeted Hestia warmly. Sammuel noted, not without a hint of skepticism: "It looks like you're quite popular here."

Hestia laughed softly. "Oh, you know, I've been here for a while. People are starting to know me. And with Hephaistos as a friend, it helps."

They finally arrived in front of a large stone building with colored windows, their future home. Hestia climbed down from his shoulders and turned to him, her eyes sparkling. "Welcome home, Sammuel. What do you think?"

Observing the house with an impassive gaze, Sammuel replied: "It seems...comfortable."

Hestia laughed heartily, lightly tapping his shoulder. "You'll see, we'll settle in perfectly."

Entering the house, Sammuel took a last look at the lively neighborhood before asking an important question. "And regarding security here? Can we really feel safe?"

Hestia responded with a sufficient air. "We are in the craftsmen's district where Hephaistos' word is law. No one would dare to harm us here."

Later that day, Hestia headed to Hephaistos' workshop, determined to get information on how to hide Sammuel's falna. Meanwhile, Sammuel retreated to the room assigned to them. The room was modest but welcoming, with a bunk bed and some functional furniture. A small table held a tray of fruit and fresh bread. Hungry, he eagerly ate to regain strength.

While savoring the juicy fruits and crusty bread, he analyzed his new abilities. Before him, three symbols faintly glowed, representing the Paladin's specializations: Protection (Path of the Protector), Holy (Path of the Healer), and Retribution (Path of the Combatant). For now, there was no advantage in choosing a path other than Retribution. 

He pressed on the retribution symbol, and a message appeared before his eyes:

*Next specialization unlockable at level 4.*

Sammuel continued to explore the interface and discovered a personal inventory with thirty slots, a real time-saver and convenience. To his surprise, this inventory wasn't empty. When he examined the item it contained, he burst into laughter.

It was a hearthstone, a tool that allowed teleportation to a safe place. He pressed on the item to find more information and quickly sobered up as he read the description: *You seriously thought I'd let you teleport into the dungeon? No way. This stone contains a passive camouflage that will render your spells invisible to everyone except yourself until level 3, preventing you from turning into a beacon early on. Good luck.*

"Well, what a jerk," he thought, although he grudgingly admitted that the strange being wasn't wrong: a Paladin was not known for stealth. "Better this than nothing," he said to himself, analyzing his **Argentum Manus** skill more closely. It was divided into two distinct parts: unlocking his Paladin powers and favoring his growth each time he acted according to the principles of a Paladin, which in this context, involved gaining Extellia.

Sammuel knew he had a lot to do. Gaining access to the forge would be crucial for his growth. He needed to set aside his annoyance towards the forge goddess and act cordially towards her. After all, he was staying at her place for free and had access to the facilities.

Consulting the list of items he could forge, Sammuel was overwhelmed by an incredible array of weapons and armor, almost all grayed out and inaccessible due to his current skills and the materials he lacked. It seemed that, lacking the specific resources from Azeroth (the planet where WoW events take place), everything was adapted to use the available resources from the dungeon. "Who would have thought you could make a dagger out of a goblin ear? Seriously, an ear?" he sarcastically mused.

As he scrolled, something caught his attention, causing the apple he had in his mouth to drop. Legendary weapons. He could forge legendary weapons. Sulfuras and, most notably, Ashbringer.

Sammuel then burst into a maniacal, uncontrollable laughter, his imagination aflame with the possibilities those weapons offered. Just then, Hestia entered the room, catching him in the midst of his evil laughter. She stared at him incredulously.

"What was that?" she asked, looking at him intently.

Sammuel, regaining his composure, shrugged it off. "Nothing at all, just praying. And you, did you learn how to hide my Falna?"

Hestia crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. "Don't try to play it off. You call that praying? Liar, but let's move on. Yes, Hephaistos showed me how to do it. Show me your back, now."

Obediently, he let her manipulate the Falna. With a few skillful gestures, she used the technique taught by Hephaistos to conceal it. "Hephaistos also said to tell you that her offer still stands, and that the forge is open to you," Hestia continued.

Sammuel groaned in exasperation at the mere mention of Hephaistos, but finally replied, "Tell her I thank her and that I won't hesitate."

Night was approaching, and it was time to rest. The bed in which they would sleep was a bunk bed, with Hestia suggesting that Sammuel take the bottom bunk to ensure he had optimal sleeping conditions. Obviously, this had nothing to do with the fact that the mattress and pillow on the top bunk seemed much more comfortable. No, nothing to do with that at all.

Both quickly fell asleep. Hestia, satisfied to finally have her first child, and Sammuel, filled with impatience at the prospect of exploiting his new powers and determined to make those who had despised him regret it.


The following morning, as the sun barely rose, its golden rays timidly caressing the closed shutters, Sammuel slowly opened his eyes. The morning's fresh air gently blew through the slightly open window, bringing with it the first whispers of the waking city. Sammuel sat up in bed, stretching to chase away the last remnants of sleep.

Hestia, still nestled on the top bunk, rubbed her eyes and yawned. She jumped down to the floor, her bare feet barely brushing the floorboards. Her usually jovial face bore an expression of determination. Today was a crucial day.

"Ready for our big day?" she asked enthusiastically, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Sammuel nodded in silence, feeling a wave of nervousness and excitement at the thought of officially becoming an adventurer. He quickly donned his tunic and leather boots, checking that the Falna on his back was well concealed. Hestia picked up a basket of fruit from the table, took a bite, and handed it to Sammuel.

"Here, eat something before we go. We'll need all our energy today."

After a quick breakfast, they left the house and headed towards the guild. The streets of Orario were bustling as the city woke up. Some adventurers were already on their way to the dungeon, and merchants began setting up their stands or opening their shops, their morning movements bringing a lively atmosphere to the cobbled streets.

Hestia confidently guided Sammuel through the winding streets of the city. Their footsteps echoed on the cobblestones, blending with the sounds of everyday life. Merchants greeted Hestia warmly, to which she responded with smiles and cheerful greetings. Sammuel observed with discreet interest, allowing himself to be engulfed by the city's ambiance.

As they approached the guild, the buildings grew more imposing, and the passersby more numerous. The guild's building stood majestically, grand and imposing, with a complex architecture blending the solidity of stone with the brilliance of stained glass.

Hestia and Sammuel stepped into the guild's entrance, their arrival not going unnoticed. Eyes turned towards them, some curious, others gauging the new adventurer. Hestia stood straight like a rod, giving Sammuel a confident look that signified it was time to prove his worth.

The guild's hall was a bustling place, filled with adventurers of all levels chatting, laughing, or waiting in lines for various requests. The high ceilings and imposing columns added to the sense of grandeur. Despite this effervescence, there was a corner where the atmosphere seemed unusually calm. There, behind a counter, an employee visibly struggled to stay awake.

Her eyes closed slowly, but at the approach of Hestia and Sammuel, she straightened up abruptly, blinking to shake off sleep. Her pink hair was tied back in a practical ponytail, and her pink eyes twinkled faintly despite the evident fatigue in her gaze. Her guild uniform was impeccably clean, though a bit wrinkled, attesting to an already long day.

"Welcome to the adventurers' guild," she said in a professional voice despite her fatigue. "How can I help you?"

Hestia stepped forward with a benevolent smile. "Hello! We are here to register Sammuel as an adventurer."

The employee, named Misha according to her nametag, nodded and took out a form and a pen. "Of course, please fill out this form with your basic information, Sammuel."

Sammuel began filling out the form, entering the necessary information when suddenly an authoritative voice echoed through the room.

"Misha!" yelled a supervisor, his face turning a vivid shade of red. "Stand up immediately! This isn't the first time I've caught you dozing off at your post."

Misha quickly straightened up, her cheeks flushing with shame. "Yes, sir, sorry…"

The supervisor cast a severe glance at Misha before turning to Hestia and Sammuel, his expression instantly changing to a polite smile. "Apologies for this altercation, our adventurer clients are our priority. How can I assist you?"

Hestia nodded towards Sammuel. "We are registering Sammuel as an adventurer."

The supervisor acknowledged and retreated to the back room, leaving Misha to regain her composure and resume her duties. She took the form from Sammuel's hands with a forced smile, visibly eager to make up for her mistake.

"Very well, everything seems in order…" she said, reviewing the collected information. "Sammuel, you are now officially registered as an adventurer of the guild."

Misha quickly processed the information and handed him a brand-new guild card. "Here is your adventurer card. Keep it safely; it's your official identification."

Once the formalities were completed, Misha asked if Sammuel would like to be supervised by an experienced mentor to better apprehend the dungeon's dangers, in return for 5% of his loot. After a moment of reflection, Sammuel accepted the suggestion. An employee named Rose Fannett was assigned to him.

A few minutes later, a young werewolf dressed in a guild uniform appeared. She was of medium height, with blazing red hair. However, the most striking feature was her eyes—dark and red-rimmed as if she had spent the night crying.

Hestia, always attentive to others, frowned with concern. "Rose, isn't it? Are you okay? You look devastated."

Rose quickly composed herself, trying to mask her emotions. She took a deep breath, attempting to regain her calm. "Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry about it. The training will begin now."

Hestia didn't press further, though worry was still evident in her eyes. She turned to Sammuel, embracing him. "Be careful, Sammuel. I'll head back to Hephaistos. Take care in the dungeon."

Sammuel nodded, feeling the warmth and concern in Hestia's words. "Don't worry, I'll be careful."

Once Hestia left, Rose led Sammuel through several corridors that echoed lightly with their footsteps, to a room where a large map detailing the various levels of the dungeon was displayed. The walls were adorned with diagrams and notes, providing invaluable information about the various monsters and traps an adventurer might encounter.

Rose began her introductory course in a strict and concise manner. "The first levels of the dungeon may seem easy, but it's precisely their apparent simplicity that traps many novices. You must stay vigilant and never underestimate an opponent, no matter who they are."

She explained in detail the dangers of the first floors, the types of monsters he would encounter, and essential survival tips. Sammuel listened intently, mentally noting every detail. After each section, Rose quizzed him to ensure he understood.

"What are the main characteristics of the goblins on the first floor?" she asked.

Sammuel thought for a moment before replying. "They are small, quick, and often in groups. Their appearance is deceptive, as they can set up ambushes. The major weak points are at the nape and the base of the spine."

Rose nodded, satisfied with his answer.

Continuing her exposition, she went into detail about the different monsters and traps, her voice becoming more urgent and melancholic as she spoke. Finally, she stopped, looking at him long and hard, her sadness palpable: "If you ever feel you can't handle a situation, run. Don't be a hero. Survival is the priority. Now go, I have some papers to file in this room."

Sammuel thanked her for her advice, stood up, and quietly closed the door behind him. As soon as he crossed the threshold, he heard muffled sobs. Sammuel made a conscious effort to control his thoughts. His face remained impassive, every muscle rigid, revealing nothing of the whirlwind of emotions within him. He let out a light, almost imperceptible sigh and set out towards the dungeon.

The streets of Orario were as bustling as ever, but now he saw beyond the daily tumult. Every laugh, every vendor shouting about their wares, seemed softened by the invisible tapestry of his reflections. Inside, excitement was rising like a tide, surfacing beneath his calm exterior.

Parallel to this, a dull apprehension crept into him. Each step closer to the dungeon made the reality more tangible. The dangers he was about to face were no longer distant concepts but imminent threats. His memory frantically replayed Rose's strategies, the details of monsters and traps, the recommendations for caution. He knew that his first experiences would be decisive, shaping his future as an adventurer.

This apprehension mingled with a slight fear, a fear he would never admit to himself or anyone else. Rose's warnings echoed in his mind. The dungeon was not forgiving. It had swallowed adventurers far more experienced than he was. But despite this, he could not turn back. The fear had to be faced and overcome, used as fuel to sharpen his vigilance.

Sammuel walked with a measured pace, no apparent hurry. His gaze traveled over the building facades, the merchants, and the passersby, but they were merely blur shadows in the true battle unfolding within him. His heart beat at a slightly accelerated pace, but his expression remained resolutely stoic. Each muscle of his face, every calculated gesture, concealed the inner fire that burned more brightly with every step.

Arriving at the dungeon's entrance, an immense structure made of time-worn grey stones, Sammuel paused for a moment. He gazed up at the dark gaping doors that seemed to swallow the daylight. One final surge of excitement, apprehension, and fear bubbled within him. Then, with iron determination, he crossed the threshold, disappearing into the dungeon's shadows.

As soon as he stepped into the oppressive shadows of the dungeon, Sammuel felt a vibrant energy coursing through him. He silently murmured a prayer, instantly activating the "Blessing of Might." A wave of raw strength surged through his body, every muscle engorged with this newfound power. His two-handed sword, usually heavy and cumbersome, suddenly felt lighter and more maneuverable.

Advancing through the narrow, winding corridors of the first floor, Sammuel remained ready, his mind alert. The torch he carried cast moving shadows on the time-worn walls. As he cautiously progressed, a stealthy sound caught his attention. Suddenly, a goblin sprang from the darkness, its small, piercing, and malevolent eyes fixed on its prey.

Without hesitation, Sammuel raised one resolute hand. "Judgment!" he thought, and a pulse of light shot from his palm, striking the goblin squarely. The creature was hurled backward, rolling two meters away, its surprised cries echoing in the narrow corridor. Sammuel leapt forward, his sword gleaming with a faint glow as he incanted "Crusader Strike." With a fluid motion, he decapitated the goblin trying to rise, the head rolling on the ground with a dull thud.

A satisfied smile curled Sammuel's lips as he picked up the magic stone left by the goblin, noticing something strange; each magic stone was automatically absorbed and transferred into his inventory. Upon quick examination, he realized that other drops like goblin ears were also part of the lot, these items having potential use in forging later on. "The grind has finally begun," he murmured to himself.

His pace quickened, his steps now resolute and determined. Two goblins patrolling crossed his path. Without a moment's hesitation, Sammuel cut them down in a ballet of light and blood, his strikes precise and ruthless. His spatial awareness, honed by each confrontation, made him increasingly efficient.

With each battle, he felt his body adapting, growing stronger. Goblins, once representatives of danger, now became training targets. His sword felt increasingly lighter, his movements sharpened, his precision improved. His raw strength developed, but so did his strategy and self-control.

Sammuel now moved with the grace of a predator on the hunt. Each step, each movement was calculated and precise. He anticipated ambushes, outmaneuvering traps with growing ease. Goblins no longer posed a challenge, only a constant test of his strength and endurance. His skills grew exponentially, and with them, his appetite for combat.

He reached a more open part of the dungeon, where a larger number of goblins were present. A group of four prepared to attack him. Sammuel felt excitement rising within him. "Consecration!" he internally shouted.

The ground began to vibrate, and luminous cracks appeared beneath the goblins' feet. An intense light erupted from these fissures as if the ground was burning with infernal heat. The goblins screamed in pain, their feet seemingly walking on incandescent coals. They tried to escape, but the radiance completely engulfed them.

Taking advantage of their disarray, Sammuel rushed forward. His movements were almost choreographed. He brought his sword down on a goblin, cleanly severing its head. The others attempted to retaliate, but he was already upon them, striking with surgical precision. Each blow was intended to maximize damage while minimizing effort.

After slaying the last goblins, Sammuel knelt for a moment, catching his breath. The magic stones and a few additional goblin ears materialized in his inventory, the system taking care of each drop.

He stood up, observing the dancing shadows around him, the sour taste of sweat and success mixing in his mouth. His progress through the grim corridors continued, each encounter making him more efficient and formidable.

After an entire day,eight hours of non-stop grind through the dark labyrinths of the dungeon,Sammuel finally felt physical fatigue, but his mind was clear and sharp. He headed towards the exit, a sense of triumph swelling within him. The initial apprehension had long dissipated, replaced by unwavering confidence in his abilities.

He paused momentarily at the entrance leading to the surface, a ray of light piercing the surrounding darkness. Sammuel lifted his gaze, a determined flame burning within him. This was just the beginning. Every battle, every victory increased his power. The trials of the dungeon were no longer obstacles but opportunities to evolve and perfect himself.

Sammuel stepped through the exit, emerging into the daylight. His body was covered in sweat, his muscles sore, but his spirit was ablaze. He cast one last look behind him towards the dark dungeon, a smile forming on his lips. 

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