The voice was neither loud nor low, yet its penetrating power was so strong that it overpowered the young man's raucous laughter and spread throughout the entire underground arena.
The air instantly fell silent, and the young man's voice also stopped abruptly.
At this moment, all eyes in the venue focused on the back row of the spectators' seats.
It was actually a girl!
She was tall and slender, dressed in a pure black outfit that blended perfectly with the darkness, making it impossible to see her features clearly.
"Wait, Miss Ye!" Xiang Yuefeng lowered his voice, "The fighters hired by the Du Family for this arena competition, I see, are all recorded fighters from the Global Center, definitely not comparable to those mercenaries before."
Anyone listed in the Global Center was internationally notorious.
Even elite-trained mercenaries were far inferior; these fighters truly mastered the art of killing.